Summary of physical education “Play with the Bear. Album of outdoor games in different age groups of kindergarten Outdoor game two bears

Sedentary games And game exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“Three Bears” (game for children 4–6 years old)

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

Three bears were walking home. (They march in place.)

Dad was big, big (Raise their hands up.)

Mom is a little shorter, (Stretch your arms forward at chest level.)

And my son is just a little baby. (Put their hands on their belts.)

He was very small

He walked around with rattles. (Imitate playing with a rattle.)

From the book Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises author Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“House” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. There is a house at the edge of the forest, (They fold their palms into a “house” over their heads.) There is a lock hanging on the door, (They close their palms “into the lock.”) There is a lock behind the doors.

From the author's book

“Traffic light” (game for children 4–6 years old) For the game you need paper circles (diameter 10 cm) - red, green and yellow - attached to sticks. Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: at the red signal they squat, on yellow - stand up, on green -

From the author's book

“Knock-knock” (game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements after the teacher: “Knock-knock-knock!” (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Yes, yes, yes. (Three claps of hands.) - Can I come to you? (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Always happy! (Three

From the author's book

“Don’t wake the bear!” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle, join hands. The teacher stands with the children in a circle. Everyone dances in a circle, reciting a poem and performing the movements: Like snow, snow on a hill, And snow, snow under a hill. (Turn around

From the author's book

“Snowball” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. One two three four. You and I made a snowball. (Imitate making a snowball.) Round, strong, very smooth, (Draw a circle in the air.)

From the author's book

“Gate” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children walk along the playground in pairs, holding hands. At the teacher’s signal: “Gate!” everyone stops and raises their hands up. The last pair passes under the gate and stands in front. A game

From the author's book

“Bug” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children form a circle. In the center of the circle the driver is a bug. He is squatting. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle with the words: Spider-bug, Thin legs, Red boots, We fed you, We gave you water, We put you on your feet. (The players approach

From the author's book

"How are you?" (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. - How are you living? - That's it! (Shows thumbs.) - Are you swimming? - That's it! (Imitate swimming.) - How do you run? - That's it!

From the author's book

“Monkeys” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements in accordance with the text. We are funny monkeys. We play too loud. We clap our hands, (Clap.) We we stomp our feet,

From the author's book

“Pass the ball” (game for children 4–7 years old) The players stand in a circle at a distance of a step from each other. The teacher gives one of the children a ball. At the teacher’s command: “Begin!” children pass the ball around in a circle, while clearly saying: You run, funny ball, quickly, quickly through your hands. U

From the author's book

“It’s me” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. These are the eyes. Here. Here. (Show first the left eye, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here. Here. (Take first the left ear, then the

From the author's book

“At the Giraffes” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere, (Pat themselves on the body - put spots.) On the forehead, ears, on the neck, on

From the author's book

“Gawkers” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children form a circle and walk in a circle one after another. At the driver’s signal: “Stop!” stop, clap their hands four times, turn 180° and start moving in reverse side. The one who made the mistake leaves

From the author's book

“Ball” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Ten, nine, (Clap their hands.) Eight, seven, (Slap their knees.) Six, five, (Clap.) Four, three, (Slap.) Two, one.

From the author's book

“Tick-tock-tock” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand scattered. The teacher gives the signal: “Tick!” – children bend left and right; at the signal: “Yes!” - they stop, and at the signal: “Knock!” - they jump on the spot. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game. Signals repeat 5–8

From the author's book

“Weather vane” (game for children 6–7 years old) Children stand in a line or scattered. The teacher names the cardinal directions and determines the action for each of them: north - hands on the belt; south - hands on head; east – hands up; West - hands down. An adult names a part of the world, children show

Outdoor games


Outdoor game "Owl".

On one side of the site there is a place for “butterflies” and “bugs”. A circle is drawn to the side - “owl’s nest”. The selected child owl stands in the nest. The rest of the children - “butterflies” and “bugs” - stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free. When the teacher says “Day,” butterflies and bugs fly (children run around the playground). When the teacher says “Night,” the butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places and do not move. At this time, the owl quietly flies out to the area to hunt and takes those children who move (takes them to the nest). When the teacher says “Day,” the owl returns to its nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly. The game ends when the owl has 2-3 butterflies or bugs. The teacher marks the children who have never been taken into the nest by an owl.

Outdoor game “Foraging for mushrooms”.

All the little animals are on the edge (children walk in a round dance).

They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.

The squirrels were jumping (they jump in a squat position, imitating squirrels),

The saffron milk caps were looking.

The fox ran (run),

I collected chanterelles.

Bunnies galloped (jump while standing),

They were looking for honey mushrooms.

The bear was passing (they walk pretending to be a bear),

The fly agaric crushed.

Outdoor game "Dragonfly".

Children gather in the yard, garden or spacious room, squat down with their hands on their sides, and, chasing each other, try to jump to the opposite end of the place intended for playing. Whichever child is the first to arrive at the designated place using this method of transportation is considered the winner, and the one who stumbles along the way is excluded from the number of players. This simple game gives children great pleasure and develops their physical strength.

Outdoor game « Raindrops".

The teacher invites the children to stand in a column one at a time and put their hands on the shoulders of the one standing in front of him.

Educator. Make a circle out of the column, leave your hands on your shoulders. Now quietly, on tiptoe, move in a circle... Imagine that a quiet drizzle begins. Let your hands become small drops of rain, there are a lot of them, they fall from the sky: with your fingertips, very gently drum on the shoulders of the one walking in front of you... And now the rain is getting stronger and the raindrops have become larger and heavier: drum your fingertips harder on the shoulders. If you listen, you will hear the sound of the rain... Imagine that the rain has become even heavier: quickly tap your shoulders with your flat palms... The rain gradually subsides: drum with your fingertips... The rain has almost completely stopped: touch very gently with your fingertips... The rain has completely stopped, and our hands and your legs are resting. Stretch your arms up above your head and imagine that with your hands you are beckoning and calling the sun, which is already appearing from behind the clouds. Put your hands down. Finger gymnastics “Fingers in the forest”.

One two three four five.

The fingers went out for a walk.

This finger went into the forest

This finger found a mushroom

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

Well, this one just ate

That's why I got fat.

One by one, the children open their fingers from the fist, first from the little finger to the thumb (twice).

Outdoor game “Where does anyone live?”

Children stand in two lines at a distance of 8–10 steps from one another. In the middle between the ranks, draw two circles, each 80–100 cm in diameter; one circle is the “yard”, the other is the “forest”. There are identical “birds” and “animals” in the ranks. Each pair of the first and second ranks chooses the name of any bird or animal, forest or domestic. The second rank also chooses the same names. Suppose the first two children in two ranks are hares, the second are cats, etc. When the teacher names domestic animals, these children quickly run into the forest. For example, at the teacher’s signal “Cuckoo!” “cuckoo” children from two ranks rush into the circle, which is the forest; at the “Cats” signal, the “cat” children from two ranks rush into the circle, which is the yard. The teacher marks the child from the pair who reaches the circle faster. When all the children are in the circle, the game ends.

Outdoor game "To your flag."

In the middle of the site, draw 5 small circles one next to the other; In each circle, the leader stands with a flag of a certain color in his hands. Children are divided into 5 groups. Each group has its own color, the same as the leader. At the teacher’s signal, the leaders take turns leading their columns to the edge of the site, marching in a large circle that was drawn earlier. To the words of the teacher “Leaders, take your places!” The leaders return to their circles and quietly change flags, and the children continue to walk in a large circle. To the words of the teacher “To your flags!” The presenters raise the flags up, and the children run towards them. The winner is the group of children who quickly finds the flag of their color and stands in a column behind the leader. A new leader is selected from each group. The game repeats itself.

Outdoor game “Working in the garden.”

They took the rake in hand, combed the beds,

We watered the cool bed with water!

One-two, one-two! The beds were watered.

We planted radish seeds in the ground,

One-two, one-two! This is how we planted!

Outdoor game “Kids and the Wolf”.

The leader stands in the center of the round dance and sings the verses. The round dance takes a step for each vowel sung by the leader. Three lines are clockwise, and the fourth is counterclockwise.

Leading. We lead, we lead, we lead a round dance!

Who, who from the forest-o-chka is coming to us?

He has a yoke, hee hee!

Like in the forest on an e-o-lochka, hee hee!

Round dance. Hedgehog! Hedgehog! The hedgehog is coming!

Don't be afraid of the round dance!

He has hooves on his feet

And there are horns sticking out of his head!

Round dance. Elk! Elk! The moose is coming!

Don't be afraid of the round dance!

Leading. We drive, we drive, we dance in a circle!

Who, who is coming from the forest to us?

Soft paws - paw-paw-paw!

And there are scratches on them - scratch-scratch!

Round dance. Cat! Cat! The cat is coming!

Don't be afraid of the round dance!

Leading. We drive, we drive, we dance in a circle!

Who, who is coming from the forest to us?

He has two ears-ears-ha,

Teeth, tail and bru-hoo-ha-ha!

Round dance. Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is coming!

Run away, round dance!

The round dance breaks up, the kids run away, and a game of tag or hide and seek begins. If they play tag, the leader immediately rushes to catch: the one he catches will become the next wolf. If they play hide and seek, then the wolf closes his eyes and sings (the same as to the tune of 4 lines “Not afraid of a round dance”):

One two three four five!

The wolf goes looking for the kids!

I'm big and very angry!

Whoever doesn't hide will eat everyone!

Olesya Emelyanova

While he sings, the kids hide. The one whom the wolf finds first, in next game will take his place.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap".

Children are divided into two equal groups. One group is “mice”. They stand in a column one after another. Make 3 circles from the second group of children - these are 3 “mousetraps”. Children who form mousetraps join hands and raise their hands when the teacher says “The mousetrap is open.” The mice run first through one mousetrap, and then through the second, etc. When the teacher says “Clap!” the mousetrap closes (the children in the circle lower their hands). The mice that remain in the circle are considered caught and stand in a circle. The game ends when all the mice are caught. The mousetrap with the most mice caught wins. The game repeats itself. Children change roles.

Outdoor game “Breeze in the clearing.”

Children perform physical exercises accompanied by funny poems.

The wind is breathing, breathing (Hands up - take a deep breath.

And the trees are still swaying. Then - to the sides, swing your hands.

The wind is quieter, quieter, Up again - take a deep breath.

And the trees are higher, higher. And down, long exhale.)

Let's sit down, be quiet.

Daisies on the lawn

The beetle flew in a colored shirt,

Daisies on the lawn

The beetle was flying wearing a colored shirt.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

I'm friends with daisies.

I sway quietly in the wind,

I bend low and low.

Outdoor game “Forward boldly!”

Children are divided into two groups. They line up and stand facing the middle of the site. At the first signal, one group turns to face the opposite side and marches in place, while the second marches forward in a line. At the second signal, the children who were marching in place turn around and catch those who were marching forward in a line. The latter quickly run to their places (behind the line). The game repeats itself. Children change roles. The group of children with fewer caught children wins.

Outdoor game "Bear Cubs".

The cubs lived in the thicket,

They turned their heads,

Like this, like this

They turned their heads.

Hands on the waist, turning the head left and right.

The cubs were looking for honey,

Together they rocked the tree,

Like this, like this

They rocked the tree together.

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms up, torso tilted left and right.

We waddled

And they drank water from the river,

Like this, like this

And they drank water from the river.

We walk like little bears, bending forward.

And then they danced

They raised their paws higher,

Like this, like this

They raised their paws higher.

Free dance.

There's a swamp on the way,

How can we cross it?

Jump and jump, jump and jump,

Have fun, my friend.

Jumping on two legs while moving forward.

The bear and the doll are stomping loudly,

They're stomping loudly, look.

And they clap their hands loudly,

They clap loudly, one-two-three.

Reached for the sky

Bent down to the ground

Spun and circled

And they fell on the grass. Bang!

Outdoor game "Bear and Bees".

One child plays the role of a mother bee, the second - a bear, and the rest of the children - bees.

The bees have flown (bees fly)

Collect honey from flowers (spinning).

Teddy bear, little bear is coming (the bear heads towards them),

It will take away the honey from the bees.

Bees, go home!

This hive is our house.

Get away from us, bear. (the bees are chasing the bear):


Outdoor game “Birds in nests”.

Children sit on chairs placed in the corners of the room. These are the “nests”. At a signal from an adult, all the “birds” fly to the middle of the room, scatter in different directions, crouch down, “looking for food,” and fly again, flapping their arms and wings. At the signal “Birds, go to their nests!” the kids should return to their seats. It is important that children act on a signal, fly away from the “nest” as far as possible and return only to their “nest”.

This active game for preschoolers can also be played outside. Then the “nest” will be a circle drawn on the ground, in which the child must squat.

Outdoor game "Airplane".

Children are placed in any order in a circle, line, column, etc. These are “airplanes in hangars.” Everyone should remember their hangar - their place. At the signal, the planes “take off on a training flight” and move in any direction. When meeting another plane, you need to “plan”: tilt your torso to the right, left, forward with your arms outstretched to the sides so as not to “break your wings.” At the next signal, all planes fly to their hangars. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Outdoor game "Fox and Hares".

Children must jump, weave, hide, and run away.

– Bunnies were scattering on the forest lawn. These are the kind of bunnies, running bunnies. (They jump.) The bunnies sat on the meadow, digging a root with their paws. These are the paws, scratchy paws. (They sit, make movements with their hands, hide.) Suddenly a little fox runs - her red-haired sister.

The child is looking for hares and sings: “Where are the bunnies? Runaway bunnies? Ah, there you are!” (Catches up.)

Outdoor game "Lamb".

The players stand in a circle, and the lamb is inside the circle. Players walk in a circle and say the words:

You, little gray lamb,

With a little white tail!

We gave you something to drink

We fed you.

Don't butt us!

Play with us!

Hurry up and catch up!

At the end of the words, the children run in all directions, and the lamb catches them.

Rules of the game. You can run away only after finishing the words.

Outdoor game "Who is first, who is last."

Children line up in a column, then tiptoe across the bridge.

- Oh, look who's meeting us? (Hedgehog.)

-Where does the hedgehog sit? (On a stump.)

- He wants to play with us too.

Outdoor game “Blow harder!”

Children are divided into two groups and sit at opposite ends of the playground. Risers are placed in the middle of the hall, and between them two threads are stretched in parallel (one higher, the other lower), each 1 m long. Pieces of paper are strung on the threads. The teacher calls one child from each group. They approach the threads and blow on the pieces of paper with such force that each piece moves to the end along the thread.

(For children 3-4 years old)

Application to the project "Island of Health" .

Target: Popularization healthy image life. Call children's emotional response and desire to participate in outdoor games



Strengthen children's skills in jumping on two legs while moving forward.


To develop children's coordination of movements, dexterity and speed of reaction.


Cultivate a feeling of sympathy for comrades; ability to play together;

Cultivate a conscious attitude towards the need to toughen up and play sports.

Material for the lesson: adult bear costume, hoops according to the number of children; bear and hare toys.

Progress of entertainment:

Children are greeted by the Bear at the outdoor playground.

Bear: Hello, girls and boys! A magpie on my tail brought me today, that people are celebrating Health Day? I don’t know what health is? Explain to me, friends! (children answer). But I don’t know anything and I don’t do anything.

I'm a little fat

I'm a bit of a clumsy person.

But trust me guys

This is not my fault!

And I don't know what charging is. Please show me.

Improvised exercises for the muscles of the arms and legs(as shown by children) 2 minutes.

Bear: Oh oh oh! I'm already tired, guys! I'll go and get some sleep. (The bear falls asleep)

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest” (2-3 times),

(The role of the bear can be played by a child.)

Children are located on one side of the playground. The bear is at a distance, he is sleeping. Children go and say the words:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

But the bear doesn't sleep,

He growls at us.

After these words, the bear wakes up and catches up with the children. To make it more difficult, you can replace walking with other movements (jumping on two legs, walking “horses,” etc.)

Bear: In my forest there is a very good friend. He has long ears, a short tail and is very cheerful. Who is this? (bunny) Can you jump like bunnies?

Elements of the relay race “Who is faster”

Children line up in two columns. 4-5 hoops are placed in front of them. At the children’s command “One, two, three, start!” the first couple jumps on two legs like bunnies through the hoops and stops behind the rope placed behind the hoops. The teacher notes. Whichever child completed the task first, all the other children reward them with their applause. So all pairs complete the task.

Bear: Well, you made me happy. What a great fellow you are! For this, I will play with you my favorite game, which my bunny friend likes.

Outdoor game "Bear and Hares""(2-3 times)

Hoops are laid out on the site. The bunny children are jumping around the playground on two legs, the bear is sleeping in the den. As soon as he wakes up, the bunnies hide in their holes.

Bear: Let's play a game - who will catch up with the bunny bear or vice versa.

Outdoor game (low mobility) “Catch up”(2-3 minutes)

Children stand in a circle and are given a bear toy. They must pass it around to each other. Next comes the Bunny's toy, which is passed in the same direction. Children must pass toys so that one of them catches up with the other.

Bear: How much fun I have with you! And the most important thing that I understood is that you need to do physical education in order to be dexterous and courageous, fast and resilient! Do you guys like to exercise? (Yes). This is why I praise you. I'll go tell all the animals in the forest what it's like good holiday. Oh, I forgot what it's called. Children suggest - Health Day. Goodbye friends.

Used Books:

  1. Physical education for kids. Library of the "Childhood" program. St. Petersburg, 1999
  2. Yu.A. Kirillova “Physical exercises for fresh air for younger children speech therapy group" St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press, 2006.
  3. N. Koskova “Play with me” (educational games and exercises for children 3 years old), Novosibirsk, 2007.

(1st junior group)

1 section. Original version.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?


I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.


Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”






Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

So I got angry at everyone.



1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies went out for a walk.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies started jumping around. Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!





Section 3 Application.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten “Snezhinka”, Sportivnaya str. 12

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

(1st junior group)

Educator: Vshivkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna.

1 section. Original version.

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

Goal: to enrich the motor experience of children, to encourage active independent actions.

Material: Hats with images of rabbits, bears, cubes, screen.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children the bunny's hat, explains with the children what movements the hare performs (how it jumps, holds its paws, chews carrots). Children - rabbits go to a clearing where there are low “stumps” (cubes 10 - 15 cm high). Hares run, jump, climb on stumps, and jump off them. A bear comes out.

Educator: Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?


I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.

The bear is blindfolded and plays blind man's buff with the children. The little bunnies run away, hide behind the screen, and the bear catches them.

Literature: N.P. Kochetova " Physical education and child development early age»: Toolkit for educators and parents. M.: Education, 2005. - 112 p.

Section 2 Description of the modified version of the game.

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

Goal: to enrich the motor experience of children, to encourage active independent actions. Create a feeling of joy from joint activities with adults and peers. Cultivate goodwill.

Material: Hats with images of rabbits (according to the number of players), a toy hare, a bear, a barrel of honey, pine cones in a basket.

Educator: Guys, today we are going for a walk in the forest. Who lives in the forest? (children's answers). Different animals live in the forest: hare, bear, fox, squirrel. Educator: Bunny came to us today, he wants to play with you. Shall we say hello to the bunny? (children say hello and stroke the toy).

Educator: Show me where the bunny's ears are, what are they? Where's the tail? Where is the belly, what is it like? The Bunny has paws, show them.

Educator: The bunny wants to play with us. Shall we play with the bunny?

You will be kind little bunnies. In order to turn into kind bunnies, we must say the magic words, repeat after me: “1,2,3 - turn around yourself and turn into a bunny.” (The teacher puts hats on the children.) We'll go for a walk in the clearing now. (Musical accompaniment).

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies went out for a walk.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies started jumping around. Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

How beautifully you jump, show your paws, how high you jump. (The bunnies jump and run, the teacher praises them for their dexterity and courage).

Educator b: Bunnies, do you hear? Who's growling there?

(The teacher's assistant takes a toy - a bear and growls ).

Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

Bear: I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.

Educator: How can we cheer up the bear? What he likes to eat. (The teacher offers to treat the bear with honey. Children bring a barrel of honey. The bear “feasts on it”).

Bear: Thank you, little bunnies, you are kind, you treated me to honey, and that made me happy. Now I can play with you. I will catch you, and you run away from me.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies went out for a walk.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies started jumping around. Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

1,2,3,4,5 - bunnies will run away,

And I will catch up! Run to the chairs, little bunnies.

Bear: What clever bunnies! I can't catch you at all. Will you still play with me? I scattered all the cones, help me collect them in a basket (the children are collecting)

Bear: I'm a rabbit, I'm very tired, I had a lot of fun with you, I'll come back to play with you. Goodbye, little bunny Vanya, Misha, Eva...

Educator: Bunnies, it's time for our guest to go home. Shall we say goodbye to him?

And we will turn back into children. 1,2,3 - turn around yourself and turn into a kid (The teacher takes off his hats, the bunny masks appear).

Educator: How fun they played. Who did they turn into? Who was catching up with you? Did you enjoy playing? Well done, you were smart and fast.

Section 3 Application.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten “Snezhinka”, Sportivnaya str. 12

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

(1st junior group)

Educator: Vshivkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna.

1 section. Original version.

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

Goal: to enrich the motor experience of children, to encourage active independent actions.

Material: Hats with images of rabbits, bears, cubes, screen.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children the bunny's hat, explains with the children what movements the hare performs (how it jumps, holds its paws, chews carrots). Children - rabbits go to a clearing where there are low “stumps” (cubes 10 - 15 cm high). Hares run, jump, climb on stumps, and jump off them. A bear comes out.

Educator: Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?


I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.

The bear is blindfolded and plays blind man's buff with the children. The little bunnies run away, hide behind the screen, and the bear catches them.

Literature: N.P. Kochetov “Physical education and development of young children”: a methodological manual for educators and parents. M.: Education, 2005. - 112 p.

Section 2 Description of the modified version of the game.

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

Goal: to enrich the motor experience of children, to encourage active independent actions. Create a feeling of joy from joint activities with adults and peers. Cultivate goodwill.

Material: Hats with images of rabbits (according to the number of players), a toy hare, a bear, a barrel of honey, pine cones in a basket.

Educator: Guys, today we are going for a walk in the forest. Who lives in the forest? (children's answers). Different animals live in the forest: hare, bear, fox, squirrel. Educator: Bunny came to us today, he wants to play with you. Shall we say hello to the bunny? (children say hello and stroke the toy).

Educator: Show me where the bunny's ears are, what are they? Where's the tail? Where is the belly, what is it like? The Bunny has paws, show them.

Educator: The bunny wants to play with us. Shall we play with the bunny?

You will be kind little bunnies. In order to turn into kind bunnies, we must say the magic words, repeat after me: “1,2,3 - turn around yourself and turn into a bunny.” (The teacher puts hats on the children.) We'll go for a walk in the clearing now. (Musical accompaniment).

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies went out for a walk.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies started jumping around. Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

How beautifully you jump, show your paws, how high you jump. (The bunnies jump and run, the teacher praises them for their dexterity and courage).

Educator b: Bunnies, do you hear? Who's growling there?

(The teacher's assistant takes a toy - a bear and growls ).

Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

Bear: I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.

Educator: How can we cheer up the bear? What he likes to eat. (The teacher offers to treat the bear with honey. Children bring a barrel of honey. The bear “feasts on it”).

Bear: Thank you, little bunnies, you are kind, you treated me to honey, and that made me happy. Now I can play with you. I will catch you, and you run away from me.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies went out for a walk.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies started jumping around. Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

1,2,3,4,5 - bunnies will run away,

And I will catch up! Run to the chairs, little bunnies.

Bear: What clever bunnies! I can't catch you at all. Will you still play with me? I scattered all the cones, help me collect them in a basket (the children are collecting)

Bear: I'm a rabbit, I'm very tired, I had a lot of fun with you, I'll come back to play with you. Goodbye, little bunny Vanya, Misha, Eva...

Educator: Bunnies, it's time for our guest to go home. Shall we say goodbye to him?

And we will turn back into children. 1,2,3 - turn around yourself and turn into a kid (The teacher takes off his hats, the bunny masks appear).

Educator: How fun they played. Who did they turn into? Who was catching up with you? Did you enjoy playing? Well done, you were smart and fast.

Section 3 Application.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten “Snezhinka”, Sportivnaya str. 12

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

(1st junior group)

Educator: Vshivkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna.

1 section. Original version.

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

Goal: to enrich the motor experience of children, to encourage active independent actions.

Material: Hats with images of rabbits, bears, cubes, screen.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children the bunny's hat, explains with the children what movements the hare performs (how it jumps, holds its paws, chews carrots). Children - rabbits go to a clearing where there are low “stumps” (cubes 10 - 15 cm high). Hares run, jump, climb on stumps, and jump off them. A bear comes out.

Educator: Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?


I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.

The bear is blindfolded and plays blind man's buff with the children. The little bunnies run away, hide behind the screen, and the bear catches them.

Literature: N.P. Kochetov “Physical education and development of young children”: a methodological manual for educators and parents. M.: Education, 2005. - 112 p.

Section 2 Description of the modified version of the game.

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

Goal: to enrich the motor experience of children, to encourage active independent actions. Create a feeling of joy from joint activities with adults and peers. Cultivate goodwill.

Material: Hats with images of rabbits (according to the number of players), a toy hare, a bear, a barrel of honey, pine cones in a basket.

Educator: Guys, today we are going for a walk in the forest. Who lives in the forest? (children's answers). Different animals live in the forest: hare, bear, fox, squirrel. Educator: Bunny came to us today, he wants to play with you. Shall we say hello to the bunny? (children say hello and stroke the toy).

Educator: Show me where the bunny's ears are, what are they? Where's the tail? Where is the belly, what is it like? The Bunny has paws, show them.

Educator: The bunny wants to play with us. Shall we play with the bunny?

You will be kind little bunnies. In order to turn into kind bunnies, we must say the magic words, repeat after me: “1,2,3 - turn around yourself and turn into a bunny.” (The teacher puts hats on the children.) We'll go for a walk in the clearing now. (Musical accompaniment).

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies went out for a walk.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies started jumping around. Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

How beautifully you jump, show your paws, how high you jump. (The bunnies jump and run, the teacher praises them for their dexterity and courage).

Educator b: Bunnies, do you hear? Who's growling there?

(The teacher's assistant takes a toy - a bear and growls ).

Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

Bear: I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.

Educator: How can we cheer up the bear? What he likes to eat. (The teacher offers to treat the bear with honey. Children bring a barrel of honey. The bear “feasts on it”).

Bear: Thank you, little bunnies, you are kind, you treated me to honey, and that made me happy. Now I can play with you. I will catch you, and you run away from me.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies went out for a walk.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies started jumping around. Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

1,2,3,4,5 - bunnies will run away,

And I will catch up! Run to the chairs, little bunnies.

Bear: What clever bunnies! I can't catch you at all. Will you still play with me? I scattered all the cones, help me collect them in a basket (the children are collecting)

Bear: I'm a rabbit, I'm very tired, I had a lot of fun with you, I'll come back to play with you. Goodbye, little bunny Vanya, Misha, Eva...

Educator: Bunnies, it's time for our guest to go home. Shall we say goodbye to him?

And we will turn back into children. 1,2,3 - turn around yourself and turn into a kid (The teacher takes off his hats, the bunny masks appear).

Educator: How fun they played. Who did they turn into? Who was catching up with you? Did you enjoy playing? Well done, you were smart and fast.

Section 3 Application.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten “Snezhinka”, Sportivnaya str. 12

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

(1st junior group)

Educator: Vshivkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna.

1 section. Original version.

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

Goal: to enrich the motor experience of children, to encourage active independent actions.

Material: Hats with images of rabbits, bears, cubes, screen.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children the bunny's hat, explains with the children what movements the hare performs (how it jumps, holds its paws, chews carrots). Children - rabbits go to a clearing where there are low “stumps” (cubes 10 - 15 cm high). Hares run, jump, climb on stumps, and jump off them. A bear comes out.

Educator: Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?


I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.

The bear is blindfolded and plays blind man's buff with the children. The little bunnies run away, hide behind the screen, and the bear catches them.

Literature: N.P. Kochetov “Physical education and development of young children”: a methodological manual for educators and parents. M.: Education, 2005. - 112 p.

Section 2 Description of the modified version of the game.

Outdoor game “The Bear and the Good Bunnies”

Goal: to enrich the motor experience of children, to encourage active independent actions. Create a feeling of joy from joint activities with adults and peers. Cultivate goodwill.

Material: Hats with images of rabbits (according to the number of players), a toy hare, a bear, a barrel of honey, pine cones in a basket.

Educator: Guys, today we are going for a walk in the forest. Who lives in the forest? (children's answers). Different animals live in the forest: hare, bear, fox, squirrel. Educator: Bunny came to us today, he wants to play with you. Shall we say hello to the bunny? (children say hello and stroke the toy).

Educator: Show me where the bunny's ears are, what are they? Where's the tail? Where is the belly, what is it like? The Bunny has paws, show them.

Educator: The bunny wants to play with us. Shall we play with the bunny?

You will be kind little bunnies. In order to turn into kind bunnies, we must say the magic words, repeat after me: “1,2,3 - turn around yourself and turn into a bunny.” (The teacher puts hats on the children.) We'll go for a walk in the clearing now. (Musical accompaniment).

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies went out for a walk.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies started jumping around. Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

How beautifully you jump, show your paws, how high you jump. (The bunnies jump and run, the teacher praises them for their dexterity and courage).

Educator b: Bunnies, do you hear? Who's growling there?

(The teacher's assistant takes a toy - a bear and growls ).

Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

Bear: I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.

Educator: How can we cheer up the bear? What he likes to eat. (The teacher offers to treat the bear with honey. Children bring a barrel of honey. The bear “feasts on it”).

Bear: Thank you, little bunnies, you are kind, you treated me to honey, and that made me happy. Now I can play with you. I will catch you, and you run away from me.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies went out for a walk.

1,2,3,4,5 - the bunnies started jumping around. Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

1,2,3,4,5 - bunnies will run away,

And I will catch up! Run to the chairs, little bunnies.

Bear: What clever bunnies! I can't catch you at all. Will you still play with me? I scattered all the cones, help me collect them in a basket (the children are collecting)

Bear: I'm a rabbit, I'm very tired, I had a lot of fun with you, I'll come back to play with you. Goodbye, little bunny Vanya, Misha, Eva...

Educator: Bunnies, it's time for our guest to go home. Shall we say goodbye to him?

And we will turn back into children. 1,2,3 - turn around yourself and turn into a kid (The teacher takes off his hats, the bunny masks appear).

Educator: How fun they played. Who did they turn into? Who was catching up with you? Did you enjoy playing? Well done, you were smart and fast.

Section 3 Application.

Modified outdoor game for children first junior group. The game is aimed at enriching the motor activity of young children.

This game is one of the varieties of catch-up or tag, only more fun. The game requires several children (the more players there are, the more interesting it is). You can play this wonderful outdoor game with children in kindergarten, in primary school and at a children's party.

Rules of the game "At the Bear's"

One player is chosen by counting or by lot to lead - he will be the Bear. The bear draws a circle on the ground for itself (this is its den) and squats in the center of the outlined circle. The remaining players run around the den, but should not approach the bear.

The players go to the bear’s den and run from one place to another - picking mushrooms and berries, singing a song:

By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries...
The bear is fed up
The oven froze!

The bear chooses an opportune moment and rushes at the players with a loud roar. Whoever is gaping will be caught and taken to his den. There, the caught player is reincarnated - becomes a bear. When several bears gather in a den, then it is more difficult to run away from them. That's why the game is interesting - the most dexterous one remains.
