Roman units (info pictures) from the game Rome: Total War. Roman units (info pictures) from the game Rome: Total War What is total war

War in its original form.

Rate games from Total series War is surprisingly difficult. The fact is that it all depends on your mood - personally, I like all of them, and I play one or another part in turn, inspired by the themes of recently read books, watched films or completed games. For example, looking at the battle for Helm's Deep, the desire to launch Total War: Warhammer awakens in me; After reading books about the Crusades, I want to play Medieval 2. In other words, these games are not limited to battles with a well-thought-out strategy. They will ideally suit the current mood and will literally allow you to change history, adding new twists to it, and get used to the role of your favorite military leaders.

And each of these games is good in its own way, so placing them in order on this list was quite difficult. Each game contains those elements for which we love the series, and often it is only thanks to the setting that the next part stands out from the others. Of course, they are not all made from the same template - Empire and Napoleon look like they are set in a parallel universe, but they also offer the same mixture of military conflicts, defeats and conquests.

Therefore, based solely on my own preferences, I present to you the best parts of Total War.

The game that ended up in 10th place is a very worthy project (which says a lot about Total War in general), but it just didn't turn out as good as expected. The original setting set the bar high, but this is not the only problem: in the first days after release, Rome 2 was replete with bugs, and the gameplay mechanics became noticeably more complex. That is why every fan of the first part fell in love with the game.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the game is not as bad as they write on thematic forums - bugs and stupid AI have been fixed in patches, and when everything works as it should, we still have the same deep strategy that we are used to seeing in other Total Wars. Another plus of the game is a huge set of unique factions, which surpasses all previous parts in scale.

Medieval continues to delight many gamers with innovative elements that have only improved in all the sequels. The game boldly increased the scope of the action by introducing concepts such as loyalty, religion and espionage, thanks to which it managed to accurately depict brutal historical times. The local one is also worthy of praise. combat system, because seeing how orderly rows of soldiers in shining armor collide with each other to epic music is a real aesthetic pleasure.

Of course, when compared to later installments, it looks overly simplistic, but you have to pay tribute to the influence it had on the series. Shogun set the direction, Rome continued the movement, and Medieval became the culmination of all the developments of all its predecessors.

Like the first part of Medieval, Shogun was at the bottom of the list not because it bad game, is simply a strategy from another era. She remained in the shadow of the sequel, which turned out to be one of the most dramatic and convincing parts of the series. But even so, the first part is replete with moments that are guaranteed to be etched in your memory after playing through - like Kensai with a sacred sword, fearlessly charging at a detachment of spearmen, or a desperate volley of doomed musketeers confronting a cavalry detachment.

If you want to play a Total War set in feudal Japan, you're probably better off picking up the sequel, but this one is just for fun to see the roots of a great series.

With Empire, everything could have gone wrong - combat with melee weapons faded into the background, the shooting became rather clunky, and the specifics of the naval conflict were frighteningly confusing in advance, but the game managed to gracefully integrate new systems and mechanics into gameplay that was previously limited only to collisions infantry and cavalry. New elements were polished until the release of Napoleon. Empire is criticized for weak AI and too large scale action (especially compared to Medieval 2), but it's still an outstanding game. It implements concepts that could not be implemented in previous games, and technology development branches now directly affect the passage (in addition, the abolition of slavery as the highest stage of the enlightenment branch looks encouraging).

The combat lacks the brutality that was present in previous Total War games, but the cannon salvoes heard on the battlefield sound impressive. And one more thing: theme song from the main menu is simply excellent.

Napoleon took everything that was good about Empire and improved on those elements. But it didn’t stop there: the Creative Assembly studio finally learned to combine gameplay with interesting story. The game itself is a tribute to the military genius of Bonaparte, and the conquests themselves are made as close as possible to real events.

In addition to being a great Total War entry, it is also a meticulous study of a turning point in European history. You have to go through all the victories and defeats of the legendary commander, and the presentation of this story is more than worthy. Seeing a large-scale conflict through the eyes of multiple parties is an incredible experience.

The most characteristic moments of the classic parts of Total War begin with the fact that a gallant army of mercenaries led by cruel generals approaches the borders of your empire. Attila was the first game to successfully build on this story campaign. It's funny, but the war in the title of the series is far from being in the first place here. Attila is not only battles, it is political intrigue, feast and famine, the extinction of entire cities and large-scale migrations, and all this happens in one of the most troubled periods of history, when Europe has not yet been properly formed and its further fate depends only on you.

The game perfectly manages to convey more complex elements, such as weather and guerrilla battles, thanks to which it will appeal to all fans of the early parts of Total Wars. Just like in Warhammer, you are forced to act in uncertainty, because Attila's army can arrive at any moment. This is a harsh and unforgiving part of Total War with well-developed strategic details.


Rome was the first game whose scale of action really impressed me. Each battle could be taken into hundreds of spectacular screenshots - this is especially true for battles in which elephants participated. My favorite element of the series also appeared here for the first time: the ability to fight enemies across the borders of the territory until one of you breaks through the defense ring and sends your army to enemy lands. It’s also good that the local setting is familiar to everyone who hasn’t skipped history classes (or at least watched films about the adventures of Asterix and Obelix).

The game is captivating from the very first minute, because nothing compares to the systematic advance of the Roman army across Europe, which seems to have come straight from the pages of history books. Suppress the barbarian uprising and enjoy the best part Total War, which recreates the times of legionnaires and gladiators.

2. Total War: Warhammer

The best moments of Total War involve conflicts in which one government is overthrown and another takes its place. Warhammer is in 2nd place on this list precisely because it has such moments in abundance. Before us is a real battle for survival, where the best mechanics of the series are combined, and for the first time the aesthetics of the series has changed to a fantasy setting.

The scale of the battles is truly amazing, but the main trump card of the game is the forces of Chaos. When they arrive, every fight becomes a desperate attempt to survive; Races unite in fragile alliances, trying with all their might to delay the sad end. In addition, this is the most diverse Total War: each race has its own systems and mechanics, thanks to which the game maintains the necessary balance (if, of course, you forgive the developers for pre-ordering with the opportunity to play for the Chaos side).

Yes, the game is not perfect - the campaign sometimes lacks dynamics, and victories do not feel like truly serious achievements, but this is the best presentation of the Warhammer world at the moment, which has no equal yet.

Medieval 2 owes its success to the first part, but there is something about this game that allows it to stand out from all its predecessors. For Total War, this is a classic setting - times of conquest, Crusades and instability, thanks to which each faction always has the opportunity to capture neighboring lands. And the style of play depends on the chosen side. When playing as England, it is difficult to cope with the desire to expand your territories and turn enemy lands into your colonies; and playing as Egypt, you will understand how bad it is when Christian barbarians launch another Crusade against you for no apparent reason.

In Kingdoms mode, the game focuses on historical moments that add important nuances to the conquests from the main playthrough. At times the AI ​​is not very smart, but you should wait for the Mongol invasion. And even if they seem too easy to you, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the Stainless Steel and Broken Crescent mods, which bring a lot of new things to your favorite gameplay.

This sequel manages to surpass its predecessor, Total War: Warhammer, with a fun campaign and unusual factions. The High Elves are perhaps the least prominent of the bunch, but even they have dragons and magic. The lizardmen stand out the most. There are also skaven man-rats, hidden from the eyes of other peoples underground. The maps are more varied and interesting than Total War: Warhammer I. Dinosaurs vs. rats vs. elves vs. bad elves - what's not to like?

Special additional campaigns such as Curse of the Vampire Coast, they do it anyway wonderful game better.

The list also includes games on a larger scale, big amount units and customization options, but Creative Assembly's Shogun 2 is the perfect example of a project where all the links are firing on all cylinders. The global conflict gave way to a campaign to unify Japan, but this did not make the game worse. Moreover, the world of Shogun 2 is more rich and realistic than anything we've seen before. A number of problems traditional for the series have also been fixed here.

AI has learned to use ships and high levels difficulties, does not hesitate to use aggressive methods to seize land. And the clans presented in the game are very different from each other. And, most interestingly, the shogun can declare you an enemy if you gain enough power. And instead of taking over one faction after another, you will have to protect your own resources.

Separately, it is worth noting the excellent design of the game, thanks to which even beginners can easily get used to it, and Total War veterans will find an exciting game with an excellent plot and all the moments for which we love the series so much.

Total War is a popular series global strategies, which combines turn-based and tactical modes. The Total War series can be downloaded from our website via torrent for free and without registration. The series currently consists of more than ten big games and a huge variety of add-ons, which in total provide hundreds of hours of exciting gameplay. Among the studio's key projects are the following:

  1. Rome: Total War.
  2. Medieval II: Total War.
  3. Empire: Total War.
  4. Shogun 2: Total War.
  5. Total War: Attila.
  6. Total War: WARHAMMER and others.

Become a participant in total war

Each part of the line takes us to a specific historical period, including:

  • the Middle Ages (Medieval II: Total War and several major additions);
  • antiquity (Rome: Total War, Rome II: Total War and many DLCs);
  • early modern times (Empire: Total War);
  • the era of great geographical discoveries (the large DLC “The Conquest of America”) and so on.

Plunging into one of the eras, you will always have big choice factions - actually existing states that need to be brought to prosperity and power. For example, when playing Rome: Total War, you can choose one of the powerful houses of the republic and seize power throughout Europe and the Middle East, fighting barbarians, Byzantium and other states. In Medieval: Total War you can become, for example, the king of England, take part in crusades, repel the attack of the Mongols and much more.

Then the developers completely plunge us into the fantasy universe of Warhammer, where people, gnomes, greenskins and other fairy-tale races have been fighting for centuries. In this part, feudal wars and battles for money fade into the background, and the centuries-old confrontation between the forces of Evil and Good comes to the fore.

Main features of the series

The games in the Total War series amaze with their scope and incredible number of opportunities for developing your faction. It is not for nothing that the line is considered the most prominent representative of the strategy genre - it has the following distinctive features:

  • huge virtual world, which needs to be explored for weeks on end - these are entire continents with dozens of hostile states;
  • a wide selection of factions, where each has its own advantages and disadvantages - they all have their own units, buildings, historical goals and religion;
  • the ability to upgrade technologies - they can significantly strengthen the army, economy and other spheres of state life;
  • building cities and establishing infrastructure - you choose which way to develop the settlement;
  • a developed system of diplomacy and trade - they are a powerful tool and will help you conquer the world even without bloodshed;
  • tactical battles in real time, where you can control an army of thousands;
  • interesting scripted events that add realism to the project;
  • advanced physics of unit movements;
  • the ability to train and modernize the army and navy;
  • colorful naval battles, striking in its scope and realism.

Total War also has an excellent level of graphics, which is considered revolutionary for each of the parts of the series. Just to think that more than ten thousand warriors can fight in one battle - gamers have never seen such large-scale battles. No less striking was the detail of the strategic map, which was also drawn in as much detail as possible and resembles a globe.

Total War is an exclusive series of strategies for PC, which can be downloaded from our website completely free of charge. To do this, you just need to use the torrent program.

Became a continuation of the famous series from Creative Assembly. IN Rome: Total War the era of formation is presented Ancient Rome during the period of the Republic until 14 AD, when Augustus became emperor and proclaimed the Roman Empire.

Gameplay Rome: Total War consists of two parts on the map we see the borders of our country, other states, and we can also conduct diplomacy and so on. After the player encounters the enemy army, he will have to fight on the battlefield.

At the beginning, 3 factions are playable, but then you can play for others if the player conquered these factions in the campaign or completed the game with all factions. There is also another method - open a special file that gives permission to play for any country. The main components of success are three things: economics, battles and diplomacy. The economy consists of the income of cities, as well as the conquest of enemy territory. Expenses go to the army and diplomacy. Actually, without good finances, it is very difficult to win a war in the game, since you need to regularly build objects in cities and hire troops. In each city you can build many buildings, but it is worth deciding whether there will be more buildings for the army, or for the economy. If the city is located on the border with another country, then it is worth spending money on building barracks and stables; if the city is located in the outback, then it is better to develop trade, and for the army, a city guard with several detachments of cavalry will do.

In addition to construction, in gameplay Rome: Total War Diplomatic relations between countries play a very important part. It is best to fight with one or two countries, since the more wars a player wages, the more resources he has to spend and he can lose on all fronts. In diplomacy, anyone can deceive you, so you should be on your guard, especially with strong countries. But very often assassins help out in the game; they can kill the enemy general and behead the army.

Rome: Total War - step-by-step strategy In the game, you have to make two moves every year. Graphic arts Rome: Total War It’s good, but on the battlefield, you don’t notice all the delights of the engine. As for 20004, this was a kind of breakthrough, because you could see the battles in all their glory, watch how enemy soldiers died. Sound in Rome: Total War also at its best, during battles an intense melody sounds that conveys all the severity of the battle.

Patches Rome: Total War a lot came out, as well as mods for every taste. There are also enough codes, but it is much more interesting to play without them. In order to win the game, you need to conquer 50 provinces and Rome, but in a short campaign everything is much easier. During battles, cavalry plays a very important role, as well as elephants, which are strong in the game, but patches have reduced their strength. Codes to Rome: Total War it turned out a lot

Generally Rome: Total War It turns out to be a very good game, a kind of breakthrough in the series. More than 6 years have passed since the game was released, but still passing Rome: Total War is interesting, because ancient culture is unique.

The strategy that started it all legendary series Total War and the first game in the Shogun series. The game takes place in Japan in 1542, during a time of global crisis when the last shogunate collapsed, leaving behind numerous factions under the control of daimyos. June 13, 2000

Medieval: Total War / Middle Ages

The second game in the series and the first part of the Middle Ages. The game takes place between 1087 and 1453 and spans medieval Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. August 19, 2002

Rome: Total War / Rome

The first game about the Roman Empire and the third in the Total War series. The events of the game take place in the period from 270 BC. e. up to 14 AD e. This is the epic story of the Roman Empire, its founding and rise. September 22, 2004

Medieval II: Total War / Middle Ages 2

The second Medieval game and the fourth in the entire series. The game takes place between 1080 and 1530 in medieval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Central America. November 10, 2006

Empire: Total War / Empire

The fifth game in the series, describing a period of brutal imperialism, colonization and bloody wars. The events of the game cover the entire 18th century. You will lead a faction of one of the ten most powerful powers in the world at that time. March 3, 2009

Napoleon: Total War / Napoleon

The sixth game in the series of historical strategies, entirely dedicated to the great commander Napoleon Bonaparte. You have to go through everything key points from the life of the emperor, from his ascension to the throne to his inglorious fall. February 23, 2010

Total War: Shogun 2 / Shogun 2

A remake of the first game in the Shogun series and the seventh game in the entire Total War series, entirely dedicated to the period of feudal fragmentation of Japan in the 16th century. Become one of 10 legendary commanders fighting for the right to become the new shogun. March 15, 2011

Total War: Rome II / Rome 2

The eighth game in the Total War series, a sequel and remake to Rome: Total War. Take the title of Emperor of the most powerful empire Ancient world and turn your state into a great empire. Command a huge and invincible army. September 3, 2013

Total War: Attila / Attila

Ninth game in the series. New part The legendary historical strategy series takes you to the year 395, a dark time for the entire Western civilization. Burn the enemy's fortifications to the ground, bring indescribable horror to the enemy and wipe them off the face of the earth huge cities! February 17, 2015

The tenth game in the series and the first in a fantasy trilogy. An action-fantasy world awaits you Warhammer Fantasy Battles, which combines the exciting mode of turn-based construction of epic empires and explosive, large-scale battles in real time. April 28, 2016

The eleventh game in the series and the second in the fantasy trilogy. Strategy game truly on a grand scale. You have to choose one of four races and start a war with the goal of saving or destroying a huge fantasy world. September 28, 2017

Twelfth game in the series. 878 year from the Nativity of Christ. King Alfred the Great put up a heroic resistance against the Vikings and stopped their invasion. For the first time in 80 years, peace was established on the islands. April 19, 2018

Thirteenth game in the series. B will take us back to the era of China and end up in 190, when the Han Dynasty fell. As the country is usurped, decline sets in. March 7, 2019
