Imaginarium rules. Classic Imaginarium: rules of the game

Each player chooses an elephant and a set of voting cards of the same color as the elephant. There are seven voting cards. You will need as many cards as there are people playing. If there are 6 people playing, you don't need card number 7.

Definition of the first move

You must determine who will go first. You can use voting cards for this. All participants take their voting cards, shuffle them and draw any card at random. The one who drew the card with the highest number starts walking first. Any other mechanic can be used to select the player to start first. For example, we play this right in chess. Further the game is on clockwise.

Progress of the game

The bishops of all players are placed on the playing field on cloud 1.

The deck with illustration cards is shuffled and each player is given 6 cards.

The player makes an association.

Each turn one of the players becomes the leader. The presenter makes an association on one of his cards, says this association out loud to the other players and places the wished card face down on the table.

Guessing the leader's card

The main task of the players is to guess which of the cards laid out on the table the presenter wished for and vote for it. Each player selects one voting card with the desired number and places it face down. The presenter does not vote or comment on the pictures laid out on the table. You cannot vote for your own picture. When everyone has made a decision and voted, the voting cards are turned over and the points are counted.


Players move their pieces on the playing field by the number of steps corresponding to the number of points won.

The player comes up with associations for the images on the cards and tries to unravel the associations of other players himself.

Game characteristics

  • Number of players: 4-7 people
  • Game time: 30-60 minutes
  • Age: 12+
  • It is included in the kit:
    • playing field
    • 98 association cards
    • 7 chips in the form of winged elephants
    • 7 tokens for 7 players (total 49 pcs.)
    • 5 tokens with the image of a man and a trash can (they do not participate in the game in any way - they can be thrown away)
    • rules of the game
  • Brand:

Buy the classic “Imaginarium” at an attractive price

Authors about the board game “Imaginarium”

"Imaginarium" is one of the most popular games in Russia. Every year we sell about 200,000 copies of games in this series. The players' task is to invent and guess associations for strange, psychedelic and simply crazy illustrations created by famous Russian artists and designers.

Rules of the game "Imaginarium"

There are few rules in the Imaginarium board game and they are all easy to remember.

Beginning of the game

At the beginning of the game, you need to decide on the number of players. The minimum number of players in the Imaginarium game is 4, the maximum is 7.

Each player takes a chip (bishop) of the color they like.
The game offers a choice of 7 colors:

  • red
  • white
  • yellow
  • green
  • black
  • blue
  • and pink


If there are four players, then each player receives four tokens with numbers from 1 to 4.

After you have figured out the number of players, you need to decide on the number of cards participating in the game.


We are playing with four players, which means we must have 96 association cards in our hands (that is, 2 cards from the common deck do not participate in the game).

You can play with the entire deck (98 pieces), but then at the end of the game the players will have a different number of cards in their hands.

Start of the game

All players place their chips (bishops) on starting position playing field - the largest cloud with the number 1.

A special feature of the Imaginarium game is that at each turn one of the players plays the role of leader.
Determining the first presenter is not difficult - you can simply appoint him or become one by winning the Rock-Paper-Scissors mini-tournament.

Subsequent leaders are assigned automatically: leader No. 2 will be the player sitting to the left of leader No. 1.

The presenter carefully mixes the deck with association cards and distributes 6 cards to each player. Cards are dealt face down (players do not see what is shown on them). The presenter does not forget to deal himself 6 cards.

The rest of the deck is placed on the center of the playing table (also face down).

First move

Presenter No. 1 chooses one of his cards and comes up with an association for it, after which he reads it out loud.


"Our Soviet childhood."

After that, he places his card on the table (still face down), and the other players try to find a card in their deck that matches the leader’s association.
After a sometimes rather difficult choice, each player places his card on the leader's card.

The presenter shuffles the cards again (possibly behind his back), after which he lays out all the cards face down from right to left.

Guessing the leader's card

After the players have carefully examined the images on the cards, they try to guess the leader's card among them.


Each player hands over to the leader one of his tokens with the number of the intended card.
The game does not continue until the leader receives tokens from all players.

Then the presenter places the player tokens under the cards - each with its own number.


  • Players who guess the leader's card move 3 steps forward along playing field.
    In addition, players receive one additional step for each token that votes for their card.
    In this case, the leader’s chip also moves 3 steps forward + 1 step for each player who guessed his card.

  • If no one voted for the leader’s card, then his chip moves back 2 steps, and the players’ chips move forward according to the number of people who voted for their cards.

  • If all players voted for the leader’s card (too obvious an association), then the players’ chips remain in their place, and the leader’s chip moves back 3 steps.

  • All players except one guessed his card.
    Result: The leader's chip moves 3 steps forward + 1 step for each player who guesses his card.
  • All players guessed his card.
    Result: all player pieces remain in place, the leader’s piece moves 3 steps back.
  • The player guessed the leader's card, other players voted for his card.
    Result: The player's piece moves 3 steps forward + 1 step for each person who votes for his card.
    In this case, the leader’s chip moves 4 steps forward (3+1).
  • The player did not guess the leader's card; no one voted for his card.
    Result: The player's piece remains in place.

Scoring example


Guessed association: “Our Soviet childhood.”

In our case, the leader's card is the last one on the right (with Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka).

One of the players (white) guessed it, so the leader's piece moves 4 steps forward (3 basic steps + 1 step for the only one who guessed).

The white player’s piece should also have been moved 3 steps forward, but his card (with a pioneer and a cake) was successfully voted for by two other players, which means White elephant moves along the playing field 5 steps forward (3+2=5).

The blue and green players did not guess the leader's card, in addition, no one voted for their cards, so their chips do not move anywhere and remain in their places.

Next move in the game

The played cards are sent to the “discard” (bito), the players receive one new map from the deck.

The role of the leader passes to the next player (clockwise).

Special clouds on the playing field

Some clouds on the playing field are marked with special markers.
The presenter, whose chip ends up on such a field, must come up with a special association.

The presenter must come up with an association in the form of a question.


“Isn’t the MiMiMimeter measured in cats?”

The presenter's association must consist of exactly four words.


“Pioneer is an example to all children!”

Brand association

Once on such a cloud, the presenter’s association should be associated with a well-known brand, slogan or commercial.


“Justduit doesn’t like it when it blows from the window.”

The biggest stress when you buy new game- is to wade through the intricacies of the rules. In Imaginarium, the developers approached the description of the rules with special love and talked about them in such a way that anyone can understand them in five minutes.


Each player chooses a bishop and voting tokens of the same color. There are a total of 7 tokens in the game. You need to take as many as the number of people participating in the game. If 5 people play, then 5 tokens.

Progress of the game

  • The bishops of all players stand on the field on a cloud with the number “1”
  • The deck of cards is shuffled and players receive 6 cards.
  • One player becomes the leader and comes up with an association. Then the next player in clockwise order becomes the leader.

The presenter comes up with an association with one of his cards, says it out loud and places it face down on the table.

Special Fields

There are special fields on the playing field that impose conditions on inventing associations:

the association must contain exactly four words
the association must be made in the form of a question
the association must be associated with a well-known brand, its slogan or advertising video
the association must be related to a film, cartoon or program
the association is made through a story

You can use these restrictions in the game, ignore them, or, conversely, introduce them as the basis for all your associations.

After the Leader has made an association, all players look among their cards for a phrase that matches the hidden phrase and place it face down.
The presenter takes all the cards, mixes them and lays them out in a line on the table. The card on the left is numbered 1, the next one is numbered 2, and so on.

Guessing the leader's card

The players' task is to guess which card the Leader has wished for and vote for it. The presenter does not participate in the voting round.
When the player has made his choice, he gives the leader a token with the card number, so that no one can see the number.
Once everyone has voted, the tokens are revealed and points are awarded.


  • If all players have guessed the leader's card, then he goes 3 moves back (or to field 1, if he has not yet advanced beyond the third field), and the rest of the players stand still.
  • If no one guessed the leader's card, then the leader goes 2 moves back. Plus, players whose cards they guess correctly get points.
  • In any other case, all players who correctly guessed the card receive 3 points. The presenter gets 3 points plus a point for each player who guessed him right.
  • All players receive one point for each player who guesses their picture.

Players move their bishops the given number of steps.

End of turn

At the end of the turn, players draw one card into their hand so that at the start of the next turn each player has 6 cards.
If the cards in the deck run out, then the players continue to come up with associations until the last card.

End of the game

The game ends when the players run out of cards. Even if you jumped around the field for the second circle with your bishop.

Game with different number of players

Depending on the number of players, the number of cards in the deck changes:

  • 7 people - 98 cards
  • 6 people - 72 cards
  • 5 people - 75 cards
  • 4 people - 96 cards

If there are more than seven players, you can break into teams and come up with collective associations.

The rules of the association game are very simple. There is a box with unusual pictures to which you need to come up with associations. There is also a playing field with colorful figures of flying elephants. All this together is called the “Imaginarium”.
Players have several cards in their hands. The order of moves is self-evident. The one who goes first chooses one of his cards, comes up with an association for it, puts it face down on the table and waits. At this time, everyone else must select a card from their deck based on the voiced association.

To imagine how it goes game process, here are a few moves from one game. Let's try to guess which of the presented cards was originally associated as...



Did you make it?

Sound of the soul?

Dark occupation?

Then the cards get mixed up, turned over and everyone tries to guess which card the one who suggested the association guessed.
If everyone points to the card you have chosen, then it will be your loss. The association should not be the simplest.
If no one points to the card you have chosen, then this will be your loss. The association doesn't have to be that complicated.
To win, at least one person must guess the card. And in the best case scenario - all but one.
Well, a few points are gained by those whose cards, under the general noise, fell under someone’s guess for an association.

Imaginarium - This card game to make associations. An indispensable game for any party.

Easy rules, bright, chaotic, mind-blowing pictures - all this will leave few people indifferent. Suitable for all ages, but if someone suddenly finds the illustrations too “adult”, then a children’s supplement has been released especially for children.

What do we see when we first look at the game?

A bright square box with a castle and a miracle tree painted on it. Inside is a stack of cards - 98 pieces, 7 playing figures in the form of flying elephants, a playing field - the sky with clouds, 49 voting cards, rules.

In general, the entire package is just pleasing to the eye. Players disassemble the elephants, place them on the first start cloud and begin their merry way.

Rules of the game.

Each person, according to the color of the elephant, is given voting cards and 6 cards face down. The first player - the presenter - chooses any of his cards and makes an association for it. Associations can be expressed in absolutely any way: a song, a word, a phrase, a gesture. Whatever your imagination can do. Having made a wish, the presenter places this card face down on the table. The remaining players select a suitable card for this association from their hand. Also, without showing it to anyone, you need to put it on the table next to the leader’s card. All cards are shuffled. Lay out. This is where the fun begins. Players try to guess the leader's card. Having made a choice, mark the selected card with a voting card. Also face down. Then all the numbers are opened and the voting result is looked at.

What could happen?

There are several options.

1. All players can guess the hidden card.

This is very bad for the presenter. If all players vote for the hidden card, then it goes back three points. The remaining players stand still.

2. Not a single player guesses the hidden card.

This is also not the best option. Because the leader goes back 2 points.

Other options are much more interesting:

3. The presenter receives 3 points for each player who guesses his card. Those. The ideal option is to make an association so that all players except one guess it. Then the presenter will receive the maximum number of points.

4. Those players who guessed the card also receive 3 points. Plus 1 point for each player who guessed their card.

The played cards are discarded and the players take a new card from the deck. The next player makes the association.

The game ends when all the cards in the players' hands and in the deck are gone.

These are the slightly confusing rules. At first sight. Sit down to play and already in the first game you will understand everything and remember the counting system.

A huge plus in the game (deep mercy to the developers) is an interesting playing field. Clouds can be ordinary, or they can contain tasks.

If there is an image on the cloud:

Question mark– make an association in interrogative form;

Digit 4– the association must consist of four words;

Book– make an association in the form of a story;

TV– the hidden association must be somehow connected with a cartoon, television program or film;

ABIBAS logo– the association must be connected in some way with a well-known brand.


Despite the fact that “Imaginarium” is considered a Russian plagiarism of the world-famous game “Dixit”, this game has gained even more popularity in our country than the original source. You can argue for a long time which option is better, where is deeper and more interesting than maps. But is it worth it? Each game is good in its own way and has managed to acquire an army of fans.


  • Mastering the game - 95 POINTS
  • Game mechanics - 70 POINTS
  • Plot and atmosphere - 60 POINTS
  • Ease of play - 70 POINTS
  • Quality and design - 80 POINTS
  • The resulting fun is 95 POINTS

