How to clean 1 kopeck of the USSR. How to clean coins at home? Types of coin cleaning

Owners of rare coins, both modern and ancient, need to know the rules for cleaning coins at home. With the help of simple means, it is quite possible to bring the collection into proper shape without spending money.

Coins become covered with a dirty coating from oxidation. Almost all metals are subject to this process. Money is very dirty for a long time lying in the ground. The older the metal, the stronger the oxide, so rare samples of the USSR have to be cleaned for a long time and very carefully.

The first thing to do before cleaning coins is to determine what material they are made of. Copper samples are the most difficult to clean: the metal must be handled very carefully. Silver coins also require careful handling. Samples made of cupronickel - an alloy of copper and nickel - are quite easy to clean. Rare zinc exhibits can only be cleaned with very weak acid solutions.

What can and should be done:

  1. Use protective gloves when working with acidic products.
  2. Clean money with a cotton pad or sticks dipped in the solution. You can hold the disc using tweezers.
  3. Train on one sample, and then apply the appropriate remedy to the rest, more valuable ones.
  4. Clean off soaked dirt after soaking with a soft sponge or children's toothbrush.

What not to do:

  1. Use abrasive products. Large particles damage the coin itself.
  2. Use aggressive chemicals such as Comet or Domestos.
  3. Use hard tap water, which contains chlorine impurities. This element causes the oxidation of metals.

If you have concerns about the integrity of your money after cleaning at home, you should contact a professional. Numismatists use special tools for coins. It is enough to soak money in such preparations for 3 minutes. The samples are then washed with water and dried. This is the safest and effective method, but the product for numismatists will not be cheap.

Brushing with toothpaste

For cleaning, only a white and homogeneous paste without abrasive granules or dyes is used. A toothbrush with soft bristles, preferably a children's one, will serve as an auxiliary tool.

How to clean coins with toothpaste:

  1. Moisten a soft toothbrush with warm water.
  2. Squeeze a pea-sized amount of paste onto the bristles.
  3. Clean the old coin with gentle movements. If you apply too much pressure on the tool, microscopic scratches will appear on the metal.
  4. When the desired degree of cleanliness is achieved, rinse the item and wipe dry.

Advice! Patina in some cases indicates the value of the old model. There is no need to clean it off.

How to clean a coin with soap

For cleaning, use any laundry soap. The method is suitable for cleaning copper - soap will not damage the patina on this metal.


  1. Grate the bar of soap on a fine grater.
  2. Add a little water to the shavings to make a thick paste.
  3. Place a coin in the solution and soak in it. To remove light stains, 30 minutes is enough; old plaque will come off within 24 hours.
  4. When the coin is sufficiently clean, you need to brush it with a soft brush, preferably a toothbrush, and rinse it in clean water and then dry it.

Method with dishwashing detergent

A solution of dishwashing gel will help you wash copper coins without damaging them. The product effectively removes greasy stains:

  1. Solution: for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. facilities.
  2. Stir the solution and place a coin in it. Wait an hour.
  3. Rinse the cleaned metal and wipe dry. It doesn't hurt to polish the coin with a piece of flannel.

Coca Cola

An unusual way to wash dirt off old money at home is to use Coca-Cola. This carbonated water is known for its aggressive effects, and the drink is sometimes recommended as a toilet cleaner.

How to work with highly carbonated drinks:

  1. Pour some soda into a small container.
  2. Place money there.
  3. Leave overnight.
  4. In the morning, remove the money and remove the remaining layer of dirt with a dry cloth.
  5. Finally, rinse in clean water and dry.

Advice! Coca-Cola will help remove rust.


You should be careful when using this product. Firstly, if you keep a coin in liquid, the metal will begin to oxidize. Secondly, ammonia emits a pungent odor. You need to work in a ventilated area.

Method with ammonia:

  1. Pour ammonia into a wide container.
  2. Throw a coin there and wait from 3 to 10 seconds, no more.
  3. Remove the item from the liquid, rinse and polish with a dry cloth.
  4. Instead of soaking, you can quickly walk over the coin with a cotton pad soaked in ammonia.

This method is used for cleaning silver coins. The solution removes black deposits from metal.

Other ways for copper

Many renewal agents have been invented for Soviet copper coins, among which lemon juice and table vinegar are popular.

To clean old copper money with lemon juice, you should::

  1. Cut the fruit in half.
  2. Insert a copper coin directly into the pulp and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove the coin from the lemon. If necessary, go over it with a brush.
  4. Rinse with clean water to remove any remaining juice.
  5. Dry the coin.

Citric acid easily replaces fresh juice. It is used when weaker means are ineffective.

How to use lemon correctly:

  1. Dilute the powder in water in a ratio of 1:3.
  2. Pour the solution into a plastic container.
  3. Keep the coins in the solution until the dirt comes off. It is important not to overexpose coins in acid, as this can cause the copper to turn red.
  4. Another way is to soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the contaminated areas.

Edible vinegar is an alternative to ammonia. How to work with the substance:

  1. Soak the sponge in vinegar of no more than 9% concentration.
  2. Wipe the coin.
  3. Rinse with warm water.
  4. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

A vinegar solution will allow you to remove the greenish coating from copper.:

  1. For 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar.
  2. Place the money in the solution so that they do not touch each other. This is necessary for uniform cleaning.
  3. At intervals of several hours, remove the coins and rub lightly with a soft brush.
  4. Keep samples in solution until completely cleaned.

Advice! Some coins are made of two metals, for example, ten-ruble anniversary coins. Not all methods are suitable for bimetallic coins: while one metal is cleaned, the other is damaged. It is better not to use acids to wash such coins. Methods with toothpaste and soda solution are suitable.

Soda solution for silver

Baking soda is very popular and is used as a cleaning agent for many household tasks. To restore silver coins to their former shine, soda will also work.

How to prepare a solution and clean money:

  1. For 1 liter of water - 300 g of soda.
  2. Soak the exhibits in the solution for 2-3 hours.
  3. If the coins are too old, the solution can be boiled first.

Cleaning Zinc Samples

The best option to wash a zinc coin is to treat it with 1% hydrochloric acid. It is important that the solution is very weak: zinc tends to react with strong acids.


  1. Pour the solution into a wide container.
  2. Prepare a soft brush.
  3. Place the item in the solution. You'll have to keep an eye on him.
  4. For quick results, carefully clean with a brush.
  5. As soon as the patina wears off, immediately remove the coin from the solution.
  6. To remove any remaining product, rinse the item under strong running water.

Collecting old and new commemorative coins captivates many. Rare money can be easily kept clean thanks to simple home remedies like laundry soap or dish gel. And professional numismatists are recommended to purchase a special product to prevent even minimal damage from improper use of traditional methods.

If a numismatist is serious about his hobby, then he probably knows how important it is to clean coins at home. The money found may be very dirty or have traces of organic contamination. However, after proper cleaning, metal products again acquire excellent appearance and shine.

How to clean copies?

In order to effectively remove dirt from the surface of coins, as well as remove oxides, it is recommended to use specialized solutions. However, these liquids cost a lot of money and not everyone can afford them. There are alternative cleaning options:

  1. Lemon acid.
  2. Lemonade (Coca-Cola).
  3. Soap.
  4. Electrolysis.

Ways to clean coins

The acid is poured into an empty container and diluted with warm water and citric acid. After this, you need to put the coin at the bottom of the container for a while. The cleaning process must always be controlled so as not to damage the metal product. It's worth flipping the coin over from time to time. At the end of cleaning, a patina is applied to the specimen.

You can also use regular soap to clean your collection. Just before that, you should grate it and dilute it with water. The result should be a homogeneous mass. The coins are dipped in soap and left for several hours, periodically removing and washing off the dirt. This method is less expensive, but very long - two weeks of repetition.

Cleaning USSR coins at home may seem like an easy job if you do it with Coca-Cola. You just need to pour lemonade into an empty glass jar and put a copy there. As a rule, the coin is not touched for several weeks. The reaction can be increased by using a heat source.

Nowadays you can find a large number of ways to clean exhibits on the Internet. But actions must still be carried out with caution so as not to damage the surface of cultural property. Only in this case can cleaning USSR coins at home be done without problems and quickly. If cleaning is being done for the first time, then you should contact a professional for recommendations.

Many collections have good coins(without mechanical damage), but with dirt or dark spots. The problem can be solved different ways, allowing to eliminate external defects. We'll talk about them in this article.

Types of coin cleaning

Depending on the degree of contamination, characteristics of the material and other factors, it is necessary to decide on the appropriate method. Among the main types of coin cleaning are the following:

  • chemical,
  • mechanical,
  • cooking,
  • electrolysis.

The chemical type of cleaning involves the use of ammonia, acids, soda, soap, detergents and washing powder. If you have concentrated hydrochloric acid, you can make a special bath with a solution and immerse coins in it. After the procedure, it is better to rinse the coins with alkali to stop the reaction.

Cleaning warm soapy water Suitable for most metals. You can consolidate and enhance the effect obtained with any dishwashing detergent; ordinary laundry soap will also give a good result. Coins with minor stains should be soaked in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours. Coins with heavy deposits can be kept in the prepared liquid for about a day.

How to clean a coin with soda

Cleaning with soda is an alkaline method of removing dirt and is suitable for items made of low-grade copper and silver. The process is carried out easily, without creating special conditions. First, a paste is formed from a spoon of soda and a small amount of water, then the mixture is applied to the coin. Dirt is removed with a regular soft brush. Baking soda can also be used after acid cleaning to extinguish the reaction.

How to clean a coin with vinegar

Cleaning using vinegar or citric acid Suitable for hard metals. A teaspoon of soda is added to the vinegar solution and the liquids are mixed. Coins are immersed in the resulting bath and left there until the stains disappear, and then treated with soap, warm water and a soft brush. If the dirt is not washed away, the procedure is repeated.

It is not advisable to use this method for coins made of gold, silver or copper.

Cleaning coins by electrolysis

Electrolysis– the most dangerous, but also the fastest method of eliminating defects. Cleaning is done by applying current to a lightly salted solution of water with a coin placed there. We will talk about this method in more detail at the end of the article.

Ammonia as a coin cleaner

Cleaning with ammonia is suitable for items made of silver, pure copper or alloys containing copper. The coin is dipped in ammonia for the time required to achieve the effect, then removed and washed. The room in which such cleaning is carried out must be well ventilated.

Mechanical cleaning

For mechanical cleaning, various objects and tools are used (drills, brushes, needles, scalpels, pieces of cloth, etc.). This method is quite effective and removes any contaminants, but there is a risk of damaging the surface of the products.

Boiling down coins

When cooking, the coin is processed in a boiling liquid; you can additionally use oil (vaseline or olive).

Several coins are placed in a pan with hot oil for 10 minutes(it is more convenient to clean in a special lattice box on a chain). After cooking, you need to wash the products with a brush and soap and remove any remaining oil by thoroughly boiling the coins in distilled water.

After cooking, the specimens acquire radiance and shine, but a noble patina disappears from them, giving the products additional value. Rare coins It is better not to expose it to such influence.

Rules for cleaning gold, silver and copper coins

The choice of the optimal method is made taking into account the specific properties of the metal. Cleaning carried out in the absence of the necessary knowledge and experience will not give the coin its original appearance, but will significantly damage it. For example, mechanical impact using acidol or jewelry paste leaves scratches and helps erase small details of drawings.

Cleaning gold coins

Gold coins do not require aggressive cleaning. If dirt appears on the products, it will be enough to wash them with warm soapy water, rinse with water and dry. You should not rub gold coins vigorously because even ordinary fabric leaves on noble metal small scratches.

Cleaning silver coins

Choosing the appropriate cleaning method for your silverware depends on on the sample and degree of oxidation of the metal. High-grade silver coins can be cleaned by placing them in a solution of ammonia (10% ammonia and 90% water) for an hour or in a soda solution (30 g of soda per 100 ml of water) for several hours. The process will speed up if the liquid is brought to a boil several times and the oxidized areas are treated with a soft brush.

High-grade coins with minor traces of oxidation are best cleaned with a mixture of toothpaste, ammonia and baking soda. The resulting mass should not contain abrasive particles. The coin should be covered with the mixture and rubbed with your fingers or a brush.

Suitable for cleaning low-grade silver coins Trilon B solution. When the green layer disappears from the surface of the coin, you can continue the process using a special mixture for silver of a certain standard.

Cleaning Copper Coins

Copper products are susceptible to the formation of a patina layer on the surface. If there are no signs of corrosion on the coin, and the film is uniform, then it is better not to risk it and not to clean the coin. Patina protects metal from corrosion and gives the coin a noble appearance. To remove traces of touch and grease, the product can be washed in warm water.

It is better to clean coins that have been corroded using aggressive reagents (acetic and citric acids, Trilon B). They will gradually separate the damaged layer of metal without affecting the solid base. To process weakly oxidized coins, soaking them in the solution for several hours will be sufficient, while highly oxidized coins can be left for a day or more.

Cleaning bronze coins

Bronze products are cleaned according to the same principle as copper ones. But you need to keep in mind that ammonia changes bronze color. The metal may turn brown or even black. The shine of a bronze coin can be easily restored by applying to its surface toothpaste and washing it in warm water. After cleaning, you need to dry the items by wrapping them in two layers of soft cloth and paper napkin.

Sulfuric and nitric acids should not be used to clean copper or silver coins as they destroy fine details of the design.

Coin Cleaning Tools and Supplies

In addition to the above methods, there are others. Tools that are suitable for cleaning:

  • toothbrushes varying degrees softness;
  • wooden toothpicks;
  • brush with natural bristles;
  • plastic dishes, tweezers;
  • reagents (soap, distilled water, soda, linseed oil and vaseline oil).

Rare and valuable coins It is not recommended to clean it yourself - professionals will do a better job. The following cleaning methods are suitable for dug metal. The main goal is to preserve the patina when cleaning, removing all unnecessary oxides. Before processing, coins are washed with soap.

The Best Safe Way to Clean Coins

The simplest and safest method is using laundry soap. Boiling water is poured into a hermetically sealed plastic container and grated 72% laundry soap is poured.

When the solution thickens, coins are placed in it. After a day or two, the coins are removed and wiped with a toothbrush with trimmed bristles. The procedure is repeated until the desired result is achieved. Some oxides can be carefully removed with a wooden toothpick.

The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of time, but its undoubted advantage is that the excess layers are removed carefully and gently.

Exposure to caustic soda is very quick way, but it fits not for all coins. Both products with a relatively flat field and those with an uneven thin film can be cleaned well.

When preparing caustic soda solution, safety precautions must be observed. Dissolve granules (1 sachet per 500 ml) only in distilled water. cold water, take the coin with tweezers and be sure to work with gloves.

The product is immersed in the solution for 10 minutes. Then washed with water. After this, the softened oxides can be easily removed with a brush.

If during the cleaning process the oxide on the product turns blue or green, the process must be interrupted immediately.

Cleaning Copper Coins

Careless cleaning copper coin may cause chips and pits to appear on its surface. Depending on the type of corrosion, the appropriate method of exposure is selected. The reddish coating can be removed with a five percent ammonia solution or ammonium carbonate. You need to hold the coin in ammonia solution no more than 1-2 minutes. Green plaque can be removed with a solution of citric or acetic acid. The yellowish coating is dissolved with a 10% acetic acid solution.

After cleaning the coin using any of the above methods, it must be boil in distilled water. After several boils, you can check whether the coin is completely clean by dropping a 1.7% solution of silver azone into the water. If after this the water remains clear, then the cleaning process must be completed.

After cleaning, the product must be thoroughly dried. You can place the specimen in a special drying cabinet for two hours or dry it in acetone and then in alcohol (no more than an hour).

If the natural patina on the coin could not be preserved, you can apply artificial to give the product an attractive appearance. Per liter of distilled water, add 50 g of copper sulfate and 5 g of potassium permanganate. The resulting solution is heated to 80-90 degrees. Coins are placed in the heated liquid. Next, you should turn the coins over from time to time and wait for the desired color to appear. After the procedure, the coins need to be dried and coated with a 1:1 mixture of alcohol and benzene to protect them from corrosion. About artificial patina You can also read in the article “”

Electrochemical cleaning

Electrolysis- a quick and effective way to remove dirt, but its use is associated with some dangers inherent in the operation of any electrical appliance. The device should be used in a well-ventilated and lit area. Before carrying out the process, you must wear protective gloves And glasses.

When using electrolysis, the risk of spoiling a coin increases significantly (compared to other methods - several times). Assembly requires a power supply with voltage 6-12 volts. The plugs are cut off and the wires are divided into two parts. The ends of the wire are cleared of insulation. The copper strands must be twisted, soldered, or attached to metal clamps. Next, take a shallow plastic container and fill it with saline or soda solution (1 tbsp per 0.5 l).

Turn on the power supply. The clamps are held at isolated places at a distance from each other (if they come into contact, a short circuit will damage the power supply). The clamps must be immersed in a container with a solution. On one of them there will be hissing and gas release - this is “+”.

It needs to be connected to a coin, and the second clamp (respectively “-”) is connected to a small metal object (for example, a spoon or a key).

The second option is a reverse connection. The positive terminal is connected to a metal object, and the negative terminal is connected to a coin. The reverse connection gently cleans the coin and does not harm its metal core.

Depending on the amount of plaque and the degree of contamination, the cleaning process takes from several minutes (if “+” is connected to the coin) and from 40 minutes to 4 hours(if “-” is connected).

Having finished cleaning, you should turn off the device from the network, remove the coin from the solution and clean it with a brush and a small amount of liquid soap. To remove special, complex contaminants, the procedure will have to be repeated. The solution will become dirty after some time and will need to be replaced to perform repeated electrolysis.

Summing up the topic of cleaning

A method of cleaning coins that would allow them to return exactly to their original appearance, does not exist, but with due diligence you can significantly improve the condition of the coins. The safest option is to use a soap solution.

More serious stains may require soaking coins in the solution for a long time. Sometimes you have to wait several weeks for results.

With prolonged soaking the solution needs to be changed to a new one, and periodically remove the coin itself and clean off the softened layers of dirt from it. This cleaning method is ideal for gold coins.

After the procedure, the product is dried and wrapped in a soft cloth. Mechanical cleaning is also considered a relatively safe method, but is absolutely not suitable for soft metals that are easily scratched.

the main task– do not completely spoil the coin and do not deprive it of its noble patina. Some specimens are better not to be cleaned at all, but simply washed. Before starting work, it is recommended to practice on the most simple coins. It is imperative to follow safety regulations (chemical cleaning methods can be hazardous to health).

We all use money and coins (rubles, kopecks) and, of course, it is much more pleasant to pick them up, clean and shiny. The question of how to clean and bleach coins to a shine, and what kind of polishing is needed, often arises among those who purchase valuable collectible money not for everyday use, but as a profitable investment. How to do it correctly so that they shine, you will learn from this article.

How to clean coins?

Various products are suitable for cleaning money. It could be:

  • toothpaste;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon or citric acid powder;
  • Coca Cola;
  • baby or laundry soap;
  • special means.

In addition you will need:

  • soft cloth;
  • a brush with soft or medium-hard bristles;
  • thin needle.

Important! Please note that technologycleaning antique coins and for everyday use will be very different. The former require a more careful and attentive approach using less aggressive means.

How to wash coins at home?

There are several simple ways to clean ordinary metal money.

Option 1

  1. First wipe the coins with a 3-5% vinegar solution.
  2. Gently brush the surface with a brush and a small amount of toothpaste.
  3. Remove any residue with a damp cloth.
  4. Buff gently with a dry cloth until shiny.

Option 2

  1. Place the money in the water.
  2. Wipe the surface of the coin with baking soda directly in water.
  3. Treat with cotton wool soaked in ammonia.
  4. Apply baking soda again, rubbing it into the surface.
  5. Rinse with water and polish.

Option 3

  1. Pour Coca-Cola into a bowl.
  2. Throw coins in there and leave it overnight.
  3. In the morning, take the money out of the Coca-Cola.
  4. Rinse under running water to prevent them from being sticky.
  5. Polish with a soft cloth.

Option 4

  1. Wipe the coins with a solution of hydrochloric acid - not very concentrated.
  2. Dry the product carefully.

Important! Please note that all these methods are quite aggressive and may leave small scratches on the coin. Therefore, use such methodsantique coin cleanersunacceptable.

A more gentle cleaning method is baby or laundry soap:

  1. Take ⅛ of the bar per 1 liter of water.
  2. Grate the soap or dissolve the whole piece in water - in the second case the procedure will take longer.
  3. Soak the coins in the prepared solution.
  4. Leave them for 3-10 hours, depending on the degree of contamination.
  5. Scrub lightly with a soft brush - an old toothbrush will do.
  6. Once the coins shine again, rinse with running water and polish with a dry cloth.

How to clean old coins?

Before you start cleaning expensive antique coins, be sure to determine the alloy from which they are made. This is what will become the determining criterion in choosing the appropriate means and technology for wiping off dirt.


To clean money from this metal, do the following:

  1. Prepare a soap solution from baby or laundry soap with water in the proportion of 1/8 of a bar per 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak for a short time and rub gently with your fingers.
  3. Put the pan on the fire and heat it up - the effect will be much better. But under no circumstances boil it!
  4. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  5. Dry by placing a coin between soft fabrics.

Important! Never use brushes or rub the coin, even after washing. Please note that the entire process may take up to 10 days.


Choose a method for cleaning silver coins, taking into account 2 factors:

  • how much the metal has oxidized;
  • alloy sample.

To remove dirt from high-grade money with signs of strong oxidation:

  1. Pour ammonia into a bowl.
  2. Place precious items in it.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Place between a soft, moisture-absorbing cloth until the surface is completely dry.

Clean low-quality products with a special product - “trilon B”. How to use it is indicated in the instructions.

Copper and bronze

Bronze and copper are unique metals. The distinctive properties of these alloys are the formation over time of a natural dark brown, and even almost black, patina. It is this that will indicate the true age of the coin and serve as the determining factor in evaluating the product. In addition, the smoother and more uniform this coating is, the more beautiful the coin itself looks.

Important! Do not try to clean the patina - this will not only reduce the value of the coin, but may also damage the metal itself.

Dust, dirt accumulate on the surface of such products, and green spots may appear - so they require removal. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Wash the coin under running water.
  2. Gently wipe with a solution of 9% vinegar or citric acid.
  3. Rinse the product again with warm water.
  4. Dry by wrapping in a soft cloth, but do not rub with it.


The main problem with this metal is corrosion and a whitish coating. You can get rid of them this way:

  1. Wipe iron money with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid.
  2. Gently clean heavily damaged areas with a brass wire brush or a fine needle.
  3. Rinse under running water once all oxides and rust have melted and are easily removed.
  4. Dry by wrapping the item in a soft cloth.
  5. Rub with felt to restore the coin's shine.

What should you not do to clean coins?

Before you clean coins at home, also keep in mind that the following tools and substances are absolutely not suitable for this purpose:

  • highly concentrated solutions of nitric, acetic, sulfuric and hydrochloric acid - they can melt the embossing on the product and the entire design;
  • sandpaper - it completely removes the patina from bronze and copper and changes the embossed surface relief;
  • heating to maximum heat - this can lead to the destruction of the metal, and accordingly after the procedure the coin will simply crumble;
  • brushes with metal bristles - they are much stiffer than brass or with artificial and natural hair, therefore they also lead to a change in the surface topography of valuable coins.

Coins are witnesses of history. Time leaves its mark on them, and how older coin, the more distinct it is. The metal ages, becomes covered with oxides, and the value of the coin decreases. Coins do not always reach the collector in good condition; they require care, including cleaning. The article will tell you how to properly clean coins at home.

The best ways to clean coins yourself

There are many different ways, but chemical and mechanical are the most common. Each of them is good in different cases, based on the condition of the coin and the nature of the contamination.

Mechanical method

Usually used in particularly advanced cases. In this case, the coin is literally cut out or reduced in a layer of oxides.

A simplified process looks like this:

The surface layer of dirt deposits is removed from the coin, after which it is desalted in a container with distilled water.

A layer of surface oxides (including loose ones) is impregnated with synthetic resin (B72).

Using scrapers, cutters, brushes and needles of varying hardness, all excess is removed from the surface. The resin strengthens loose areas, binds them and prevents cavities from forming, which allows the surface to be leveled.

The work is performed under magnification (for example, a microscope). A successful result directly depends on a scrupulous attitude and experience, so it is better to entrust work with expensive items to a professional.

Chemical method

It involves cleaning coins with various chemical compounds, depending on the metal from which they are made, as well as the type and degree of contamination.

In order not to spoil the coin and choose the correct composition, you need to know exactly what metal it is made of. There are special chemical compositions, but their cost is quite high.

Instructions for cleaning old coins

Grind neutral soap (for example, baby soap), add water to obtain a plastic mass. Place the coin there, periodically removing it and rinsing it under running water, rubbing it with a soft cloth. This is the gentlest and safest method of cleaning; its disadvantage is the length of the process. Complete cleaning may take 1-2 weeks.

The second gentle cleaning method: boil coins in Vaseline oil until completely clean and wipe with alcohol. Caustic soda can be used as a cleaning agent. You need to work with it with tweezers very carefully, wearing rubber or latex gloves, avoiding contact with the skin and eyes.

Coins are placed in caustic soda dissolved in COLD water, and after 10 minutes they are rinsed in running water and wiped with a soft cloth. If the coin begins to show bluish streaks, stop processing immediately and rinse it.


Metal is very capricious. Green plaque can be removed with citric acid, half a teaspoon of which is diluted in a glass of boiling water. Leave the coins in the resulting solution for no more than ten minutes, then rinse and wipe.

Do not be alarmed if the coin has acquired a reddish tint - it will disappear over time. Another way is to use 200 ml. water and 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Soak the coins in the liquid for 15 minutes and wipe with a soft cloth.


You should not use acids; ammonia works very well. It perfectly removes oxides and does not harm the metal at all. After processing, rinse the coin and wipe dry.


Darkened coins can be easily cleaned with ammonia diluted in water (1 part alcohol to 9 parts water). Immerse the coins in the mixture for 40-60 minutes, and then rinse with water and wipe.

Ammonia can be replaced with table soda (1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water). Place the coins in the heated liquid for 4 hours. If this does not help, use formic acid heated to 70 degrees.


Coca-Cola can be used to remove rust and oxidation from coins. Pour the drink into a glass or ceramic container and keep the coins in it, turning over for an even result.


It is very difficult to restore with household compounds. After their exposure it darkens. Some people use hydrochloric acid, very briefly. In a few minutes the coin can be completely dissolved.

When working with zinc, it is advisable to use a special composition “Leuchtturm”, which does not contain aggressive substances. The coin is processed for 15 minutes, after which it is washed and wiped dry.


It is remarkably cleaned in an aqueous solution of soda (2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water). The coins are dipped into the solution brought to a boil and the temperature is maintained for 30 minutes. The procedure is repeated until complete cleaning.


To add shine to a coin consisting of two different metals, a two-step cleaning method is suitable: place the coins in 9% vinegar for no more than two minutes; Rub the coin with bleaching paste and wipe. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Electrochemical method

The principle of this method is familiar to us from a school physics course. To clean using the electrolysis method, you will need a plastic or glass vessel, wires, a DC source with a voltage of 6-12 volts (a charger from mobile phone), alligator clips and a piece of metal (non-ferrous metals will not work).

A pre-prepared electrolyte (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water) is poured into the vessel, into which the clamps are lowered. A coin is secured in a clamp connected to the negative terminal of the power source. Use a positive clamp to clamp a piece of metal.

The clamps are energized and cleaning takes a little time. The process is characterized by turbidity of the electrolyte. Once cleaning is complete, the coin is washed in hot water and dried.

Do not forget that cleaning coins with aggressive substances can give a beautiful appearance, but irreversibly damage the collectible value. Therefore, this issue must be approached very carefully. For example, it’s worth trying out a method on inexpensive coins.

If the result is positive, you can safely move on to working with an expensive copy, provided that it is made of similar material.

Coins must be stored in conditions that exclude mechanical damage, as well as exposure to moisture and ultraviolet rays. If the coin has been touched with bare hands, it should be washed with soap and wiped dry, and then placed back in the cell.

Photo of cleaning coins
