Create a playing field for a board game. Board games

Board games are a great way to spend time with the whole family. You can make such entertainment quickly and easily from scrap materials. A game made by hand from wood will be an original and memorable gift.

How to come up with an interesting game

In fact, the question of how to make a board game with your own hands should not be confusing. In order to come up with it, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. The existing entertainment is quite enough to pass the time with family and friends. You need to take some classic game as a basis and try to repeat it. The uniqueness of the finished product will be given by manual execution and the time invested in the item, the work of the craftsman.

The main thing is to determine the age of the players and their number. If the fun is intended exclusively for children, then it is worth performing it in the most bright and beautiful form. The content should be selected to suit the child’s individual interests, then the baby will enjoy spending time having fun.

What can you make a game out of?

There are a variety of materials used to make entertainment. You can perform children's Board games with your own hands, both from paper and cardboard, and from felt or wood. It turns out very interesting when materials of different texture and color are combined.

Good children's fun can come from a metal candy box. The bottom of the package should be covered with paper pictures, and for animals, objects and buildings you can take felt figures with sewn-in magnets. Such toys will stay on the field, and the box itself is easy to store and take with you on trips or on a walk with your child.

Shown in the photo clear example how to make a board game puzzle with your own hands. You need to take popsicle sticks and stick a picture on them, wait for the glue to dry. Then carefully cut the design with a paper knife. You can stick pieces of Velcro on the back of the sticks, then it will be convenient to attach the wooden puzzles to the felt backing.

Children's board games

There are a few simple ways how to make a board game out of paper for children. They only require paper or cardboard, pencils, felt-tip pens, a ruler - stencil, scissors and glue.

To make cards for a game that develops a child’s memory, you need to cut an even number of rectangles of the desired size from thick cardboard and put paired drawings on them. Such cards can be used not only in Memory entertainment. They will also be required for such popular games as Imaginarium or Crocodile. In some games, for example in "Chest", instead of the usual playing cards You can also use children's ones with pictures.

Very interesting entertainment For a child, entertainment may be known and understandable to everyone, so questions about how to make a board game with your own hands should not arise. If you use self-adhesive multi-colored paper, then chips can be made very quickly. It is better to draw multi-colored ones on children's cards. geometric figures, this is how you can teach your child while playing. For those who are preparing to go to first grade, you can make dominoes with letters and numbers.

Try to repeat the known and simple game"Stairs". To do this, you just need to draw whatman paper into squares and number them. Then each color and draw the stairs in any order. The role of chips can be played by small toys made of chocolate eggs, figures from a popular construction set, or simply cute trinkets.

What can you use to make a playing field for a board game?

Making a DIY board game as a unique holiday gift requires some crafting, drawing, and imagination skills.

With the right amount of effort, an ordinary wooden table can be turned into a very large and beautiful playing field. We recommend that you find out the preferences of the hero of the occasion in advance. When creating an original gift, be sure to take the time to study the rules of the game.

The game can be made in the form of any other fabric. This format will be very convenient for travel and outdoor entertainment. The bag is very convenient to carry and store all your accessories in it. The gift will delight both adults and children.

Wooden board games

Working with wood requires certain skills and experience. But even with a minimal set of skills you can make interesting and beautiful games. You can use a regular cutting board as a basis.

The image shows a well-finished sheet of plywood painted with ink and coated with a thin layer of transparent protective varnish. The game is very simple and straightforward, you don’t even need a set of rules, just find a couple of dice and multi-colored figures that play the role of chips.

It’s more difficult to make a version of “Tic Tac Toe” like the one in the picture, but it’s doable. You will need nine identical blocks of wood and a frame exactly to their size. The parts can be covered with stain or colored paint, on one side of the cubes you can draw zeros and on the other - crosses. Interesting game- the gift is ready!

Woodcarvers can confidently take on more complex projects. In the photo you see a game originally from hot Africa, it is called kalah or mancala. Archaeologists believe that it is older than chess. For a complete set you will need a set of bright, multi-colored pebbles, a couple of cubes and a beautiful glass for storage.

Victoria Sakhno

Board games for children are a great opportunity to cooperative game. At the same time, in addition to having fun, they contribute to the development of the child. Depending on the game, intellectual, speech, Creative skills. Today we invite you to make DIY board games to develop your baby's intellectual abilities and... These games will be of interest to preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, and production will take no more than 15 minutes.


Tangram - ancient Chinese puzzle, invented in the 6th century BC. It is a square divided into 7 figures: triangles - 2 large, 2 small and 1 medium, a square and a parallelogram. The essence of the game is to use these 7 figures to assemble another given figure based on its silhouette. In this case, all figures must be used and it is not allowed to overlap one figure with another.

Tangram develops logic, attention, imaginative and abstract thinking, as well as fine motor skills.

How to make a tangram?

You can use cardboard, thick felt or porous rubber as a basis. If you plan to make the game one color, then cut out a square and divide it into parts according to the scheme. If you choose a multi-colored puzzle, then first draw a tangram pattern on paper, cut it into pieces, and then cut out tangram shapes of different colors using the pattern. I chose the second method to make it easier for the child to assemble the shapes according to the color scheme. The material I use is porous rubber with a velvet coating, the size of the assembled game is 17 by 17 cm. The figures from this tangram are quite large.

In addition to the puzzle, you need diagrams. They are varied in subject matter and can be easily found on the Internet. You can print them out or draw them yourself in a notebook (like ours).

There are 3 types of circuit complexity:

  1. The diagram is divided into tangram shapes and colored according to the color of the main shapes. This is the simplest option, when the child matches the colored figure with the drawn one and lays out the given figure by copying.
  2. The scheme is divided into main figures, but is monochromatic. There is no longer a color hint.
  3. The diagram is a silhouette without breaking down into main figures. Such tasks become available at school age.

Tic Tac Toe

Everyone famous game in our performance “Berries - Mushrooms”. Develops logic and thinking. To make it we will need: multi-colored porous rubber, 1 meter of thick yarn (bright braid or rope), scissors and glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We cut out the playing field - a square measuring 22 by 22 cm.
  2. We prepare 2 pieces of yarn, 22 cm each, and glue it onto the playing field in accordance with the generally accepted pattern.
  3. We cut out berries (5 pieces) from red rubber and glue a green stalk on top.
  4. We cut out mushrooms from brown rubber, also 5 pieces. We decorate the white legs with white rubber. In the absence of the latter, I used a piece of white felt.

When the game is dry, you can play.

Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?


I made 2 mazes for my daughter: a large one and a small one with different tasks. In the small one, you need to help Masha get to the fruit tree. But waiting for her on the way are a spider, a bee and a snail. You need to choose the most safe way. In the big labyrinth you need to help Luntik collect all the toys and bring them to Kuza to play together.

To make a labyrinth we will need:

  • box lid (I used lids from our board games, now these are 2 in 1 games),
  • cocktail straws,
  • glue,
  • scotch,
  • large bead,
  • stickers or cut-out figures depending on the tasks and plot of your game.

Now on the lid we mark the labyrinth itself, that is, the places where you will glue the tubes. You can create a labyrinth yourself, use our version, or copy a suitable one from the Internet. Now we try on and cut the cocktail tubes so that they exactly match the given design. We glue them with PVA glue, then carefully glue the stickers (figures). When the glue dries, additionally secure the ends of the tubes with tape.

Card cutting. Dust is interesting: it covers everything in paper production very quickly.

I have been asked many times how a box of cut cardboard can cost 1,500 rubles. What's so special about it?

  1. From the formation chain, that is, starting from the costs of development and production - this is the lower limit.
  2. From the economy - how much a person is willing to pay, and what price can be set until competitors gobble it up (this is the upper limiter, it also shows what production cost we must meet).
  3. And on the cost of analogue substitutes. In our case, handicraft production. That is, making a board game with your own hands.
You will be terribly surprised when you come to the printing house with your layouts and ask them to print them. We have three copies of the game for the exhibition for 20 thousand. Now I will explain why.

Let's start with the box

The size of the box is usually determined by the dimensions of the playing field (and most often, folded in half or four).
  • We make it ourselves. Of course, you can take a shoebox or Russian Post, but it will be scary and not about the game. The cost of mail boxes is here. As you can see, those that cost 90 and 120 rubles are suitable for us, but you can get it under 70 rubles (in practice, they are even cheaper - if without a logo).
  • We are doing it for the exhibition. In our case, preparing a game that has not yet been released for an exhibition requires a full-fledged wrapping of the box. We do this manually in our production using existing cuttings, ordering the printing of liners in a digital printing house, that is, based on one of the standard production boxes. Cost including handmade, already about 1000 rubles.
  • We make it in the printing house as a pre-production original layout. This is a beta box, in which you need to check how the inscriptions look, whether there are any problems with the image on the corners, and so on, twirl it in your hands, put it in our special cabinet in the office with games (like in a store) and evaluate from afar the visibility of the display. For this beta, a sheet of cardboard is printed in the printing house, on which there is a bottom and a sheet with a lid. Next, all this is cut out with ordinary scissors and glued with tape. It’s immediately clear whether something needs to be edited in the layout or whether we’ll send it to circulation. The cost of such work is about 700 rubles. The box is perfect for presenting a project to a publisher, but not for constant use - it will come unstuck and tear very quickly, and its quality is far from “glossy.”
  • We do it in circulation. Normal industrial boxes have a cost price of about 40-70 rubles per piece for circulations of 5-10 thousand pieces. And this is only the cost of production without taking into account logistics and other things. The box for your phone is so durable and beautiful - the cost price is most likely 150-250 rubles. A box for a hair dryer (ugly) - cheaper than a hundred. For example, our standard “Jackal: Treasure Island” format box with dimensions 257x257x74 mm, 1.25 mm thick cardboard (binding cardboard), regular coated paper for lining, printing and varnish for an edition of 3000 pieces costs 68 rubles (hereinafter prices order by an external author of the game as part of the production of its circulation). But we, of course, print much larger quantities, and it turns out much cheaper.
I looked at the pictures from the presentation of our production, they are very good for explanation, here:

The only point: the photo shows not the connection itself, but the application of glue before the connection.

To understand why a box can be so expensive, you need to start from afar - namely, with the general issue of box production. There are 4 factories in Russia that can make beautiful large boxes at reasonable prices, and one of them is ours in Podolsk. The rest (not from these factories) are brought from China or other countries. The problem is in the technical process, for example, lid-bottom boxes (self-assembly is cheaper, but much, much worse for large games):

  1. First you need to take a sheet of cardboard and draw a cutout on it.
  2. Then cut out the future constructor for the box (more precisely, two - for the lid and bottom separately). This is done with a bang on a crucible press and is nothing complicated.
  3. Stack the boxes. This is already more difficult, because if the boxes are of different sizes (and, in general, you need at least 4 different sizes), then automating this is quite difficult. Therefore it is done by hand.
  4. Folded cardboards need to be covered with paper (laminated) - pictures and all sorts of inscriptions will be printed on this paper. You cannot print on the cardboard itself, because the paint is absorbed into it completely differently (the offset offset machine does not work). If you want it beautiful, keep the paper. This is also done in most cases by hand on special machines.
Pasting, by the way, is done not only on the outside, but also often inside the box, especially on the lids, something like this:

Are all boxes made by hand? Far from it, but a fully automatic line is an extremely rare phenomenon for Russia. We, for example, have our own, but adventures with this damn creation of a Chinese engineering genius take a whole post, where small children are not allowed. On the third day of commissioning, for example, it turned out that the power relay was located exactly under the boiling glue vat. And this very glue boils, splashes and with the splashes closes the contacts tightly. Then the machine stops, and all the glue hardens inside in thin tubes. We made the first upgrade with a children's bucket for the sandbox - we protected the relay. Since then, there have been many more upgrades of the same level, only a little more technological. Now, pah-pah, it works fine.

Printing any sheet is also a non-trivial story. To print a design on a box liner, you must first prepare offset film and make adjustments. It costs at least 15 thousand rubles: first, color separation is done. Why is this needed: the printing machine is a block the size of a KAMAZ, in which four colors are applied in turn to a sheet. The first block is the first color, the second block is the second, the third is the third, the fourth is the fourth. When mixed, the desired CMYK shade is obtained - from blue, violet, yellow and black. We also have a fifth compartment - this is for additional processing of our material, for example with varnish or printing in a fixed Pantone color. So, you need to prepare and calculate everything so that they are applied correctly - this is color separation and adjustment.

Then offset film is made. The image is transferred from the film to an aluminum mold. These forms need to be loaded into the machine - also not in five seconds (but, just for a second, newspapers or leaflets of some candidate could be printed there at that time - that is, downtime is paid for). Then the adjustment begins. To start a circulation, you need to spend approximately 200-300 sheets for runs of up to 5,000 pieces. With large print runs, there may be several adjustments; roughly every hour the adjustment is corrected, because it gradually gets lost. Adjustment is the accuracy of matching the color, the accuracy of combining the face and back, and so on. At the time of adjustment, the printer runs around the machine and slightly tightens the sheet stops, or moves them, slightly adds ink to the sections, and so on. We print 50-piece games for exhibitions both digitally and offset - yes, it’s cheaper to do them digitally, but there won’t be quality for display. The number does not allow you to accurately hit the face on the turn, it constantly jumps up to 2 millimeters regardless of adjustment, digital machines (except for the prohibitively expensive ones) do not know how to accurately position the sheet. In general, a complete randomness, disappointment and a rather poor quality color (not least because of this randomness). Large format printing (also digital, but different) - the quality is worse there, but they can print. The cost of turning on the machine is 300 rubles (this is even for one sheet). Standard sheet B3, that is, not as much fits in there as we would like. There are also features of paper - for example, a coated layer must be applied to cardboard. This is done for each sheet of the box, for cards, fields and other components. And this is another simple case when there is no pantone or varnishing.

Cutting out the box is also a surprise. In general, this is a stamp on the liner lid, a stamp on the bottom liner and 2 stamps on the cardboard for these boxes. There are notable exceptions. The stamp for the crucible is plywood, in which the desired pattern is burned out with a laser, and then knives of a certain configuration are inserted into this pattern, then the knives are glued on both sides with rubber bands of a certain hardness (for different types of cutting, of different hardness). If rubber bands are not installed, then after a couple of blows all the knives will be bent - you need to soften the blow, giving such a load on the knife that will allow you to cut through the products, but not deform the knife. Also make-ready and die production.

Do you think everything is with the box? But no. Now we need a cradle. This is the thing that holds the game components in place - with recesses for cards and so on. You can make a simple and a little scary one out of cardboard (it will come away from the walls, small chips will spill under it, but it is suitable for playing with boards and cards). Or you can inflate it into a plastic mold.

It is done like this:

  • Handicraft. We take cardboard and just bend it as best we can. It turns out, as a rule, not very well, but, on the whole, it’s not very disturbing, considering that our box is no longer from the game at all.
  • In circulation. You need a mold and a special machine. The production scheme for a plastic tray is not very different from the production scheme for a plastic bottle (only bottles are riveted in the millions, and trays in the thousands). The cost of plastic is 80-90 rubles. In our makeshift case, three prototypes are made of cardboard ones. The arithmetic is also simple. Process: development of a drawing, creation of a 3D model, then preparation of the production of a cutting die, frames and punch for mechanical drawing (if necessary), color selection and cutting of the material being processed - the process of vacuum thermoforming of lodgements. The cost of equipment averages from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. In total, in a minimum circulation of 1000 pieces, the price per holder is about 80-90 rubles. Another question is that if you make 5000 lodgements (like us), then the price can drop to 30-40 rubles.
  • To the exhibition. For a prototype, you can make the equipment not from aluminum, but from MDF, it costs 15 thousand rubles. 10 pieces maximum, and the lodgements will turn out to be slightly different in shape. Still needs adjustment. It takes about 30 rubles of polymer for each cradle.
  • At the printing house. In the case of a “household order” in a printing house, a cardboard tray in the spirit of “brr”, made with manual labor by cutting out a sketch, costs 200-300 rubles per unit. If done correctly - 5000 rubles per stamp, 2 rubles per blow (1 blow = 1 lodgement).


There are usually 50 to 100 cards in a box.
  • Handicraft. You can take card protectors (200 rubles), regular deck in their size (70-100 rubles) and put the pieces of paper on top regular cards in the protectors - this way the cards can be shuffled, and this is how prototypes are usually brought to us. Or buy prototyping cards made of cardboard and write by hand on them - this is how we test games in alpha.
  • We need to make more or less beautiful maps for the exhibition. To do this, we print them on an accurate color printer, take them to a specialized production like ours or a printing house with a tunnel press like in the picture at the top of the post (or, in extreme cases, with a manual corner rounder). We could do it before our own production, but it’s cheaper to go to a printing house, we’re in Podolsk. Then we first cut the sheets with printed maps into rectangles, and then align and round the corners on the press. Such a deck of 100 cards costs from 3 to 3.5 thousand rubles. It looks good, although there are some displacements of the face relative to the back due to the inaccuracy of digital printing.
  • For prototype to play or demonstrate to a publisher, you don’t have to bother. You just need to print the cards at a printing house and ask them, or cut the sheets into rectangles yourself with scissors. 100 cards will cost about 2 thousand rubles.
  • In circulation- a deck of 100 cards in size 63 x 89, printed on 260 gram cardboard, 4+4, vd-varnish, and different turnover will cost approximately 70 kopecks per card with a circulation of 3000 pieces. There will be a maximum of 100 cards on two sheets. 101 cards - you can no longer fit into the sheet - plus adjustment and all that follows. Plus there is also separate corrugation for packaging and installation work. If you watched the movie “War dogs” about 100 million Kalashnikov cartridges, you should understand how important this is.

“Stupid Casual” ordered cards for the Imaginarium from us - more precisely, he began ordering them after a series of “shaggy” ones at the edges at another production

Plastic cards will be even more expensive. During the print run, there is also the need to accurately match the color of the shirts (this immediately means a very precise pantone fit). Plus, there are often non-format cards, for example, very small ones - these are new forms. Again, in our case, the printing house cuts by hand, in production you still need to adjust the machine - this takes quite a long time.

That's all if the stamp is standard. We have several dozen of them, and some are repeated - to avoid downtime when the dies go away for sharpening. A non-standard stamp, taking into account delivery, will cost approximately 20,000 and takes 2 weeks. There is only one plant in the country that produces tunnel dies. They make tunnel presses, and they have to sharpen these dies.


The field is made according to the same principle as the box - from several layers of material. Fortunately, it requires little bending, and there is no bulky pasting. So everything is relatively simple.
  • Handicraft. We take a large sheet of cardboard and draw everything on it, or stick a printout on it. 50 rubles per sheet and 20 rubles per printout.
  • To the exhibition It’s better to do this: print the image on the liner in digital or wide format. We go to a printing house where they know how to laminate (glue) binding cardboard with liners. We cover the face with our liner, and the back with beautiful white or black paper. Let our folding field have a size of 500*250 mm, width + cardboard - then the price is 550 rubles.
  • For presentation to the publisher It’s easier, just like with a box, to print the field on regular cardboard - this will be enough to get the right impression of the game. The issue price is 350 rubles.
  • During circulation 3000 pieces of our field 500x250 mm will cost approximately 56 rubles per unit.

Laminating boxes, the same is often done with fields


  • Homemade- a pack of printouts, say, 10 rubles per sheet (this is the price of printing services at the metro; using your own printer is cheaper - but do not forget about the price of the printer).
  • In a printing house or for an exhibition: 200*200, 12 strips 4+4, paperclip = 650 rub. Very expensive due to single edition.
  • In circulation- 25 rubles per piece for 1000 pieces.


Figures are difficult to make. Here is an example technical process:

The final step is casting into a polymer mold, in which the metal is transformed into a figurine.

  • Handicraft: take chips from another game.
  • For the exhibition: you can make figures on an industrial high-precision 3D printer or cast individual metal products that are not just expensive, but incredibly expensive. Model, form - or model and normal printer. You can also take standard wooden ones for the prototype, of course.
  • In circulation from 10 thousand pieces per model. In metal, the most difficult thing is the master specimen (made of silver, this is needed to make the casting mold). Typically, the cost of making a 3D model and making a master copy is very high. Then there is the casting run, which makes no sense for runs of up to 10 thousand pieces. There is casting “in silicone”, where a figurine costs at the factory from 20 to 100 rubles, depending on the complexity and size.
  • Less than 10 thousand pieces. It is rational to use wood here. There is nothing more complicated than painting in wood. There's a really magical story here. A painting machine (so that the paint applies without dripping, does not flow, does not change color, and the figures do not then paint the table when pressed) costs 20 thousand euros. We toured several German factories, looking for used ones. Didn't find it cheap. Then they complained to “Kuzmich” - a local engineer who spent half a day lying under the products of the AZLK plant. He thought about it and said what he would do if we brought him household appliances for disassembly. As a result, from parts of a refrigerator and a washing machine, a pile of plywood and pipes, he concocted a monster from Frankenstein. Then, a year and a half later, the Austrians came to us to see how everything worked. They were very surprised by the quality of the painting, which in some places was even higher than the German one. The foreigners almost had an attack there, the second one that day. The first happened when they saw an industrial area with men before payday.


Cardboard markers, tiles and composite fields are made like this:

Everything else is purchased. Cubes, hourglasses, markers - this is China. In our case, our warehouse stock. Hourglass, for example, in Russia they are made only for medicine (scary and large). The rest is about the same. We learned how to make wooden cubes here, previously it took 3 countries in the process. The small-scale bakellite production (this is an artificial polymer stone, it is used to make escalator steps and poker chips, only heavier) went bankrupt two years ago. We are now going to make cubes at home. Something like this.

That’s why a self-made game of the same quality as a mass-produced copy costs 5-10 thousand per unit (this is when we take it to an exhibition). If all the stamps are new, then the price would be another 15-20 thousand higher.

The same thing in a manual printing house is somewhere around 2000-2500 (excluding stamps).

Or the same thing for 1200-1500 at retail on the shelf.

Pricing based on economics

Taking into account the cost of production, this factor has almost no effect. More precisely, it influences the choice of materials: most often it is necessary to replace plastic cards on paper ones and come up with something else with figures. How much people are willing to pay for board games is determined not by production, but by the price of other gifts. The maximum price of normal demand for Moscow is 2000-2500 rubles for a large box with a bunch of everything, for other cities - 1000-1500 rubles. Therefore, everything interesting should cost up to 2000 rubles.

Industrial pricing

There is one more point besides production. Development. You need to draw illustrations (this is 50-70 thousand minimum), layout everything, do proofreading, do pre-press work (including color correction and optimally arrange everything on the sheet), do a bunch of logistics, have intermediate and final warehouses for components and finished products things, a workshop for drying boxes, a workshop for assembling components inside the box, conducting quality control and much more. Plus a license if the game is foreign or a royalty to the domestic author (5-10% of the wholesale price). This part

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How can you pass the evening in an interesting and unusual way and recharge yourself with different emotions? It's not that complicated, you just need to make board games with your own hands. In today's article, the editors of HomeMyHome suggest trying to make original game both alone and with all household members. So let's begin.

Games, jokes, songs will bring us together

Types of board games for DIY: where creativity and the desire to play take us

If the question arises about how to create your own board game, you need to at least roughly imagine in which direction to move. There are a few game varieties, which are beautifully made and are used with pleasure for relaxation in the company:

  • an adventure game of any theme with cubes and chips;
  • economic game: “monopoly”, “market”, “millionaire” and other similar names;
  • card game: “mafia”, “crocodile” and others;
  • occupation of the type “finish, rebuild”;
  • figure games: backgammon, chess, checkers, dominoes.

Having chosen the direction, you need to decide what the board game will be made of and prepare everything for its manufacture. As a last resort, you should find out if there is a board game rental nearby, try the option you like, and then reproduce it yourself.

How to create a board game for players of different ages: the nuances of creation

An idea is wonderful, but one is not enough. To successfully implement the idea, you need to focus on the age of the players. This is an important factor: children will not understand what to do with an economic toy, and older children may find the children's version not so interesting and dynamic.


Next, you should select the dimensions of the product. If this is an option for kids, then the parts should be large, because the field will be located on the floor. But the teenage scale will be smaller and more detailed.


Any gaming product is created according to the following scheme:

  1. Idea.
  2. Taking into account age nuances.
  3. Sketch.
  4. Search and selection of materials.
  5. Manufacturing.
Advice! First you should test the sketch, in this case it will be possible to provide for all the little details and eliminate shortcomings before creating the final version.

After making adjustments, you can continue to work, creating a gaming miracle.

Making a board game with your own hands for preschool children

Preschool children prefer large or medium-sized games. These can be field adventures, simple quests, puzzles. Field adventures are created for children aged 5-6 years. You can even involve them in creating the game, at least listen to their wishes and ideas, and let them play it!


Adventure games consist of a field painted with paths and pictures, chips and one or two cubes.

The field requires cardboard. But the plot itself can be applied directly to the base with felt-tip pens or separately on paper, and then glue it to the base.


Arrows complicate things game process, making it more exciting. Using arrows of different colors, you can jump to other circles and go back. Or you can introduce an element of surprise by marking some areas with a different color. By standing on this field, the player must receive a prize or sing a song, and perhaps receive a kiss from his parents.

Puzzles are popular with younger and older children. For kids 3-4 years old, you can make them soft from felt or make cardboard analogues.

PHOTO: razvivashkidoma.rf

This is the kind of board game for kids that you can even print out. The printed picture is pasted onto cardboard and cut into parts, and the second same image serves as a “helper”.

What about older children: how to make a board game with your own hands for schoolchildren

Schoolchildren need more varied games. You can use different materials to create a gaming product and actively involve the children themselves.

For example, Memory Cards is another DIY board game that you can simply print and cut.


This is an excellent gaming material for training memory and attention. You need to make a large number of images, but in pairs: each image is repeated once. All images are turned face down, and then a pair is found for the open picture. One move allows you to open only two pictures, but if they are the same, the pair is removed and the move continues.

For schoolchildren you can take the game "crocodile", but in simplified version, and also introduce them to any traditional games, for example, checkers. Checkers can be made from pebbles or buttons, and a checkered field can be drawn using a ruler and paints.

What teenagers play: suitable DIY board games

Teenagers willingly join the “mafia.” You need to download the cards of this board game and print them. You need to read the rules carefully, choose a driver and get a lot of positive emotions!



Interesting board games for the whole family that you can make yourself

Exciting gaming products for the whole family include those that are universally suitable for everyone. Parents will be interested in teaching their children and playing with them, but the rules should be simple and understandable to both the youngest member of the family and everyone else.

The family can make many games with their own hands, such as chess from Legos, checkers from any materials, travel games through fairy tales or science, twister, ladders.


DIY board games at home from different materials: what to do on the weekend

We suggest you spend the next weekend in an interesting and unusual way: it’s time to create your own home production of board games that your family and friends will play. Let's see what materials can be used for the job.

Wooden board games

Wood can be used as a base not only by master carpenters. There are options available for everyone.

Dominoes and lotto

Get away from the computer! We buy a supply of wooden ice cream sticks, acrylic paints, brushes and create a fun domino!

Dominoes can captivate you the first time. The idea is to build a chain of single-colored tips or endings with a corresponding number of points that are applied to each other.



To create a tangram, you need minimal carpentry skills, but if you have the tools, for example, from a neighbor, you can make a useful product.

The essence of the tangram is to reproduce the proposed figures. Each figure consists of a set of elements that must be placed in a certain way.

All the necessary elements are cut out from wooden blocks or flat plywood with a jigsaw. The parts need to be sanded with sandpaper, then covered with varnish or paint.


Cubes: tic-tac-toe

From wooden blocks it is easy to cut cubes of the same size, which are convenient to hold in your hand. On each cube you need to burn symbols like crosses and zeros with a burning machine, but you can take any. If you don’t want to burn, you can simply mark the shapes with paint.


We create interesting and colorful paper board games with our own hands

We suggest spending time so that you can get together with your household and discover new facets of character in each other. It's time to learn how to make a board game out of paper without putting it off for a long time.

Treasure Hunt

A variant of the action game genre. It is always interesting to look for treasures, especially if the parents provide a real prize. But you can take other stories, from your favorite cartoons and fairy tales.

Game options:

  • geographic map;
  • map based on fairy tales;
  • local map.


First, we create a “legend”, then we draw a sketch, where the main thing will be a “path” of equal steps. I'll have to buy it dice(or two), and as chips you can take toys from Kinder Surprise.

We fill the empty spaces around the track with drawings and stickers according to the chosen legend.

Geography puzzle

Pictures that need to be put together from different elements delight many children and even adults. You can turn puzzles into an educational and information resource for any age. To do this, on the back of each element there is information relevant to the plot, which is read before installing the part in place. In this way, all information is collected.


You need to cut out the outlines of the continents from an old atlas, stick them on cardboard and use them to create a world.

Homemade board games from other materials

What board games can you make yourself? Yes, any! Of what? Yes, from anything! Here is a list of materials that may be in the house and waiting in the wings:

  • felt;
  • padding polyester for stuffing felt;
  • acorns, nuts, cones;
  • threads, scissors, glue;
  • buttons;
  • caps from plastic bottles and iron jars.

Here's what home-based board game makers, who have already tried many different options, offer.

Tic-tac-toe from buttons, felt, caps

Not everyone can handle wood, but everyone can handle felt. It is good to involve younger family members in this work by giving them scissors and a template.

Any variant of figures is used as crosses and toes: birds and animals, circles of two colors, flowers and fungi, in general, everything that your imagination suggests.

You can cut out figures from felt, sew them and stuff them with padding polyester, or take two types of large, beautiful buttons as playing chips.


They also use a cardboard field, but the chips are made from any available materials.


Children can do stitches and it is not difficult to teach them the process.


The ancient Slavic game is called “fleas”. If previously they were made from wood or buttons, today you can use other materials.

Interesting! The game helps develop fine motor skills, which is very useful for children.

You need to take beans of two colors, a cardboard box, a couple of coins worth 5 rubles, colored markers and paper, a piece of thick material.


First, we paint the field or cover it with circles of colored paper. The inside of a candy box is used for the base.


The markings resemble a football field, but you can experiment.

The edge of the bean is pressed with a coin, the bean jumps merrily, no worse than a real flea. A piece of fabric is needed as a springboard from which the beans can jump well.

You need to reach the bowl with the flea or move someone else's flea with it. You can compete to see whose flea will jump the farthest. With a drawn field, the main task is to get into the enemy’s goal.

The game continues until one of the players runs out of beans, because a flea that lands on the opponent’s field remains there and is no longer used.

Recommendations on how to download and print the board game

If you want to play immediately, then board games can be downloaded for free.

There are several resources that have different options for such fun.


There are also special resources, a number of games on which are downloaded completely free of charge, in a format convenient for printing. For many products, in addition playing field, a number of accompanying elements are also required.


Card cutting. Dust is interesting: it covers everything in paper production very quickly.

I have been asked many times how a box of cut cardboard can cost 1,500 rubles. What's so special about it?

  1. From the formation chain, that is, starting from the costs of development and production - this is the lower limit.
  2. From the economy - how much a person is willing to pay, and what price can be set until competitors gobble it up (this is the upper limiter, it also shows what production cost we must meet).
  3. And on the cost of analogue substitutes. In our case, handicraft production. That is, making a board game with your own hands.
You will be terribly surprised when you come to the printing house with your layouts and ask them to print them. We have three copies of the game for the exhibition for 20 thousand. Now I will explain why.

Let's start with the box

The size of the box is usually determined by the dimensions of the playing field (and most often, folded in half or four).
  • We make it ourselves. Of course, you can take a shoebox or Russian Post, but it will be scary and not about the game. The cost of mail boxes is here. As you can see, those that cost 90 and 120 rubles are suitable for us, but you can get it under 70 rubles (in practice, they are even cheaper - if without a logo).
  • We are doing it for the exhibition. In our case, preparing a game that has not yet been released for an exhibition requires a full-fledged wrapping of the box. We do this manually in our production using existing cuttings, ordering the printing of liners in a digital printing house, that is, based on one of the standard production boxes. The cost, including manual work, is already about 1000 rubles.
  • We make it in the printing house as a pre-production original layout. This is a beta box, in which you need to check how the inscriptions look, whether there are any problems with the image on the corners, and so on, twirl it in your hands, put it in our special cabinet in the office with games (like in a store) and evaluate from afar the visibility of the display. For this beta, a sheet of cardboard is printed in the printing house, on which there is a bottom and a sheet with a lid. Next, all this is cut out with ordinary scissors and glued with tape. It’s immediately clear whether something needs to be edited in the layout or whether we’ll send it to circulation. The cost of such work is about 700 rubles. The box is perfect for presenting a project to a publisher, but not for constant use - it will come unstuck and tear very quickly, and its quality is far from “glossy.”
  • We do it in circulation. Normal industrial boxes have a cost price of about 40-70 rubles per piece for circulations of 5-10 thousand pieces. And this is only the cost of production without taking into account logistics and other things. The box for your phone is so durable and beautiful - the cost price is most likely 150-250 rubles. A box for a hair dryer (ugly) - cheaper than a hundred. For example, our standard “Jackal: Treasure Island” format box with dimensions 257x257x74 mm, 1.25 mm thick cardboard (binding cardboard), regular coated paper for lining, printing and varnish for an edition of 3000 pieces costs 68 rubles (hereinafter prices order by an external author of the game as part of the production of its circulation). But we, of course, print much larger quantities, and it turns out much cheaper.
I looked at the pictures from the presentation of our production, they are very good for explanation, here:

The only point: the photo shows not the connection itself, but the application of glue before the connection.

To understand why a box can be so expensive, you need to start from afar - namely, with the general issue of box production. There are 4 factories in Russia that can make beautiful large boxes at reasonable prices, and one of them is ours in Podolsk. The rest (not from these factories) are brought from China or other countries. The problem is in the technical process, for example, lid-bottom boxes (self-assembly is cheaper, but much, much worse for large games):

  1. First you need to take a sheet of cardboard and draw a cutout on it.
  2. Then cut out the future constructor for the box (more precisely, two - for the lid and bottom separately). This is done with a bang on a crucible press and is nothing complicated.
  3. Stack the boxes. This is already more difficult, because if the boxes are of different sizes (and, in general, you need at least 4 different sizes), then automating this is quite difficult. Therefore it is done by hand.
  4. Folded cardboards need to be covered with paper (laminated) - pictures and all sorts of inscriptions will be printed on this paper. You cannot print on the cardboard itself, because the paint is absorbed into it completely differently (the offset offset machine does not work). If you want it beautiful, keep the paper. This is also done in most cases by hand on special machines.
Pasting, by the way, is done not only on the outside, but also often inside the box, especially on the lids, something like this:

Are all boxes made by hand? Far from it, but a fully automatic line is an extremely rare phenomenon for Russia. We, for example, have our own, but adventures with this damn creation of a Chinese engineering genius take a whole post, where small children are not allowed. On the third day of commissioning, for example, it turned out that the power relay was located exactly under the boiling glue vat. And this very glue boils, splashes and with the splashes closes the contacts tightly. Then the machine stops, and all the glue hardens inside in thin tubes. We made the first upgrade with a children's bucket for the sandbox - we protected the relay. Since then, there have been many more upgrades of the same level, only a little more technological. Now, pah-pah, it works fine.

Printing any sheet is also a non-trivial story. To print a design on a box liner, you must first prepare offset film and make adjustments. It costs at least 15 thousand rubles: first, color separation is done. Why is this needed: the printing machine is a block the size of a KAMAZ, in which four colors are applied in turn to a sheet. The first block is the first color, the second block is the second, the third is the third, the fourth is the fourth. When mixed, the desired CMYK shade is obtained - from blue, violet, yellow and black. We also have a fifth compartment - this is for additional processing of our material, for example with varnish or printing in a fixed Pantone color. So, you need to prepare and calculate everything so that they are applied correctly - this is color separation and adjustment.

Then offset film is made. The image is transferred from the film to an aluminum mold. These forms need to be loaded into the machine - also not in five seconds (but, just for a second, newspapers or leaflets of some candidate could be printed there at that time - that is, downtime is paid for). Then the adjustment begins. To start a circulation, you need to spend approximately 200-300 sheets for runs of up to 5,000 pieces. With large print runs, there may be several adjustments; roughly every hour the adjustment is corrected, because it gradually gets lost. Adjustment is the accuracy of matching the color, the accuracy of combining the face and back, and so on. At the time of adjustment, the printer runs around the machine and slightly tightens the sheet stops, or moves them, slightly adds ink to the sections, and so on. We print 50-piece games for exhibitions both digitally and offset - yes, it’s cheaper to do them digitally, but there won’t be quality for display. The number does not allow you to accurately hit the face on the turn, it constantly jumps up to 2 millimeters regardless of adjustment, digital machines (except for the prohibitively expensive ones) do not know how to accurately position the sheet. In general, a complete randomness, disappointment and a rather poor quality color (not least because of this randomness). Large format printing (also digital, but different) - the quality is worse there, but they can print. The cost of turning on the machine is 300 rubles (this is even for one sheet). Standard sheet B3, that is, not as much fits in there as we would like. There are also features of paper - for example, a coated layer must be applied to cardboard. This is done for each sheet of the box, for cards, fields and other components. And this is another simple case when there is no pantone or varnishing.

Cutting out the box is also a surprise. In general, this is a stamp on the liner lid, a stamp on the bottom liner and 2 stamps on the cardboard for these boxes. There are notable exceptions. The stamp for the crucible is plywood, in which the desired pattern is burned out with a laser, and then knives of a certain configuration are inserted into this pattern, then the knives are glued on both sides with rubber bands of a certain hardness (for different types of cutting, of different hardness). If rubber bands are not installed, then after a couple of blows all the knives will be bent - you need to soften the blow, giving such a load on the knife that will allow you to cut through the products, but not deform the knife. Also make-ready and die production.

Do you think everything is with the box? But no. Now we need a cradle. This is the thing that holds the game components in place - with recesses for cards and so on. You can make a simple and a little scary one out of cardboard (it will come away from the walls, small chips will spill under it, but it is suitable for playing with boards and cards). Or you can inflate it into a plastic mold.

It is done like this:

  • Handicraft. We take cardboard and just bend it as best we can. It turns out, as a rule, not very well, but, on the whole, it’s not very disturbing, considering that our box is no longer from the game at all.
  • In circulation. You need a mold and a special machine. The production scheme for a plastic tray is not very different from the production scheme for a plastic bottle (only bottles are riveted in the millions, and trays in the thousands). The cost of plastic is 80-90 rubles. In our makeshift case, three prototypes are made of cardboard ones. The arithmetic is also simple. Process: development of a drawing, creation of a 3D model, then preparation of the production of a cutting die, frames and punch for mechanical drawing (if necessary), color selection and cutting of the material being processed - the process of vacuum thermoforming of lodgements. The cost of equipment averages from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. In total, in a minimum circulation of 1000 pieces, the price per holder is about 80-90 rubles. Another question is that if you make 5000 lodgements (like us), then the price can drop to 30-40 rubles.
  • To the exhibition. For a prototype, you can make the equipment not from aluminum, but from MDF, it costs 15 thousand rubles. 10 pieces maximum, and the lodgements will turn out to be slightly different in shape. Still needs adjustment. It takes about 30 rubles of polymer for each cradle.
  • At the printing house. In the case of a “household order” in a printing house, a cardboard tray in the spirit of “brr”, made with manual labor by cutting out a sketch, costs 200-300 rubles per unit. If done correctly - 5000 rubles per stamp, 2 rubles per blow (1 blow = 1 lodgement).


There are usually 50 to 100 cards in a box.
  • Handicraft. You can take card protectors (200 rubles), a regular deck in their size (70-100 rubles) and put pieces of paper on top of the regular cards in the protectors - this way the cards can be shuffled, and this is how prototypes are usually brought to us. Or buy prototyping cards made of cardboard and write by hand on them - this is how we test games in alpha.
  • We need to make more or less beautiful maps for the exhibition. To do this, we print them on an accurate color printer, take them to a specialized production like ours or a printing house with a tunnel press like in the picture at the top of the post (or, in extreme cases, with a manual corner rounder). We could do it before our own production, but it’s cheaper to go to a printing house, we’re in Podolsk. Then we first cut the sheets with printed maps into rectangles, and then align and round the corners on the press. Such a deck of 100 cards costs from 3 to 3.5 thousand rubles. It looks good, although there are some displacements of the face relative to the back due to the inaccuracy of digital printing.
  • For prototype to play or demonstrate to a publisher, you don’t have to bother. You just need to print the cards at a printing house and ask them, or cut the sheets into rectangles yourself with scissors. 100 cards will cost about 2 thousand rubles.
  • In circulation- a deck of 100 cards in size 63 x 89, printed on 260 gram cardboard, 4+4, vd-varnish, and different turnover will cost approximately 70 kopecks per card with a circulation of 3000 pieces. There will be a maximum of 100 cards on two sheets. 101 cards - you can no longer fit into the sheet - plus adjustment and all that follows. Plus there is also separate corrugation for packaging and installation work. If you watched the movie “War dogs” about 100 million Kalashnikov cartridges, you should understand how important this is.

“Stupid Casual” ordered cards for the Imaginarium from us - more precisely, he began ordering them after a series of “shaggy” ones at the edges at another production

Plastic cards will be even more expensive. During the print run, there is also the need to accurately match the color of the shirts (this immediately means a very precise pantone fit). Plus, there are often non-format cards, for example, very small ones - these are new forms. Again, in our case, the printing house cuts by hand, in production you still need to adjust the machine - this takes quite a long time.

That's all if the stamp is standard. We have several dozen of them, and some are repeated - to avoid downtime when the dies go away for sharpening. A non-standard stamp, taking into account delivery, will cost approximately 20,000 and takes 2 weeks. There is only one plant in the country that produces tunnel dies. They make tunnel presses, and they have to sharpen these dies.


The field is made according to the same principle as the box - from several layers of material. Fortunately, it requires little bending, and there is no bulky pasting. So everything is relatively simple.
  • Handicraft. We take a large sheet of cardboard and draw everything on it, or stick a printout on it. 50 rubles per sheet and 20 rubles per printout.
  • To the exhibition It’s better to do this: print the image on the liner in digital or wide format. We go to a printing house where they know how to laminate (glue) binding cardboard with liners. We cover the face with our liner, and the back with beautiful white or black paper. Let our folding field have a size of 500*250 mm, width + cardboard - then the price is 550 rubles.
  • For presentation to the publisher It’s easier, just like with a box, to print the field on regular cardboard - this will be enough to get the right impression of the game. The issue price is 350 rubles.
  • During circulation 3000 pieces of our field 500x250 mm will cost approximately 56 rubles per unit.

Laminating boxes, the same is often done with fields


  • Homemade- a pack of printouts, say, 10 rubles per sheet (this is the price of printing services at the metro; using your own printer is cheaper - but do not forget about the price of the printer).
  • In a printing house or for an exhibition: 200*200, 12 strips 4+4, paperclip = 650 rub. Very expensive due to single edition.
  • In circulation- 25 rubles per piece for 1000 pieces.


Figures are difficult to make. Here is an example technical process:

The final step is casting into a polymer mold, in which the metal is transformed into a figurine.

  • Handicraft: take chips from another game.
  • For the exhibition: you can make figures on an industrial high-precision 3D printer or cast individual metal products that are not just expensive, but incredibly expensive. Model, form - or model and normal printer. You can also take standard wooden ones for the prototype, of course.
  • In circulation from 10 thousand pieces per model. In metal, the most difficult thing is the master specimen (made of silver, this is needed to make the casting mold). Typically, the cost of making a 3D model and making a master copy is very high. Then there is the casting run, which makes no sense for runs of up to 10 thousand pieces. There is casting “in silicone”, where a figurine costs at the factory from 20 to 100 rubles, depending on the complexity and size.
  • Less than 10 thousand pieces. It is rational to use wood here. There is nothing more complicated than painting in wood. There's a really magical story here. A painting machine (so that the paint applies without dripping, does not flow, does not change color, and the figures do not then paint the table when pressed) costs 20 thousand euros. We toured several German factories, looking for used ones. Didn't find it cheap. Then they complained to “Kuzmich” - a local engineer who spent half a day lying under the products of the AZLK plant. He thought about it and said what he would do if we brought him household appliances for disassembly. As a result, from parts of a refrigerator and a washing machine, a pile of plywood and pipes, he concocted a monster from Frankenstein. Then, a year and a half later, the Austrians came to us to see how everything worked. They were very surprised by the quality of the painting, which in some places was even higher than the German one. The foreigners almost had an attack there, the second one that day. The first happened when they saw an industrial area with men before payday.


Cardboard markers, tiles and composite fields are made like this:

Everything else is purchased. Cubes, hourglasses, markers - this is China. In our case, our warehouse stock. Hourglasses, for example, in Russia are made only for medicine (scary and large). The rest is about the same. They learned how to make wooden cubes here, previously it took 3 countries in the process. The small-scale bakellite production (this is an artificial polymer stone, it is used to make escalator steps and poker chips, only heavier) went bankrupt two years ago. We are now going to make cubes at home. Something like this.

That’s why a self-made game of the same quality as a mass-produced copy costs 5-10 thousand per unit (this is when we take it to an exhibition). If all the stamps are new, then the price would be another 15-20 thousand higher.

The same thing in a manual printing house is somewhere around 2000-2500 (excluding stamps).

Or the same thing for 1200-1500 at retail on the shelf.

Pricing based on economics

Taking into account the cost of production, this factor has almost no effect. More precisely, it influences the choice of materials: most often you have to replace plastic cards with paper ones and come up with something else with the figures. How much people are willing to pay for board games is determined not by production, but by the price of other gifts. The maximum price of normal demand for Moscow is 2000-2500 rubles for a large box with a bunch of everything, for other cities - 1000-1500 rubles. Therefore, everything interesting should cost up to 2000 rubles.

Industrial pricing

There is one more point besides production. Development. You need to draw illustrations (this is 50-70 thousand minimum), layout everything, do proofreading, do pre-press work (including color correction and optimally arrange everything on the sheet), do a bunch of logistics, have intermediate and final warehouses for components and finished products things, a workshop for drying boxes, a workshop for assembling components inside the box, conducting quality control and much more. Plus a license if the game is foreign or a royalty to the domestic author (5-10% of the wholesale price). This part