We play paintball correctly. Basic paintball rules Paintball game description

Our article today will be devoted to such a fascinating modern game like paintball. You will learn how to play paintball, how to prepare for a match and much more. Well, we will start, of course, with the choice of clothing and various accessories, because safety comes first.

Paintball clothing

So, what clothes and equipment do you need for paintball? This question is asked by many beginners. Top tip here: you need to take spare clothes with you, as well as shoes, so that you can spend time comfortably after a paintball match and get home without any problems. It is advisable to wear everything you don’t mind: jeans, a sweater, and a tracksuit will do, and in winter thermal underwear would be an excellent option. Of course, nothing bad will happen to your clothes, but you will almost certainly sweat, and if running wet is even more or less comfortable, then walking afterwards is not so much, and besides, in the cold season this can be fraught with a serious cold. Well, besides this, paintball suits, as well as overalls that will be given to you before the match, can get wet and even leak paint a little. Of course, the paint is water-soluble and washes off very easily, but it’s still better not to risk good clothes - they can tear in the heat of battle. By the way, the paint is also absolutely safe for health, because paintballs consist mainly of gelatin. Well, regarding clothing, it remains to add that it is extremely undesirable to wear waterproof suits for playing paintball, since all people sweat a lot in them, which will lead to fogging of the protective mask, and therefore the inability to adequately react to situations that arise in the game. Well, now about how to dress for paintball, let’s move on to describing the rules of the game, and first let’s say a few words about ammunition.

Weapons and armor

In order to play paintball, you need to purchase or rent at least basic equipment. And this is where the subtleties begin, because without a special protective mask, as well as a weapon - a marker, we simply have nothing to do on the field. We will not dwell here on listing the models and all sorts of advantages of this or that equipment, nor will we talk about its price, since in the vast majority of cases the organizers of a paintball match are obliged to provide you with all these devices - and not only provide them, but also teach you how to use them . Let's just say that the mask is the main protection of any paintball player, and the marker (a device that spits out balls, a kind of machine gun) will become your main offensive weapon. The mask and marker also require special skills in handling them. And this is where the paintball rules begin, which we will present for you in the form of a list, because this way it will be much easier for you to learn them.

Paintball rules

Three basic rules apply to handling a mask and a marker. So:

  • Do not, under any circumstances, remove your masks while on the playing field.
  • Never point a marker at a person if you are outside the playing field or if a person on the field suddenly happens to be without a mask.
  • If you are out of play, your marker must be on safety.

By following these three simple rules, you will protect yourself and others from any injuries. If you have mastered them well, then you can be trusted with a marker and even be released onto the field for a baptism of fire. However, having a mask and a marker does not mean being a paintball player, because you also need to be able to use them. With a mask everything is very easy - you just don’t need to take it off, but with a marker you need to handle it in such a way as to hit your opponent - at least sometimes. You also need to be able not only to shoot, but also to hide, because if you get hit, you are out of the game. And this is where tactics come into their own.

Combat tactics

First of all, keep in mind that paintball is a team game; it is almost impossible for someone alone on the field to “survive” against an entire team, even if he is a big pro. Therefore, consider the following rules with this information in mind.

  • If you completely hide behind cover, you will undoubtedly remain unhit, but you will not hit or even see anyone. That is why, with each next fight, try to be more active, and how to do this, rule number two will help.
  • Remember that in the game it is better to act simply and effectively than to be ornate and spectacular. Forget about shooting while jumping, rolling - even paintball aces rarely allow themselves to do this. If you watch how professionals play, everything seems extremely simple. Short dashes between covers and short but directed bursts from behind covers. Simple, but effective, because these movements are honed to the point of automaticity.
  • Choose the right position on the playing field, that is, take a position that will allow you to shoot comfortably, quickly and easily change your place on the court, and give you maximum visibility not only your own players, but also enemy players. This is why you can’t sit in one place all the time, because the situation in paintball (especially if we're talking about about competition in the hall, that is, sports paintball, and not tactical on the street) will change with kaleidoscopic speed.
  • The captain is the main figure in the team, you need to listen to him. I remember my first paintball match. There were three of us on the team, two of whom were playing for the first time, but our captain was a real professional (well, or strong lover), and thanks to him we won a tournament of four participating teams, two of which regularly took part in paintball tournaments. And one victory was especially memorable, as we held out and won with three against six. But these victories would not have happened if my partner and I had not listened to the captain.
  • And the last rule: respect your opponent! A real paintball player will never shoot point-blank at an unprotected area of ​​the enemy, nor will he shoot at a previously hit player. And besides, he will never put himself above any other player on the court - even a rookie. Well, the last thing about paintball is age. All those who are already 12 years old at the start of the game are allowed to play.

Paintball is a team sport military sports game, in which players shoot at each other with air guns simulating the real thing, gelatin balls containing water-soluble bright paint, usually red, simulating blood.

Paintball rules limit the age of players - starting from 12 years old; before starting, it is also mandatory to undergo safety instructions and use protective masks during the game. The game is only possible if all players on the team have signed a written collective statement.

Goals and progress of a paintball game

Amateurs play paintball active rest. The players' task is to fulfill their role according to a pre-determined scenario. The progress of the game is constantly monitored by observers from the organizers, their decisions are not challenged or discussed. Also, no disputes or showdowns are allowed during the game; the game is based on honesty. These are the constant and common paintball rules for everyone; they do not change.

Where is paintball held?

Paintball is played in open areas where there are some abandoned buildings or structures. On the territory of the game there are always camps, team headquarters and respawns - they do not belong to the playing area and therefore the paintball rules prohibit shooting at them. Each of these objects must be marked on the maps and must be described in the Game Regulations. The playing area used must always be clearly defined and divided into squares. Moreover, the real boundaries should be clearly visible from a distance of 3 meters.

How does the process work?

The rules of the game of paintball prohibit touching and moving any objects on the site, except those that are directly indicated in the script. It is also prohibited to bring in or install any objects that could cause harm to people or animals. It is probably unnecessary to say that damage to gaming equipment is unacceptable. Also, paintball rules establish strict requirements for game shooting equipment. Air guns must only be factory produced. The caliber of gelatin balls with paint is 0.68 inches (17.3 mm), the maximum muzzle energy is 3 J, the maximum speed of the balls after the shot is 300 fps.

It is allowed to use certified pyrotechnics with water-soluble paint as a striking element during the game. The online store “Universal Weapons” allows you to buy various types. To identify players and organizers, 4 colors are used: orange is used for organizers and service personnel who do not belong to teams; Players of the corresponding teams are marked red and yellow; Envoys and capitulated units and individual players are marked white. Color marks should be clearly visible from 10 meters.

In teams, as in the army, a system of ranks is used from private to general; players without a club rank are equated to privates, and those with a rank can wear the appropriate chiffon. It is also allowed, in agreement with the organizers, the practical use of various equipment, but one of the organizers must be on it as a navigator. Each player is given a control badge, which must be presented upon first request by any of the organizers.

The point of the game is to hit the maximum number of enemy forces. Any player is considered hit if a spot of paint is visible on him (splashes and hits on the marker are not considered), if the judge declared him as such for violating the rules, if he crossed the border of the playing area, got into a “minefield” or attacked one of the prohibited objects - camp, headquarters, respawn. Those who took the enemy “out” with an empty weapon or those who were taken “out” and immediately began to shoot back without asking for a control shot are eliminated from the game. Affected participants are required to remain completely silent, raise their weapon with the muzzle up and go to their team’s camp, headquarters or respawn. They are prohibited from transferring remaining ammunition and weapons to their comrades.

Many beginners who have never played paintball try to learn more about it before their first game. The information in this article will help you learn the theoretical foundations of the game. We hope the information will be useful to you, and when you go to a paintball club, you will feel more confident.

Paintball (eng. paintball [paintball] paint-paint, ball-ball) literally “ball with paint”

Paintball game is an extreme game consisting of short game periods during which players of two teams shoot at each other with special air weapons (paintball markers).

Shots at enemy players are made with paintballs (gelatin shell with water-soluble paint inside).

If the shot is successful and hits the enemy, the shell of the ball splits, leaving traces of paint on the player. Depending on the type of game and agreements between players according to the rules, if there is paint on a player’s clothing or head, such a player is considered defeated and leaves the playing field. In sport paintball, a player is considered hit if there is a trace of paint after hitting any part of the body or on a paintball marker. In other types of paintball, players can play according to the rules, according to which a player is hit if paint hits the player’s body or head.

Paintball equipment

To play paintball, you need to wear special protective equipment. It is used both to protect against the power of fired balls and to protect against paint.

The most important piece of equipment is a paintball mask, which is placed on the head and protects the player’s face and neck.

The mask is made of durable plastic that can withstand up to 15 shots per second. There are regular masks and masks with double athermal glass, which does not fog up during the game from the player’s breath.

Professional paintball suit

To protect against paint and impacts from balls hitting the player, professional players use special paintball suits.

In paintball clubs, amateur players receive a lightweight rental camouflage suit. It allows you to play both in hot weather and in the cold season and is worn over the client’s own clothing (including outerwear).

Clothes have great importance, since how quickly and easily you move across the field depends on how vulnerable you will be to the enemy. We advise you to choose sportswear that is appropriate for the time of year and weather.

It should also be noted that when active game you have to run and jump a lot, which invariably leads to increased sweating. It is advisable that clothing have good air and moisture regulation.

Paintball shoes are also of great importance. It must be suitable for weather conditions. If the game is played in the forest or on a dirt site, then first of all, it must be waterproof and not afraid of dirt. At the same time, it must be comfortable to run and jump. Players come to the paintball club with their own shoes to play.

It would be a good idea to take a spare set of clothes and shoes with you to change into after the game, since clothes during the game will most likely get wet, just like after attending a good workout in the gym.

Also in the paintball club, players receive gloves, head scarves, bandanas, and protective vests for women and children.


As noted above, special paintball equipment is used to play paintball.

A paintball marker is the main weapon in paintball. It consists of the following main parts:

  1. Marker
  2. Trunk
  3. Feeder (magazine or container in which paintballs are located)
  4. Air cylinder (a container containing a compressed air-gas mixture).

Before the game, the technician fills the air cylinders of the markers with compressed air. Paintballs are poured into the feeder, usually for one or several rounds. Throughout the game, refueling with air and balloons is carried out.

In a simplified way, the marker works as follows: when you press the trigger, under the influence of compressed air pressure, a ball is fired and it flies out of the barrel.

Paintballs consist of a shell based on edible gelatin and water-soluble paint. Even if the paint gets under the suit and stains the player’s clothes, it can be easily washed off. In addition, the paint consists of natural ingredients and does not harm the environment or human health.

Paintball area

As a rule, paintball is played in an equipped area, most often it is a paintball club. Its perimeter sites should be covered with nets up to 3-5 meters high. The sites themselves can be of various types: in the open air and under the roof of various objects (buildings, hangars).

The sites may have natural shelters (if it is a forest), and artificial shelters may also be installed. These are inflatable or wooden structures.


Sometimes alternative names are used: paintball, pinball, paintball. If we are talking about the game, then these are just synonyms and they are all, in principle, correct. Previously, the most commonly used spelling was “paintball”. However, the name “paintball” is now widely used as an established name for an interesting and exciting sport, recreation and just entertainment.


There are the following types of games

  • Sports paintball
  • Tactical paintball

Sports paintball is a professional sport. Teams consist of 5 players. Sites must meet certain requirements. Inflatable structures are used as shelters. There are restrictions on marker parameters (barrel length, ball speed, etc.). Regional, national and international tournaments and championships are held.

Tactical paintball - there are no restrictions on the markers used or the number of players in teams. This type of game can be played on various types terrain. The use of pyrotechnics, paintball grenades, smoke emission agents, and even paintball artillery and real armored vehicles is allowed. Tactical paintball is played big games and big paintball maneuvers. Hundreds and even thousands of players can take part in them.

Welcome to the MFP paintball club!

We are glad to see you in our paintball club in any weather, at any time of the day! If you are bored, come to us, our cheerful judges and staff will help you have a great time! If you don’t have your own team, sign up and come, maybe here you will find new friends and like-minded people to play and more! We are waiting for you! Come to ours and you can play, celebrate an important event or just relax and have fun!

At all sites of the MFP paintball club you will always be greeted by attentive and caring staff who will make your stay pleasant and unforgettable. We are glad to see you in any weather, at any time convenient for you.

20 most important rules for playing paintball for beginners.
They will certainly help you avoid making many mistakes while playing paintball.

Never take off your mask!

The most important rule in paintball. The ball flies at a speed of 90 meters per second, it will easily knock out your eye forever! If your eyes are still dear to you, do not ignore the constant reminders of the judges and instructors that the mask should always be on your face! We put on masks before entering the playing field, and take off our masks only when we have already left the field. Take this rule seriously.

Marker on safety!

As soon as the game is stopped, each player must put the marker on the safety and put a protective cover on the barrel. This way, you will protect yourself and other players from an accidental shot when everyone is on a break and without protective masks.

The judge is always right!

Each player is obliged to unquestioningly carry out what the referee tells him. Any disputes with the judge are not allowed. The judge is doing his job, he is strict with you for the sake of your safety. If the judge says that the player is hit, that means the player is hit and leaves the playing field!


Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not allowed to play paintball. Such a player can not only harm other players, but also injure himself. The referee will remove such a player from the field for the safety of all players. Drinking alcohol is only possible after the end of the game.

Listen carefully to the instructor!

The instructor will tell you about safety precautions, teach you how to handle a paintball gun - a marker, listen to your preferences, give advice that suits you, resolve the issue of issuing equipment, refilling with air, refilling with balls, etc.

Don't shoot the person you shot!

If you see a player who, for some reason, has raised his hands up, then shooting at him is strictly prohibited! He might already be shot or out of balls or whatever else is wrong with him. In any case, shooting at such a player is not allowed.

Getting hit by a ball doesn't hurt!

You almost won't feel it. Maybe the next day you will see a small bruise. To avoid such bruises, the rules of the game of paintball do not allow shooting at the enemy from a distance closer than 4 meters. Follow this rule and then you may be able to avoid bruises altogether.

Always choose a captain!

When forming a team, you must select a team captain. This person will play the role of leader of your team. Will participate in resolving disputes and conflict situations. The captain is usually responsible for the other players.

Walk across the playing field!

Before the paintball game even starts, walk around playing field, this way you will gain a significant advantage over players who have not done this. You will be able to see the most advantageous positions on the field for you, as well as develop a game plan.

Develop a plan!

Well thought out team strategy helps you gain the upper hand over an opponent that is superior to your team, both in number and in experience of players. Let each player on your team perform their function and clearly know how to proceed in a given game situation.

Do not strive to become a hero - a loner!

Of course, everyone wants to express themselves at their best while playing paintball. But do not forget that you are part of a team, part of whose functions you perform. It often happens that because of one “hero,” the enemy bypasses the entire team and shoots everyone in the back.

Talk more while playing!

Try to communicate more with your team during the game. Alert your players to any enemy sightings and their movements. The more information you share, the easier it will be for you and your team to play. The players on your team must do the same accordingly.

Aim before you shoot!

Most players, especially beginners, make this mistake. The enemy, upon hearing the shots, will immediately hide or run away, and you will simply reveal yourself. It will be much more useful if you first aim and then start shooting.

Don't stand in one place!

Try to constantly move, so it will be more difficult for the enemy to understand where you are shooting from, to predict your actions, your appearance, and accordingly it will be more difficult to shoot you. And for you, in turn, with constant movement, it will be easier to take the enemy by surprise.

Don't concentrate on one goal!

Don't shoot over and over again at the player hiding in the shelter. Try to get around it from the side. Otherwise, by concentrating on one player, you can easily lose control over what is happening around you and you will simply be shot by another player from the enemy team. Keep your eyes open! Keep your ears open! Look around and look around!

When a player is defeated!

A player's defeat is considered to be a hit to any part of the body. The damage is not difficult to notice by the fresh spot of paint that appears at the site of contact. When you are hit, you must raise the marker above your head and leave the battlefield. Raised hands, together with the marker, mean that you are hit and that they can no longer shoot at you!

Play fair!

It is strictly forbidden to hide or erase traces of someone hitting you in order to deceive you into continuing the game. Be honest with your opponent and with yourself! From deception you will not become more strong player. In the end there is next game to rehabilitate.

Picking up balls from the ground is prohibited!

Picking up unexploded or simply spilled paintballs on the ground is prohibited. Thus, you will disable your paintball marker, for which you will subsequently bear financial responsibility, because the judge will easily understand what is going on here.

Choose the right shoes for the game!

Think in advance about what shoes you will wear to play paintball. Shoes should preferably be sports. Light sneakers that you don’t mind and that will be comfortable to run in are best suited for this. If the game is on open area Some players use spiked shoes to play football.

Take the club's business card with contacts!

During the game, the instructor referee will take photographs of your event. If you want to receive free photos your battle, do not forget to take our business card with club contacts before leaving. The business card shows our phone number and website address. Photos are posted throughout the week in our VK group, which you will find on the website. Join our group and find your photos in photo albums.

1. General Provisions

1.1.Paintball (hereinafter referred to as the “game”) is a team sports and technical game using pneumatic markers that shoot gelatin balls filled with water-soluble paint. For safety reasons, everyone on the playground is required to wear protective masks.

1.2. Persons over 12 years of age are allowed to participate in the game. Agree with these Rules and are familiar with the Safety Rules.

1.3. Players have the right to enter the game only after filling out the Collective Application for Participation in the Game.

2. Goal, objectives and course of the game

2.1. The purpose of the game is to have fun and have active recreation.

2.2. The objectives of the game are to complete the game task in accordance with the Scenario and receive points.

2.3. The game involves players armed and equipped taking into account the requirements of these Rules.

2.4. The objectives of the game, start and end times, and the boundaries of the playing area are determined by the Scenario and Regulations.

2.5. Progress of the game, execution gaming tasks, compliance with these Rules and Safety Regulations can be monitored by the organizers. The decisions made by them are not subject to discussion or challenge.

2.6. The game is played on fairness, so no disputes during the game are allowed.

3. Game area

3.1. The territory of the playground does not include respawns, headquarters, camps, shooting in them is prohibited.

3.2. All non-game objects must be designated in the Regulations and marked on the Maps.

3.3. The boundary of the playing area must be clearly marked on the ground and Maps. The boundary must be visible from a distance of at least 3 meters.

3.4. Paintball rules prohibit moving, damaging or destroying stationary objects (flagpoles, shields, banners, shelters, etc.) and structures (game and non-game). Other objects and structures can be moved, damaged or destroyed only if this is a game task.

3.5. The entire playing area is divided into playing squares; they must be marked on the Maps.

3.6. It is prohibited to install devices that can cause any harm to people, animals, equipment, or playground equipment.

4. Game weapons, equipment and equipment.

4.1. Weapon. Allowed to participate in the game are industrially manufactured pneumatic play weapons, available for free sale, adapted for firing gelatin balls filled with water-soluble paint of 0.68 mm caliber. The muzzle energy of a game weapon should not exceed 3 J.

The flight speed when shooting a 0.68 caliber ball should not exceed:

for paintball markers 300 fps.

4.2. Pyrotechnics. Industrially manufactured pyrotechnics that have passed state certification in Russia and are available for free sale in Russia, as well as pyrotechnics based on their operation, are allowed to participate in the game. The damaging element can be water-soluble paint or gelatin balls filled with water-soluble paint.

4.3. Everyone on the playground is required to wear protective masks over their faces.

4.4. For all players and equipment taking part in the game, the following color differentiation is accepted (to be specified before the game):

red - belonging to the army, team, group of “reds”;

yellow - belonging to the army, team, group of “yellows”;

white - serves to designate a capitulated army, team, group or parts thereof. It is an indispensable attribute of parliamentarians;

orange - judges, operators and other service personnel adhering to neutrality.

The color designation must be clear and visible from a distance of 10 m.

4.5. In armies, teams and groups, a system of club ranks has been adopted: General, Colonel, Major, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Private. Players who do not have a club title are automatically classified as ordinary players.

4.6. Players with a club rank have the right to wear a cipher corresponding to their club rank.

5. Defeats and disqualifications

5.1. A player is considered hit if:

There is a stain of paint on it (on the arm, leg, body) (from a shot from an in-game weapon, a cannon, a grenade or mine exploding);

He entered the “mining” zone, a buffer zone near the enemy headquarters, attacked the headquarters, spawn or camp, went out of bounds of the playing area;

He declared himself defeated;

He declared “out” to another player with a game weapon from which it was impossible to fire a ball;

When taken out, the player began to shoot back without requiring a “control shot” into the tree/ground;

The judge declared him defeated.

5.2. The affected player is obliged to raise the game weapon up, leave the carried items (except for personal or rental equipment) and take the shortest route to the headquarters, camp or respawn.

5.3. Hitting the marker does not count as a loss. Sprays that do not merge into a solid spot are not considered a defeat.

5.4. The affected player does not have the right to transfer his game weapon to anyone, share ammunition, or communicate to other players any information about the enemy and the progress of the game. The affected player must maintain complete radio silence.
5.5. A player is disqualified from the game if:

Refuses to tell the organizers the number of the control badge (there is no control badge) (if one is valid in the game);

Was noticed in unsportsmanlike behavior towards other players, service personnel, and organizers;

The player uses balloons/pyrotechnics not sold by the organizer and without having an agreement with the organizer on its use;

The player is under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

The player was found to have grossly violated the Safety Rules.

5.6. The player is obliged to present a control badge (if one is valid in the game) upon the first request of the service personnel, both on the playing court and outside it.

6. Technique

6.1. The admission of equipment, the rules for its participation and the restrictions imposed on it are determined by the organizers.

6.2. Each piece of equipment is accompanied by a judge who performs the duties of a navigator. The judge can also serve as a shooter.

6.3. Equipment acting on the side of one army or another can be damaged as follows:

The explosion of one grenade in one of the baskets mounted on both sides immobilizes the vehicle for 5 minutes, but does not deprive it of the ability to shoot;

The explosion of 2 grenades in two baskets destroys the equipment, in this case the color of the army, team or group changes to a neutral color. The equipment is driven to headquarters, respawn or camp.

7. Non-combatants

7.1. “Non-combatants” include: spectators, bystanders, operators, service personnel, organizers and players who have removed their protective mask. Shooting at non-combatants is prohibited.

7.2. The organizers are obliged to notify players of the presence of operators on the playing surface. Operators, in turn, should not interfere with the course of the game or interfere with its implementation.
