Where is tanaris in wow. How to get from Stormwind to Tanaris: practical advice

Tanaris is a large arid wasteland that lies south of Kalimar. The only inhabited place in all of Tanaris is the city of Gadgetzan. The owners of the city are goblins who observe neutrality. In addition to them, sand trolls also live in this desert. The Tanaris Desert is located just south of the Thousand Needles location, but you can’t get there by a direct move, and therefore the question of how to get to Tanaris remains relevant.

At first glance, the desert is almost deserted and not inhabited, but if you move away from the city, then a sufficient number of mobs immediately appear that are not averse to having dinner with you. And this is in addition to the bandits who are located on the local ruins and various creatures like sand elementals. And since the main task of the game is to upgrade the hero, here you will find a sufficient number of dungeons, in which there are many creatures to upgrade. There are also rumors that bronze dragons live here, but there is no confirmation of this. At the time the player enters Tanaris, they must be level 45. You can get here earlier, but in principle there is no point. After clearing the desert of monsters and bandits, you can safely move to the Un Goro crater.

From Stormwind, you can teleport to Uldum, and then fly on the mount. It is also possible through the Pirate Bay. A ship departs from it to the Ratchet, and from there, winding through the territory of the Horde, moving all the time to the south and passing the Thousand Needles, you will get to Tanaris.

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Another way to get to Tanaris will be the following. In Dalaran, we move through the portal to the caves of time. And you can also swim through Teremor. There are no problems getting to the location from Orgrimmar - just run and that's it.

Goblin quests
Cunning goblins are not at all eager to transport everyone to Tanaris just like that, although the desert is not located on another continent, but, for example, it is much easier to get to Pandaria. In order to get to Tanaris for the first time, you will have to complete the quest in Feralas or Thousand Needles. After that, it will be possible to scout air routes or portals to the capitals. The quest will eventually lead you to the goblin barge, from which you can already get to Tanaris. It is worth noting that for this task it will be necessary to have a certain reputation with the factions. It is because of this that a sufficient number of players move on their own, i.e. swim. This is done with an underwater breathing potion or a water walking spell, or similar means.

Tanaris is a vast arid desert in the very south of Kalimar. The only settlement in all of Tanaris is the city of Gadgetzan, a neutral settlement run by goblins. In addition to them, only sand trolls live in the desert from reasonable races. The Tanaris Desert is located south of the Thousand Needles, but the direct route is closed, so the question of how to get to Tanaris is by no means an easy one.

The desert at first glance justifies its name and is really not crowded, but it’s worth moving away from the city and immediately showing up a lot of monsters who want to feast on you. This is not counting the bandits who settled in the local ruins and various magical creatures such as sand elementals. Because it Wow and gotta rock, then the location is also full of various dungeons inhabited by mysterious creatures. It is also said that bronze dragons live here, but this is more a beautiful legend than a directly observed fact. It is assumed that by the time the player gets here, he will already be level 45, getting to Tanaris earlier is quite possible, but essentially pointless. After the desert is cleared of bandits and monsters, the player can safely go further to the Un Goro crater.

From Stormwind (if a cataclysm or pandaria) we just go through the teleport to Uldum and then we fly on the mount. If you have 3.3.5, then Dui is in Booty Bay (Pirate Bay), from there the ship goes to Ratchet, there you wind through the Horde territory, to the south all the time, through the Thousand Needles, and you are in Tanaris.

It is also possible through the port in Dalaran, port to the caves of time. And another way to swim through Teremor.

And we fly stupidly from Orgrimmar, there are no difficulties.

Goblin quests

The cunning ones do not want to share their monopoly and transport all the heroes who want to Tanaris for nothing, and although the desert is not even located on another continent, getting to Panaria is much easier. In order to get to Tanaris for the first time (after that you can open air routes and portals to the capitals of both factions), you will come to complete a task in the Thousand Needles location or in Feralis. Both quests will eventually lead you to a drifting goblin barge, from which you can already get to Tanaris. It must be said that these tasks require a certain reputation from the factions, so many players prefer to get to the place on their own, that is, in fact, by swimming. This can be done with a water-walking spell, underwater breathing potion, and other similar means.

Among other things, it always remains to fly to the location you need if you have a flying pet or ask a familiar magician to open a portal for you. It may cost some gold, but it may well pay off while exploring the dungeons beneath Tanaris.

World of Warcraft is a cult MMORPG uniting millions of players around the world. It has many locations and mysteries, secret paths and large, but quite dangerous tracts. Sooner or later, every player who chooses the side of the Alliance has to think about how to get from Stormwind to Tanaris.

Possible ways

Currently, there are several options for how to get from Stormwind to Tanaris relatively quickly:

  • through the port in Pirate Bay;
  • through the bay of Menethil;
  • via airship in Stranglethorn.

Each of these paths has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Path through the port in Pirate Bay

This path is the most used. At the same time, novice players may have quite serious problems with moving along it.

About that, from Stormwind through Pirate Bay, quests will tell, which will need to be gradually completed. First you will need to head from Stormwind to dusk wood. There is a road in the southern part of it. In the future, you will have to move constantly to the south. At the very bottom of the map, the so-called Pirate Bay will be located. This settlement is neutral, so players from the opposing faction can attack any character here. In the western part of the bay there is a pier, to which a ship approaches Kolimdor every 5-7 minutes.

After a trip on the ship, you need to get off it and head west along the only road to the point of its infusion into the main tract that crosses all the Northern steppes. In the future, you should turn left and move along the main path. It will lead directly to the gorge dividing the steppes into its northern and southern parts. Then you need to head along the southern steppes along the same path to the location "Thousand Needles". It is almost completely filled with water. It should be crossed in the direction to the east. This can be done both by water and by rope bridges stretched between mountain ranges. The waterway will be safer, but somewhat longer. Run across bridges for players with high level simple enough. Lying monsters will not be able to deal significant damage. As for low-level characters, they will have to make their way through crowds of opponents that are quite dangerous for them.

The entrance to Tanaris will be located in the southeastern part of the Thousand Needles location.

Path through the bay of Menethil

Before you get from Stormwind to Tanaris along this path, you must first decide which way to reach Ironforge. There are 2 options:

  • by train from the Dwarven quarter;
  • with a gryphon from Stormwind.

After arriving in Stolgorn, you will need to overcome Dun Morogh in the direction to the east. There will be a passage in After the character is in this location, you need to head north along the western part of Loch Modan. In the northernmost part of the location there will be a passage to the Bolotina. After that, you need to go through the main road to the west to Menethil Bay. From there, every 5-7 minutes a ship leaves for Theramore, located already in Kalimdor. This city is located in the location "Dust Marsh". If you follow the main road to the west, you can go to the Southern Steppes. In the future, the path will correspond to the previous one.

Stranglethorn Airship Path

This path is the least used by WoW players. How to get to Tanaris from Stormwind with his help, a much smaller number of gamers know. After the player follows the path indicated in the first option through the Duskwood and heads through the Stranglethorn Vale, he should immediately turn right after the Garubashi arena and go through the jungle to the orc settlement. There will be a landing pad. With a frequency of about 10 minutes, an airship flies up to it. He will take the character directly to Durotar, located on Kalimdor. In the future, you will need to get out along the western road to the Northern Steppes and move south, as described in the first option.

These are currently the only viable options for getting from Stormwind to Tanaris.

The question of how to get to Tanaris becomes a daunting task for all level 45 players World games of Warcraft. It is there that intensive pumping takes place up to the fiftieth mark of the hero. There are many ways to get into this territory, but not all users know about them. It is better to know each of them, because it is not known where you will have to travel from.

game universe

The world of "Warcraft" is truly huge, because it is not in vain that people live their second lives in it. During gameplay how to get to Tanaris will be just one of hundreds of such tasks. On seven continents there are several dozen locations, vast territories with their own nature and history. Each task tells about the fate of individuals, helps to better understand the universe. During the adventure, the player upgrades the character, gets achievements, mounts and items. All this is done for the sake of participating in the greatest raid battles against the threats of Azeroth or battles in disputed locations with other players.

Tanaris, Stormwind and Orgrimmar

To understand how to get to Tanaris without unnecessary difficulties, you need to know the basic information about the location and the capitals of the faction. This territory is located on the continent of Kalimdor of the world of Azeroth. It looks like a desert, which is close to the sea. The only settlement is Gadgetzan, where enterprising goblins conduct their business. In the same settlement there is an arena, which allows you to get a lot of experience when pumping.

That is why Tanaris is a key item for any user. Most often, users try to get here from the capitals of the faction - Stormwind and Orgrimmar. The first is located on the Eastern Kingdoms mainland, and the path from there is long. The second city is located several locations higher in coordinates, and therefore Horde players have no difficulty in getting to Tanaris. Both cities are famous for their long history, great animation of players and NPCs, as well as the necessary infrastructure. From here, users plan all trips to raids or battlefields.

Movement modes for the Horde

We note right away that most of the Horde races are pumped on the territory of Kalimdor, so the desired desert location will be on their way. If, nevertheless, the question arose of how to get to Tanaris from Orgrimmar, then there are several solutions for him. First of all, you can simply use transport network and in 5-7 minutes to be at the destination. To reduce the waiting time on the way, you can first use the teleport to Uldum (adjacent location). The portals are located on a hill in the northern part of Orgrimmar.

From Uldum it is already possible to get to Tanaris both by land and by air astride your own mount. In addition to Gadgetzan, there are small settlements of sand trolls located on the territory of the location. They can also offer the player a variety of missions and items for sale.

Alliance travel modes

From the Eastern Kingdoms, the way to quickly get to Tanaris is the portal to Uldum. From there, simply fly to your destination, which is most often Gadgetzan or the dungeons in the Timeless Caverns. If you are playing on the Lich King add-on, then there will be no portals and movement will be more difficult. In this case, the most realistic way is to fly to the location using your own transport or a network from the capital. There in the southern part there is a town of robbers called Pirate Bay. Get on the ship and go to the Ratchet. From there you will have to fly or run through the Thousand Needles straight to Tanaris. This path is not convenient, but the charms of the location and the arena are worth the effort expended by the player.

Uncle Dec was busy with a bunch of other important things. But, then, remembering that he had to finish what he started and complete his campaign across Kalimdor, he turned on the cunning gnome device and found himself in a town in the middle of the desert. The town was called Gadgetzan, and the desert was called Tanaris...

Tanaris is one of my favorite locations in Kalimdor, and maybe in the entire Old World. Despite the fact that the landscapes and views here are quite modest and there is no special vegetation either, all the same, there is some special charm in Tanaris. The desert is a rather philosophical landscape, a quiet ocean of sand, which sometimes bursts into sandy storms, in which it is very easy to get lost and die. Perhaps the musical motive also plays an important role, but I think that this is not the main thing. The main thing, in my opinion, is that there are enough mysterious places with a long history. The location itself is very atmospheric, which, I think, contributes a lot musical accompaniment. But we will talk about everything in order.

The center of life in Tanaris is, of course, the goblin town of Gadgetzan. Personally, I don’t really like this “Russian” name, so I prefer the “Old Believer” Gadgetzan. This goblin settlement reminds me of Mos Eisley, a settlement on Tatooine from the universe " Star Wars”, the place where Darth Vader spent his childhood (when he was still a kid Anakin). Similar architecture and the atmosphere of a black market, full of suspicious individuals who are not averse to sticking a knife between your ribs. In Gadgetzan, you can find not only a tavern, but also a ganker from the opposite faction, a bunch of quest givers, but also a neutral auction along with representatives of all professions, from whom, of course, you can buy exclusive recipes and reagents. In the middle of the city there is an arena where you can measure your strength against the same adventurers, although in PvP realms skirmishes take place anywhere in this city of adventurers.

In addition to this settlement, the Sly Gear Cartel has established a small port on the coast from which you can (but not you) get to the goblin capital - Undermine.

In addition to Gadgetzan in Tanaris, there is another large locality- City of the Trolls, Zul'Farrak. The city is inhabited by Sandstorm trolls and uninvited guests are more than welcome here. They worship their cruel gods and legends say that a demigod lives in the waters of the sacred reservoir, capable of defeating any wicked who dares to disturb him.

Tanaris is also attractive because there are many ancient ruins and mysterious places. One of the most mysterious places in the desert is, of course, the Caverns of Time, where, according to legend, Nozdormu himself lived and where the Dragons of the Bronze Flight live now. The caverns are not only home to the Dragons and their followers, but they are also the place where tunnels to the past exist, where the most significant events in the history of Azeroth took place. The Battle of Mount Hyjal, the opening of the Dark Portal by Medivh, the escape of Thrall from captivity, the cleansing of Stratholme by Arthas. The Infinity Dragons are constantly trying to change the history of Azeroth and invade the past. The Bronze Flight does not hesitate to use mercenaries to stop their sworn enemies (although there are rumors that the Infinity Dragons are the Bronze Flight from the future).

No less mysterious place is the gates of Uldum, the fifth of the cities of the Titans in Azeroth. Now these gates are sealed and it is not possible to pass through them. Travelers who managed to go beyond the mountains in the region of Uldum said that there was nothing further there but the sea, and where the gates led could not be said with certainty. Others say that the sea is just an illusion created by the magic of the Titans, and there, behind the gates, there is a valley with cities and temples of the Creators.

Through the desert of Tanaris (and only through it) there are also transit routes to another mysterious place where the Titans left traces of their stay - Un'Goro Crater, and from there you can get to perhaps the most sinister territory in the south of Kalimdor - Silithus, whose swarms We got to Tanaris.

There are mountains in the southern part of the desert, and if you manage to cross them, you will find deserted beaches where turtles crawl along. But this is not the last piece of land in this part of the planet. If you have the elixir of walking on water, a fast steed, and you don't have the base fear of being banned by death, then you should try to move further south, where you can see the palm trees and the silhouettes of the rocks. If you are lucky and the effect of the elixir does not end, then you will find the South Sea Islands, which serve as a base for pirates (there is not enough of a port on the east coast).

As you can see, despite the fact that Tanaris is a desert, this place is quite busy. If you dare to come here, then a lot of adventures await you here ...

Speaking of Tanaris, I would like to note that this location is one of the densest in terms of the presence of instances. Zul'Farrak, Battle for Mount Hyjal, "old" Stratholme, "old" Hillsbrad, the opening of the Dark Portal - five instances, including one raid. Considering that another raid for 10/25 people will appear in Cataclysm in the Caves, Tanaris will definitely hold the palm in terms of the number of instanced zones.
