Global space strategies for PC. The best space strategies

The theme of space fascinates players with its unexploredness and immensity. It is the thirst for discovery that has driven humanity throughout its intelligent existence, so the theme of space, displayed in the best space strategies on the PC, endlessly attracts players with its endless expanses.

Relatively new economic strategy in real time. All the consequences of the economic RTS are present in the game to a sufficient extent: the main essence of the game is the extraction of resources and the increase in one's own fortune. This is, so to speak, a simulator of a space entrepreneur, where the main task is the development of a Martian colony.

Global space strategy without a plot. The main task of the player is to gain complete dominance over outer space. The absence of a plot implies complete freedom of action for you as a player.

You can develop your own space stations, develop your own army, build fortifications, make diplomatic alliances and much more.

Choose your side of the battle among eight nations, each of which wants to defeat the others. It is not necessary to engage in protracted hostilities, because you can build your political game based on trade relations. Also, to win, you can look for expensive artifacts that will give you an advantage over opponents and develop technologies. Choose your own path and lead your own faction to victory!

Space global strategy in real time, where the main task of the player is to explore space, build their own state, its military and diplomatic interaction with other interstellar empires.

Are you ready to become the leader of the most powerful space fleet? Take over the galaxy by setting your own rules in it. Complete various tasks, explore the endless expanses of space, destroy pirates and other hostile personalities, and maybe the galaxy will become yours.

Global turn-based strategy with classic conditions for defeating opponents. The player can develop his own civilization in a variety of ways to achieve superiority over others. You can increase the number of troops, improve the cultural component of your nation, make a technological breakthrough in science, or use diplomacy to create global peace.

The plot of the game revolves around the battle of three major factions, each of which wants to conquer the others. All factions fight for control of resources - whoever has the resources rules the world. In this chaos of war, you have to choose the side for which you will fight. Each nation has its own strengths and weaknesses, tech tree, and tech path, so we recommend that you base your choice on nation tech, picking whichever type of development is closest to you.

A classic space strategy that allows the player to develop their own empire, choosing unique development paths. Explore endless space in search of various artifacts and resources, conclude diplomatic agreements with other races, or destroy them using high technology.

Story game on the topic of space. Although the plot in the game is linear, it is still quite interesting. In addition to the main plot, the game has many additional tasks to help distract from the main story. The main goal of the game is revenge for the destruction of your compatriots. You have to find the attackers and grind them to powder.

One of the cult series about star battles in an unhackneyed setting. Even a decade after its release, the graphics still remain pleasant and do not cause a feeling of "antiquity", and the gameplay, which is divided into three (in some parts, four) components, even with repeated passage is of interest.

In addition, at startup new game the universe is regenerated, which gives rise to new game situations. A flexible role system allows the player to be a pirate, ranger, merchant, and all those coming from these roles under roles.

If Star Rangers came out not so long ago, then they would be worthy of taking first place in the top 10 best space strategy games on PC.

Astro Lords multiplayer strategy is good because it is multiplayer. All players are busy exploring new asteroids, but sometimes they are interrupted by raids on richer, but less powerful neighbors. In addition, the game allows you to enter into allied agreements with neighbors, creating your own huge empire. In addition, it is necessary to defend yourself from sometimes attacking aliens.

The Homeworld series stands out among the rest of the best space strategy games with its unusual, although not understandable for beginners, gameplay. You need to protect the Hiigars from a new, until the village unknown enemy, the Vaygrs. Help stop the Veigars to stop their invader from entering the vast expanses of space.

The logical question is why eve online tops the list of space strategy games on PC? It's simple: Eve is the most global strategy of all! Hundreds of thousands of people play Eve every day. More epic battles than in Eve are hard to imagine, because the game's economy is very similar to the real one, which creates a real war of alliances for the right to manage resources.

In Eve online, you choose who to be: a peaceful merchant trading in different parts of the galaxy, a soldier fighting in major world battles, a mercenary working for various organizations, and so on.

Star Federation

Space Strategy Star Federation is an online multiplayer game that is completely free to play. Thanks to modern graphics and wide functionality, this game has been in the top strategies for many years. The main functionality is based on the exploration of outer space in accordance with the chosen tactics. The choice of both economic development and military regime is possible.

Star Drive 2

This game is a modernization of the already legendary StarDrive. The key symbol here is the spaceship. The player will be presented to go on an exciting and at the same time extremely extreme journey. The storyline is built from 2 sides - both space exploration and military operations with colonialists and aliens are carried out simultaneously. If you wish, you can do without war, giving preference to diplomatic relations. But in the struggle to create the only powerful Empire, diplomacy does not always have a strong weight.


Distinctive feature This strategy is that the player can very quickly collect resources for their own development and immediately hire a large number of troops. 2 modes are available for development - combat and peaceful. Depending on the choice, the main tactics of actions also depend. But even the choice in favor of diplomacy is by no means always capable of creating the possibility of a peaceful resolution of the problem that has arisen. It is this construction of the plot that made it possible to bring this strategy to the list of the best.

Sins of a solar empire

Space strategy in real time, firmly entrenched in second position. At the very beginning of the game, the hero needs to choose which of the 3 races he will fight for - earthlings, Vasari or space gypsies (the third race does not have a clearly fixed location and fights for the right to receive it). The storyline is built on contrasts - on the one hand, it's diplomacy and an attempt to negotiate, and on the other - a constant battle for leadership. Who and what will win in this battle depends only on the efforts of the protagonist. The interface of this game is available, including in Russian.


In our opinion, xcraft space strategy is the best at present. The main task of the game is the development and constant struggle for the survival of the empire, the exploration of outer space in the form of individual planets and intergalactic systems. In the game, development begins with a lonely planet, and ends with large alliances, ready to destroy entire planets in order to achieve their goals. We also recommend reading the full

There are not so many space lovers as there are fans of shooters, action games and others similar games, but still they exist. If you like exploring outer space, then you have come to the right place, because now we will highlight the best space strategies for PC. Didn't know about the existence of a certain game before? Now you will find out, and you can also try to play it yourself and decide for yourself whether it deservedly got its place in the top ten best space strategies on PC.


Space strategy with an open world. All actions of which take place in the universe "X".

In order to succeed, trade with other races. The economic system in the game is as close to the real one as possible. To capitalize, travel around the cities and look for ships, drones, spare parts and other goods for profitable resale.

Battles in X-rebirth have no limit. There can be both small skirmishes between two ships, and whole battles between fleets. Create your own personal Empire, equip your space territory, build stations and upgrade them to increase productivity.

Any action taken by the player can have an impact on the further development of the plot of the game. Find yourself new allies among the aliens who can help in the war against stronger opponents.

9. Endless Space - Emperor Edition

Space strategy mixed time managed to take ninth place in the ranking.

The plot is based on the confrontation of eight civilizations. Each civilization seeks to rise above the rest. You will have to lead one of the nations to victory.

In order to win, it is absolutely not necessary to engage in hostilities. You can take a place among the best by creating alliances with influential nations and trading. The faction has the ability to search for expensive artifacts to take a leading position in this area. You can also humiliate the enemy with the help of new technologies.

Which way you lead your faction to victory is up to you. Grow your military, trade, diplomatic or scientific sphere and take your place next to the leaders.

8. Sid Meier's Starships

The player will have to stand at the head of the most powerful star fleet. Complete various missions, explore space, and save civilian ships from attacks by pirates and other hostile factions.

Make sure that the galaxy lives by your rules, not you by hers. Achieve power and greatness in space. Will you be able to take control of the universe?

7. Ethereum

This game took the seventh place due to the fact that it has not yet gained popularity among the players, since it was released quite recently.

The plot of the game takes place in the distant future, where three hostile factions are at war. Each faction is trying to gain control over resources. The player needs to decide which side he will take and go to the battle field.

Each empire has its strengths and weaknesses. Each side has its own unique technologies, and therefore, before choosing which side to take, you will first need to study each technology and only then decide which battle tactics are closer to you.

Each mission becomes more difficult, but from this it does not lose its attractiveness, but becomes more exciting.

Take control of the cosmos into your own hands.

6. Star Drive 2

It is a continuation of an exciting space game, but it did not become worse than its predecessor, and managed to take sixth place in the top.

The player will be the leader of one of the provided races. You have to master the unknown expanses of space in order to found your Empire and make it a leader.

Explore other planets, make agreements with representatives of other races, but if you can’t build relations through diplomacy, you can always resort to using weapons.

5. Sins of a solar empire

The global space strategy, to which we decided to give fifth place, no less.

The game tells about the decline of the Solar Empire. The player will have to take control and power over the Galaxy into their own hands. There are three races to choose from - earthlings, Vasari and space gypsies. Each race has certain advantages over the other. After reviewing the benefits, decide which game tactics will be more interesting for you.

All races are fighting and trying to take their place in power, but who has the strength to really do it? What will win indulgence or weapons?

4. X3 Reunion

Remember in 10th place we talked about the X-rebirth game? The 4th position game, X3 Reunion, is its predecessor.

An unknown civilization attacked people and destroyed millions of lives. It is necessary to find the enemy and avenge the death of your compatriots.

The plot of the game X3 Reunion linear, but because no matter what the player does, he will not be able to influence the course of events. It is not at all necessary to go through all the quests that go along storyline. The player can complete tasks that he likes on his own, and only then return to the story quests.


The second part of the Homeworld game managed to get into the top three and take the third position.

The action of the game is set in the future centuries ahead. The Hiigarans are threatened by a new enemy known only by their name, the Vaygr. The player will have to help the Hiigarans stop the impending threat. Don't let the Waygrams take over the galaxy, no matter what the cost.

2. Astro Lords

The game that managed to take the second position among the best space games on PC.

The events of the game will take the player to the mythical Oort Cloud. The Warrior Lords have taken up the development of new asteroids, in parallel they raid and plunder their neighbors, and also conclude diplomatic treaties.

Militant Lords are fighting not only among themselves, they have to fight back hostile aliens who have decided to invade foreign territory.

The game was released not so long ago, in 2014, but has already managed to win the attention of a large number of gamers.

1.Eve Online

The unparalleled space strategy ranked #1 on our top best space strategy games for PC - eve online.

You don't have to fight at all if you don't want to. You can explore outer space, become a merchant, but remember that hostile ships can still attack and attack at any moment, and therefore, if you don’t want to get caught, become dexterous, inconspicuous and invulnerable.

You can simply fly through the expanses of space and complete the missions received, or you can arm yourself with the best weapons and join one of the fleets for a large-scale battle.

Let's first define what we generally mean by "space strategy". The answer “well, this is strategy in space” obviously does not roll. Firstly, “cosmic” can be understood in different ways. There are at least two interpretations: the action takes place in interplanetary / interstellar space or on other planets. In other words, wherever space is relative to Mother Earth. Secondly, the "strategy" can also be different. There are at least two pairs of concepts: global or local, step-by-step or real-time. So here are the games on our list. best strategies may belong to ANY of these categories. We understand that everyone has their own understanding of "space strategy", so we clarify in order to avoid disputes.

17. Surviving Mars (RTS)

16. Battlestar Galactica Deadlock (4X STRATEGY)

Deadlock is set during the First Cylon War, when Cylons loyal to the people suddenly rebelled against humanity and began to capture remote colonies. After a while, it began to seem that the heat of war gradually began to fade - and then the Cylons managed to destroy the entire command of the Colonial Fleet in one successful raid.

The eldest of the embroidered officers turns out to be Rear Admiral Lucinda Cain, who now has to collect the remnants of the fleet and protect the Twelve Colonies from the Cylon threat. To do this, you will have to design and build new ones, hire officers and conduct complex negotiations with the colonial governments.

15. Etherium (RTS)

The war for a unique resource can be considered at least one of the sub-genres of strategy. This saves writers the headache of coming up with motivations for factions and characters, and makes it easier to economic system. Also, the name of the resource must be in the title of the game and end with "um"! Meet our client - Etherium.

In fact, although Etherium started in the selection from the last place, it got into it for a reason. The most interesting thing in this game, perhaps, is that there are no conditional "zerg" in it: a race that has a collective mind and takes numbers. All parties fighting for the precious aetherium rely on technology, each on their own and in their own way. People, of course, want to get it, aliens want to protect it, and other aliens ... they are, in general, mysterious, there must be at least some kind of mystery?

The global aspects of Etherium are also interesting, although this one is local in itself. First, it's the weather. Let the aliens can control it, the planet still sometimes surprises itself. Secondly, these are invisible, but affecting the course of the game, orbital stations. Actually, the player can either invest resources in the ground army, or in space stations, which from their height slowly but surely destroy the enemy base. Of course, this is a very rough tactical calculation, but even in this form it looks curious.

14. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (RTS)

This top would be incomplete without a game in the "" universe. This top would be incomplete without a game based on the engine of the legendary Age of Empires. This top would be incomplete...but it is complete because we only make complete tops for you. Like this. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds is a classic franchise poster stretched over a classic strategy frame. Droids, clones, the Republican army, Wookiees and Gungans - all of them will remind fans of Age of Empires some of the ethnic groups.

It's funny what name Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds does little to match its essence. "Galactic battles" boil down to building more of their houses on a small planet, and then shoot down the houses of opponents with their soldiers. No epic plots, no Death Stars, not even... well, there are, but they die from blasters in the same way as other units. A sort of order 66 on the scale of one planet.

Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds stands the test of time and deserves a place of honor in the top, as it is one of the few local games where you need to control units and buildings, and not huge space cruisers. The graphics, of course, are not the same, and the HD edition of this game is unlikely to shine. Now Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds is a game to indulge in nostalgia for the evening.

13. Halo Wars (RTS)

The Halo universe has long and successfully set the next bar of quality for science fiction, sending fiery greetings mass effect and Star Wars. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 2009 a strategy based on motives saw the light, first released on the Xbox 360, and after many years reaching the PC.

So, what does the showdown between the covenant and humans look like from a bird's eye view? And they look impressive, as befits a game from . Fans of the universe will quickly notice both the Spartans and many other units. Prchem, they behave in Halo Wars accordingly. Vepri jump from the mountains, shoot painfully, and the infantrymen swear and throw grenades at the opponents. The plot in this space strategy is also at a decent level. It is dedicated to the planet "Harvest" and is served in the form of gorgeous videos between missions. The narrative is woven into the main canon and even intersects with the events of the book "The Fall of the Limit".

But what kind of game can bear the name of Halo if it does not have interesting online battles? By the standards of the space RTS, everything is also very good here. Lots of modes joint passage campaigns, user-friendly interface and still working servers. In general, summing up everything described above, we can safely advise Halo Wars to fans of both high-quality fiction and real-time strategies. Even though a sequel was released in 2017, it is the first part that is more affordable, both in terms of price and in connection with free sale in.

12. Sid Meyer's Civilization: Beyond Earth (4x Strategy)

Already something, but epic and touching trailers, this game is definitely remembered. Otherwise, it's still the same "Civilization", turn-based, just on another planet, with starships, lasers and aliens. It's funny that according to the plot, humanity united to send a "ship of generations" to the inhabited planet, but after it reached the goal, people again found a reason to separate. This time, the boundaries between the factions are not national, but ideological: each faction represents a system of approaches to a new habitat, its citizens, and aliens.

Actually, they are perhaps the most noticeable innovation of the game. They affect the gameplay to a sufficient extent, but the main thing is that they have a unique victory condition associated with them. People can merge with the living mind of the planet itself, become a fundamentally new biological species. To do this, you need to make friends with aliens, that is, not to fight with them and help them. True, other factions are unlikely to be happy with these attempts, so you still have to develop the economy, army and diplomacy.

Sid Meyer's Civilization: Beyond Earth is the ideological successor to the Civilization series in general and Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri in particular. The most devoted fans of "Zivka" for the most part still prefer a realistic, historical setting. They can’t even imagine how it is possible to “combine minds” with barbarians, the role of which, in fact, is played by aliens in Beyond Earth. Either way, it's undeniable that this game has its own charm.

11. Galactic Civilizations III (4x Strategy)

Igrostroy would not be an igrostroy if some online games did not try to get a piece of glory from a competitor by trying on his name. Specifically, the word "civilization", of course, no one has copyright, but everyone understands where the legs grow from the name Galactic Civilizations III. Okay, we won’t find fault with the hexagons on the map, only the lazy don’t use them. Better about the game itself.

Galactic Civilizations III captivates with the ability to customize the selected faction, that is, in every game appearance ships and even representatives can change. So to speak, added a little Sims. But the manipulations with these ships are about the same as in any other large-scale space strategy. Capture, protect, mine, trade - what else to do if the vacuum is no longer lifeless and boundless?

Compared to other global fleets, the role of the fleet in Galactic Civilizations III has been increased. Yes, players still cannot control ships manually, but they have more options when controlling. In other words, players can not only send ships to the stars and planets, but also outline the scenario in which their fleet will fight if it attacks or is attacked. Agree, this is already more interesting than the concept of the fleet simply as the personification of strength.

10. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (RTS)

It would be very strange to see a selection of space strategy games for PC without a representative of the Warhammer universe. Let the fans of Dawn of War forgive us with their redistribution of the planetary trenches, but the really cosmic one is just a fresh Battlefleet Gothic: Armada.

The game allows users to take on the role of one of the defenders of the Gothic sector, along with a small battle fleet. In the course of the campaign, divided into several acts, the mighty imperial admirals will have to fight off the Eldar and other eternal opponents of the empire.

And this confrontation looks, sounds and is controlled by the highest class. Volleys of airborne guns, boardings, rams and epic explosions accompany any showdown in this strategy about space. Between hot battles, minutes of silence will brighten up the system of ship upgrades and impressive space landscapes. Both Warhammer fans and just players who appreciate space battles should definitely like the game, but there is still a certain coldness in its acceptance by the public.

9. Gray Goo (RTS)

Unless you're into sci-fi at least a little, the name of this game - "gray goo" - won't tell you much. For reference: this is a hypothetical scenario for the end of humanity. In it, people create nanobots, give them the ability to create themselves, this whole industry gets out of control, and in a few days there is nothing left on our planet but them, a conditional gray mass ...

So, Gray Goo is not about this scenario. But why are we talking about him then? The fact is that this very mass is one of the factions of this space strategy, but this is the only similarity with the scenario. In the game, it's more of a semi-mystical hive mind that can shape itself into any shape... and devour anything. Opposing him, as well as each other, are obligatory for space strategy people and highly intelligent (not to be confused with superintelligence) aliens.

Thus, Gray Goo also relies on the sacred trinity of races for many strategies. The most interesting thing, of course, is to play for the “gray slime”, since, in fact, it does not have the usual stationary base, but “crawls” around the map, changing its shape if necessary and absorbing the unfortunate. It is curious that according to the plot (a small spoiler) this is not an absolute, but a kind of “chaotic neutral”, if you rely on the morality system of Dungeons & Dragons. All in all, Gray Goo is an interesting variation on the Starcraft theme...and one that will be remembered as a variation.

8 Star Wars: Empire At War (RTS)

The theme of battles in interstellar space has long been occupied by Star Wars, and therefore, in our list of space strategies, this world is represented by as many as two games. Unlike the obsolete Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, Empire At War presents the battles of the empire and the rebels in a more global perspective.

The main game mode is the capture of the galaxy, where many significant worlds for the universe are presented, for which you have to fight. The battle for each planet is represented by two stages: space, and then ground. Both stages take place in real time and on maps corresponding to each planet.

Moreover, if in the case of space the differences between locations are not too significant, on the surface everything is much more interesting. Every world offers different types environment, weather conditions and natives who may be loyal to one of the parties. In addition to all this, this space strategy looks and sounds like a full-fledged Star Wars episode. So few people remained indifferent from Empire At War, which is proved by the continuing popularity of the game.

7. Sins of A Solar Empire (4x RTS)

It would seem that a game with such a pretentious name should have an epic, almost Shakespearean plot, a drama on a galactic scale, a space opera as it is. "Sins of the Empire of the Sun", wow, sounds like the title of a philosophical treatise! However, in reality, this is a real-time strategy with a very general description. game world. Descendants of terrestrial colonists, alien invaders, trade-wars - in general, everything is like everywhere else, so let's go straight to the gameplay.

An interesting feature of Sins of A Solar Empire is that you can - and should - switch between global and local modes. Global is the movement of fleets, the capture of planets and the extraction of resources from them, the expansion and retention of possessions. In local mode, the player takes direct control of their ships in order to tactically outmaneuver the enemy... or succumb to him.

Speaking of balance, it is equal and stable in the game, since it is based on three races: conditional people, superhumans and aliens. There were no new races in the expansions, since strategies are usually very sensitive to such changes. Diversity both in battles and in the economy is given by the "weather" (all kinds of space disasters) and neutral factions and objects (, stations, space debris, etc.). Sins of a Solar Empire turned out to be an interesting and solid hybrid of global and local strategy, and the only thing that it lacks is campaigns with memorable characters and conflicts.

6. Endless Space Series (4x Strategy)

Endless Space is a game that Stellaris tried to replicate the formula. Five years later, a sequel came out in which the developers improved many aspects of the game ... but they still couldn’t overtake Stellaris in popularity. That is why Stellaris is ranked higher, although it would be fair to put these games - along with the first part of Endless Space - on the same pedestal. It is together, as a franchise, that we will consider them (and the same, by the way, applies to other franchises in the top).

The two main activities for players in Endless Space 2 are economics and diplomacy. Only a third of the total number of races can boast of military advantages, while the rest prefer to trade and negotiate. Thank goodness star systems there are many, there are even more planets in them, so there is usually enough space for everyone. But, of course, it is much more profitable to colonize and develop some planets, so all races have forces at least for protection.

In the best traditions of "Civilization", a player in Endless Space can win in a military, scientific, diplomatic, or conditionally "cultural" way. Separately, it is worth highlighting the economic one, since in this aspect Endless Space turns into a “game of one resource” - Dust. AT similar games clearly see the legacy of the legendary "Dune" by Frank Herbert, in which the war is fought over the miraculous spice (not what you thought). Unfortunately, in strategies, the essence of the “uber-resource” is simplified, without giving it additional meanings, but only giving it an absolute value.

5. Supreme Commander (RTS)

Supreme Commander is the de facto heir Series Total Annihilation and one of the most significant strategies in history. And although space as such is not represented in the game, the events of this RTS take place in the distant future, where interstellar flights have long been mastered.

However, the thing that makes this game unique can be called "Space". This is the scale of each battle that players observe on their . Forget the goofing around with 10 tanks and one infantryman that most other games do. Supreme Commander puts players in control of tank fists, bomber clouds, and entire fleets of ships.

The plot of this strategy is quite classic for space-themed games. Three factions did not divide the living space and staged a redistribution of property. OFZ, Cybran and Eon have their own style and features of the game, which makes the gameplay even more intense and varied. All in all, Supreme Commander is a time-honored classic among PC games and is recommended for all connoisseurs of the genre.

4. Master of Orion (4x Strategy)

Orion is one of the few constellations that in form really resembles the one it names: a human hero, a mythological character. Moreover, it contains some of the brightest stars in our galaxy, and it is easily distinguishable in the starry sky. It's no surprise that Orion has featured in so many sci-fi titles, including, of course, PC games.

For example, turn-based global strategy Master of Orion. The developers were the first to successfully stake out a kosher name for themselves, so you can’t confuse their game with anyone else. But this is not only due to the name: the first version was released already in 1993, and in 2016 it was re-released, and MoO sparkled with new colors. The concept has not changed: all ten races have migrated to new version(only in collector's edition can be played as a bonus faction).

Along with the races updated Master of Orion has moved war, diplomacy and economics - everything you love in global strategies, flavored with a scattering of stars and planets. By the way, Master of Orion is one of the few computer games of this genre that have been made. The same honor was awarded only to the notorious "Civilization", but not its space version. So in this top, MoO is the only game that is both computer and board. On the surface, it may not look like this, but in reality this is a serious recognition.

3. Stellaris (Global Strategy)

While some strategies adhere to the “fewer races, the better” rule, others are happy to offer players a variety of truly cosmic proportions. This has its own charm and logic: not all galaxies have only one intelligent view for thousands of light years around, as in ours. There must be others in which intelligent life is in full swing!

This is the kind of galaxy that Stellaris strategy. You can play it with a variety of creatures with unique methods of conducting trade and diplomacy. This is exactly what the game focuses on, since it is extremely difficult to balance such a number of factions on the battlefield. Therefore, the galactic powers strive for superiority through the development of the economy, political relations, science and ... but no, the development of culture - this is already about the Sid Meier series.

Stellaris still has combat, but for the reasons mentioned above, it's pretty primitive. you can’t even manage directly, they fight on their own. In some cases, this may look spectacular, but since the player watches this almost indifferently, "from a bird's eye view", the battles do not cause such an emotional return as in other space strategies.

2. Starcraft (RTS)

Most of the games in this collection are global strategies, but real-time strategy came in second place. We have to admit that the global ones are much more popular, and according to this logic, one of them should have taken the lead ... but still, this is Starcraft. This is a true artifact of an era when real-time strategy games were at their peak.

What is this era remembered for, why are memories of it so pleasant? Perhaps the fact that every worker, soldier, hero, in general, the unit had an individuality. Take at least memes! Arthas from Warcraft (for my father), monks from Age of Empires (wololo!), from Starcraft (nuclear missile launch detected): people, although infrequently, remember them in funny pictures, and this is in modern world means a lot. Global strategies are catchy in general, but not catchy with such details.

Finally, Starcraft is of great importance for the genre and. It was this game that approved and popularized the "sacred trinity" - a balance based on three absolutely different races, each with its own disadvantages and advantages, having equal opportunities in the game with equal abilities of opponents. This, in turn, allowed Starcraft to become one of the very first esports disciplines. In South Korea, official competitions are still held for both the second and first parts of the game. It is curious that it was the first one that received cult status, and it was she who was honored by releasing an HD reissue.

1. Homeworld series (RTS)

Whatever strategies come out before or after Homeworld, few titles can compare to this series. The mechanics implemented in these RTS are so well-adjusted that the authors have released updated versions that extend the life of games even longer.

One of the main strengths is the story, which tells about the adventure in search of a habitable planet, which passes through the entire galaxy. The atmosphere closely coexists with the disclosure of ancient secrets and the overcoming of enemies. The plot is designed in the form of stylish, served between missions, which have long become legendary.

With the gameplay, everything is no worse. Few space strategy developers dare to use space in the way that Homeworld does. Full use of three-dimensionality, with the choice of "Height" of the flight of units, turns and dogfights, nebulae, asteroids and huge distances, these are just a few of the things that Homeworld's gameplay is famous for.

And although the continuation was expected for a very long time, it turned out far from what many players imagined. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, which was released in 2016, turned out to be a prequel to the original story. But the main difference was that the action of the game was transferred to the surface of the planet. The gameplay has changed accordingly, but recognizable features such as an interesting plot, radio communications of units and the general style have remained in full.

Thus, this is one of the best works on the theme of space, capable of captivating for many evenings. And the time after which players return to this series over and over again to survive its events is an indisputable proof of these words.


Real-time strategy games have almost disappeared over the horizon, and we see only the glow of their former glory. GPs have taken their place, and they have all the makings to last just as long. But what will happen next? The genre will definitely not go into oblivion, but what form will it take and what niche will it occupy? Maybe it will be partly a return to the roots, not without reason there are still those who hope for Warcraft IV. Or maybe a combination with now popular genres, such as and. Surely something similar can already be found at indie studios, but not a single such project has yet taken off. Maybe they are hiding in the top? But wait, we don't have that... yet.

With the participation Foxvic

Hello! Space strategy games have enjoyed a lot of attention among many players, and many of them have become legendary due to their story, gameplay, and player engagement. Here I decided to describe the most popular, and perhaps even the best space strategies that have come out and won millions of players. The list of games is written in the order of study on forums and gaming sites, so their location does not affect whether they are better or worse than the game described above. Separately, I prepared a selection, not strategies, but other genres.

Release date: First 1999, Second 2003

Genre: Real time strategy

Homeworld can be said to be a whole space combat fleet management simulator. Big set spaceships- ranging from squadrons of small fighters and corvettes to giant destroyers and battleships A wide range of tactical decisions and order of battle formations before attack and defense. The implementation of six degrees of freedom of movement of game objects - you can inspect the fleet or combat unit from any point by turning the camera as you like.

There are several races, by the way this is one of the few space strategies where there is no race of people, each of which has its own ships. Interesting story and the history of the races that are revealed as you progress through the missions. In each new mission, the player starts with exactly the same number of ships with which he finished the previous battle.

Conquest Frontier Wars

Release date: 2001

Genre: Space RTS

An interesting feature of the game is that the levels are played simultaneously on several maps. The player can build their bases in the orbits of planets in different systems, but in order to do this, he must establish supply lines between these systems. Each ship has a limited number of supply units, which are depleted as weapons and special devices are used. Ships that have depleted their supply are flying targets until they return to their base to reload. Therefore, the use of supply ships is an important part of an effective attack.

There are also admirals in the game, who are like heroes in the game and can join a squadron of ships, giving this group certain power-ups and bonuses, and also control. There are three races: Earthlings, Mantis, Selareons.

Haegemonia: Legions of Iron

Release date: 2002

Genre: Space Real Time Strategy

The player explores the expanses of outer space, colonizes new planets, extracts resources from them and expands his empire and his influence in space. Many new planets, a large number of technologies being studied - more than 200, more than 40 types of ships in the fleet. The game also has the ability to create heroes.

Combat spaceships are divided into four classes - fighters, corvettes, heavy cruisers, and battleships. The number of combat units in each class group is limited. For example, there can be 4 fighters in a group and only 1 cruisers. There are other types of ships, but they are not intended for war, but for solving other problems facing the player.

space colony

Release date: 2003

Genre: Real time strategy, life simulation

Space Colony is a game from the creators of the popular Stronghold strategy series. In the game, we need to build a space station to develop, in addition to this, it has an interesting feature, more than 20 characters of the station, each of the characters has its own specific nature, character and abilities. We must meet the needs of each of them, monitor the food level of air and energy. The basis of management is somewhat reminiscent of popular game The base is very reminiscent of The Sims.

Space Colony has several missions in each mission your Characters must mine the planet, build relationships and prevent resources. Sometimes you have to fight off attacks from alien life forms and alien attacks. The player can choose a peaceful path of development or a military one. Peaceful is reduced to the extraction of resources, establishing relationships between characters, and so on. In the military part, you have to fight the Fribulans, who, just like you, colonize planets and build their stations on them.

Galactic Civilizations I, II, III

Release date: I - 2003 II -2006 III - 2015

Genre: Turn-based strategy, global strategy

The game takes place in 2178. Mankind during space exploration has established contact with other extraterrestrial civilizations. The main goal of the game is to expand your influence and control the galaxy. The player can win by choosing the path that he prefers. This may be a military takeover, or the union of all races in an alliance, the dominance of the culture of the race, or technological superiority over others.

In the first part there are 5 races, in the second 10 for each of which we can play. You can also create your own race. Each race has its own characteristics and strengths. All races can build space stations ((military, economic, influence, mining) directly in space or on mining resources. Stations are built by ships of the Constructor class. Stations can be improved by increasing their protection and productivity. Some races can turn a Terror Star into a mobile Terror Star, which is capable of destroy an entire star.

When colonizing a new planet or developing, the player will have a moral and ethical choice, which way he will do it, or go the honest way - the good way, which is a little more difficult or the evil way when you advance at the expense of others and deceit.

O.R.B. Off-World Resource Base (orbital space stations)

Release date: 2003

Genre: Real time strategy

In deep space, near the star Aldus, due to thousands of years of wars and destruction, a large amount of space debris has formed. Two neighboring planets are constantly at war with each other. But perhaps there is an even more dangerous enemy with them!? An interesting universe with many star systems - with planets and their satellites, with asteroid belts, space debris which is the main resource in the game with complete freedom of space flights!

Each race has a unique fleet, its own weapons, armor and research, Encyclopedia of each of the races, its features, faith, and worldview.

Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

Release date: 2004

Genre: tactical game in real time

Unlike real-time strategy or economic strategies, where you first need to extract resources and then build in Nexus, it all depends on tactical decisions in battle. In each mission, the player is given a certain number of ships with which he must win the battle.

The player can take control of 10 large spaceships that cover smaller fighters and bombers. Great opportunity to customize and improve your ships. As the game progresses, the abilities of the ship crew improve.

In addition to epic and open battles with the enemy, there are sabotage missions in which you need to carry out espionage or reconnaissance with just a couple of units of ships. 6 different alien races, each with their own unique ship abilities, weapons and tactics. 10 star systems, 50 characters, 90 weapons.

Star Wolves I, II, III

Release date: I - 2005 II -2007 III - 2010

Genre: Real time strategy, RPG,

"Star Wolves" - tactical space strategy with RPG elements. To combat pirates constantly robbing cargo and merchant ships, a special detachment of "bounty hunters" was created - free mercenaries with their own high-speed ships crew, and the right to catch criminals and pirates. It is in the role of such a mercenary that the player enters the game, having at first only a small amount of money, a couple of ships and a lot of ambitions.

The player will have to fight pirates, protect merchant ships, participate in the hunt for the famous Red Corsair, cash in on the passions of uranium fever, perform secret missions, and even serve as an agent of the emperor. The player's team can have several unique characters with their own abilities and skills.

A flight of space fighters is the most important element of game tactics. When appointing a flight leader, the player is guided mainly by his characteristics and abilities. Giving new instructions to the wingmen during the battle, or even changing the leader, the player has the ability to fine-tune the link depending on the number and type of enemies, the weapons they use and the special equipment available.

Sword of the Stars 1-2

Release date: First - 2006 Second - 2011

Genre: Turn-based strategy, real-time strategy

In the 21st century, mankind invented engines capable of overcoming speeds above the speed of light, exploring new corners of space, people encountered new alien races that were not as friendly as they would like. The player takes responsibility and makes decisions in building an interstellar empire in turn-based strategy mode and real-time space battles.

The player determines the battle order of the ships and As the guns hit, the "pattern" of the scale changes. The study of research that allows you to improve the equipment and protection of ships. The ability to hire admirals to manage the fleet, if the admiral dies, the fleet becomes incapacitated. The player should also keep an eye on the power supply and consumption of ships. Too energy-intensive systems or tools simply cannot work effectively without the required amount of energy. This is especially true for energy weapons.

Star Wars: Empire at War

Release date: 2006


Star Wars: Empire at War is a space strategy based on the popular movie " Star Wars". There is a strategic global map galaxy where the player is building all the major buildings, battle fleet and troops. If the player is playing as an Empire then he can learn new technologies and research and create new ships, new weapons and armor. While playing as the Rebels, the player cannot learn technologies, but can steal them from the Imperials.

The player can fight both on planets and in space. Various heroes familiar to us from the movie can participate in the battles: Admiral Ackbar, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Han Solo and Chewbacca and so on.

Sins of a Solar Empire

Release date: 2008

Genre: Real time strategy, grand strategy

Global space real-time strategy in a fantastic setting. The plot is tied to the confrontation of factions fighting for possession of resources and complete control over the entire galaxy. There are 3 civilizations available in the game that have their own history and pursue their own goals, the player will be able to join any of them.

The game takes place in a 3D outer space, in which the player starts his journey from a small station. The main goal of the game is to capture or completely destroy other factions, so the gamer must quickly build a powerful fleet, colonize other planets and establish resource extraction. The game is divided into two modes, global and local. In the first, you can control entire groups of objects by moving your forces over long distances. In the second, the player will be able to control each ship separately. From key features project, we can note a wide variety of ready-made locations and the ability to generate new maps.

Gratuitous Space Battles

Release date: 2009

Genre: Strategy, simulation

There are 4 races in the game, each of which has its own unique technologies, weapons and ships. A wide range of different modules and ship customizations. Before the start of the battle, the player must set the initial parameters of his ships and their configuration, guided by the available information and data on enemy ships. In Gratuitous Space Battles, the player cannot influence the course of the battle directly during the battle. Having correctly positioned the battle formations of the ships before the battle and skillfully giving them orders, after the battle takes place between the ships, where you can see if you did everything right and applied the necessary tactical decisions.

40 types of ship hulls, 120 different ship modules. Battles can take place in different ways, depending on what kind of anomaly will be near the battlefield. You can create your own fleet, thought out to the smallest detail, honed and polished as you like, and only the system will show whether this is the best solution. Each battle can be carried out anew, improving your tactics and weapons, reducing losses and the time of victory.

Release date: 2010

Genre: Real time strategy

The cult real-time strategy that won the hearts of millions of players around the world. The first part was released back in 1998 and immediately became “ the best game of the year", "best-selling game". The game takes place in the 26th century in a distant part of the Milky Way. There are three warring races in the game: Terran, Zerg, and Protoss. The game is included in the top and best.

The player can choose for which of the races he wants to fight, and for it passes story mission games or fights against another player. Each race and each unit has its own unique abilities, both strengths and weaknesses. The game is an esports discipline, so the game balance is well preserved in it.

The main emphasis is on the rapid extraction of resources in the first and second parts of the resources of only 2, the construction of military bases and combat units and numerous battles. Adherence to the right tactics, micro-control over groups of troops and the right troops against enemy troops determine the outcome of the battle.

Endless Space 1 and 2

Release date: First 2012 Second 2017

Genre: global turn-based strategy,

The game is more focused on economic development than combat. Combat in Endless Space is somewhat simplified, and upgrading spaceships is reduced to installing modules chosen by the player, but without a mode fine tuning and installing modules in specific locations. The emphasis is on the details of the management of star systems, the movement of large fleets and diplomacy.

The game takes place in deep space in the year 3000. The player can choose any of the existing races. A huge amount of content in the game - hundreds of types of resources, anomalies and random events occurring around the colonized planets, self-generating world and galaxy.

There are several types of victories in the game: capturing most of the planets in the game, accumulating a certain amount of money, the so-called dust (game currency), winning by points, and so on. The game also features beautiful graphics. As one of the players put it: “By launching the game, you agree that the next few days will be irretrievably cut out of your life, it’s not childishly addictive.”

StarDrive 1 and 2

Release date: First 2013 Second 2015

Genre: Real time strategy, sandbox

The main goal of the game is to create a space empire. Starting from one home planet (it all depends on which race you choose, for example, if you choose people, then you start your development from the Earth and the solar system) you go to study the universe, create colonies, discover other forms of intelligent life.

Having started his development from his native planet and a small number of spaceships, the player begins to discover something new in space: the construction and development of new colonies, their protection from enemies. Use diplomacy or brute force, trade, espionage or scientific research, make alliances or make enemies for yourself - which way to go to galactic domination is up to you.

A feature of the game is a wide range of ship customization (you can create your own unique design for each of the ships in your fleet). Thanks to a detailed starship customization system, it is possible to install certain modules in different parts of the hull, which directly affects the available tactical maneuvers in battle. During the battle, the armor of each individual side of the ship is taken into account, smaller ships can hide in the protective fields of the mother ship, and correct use jump jets will help you deliver lightning-fast attacks and take fleets away from enemy fire in time.

Master of Orion Series

Release date: 2003-2016

The game is played in the style of a turn-based strategy, the main goal of course is the development and colonization of new planets. During each turn, the player makes decisions that will occur during that turn, including researching new systems, colonizing worlds, diplomatic relations with other races, voting in the Galactic Senate, researching technologies, espionage, and designing, building and managing a space fleet. There are 4 parts in the series.

The game includes economic, scientific, military and diplomatic components. You can choose one of the races inhabiting space and play for it. Each race has its own characteristics, weaknesses and capabilities. The game has interesting feature This is the management of the construction of the fleet. We create a ship design and upload it to the construction yard. You can let the game create the design of your ship, or you can do it yourself, balancing between power, rate of fire and range, choosing the parameters of the ship that you need.

XCOM Series

Release date: 2012-2016

Genre: RPG, tactical strategy,

XCOM - The government of the earth, fearing an attack by extraterrestrial civilizations, creates a special X-COM service designed to protect the earth from invasion and UFO attacks on earth. You have to take on the duties of the head of this service. The fears turn out to be real. In part of XCOM 2, we are fighting aliens that have already taken over the Earth.

By managing the central base, the player must monitor aliens, allocate funds for development, study new technologies, weapons, deploy ships to destroy alien ships, and send squads of fighters to fight aliens on earth. At the beginning, the player must place a base on the surface of the Earth (In the second part, we move). The player must also study the prisoners, develop and expand the base of the organization. The main task is to protect 16 states. The success of your actions is determined by the level of panic of the population.


Release date: 2015

Genre: S real-time strategy, RTS

Strategy game made in sci-fi style. The events of the game tell about the war of three factions that are fighting for the valuable and mysterious resource "Etherium". The war takes place right in outer space and on various planets, and the main goal of the rivals is complete victory and destruction of the opponent's mother ship.

The game implements a strict balance between the three factions, each of which has its own units, vehicles, aircraft and others. unique features. The battles are dynamic, so the tactics of accumulating forces, without active actions, will be a failure. Of the key features of the game, it is worth noting the weather conditions that affect the behavior of the army, as well as big choice different equipment, ranging from tanks and planes to giant robots.

planet base

Release date: 2015

Genre: city ​​building simulator

Sci-fi city-building strategy with elements of survival. The player acts as the head of the base, which is located on the planet. The main task is to establish the production and extraction of energy, as well as provide the population of the base with all the conditions for survival.

The player must personally build the base. Each transition and compartment must be provided with enough oxygen, water and food. This is achieved through the construction of air or solar generators, as well as the installation of special systems for purification and extraction of water. The game often has random events like meteor shower or a sandstorm, this can lead to breakdowns at the base, so force majeure situations should also be taken into account.


Release date: 2016

Genre: Turn-based grand strategy, RTS

Global 4X Real Time Strategy. The plot is built on confrontation space civilizations who are vying for complete dominance of the galaxy. Each faction has its own interests and objectives, but the main goal in the game is to create a powerful empire with total control of all other civilizations.

The project has a procedural generation of the universe. This means that each new installment of the game will take place on a unique map, with different planets, resources, species, etc. Game process Stellaris can be divided into two types. The first is the modernization and development of their civilization. At this stage, you need to look for valuable resources, extract them and make a profit, research new technologies and develop your empire. After development, the second stage begins - military and diplomatic. Depending on the style of the game, the gamer will be able to attack enemies or engage in diplomacy.

offworld trading company

Release date: 2016

Genre:, economic strategy

Economic strategy in Sci-fi networking. The plot of the game is involved in the confrontation between powerful corporations that have colonized Mars in order to extract valuable resources. The player will be able to take control of one of the bases, achieve maximum profit and oust competing firms from the planet.

In this project, the player must monitor the economy and the development of competitors. All major activities take place in a marketplace that changes dynamically based on the sales and actions of each corporation. To defeat competitors, you need to buy all of its shares, the price of which depends on the amount of money or debts.

Stars in Shadow

Release date: 2017

Genre: Step-by-step strategy

Space turn-based 4X indie strategy game. The plot of the game tells about the world, which was almost destroyed by the great war. Of the survivors, only seven factions remain, continuing to fight for dominance over the entire galaxy. The player must lead one of the civilizations and lead it to complete victory over the enemy.

The gameplay is classic for turn-based strategies. The player must build a base, improve technology and assemble a powerful army. It is worth noting that each faction has its own units, which are useful in some conditions and not effective in others. This creates a special balance and high replayability of the project. Diplomacy is available in the game, so "peaceful" gamers will be able to enter into alliances and join forces.

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