Daring robbery (continued). Oblivion: Thieves Guild Oblivion mod for the thieves guild

November 20, 2008 1:53

Once you are on the platform, you will be told everything in the next message. Next, the statue opposite you will turn around, and you can start shooting at it, with the first shot being a test shot. You make it an ordinary arrow. If your shooting skills are poor, don’t worry, on this platform the conditions are the same for everyone. I personally combined the crosshairs of the sight with the crosshairs of the sword in the hand of the statue; I even think the sword was made for this purpose, so that it could be used as a guide when shooting. Once you hit the target, a passage down opens. You can throw away the bow, but don't forget to pull out the sword, because as soon as you approach the stairs, the two statues on the sides of the statue will come to life and attack you. They will have to be killed, because it will not be possible to escape normally. I’ll explain what’s going on: you need to get through the door leading to the rest room of the imperial guards in stealth mode so that the stealth icon goes out. It’s clear that you won’t be able to enter with the badge extinguished while these statues are chasing you. As soon as you entered the room (in the room you are inside the fireplace), we throw off all the armor into our inventory, if you have not done this in advance. Now you need to behave very carefully, since the guards are very sensitive. Opposite you are two identical doors, you need to get to them without anyone noticing you. These doors lead to the dining room, and from the dining room you can get into the corridor, but you cannot leave stealth for a second, since the guards will immediately wake up. Once you exit the corridor, go left until it ends. At the end of the corridor there will be a door leading to the "Library of Ancient Scrolls". As you enter it, you will see a curved corridor in front of you, patrolled by a guard, so be careful. You need to get halfway through it. When you reach the middle of it, you will see a door closed with a “heavy” lock. Having opened it, you will find yourself in approximately the same room, also related to the library. Here you need to go to the left, but you also need to sneak around quite carefully, although there is no guard cruising in the corridor, but a blind monk who can hear quite well is sitting. When you reach it, you will see a lever to the right of the monk. Press it to open the door located at the other end of the corridor. Go to that door and go inside. As soon as you enter, one of the blind monks will mistake you for his colleague Celia Camoran, whom the Gray Fox has previously neutralized. The monk will greet you and go upstairs to get the scroll, but you need to quickly go to the free chair standing near the central fire and sit on it. Once you sit on it, you will again be given further explanation. Wait for the monk to bring you the scroll, then calmly take it, get up from the chair, go into stealth mode and go up the stairs. While you're walking up the stairs, the monks will be fairly insensitive to your movements, but as soon as you get to the second floor, they seem to break loose, so make your way to the door on the second floor very carefully. Once you find yourself in the corridor, you shouldn’t relax either; there is a guard cruising around the floor. You will need to go left. In addition, I would like to note that along the circumference of the building there are quite deep niches, which are quite helpful when guards pass by. You open a moderately complex lock and find yourself in the chambers of the Butterfly’s servants. There is also a servant cruising along the corridor who will not let you relax; you must pass by him to the opposite end of the corridor, and at the end open the “hard” level lock. Now you find yourself in the “chambers of imperial battle mages”, the corridor is patrolled as always. This time you need to get to the middle of it and open the door with a "hard" level lock. Next you will have to act very carefully, because in the next room there is a magician who is just waiting for the slightest rustle from you. We go to the right door and open the lock of the “very hard” level. After this, the doors to the bedroom will open, and here you will have to show the very pinnacle of thieves’ skills, namely, actually make your way in front of the magician’s nose to the fireplace, at the bottom of which there will be a grate leading down to the “old passage.” As soon as you reach the fireplace and climb into the “old passage”, they will give you another explanation, then you will fall down well. Unfortunately, after this fall you will lose Springhill Jack's boots. Now you can safely put on your armor again and go back through the sewers to the Gray Fox....end=>

-1) (_uWnd.alert("You have already rated this material!","Error",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));$("#rating_os").css("cursor", "help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("#rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert("Thank you for your rating !","You've done your job",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));var rating = parseInt($("#rating_p").html());rating = rating + 1;$ ("#rating_p").html(rating);$("#rating_os").css("cursor","help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("# rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");)));"> I like 11

A new faction with unique gameplay!
1) Opportunity to join the bandits + introductory task + quests.
2) New friends - bandits, and enemies - guards and marauders
3) Ambushes of marauders, who will now sit in wait and attack you at the most inopportune moment.
4) Promotion in rank.
5) The ability to hire bandit companions (up to 5 people) and form a gang.
6) A fully functioning bandit den with its own people and services
7) Siege of the fortress of bandits by marauders. And now, if you beat it off, you will receive the heart you need for promotion.
8) The new kind Imperial troops - Imperial Assassins, special troops created to kill bandits like you. Their main features: they attack from the darkness in groups of 4 people, so you will not meet them during the day.
9) The ability to impersonate a guard when wearing guard armor (if you are a bandit), you will not be attacked, but they can reveal you if you talk to the guard. Fix: now, if a head penalty is assigned when putting on armor, it will be reset to zero before removing the armor. The “Track and Kill” task is also associated with the armor; it makes it easier for you to complete it.
10) Now you have the ability to attack the Marauders' base in the same way that Marauders attack the Bandits' base.
You can use this opportunity once every 5 days. You will be informed about the start of the hike (yes, there will be a short hike). The task will be available upon reaching the rank of Bandit.
11) New task "Track and kill." Now the bandits give you a task in which you need to kill a guard secretly.
In this case, you will need to track down the target yourself in a given area, of which there are currently 4 - see point 12. Like all quests in the mod, it can be completed n number of times. This task will be available immediately after joining the guild.
12) Guild progress statistics. You can see it by opening the characteristics menu.
13) New opportunity: forgery of documents. Allows you to falsify documents, thereby removing the bounty on your head (if you are in guard armor and have a penalty, then the main penalty will be removed, not the penalty you accumulated in guard armor). Available from Bandit rank.
14) You also now receive a daily salary, which depends on the number of tasks you completed for the guild. You can pick it up in the chest that is located at the entrance to Vilverin
15) New opportunity - Robbery. You can now rob any resident of Tamriel (except guards and bandits). You just need to talk to the NPC and select the “Life or Wallet” topic. The NPC will either get scared and pay you or attack you.
16) New task "Liberation". Now, starting with the Killer rank, you will be able to complete one more task. You will need to infiltrate one of the prisons and free the captured bandit. To do this, a new guild special tool will help you
17) New special equipment Baton. Allows you to stun NPCs if they can't see you.
The club stuns the NPC until you leave the location and enter it again. (except for the quest "Liberation", in which the club stuns until you complete the quest.)

CONFLICTS: incompatible with LLC and FCOM!!!

Other interesting fashions can be seen on the author's website following the link to the original.

Requirements: Oblivion Gold edition, OBSE 20+

Thieves Guild

Thieves Guild is an organization dedicated to both theft and teaching this art. Although, by definition, all thieves are criminals. Official authorities try not to harm the interests of the Guild. The reason for this behavior is simple - it is better to deal with one organization than to think about how to cope with thousands of thieves who do not obey anyone. Like any other guild, The Thieves Guild is an organization professionals, among whom there are thieves, robbers, pickpockets, smugglers and representatives of other professions. Guild doesn't have official representative offices, preferring to gather in large city taverns.

The head of the Guild is a mysterious Gray Fox (Gray Fox). The authorities of the Imperial City are scrambling to catch him, but he remains elusive. Some believe that the Gray Fox is a supernatural and immortal creature, since the first information about the Gray Fox appeared 500 years ago. But in reality these are different people. The first Supreme Thief kidnapped Gray Fox mask, but she had a curse Nocturnal. Anyone who put on the mask became the Gray Fox. At the same time, he lost his individuality. After his death, the mask was stolen by another thief, but no one realized that it was another person. Since then, many Gray Foxes have changed. This continued until the Fox became Count of Anvil. Corvus Umbranox (Corvus Umbranox). He (with "a little" help) managed to remove the curse from the mask and regain his individuality.

Subordinate to the head of the guild are several doyens (elders). They manage the activities of the Guild in cities, accept new members into the Guild and monitor the implementation of the Guild Rules. Also, the elders can “excuse” a thief in whom the guards are “interested” or who has escaped from prison. This will cost half the bounty that had to be paid to the guards.

For members of the Guild there are Three Rules that are strictly followed:

  • You cannot steal anything from Guild members or beggars, since they are under the protection of the Guild.
  • You cannot raise your hand and kill a Guild member or a beggar.
  • You cannot kill people while stealing (only animals and monsters).

In case of violation of any rule, the violator is expelled from the Guild. To restore to the guild you need to pay fine one of the elders. The rules of the guild are written in the game book "Followers of the Gray Fox".

Members of the Guild live in all cities of Cyrodiil. But most of the thieves, including almost the entire leadership of the Guild, live in Imperial City, near Coastline (Waterfront District). Home Guild Residence - House Deirlot- becomes available only after completing all Guild quests.

Working in the Guild is fraught with difficulties. The slightest misfire is enough and all the surrounding guards will come running. In addition, the Imperial Legion is actively fighting against the Guild.

Thieves Guild Ranks

Joining and expulsion from the Guild

Joining a guild

To join the Thieves Guild you must complete quests

  • Find the Thieves Guild And
  • The best thief will win.


  • Firstly, and this is the most important advantage that you get when joining a guild - this is the ability to sell stolen things. Even if you don't play as a real thief, over time you will have things that honest traders have for you never won't buy. After joining the Guild, only one buyer becomes available - Ongar (Ongar), but after completing quests, new buyers gradually appear. In addition, to receive each next quest, you must earn a certain amount of gold for the stolen goods sold to the buyer.
Note: However, in Cyrodiil there is still one irresponsible merchant who will buy stolen goods - the owner of the inn" Bad Omen" (Inn of Ill Omen) Manheim Heavyarm(Manheim Maulhand), in which poor Rufio always sleeps. But Manheim has 50 rubles for everything, so he will only become useful if you invest a certain amount in his store.
  • Secondly, there is another equally important advantage, which is that your crimes are canceled behind half the official fine prescribed for them by the authorities. The guild elders negotiate this with corrupt officials through their own channels. Not only that, but you no longer have to worry about stolen items, which are automatically taken away from you when you pay the fine directly to the authorities. And, of course, you won’t have to go through all the formal procedures, such as having to visit the castle dungeon to pay a fine and identify all the belongings in your inventory for legal purchase.
Note. If you are in the field of view of the guard who caught you in a crime, then such a scheme for evading punishment will not work. First you need to hide from the eyes of the guard, and then turn to the elder.
  • Thirdly, you can buy from all buyers of stolen goods master keys, and in almost unlimited quantities. Deliveries of master keys occur regularly. But this is not a super advantage, because... for such a case there is one merchant - Dark Sam (Shady Sam). It stands behind the wall of the Elven Gardens area of ​​the Imperial City, behind the stables. Sam is trading smuggling, drugs And master keys.
  • Fourthly, upon completion of the last quest you will receive a cool artifact Gray Hood Nocturnal (Gray Cowl of Nocturnal), allowing you to use the Gray Fox alter ego.
Note. If you wear the Gray Fox mask, then all the glory earned will be attributed to him. Thus, the mask can be used to complete quests Dark Brotherhood, unless you want to increase your Infamy points any further. To do this, you just need to “give” the quest to the quest giver with the Gray Fox mask on. However, to receive bonuses from completing quests, you still must not be caught during quest-related crimes.


  • Firstly, this general rules for a guild member: do not steal from guild members And beggars (! ), do not attack the guild member and the beggar, do not kill them. It is also impossible kill people while completing guild tasks. If you are kicked out, then you can only be reinstated in the guild for money. The number of restorations is unlimited, i.e. You can constantly break the rules of the guild and get away with only fines. The fines are paid to the guild elder Armand Christophe. For stealing from a guild member or a beggar you will have to pay - 200 rubles for the attack - 1500 rubles for murder - 2000 rubles However, if you kill a guild member or a beggar, then you will have to pay for both the attack and the murder: in total 3500 rubles
  • Secondly, do not attack your horse, which, together with the hero, also becomes a member of the guild. Such an attack will be considered theft from a guild member, which, naturally, is a bug in the game. The hero will be fined 1 gold and expelled from the guild. You can kill your horse with impunity only if friendly NPCs (not enemies) do not see it. This bug is random, or rather, the exact reasons for its appearance are not clear, so sometimes when attacking a horse, nothing may happen.
  • After finishing side quest in the city of Corolla Sins of the Father (Sins of the Father), the best buyer of stolen goods Fatis Ules (Fathis Ules) will not talk to you. Naturally, this is a bug. To fix it, you need an official patch from Besedka.
  • Joining a guild and advancing in guild rank increases your Notoriety (Infame). Thus, the gods and some citizens begin to treat you noticeably worse.
  • Guild quests are given upon reaching a certain “thieves’ minimum” - the minimum amount of stolen items sold. Therefore, in parallel with the main quest line of the guild, you need to complete the quests of the so-called “Independent Theft”. Their essence is that you need to steal things and sell them to buyers of stolen goods.
  • There are serious bugs with the "Independent Theft" quests. Try to sell as much as is required to obtain the current quest and no more than is required for the next one. If you immediately sell in full (more than is required to receive the next quests), then after the quest Taking Care of Lex (Taking care of Lex) The Gray Fox will never show up. Then you should go to the Imperial City and ask the beggars or find Metredel or Amuseum. If they are not there, then using the console you can make a clone of Metredhel - player.placeatme 34E99.
  • There is another minor bug with the "Independent Theft" quests. In the unpatched version, you can sell a non-stolen item to a buyer, but it will be considered that you sold a stolen item. In the patched version, this bug remains in the official plugin "Thieves' Raspberry" (about pirates).

Expulsion from the Guild

General rules for a guild member:

  • Do not steal from guild members and beggars (!), do not attack a guild member or beggar, or kill them. You also cannot kill people while completing guild tasks.

If you are kicked out, then you can only be reinstated in the guild for money. The number of restorations is unlimited, i.e., you can constantly violate the rules of the guild and get away with only fines. The fines are paid to the guild elder Armand Christophe. For theft from a guild member or a beggar you will need to pay 200 rubles, for an attack - 1500 rubles, for murder -1000 rubles (in nonsense). However, if you do not kill a guild member or a beggar with the first hit, then you will have to pay for both the attack and the murder: a total of 2,500 rubles. You can exchange rubles for septims at local savings banks.

Note. Attacking your horse is considered stealing from a guild member, which is, naturally, a bug in the game. The hero will be fined 1 rub. and will be kicked out of the guild. You can kill your horse with impunity only if friendly NPCs (not enemies) do not see it. This bug is random, or rather, the exact reasons for its appearance are not clear.


Thieves Guild Quests

Finding the Thieves Guild


  • Find the elder of the Thieves Guild.


  • Getting a chance to join the Thieves Guild.

How to get:

  • In order to find the Guild, you must somehow attract the attention of Guild representatives.

Quest locations:

  1. Imperial City - Waterfront District
  2. Bravil

Quest NPC:

  1. Armand Christophe,
  2. Methredel,
  3. Amusei,
  4. Beggars
  5. City-Swimmer (City swimmer).

Passing the quest:

  • In order to attract the attention of the Guild, there are three ways:
  1. Commit a robbery or theft and serve time in prison, after which you will be contacted.
  2. In Braville, talk to the local City Swimmer about the city. Then choose the second answer. After which the hero will have a topic for conversation, “Gray Fox”. Next, you need to turn to the beggars and develop this topic, after first raising their attitude.
  3. Notices about the Gray Fox are posted everywhere throughout the imperial city. You need to read one of the advertisements, after which you can talk about it with any beggar, having first raised your reputation with him (from now on they will have a corresponding topic). I chose the third path - I talked with the beggars, especially since they have my reputation was quite high. He informed me that I needed to come around midnight to the Deirlot Garden in the Waterfront District of the Imperial City. Finding this place is quite easy - nearby there is a shack that was sold to me for 2000. There is a small nook near the wall. Around midnight, two more individuals appeared there - the elf Methredel and the Argonian Amusei. Metredel said that we needed to wait for Armand Christophe, who, however, appeared closer to midnight. He turned out to be the elder of the Thieves Guild, who gave him a chance to join them.


  • In principle, it is not necessary to talk to beggars. It is enough to read the leaflet about the Gray Fox or talk to the swimmer and wait for midnight in the Deirlot Garden when Arman Kristov appears there.


  • Volodimer

May the Best Thief Win


  • Prove your professional suitability as a thief.


  • Joining the Thieves Guild, the buyer of stolen goods in Bruma - Ongar the Sated - becomes available the World Weary).

How to get:

  • You need to find Armand Christophe (see the quest In Search of the Thieves Guild).

Quest locations:

  • Imperial City: Waterfront District, Market District, Temple District.

Quest NPC:

  1. Armand Christophe (elder - quest giver)
  2. Methredel, Amusei (challengers)
  3. Amantius Allectus (robbery victim)

Passing the quest:

  • So, Armand Christophe can accept new members to the Guild. But the number of places is limited, so he needs to choose best thief who will prove his professional suitability. For this, the “Tournament of Three Thieves” is announced (since there are three applicants), and only one can be accepted into the Guild. To do this, you need to steal the diary of Amantius Allectus, who lives in the Temple area. Whoever brings the magazine first will be chosen to join the Guild. In addition, you cannot kill your opponents. Lockpicks can be bought from Armand Christophe himself for 5 gold apiece. IN this quest Other options are also possible:
  1. You can get ahead of Methredel. While she is sneaking towards the table, you can run up to it and pull out the magazine first (fortunately, the owner of the house is clearly hard of hearing and doesn’t hear anything). After which you can go and pass the quest.
  2. If Metredhel was the first, then the magazine can be stolen from her (fortunately, this is not prohibited). Since Armand Christophe will not appear until midnight, there is time for this. You need to ask any beggar in the coastal area where she lives. Metredhel's house is located next to the place where the quest is completed, and she sleeps during the day. But if you turn in the quest this way, Metredhel will be a little unhappy. But later she will still be accepted into the Guild.
  3. If, nevertheless, Metredhel gives the first diary, then you need to turn to Arman again and he will give you another chance. The new task will be to steal the Rokhssan cleaver of the owner of the “Luck in Battle” store from the Market area. Now you only need to compete with Amusya.
  • I really need master keys.


  • It's hard to keep up with the girl. To win the race you need to know exactly where the house you are looking for and where the magazine is.


  • Volodimer

Untaxing the Poor


  • Steal taxes and tax reports from Hieronimus Lex


  • 100 gold

How to get:

  • The first quest given by Armand Christophe. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 50+ gold. After which the quest becomes available. Armand Christophe "works" after midnight at his usual place in the Coastline area of ​​the Imperial City.

Quest locations:

  • Imperial City, Temple District

Quest NPC:

  1. Hieronymus Lex (guild enemy)

Passing the quest:

  • So, I joined the Thieves Guild. But in order to get the first quest, I needed to sell stolen goods worth more than 50 gold. Having done this, I finally received the task. An ideological fighter with the Thieves Guild, an officer of the Imperial Legion, Hieronymus Lex, serves in the Imperial City. He tries his best to pursue the thieves. And as part of this struggle, he also imposed taxes on the poor. It was necessary to get into the Southern Watchtower in the Temple District, where Hieronymus Lex's office is located, and steal the collected taxes and tax report from there. The main problem is that you need to penetrate without being noticed. The best time to do this is between 7 and 9 a.m., when most of the guards go to work. You can try to do this at night, when everyone is sleeping, but sometimes problems are possible here (sometimes Hieronymus Lex clearly suffers from insomnia). In general, after waiting until all the guards had left the tower, I climbed inside and climbed up. After climbing several floors, I reached the office and broke into a locked desk, from where I pulled out the required money and tax report. After which I went to take the quest.


  • Volodimer

The Elven Maiden


  • Steal the figurine - bust of Lady Llathasa Indarys from Cheydinhal. And frame the traitor to the guild - Mirvina.


  • 100 gold, promotion to the rank of Rogue (Footpad), another buyer becomes known - Dar Jee in Leyawiin.

How to get:

  • The second and final quest given by Armand Christophe. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 50+ gold. After which the quest becomes available. Armand Christophe "works" after midnight at his usual place in the Coastline area of ​​the Imperial City.

Quest locations:

  1. Imperial City, Waterfront District
  2. Cheydinhal - Cheydinhal.

Quest NPC:

  1. Armand Christophe (elder - quest giver)
  2. Methredel (thief)
  3. Myvryna Arano (traitor)
  4. Hieronymus Lex (the main enemy of the guild).

Passing the quest:

  • The quest can be divided into two parts. The first part is to get the figurine. I went to Cheydinhal and learned from the first beggar I came across that the figurine I was looking for was located near the crypt of a deceased lady in the dungeons of the city Temple of Arkay. Getting into the dungeon was a matter of technique. But inside I met a guard patrolling the crypt with a torch. To get past her, I needed an invisibility spell. The crypt is located to the left of the main hall, the figurine lay on top of the tombstone. The second part (handing in the figurine) unexpectedly turned into a continuation of the quest. Returning back to the Coastline area of ​​the Imperial City, I immediately noticed that a bunch of guards were wandering along the shore, asking about Armand Christophe. So it was obviously stupid to wait for Arman in his usual place. Fortunately, I came across an old friend - the elf Metredel, from whom I found out all the details. It turned out that this task was a test of loyalty, since a traitor had infiltrated the Guild. But the traitor turned out to be not me (who would doubt it), but Myvryna Arano. So after the figurine was stolen, Imperial Legion officer Hieronymus Lex accused Armand of stealing the figurine, so he was forced to “lay low” and wait out the raid. In order to deflect the accusation from Arman, Metredel suggested that I plant the figurine in Mivrina’s house, and then “snitch” on it to the annoying officer. Well, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary. At night, I climbed into Mivrina’s house and planted the figurine in the cupboard, and then fulfilled my civic duty by pawning it to Lex Mivrina. First, I had to knock on my chest and put septima in the pockets of the incorruptible officer, increasing his confidence in him. Having made sure that I was right, and that the figurine was indeed in Mivrina’s cupboard, Lex, without listening to excuses, arrested her and took her away with him. At the next midnight, Arman returned to his workplace and, thanking me for my help, accepted the quest, giving me the promised 100 gold, and also promoting me to the next rank. In addition, he spoke about another buyer, Dar Jee, who “works” in Leyawiin, and also directed Squirra (S"krivva), who lives in Bravil, for other quests.


  1. The statue stands near the coffin of this very lady “L”, and so if something is stolen from the coffin, then the ghost of this very lady appears and causes mischief in the tomb (including killing the guard). Therefore, if you do not have silver, Daedric or magical weapons with you, it is better to leave the coffin alone, there is nothing valuable there anyway. (added by Prophet)
  2. This quest conflicts with the An Unexpected Voyage quest.


  • Volodimer

Ahdarji's Heirloom (Ahdarji's Legacy)


  • Return the ring to thief Ahdarji


  • 200 gold, Promotion to Bandit rank.

How to get:

  • Armand Christophe doesn't give any more quests. For new quests, he sends to the Argonian S"krivva, who lives in Braville. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 200+ gold. After which the quest becomes available.

Quest locations:

  1. Bravil
  2. Leyawiin

Quest NPC:

  1. S "krivva (elder - quest giver)
  2. Ahdarji
  3. Amusei
  4. Hlidara Mothril
  5. Alessia Caro (Countess)

Passing the quest:

  • This time you need to return the ring belonging to Ahdarji. He lives in Leyawiin. He had a little trouble with the ring - Amusei stole it. Remember the unlucky thief who lost in the tournament of three thieves? He never joined the Guild and hunted at his own risk. So a thief stole from a thief. Questioning the local beggars revealed that Amusei had played the game this time - he spread his tongue too loosely about his acquisition and ended up in the local prison. Having achieved a meeting with him (I had to bribe the guard), I made a small barter: I gave him a master key, he will tell me about the ring. It turned out that the ring belonged to the Countess of Leyawiin, Alessia Caro (as evidenced by her name on the rim of the ring), and the unlucky thief decided to sell it to her. But the countess simply took the ring away, and Amusei himself was thrown into prison for stealing the ring. Having advised Amusei to try to join the Guild again (this time successfully), I began to think about how to get the ring. After asking the beggars again, I learned that I could try asking the Countess’s maid, Hlidara Mothril. In addition, I learned that a secret passage leads from the basement to the countess’s chambers. And there it is somewhere Chamber of Secrets, where many Argonians have already disappeared without a trace. We managed to obtain information from the maid that the countess takes off the ring only at night when she goes to bed. She puts it in a box near the bed. Finding the passage was not very difficult. The main thing is to find the lever that opens the secret door (it is hidden in a broken barrel). Next I made my way to the torture room. (That’s why the Argonians disappeared! Apparently she doesn’t like them.) And then, sneaking past the guards (the invisibility spell was very useful), I got to the room where the Countess was sleeping. The rest was a matter of technique - to pick the lock of the box, pull out the ring, and then leave the Castle the same way. Having returned Akhdarji's ring, I received 200 gold (although at first the conversation was about 100). S "krivva thanked me for the successful operation and promoted me in rank


  • A buggy quest, especially if you started the Sanguine Statue quest or have already completed it. Not only is the behavior of all participants in the quest complete nonsense, but also the necessary NPCs can be accidentally killed during the quest, and the countess can be forced to sleep for the rest of her life. And the worst thing is that there may not be a ring in the box. Or there may be two rings at the same time.
  1. If there is no ring, then it is better to simply enter the command player.additem 00035E95 1. This will add the quest ring to your inventory. And don't party anymore. There are still a lot of interesting and buggy things in the game.
  2. If you took both rings, the quest will lag again. Then first remove them completely from your inventory by entering player.removeitem 00035E95 1 twice. And then add player.additem 00035E95 1 again.


  • Volodimer



  • Get Hieronymus Lex to remove his people from the area


  • 300 gold, promotion to Prowler rank

How to get:

  • The second quest given by S"krivva from Bravil. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 300+ gold.

Quest locations:

  1. Bravil
  2. Imperial City - Waterfront District, Talos Plaza and Arcane University

Quest NPC:

  1. Methredrel
  2. Ontus Vanin
  3. Hieronymus Lex
  4. Dynari Amnis

Passing the quest:

  • It seems that Hieronymus Lex, an officer from the Imperial Legion, has decided to finally put pressure on the Thieves Guild. To do this, he flooded the Imperial City (Coastline area) with guards so much that honest thieves had no life at all. All the thieves either became afraid to stick their noses out of the house, or moved to other areas of the Imperial City. Therefore, I was given the task of stopping this ugly violation of the rights of the thieves. My old friend Methredrel was supposed to help me with this. First we needed to find where she was currently hiding. A quick survey of local beggars gave a tip to the house of Dinari Amnis in the Talos Platz area. Metredhel really ended up in this house and she offered me the following plan. It was necessary to carry out several daring robberies, as a result of which the higher management would force Lex to abandon his people for other needs. It was my lot to steal Hrormir's staff from the Archmage's room at the University of the Arcane Arts. After this, a message from the Guild should have been left on the table (so that no one would be confused about who committed this act). The irony of fate was that at that moment I was already an Archmage. So it turned out that I was stealing from myself. So there were no problems - I just went to my home, drank some tea, and then left, taking my staff and leaving a message in the table. (I wonder what kind of bastard was rummaging through my desk later?). If you are not an Archmage, then everything is a little more complicated. You need to sneak in at night and, while the Archmage is sound asleep, steal the staff. After I took the staff to Metredhel, I had to see how the city leadership would react to the previous actions. To do this, it was necessary to follow Lex, who, as you might guess, was in (the Coastline area). Creeping up to him, I waited for the moment when poor Lex was given an order, which he read, threw to the ground and, spewing curses, rushed out. I picked up the order and read it - in it Lex was ordered to stop messing around and do more useful things. That's it, now the thieves could sleep peacefully for a while. Finally, Metredhel instructed me to throw the staff at the house of Ontus Vanin, who works at the University and would definitely take the staff there himself. This turned out to be easy to do. (True, much later, I met Ontus in some store - so he attacked me. Why would that be? He definitely couldn’t detect me, I walked through with invisibility.) After all this, I could return to S’krivva and receive a well-deserved reward - gold and a promotion in rank.


  • Volodimer

Lost Histories


  • Return the book "Legends of Tamriel"


  • 400 gold

How to get:

  • The third quest given by S"krivva. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 400+ gold.

Quest locations:

  1. Bravil
  2. Skingrad

Quest NPC:

  1. S "krivva (elder - quest giver)
  2. Amusei (loser thief, source of information)
  3. Theranis (stupid talkative thief)
  4. Pale Lady
  5. Shum gro-Yarug (butler at Skingrad Castle)
  6. Larthjar the Laggard (prisoner, source of information)

Passing the quest:

  • So, you need to find the book that was in Skingrad Castle. Before me, a certain thief named Theranis had already looked for it, but since then neither him nor the book had been seen. So the first thing you need to do is learn everything about Teranis. The best source of information is again the beggars. From one of them I learned that Teranis had been arrested. He drunkenly blurted out that he was stealing something from the Castle, for which he was arrested. From which we can conclude that Teranis did steal the book. To get to the prisoner, I would have to do a little work, since the guard flatly refused to let me in. Since, as I found out, the butler Shum gro-Yarug was recruiting staff, I asked to work with him. He hired me as a food distributor for prisoners. Now the stupid guard (he could have earned as much as 50 coins!) let me in. But Teranis was not inside. The only prisoner, Larthjar the Laggard, told me a creepy story about the Pale Lady, who was addicted to taking prisoners. Moreover, she returns them twice, but not the third time. For poor Teranis, this was his third trip, and he resisted strongly (to the point of bleeding). Having carefully examined the floor (not Latyara, of course, but what was underfoot), I found bloody footprints that led straight to the wall. There was a swinging pillar near the wall that opened a secret door. It was not difficult to follow the bloody trail, as a result of which I came straight to the goal - the vampire Pale Lady, whom I had to calm down. The corpse of Teranis lay nearby, and behind the bars stood an old acquaintance left for a snack - the miracle thief Amusei (he got caught again - this is what it means to not be a member of the Guild). Since, naturally, there was no book in Teranis’ corpse, the only source of information about the book was Amusei, with whom Teranis confided before his death. I had to make a deal with him - I’ll take him out, and he’ll tell me everything he knows about the book. I gave Amusea the opportunity to get out into the Castle courtyard on her own. I myself chose the same path. Having met him in the yard, we made our way further together. Having moved away from the Castle to a safe distance, I found out what happened to the book. It turned out that the book was hidden in the city under the bushes behind Nerastarel's house. Then everything was a matter of technique. After groaning at Teranis's untimely death, S"krivva gave me a reward.


  • The orc often falls off the bridge, and to revive him, enter the code player.placeatme 00028FB6 or, if you found his corpse, then resurrect and point to his body with the LMB.


  • Volodimer

Taking Care of Lex


  • Get Hieronymus Lex appointed to serve in Anvil.


  • 1000 gold, promotion to the rank of Quiet Thief (Cat burglar), a new buyer becomes available - Orrin from Anvil.

How to get:

  • The last quest given by S"krivva. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 500+ gold.

Quest locations:

  1. Bravil
  2. Anvil
  3. Imperial City - Prison District and Waterfront District

Quest NPC:

  1. S "krivva (elder - quest giver)
  2. Hieronymus Lex (candidate for promotion)
  3. Millona Umbranox (Countess)
  4. Orrin (the blacksmith in Anvil Castle knows all the secret passages)
  5. Dairihill (butler at Anvil Castle, you need to get into her office)
  6. The Stranger(stranger)

Passing the quest:

  • It seems that the Guild has decided to finally get rid of Hieronymus Lex. But, unlike the Dark Brotherhood (where such a problem would have been solved simply - a dagger in the ribs and ends in the water), the Guild decided to act more humanely - simply get the overly zealous campaigner transferred to Anvil, to serve Countess Millona Umbranox. To do this, it was necessary to do two things - steal a list with recommended officers from the office of the butler of Dairinhill, and then, after correcting them a little, personally hand them over to the Countess. In order to get into the office, it was necessary not to break into the forehead, but to find a workaround. To do this, I interviewed beggars who advised me to contact the blacksmith working in the castle. A blacksmith named Orrin turned out to be a member of the Guild (later it turned out that he was one of the buyers of stolen goods). He showed me a secret passage. Using it, I quickly sneaked to Dairihill’s office (it’s best to do this at night, then there will be few guards) and pulled out the required recommendations from his desk. Hmm, Lex is highly regarded - he was in an honorable fourth place (out of five). In order to correct the recommendations, an appropriate craftsman was needed. The beggar pointed me to a certain Stranger, who lives in a small abandoned shack in the same Anvil. For a small fee (only 500 gold) and 24 hours, he made me new recommendations - Lex was already in first place. Now an imperial seal was needed. I had to drag myself to the Imperial City, to the Legion Office (I had already been there while completing one of the Dark Brotherhood quests). I climbed into it at night (and deep at that - the boss was clearly an owl). The seal was lying on the table. A slight movement of the hand - and the recommendations are sealed. S"krivva was pleased, paying 1000 gold and promoting me. In addition, a new buyer became available - an old friend of the blacksmith Orrin from Anvil. Finally, S"krivva said that now Gray Fox himself would give me quests. , head of the Guild. He will come to me himself.
  • An invisibility spell or a chameleon will be very useful.


  • Volodimer

Turning a Blind Eye


  • Steal Savilla's Stone.


  • 500 gold, promotion to the rank of Leader (Shadowfoot)

How to get:

  • The first quest given by Gray Fox. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 600+ gold. Some time after reaching the required amount, Metredhel will appear, who will convey an invitation from the Gray Fox to meet in Bruma, at the house of Helvius Caesius.

Quest locations:

  1. Bruma
  2. Temple of The Ancestor Moth

Quest NPC:

  1. Gray Fox (quest giver)
  2. Methredel (thief)
  3. Helvius Cecias (safe house owner)
  4. Holger (brother)

Passing the quest:

  • The most interesting thing is that Metredel found me in the top-secret residence of the Dark Brotherhood (just at the moment when I was cleaning the Sanctuary). So, I finally met the mysterious head of the Guild. The owner of the house was waiting outside. Gray Fox's face was covered with a gray mask (well, just like on the posters in the Imperial City). He gave the following task - it was necessary to steal the Savilla Stone, which was located in the Temple of The Ancestor Moth. Naturally, the monks of the temple will prevent me from doing this in every possible way. Bloodshed must be avoided, but the keeper of the Stone can be killed (there will be no penalty for this). Having found the Temple, I decided to find out in more detail where to look for the stone. One of the monks, Brother Holger, helped me with this - after I won him over, he kindly led me to the entrance to the secret catacombs in which the stone was located. Then everything was simple. Along the way, sometimes I came across all sorts of evil spirits (skeletons, ghosts) and monks, whom I avoided using my invisibility. There were also many locked doors that had to be broken open (an endless master key came in handy). Eventually I reached the altar, on which the Stone lay, and its guardian stood nearby. I decided to spare the keeper, I pulled the stone away, using my invisibility. And back. I handed in the quest again in the house of Helvius Cecias, receiving 500 gold as a reward.
  • If Metredhel does not find you for a long time, then go to the Imperial City in the Coastline area and look for her yourself.


  • From Prophet:
  1. Gray Fox means by “guarding the stone” everyone who will be after entering the catacombs (I killed them all, even those who ran away and hid. Muhahahaha).
  2. After you have received the stone, you can go to the right (with your back to the corridor from which you came out) and there will be a chest, and in the chest there is a note proving the origin of the Gray Fox hood from Nocturnal. And when I came to turn in the quest, the Fox had a dialogue item about the hood and he said that he really wanted to lift the curse. By the way, there is a staircase leading straight up.


  • Volodimer

Arrow of Extrication


  • Steal the Arrow of Extrication.


  • 500 gold, promotion to Master Thief rank

How to get:

  • The second quest given by Gray Fox. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 700+ gold. Some time after reaching the required amount, Amusey will appear, who will convey an invitation from the Gray Fox to meet in Corolla, in the house of Malintus Ancrus.

Quest locations:

  1. Corolla
  2. Bravil
  3. Fort Aren

Quest NPC:

  1. Gray Fox - quest giver.
  2. Amusei - Gray Fox's courier.
  3. Malintus Ancrus is the owner of the house where the meeting with the Gray Fox is scheduled.
  4. Fathis Aren is a magician from whom you need to steal an arrow.

Passing the quest:

  • This time the messenger was none other than Amusei, who was nevertheless accepted into the Guild (and at the same time he immediately became the Gray Fox's messenger - apparently this is the only thing he can't screw up). So, in Braville there lives a wizard named Fatis Aren. You need to steal the Arrow of Extrication from him. If he dies, the Fox will not be particularly upset, but in this case he will be expelled from the Mages Guild. So it is better for those who are members of the Mages Guild not to touch him. First you need to ask the beggars. As a result, you can find out that Fatis Aren lives in Fort Aren, but only he himself can get there (the door is locked with a key). But there are rumors that there is a secret passage from the Castle to the Fort, which the wizard uses. Upon entering the castle, I sneaked into the castle's living quarters (through the central door on the second floor) and found the wizard's room quite easily. A quick inspection (I looked in both chests) showed that it was stupid to look for the Arrow here. It was necessary to look for a secret passage. It was discovered quickly; it opened by pressing the column. The passage led into a cave. Along the way we came across various dremora and magicians. In the end, I got to the door, which was locked with a key (the wizard clearly used it). A workaround had to be found. Having returned a little, I discovered a small pond in which toothy fish were swimming. On the map I saw that there was a passage leading from it to a closed part. Oh, and I suffered, looking for this move. I felt like my gills were growing. At first, having dived too deep, I discovered an underwater passage out. Finally, I spotted a passage and swam through it. It was easy to move on. Eventually I made my way inside the Fort. There they had to destroy two magicians and a couple of dremora. At the top of the Fort, the owner himself showed up along with the Dremora. I decided not to touch the wizard, I sneaked past him with invisibility. Having examined the chest right under Aren’s nose, I found the tip of the desired Arrow and the key to the Fort. I used the key to get out.
  • You really need either a spell with the effect of Breathing underwater, or the corresponding potion ("Potion of the Sea" can be found in the dungeon). In addition, underwater it is best to use a spell with the Night Vision effect.


  • The magician may not be in the fort. Then it's easier to get through. But I don’t know what time he is absent. If you kill a magician or steal, they will be kicked out of the Mages Guild (if they notice).


  • Volodimer

Boots of Springheel Jak


  • Get Boots of Springheel Jak.


  • 500 gold

How to get:

  • The third quest given by Gray Fox. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 800+ gold. Some time after reaching the required amount, Amuseum will appear, who will convey an invitation from the Gray Fox to meet in Cheydinhal, in the house of Ganredhels.

Quest locations:

  1. Cheydinhal.
  2. Imperial City - Talos Plaza District

Quest NPC:

  1. Gray Fox (quest giver)
  2. Amusei (Grey Fox courier),
  3. Ganredhels (owner of the house where the meeting with the Gray Fox is scheduled)
  4. Jakben Imbel ("descendant" of Swift Jack, who knows the location of the boots)

Passing the quest:

  • This time Amusei got me at the moment when I was in invisibility (the spell, however, did not really interfere with it, but it was completely inappropriate for me). This time you need to get Boots of Springheel Jak. Gray Fox will tell about the famous thief Swift Jack, who died 300 years ago. But he had magic boots, which may have been buried with him. So we need to find his grave. His descendant, Count Jakben Imbel, who has a house somewhere in the Imperial City, may know about it. I learned from the beggars that the count's house is located in the Talos Square area. At the same time, an interesting detail became known about the count - he leaves the house only at night. The thought immediately crept in - is he a vampire? I have already met one vampire count, although the sunlight didn’t do much harm to him. You need to get into the house during the day - at night you can only find a frightened servant, who will be of no use. After conducting a preliminary investigation of the house, I discovered a locked door in the basement. And on the second floor, in the table, a very interesting book about the Imbel family was discovered, from which it became clear that Swift Jack’s grave was clearly located behind it. I had to ask the count, who, in fright, even gave me the key. Behind the door was a dungeon inhabited by vampires (which increased my suspicions). Finally the grave itself was found, but there were no boots there. But a very interesting diary was discovered, which confirmed my suspicions, and also testified that Count Jakben is Swift Jack! In addition, the diary also mentions the Gray Fox (300 years ago!). Immediately upon leaving the crypt, he attacked me himself. I took the boots off the corpse (+50 to Acrobatics skill!). The story of the Gray Fox himself clarified a lot. He took the boots, gave me a reward and told me that it was all about the attire of Nocturnal, the first Gray Fox. After his death it passed to his successor.


  • From Prophet:

This quest was terribly buggy for me. As soon as I found the diary, the map marker was placed on the house where the Gray Fox should be, but he was not there. The marker should be placed after you receive the boots, but since the count theoretically attacks immediately at the exit, then, apparently, the developers decided that this is not important. In fact, the count did not attack me, I had to spend two days in the “crypt”, killing vampires (they quickly replenished their ranks, and I took my bag at their expense). Then the Count finally came, interrupting my “waiting”, and I was able to get his sneakers. But when I came with them to the Gray Fox, a surprise awaited me - I asked him if he knew Jack personally and again (the first time from a note in the Silkworm Temple) learned about the Nocturnal curse. But that was the last thing the Fox told me. He didn’t want to say more, sending me away with the words “go away, I need to think.” As a result, I had to boot up and just give him the sneakers without asking about Jack. Sent:

  • Volodimer

The Ultimate Heist


  • Steal one of the legendary Elder Scrolls from the imperial palace.


  • Nocturnal Robe (Grey Fox mask), promotion to Gray Fox rank, house (Dairlot estate)

How to get:

  • The last quest given by Gray Fox. To receive the quest you need to sell stolen goods worth 1000+ gold. Some time after reaching the required amount, Amusei will appear, who will convey an invitation from the Gray Fox to meet in the Imperial City, in the house of Othrelos in the Elven Gardens District.

Quest locations:

  1. Imperial City - Elven Gardens District, Arboretum and Waterfront District
  2. Anvil

Quest NPC:

  1. Gray Fox (quest giver)
  2. Amusei (Grey Fox courier),
  3. Millona Umbranox (Countess - she needs to convey a message from the Gray Fox)
  4. Othrelos (owner of the house where the meeting with the Gray Fox is scheduled)

Passing the quest:

  • The most difficult and most interesting quest Thieves Guild. The task this time is to penetrate the closed part of the imperial palace and steal one of the ancient scrolls." Ancient scroll". At the same time, under no circumstances should you touch the monks.
  • To complete the quest, Gray Fox gave out Swift Jack's Boots (+50 athletics) and a whole Arrow of Liberation (that's what they were needed for). And he also gives out a plan - how to get there unnoticed.
  • First you need to get into the closed basement of the palace and “activate time” - click on the huge hourglass. The only problem is the guard walking around, but he is very easy to avoid.
  • The next step is to penetrate the sewers. The path must begin in the Arboretum area. The main population of the collectors are rats and crabs, but I also came across one vampire and one lich. As a result of the journey, you can come to a closed door, which is opened by the key given by the Gray Fox.
  • Behind the door there is a very unpleasant dungeon (Ancient Path), inhabited by all sorts of evil spirits - liches, ghosts, zombies and skeletons. The main thing is to try to kill them one by one. Or sneak past them.
  • As a result, I reached a hall in which there was a large statue and two smaller ones. It was necessary to find a way to move this statue. To do this, you need to go to the opposite side of the hall, where the moving columns are located. To move them away, you need to press two blue buttons. One is in the room north of the columns. After pressing it, a passage to the dungeon will open, at the end of which there is another button. When I returned, I discovered that the columns had disappeared into the floor. As a result, a passage opened to a small platform on which there was a pressure plate - when I stood on it, a keyhole appeared on the statue.
  • Now it was necessary to hit this keyhole with the Arrow of Liberation. For me it turned out to be not so easy - my archery skill was not well developed. I hit it only on the third attempt, after which the column moved away, opening up a further passage.
  • As a result, I went into the bedroom. Then I went through everything with invisibility. I ended up sneaking into the Imperial Library.
  • Next, you had to sneak to the lever located near the person sitting near the grate. As a result, the door to the Library opened on the other side of the bars. In order to get to it, you need to walk around the Library.
  • Entering the library, I sat down in a chair and waited silently. After which a blind monk appeared and, mistaking me for Celia Camoran, brought me the required scroll.
  • In order to exit the Library, I had to take a different route (the door through which I entered had closed). I crept up the stairs, past the monk, and eventually reached Chancellor Okato's bedroom.
  • From where he jumped out through the chimney (after putting on Swift Jack's Boots - after use they disappeared) and found himself next to the exit to the sewers.
  • Having got out, I went to meet the Gray Fox.
  • The Gray Fox behaved very strangely. Having taken and read the scroll, he gave me a ring and said that in order to receive the reward, I need to show this ring to the Countess of Anvil, Millona Umbranox. I had to go to Anvil.
  • The Countess was quite surprised to see the ring - it turned out to be the wedding ring of her long-lost husband, Corvus Umbranox. It began to dawn on me who the Gray Fox was, and then he himself appeared.
  • After a long dialogue, from which it became clear that he really was the missing count, the countess did not recognize him. Then the Fox took off his mask and said that he was renouncing his rank and position in the Guild, and proclaimed me his successor, giving me the mask - the Nocturnal robe.
  • Now it was free of the curse, and its owner could easily take it off and put it on. And the former Gray Fox became Count Corvus Umbranox (to the delight of his wife).
  • Finally, I received one more gift - a small house in the Coastline area - the Deirlot estate. Really, it's of no use! The entrance is next to where Armand Christophe likes to stand.
  • Now, in order to give orders as the head of the Guild, you need to wear a Fox mask. No one can identify me with her.
  • As soon as I take it off, the Gray Fox will disappear. But it’s better not to show yourself to the guards in it.
  • Invisibility or chameleon is really needed.


  • Bugs:
  1. If the last scene of Fox’s conversation with his wife is frozen, and you are paralyzed, then enter the following codes sequentially from the console:
setstage tg11heist 140 setstage tg11heist 145
  1. If Amuseum cannot find you for a long time due to slowness. Look for him in Talos Plaza near the western gate. When he looks for you, he appears at the western gate of the Imperial City (between Talos Plaza and the large bridge). Then it goes counter-clockwise along the path Talos Plaza, Temple area, Waterfront.
  2. Don't pick up the scroll while sitting on a chair. You can stick to it if the monks spot you.
  3. If the blue button in the dungeon does not open the iron gate, then reboot and press again.

Sent: Volodymer
