Dangerous and cruel games that should not be played. Cruel Games

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Games that are killing our children

Reports of very dangerous, if not completely deadly games, which Russian teenagers are carried away by, have become so frequent that such expressions as “a wave has covered” and “a craze” are already quite appropriate.

“Death groups”, “Run or Die”, “Disappear for 24 hours”: not only Moscow, but also Kuzbass schoolchildren began to receive messages on social networks that would make any parent’s hair stand on end. What new dangers threaten our children, and most importantly, how to deal with them, we will understand in this article.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning the message that began to be actively distributed on social networks in early February 2017. It begins with the words “Sent from the Department of Education” and contains a warning to parents. It describes extremely dangerous games that directly threaten the lives of children. Then, on February 7, children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova called on police to investigate the Run or Die game. And on February 8, a 20-year-old guy died in Berezovsky. Immediately there were suggestions that the young man was a member of a “death group” on a social network.

At the moment, everyone's attention is focused on three teenage "hobbies": "Run or Die", "Disappear for 24 hours" and "death groups" on social networks. In this article we will try to understand in detail what each of these phenomena is and how parents can protect their children.

"Run or Die"

What it is?

This is a call to blatantly break the rules traffic, endanger your own life and create a dangerous traffic situation. This “game” has no philosophy other than “show how cool you are.” This is from the same opera as jumping into the snow from garages, car “hooks” and “bungee jumps”. Do you remember anything about your childhood, dear parents? But jokes aside: those funs were exactly the same evil as the hashtag #flight or die. I think there is no need to tell anyone about how dangerous it is to cross the road in front of a car. Why do teenagers take such risks? Why don't new generations get smarter? The answers to these questions lie in the field of child psychology.

“As the child grows up, the psyche must go through a stage of individuation, which will mark the transformation into a boy or girl. This stage is reflected in the rite of transformation of a boy into a man among primitive tribes, where, through a series of risky tests, the boy becomes a man. Teenagers take similar risky steps, showing that they have overcome fear and made this transition; accordingly, in the group of teenagers there are those who were able to do this and those who were not able to. During this period of mental formation, it is extremely important to take a certain place in the group, and the fear of being rejected by the group is much stronger than the fear of death and injury,” explains psychoanalyst Alexander Sedov.

What are the authorities doing?

As for the mass appeal of the “Run or Die” game, it most likely exists only on the pages of the media. After each frightening headline on the RuNet follows: “The department for promoting road safety of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs assured us that so far no accidents related to such disputes have been recorded in the region.” We are talking about any region of Russia. That is, accidents involving children, unfortunately, do happen, but all cases are individual.

However, the authorities have already begun to fight. As we have already mentioned, Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with a request to investigate. In the future, visits by representatives of departments to schools and special preventive classes will probably follow.
In Kuzbass, such measures are being taken without the participation of Kuznetsova.

“Inspectors for minors, together with traffic police officers, conduct raids to suppress violations of traffic rules by children and teenagers. In schools, police also carry out explanatory work. The main thing is to teach children safe behavior on the streets and on the road,” said the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kemerovo Region .

Nothing new: from the cradle, instill in your child exactly how to cross the road. And more effective ways does not exist. That is, behave like all normal parents. And from about the same age, begin to explain the difference between coolness and stupidity. However, since the hype around this hashtag has already swelled, it wouldn’t hurt to talk again.

And for drivers there is only one piece of advice, also as old as the history of the automotive industry: if you see children or teenagers on the side of the road, reduce your speed. Always. With or without a hashtag, you never know what will come to mind.

"Disappear for 24 hours"

What it is?

This is a call to hide so that no one finds you for 24 hours. Mobile phone It is prohibited to take any other means of communication with you. It is not difficult to imagine what danger the child will expose himself to and what will happen to the parents’ nerves.

The existence of such fun was reported to the world by the media of the city of Rostov-on-Don, where two boys disappeared within 3 days of each other. Moreover, according to their data, one of the boys definitely played “Disappear for 24 Hours”, the second “most likely”. The boys were found alive and well, the police did not talk about any game, but, at the instigation of the federal media, a “game that is being distributed among schoolchildren on the Internet” appeared. The truth about other players outside Rostov region, there is no reliable information yet. It’s not a fact that such a phenomenon as “Disappear for 24 hours” even exists. And we are certainly not talking about a mass hobby.

What are the authorities doing?

So far, none of the government officials have officially recognized the existence of such a phenomenon, especially on a national scale. No such disappearances were observed on the territory of Kuzbass. They are looking for missing people, but their disappearances are not being linked to any game or hashtag.

How can parents fight this evil?

Children started running away from home not yesterday. The reasons are always the same: either bad relationships with parents, or “towards adventure.” In the latter case, reading “Tom Sawyer” may be enough. There is no other means of combating this except parental attention. If you raise a child and devote a lot of time to him, then with a high degree of probability you will understand that he is up to something. And if you miss the moment of escape, then contact the police in time. And most importantly, when the child is returned home (or returns himself), do not give vent to anger; any competent teacher will advise you to do this. Your task is not to punish the fugitive, but to prevent similar “games” in the future. Conduct a debriefing, figure out what led to the escape, in general, negotiate with the child, enter into an agreement with him that will suit everyone. And don’t be lazy to explain how dangerous this is. Believe it or not, a teenager may simply not understand this, despite the fact that he is already so big.

“Children, for a number of reasons, are not able to objectively weigh risks; the mental attitude “nothing bad will happen to me” is still too strong. Teenagers often consider the right to manage their own lives to be an attribute of adulthood, without having sufficient adult experience, taking the adults’ phrase “I am the master of my own destiny” too literally,” Alexander Sedov shares his knowledge.

"Groups of Death"

What it is?

But this is already very serious and truly scary. According to the most optimistic estimates, the number of victims of this “game” in Russia is at least 15 teenagers. All of them committed suicide, and all were members of so-called “death groups” on social networks. The starting point of the “game” is considered to be November 23, 2015 - on this day a girl known on the Internet under the nickname Rina committed suicide. Novaya Gazeta examined the circumstances of this tragedy in detail. The article had the widest resonance. It was after this that they no longer began to talk about “death groups,” but to shout all over the country. However, the Russian Investigative Committee states that these groups began to appear online much earlier – since 2013.

Without playing with words, the participants in such “groups” are people systematically preparing their own death under the guidance of the group administrator. They are given tasks step by step, the last of which is suicide. Administrators of such groups most often contact teenagers themselves, start a conversation, and invite them to “game.” Such communities on social networks are always closed, which adds to their attractiveness in the eyes of teenagers - “I was invited, which means I am the chosen one!”
There are no officially confirmed cases of suicides associated with “death groups” in Kuzbass. But this does not mean that our children do not know about them. They are very familiar with scary hashtags like #f57, #morekits or #nyapok (we'll tell you more about them a little later). But the worst thing is that here in Kuzbass, children receive offers to “start the game” from polite strangers. A Kemerovo schoolgirl who received the message forwarded it to the Sibdepo editorial office.

No direct appeals, only hints of the freedom that the “little whale” will gain. It even seems to be the other way around - he dissuades. But when we at the editorial office read this message, we felt unwell. And most importantly - what awaits the “player” next. This is what a Kemerovo high school student who received this message told a Sibdepo correspondent.

“For example, #f57, #f58, #morekitov, #quiethouse. You should make a wall post with a poem about suicide and these hashtags. Then the curator writes to you, you tell them why you decided to commit suicide, you write them your address and phone number. The first task is to make the inscription “whale” on your hand (there are others). Every day you will have to enter their conversation at 4:20 (this time, because there is something related to drugs). At this time, you listen to audio with screams, screams, etc. And every day you write on the wall how many days are left, there are 50 in total, every day there is a new task, the last one is suicide. If you refuse, they begin to intimidate you, that they will come to your house (you told them the address yourself) and kill the whole family, they call you on the phone and thereby drive the child to suicide,” the girl said about the rules of the “game.”

Here are excerpts from the correspondence of our heroine with one such “player”.

You can applaud the girl and the parents who raised her. She quickly realized that this was no longer funny and stopped the conversation. But in her place there could be someone who would want to participate “for fun.” And what then, we already know: going online at 04.20, tasks, whales, butterflies, “if you refuse, we will kill your family” and so on. What if the child is depressed? Having a fight with your parents, breaking up with your girlfriend/boyfriend... You never know what kind of trouble may seem like the catastrophe of the century to a teenager. Namely, these children are the main target of the “curators” from the “death groups”.

Philip "Lis" Budeykin is the creator of the closed community "f57" on the social network "VKontakte"

Who needs all this and why?

Several very specific people are known to investigators from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the FSB, and one is known to all of Russia. His name is Philip Budeikin, known online as Philip Lis. He has now been arrested, declared sane and awaiting trial. He himself claims that he “got carried away” and “didn’t want to,” and his goal was only popularity on the Internet. This, by the way, is quite possible - in December 2015, Lis participated in a large-scale Internet flash mob, when dozens of schoolchildren pretended to commit suicide.

Some of the administrators of the “death groups” are known to the general public only by their nicknames, for example, Sea of ​​Whale and Miron Seth. The latter, by the way, after Novaya Gazeta made a fuss, said that journalists are idiots, and he is pursuing a noble mission.

This screenshot was published by journalists from the Lenta.ru portal. According to the publication, after an investigation by Novaya Gazeta, Miron Seth decided to “deploy a machine gun,” and the Sea of ​​Whale simply realized what was threatening him and stepped away from managing his groups. The fame-hungry Fox pretended to be the Sea of ​​Whales, gathered his subscribers into his group f57 and promoted suicide until he was arrested.

But these are only a few. And no one knows how many such groups appeared on VKontakte alone. The Investigative Committee speaks of 8 communities, the same Lenta.ru speaks of hundreds of similar groups.

Who are they, these “curators”? What motivates them?

Fox version

People who want popularity and are overplayed.

Internet users version

Professionals working for the powerful enemies of Russia, with the help of “death groups”, depriving our country of the future. They are subtle psychologists; they know how and where to deliver psychological blows and deprive the victim of their will.

Psychoanalyst's version

These people realize their unconscious needs that they cannot realize in any other way:
- unconscious sadistic tendencies, the desire to control people, to feel like a ruler over the lives of others.
- realization of one’s own aggressive impulse, the opportunity to experience an extreme form of aggression - essentially killing another person.
- realization of the need for one’s own greatness - gaining the status of an idol, a ruler over destinies, satisfaction from creating one’s own cult.

Psychoanalyst Alexander Sedov also complained that the topic of suicide is sometimes overly romanticized in music, literature and cinema. And such “curators” simply use this. As a result, it seems to the “little whale” that he will lie all so beautiful and pale. And the “curator” prefers to remain silent about the protruding tongue and relaxed sphincters. It turns out that every time, “hanging out” on social networks, our children have a chance to meet such a “Fox” one on one.

still from the movie "Romeo and Juliet"

What are the authorities doing?

The work of the investigative authorities is in plain sight. As RIA Novosti reported, in November last year, employees of the Investigative Committee conducted searches of administrators and members of “death groups” with the pseudonyms “Philip More”, “Miron Stekh”, “Keeper of Truth” and others. This happened in 10 regions of Russia, including Kuzbass. We have already mentioned the detention of Philip Lys.

The management of social networks regularly bans communities that appear again and again. Even Instagram, which doesn’t have much to write about, announced a campaign launched against suicide propaganda.

But this is work that is being carried out at the federal level. What about the regions? In particular, here in Kuzbass? The Department of Education of the Kemerovo Region said that they did not send any messages on social networks, they do not personally fight any communities, and carry out systematic work on suicide prevention on an ongoing basis.

“In Kuzbass, classes and conversations are held on an ongoing basis with students and their parents on the topic of cybersecurity, including on issues of safe behavior on social networks,” the department’s press service told Sibdepo.

Regional police, in turn, are taking steps specifically against “death groups” on social networks. As the press service of the department said, employees of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs purposefully monitor social networks, looking for not only “curators”, but also children who show interest in suicidal communities.

“When minors who are prone to committing suicide are identified, as well as those who are members of the above groups or games, specialists from all bodies and institutions of the prevention system are involved in working with children and families. Police officers promptly inform psychologists about cases where their intervention is necessary, and to the maximum extent possible. In a short time, such specialists are involved in the work of psychological support for minors,” the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kemerovo Region reported.

And if we talk about the struggle on a planetary scale, journalist Maxim Kononenko expressed a sensible idea in his article “Why are we still not ready for the “sea of ​​whales”?” . The author proposes to abandon anonymity on the Internet altogether. However, he immediately refutes his thesis, reminding how many countries there are on our planet. And that for such a decision they all must adopt the appropriate laws and monitor their implementation. Unreal? Right. So let's think about what we can do ourselves, in our own families.

What is this blog about:

After the announcement of the game Hatred, the Internet was swept by a wave of panic from moralists from all over the world: “Just imagine that a child who played this game wants to kill someone and real life, to experience the pleasure that he experienced in the game, killing innocent people,” - this is exactly the speech of the average moralophagist-moralophage. And since most of them lack critical thinking, the absence of which allows them to judge what they do not understand - I want dot all the i's, explaining how and why violent games (including such realistic ones) not only do NOT harm the human psyche, but even help in the difficult path of life.

By training I am not a psychologist, but a mathematician. But it just so happens that I am a mathematician who really likes to bury himself in books on psychology, analyzing the material presented in them, primarily from the point of view of a harmonious mathematical system, and considering human personality as a complex reaction mechanism. This approach forces you to think critically about any material, excluding those ideas that often contradict themselves, or in the presentation of which it is clearly clear that the cause is adjusted to the effect (an example of such adjustment is very well illustrated by accusations of computer games for cruelty in reality).

Why do we play computer games

The first and most obvious reason is that games bring us relaxation, relaxation and pleasure. Any gamer will confirm this to you.
Even competitive discipline games like LoL or Dota. But since this topic is controversial (in the absence of any sign of violence such as blood (I’ll explain why later)), let’s focus on single-player games and MMOs for now, without touching competitive discipline games.
Now let's go by words:
Does anyone see a desire to kill here, no? And I don't see.
Now let's look at this from a psychologist's perspective:
In psychology there is such a term - “escapism”.
In order not to copy the wiki, I’ll explain it in simple terms: this is the desire to somehow escape from the surrounding reality into the world of illusions. Books, music, TV, TV series, films, even football in the yard or your own thoughts - this is all a form of escapism..., and of course - computer games.
The point is very simple: reality loves to bend over and dominate our anus, bodies and souls. And of course, each of us wants to run away, at least for a second to forget about existing problems that require solutions, about things that need to be done, but don’t want to do, and about life in which we need to somehow survive and in an amicable way and live happily ever after.

Why violent computer games are good and not evil.

But games have a huge advantage over other types of escapism - they allow you to splash out aggression not on relatives and close people, but on faceless dummies in some game. And the tougher this happens, the better.
But ! A small caveat - this will be more suitable for men than girls. Due to male hormones, in particular testosterone, aggression is purposefully accumulated in men, while in the minds of girls the craving for sensual and emotional experiences prevails (and they quench them in sims).
Thus, coming home after school, the abstract evil 8th grader Vasya, who was bullied by his classmates all school day, breaks down not at the girl (because he doesn’t have one), and not at his poor parents, but, silently burying himself in the monitor, cuts off heads passers-by and urinates on their bodies in the game Postal 2.
Terrible on the face, kind inside (c)

Why this is not entirely true for online competitive disciplines.

Largely because the game ceases to be a game - it is already a competition with a certain focus on winning, and in cases where this fails, the vicious circle of unrealized irritation closes on itself: a person plays a game to relax and relieve tension, but Because of the defeats that come one after another, his irritation only grows.
But this NOT GUILTY games. It's the fault of the competitive and accessible element of this game. The same element that exists in study, work, throughout life, while a person subconsciously continues to compare himself with others, only in the case of MOBA games - this element is clearly expressed.

Why will a person never go kill people on the streets JUST because of a game.

I don't deny that the game can be catalyst desire to kill, but only in the case when the person who has everything very very very bad in life, turns to the game as a last refuge, a refuge from the real world and... fails in the game. And this last failure, in a series of his failures, turns out to be decisive, he grabs a weapon and... you know the rest.
Further: there are a lot of subconscious barriers in our psyche. To kill someone without being prepared in this way requires a very strong shift in the perception of the surrounding world. The game is simply not able to provide such a shift. It does not have similar mechanisms of influence on our perception, because the I-he distinctions that separate us and the character have been and will remain.

As an epilogue.

By blaming games for their children’s troubles, parents try to hide the fact that they have no idea how to raise their child so that neither games nor anything else can damage the perception of the world around them. And if you’re going to look for a problem, then look for it in your environment, in your upbringing, and not in what allows you to rest and relax. You could just as easily blame the sofa for the fact that its hardness is the reason for the murder of another bunch of schoolchildren... and you know... the sofa is much more likely to be to blame for this!
I was with you, with Love.

Date of publication: 11/25/2012

On October 9, deputies from United Russia proposed introducing a ban on violent computer games. Some supported this initiative, while others were categorically against it. Let's figure it out.

The age-old question

In general, the topic of the harm of computer games is very popular. The world has traditionally been divided into two camps...

Cruel Games dangerous

All conservative people adhere to this concept. However, they are somewhat right. After all, there are truly cruel and immoral games. And considering that any schoolchild knows how to use torrents, absolutely everyone can play violent games, regardless of age restrictions.

Of course, the games themselves are not dangerous. If an ordinary normal person plays a cruel game, it will not affect his psyche in any way. But there are people who are prone to violence on their own. In this case, a violent computer game will be an incentive to violence in the real world. You don't have to look far for examples.

For example, the pharmacy chain lawyer Dmitry Vinogradov, who shot six of his colleagues. It is believed that he was inspired to do this by the game Manhunt, which is replete with violence (in fact, the reason is unrequited love).

In April 1999, two teenagers shot 12 classmates. It is believed that they were influenced by the game Doom.

In September 2001, a seventeen-year-old resident of Tyumen killed his parents iron bars because they didn't let him into the computer club.

That same month in China, a twenty-two-year-old boy stole money from his mother to go to a computer club. When the mother found out about this, she made a scandal for her son. As a result, the guy poisoned his mother and hid her body in a laundry drawer, where it lay for a month and a half. According to Chinese laws, the guy was executed.

Games are not dangerous, people themselves are dangerous

It all depends on the human psyche. There are people who only need a small incentive to start breaking laws. They have a low level of social responsibility. Therefore, you should not blame games, because you can also watch enough violent films or read violent books.

It is not cruelty and violence in games that is dangerous, but addiction to them. If a person works normally, studies, and spends a couple of hours playing a computer game in the evenings, then this is normal. For them, playing is just a way to relax and have fun.

If a person spends all his time on games, then this is a psychological deviation. Which means he needs to be treated.

Sometimes the addiction to games is so strong that people spend several days playing the game and then die from exhaustion.

In August 2001, a 22-year-old Thai man died while playing Counter Strike. After examining the body, doctors indicated the cause of death - the Thai simply got overexcited during the game and died of heart failure.

In October 2002, a 24-year-old South Korean resident died of exhaustion. He played non-stop for 86 hours. At the same time, he did not sleep or eat at all.

On June 22, 2005, a 12-year-old schoolboy from Yekaterinburg died. He spent 12 hours playing games every day - as a result he suffered a stroke.

Addiction and how to treat it

As you can see, it is not the cruelty in games that is dangerous, but the addiction to these games. If your relative or friend begins to spend too much time playing games at the expense of work or study, then follow the following rules.

Teenagers. Many parents often find that their children spend too much time playing games. Your task is to redirect children's energy in a different direction.
A teenager addicted to games is a sign of disharmonious personality development. Most likely he is simply not well adapted to real life. Such children are unsociable and have few friends among their peers. Another reason may be an unfavorable situation. If there are problems in the family, then the child will “hide” in the game away from the cruel world.
Your task is to identify the child’s problems and help him solve them. Don't let him play for more than 2 hours a day or until he has done his homework. Otherwise, you will get a typical “nerd” - a person who has no friends, no achievements in sports, or academic achievements.

Conscious age. If you are already old enough to give yourself an account of your actions, then think seriously. Think about it: is playing games harmful to your life? If you are not playing more than a couple hours a day, then this is normal. But if games start to overwhelm you, then this is a reason to take care of yourself.
Your task is to understand that life will fly past you. No matter how many missions you complete in the virtual world, you will not achieve anything in reality.

"Dumb reaction"

The thing is, people like to talk about violent games. Another news about a teenager who killed a dozen people by playing games is disturbing the population. And for politicians this is another chance to attract attention. This is what Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak did, declaring that violent games should be banned altogether. He was supported by United Russia member Vladimir Burmatov and senator Ruslan Gattarov.

Needless to say, this idea is stupid as hell. No system will keep an inquisitive mind from downloading pirate games from the Internet. And given the level of piracy in Russia (95%), we can say that 95 out of 100 people use pirated games.

Moreover, in most cases of murder, there is no direct connection between addiction to computer games and the crime itself. Criminals play games, but not vice versa (one-sided addiction).

The only way to stop addiction is through proper parenting practices and self-awareness among gamers. In addition, gamers cannot be completely weaned from games. If your child plays games a lot, then wait until he turns 16. As a rule, most teenagers at the age of 16 switch their attention from games to the opposite sex. Let your child play enough and throw out his anger virtual world. But don’t let this hobby turn into an addiction.


The modern generation of people was born in the era of information and computer games.

For them, this is not just a hobby, but something more. Games are a part of their childhood and life. But some grow up and some don't. At one time they also talked about television addiction.

There are many more useful and interesting ways pastime than computer games. But the problem is that some people are addicted to it at a deep level. As my friend once said: “Computer games are the best thing in my life. And at the same time - the worst.”

Be healthy!

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Computer shooters are very popular today. Sometimes the battle unfolding on the screen is striking in its cruelty. Blood flows like a river, characters die in agony. And the player sitting in front of the screen continues to kill virtual opponents over and over again.

Some do it with frenzy, others in cold blood. The presence of violence in these "action" games bothers many people.

For decades, there has been debate about how dangerous the impact of violent video games on children can be.

Some countries have banned the sale of games of a certain category.

So, in Brazil in 2008, a ban on sales was adopted Counter-Strike games and EverQuest.

In Greece It is completely prohibited to play any computer games in public places. Even playing chess on a laptop somewhere in a park can get you three months in prison or a fine of up to $10,000. However, the ban was initially directed against gambling, however, officials were unable to clearly define the criteria for selecting gambling from non-gambling games and banned everything at once.

In Russia The authorities attempted to fight the games in the Belgorod region. They issued a decree banning the distribution of “products that promote violence, aggression and antisocial behavior” in computer stores. The wording is also very general; according to it, you can be held accountable even for a game where a character breaks bricks of walls, since this can be regarded as an act of vandalism.

In Germany There are also active discussions about introducing a ban on “bloody shooters.” Especially after the pogrom perpetrated by one of the students at the school in March 2009. 17-year-old Tim Kretschmer shot 15 people with his father's pistol and then committed suicide. A popular song was found on his computer. team game Counter-Strike, a game in which he spent a significant part of his time.

Psychologists point out the danger of addiction to games in general. “Hooked” on games, a person, and especially a teenager with an unformed psyche, is capable of extremely cruel acts.

All of Russia was shocked by the story of a 17-year-old resident of St. Petersburg, who in June 2012 stabbed to death his own mother, who forbade him to play for days on end. His mother constantly made comments to him, and after another conflict a major quarrel broke out. Outraged by her son's idleness, the woman turned off the computer and kicked him out of the room, locking herself from the inside. The angry teenager grabbed a knife, broke down the door and stabbed his mother several times, after which he turned on the computer and continued the game. According to the press service of the Investigative Committee, “the victim independently got to the phone and called an ambulance.” He died while undergoing medical procedures. The teenager continued to play Counter-Strike on the computer when doctors arrived.

Dmitry Vinogradov, who shot seven colleagues in a Moscow office in November 2012, was also a big fan of the similar computer game Manhunt. After this crime, a commission was created in the State Duma to oversee the sale of video games, and this game may be completely banned from sales in Russia, as happened in Australia, Germany, Canada and New Zealand. In the UK, it was the game Manhunt that was considered as a “catalyst” for brutal murders during the investigation of one of the high-profile cases.

Violent video games don't make kids angrier.

Most computer games contain elements of violence to one degree or another. But how dangerous can this be? A number of experts warn against excessive dramatization of the impact of brutal “shooters” on the mind. In order for a person to go kill people in real life, his personality must initially have a tendency towards this, psychologists say.

According to experts, a lot depends on parents and upbringing. If the correct foundations of kindness towards others, love for parents, respect for elders, etc., are laid, then the child will transfer this to any game. Children from disadvantaged families are known for their cruelty both in computer games and in simple yard games. With the right values ​​embedded in the head, the child will not even begin to play bloody games, because you taught him compassion and that pain is bad. Always play games with your child together at first. This will help you understand the essence of the proposed product; in addition, you should never give a game to a child just to get rid of it. This always leads to tragedy and disrespect.

Recent research by scientists in the USA showed that playing violent video games does not necessarily make a child aggressive. In the American scientific journal “Journal of Youth and Adolescence” in August 2013, the work of two researchers from Stenson University was published, which states that violent computer games not only do not make children more aggressive, but, on the contrary, can help children suffering from the syndrome. attention deficit, lose aggression and calm down somewhat.

Researchers Ferguson and Olson observed 377 “difficult” children. All of them had attention deficit disorder and depression. Average age adolescents, both boys and girls, were 13 years old. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that children became less aggressive after playing and their behavior was not as defiant as before.

As the article says, looking for a relationship between crimes committed by teenagers and the computer games they play is not entirely correct. The study's authors call it a coincidence that a large number of young criminals played violent games, explaining that today in similar games Almost all teenagers who own a computer play at least from time to time.

How to wean a teenager off the computer?

Be that as it may, excessive passion for games poses a risk to the health and psyche of a teenager.

One of the “gamers” says:

« I've been playing games since early childhood. The first was WarCraft II, I was about 6 years old, and then almost all new products passed through my eyes and hands. I never particularly liked bloody games, it was just disgusting. But you can easily play. You will sit for several hours at the “box” and even real world you begin to perceive it as somehow strange... Fortunately, I can control it, but I understand how this happens in guys with a weaker psyche, how these seemingly causeless antics occur. So games have an impact on our mind. It is important, as with everything, to know your norm.».

Here are a few simple tips for parents of young “gamers”:

  • Do not, under any circumstances, prohibit your child from playing on the computer under the threat of punishment. This will have the opposite effect, and he will leave home and disappear somewhere in search of the coveted Internet connection.
  • Try to talk openly with your teenager and talk about your concerns about his health and development. Talk on equal terms, like an adult with an adult, not prohibiting, but talking about more interesting things in life.
  • become a friend to your child, spend more time together, go where you find it interesting together.
  • give your child a membership to a fitness club, but don’t insist on visiting, just push, saying: “since the money has been paid, maybe you can at least go to trial training?”
  • If a teenager spends most of his time at the computer, neglecting his studies, has become aggressive and irritable, and does not respond to comments, seek help from a psychologist. Maybe, we're talking about about a serious addiction that cannot be removed with persuasion. Together with a specialist, you will overcome this difficult period in the life of a teenager.

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When looking for a game for your child, it is important to remember that the child’s psyche is not fully formed. A child perceives information much more difficult than a teenager or adult. So, let's begin…

1. Wii Sports Club

As with all physical activities, with young children there is always the possibility that your child may harm himself or others, they simply lack coordination. Of course, sport is good, but for children it is dangerous. Their body has not yet formed and cannot control movements. Children can hurt themselves and others.

2. Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is one of the most dynamic and complex shooters. The main point is played by surveillance cameras and bullet penetration through several walls and surfaces. This game can cause your children to become extremely aggressive.

3. Slender series of games

Games based on horror films are the most popular and have the most special effects. Children perceive game heroes as supernatural beings who prefer to stalk and kidnap children. All these horror games destroy the already unformed psyche of the child.

4. Assassin's Creed series of games

In terms of content, this game is not the most graphically out of place compared to its contemporaries. The game is based on historical events, but it also contains motives of murder and aggression. If the child plays under the supervision of an adult, then it may not harm the psychological health of your child.

5. Hitman series

Game of the murder simulator series. Perhaps this game is the most dangerous for your child - the main task is to beat or kill people. You can create the image of your character yourself, down to the accessories.
