Sleight of hand and charm. The illusionist reveals the secret of tricks with cards

easier total predic.
Assessing a situation as not requiring much effort is very simple.

Dictionary Efremova
  • easier

    adverb, number of synonyms: 5 easier 7 don’t worry 3 simpler 3 calm down 14 more elementary 1

  • goodbye

    BYE, forgive, etc. see simple.

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • I'll forgive you

    I'LL SORRY, I'll say goodbye, forgive me, forgive me. bud. vr. from forgive, say goodbye.

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • no easier

    Not easier

  • no easier

    Not easier adv. circumstances quality
    Being the same (as someone else or something else

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • easier

    Simple, compare Art. (from simple, simple).

  • easier

    see simple 1, simple.

    Small academic dictionary
  • easier

    1. compare to adj. simple1 in 1, 2, 4 and 5 values. New system cars are much easier.
    2. compare to adv. Just. He looked at the matter easier.

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • goodbye

    “forgiveness of sins”, “miraculous healing”, other Russian. goodbye– the same (I Soph. Chronicle, 1 Pskov Chronicle). From *prosti̯a “deliverance” from *prostъ, see simple.

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • easier

    EASIER see 1. Simple and Simple.

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • nothing is simpler

    adj., number of synonyms: 4 what happened? 4 easy 181 nothing is easier 4 costs nothing 13

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • say goodbye

    SAY GOODBYE? (to say goodbye? to say goodbye?) eagle. make a mistake.

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • made simpler

    adj., number of synonyms: 1 simple 1

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • becoming simpler

    adj., number of synonyms: 1 simple 2

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • easier than others Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • easier than before

    adj., number of synonyms: 1 simplified 27

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • it couldn't be simpler

    not a question 14 no problem 11 just 106 easier nowhere 17 easier steamed turnips 26 easier

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • couldn't be simpler

    lightness 6 lighter than easy 17 just 106 easier never happens 18 easier steamed turnips 26 easier simple 24 spit times 30 elementary 63

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • be more simple

    adverb, number of synonyms: 9 drop it 25 throw it out of your head 14 forget it 17 forget it 13 forget it 25 never mind! 16 don't bother 18 don't pay attention 18 don't worry 22

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • as easy as pie

    left 13 a couple of trifles 8 just 106 easier never happens 18 easier nowhere 17 easier steamed turnips 26 s eyes closed 26 elementary 63

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • Be more simple

    And people will be drawn to you
    (or people will be drawn to you themselves)
    iron. know your place, don't perform.

    Explanatory dictionary of Russian argot
  • left without saying goodbye

    adj., number of synonyms: 1 gone in English 1

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • easier than steamed turnips

    Familiar. Very simple. Explaining the method of preparing salt, Petin said: “It’s so simple!” Right easier steamed turnips! (Yu. Krymov. Engineer).

    Fedorov's Phraseological Dictionary
  • easier than steamed turnips

    easy 17 not a trick 6 not a thing 6 obviously 95 trivial matter 28 transparent 24 simple 106 easier never happens 18 easier nowhere 17 easier simple 24 times spit 30 times sneeze 7 elementary 63 elementary

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • simplified

    U/ goodbye/yonn/y; cr. f. prib. y/ goodbye/yon/, u/ goodbye/en/a; cr. f. adj. y/ goodbye/yon/, u/ goodbye/yonn/a.

    Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • Be simpler - and people will follow you (to you)

    Call easier look at things in life, do not complicate the situation for no apparent reason.

    Dictionary of folk phraseology
  • Laterally

    Easier say sideways.

    Physical anthropology
  • simplification

    U/ goodbye/en/h/est/o.

    Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • simplify

    ABOUT/ goodbye/a/t(xia).

    Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • Correlation

    Easier to say interconnection, interdependence of signs.

    Physical anthropology
  • goodbye

    goodbye ( saying goodbye)

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • simplify

    U/ goodbye/a/t(xia).

    Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • Farewell)


    Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • saying goodbye)


    Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • forgiven

    FORGIVEN, forgiven, forgiven; forgiven forgiven, forgiven. prib. suffering past vr. from forgive in 1 and 2 values.

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • indulgence

    INDULGENCE w. lat. forgiveness issued by the pope, remission of past and sometimes future sins; our Uniates called it I forgive you; get I'll forgive you.

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • simplification

    ABOUT/ goodbye/en/st/o.

  • All of the card manipulations described above require lengthy training. While you are achieving automatic execution, you can master several simple tricks, based on certain patterns unknown to the audience or requiring special, but not complex preparation of the deck.

    For example, you can teach spectators to perform card tricks, but whether they succeed or not will depend on your desire.

    This interesting trick is done with a picket deck of cards, that is, up to seven inclusive. It often happens that spectators ask to be taught how to do some kind of trick. The magician announces that he is ready to do this with pleasure, but in order to perform tricks, knowledge alone is not enough, you must also have magical power. “I’ll show you a very ordinary and easy trick,” he says and begins to lay out the cards on the table, face down, in rows of four. When all the cards are laid out, he collects them again, shuffles them, lets them be removed and lays them out on the table bottom-by-side, in four piles, face down. When all the cards are laid out, he asks to turn them over. It turns out that all the hearts are in one pile, clubs in another, and so on. Having mixed the deck, he invites the audience to try to arrange it the same way. It is unlikely that anyone will succeed in this in the near future, but if there is such an insightful person, then the magician, having given him the opportunity to repeat the trick several times, says: “Great, you are very insightful, and I would be afraid to show you the trick, but you "You forget that I said that skill alone is not enough. So far I have helped you with all my magical power, but without my help you are unlikely to succeed." The spectator who guessed the secret will, of course, not believe that no matter how much he tries now, the trick will no longer work until the magician wants it. But this is exactly what will happen. The first thing the audience will do is doubt whether the magician has hidden any cards, but the cards are counted and they are all there, but the trick still fails.

    The whole secret of this trick is that it only works when the deck is missing four cards of different suits, that is, with a deck of twenty-eight cards. Nothing comes of it with a whole deck. The magician, starting to perform a trick, first hides four cards; and when the audience has discovered the secret, or when he himself has explained it and they have learned how to lay it out well, he again reports the four cards he has taken, and the trick no longer works. It would never even occur to anyone to count a hundred cards while the trick is working, and when it doesn’t work, it’s too late to count, since all the cards are in place.

    This trick is very simple to do. It seems that the cards are laid out without any preparation, but in reality the following is observed: the four cards of the first row can be anything, only of different colors. The second row begins with a card of the suit with which the first row ends; the second card must be of the same suit as the first card of the first row; the third card of the second row is like the second of the first; the fourth is like the third of the first row. The third row begins with the suit that begins the second row and so on. For example, if in the first row there were:

    Well, when passions subsided, the reason for such a solemn meeting became clear. They had a winter race there that day, and we didn’t think, didn’t guess, but it turned out that we took first place.

    Chapter XXI, in which Admiral Kusaki himself helps Vrungel to get out of a very difficult situation

    We stayed in the Yukon for three days, rested ourselves, and let the animals rest. We, as guests, were given complete freedom, only they signed a signature that we would not leave the house anywhere, and to be sure, two detectives were stationed at the porch. Well, then we harnessed our sledges and set off. They flew past the Yukon like an arrow, got out into the Bering Strait and headed straight for Chukotka. We drove well to Laurentia Island, but then there was a delay. A storm arose, the ice floes broke, and we were stuck in front of a crack, as if stranded.

    We set up an ice camp under a hummock. We are waiting for the ice to melt. It would be all right, we had nowhere to be in a particular hurry, and the food supply was fine: on the way we stocked up on pemmican, fish, and frozen hazel grouse. Well, again, milk comes from a cow. In a word, they would not have died of hunger, but they had a hard time dealing with the cold. We sit, pressed against each other, trembling. Fuchs especially suffered: his beard was frozen, covered in icicles, the guy was whining and complaining. The crowbar is also holding on with all its strength...

    Well, I see we need to come up with something. I'm sitting and thinking about in various ways heating. Firewood, coal, kerosene - all this does not suit us... Well, I remembered: once I was in the circus, there was one hypnotist boiling water with his gaze.

    If only I could do that, I think! I have a powerful will, an iron will. Why not try it? I stared at the ice floe - it didn’t boil, it didn’t even melt... Well, I realized that all this was nonsense, a deception, just a circus act. Sleight of hand or, more simply, focus... And as soon as I remembered this word, a brilliant idea arose in the convolutions of my brain.

    I grabbed an ax, selected a suitable block of ice, marked it, processed it accordingly and returned to our camp.

    Come on, comrades, help me set the focus.

    Lom stood up and grumbled:

    I’m surprised at you, Khristofor Bonifatievich: here you can turn into an icicle, and you’re still having fun with tricks.

    Fuchs also grumbles:

    Hocus pocus! In the Red Sea I swam in only panties, and it was hot, but here I put on three pairs, and I still can’t keep warm. This is a trick, a trick!

    Well, I shouted at them:

    Stop inappropriate conversations! Listen to the command! Pick up this ice cube! Keep it up! Five degrees to the left. Even further to the left...

    And so, you know, they raised the creation of my hands, a huge ice lens, pointed a beam of rays at the ice, and we looked - it was drilling like a radish, only steam was whistling. They pointed it at the kettle and it boiled instantly, even the lid flew off. This is how we overcame the cold. We live. We began to get used to it, settled in so well that we didn’t want to leave. We feed the wolf pemmican, the cow hay. We ourselves are also full, we are not starving. And then the ice melted.

    We harnessed our trotters for the last time and rushed on a direct course to Petropavlovsk.

    We arrived and disembarked. We introduced ourselves to local authorities. Well, I must say, we were received wonderfully. Here, you know, our campaign was followed in the newspapers, Lately They were worried, and when I told who we were, they treated us like family: they fed us, looked after us, and took us to see guests. We unchained the cow, handed it over to the collective farm according to the deed, and gave the wolf cub to the children at school as a living corner... But what can I tell you... If only I could stay there for a century, it’s still not enough.

    Do you believe in magic? Even if this is not the case, there are a couple of simple tricks with which you can make others believe that you are a real wizard! Performing magic tricks successfully requires some skill, but if you practice, you can put on quite a show!


    Part 1

    Put on a show

      Be confident when performing tricks. People are more likely to trust a person who carries himself with confidence than someone who is insecure, especially when it comes to magic. Even if you don't have the most interesting trick, a little self-confidence never hurts.

      • Good magicians are mesmerizing. It just takes a little sleight of hand and practiced technique to deceive the audience. If you smile and hypnotize them with your presence, they will be less likely to watch your hands.
    1. Start with simple tricks. Learn how to perform simple magic tricks first, and then practice more complex ones. Here are a couple of simple tricks:

      • Performance magic tricks using sleight of hand.
      • Pushing a rod is a simple and corny trick that will make your friends laugh and hoot.
      • Vanishing a quarter is one of the basic magic tricks, and one of those that every aspiring illusionist should be able to perform.
    2. Engage your viewers. If you pay attention to the audience, they will be happy with any tricks. They will start worrying about what to say instead of what you say and do. Classic scam. Here are a couple of tips to get you started:

      • Always try to read the audience's mind.
      • Involve your friend in the trick by making him as light as a feather - it will be fun.
      • Cold reading will make the audience believe that you are a magician.
    3. Use props. Don't be afraid to use tools - the scarier the better. Spectators must sit on the edges of their chairs. Props will help you put on a real show and distract the audience. All this is done to distract their attention from what you are doing. Try:

      • Make a box with magical tools.
      • Bend the spoon.
      • Connect two paper clips so that they do not touch.
      • Make a magic wand like Harry Potter's.
    4. Use your body. Good magician always completely immersed in his work during the performance. Don't be afraid to take risks! Once you've trained your arm, you'll be able to perform truly stunning physical feats:

      • Breaking free from a straitjacket will leave viewers holding their breath.
      • Levitation will also surprise and stun viewers.
    5. Remember that people come to magic shows to be amazed. Don't be afraid to use flashes or artificial fog.

      • Let the smoke pass through your fingers.
      • Fire in hand is a great special effect that will make your audience shudder.
      • Light a candle without touching the wick - outwardly it will seem that you did it magically.

      Part 2

      Perform a simple card trick

      To perform the trick, draw several cards into your hand. You will need to turn away from the audience for a second to perform the trick. Take a deck of cards and shuffle them so that the Ace of Diamonds is on top of the deck - about fifth in the deck. Draw 8 or 9 cards.

      • Submit the ace of diamonds under the second card so that it is not visible. The cards must be on the same line, otherwise the trick will fail.
      • Turn the Ace of Hearts upside down and take the cards in both hands so that they form a sort of card semicircle. The card in the middle (Ace of Hearts) should now replace the Ace of Diamonds.
      • Or you can tell them something else. Do the trick in a way that suits you. If you say you'll turn these cards into a bunny, go for it. By the end of the trick, they will understand why you said it.
    6. Ask a volunteer from the audience to examine your hands. Ask him to make sure which cards you have. If you performed the trick correctly, the cards will be on top of the Ace of Diamonds. Then ask the volunteer to return to his seat.

    7. Ask someone to “memorize the card.” This is part of your mind reading and, again, is needed to perform another trick. Ask the volunteer to think longer so you can get inside their thoughts.

      • If you decide to make it more difficult, ask him to try to remember a few cards from your deck. You can see what cards he has in mind (which is very impressive); While he remembers, you can also direct your powers in another direction - for example, turning into a rabbit and so on.
    8. While holding the cards in your hands, pretend to be confused. Examine the cards in your hands as if you are "thinking about the value of the card" and say that something is wrong. As you say this, calmly move the cards so that the ace of hearts is in sight. You should not shuffle the cards too often, otherwise the audience may become suspicious.

      • Ask the audience if they remember all the cards in your hands. They will start listing them. When it's the Ace's turn, say something like, "Exactly, that's what I was thinking." Then show the audience another hand with hearts, and Not with the ace of diamonds. Wow – has he changed?
      • At the same time, make sure that real the ace of diamonds is still under the second card in your hand. He shouldn't be seen yet.
    9. Put on a mini-show with the “kidnapping” of the Ace of Diamonds. Which of your spectators tried to screw up your trick? Accuse someone (in a friendly manner, of course) of stealing the card and demand it back. When the person responds that she has nothing to do with it, say that you will return her anyway. By using of magic.

      • At this stage of the trick, it is important to behave with confidence and humor. The larger your performance, during which you divert the audience's attention from the cards, the more successful you will be in your trick. The audience wants to have fun and doesn't expect real magic from you.
    10. As if by magic" magic wand» Take the Ace of Diamonds in your hand. Here everything depends on you. You can sing over the cards, have the audience dance a jig, or simply tap the deck a couple of times to get the card on top. Tell the audience that you control the cards and they will do whatever you tell them to do.

      • Then, after you've done everything you need to do to "draw" the card, flip it over. You can also ask a skeptical viewer to do this. Ta-da-m... there... there... It's a pity that now you don't have enough strength to turn the cards into a rabbit. Well, never mind, some other time.

      Part 3

      Perform a coin trick
      1. Take the coin, explaining to the audience that you are going to rub it into your skin. You have low iron in your blood and your doctor said it's a good idea. Viewers don't believe you? Just watch.

        • It is best to perform this trick while sitting at a table where no one will disturb you. And the audience must sit opposite. If they sit down with you, they may notice that it's all a matter of sleight of hand.
      2. Place one hand under your chin and keep the other hand ready to rub the coin into your elbow. It doesn't matter in which hand you hold the coin. Place your other elbow on the table, squeezing your hand into a fist and placing it under his chin.

        • To successfully perform the trick, it is important to sit this way. You'll soon understand why.
      3. Start rubbing and “accidentally” drop a coin. Start rubbing the coin into your elbow, which is lying on the table. Rub, rub, rub. Then, oops! When everyone is already carried away by the process, a coin falls on the table. It's okay - keep rubbing.

        • At this stage, try to behave as naturally as possible. If you fake it, people will know it's meant to be. They must think this is a real oversight.
      4. Transfer the coin to your other hand. When you pick up a coin, you have two options:

        • Take the coin with both hands as if you were transferring it to your main hand. In fact, you will skillfully hide it in the hand supporting your chin.
        • Take the coin with your dominant hand, and then quietly throw it under the table into the hand you hold under it. Then raise your hand to transfer the coin to your other hand.
      5. Keep rubbing. Continue performing the trick by rubbing the non-existent coin into your elbow. Rub, rub, rub. Oh, you feel it disappearing! A couple more moves. A little more and...ta-da-m! The coin is rubbed under your skin. You're better now. Where did the coin go? You have already told the audience this - they want to know the answer, but the coin cannot be returned. Hee hee.

        • Can you return the coin? Hm. Well, maybe. You are extremely tired, rubbing it under your skin. Magic is so exhausting - the audience just doesn't understand it.
      6. Retrieve the missing coin! When the opportunity arises, you can perform the second part of the trick (or stop there - it's up to you). Tell the audience that after all the torment, you still haven’t managed to rub the coin into your elbow. Place the coin between your fingers with your non-dominant hand. Then choose one of the spectators and remove the coin from his hair, from his shirt collar or from his ear. Perhaps he also has supernatural abilities?

        • When they ask you how you did it, don't say it! Otherwise, you will no longer be able to show them this trick (and possibly their friends). Good magician never doesn't share his secrets.

    It is known that some tricks cannot be performed without sophisticated equipment and pre-prepared props. However, what makes a person a magician is not the mastery of all these devices, but the sleight of hand, which allows one to create real miracles with the help of seemingly ordinary objects. Card tricks, tricks with coins, manipulations with scarves, flowers, the disappearance and appearance of things taken from spectators - this is just a short list of what you can do after learning to use your hands.

    It was tricks involving the manipulation of objects that brought fame to many famous illusionists. However, street magicians also use this skill. For example, famous game Thimble, which is almost impossible for a beginner to win, is built precisely on distraction and sleight of hand.

    Money tricks

    Sleight of hand is also necessary in cases where you want to surprise your interlocutors with tricks with a coin or bill. After all, while the audience is watching your hands, you need to have time not only to distract their attention, but also to quickly hide or replace the coin. In order for such a simple action to be performed without misfires, long training is required.

    The first thing any magician should learn to do is to quietly take a coin from hand to hand, so that the audience does not have time to notice in which palm it is held. Professionals call this technique “passing.” This is what is used in the trick of rubbing a coin into your hand. Try to take a five-ruble coin and rub it into your palm with light movements of your palm. Impossible? But the secret of this trick is quite simple.

    Take the coin in your hand and begin to demonstratively rub it into the skin of your wrist, simultaneously explaining what exactly you are going to do. Of course, the audience is watching your actions closely, and you need to make them look away for a second. The easiest way to do this is to drop a coin on the table. Now you just need to take it - always in the hand into which you “rub” it - and pretend that you are transferring it to your second hand. In fact, this is just an illusion, and at the moment when the fingers of your free hand cover the coin, you drop it into your palm. After this, all the attention of your spectators is focused on your fist, which supposedly holds a coin, and you can safely hide it in your pocket. Now a few more rubbing movements, and the miracle has happened! The coin is no longer in your hand. It must have really rubbed into the skin.

    It is important! Hiding a coin in your hand is a little more difficult, but you can learn this trick. This can be done by holding a coin between your fingers or in the folds of your palm. The main thing is to make sure that none of the spectators can see the back of your hand, otherwise they will immediately figure out your trick.

    In this video you can see the solution to one of these tricks:

    Dexterity in card tricks

    Sleight of hand is necessary in all card tricks. In order to simply shuffle the cards beautifully, you need excellent coordination of movements and long training. What can we say about complex voltes or tricks with an unexpected change in suit, disappearance of a card or colorful “fans”.

    To begin, try dividing the deck of cards into two parts with one hand and, without touching it with the other hand, move the top pile under the bottom one. Few people will be able to do this the first time, but experienced magicians with a slight movement of their fingers perform much more complex voltes! All this is achieved through long periods of practice. Thus, Hmayak Hakobyan admitted that he spends several hours a day doing finger exercises alone.

    In this video you can see examples of some card tricks performed solely through manual dexterity:

    Without cunning manipulations, most of the tricks shown on stage are impossible. Harutyun Hakobyan, Harry Houdini, Uri Geller, David Blaine - they all earned fame thanks to their ability to create tricks seemingly out of thin air.

    You can develop finger dexterity by repeating simple exercises, such as rolling a coin over the outside of your fingers. Detailed description This trick is shown here:

    And, of course, you need to remember that all tricks should be performed as quickly and spectacularly as possible: this will help divert the audience's attention from your hands and, ultimately, ensure a successful performance.
