Games like Barbie gave birth to a baby. Barbie gives birth to a baby

We all know Barbie. But thanks to these photos, we can get a glimpse into the personal life of this popular doll. Photographer Katie Moore specializes in photographing pregnant women and childbirth, but her latest project is something completely new. In her photographs we see Barbie giving birth at home with the help of her beloved Ken, her first daughter and a midwife. Well, this doll has everything you can dream of, so why shouldn't she also go through what all the women in the world go through.

(Total 11 photos)

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1. “It’s my duty as someone who cares about the future of childbirth to tell the world as much as possible about it,” says Katie Moore.

2. “That's why I chose Barbie. Barbie is a strong woman. No matter what you think of her, you can't help but admit that she's been through everything."

3. Today, even Barbie would want to know everything about childbirth. This is what all women do today.”

4. “Whether you’re giving birth at home or in a hospital, you need to start taking control of your health and preparing for labor.”

5. “I don’t specialize only in home births. I’m interested in each woman’s unique way of giving birth.”

6. “Every woman is different, and they all need different things during labor. Maintaining positive memories of childbirth is very important not only for the mother and father, but also for the child.”

7. “Later, children will see how their parents wanted and loved them, how they cared for them. Then they will be able to see something beautiful in childbirth. That's what I'm trying to achieve."

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Our loving spouses The Lord God gave the firstborn - a beautiful daughter in the game about, who gives birth to a baby. The parents were overjoyed at the birth of their only daughter. They loved the baby and looked after her, anticipating all her whims and desires. The girl grew up to be a smart and beautiful daughter. Everything was going great until our mommy felt disgusting again. She felt sick in the morning and felt very bad. Barbie tried to determine the cause of her illness and took a pregnancy test. And, lo and behold, it turned out that our heroine of the game became pregnant again and she obviously will soon have a baby again. The husband ordered to take his beloved wife to the hospital for examination. Having used a high-tech ultrasound machine, the specialists determined that our mother would again have a beautiful doll.
Now you should take a very responsible approach to bearing future offspring. And the young couple went to Gym and did gymnastics for women in interesting positions. The faithful and devoted dad helped his wife bend and straighten her knees, and also rolled her on a huge ball. Then he massaged her spine in three places so that no salts were deposited, and mommy felt just great in the game - Barbie was giving birth to a baby. As you know, a woman carries the fruit of the womb near her heart for nine calendar months. Now our heroine of the game has come to the period when another tiny precious creature should be born. Dad sent his beloved to the maternity ward and was personally present at the birth, because the woman in labor began having prenatal contractions.
He lovingly wiped drops of sweat from his forehead and held her hand tightly with understanding and compassion, so that with his whole being he could make it clear that he was nearby and cared about her and that his wife was very dear to him. In the ward, under the guidance of experienced specialists, this sacrament of the birth of future life on earth took place. Finally, the baby's head with black hair appeared and her cry of welcome was heard. Everything is fine! God bless! Now we need to cut the umbilical cord and process it, then swaddle the baby and give it to the mother. The mother's condition is satisfactory and the baby also feels great in the game about Barbie giving birth to a baby. This interesting application is very useful in making it clear to all the girls that becoming a mother is wonderful, but her fragile shoulders bear a huge amount of care and great responsibility in raising a person for the benefit of society on the entire planet. Enjoy!

Do you love Barbie doll? Do you like mother-daughter games for girls where you can play around with your little ones? Do you feel like you have the makings of a doctor? So, it’s time in the game for girls: Barbie is giving birth to help the young mother get ready for the hospital, take care of her and her newborn baby.

Happy married couple

Barbie clung to her freedom and independence for many years. Before getting married and having children, the beauty first decided to realize herself as an individual. In games for girls, she proved herself to be a jack of all trades: she became a skilled cook, an excellent horsewoman, fashion designer etc.

All these years, the girls she was friends with were jealous that she had such a handsome boyfriend. Ken proposed marriage to her many times, but Barbie refused. She did not want to burden herself with household chores and was in no hurry to have children, so as not to spoil her figure. But over time, all her friends got married and gave birth to girls. I didn't want to leave Barbie away from her friends. She and Ken also got married, and soon Barbie gave birth to a beautiful girl.

Now they are happy married couple. Their daughter is already quite an old girl. When Barbie asked the girl for her birthday what gift she would like to receive, the daughter asked for a sister or brother. In this game for smart girls, Barbie doll is pregnant again and is about to give birth.

Packing your bag for the maternity hospital

This is not the first time the doll has given birth, but she still needs your help. At the beginning of the game, Barbie sits in the room with her daughter. She needs help collecting the necessary supplies for the maternity hospital. When Barbie gives birth, she will need a milk bottle, diapers and clothes for the baby in the hospital. In the game, click with the mouse on the things that mommy is thinking about and drag them into the bag. Then call 911 and go into labor.

Preparing for childbirth and caring for the baby

Later in the game you will act as a medic. Give the expectant mother a cardiogram, an injection, etc. When the baby is born, you will need to clear his nose of fluid, cut the umbilical cord, smear his body with oil, weigh him, swaddle him, etc. Now in the game, give it to mommy’s hands so that she can feed the baby.

You'll see, the plot exciting game Barbie giving birth will shock you. Just imagine, out of nowhere, two screaming babies fell on you.

While they smile, wiggle their legs and don’t take their joyful eyes off you, but in a second everything can change. When playing Rhoda Barbie, you can't be sure of anything. Babies' moods are terribly changeable. And the plot of the game about how Barbie gives birth clearly demonstrates this. At any second, the tiny creatures will burst into such a heartbreaking scream that an unprepared person risks developing a nervous tic.

And if in just a few minutes you don’t figure out how to calm them down, you’ll be eliminated from the game about how Barbie gave birth to a child, with the title of the worst mother in the world. Not a very cheerful prospect, right? But don't worry, there is a way out!

What do we have to do?

Pay attention to multi-colored panel, located at the very bottom game screen. On it you will find a whole arsenal of the most important things for caring for babies. Here you will find diapers, a bottle of milk, rattle toys, creams, soap, and a thousand other mega-necessary things. With their help, you will be able to calm the crying monsters, withstand the initial tests of the game for girls Barbie is giving birth with honor and move to its next level. However, the question remains open: what to use and when? There are two ways to determine this. The first is an experimental path, full of failures and mistakes, which, however, sooner or later will lead you to understanding the needs of virtual screen babies. It will be difficult to move along it, but very interesting. The second way is simpler and involves the use of cheat sheets that appear from time to time on the screen of the game Childbirth Barbie. Fortunately, the entertainment is Russified, and you won’t have to worry about translating foreign text. But don't think that the tips will completely simplify and make things easier for you. game process. You need to click on them quickly, and do what they advise you to do even faster. Otherwise, the result will be the same - screaming babies and your loss.

Very convenient option

As you already understood from the plot of the game, you, of course, will not have to give birth to Barbie, but this does not make the entertainment any easier. Coping with kids is still a challenge challenging task. However, with a certain amount of effort, perseverance and attentiveness, even this is possible. Moreover, the developers have come up with another little hint for you. They marked a scale above each baby’s head, which makes it easy to understand what the child’s mood is at the moment and how quickly it will give way to desperate crying. As long as the scale is completely filled, there is nothing to worry about. But as soon as the column on it begins to decrease, prepare for the worst. If you guess in time what the child needs and can provide it to him before the scale drops to zero, he will rise again. If you don't have time, you'll lose again.

And keep in mind - the game has many levels, each subsequent one more difficult than the previous one. But if you can go through all of them, you can be sure that even a real baby won’t scare you anymore.
