Sogaz-Med service cards are a simple, convenient, free addition to the compulsory medical insurance policy!

AlfaStrakhovanie-OMS clients receive, along with a uniform paper compulsory medical insurance policy...

Ancient Russian solitaire online

Solitaire is a type of card game for one player. Solitaire layouts have become one of...

Didactic game “Guess whose tail?


Checkmate with knight and bishop - online chess training

Is it possible to checkmate with a king and a bishop? “It’s impossible!” - you will say with confidence. AND...

Character history Ben Drowned file

The story will focus on the well-known Ben the Drowned or, as he is also called...

We play tank destroyers in WoT correctly. Tactics for playing on Fri are here

A quick overview of tank destroyers and how to play them correctly. Players are increasingly choosing...

Games for 3 tanks in the labyrinth 5

Even today, in the third millennium of development, people are actively looking for reasons to destroy themselves...

Troll Adventure Games Troll Journey

Description of the flash game Troll Adventures Troll Adventures Trolls are an ancient civilization...