Educational musical games for children. Musical games for children in kindergarten and at home Musically entertaining games for children

Sly little mouse

Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: teach children to move expressively, in accordance with the chosen musical image.

Necessary equipment: Any musical instrument played by a professionally trained adult.

Progress of the game. The space allocated for the game is divided into two halves. On one side there is a “cat”, on the other there are “mouse holes”, they are marked with chalk. Any number of players can take part in the game. With the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is selected - vada, who will be the “cat”. Children stand in a circle and “count”:

Tara-bara, rastabara,

The cat is sitting by the samovar,

And the mouse is under the table.

Vada - you, get out of the circle!

Under quiet, but rhythmic and disturbing music, the driver portrays a “cat” falling asleep. The remaining “mice” players hide in their “minks”. The music changes, becomes calmer and quieter. This serves as a signal to the “mice” that the “cat” has finally fallen asleep. The “mice” quietly run out of their “holes” and sneak up on the “sweetly sleeping cat.” They stand around him and begin to move clockwise. Pressing their finger to their lips, the “mice” quietly chant to the beat of the music:

Hush, hush, hush...

We rocked the cat.

The cat sleeps sweetly

And he doesn’t look at mice.

All you have to do is make some noise

Our cat can eat mice!..

If the music still sounds calm, the mouse children again quietly sing the words, while moving in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise. And then the music suddenly becomes fast and energetic, and this means that the “cat” has “woke up”. This is a signal not only for the “mice”, but also for the “cat”: he must be the first to catch changes in the music and warn the actions of the “mice”. He suddenly jumps up and tries to catch the troublemakers. A player who did not have time to hide in his “hole” and who the “cat” managed to touch is considered caught.

When the music ends, the game ends. The "cat" is counting his "prey".

Note. The game is repeated until all the “mice” are caught. The “mouse” who manages to remain free is declared the winner of the game. To the sounds of a solemn march and friendly applause from the rest of the players, he is awarded the honorary title “The Most Cunning Mouse.”

We're playing steam locomotive

Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: development of an ear for music, coordination of movements, the ability to correlate one’s movements with changes in the tempo of the music. In addition, during the game, teamwork and interaction skills are developed.

Necessary equipment: a musical instrument or tape recorder with a recording of a simple musical composition.

Progress of the game. The children stand next to each other. The child standing in front is the driver of the “steam locomotive”, the rest of the children are the carriages, they “attach” to the driver, chanting the little rhyme:

What kind of miracle locomotive is this?

It has no steam and no wheels!

We cling to each other...

Driver, give the signal!

The time for departure has arrived...

When the music starts, the driver sounds the horn. The “locomotive” begins to move: the children move their feet, imitating the movement of the wheels and imitating their clicking. The “steam locomotive” starts from its place and travels to the “station” (for example, “Romashkino”). As the tempo of the music changes, the “speed of the locomotive” also changes: it goes slowly, then speeds up or slows down.

The task of each participant is not to become detached from the child in front and not to fall behind, since the “train” can “maneuver” at full speed. The train must arrive at the stop in full force.

At the end of the game, the children sing the song “Steam Locomotive”, words by O. Vysotskaya, music by 3. Kompaneets.

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

Brand new, shiny!

He drove the wagons

Like it's real.

Who's on the train?

Teddy bears,

Fluffy cats

Hares and monkeys.

Note: At least 5-7 children take part in the game. The main task facing the players is to act coherently and clearly, as a team. Teams of 3-5 people can also participate in the game. In this case, the game becomes a competition. The winner will be the most friendly “train”, which did not lose a single “car” during its movement.


Age: 5 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: learning the basic techniques of playing the simplest percussion instruments, developing creative thinking and imagination.

Necessary equipment: to play you will need real musical instruments: maracas, tambourine, triangle, metallophone.

Progress of the game. First, the teacher introduces the children to musical instruments, repeats their names and explains the rules of playing each of them. After this, the adult invites the children to tell a fairy tale, but not just like that, but accompanying each phrase with sound (noise) effects created with the help of musical instruments.

“Once upon a time there was a boy who was afraid of everything. I was afraid of strong winds, thunderstorms, rain and even the rustling of leaves.” The teacher must first show himself how these “sound” natural phenomena. Only after this does he continue his story: “...But one day everything changed. The boy met a wise and kind wizard who not only helped him cope with his fears, but also taught him to understand the language of nature. Now the boy heard music in the rain, in the rustling of leaves, and the thunder turned out to be not so terrible. Now he seemed to the boy in the form of a prankish baby sitting on a cloud and playing with a rattle. And the boy also made friends with the wind and began to race with it...”

The teacher asks the little musicians to independently accompany the story with audio comments. Each “performance” is discussed, and as a result, children choose the best. Then the teacher invites the children to come up with their own little fairy tale using the musical instruments they already know.

Note: since the game is focused on activation creativity children, there are no winners or losers in it. Each participant in the game must be encouraged by the teacher.

Which one of you is the king?

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: The game is aimed at developing reaction and coordination of movements.

Necessary equipment: chair - “throne”; crown made of foil.

Progress of the game. Children are 3 m from the chair. To cheerful music, players perform any dance moves they know. When the music ends, they must run to the “throne” and try to sit on it. The child who manages to take the royal place wins. He is solemnly “proclaimed” as the king of the musical country. A crown is placed on the head of the winner, to the applause of the “courtiers of the kingdom,” with all the honors due in this case.

Note. Sometimes it happens that the players have equal strengths and capabilities. Together they run up to the “throne” and raise the crown. In this case, the task of the teacher (music director) is to prevent quarrels and insults. The dispute that arises is resolved as follows: the players are offered another test (for example, to perform their favorite song or guess a musical riddle). The smartest (or musically gifted) player is “crowned” to “reign.”

Let's play transformations

Age: 37 years.

Purpose of the game: development of imagination.

Necessary equipment: musical recording " Rhythmic exercise", music by S. Sosnin.

Progress of the game. The teacher asks the children a question: how do they feel about transformations? There is hardly a single child who does not dream of becoming a fairy-tale wizard and the happy owner of a magic wand. The adult says that it is quite possible to do without magical objects, it is enough to have a rich imagination. He asks the children to try to “turn on” their imagination: “Let each of you imagine that now he is not Petya or Masha, but a small beautiful ball. Introduced? What color would you like to be? Each child mentally selects a color, that is, paints himself in his favorite colors. Cheerful music sounds, children perform free improvised movements: “roll”, “jump”, “jump”, etc. The players’ task is to enter into the image of a ball, move like it, while listening carefully to the music and coordinating their movements with it.

Note. An invitation to a warm-up game can be the following words:

One two three four five -

We will play with you

The ball is cheerful, mischievous,

Let's roll, don't stop!

Do you hear the music playing?

The ball doesn't stand still!

Let's gallop briskly: jump and jump...

Are you tired, my friend?

Well, let's take a little rest

And... let's start playing again.

This game can also be successfully used during school recess or during kindergarten- for overly excited or, on the contrary, overly apathetic guys. With the help of music and movements, it is easy to relieve psychological and muscle tension in children.

Find the toy

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: teach how to navigate in space, coordinating your movements according to musical dynamics.

Necessary equipment: any small toy, music recording.

Progress of the game. The teacher, having shown the child a toy (for example, a bunny), asks him to turn away and close his eyes. At this time he hides the thing. Then the player, at the leader’s command, opens his eyes. The teacher explains to him the rules of the game: the child needs to find a hidden toy. If the player moves in the right direction, the music and the voices of the children humming the melody become louder. If he moves away from the toy, then the music and children's voices sound quieter. The child’s task is to use the help of children to find the hidden thing as quickly as possible.

Note. Two children are already participating in the repeated game. One hides the toy, the other finds it. As musical accompaniment any melody is used that children sitting still sing to a specific musical syllable (for example, “la”),

Musical chain

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: develop children's sense of rhythm, musical memory and attention.

Necessary equipment: music recording, ball.

Progress of the game. Children sit on chairs or on the carpet. The teacher (musical director), who holds the ball, invites each child in turn to sing one song phrase. The teacher starts the game. He hums a song well known to the children (for example, “I’m lying in the sun, I’m looking at the sun...”) and immediately passes the ball to another child. He must immediately continue without pauses or hesitations: “I’m still lying, and lying, and looking at the sun...” and immediately pass the ball to the child sitting next to him, who picks up the song, repeating its refrain: “I’m still lying, and lying.” , and I look at the sun...”, etc. The players’ task is to pick up the “musical baton” and pass it on to the next one.

Note. The game uses previously learned songs. Children who successfully complete the task receive the right to perform solo in a concert that will take place immediately after the game.

Guess who's singing?

Age: 6 - 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: develop musical memory in older children preschool age.

Necessary equipment: cards depicting various fairy-tale characters. To play, you will also need a tape recorder and a recording of children's songs from famous fairy tales, cartoons and children's films.

Progress of the game. Each character in the fairy tale has his own favorite song, which is well known to children. The teacher invites them to sit at tables on which there are cards depicting various fairy-tale characters. After familiarizing the children with the conditions of the game, they are allowed to listen to a fragment of the first song. Then the sound is muffled, the children choose the right card and show it to the teacher. A difficult task: listen to a fragment of a song and name its artist. The child who successfully completes the largest number of tasks wins.

Note. The game may use fragments of songs performed by Cheburashka, his friend Crocodile Gena; Winnie the Pooh; Emeley; Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat; Pinocchio; Tiny Raccoon; Bremen Town Musicians and others.

Who heard what?

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: to develop in children hearing, attention, observation, the ability to see the unusual in ordinary things and phenomena.

Necessary equipment: none additional equipment not required.

Progress of the game. Children sit on chairs or on a carpet. The number of players doesn't matter. The teacher invites you to sit quietly and listen for a minute: in silence you can hear a lot. After the agreed time has passed, players share their observations. Someone heard the noise of passing traffic outside the window, and someone heard the singing of birds, the noise of leaves, the creaking of a door being opened, snatches of a distant conversation, etc. The players’ task is to hear as many different sounds as possible within a certain time. The most attentive and active participant in the game receives the honorary title of Best Observer of the day.

Note. During the game, the teacher (music director) can deliberately add a few “extra sounds” on his own (for example, dropping a book, tapping his fingers on the table surface, or “accidentally” pressing a piano key, etc.).

Dance improvisation

Age: 4 – 8 years.

Purpose of the game: development of the child’s creative abilities and improvisational skills.

Necessary equipment: recording fun and rhythmic music, for example, “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”

Progress of the game. An unlimited number of players can take part in it. To the music (live or recorded), the children must portray a variety of animals: piglets, bunnies, elephants, cats, kangaroos, etc.

Note. The game can be played not only indoors, but also outdoors. There are no winners or losers in this game; originality and brightness in revealing the image of a particular animal are encouraged.

One word, two words - there will be a song

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: development of creative abilities and inclinations in children of senior preschool age.

Necessary equipment: Record happy music.

Progress of the game. A fairy-tale character, such as Baba Yaga, turns to the guys for help. She is invited to a name day with her bosom friend Kikimora. I decided to sing her my famous choruses as a gift, but the problem is that grandma is illiterate and has no memory. I composed a song, and then forgot half of the words. Yaga asks the guys to help her remember forgotten rhymes. She starts singing:

Christmas trees, pine trees,

Prickly... (needles).

Without a broom I'm like without hands,

Without my... (broom).

I can't fly without a broom,

There is nothing to cover the tracks with.... (to cover up).

Woe, woe for Yaga,

If she doesn't have... (a broom)!

Eh, Baba Yaga,

Bone... (leg)!

I've been living for so many years now

She has done so much... (trouble)!

I'll go dance

There is nowhere for my legs... (to put them).

Now I'll take my broom

Yes, like a “lady”... (I’ll dance)!

Note. After the guys help Baba Yaga remember the forgotten words, she heartily thanks them and performs the entire song, accompanying it with movements. The number of players is not limited, as they say, the more the better.

We will show you what we can do

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: The game is aimed at developing collective creativity skills.

Necessary equipment: musical accompaniment.

Progress of the game. The teacher, who is also the host of the impromptu concert, says that in music classes the children learned to sing and move correctly and beautifully. Now is the time to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. In an impromptu concert, the children perform songs, ditties, songs and dances that they know. The players' task is to amaze the audience with their professionalism and artistry. Children act as both amateur performers and spectators.

The teacher, in the role of presenter, announces the first number, calling the surname and full name of the little artist. After each performance, as expected, there is applause from the audience.

For example, one of the concert numbers could be a performance by matryoshka girls who will perform their funny ditties for the guys.


Here are the funny nesting dolls,

They love to sing and dance.

The guys invited them

To perform on your holiday.

Matryoshka dolls(in unison).

We'll wave our handkerchiefs,

Let's stamp our heels together.

Eh, once! Again!

Let's start dancing!

Impromptu dance of Matryoshka dolls. When the dance ends, all the Matryoshkas, except the last, youngest, leave and sit down in their places.

Little doll.

And I am the little sister,

She is a master of singing ditties.

I won't leave the stage

Until I sing a ditty.

When I grow up a little,

I'll go straight to school.

I will sing, dance,

Visit discos.

My dear mother,

Do not worry about me.

I'm a fighting girl

Everything, mommy, is all about you!

I'll walk in front of you

Yes, I will bow three times

(Bows on three sides).

I would still perform

Yes, I’m suddenly tired.

When I get some rest,

I'll start singing songs again!

Eh, once! Again!

I've been on stage for an hour!

Thank you for your attention,

See you soon!

The little girl runs away skipping. To lose, all the Matryoshkas come out to bow.


Age: 5 - 8 years.

Purpose of the game: The game is designed for joint musical creativity of children and adults.

Necessary equipment:"live" musical accompaniment.

Progress of the game. An adult who plays any musical instrument and several children take part in the game. Before the game, it is necessary to explain to the children who the composer is, after which the children are invited to try their hand at composing a melody. The players are given a task: to work together to compose a melody for a New Year's song. In this game, joint creativity and friendship win.

After explaining the rules of the game, the teacher (music director) introduces the children to the words of the song:

I’ll sing a funny song for you, friends!

And I'll ask you to sing along with me,

At the same time you can dance -

La-la-la-la! La-la-la-la!

At the same time dance!

The words to this song

Clear and simple.

Let's remember them and repeat:

“Tirlim-tirlim, tirlim-tirlim!” —

Let's remember and repeat.

We sing a cheerful song

Let's sing in every way:

“La-la-la! Tirlim-tirlim!

La-la-la! Tirlim! —

Let's repeat from the beginning.

Then we’ll hold hands and dance in a circle,

And with that cheerful song

We will celebrate the New Year!

La-la-la-la! La-la-la! Tirlim-tirlim-tirlim!

La-la-la! La-la-la! Let's celebrate the New Year!

Note. After the motive is invented, the adult selects the accompaniment and the children perform the entire song - from beginning to end with movement. After performing it, they applaud themselves. This song can be sung on New Year's holiday, accompanying the singing by playing musical instruments.

Musical Theatre

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Purpose of the game: to awaken in children a sustainable interest in musical creativity.

Necessary equipment: recording of music by E. Tamberg “Dance of the Witch”.

Progress of the game. The game is played with a group of children. The players' task is to try to convey the content and mood of the music through pantomime. The child who shows himself most vividly and emotionally during the game receives the title of People's Artist.

Players are invited to listen to the play and try to convey its content using movements, gestures and facial expressions. To more successfully enter the character, poetic lines are read out that characterize the fairy-tale character of the musical work.

Witch spell

No dust, path,

Don't make noise, grass.

Shut up, birds,

Don't thunder, thunderstorm!

Don't you blow, the winds

Sun, don't shine.

All living creatures on earth,

Freeze for a moment!

Hour for Spells

It's finally here!

I'll prepare a potion

Witch's decoction...

It will bubble and foam

The brew is mine.

It will fall on people

All worldly evil!

Note. If they wish, the children themselves can colorfully illustrate E. Tamberg’s music by coming up with their own plot for it.

Repeat games

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: The game is aimed at developing attentiveness and training the complex abilities of rhythmic musical memory.

Necessary equipment: identical musical instruments (according to the number of players).

Progress of the game. Two or more children can take part in the game. In front of each of them lies, for example, a metallophone. At a sign from an adult, one of the children plays a simple melody on his instrument. The second child is asked to repeat it. If he successfully completes the task, then, in turn, he plays his own melody, which the first child must now repeat.

Note. The player who fails to complete the task is given two more attempts.

Often, parents, when working with their baby, become overly interested in learning letters, numbers, colors, and foreign languages, while such an important area as music remains on the sidelines. Meanwhile, the development of musicality in a child is extremely useful for the formation of personality: listening to musical works and music games contribute not only to the development of hearing and sense of rhythm, but also to the development of emotionality, creativity, attention and imagination of the baby.

Another version of the game is that the mother plays the tambourine, the baby walks on his toes to the quiet beats of the tambourine, walks to the loud beats, and runs to the very loud beats. Or if the mother is playing loudly, the child should raise his hands with flags/rattles, if quietly, lower them.

6. Songs and games of the Zheleznovs

Professional psychologists and teachers have long established that they bring enormous benefits to the development of a child. And if they are also accompanied by music, then they simply have no price! It seems to me that now not a single educational club can complete classes without songs and games by Sergei and Ekaterina Zheleznov, and it is no coincidence that their musical developmental games are really funny, playful and the children really like them. My daughter and I also enjoy playing and dancing to them since she was 1 year old. I think there is no need to explain what kind of games these are, it’s easier to download them. I posted the Zheleznovs’ CDs with instructions for dramatized songs.

It should be noted that the games on the discs are not ordered by difficulty level, but I really like order. Therefore, for myself, I divided all the most successful song-games by age. If this is also more convenient for you, then you can use my version of the collection by age.

7. Noisy fairy tales

From about 2 years old, you can try organizing small musical performances with your child. In such performances, the child’s main task is to use available means to produce the desired sound according to the text being read. For example, to the words “The horse is running and the bell is ringing,” the baby rings the bell, and to “A man is walking in the snow,” the baby rustles the bag, imitating the sounds of footsteps in the snow. It turns out very lively and interesting. Here you can DOWNLOAD audio stories with instructions.

8. Game “Sea figure, freeze in place”

This game, known to everyone since childhood, teaches children to hear music and is aimed at developing reaction speed, attention and endurance. While the music is playing, we dance, jump, run - in general, we move; when the music stops - you need to freeze and try not to move; older children can also be given the task of depicting some kind of figure. This game can be played by two people, or by a whole group in kindergarten.

9. Game "Hat"

While the music is playing, we pass the hat around (if you play at home, it is advisable to include at least three people in the game), when the music stops, the one who still has the hat in his hands must put it on his head and walk around the room in it. It’s good if the hat is “role-playing” (for example, the hat of Santa Claus or a doctor), then during the passage the player will also need to behave according to the role.

10. Game "Cat and mouse"

In this active musical game, the child also learns to distinguish between the volume and mood of the piece. You need to select two compositions in advance: one is quiet and alert, the other is loud. One of the players is designated as a cat. The rest are mice. Even if there is only one mouse in the game, it doesn’t matter, the game is no worse for it. When quiet music sounds, the children sneak up on the “sleeping” cat, when the melody changes, the cat wakes up and begins to run after the mice, which run away from him in different directions.

11. Game "Tambourine"

For this game it is advisable to find at least three participants. So if you're playing at home, call your dad, grandma or your toy friends. The first player begins to play the tambourine, the rest clap their hands and, turning to the first player, say the words:

Play the tambourine, Tasya,
We will clap our hands
Play, play,
Pass the tambourine to Sasha

After which the tambourine is passed to the next player and everything is repeated again until the players get tired of it. The game can be ended with the words “Play, play, put the tambourine in its place.” When this game was at the peak of its popularity, we played 20 laps before Taisiya agreed to finish it

12. Listen, dance, sing

Well, don’t forget to turn on music more often just for fun. Just to dance or in the background during games. Record music for your baby on a flash drive or disk so you can listen to it in the car. In addition to classical music, it is useful to include children's songs (), and sing them together. If you sing yourself, then the child will very soon remember all the words and also begin to sing along.

Use rattles and tambourines in your dances. Rattle to the beat of the music, perform simple movements with rattles: rattle over your head, behind your back, in front of you, etc. Here's another interesting option dancing: try dancing with your baby only with your hands, or only with your legs, only with your eyes.

I wish you to have music in your home as often as possible, and to always be in a good mood! Thank you for attention!

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

State budgetary professional educational institution

Sverdlovsk region

"Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College"

A collection of musical games aimed at developing the emotional sphere in children 5-6 years old

Kamyshlov, 2017

Collection of musical games aimed at developing the emotional sphere in children 5-6 years old / comp. I.V. Sponge. Kamyshlov: GBPOU SO "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College", 2017.

The proposed materials are based on the idea of ​​using a collection of musical games to develop the emotional sphere in children 5-6 years old.

The proposed collection of musical games will be an educational and methodological support that will contribute to the development of the emotional sphere in children 5-6 years old, and will also allow organizing musical play activities.

Musical games can be carried out throughout the entire day of children’s stay in kindergarten in joint partnership activities with children.

This collection may be useful to preschool teachers, music directors of preschools, parents of preschool children, and students.

©GBPOU SO "Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College", 2017

Explanatory note…………………………………………………………………..4

Musical games for expressive speech…………………………………….5

Dancing games……………………………………………………………………………….10

Plastic improvisation games……………………………………………………..13



Explanatory note

Emotions are the “central link”
human mental life
and, above all, the child.

(L. Vygotsky)

The collection of musical games is built based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, OOP, the age characteristics of children of this age, and the characteristics of the organization pedagogical process in preschool educational organizations.

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, special hopes are placed on preschool education. Work that meets the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard requires teachers to search for innovative means, methods and techniques aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. Current direction of system modernization preschool education is artistic and aesthetic education, as one of the main means of spiritual, moral, cultural development of the individual.

Senior preschool age is the period of primary formation of the moral image of the future citizen. In the process, musically - play activity Children develop emotional responsiveness, which is the basis of the emotional and figurative essence of music; the emotional sphere dominates all aspects of the child’s life, giving them a color of expressiveness, impulsiveness, and emotionality.

The purpose of the collection: the development of the emotional sphere in children 5-6 years old.

    accumulation of children's musical experience in the process of musical and play activities;

    activating the creative abilities of older preschoolers through participation in musical games.

    developing the child’s ability to understand his own emotions and the emotions of the people around him.

The collection consists of three sections based on music games:

1 section

Musical games for expressive speech

Section 2

Dancing games

Section 3

Plastic improvisation games

The proposed collection will help to successfully carry out work on developing beautiful posture, freedom and plastic movements in children. Feelings and moods evoked by music will give children's movements an emotional coloring, influencing the variety and expressiveness of gestures in musical play activities.

Musical games can be used in routine moments and independent activities.

1 Section. Musical games for expressive speech.

    "We're playing steam locomotive"

Musical accompaniment: (to the tune of the song “Steam Locomotive”, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya, music by 3. Kompaneets).

Purpose of the game: development of an ear for music, coordination of movements, the ability to physically react to the musical rhythm and accurately embody it in movements. Development of intonation voice. In addition, during the game, teamwork and interaction skills are developed.

Progress of the game. The children stand next to each other. The child standing in front is the driver of the “steam locomotive”, the rest of the children are the carriages, they “attach” to the driver, chanting the little rhyme:

What kind of miracle locomotive is this?

It has no steam and no wheels!

We cling to each other...

Driver, give the signal!

The time for departure has arrived...

When the music starts, the driver sounds the horn. The “locomotive” begins to move: the children move their feet, imitating the movement of the wheels and imitating their clicking. The “steam locomotive” starts from its place and travels to the “station” (for example, “Romashkino”). As the tempo of the music changes, the “speed of the locomotive” also changes: it goes slowly, then speeds up or slows down.

The task of each participant is not to become detached from the child in front and not to fall behind, since the “train” can “maneuver” at full speed. The train must arrive at the stop in full force.

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

Brand new, shiny!

He drove the wagons

Like it's real.

Who's on the train?

Teddy bears,

Fluffy cats

Hares and monkeys.

Note: At least 5-7 children take part in the game. The main task facing the players is to act coherently and clearly, as a team. Teams of 3-5 people can also participate in the game. In this case, the game becomes a competition. The winner will be the most friendly “train”, which did not lose a single “car” during its movement.


Musical accompaniment: ( musical instruments: maracas, tambourine, triangle, metallophone).

Purpose of the game: learning the basic techniques of playing the simplest percussion instruments, developing creative thinking and imagination. Development of emotionally charged voice intonations.

Progress of the game. First, the teacher introduces the children to musical instruments, repeats their names and explains the rules of playing each of them. After this, the adult invites the children to tell a fairy tale, but not just like that, but accompanying each phrase with sound (noise) effects created with the help of musical instruments.

“Once upon a time there was a boy who was afraid of everything. I was afraid of strong winds, thunderstorms, rain and even the rustling of leaves.” The teacher must first show himself how these natural phenomena “sound”. Only after this does he continue his story: “...But one day everything changed. The boy met a wise and kind wizard who not only helped him cope with his fears, but also taught him to understand the language of nature. Now the boy heard music in the rain, in the rustling of leaves, and the thunder turned out to be not so terrible. Now he seemed to the boy in the form of a prankish baby sitting on a cloud and playing with a rattle. And the boy also made friends with the wind and began to race with it...”

The teacher asks the little musicians to independently accompany the story with audio comments. Each “performance” is discussed, and as a result, children choose the best. Then the teacher invites the children to come up with their own little fairy tale using the musical instruments they already know.

Note: Since the game is aimed at activating the creative abilities of children, there are no winners or losers in it. Each participant in the game must be encouraged by the teacher.

    “One word, two words - there will be a song”

Musical accompaniment:(recording of cheerful music “Fir trees - pines”)

Purpose of the game: contribute to the creation of psychological comfort in receiving positive emotions, development of creative abilities and inclinations in children of senior preschool age.

Progress of the game. A fairy-tale character, such as Baba Yaga, turns to the guys for help. She is invited to a name day with her bosom friend Kikimora. I decided to sing her my famous choruses as a gift, but the problem is that grandma is illiterate and has no memory. I composed a song, and then forgot half of the words. Yaga asks the guys to help her remember forgotten rhymes. She starts singing:

Christmas trees, pine trees,

Prickly... (needles).

Without a broom I'm like without hands,

Without my... (broom).

I can't fly without a broom,

There is nothing to cover the tracks with.... (to cover up).

Woe, woe for Yaga,

If she doesn't have... (a broom)!

Eh, Baba Yaga,

Bone... (leg)!

I've been living for so many years now

She has done so much... (trouble)!

I'll go dance

There is nowhere for my legs... (to put them).

Now I'll take my broom

Yes, like a “lady”... (I’ll dance)!

Note. After the guys help Baba Yaga remember the forgotten words, she heartily thanks them and performs the entire song, accompanying it with movements. The number of players is not limited, as they say, the more the better.

    "Musical chain"

Purpose of the game: promote good health, a state of confidence in one’s actions. To develop children's sense of rhythm, musical memory and attention.

Necessary equipment: ball.

Progress of the game. Children sit on chairs or on the carpet. The teacher (musical director), who holds the ball, invites each child in turn to sing one song phrase. The teacher starts the game. He hums a song well known to the children (for example, “I’m lying in the sun, I’m looking at the sun...”) and immediately passes the ball to another child. He must immediately continue without pauses or hesitations: “I’m still lying, and lying, and looking at the sun...” and immediately pass the ball to the child sitting next to him, who picks up the song, repeating its refrain: “I’m still lying, and lying.” , and I look at the sun...”, etc. The players’ task is to pick up the “musical baton” and pass it on to the next one.

Note. The game uses previously learned songs. Children who successfully complete the task receive the right to perform solo in a concert that will take place immediately after the game.

    "Merry Orchestra"

Musical accompaniment:(drum, spoons, rattles, metallophone, triangle).

Target: development of a state of confidence in one’s actions, the ability to play musical instruments in accordance with the text.

"Boom Boom! Tram-there-there!” -

The drum began to beat.

“Too-too-too!” -

The spoons began to play.

“Rosary beads” - the rattles rattle.

“Ding-dong, ding-dong!”

The metallophone rang.

“Ban-ban-balalal!” -

The triangle sounded!

“Boom-ba, boom-ba!” -

The rumba thundered.

And now we need

Let's all play together.

    "Merry Chocolate"

Target: develop the ability to perform the game with full muscle tension, promote pleasure from movements and from participating in the game itself. Fostering a desire to participate in a common cause.

One two three four five,

You need to take cocoa beans.

Grind everything into powder,

Sing a song loudly:

Delicious, sweet chocolate

Everyone is happy to cook!

Let's continue - six, seven, eight

We need cocoa butter urgently!

Add sugar, vanillin,

Let's all sing as one:

Delicious, sweet chocolate

Everyone is happy to cook!

Nine, ten - not easy!

We'll add milk

We'll pour everything into molds

And let's wait a little.

Our chocolate is ready -

Everyone is happy to eat a piece!

They walk in place.

He rubs his palms against one another.

Claps, jumps.

Perform a “spring”.

They clench and unclench their fingers.

Gather your fingers into a pinch.

Claps, jumps.

They shake their heads.

They circle in small steps.

Make circular movements with your hands.

Squat down, fist under cheek.

Claps, jumps.

    "Shur - shur - song"

Musical accompaniment:(sultans).

Target: The ability to emotionally expressively convey the gamut of feelings in playing the plumes. Development of attention, the ability to correctly pronounce sounds in accordance with the text

In the silence the rustling noises rustle:

Shur-shur, shur-shur, shur-shur.

They look like little mice.

Shur-shur, shur-shur, shur-shur.

And somewhere a purring cat sleeps:

Mur-mur, pur-pur, pur-mur.

In his sleep he sings a song:

Mur-mur, pur-pur, pur-mur.

Shur-shur! Purr purr!

Shur-shur! Purr purr

They play on “rustlers” - plumes with paper or plastic strips.

The strings of a zither or harp are plucked.

2. Section. Games - dancing

    “Which one of you is king?”

Musical accompaniment:(Happy Music No. 1)

Purpose of the game: Help relieve emotional stress and develop emotional balance. The game is also aimed at developing reaction and coordination of movements.

Necessary equipment: chair - “throne”; crown made of foil.

Progress of the game. Children are 3 m from the chair. To cheerful music, players perform any dance moves they know. When the music ends, they must run to the “throne” and try to sit on it. The child who manages to take the royal place wins. He is solemnly “proclaimed” as the king of the musical country. A crown is placed on the head of the winner, to the applause of the “courtiers of the kingdom,” with all the honors due in this case.

Note. Sometimes it happens that the players have equal strengths and capabilities. Together they run up to the “throne” and raise the crown. In this case, the task of the teacher (music director) is to prevent quarrels and insults. The dispute that arises is resolved as follows: the players are offered another test (for example, to perform their favorite song or guess a musical riddle). The smartest (or musically gifted) player is “crowned” to “reign.”

    "There are four steps in front"

Musical accompaniment:(Song “Four steps in front, four steps back”)

Target: Help lift your mood and relieve negative emotions. Development of attention.

Progress of the game

To the music, children repeat movements and words after the leader. When the children remember fairly simple words, and this usually requires at least three repetitions, you can start singing the song faster and louder each time until it becomes difficult for the children to keep up with the movements.

Four steps forward

Back four steps

Our round dance is spinning and spinning.

Let's stomp our feet,

Let's clap our hands.

We shake our shoulders,

And then we'll jump.

    “If you have fun, do it this way”

Musical accompaniment:(Song “If you have fun, do it this way”).

Target: Improve the ability to express emotions through movements and facial expressions.

Development of creative abilities, creation of a positive emotional mood, cultivation of a friendly attitude towards others.

The presenter sings and shows the movements, and the children repeat. The movements can be any.

If you have fun, do this (shows the first movement).

If you have fun, do this (shows the second movement).

If life is fun, may the sun smile on us.

If you have fun, do this (shows the third movement).

The next leader may be one of the children.

    "Prohibited Movement"

Musical accompaniment:(happy music No. 2)

Target: development of coordinated free-plastic movements, development of attention and speed of reaction.

All participants stand in a circle and repeat the movements of the leader to the music. But before the game starts, the presenter shows one movement that cannot be repeated. If the participant nevertheless forgets and repeats this movement, he is eliminated.

    “Dance game “Aram-zam-zam”

Musical accompaniment:(music “Aram zam, zam”).

Target: Development of emotional expressiveness through music, the ability to hear music and perform movements in accordance with it, development of reaction speed, development of motor abilities.

Progress of the game

The players stand in a circle and, under the guidance of the teacher, learn the movements: for the phrase “aram-zam-zam, aram-zam-zam” we do 3 claps on the knees, repeating; to the phrase “goo-goo-goo-goo-goo-goo” we do “rolly-polly” - rotating the arms bent in front of you in a circle away from you (fingers gathered into fists); to the phrase “ram-zam-zam” - repeat the first movement; repeat the first and second actions again with the words; then to the phrase “arafik-arafik” we bend the body forward with arms crossed on the chest

(twice); then we repeat the actions to the phrase “guli-guli-guli-guli-guli-ram-zam-zam.” Having learned the words and movements, we dance to the music: on the spot, moving in a circle, in pairs opposite each other. The game can be played at speed.

    "The deer has a big house"

Musical accompaniment:(music “the deer has a big house”).

(for acceleration)

Target: developing the ability to control your body and voice in a musical game, developing the ability to correlate movement with text.

Progress of the game

The deer has a big house (arms above his head),

He looks out his window (hands in front of his face - window)

A bunny runs through the forest (hands in front of chest, spring).

There is a knock on his door (we “knock” on the door with our fist)

Knock, knock, open the door (knock)

There is an angry hunter in the forest (we depict a pistol with our hand and shoot in the air)

Bunny, bunny, run in (we call you - we wave to you)

Give me your paw! (right hand forward, palm up)


Musical accompaniment:(music “Zdorovalka”)

Target: help lift your mood, relieve negative emotions. Develop the ability to start and finish movements along with music, develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, the ability to change movements in accordance with the change of part of the music.

Progress of the game

Place your hands on each other's shoulders, and at my command we will greet each other.

Verse:. Like at our holiday there were many friends,

There were many friends at our holiday,

They didn’t drink or eat, they all looked at each other,

And they said hello like this - clap-clap your hands,

1. Loss: Now we grab our neighbor’s ears and continue to say hello!

2. Loss: Neighbor's knees,

3.Loss: Neighbor's shoes,

4.Loss: Neighbor's nose,

5.Loss: Arm in arm with a neighbor,

6.Loss: We spread our arms, turned to our neighbor,

hugged and clapped.

3 Section. Plastic improvisation games.

    "Amazing concert"

Musical accompaniment:(recording of a violin concerto or rhapsody, “Cossack” dance, “Cancan” dance, vocal duet).

Purpose of the game: development of independence in choosing an embodiment; the game is aimed at identifying and developing creative inclinations in older children. Developing the ability to control your body and voice in musical improvisation games.

Progress of the game. The children have the opportunity to try their hand as theater artists. The players are given the following task: using facial expressions and gestures to voice the poem that the teacher is reading. Insertion of small amateur performances is possible. For example, the stork has a small replica; the child who voiced the rhinoceros can read a poem he knows, and two girls - “friends of the frog” - can perform their favorite ditties for the children, etc.

The teacher explains the rules of the game to the children, after which a poem is read out and roles are assigned. The game is played without prior rehearsal; everything is based on improvisation.

Teacher (reads).

Once upon a time at the edge of the forest

The concert was started by animals.

The blacksmith violinist played a rhapsody...

A child “grasshopper” appears on an improvised stage. “Performs” a rhapsody on an imaginary violin accompanied by a soundtrack. After the speech, he bows and sits down in his place.

Educator (continues).

There was a flurry of applause.

We danced the “Cossack” dance

Beauty fly and cricket.

The “fly” girl and the “cricket” boy perform their cheerful dance.


Shy sullen rhinoceros,

Suddenly becoming bolder, he read his monologue.

The “rhino” boy expressively reads any quatrain or poem he knows.


Two cute frogs

We performed ditties for everyone.

The “frog” girls run out and perform playful ditties with explanatory movements.


The cockroach also cheered up the animals,

He performed “Cancan” with his brothers.

Impromptu dance of the “cockroach” boys to the music of “Cancan”.


Horribly fat hippopotamus

I almost tore my stomach from laughing.

A boy sitting in his seat pantomimes a laughing hippopotamus.


And the stork even shed a tear:

“I haven’t had so much fun for a long time!..”

Another boy portrays a laughing stork.

After this, the final words of the teacher are heard.

The audience was leaving the concert

To the sounds of a mosquito duet.

Note. The guys themselves choose the roles they like. If desired, the “concert program” can be repeated in front of parents or children of other groups (meaning kindergarten).

    "Musical Theatre"

Musical accompaniment:(recording of music by E. Tamberg “Dance of the Witch”).

Purpose of the game: awakening in children a sustainable interest in musical creativity. The ability to use pantomime to convey the content and mood of music.

Necessary equipment:

Progress of the game. Players are invited to listen to the play and try to convey its content using movements, gestures and facial expressions. To more successfully enter the character, poetic lines are read out that characterize the fairy-tale character of the musical work.

Witch spell

No dust, path,

Don't make noise, grass.

Shut up, birds,

Don't thunder, thunderstorm!

Don't you blow, the winds

Sun, don't shine.

All living creatures on earth,

Freeze for a moment!

Hour for Spells

It's finally here!

I'll prepare a potion

Witch's decoction...

It will bubble and foam

The brew is mine.

It will fall on people

All worldly evil!

Note. If they wish, the children themselves can colorfully illustrate E. Tamberg’s music by coming up with their own plot for it.


Musical accompaniment:(recording of music “Dance of the Little Ducklings”)

Purpose of the game: development of emotional expressiveness, creative abilities of the child and his improvisational skills.

Progress of the game. An unlimited number of players can take part in it. To the music, the children must portray a variety of animals: piglets, bunnies, elephants, cats, kangaroos, etc.

Note. The game can be played not only indoors, but also outdoors. There are no winners or losers in this game; originality and brightness in revealing the image of a particular animal are encouraged.

    "Let's play transformation"

Musical accompaniment:(musical recording “Rhythmic Exercise”, music by S. Sosnin).

Purpose of the game: development of emotional expressiveness, ability to control one’s body, development of imagination.

Progress of the game. The teacher asks the children a question: how do they feel about transformations? There is hardly a single child who does not dream of becoming a fairy-tale wizard and the happy owner of a magic wand. The adult says that it is quite possible to do without magical objects, it is enough to have a rich imagination. He asks the children to try to “turn on” their imagination: “Let each of you imagine that now he is not Petya or Masha, but a small beautiful ball. Introduced? What color would you like to be? Each child mentally selects a color, that is, paints himself in his favorite colors. Cheerful music sounds, children perform free improvised movements: “roll”, “jump”, “jump”, etc. The players’ task is to enter into the image of a ball, move like it, while listening carefully to the music and coordinating their movements with it.

Note. An invitation to a warm-up game can be the following words:

One two three four five -

We will play with you

The ball is cheerful, mischievous,

Let's roll, don't stop!

Do you hear the music playing?

The ball doesn't stand still!

Let's gallop briskly: jump and jump...

Are you tired, my friend?

Well, let's take a little rest

And... let's start playing again.

    "Mirror Dance"

Musical accompaniment:(Music No. 3)

Target: Help reduce emotional arousal and develop the ability to feel part of a whole.

Progress of the game

The children are divided into pairs and sit opposite each other. One of them slowly begins to set movements to the music. The other becomes a “mirror”, and its task is to accurately reflect all the movements of the person asking. He must renounce himself so much and feel like a reflection that from the outside it is impossible to distinguish who sets the movements and who repeats them. Then the children change roles.


Approximate basic educational program for preschool education (minutes of May 20, 2015 No. 2/15)

Vetlugina N.A. Musical education in kindergarten. / ON THE. Vetlugina. - M.: Education, 1981.

Vygotsky L.S. Educational psychology / Edited by V.V. Davydov - M.: Pedagogika, 1991.

Danilina T.A., Zedgenidze V.Ya., Stepina N.M. In the world of children's emotions: A manual for practical workers of preschool educational institutions. - M.: Iris-press, 2004.

Preschool pedagogy. St. Petersburg, 2009, No. 3.

Kurevina O.A., Selezneva G.E. "Journey to beauty."

Metlov N.A. Music for children. - M., 1985.

Methods of music education in kindergarten./Ed. ON THE. Vetlugina. - M.: Education, 1982.

Minaeva V.M. Development of emotions in preschool children. Classes. Games. A manual for practical workers of preschool institutions. M.: ARKTI, 2001.

Musical education in kindergarten./Compiled by. O.P. Radynova et al. - M., 1994.

Musical director. 2004, No. 1.

Musical director. 2004, no. 2.

Radynova O.P. Musical development of children. - Part 1. - M. 1997.

Teplov B.M. Psychology of musical abilities.// Fav. works: in 2 volumes. - M., 1985. - Volume 1.

Emotional development of preschool children./Edited by A.D. Koshelevoy. - M., 1985.- 174 p.

Music lessons are not only about singing and learning to play instruments, but also a great opportunity to add variety to almost any activity. You can start practicing at any age; educational musical games for children will benefit both mental and physical development.

Outdoor musical games

Kids love to listen to music, and children start dancing almost before they walk. Dance and rhythm classes for children are based on adapted songs that encourage the child to perform certain actions, for example:

There are a lot of similar songs. Children especially love songs in which they need to depict a bear, hare, fox, bird and other animals. As they grow older, the tasks become more complicated: make lanterns with pens, spin, and the like. Carrying out gymnastics and exercises with music is much more fun than with a strict count: One! Two! Once! Two! So, to a cheerful song and using simple equipment, you can walk, run, crawl, jump, reach for the sun, squat and much more.

Finger games

Developing musical games for children are not limited to dancing only. Fingering exercises accompanied by music are very useful for relieving tone, as a gentle massage, for developing speech, and as a way to relax your hands while learning to write. Everyone probably knows:

You can find plenty of suitable music; a lot of it was written specifically for finger games. For babies about a year old, “Ladushki” and “Soroka” are suitable. How older child, the task becomes more complicated, for example, for one and a half to two years, the following would be suitable:

Fairy tales - noisemakers

Another type of musical games are the so-called fairy tales - noisemakers. The basis can be any musical fairy tale or audiobook. And then “revive” it with improvised means: when the bear walks, the children beat the drum, the hedgehog rustles - a plastic bag rustles, the horse gallops - the bells ring. Similar games will involve the child in the creative process, help develop attention, imaginative thinking and auditory perception.

Children's orchestra

Playing in an orchestra is an interesting and useful activity for the development of musical ear. Kids are quite capable of mastering the following: triangle, drum, tambourine, maracas. Before playing the composition, children are given instruments, and a place in it is allocated where the child must “play.” The main thing is that the music is age-appropriate, and the child can clearly understand where his instrument should play. After a little time, kids will be able to perform such tasks perfectly.

So, our conversation about educational musical games for children is coming to an end, let's make some generalizations. Children really like games, especially collective ones; the task of adults is to invent or select them.

In addition to the games that were described in this article, parents are recommended to game form Learn as many rhymes and songs as possible with the children. In such activities, toys can play an important role, which, on the one hand, involve the child in the process, and on the other hand, serve as “theater props.”

And here are video examples of some finger games. Be sure to check it out!

Musical games for preschool children

"Cheerful little frogs."

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle and sing the text:

At the edge of the swamp we are laughing frogs.

We will play spoons and sing loud songs.

Kva-kva, kva-kva. Kva-kva, kva-kva!

The teacher plays a simple rhythm on the spoons, and the children repeat it while playing on the spoons.

"Funny nesting dolls."

Progress of the game: Several players take part in the game. The adult has a large bright matryoshka doll in his hands, while the children have small ones. “The big matryoshka teaches the little ones to dance,” says the adult. He taps a simple rhythmic pattern on the table with his nesting doll. Participants in the game repeat this rhythmic pattern with their nesting dolls. When repeating the game, the child who has completed the task correctly can become the leader.

"Three Bears".

Game material: flat figurines of bears made of cardboard, painted in Russian style. Children have cards with pictures of three bears and circles.

Progress of the game:

Teacher: Do you guys remember the fairy tale “The Three Bears”? In the last room, Mashenka lay down in her crib for a minute and fell asleep. And at this time the bears returned home. Do you remember what their names were? (Children answer). Listen, who was the first to enter the hut? (Tapping out a rhythmic pattern on the instrument on one or two sounds. Children call who came.)

Teacher (brings out the figurine): How is the bear walking? Slow, hard. Clap the rhythm with your palms, how is it going? Now find where to put the chip. (Children put circles on the corresponding image.)

"Jump, jump, jump."

Goal: To develop rhythmic memory, metric sense.

How to play: The child chosen by the bunny sits in a circle with a drum in his hands. Children, holding hands, walk with a calm step and sing in a circle for 1-2 sentences. On the third - they stop and clap their hands for accents, to which the “bunny” jumps forward, beats a simple rhythm on the drum, the children must repeat it, clapping their hands. Afterwards a new “bunny” is selected.

Lyrics of the song: Why are you sitting, little bunny? Why are you silent, little bunny?

One jump, two jump! Jump, jump, jump!

Bunny, bunny, don't be silent, knock on the drum!

"The doll loves to dance."

Goal: Develop a sense of rhythm.

How to play: Any Russian folk melody sounds.

Teacher: Today, guys, I will introduce you to the amazing doll Glashenka. Oh, and she’s an expert at dancing! She knows how and will teach you! As she stomps, so do you repeat.

Children repeat the rhythmic pattern with clapping and stamping. You can pick up spoons, sticks, tambourines... if you divide the children into subgroups and give them different musical instruments, you will get an orchestra.

"Along the path."

Purpose: To consolidate methods of sound production on tambourines, maracas, spoons. Develop children's rhythmic hearing.

Progress of the lesson: Children with a song move in a chain for the lead, and for the loss they tap out the rhythmic pattern that the teacher sets.

Lyrics of the song: 1. We go along the path into the forest, we go into the forest, we go into the forest.

We'll find a hedgehog in the forest, we'll find a hedgehog! (play maracas)

2. Let's go along the path into the forest, let's go into the forest, let's go into the forest.

We'll find a bunny in the forest, we'll find a bunny. (playing spoons)

3. We go along the path into the forest, we go into the forest, we go into the forest.

We'll find the bear in the forest, We'll find the bear. (play tambourines)

"Merry bell"

Goal: To develop children’s rhythmic hearing, the ability to correctly produce sound on a bell.

How to play: Children are given two bells each. The teacher sings odd phrases with words, and children sing even phrases with onomatopoeia, playing along with themselves on the bells.

1. Merry bell - Ding, ding, ding.

Laughs and laughs - ding, ding, ding.

2. He sang in winter, barely audible - ding, ding, ding.

But the sun came out again - ding, ding, ding.

3. And ringing drops - ding, ding, ding.

In response they sang - ding, ding, ding. (see sheet music appendix)

"Do not snooze".

Goal: to teach children to perceive and rhythmically reproduce a simple rhythmic pattern, to improve the ability to distinguish the structure of a musical work.

Progress of the game: The game is played with children sitting on the carpet in a circle. Children sing the text and pass musical instruments around. The teacher can set various tasks for children:

Accurately reproduce the rhythm and then pass the musical instrument to a neighbor;

Alternate loud and quiet performance;

Change the techniques of performing musical instruments one by one.

Lyrics of the song: One-two-three, don't yawn! Played - pass it on!

One, two, three, don’t rush, teach how to play!


Program content: Teach children to distinguish between short and long sounds, to be able to clap the rhythm.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to listen to who is walking along the path and repeat how the steps sound with their claps. When children learn to distinguish between short and long claps, the teacher offers to identify “big and small” legs by ear, performing claps behind a screen or behind their back.

Big feet walked along the road: (long claps)

Top, top, top, top!

Little legs ran along the path: (short claps)

Top, top, top, top, top, top, top, top!

Program content: Using auditory perception, teach children to distinguish between short and long sounds, thereby developing rhythmic memory, the ability to correlate their actions with music - the ability to clap the rhythmic pattern of a melody with their hands, develop musical-rhythmic perception.

Game rules: Listen to sounds of different durations, do not disturb others.

Game actions: Guess the duration of sounds, clap them accordingly.

Game goal: Be the first to guess


Program content: To train children in perceiving and distinguishing the nature of music: cheerful, dancing and calm, lullaby.

Progress of the game: The teacher tells the kids that there were hares in the same house. They were very cheerful and loved to dance (shows the picture “Hares are dancing”). And when they were tired, they went to bed, and their mother sang them a lullaby (picture “Hares are sleeping”). Next, the teacher asks the children to guess from the picture what the hares are doing? And depict this with your actions (children “sleep”, children dance), to music of the appropriate nature.

Program content: Develop auditory perception, elementary musical-analytical thinking - the ability to listen and compare music of different types (cheerful, dance and calm, lullaby). Develop musical memory, an understanding of the different nature of music.

Game rules: Listen to the melody to the end, do not interfere with others’ responses.

Game actions: Guessing the nature of the music, choosing the corresponding image or showing the corresponding actions.

Game goal: Be the first to show what the hares are doing.


Program content: Distinguish between the gradual movement of a melody up and down, marking it with the position of the hand.

Progress of the game: The teacher performs the song “Ladder” by E. Tilicheeva. When performing it again, he invites the children to play: show with their hand where the girl (doll, etc.) is moving - up the stairs or down. Then the teacher performs the chant, but he does not finish singing the last word, first in the first and then in the second part of the chant, and invites the children to finish it themselves.

For middle, senior and preparatory groups a ladder of 5 steps is used, for the latter it is possible from 7. For the younger ones - from 3.

For 7 steps: For 5 steps: For 3 steps:

Do, re, mi, fa, Here I go up, I go up,

salt, la, si. And I go down. I'm going down. (on triad).

Program content: Develop musical memory and musical-analytical thinking - the ability to distinguish between the progressive movement of a melody up and down. Teach children to correlate their actions with music (hand movements) using auditory perception.

To develop an ear for music - the ability to distinguish the melodious sound of a melody from the abrupt one. Develop an understanding of the visual possibilities of music.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to listen to how a little boy and an old grandmother, or a big bear and a little bunny climb up a musical ladder and compare the musical fragments.

Game rules: Listen carefully, do not disturb others.

Game actions: Showing with your hand.

Game goal: Complete a musical phrase independently.


Program content: To develop in children an idea of ​​the visual possibilities of music, its ability to reflect the phenomena of the surrounding nature.

Progress of the game: The teacher performs the play “The Sea” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, the children share their impressions about the nature of the music. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the composer painted a vivid picture of the sea, showing its very different states: it is now agitated, now raging, now calming. One child uses cards to show the changing nature of the music throughout the play.

Program content: Strengthen the ability to distinguish dynamic shades in music: quiet (p), loud (), not too loud (), very loud (), etc. Through the ability to correlate musical and artistic images, to develop imagination, the ability to imagine pictures of reality, conveyed through the means of musical expressiveness.

Game rules: Listen to a piece of music, do not tell others.

Game actions: Guess the melody, choose the image corresponding to it.


Program content: Teach children to distinguish changes in tempo in music.

Progress of the game: The teacher sings the song “Carousel”, asks the children how they moved, was it always the same? Invites children to depict changes in tempo in music with their actions and answer questions: when did the music play fast, when did it play slowly, etc.

Barely, barely, barely (children start moving)

The carousel started spinning.

And then, then, then (they run)

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush! (slow down)

Stop the carousel! (stop).

Program content: Develop musical memory through tempo ear. Teach children to distinguish changes in tempo in music by auditory perception and correlate this with their actions and movements.

Game rules: Listen carefully to the melody, do not disturb others.

Game actions: Movements in a round dance with changes in tempo.

Game goal: Take part in a round dance.


Program content: Teach children to distinguish the form of a musical work (song and chorus in a song), convey the structure of a song, consisting of repeating elements in the form of a conventional image.

Progress of the game: The teacher performs a song and invites one child to lay out its conventional image from multi-colored circles (song song) and plain squares (chorus). The rest of the children check

whether the task was completed correctly. Another time, the teacher himself lays out a conventional image of a song made of circles and squares and asks the children to perform songs that correspond to the image.

Program content: To develop the musical-analytical activity of children - the ability to distinguish the form of a musical work (start, chorus) by auditory perception through comparison, juxtaposition, to develop associative thinking - the ability to convey the form of a musical work using various graphic images.

Game rules: Listen to the melody to the end, do not tell each other.

Game actions: Guessing the melody and laying out its conventional image from circles and squares and vice versa.

Game goal: Be the first to guess and post the melody.


Program content: Exercise children in differentiating sounds in pitch (D – A).

Progress of the game: The teacher introduces children to high and low sounds, using onomatopoeia familiar to children, draws attention to the fact that mothers sing in low voices, and children sing in high, thin voices; To do this, he tells the children that in the same yard there lived a duck with ducklings (shows pictures), a goose with goslings, a hen with chicks, and on a tree a bird with chicks, etc. One day, a strong wind blew, it started to rain, and everyone hid. Mother birds began to look for their children. The mother duck was the first to call her babies:

Where are my ducklings, dear guys? Quack quack!

And the ducklings answer her:

Quack, quack, we're here!

The duck was happy that she had found her ducklings. Mother chicken came out, etc.

Program content: Through auditory perception, develop pitch hearing in children: the ability to listen and distinguish high and low sounds. (re-la).

Game rules: Listen to a musical question, answer it with a tune of the opposite pitch.

Game actions: Guess whose name is, sing the corresponding onomatopoeia.

Game goal: Help the birds find their chicks.


Program content: Develop pitch perception in children: learn to distinguish sounds within an octave (re1 - re2).

Progress of the game: The teacher introduces the children to high and low sounds, says that the Masha doll has birds: a chicken, a duck, etc., they sing in low voices. And there are chicks: chickens, ducklings, etc., they sing in high, thin voices. The chicks played in the yard all day and got hungry, and began to look for their mother so that she could feed them:

Pi, pi, pi! It's me! Where is my mother? - the chickens sang in a thin voice. And the mother hen answers them:

All to me. Chickens, dear children!

And all the other chicks began to call their mothers.

During the game, children can alternately play the role of both birds and chicks, using pictures with their images.

Program content: Through auditory perception, develop pitch hearing in children: the ability to listen and distinguish between high and low sounds. (D – A).

Game rules: Listen to a musical question, answer it with a tune of the opposite pitch.

Game actions: Sing onomatopoeia after the teacher.

Game goal: Help the birds find their chicks


Program content: Convey the rhythmic pattern of familiar chants and recognize them by the image of the rhythmic pattern.

Progress of the game: While learning a chant with a teacher, children clap its rhythm, having learned this, they learn to recognize familiar chants from the proposed drawing.

"Cockerel" rus.n.m.

“We are marching with flags” by E. Tilicheeva rus.n.m.


Cockerel, cockerel, Rain, rain

Golden comb! Have fun!

Why do you get up early, drip, drip,

Don't let the kids sleep. Don't be sorry!

give it?

We go with flags

Red balls.

In rhythmic patterns, squares represent short sounds, rectangles represent long sounds.

Program content: Listen to the song to the end, do not disturb, answer others.

Game actions: Guess familiar chants, select the corresponding graphic images, clap the rhythm of the chant.

Game goal: Be the first to guess.


Program content: Develop an understanding of the main genres of music, the ability to distinguish between a song, dance, and march.

Progress of the game: The teacher performs musical works of different genres: lullaby, polka, march. Draws children's attention to their characteristics and invites them to find distinctive features. One child is asked to determine by ear the genre of a given melody and select the corresponding picture; the rest of the children indicate their answer on playing canvases with images corresponding to various genres of music.

Progress of the game: The teacher performs musical works of different genres: lullaby, polka, march. Draws children's attention to their characteristics and invites them to find distinctive features. Children are invited to play - determine by ear the genre of a given melody, select a picture with the corresponding image on the playing canvas and cover it with a chip. In this case, the child must explain what this genre of music is called and what can be done to such music.

Game actions: Guessing the genre, performing the appropriate movements.

Game goal: Be the first to guess.


Program content: Develop in children an idea of ​​the different nature of music (cheerful, calm, sad).

Progress of the game: Children are given playing canvases depicting the sun, a cloud and the sun behind a cloud, which correspond to cheerful, sad and calm music. The teacher performs songs of different types in turn (dance song, lullaby, calm), and invites the children to play - cover with a chip an image that matches the mood of the character of the music. IN younger group Only cheerful and sad melodies that sound contrasting in sound are offered.

Program content: Develop musical memory, children's understanding of the different nature of music (cheerful, calm, sad). Develop auditory perception, elementary musical-analytical thinking - the ability to compare and contrast music of different types.

Game rules: Listen to the melody to the end, do not disturb others.

Game actions: Guessing the nature of the music, choosing the appropriate image.

Game goal: Be the first to guess.
