Didactic game dress up a doll. Summary of the didactic game: “Dressing up the Katya doll” for children of the younger group

GBDOU kindergarten No. 16 of Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

Organization of subject-developmental environment in senior group No. 2

Didactic game “Dress the doll Tanya”

The game is intended for children aged 3-7 years.

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development.

Individual or subgroup joint activities of the teacher and children, independent play activities of children.


Learn to practice repeating the actions of an adult dressing a girl for a walk and changing her clothes after a walk.


Strengthen the ability to correctly name items of a girl’s street (winter) and home clothes, their color;

To develop the ability to form and use nouns with diminutive suffixes in expressive speech, to coordinate adjectives and numerals in speech with nouns in gender, number, case, communication skills (you can include the task of learning to compose simple sentences on questions);

Train the skills of consistent dressing and undressing;

Develop finger motor skills;

Cultivate the desire and ability to dress according to the season and depending on the air temperature in the room, help each other, and take care of clothes.

Game task:

Correctly dress or undress the doll.

Rules of the game:

Select clothes for outdoors or indoors, consistently dress or undress the doll.

Game equipment:

Doll, street (winter) and indoor clothes, clothes chest (locker).

Progress of the game:

The teacher sits opposite the children. A doll dressed as a girl sits on a chair next to her. “Count how many girls are in our group,” says the teacher. Children count and answer. “And here’s another girl. She's small. How well she is dressed! What little clothes do you see on the doll?” Children take turns answering by naming the item of clothing (in a diminutive form) and its color. “If the doll is wearing these clothes at home, then what kind of clothes?” - the teacher leads the children to the concept of “home clothes.” Children's answers. “In a while, you and I will go outside. What clothes will we wear?” (Street) “Let’s take Tanya with us, play with her and show her our playground.” The children may agree. “What time of year is it now?” (Late autumn, winter) “We need to dress Tanya according to the season so that she doesn’t catch a cold. What clothes should you wear outside in winter? (Winter) “Where can I get clothes from?” (from the chest, from the closet) “Please remember how to dress properly for a walk, you can look at the hint (dressing and undressing algorithm).” The children, under the guidance of a teacher or independently in the required sequence, dress the doll for a walk. Children are allowed to argue whether the item is worth wearing now. Children put away what the doll does not need in a chest or closet. They “verify” the game situation. The teacher thanks the children. Going out with them to the locker room, he observes whether the children themselves are dressing correctly. During a walk, the doll can be involved in games.

Game options:

Children do not want to take the doll outside: offer to undress the doll and put it to bed

Upon returning from a walk, the children undress the doll in the required sequence and offer to dry and clean the clothes.

-“Let’s wake up the doll and dress her”

- "Clothing store"


  1. O. Goletsiova. Games in kindergarten. – Moscow, Enlightenment, 1966.
  2. Games with rules in kindergarten. Collection. – Moscow, Enlightenment, 1970.
  3. L. V. Artyomova. The world around us in didactic games for preschoolers. – Moscow, Education, 1992.
  4. O. A. Skorolupova, L. V. Loginova. Let's play?..Let's play!!! Pedagogical guidance of games for preschool children. – Moscow, Scriptorium Publishing House 2003, 2005.

Executor : teacher of group No. 2 Rezvykh U.V.

Didactic game “Let’s dress the doll Masha for a walk”

Target: teach how to consistently put on outerwear on a doll; fix the name of the outerwear.

Equipment: doll Masha; a set of clothes for the season.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher brings the Masha doll and a chest with her clothes into the group, and addresses the children on behalf of Masha.

Educator. Children, it's getting cold. I really want to go for a walk with you, but I don’t know how to dress. Help me please!

The teacher takes out items of clothing according to the season from the chest, invites the children to name them using adjectives (red tights, warm pants, rubber boots, fluffy blouse, yellow jacket, beautiful hat, soft scarf).

Let's tell Mashenka what to wear first. That's right, first you need to put on tights. How are we going to put them on? Go, Irochka, sit Mashenka on your knees and put on her red tights.

Pants are put on in the same way.

Now let’s put on the boots: this one on the right foot, this one on the left foot. What will we put on Mashenka next? That's right, Seryozha, go put a blouse on the doll. Tell the children what kind of blouse Mashenka has?

Seryozha. Fluffy, soft, beautiful.

Educator. Remember how we put Vanechka’s shirt on: first on one arm, then on the other. Let's fasten all the buttons so that Masha doesn't catch a cold. But you can’t walk like that yet. It's cold outside and you need to wear a jacket and a hat.

Alena, go put a jacket on Mashenka and show all the kids how to put on a jacket correctly. Well done! All that remains is to put on a hat and tie a scarf.

Invites children to do this if they wish. When the doll is dressed, the teacher reads a nursery rhyme.

One two three four five -

We're going for a walk.

Tied up for Mashenka

Striped scarf,

Let's get dressed - I myself, I myself!

Mashenka is dressed and invites all the children for a walk. Let's go get dressed!

Didactic game “Let’s dress the doll Tanya for a walk”

Tasks: develop the need to address questions and requests to an adult; reproduce game actions; learn to recognize yourself, your family members in a photo, and show interest in the facial expressions of your peers; fix the names of winter clothes and their purpose.

Equipment: doll with a set of winter clothes (fur coat, hat, mittens, boots, knitted suit, scarf); photographs of children and their families.

The teacher draws attention to photographs of children and members of their families and asks them to find photographs where people are dressed in winter clothes. The teacher asks to name who they see in the photograph, why are people dressed in winter clothes?

There is a knock on the door, the teacher brings in the crying doll Tanya and asks what happened? Why is she crying? The doll replies that she wants to go for a walk, but does not know how to dress for a walk in winter.

Educator. Children, let's calm down the Tanya doll, help her get dressed and take her for a walk. What should she wear?

The children answer.

That's right, Tanya brought us her clothes.

The teacher lays out clothes on a high chair and asks the children to name the things.

What should Tanya wear first?

Children. First, put on warm pants.

Educator. The pants are knitted from warm woolen threads. This grandmother knitted pants for her granddaughter. What are you wearing for Tanya, Olya?

The child answers.

Why are you putting her pants on?

The child answers.

What do we wear next?

Children. Socks, boots.

The conversation on each item is conducted in the same way.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that you need to put on one thing at a time, carefully straightening them out, and take your time. When the doll is dressed, she invites the children to get dressed too and go for a walk together. The doll goes out with the children into the dressing room, the children remember the dressing sequence.

When the children get dressed, the teacher, on behalf of the Tanya doll, offers to take a photo of everyone together on a walk.

Didactic game “Buckle and Lace”

Target: develop fine motor skills; strengthen the skills of buttoning and unfastening buttons; learn to lace correctly.

Equipment: various fasteners with a set of small attributes; fasteners can be made independently. Silhouettes are cut out of thick fabric: favorite animals: bunny, fox, bear, hedgehog (you can attach bows, ties, aprons to them, apples, mushrooms for hedgehogs); trees (attach leaves, apples); baskets (vegetables, fruits, mushrooms are attached); New Year tree (balloons and toys are attached); lacing of various shapes and configurations.

Didactic game “Button up”

Children perform actions with fasteners. The teacher individually, if necessary, provides assistance and explains the actions being performed.

Didactic game "Laces"

Children perform actions with lacing. The teacher provides individual assistance and explains the correct execution.

Target: clothing classification


Introduce children to types of clothing, shoes and hats, and connect clothing with its purpose.

Develop children's active speech and enrich their vocabulary. Continue to introduce children to the meaning of the words “suit”, “dress”.

To cultivate respect for the work of people who create and sew clothes.

Develop aesthetic taste, memory, attention, imagination.

Cultivate perseverance and interest.

Game task: dress the doll correctly.

Rules of the game:choose clothes for the situation.

Game equipment: a doll, a clothes closet containing clothes for various occasions and/or a cardboard doll and various clothes and/or a computer presentation with slides containing various situations.

Progress of the game.

The teacher sits opposite the children, invites the children to guess about the topic of the lesson, then more clearly announces the task so that the children decide what clothes to choose for the doll, while at the same time the next presentation slide is shown. Near the children there are dolls and a set of clothes, the children choose clothes. The children, under the guidance of a teacher or independently, dress the doll in the required sequence. One of the children volunteers to show on a slide what clothes should be chosen. If the choice is correct, then this will be clear from the sound of the slide and from the fact that the clothes will remain on the doll. Children are allowed to argue whether this particular item is worth wearing now, and to prove their opinion. After the lesson, the teacher thanks the children.

Nikonorova Elvira Arkadyevna,


NRMDOBU Combined Kindergarten “Droplet”

Nefteyugansk district, Poikovsky town

The didactic manual “Dressing a Doll” forms in children an idea of ​​a person, parts of the body, and the difference in a person’s gender. With the help of the manual, children’s knowledge about seasonal items of clothing and the sequence of putting them on is generalized. Strengthens colors and develops fine motor skills. Using this manual, the education of patriotic feelings is carried out.

The manual is intended for individual work with children.

The manual is relevant in teaching children, both younger and older.

The set includes colorful multi-colored game elements.

Description of the teaching aid:

Material: felt of different colors, small decorative ornaments.

Two dolls made of thick felt: a boy and a girl.

  • A set of clothing items for a boy (winter jacket, demi-season, sweater, T-shirt, shirt, tights, trousers, overalls, breeches, shorts, winter hat, demi-season, summer cap, mittens. Shoes - felt boots, boots, sneakers.)
  • A set of clothing items for a girl (winter coat, demi-season jacket, sweater, dress, T-shirt, tunic, skirt, shorts, tights, trousers, overalls, winter hat, demi-season, Panama hat, mittens. Shoes - felt boots, boots, shoes)
  • A set of clothing items by color (dress, cloak, bows, hat, boots in red, green, blue, yellow)
  • A set of national costume items (Russian, Bashkir, Kalmyk, Khanty

Game elements are attached using Velcro

This manual can be used in different versions of games, for example:

Option 1. Game “Choose clothes for the dolls”

Option 2. Game “Match by color”

Option 3 Game “Dress the doll according to the season”

Option 4. Game “Dress up a doll in a national costume”

Option 5. Game "Fashion Show"

Option 1.

Game “Choose clothes for the dolls”

Target: Learn to name items of clothing, differentiate clothes for boys and girls, and consistently dress a doll.

Progress of the game.

Teacher. Guys, dolls Kolya and Katya are going to visit, but they can’t get dressed because they mixed up their clothes and can’t find their things. Let's help them figure out where whose things are.

Teacher. What do girls wear and what do boys wear?

After the children choose clothes for the dolls, one child begins to dress Kolya, and the other - Katya.

Option 2

Game “Match by color”


Teach children to select objects of the same color and distribute according to the same color.

Learn to name colors correctly using phrases of words, names of objects and colors.

Progress of the lesson.

Today is Katya's holiday, and she asked us to help her choose bows to decorate her dresses. The bow should be the same color as the dress. She would also like the coat and boots to be the same color as the dress.

Option 3.

Game “Dress the doll according to the season”


Develop the skill of consistent actions of dressing for a walk.

Continue to teach children to remember and name items of seasonal clothing, to know their purpose.

Cultivate neatness and respect for clothing; desire to take care of the doll.

Progress of the game.

The teacher informs the children that the doll Katya has already had breakfast and wants to go for a walk. Leads the children to the conclusion: “We need to dress the doll for a walk.”

Educator. It's cold outside. Doll Katya needs to be dressed warmly. What clothes should the doll wear? (Warm.)

Showing and looking at clothes.

The teacher shows the children items of clothing, names them, talks about color, and pays attention to the details of the clothing (pockets, sleeves, collar, trim).

Consistently dressing the doll for a walk.

Option 4.

Game “Dress up a doll in a national costume”


To introduce children to the knowledge of the national costumes of the peoples living in Russia.

To consolidate knowledge about the features of the national costume and its elements.

Teach children to find similarities and differences between a costume and other national clothing.

Progress of the game. Children are invited to dress their dolls in different national costumes. Offer to find similarities and differences between the costumes. Draw children's attention to the details of clothing items.

Option 5.

Game "Fashion Show"

The game is aimed at developing a sense of taste from childhood and nurturing self-confidence. The child, according to his desire and ability, dresses the doll, choosing a headdress, shoes, etc. that suit the costume. and talks about her. Skillful selection of clothing and accessories is encouraged.

Summary of the didactic game:

“Dressing up the Katya doll”

for children of the younger group

Conducted by: Mergenova.Yu.V.

Troitskoe village, 2017

Target: Be able to select items of clothing for their intended purpose.

1. Learn to remember the sequence of dressing for a walk.

2. Activate the dictionary in speech.

3.Cultivate a caring attitude.

Dictionary: spring, warm.
Material (equipment): doll; items of clothing, dressing algorithm.

Progress of the lesson:
Surprise moment. A Katya doll in a dress and shoes sits in front of the children. Nearby is a beautiful box.
Educator: Tells the children that Katya is going for a walk. He asks: “Is it possible to go for a walk in a dress now? Clarifies what time of year, what the weather is like. “In the box,” the teacher says and shows, “there is a picture of clothes.” Offers to help the doll get ready for a walk.
Children: Show interest, look at it. They call the time of year. They agree to help the doll get dressed for a walk.
Shows the dressing algorithm.
Children: They name items of clothing according to an algorithm. Remember the dressing sequence.
Dictionary: spring, warm.
Children: repeat the words - spring, warm.
Educator: Offers to take clothes out of the box that need to be worn in the spring. What clothes did you choose? She asks to start dressing the Katya doll. He asks what should I wear first? The teacher sequentially puts on Katya: socks, trousers, boots, jacket, hat, coat, scarf.
Children: They observe the actions of the teacher, pronounce the names of clothes. They choose clothes, tell the doll and the teacher what to wear and what to wear.
Educator:- The doll is dressed and can go for a walk. Let us show you how we will dress.

"Song for getting dressed"
We put on a shirt on our chubby little hands.
Repeat after me the words: pen - one, and pen - two!
Let's fasten the fasteners on your clothes:
Buttons and buttons, various rivets.
We'll put panties on my baby.

And now on your feet - socks and boots!
Repeat after me the words: leg - one, and leg - two!
Although we are tired of getting dressed, we will not be indignant!
What's left - the head? Here comes the hat - one, two! Irina Gurina
Children: Perform movements according to the text.

The teacher invites the children to go on a walk together with the doll Katya.

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Harada"

Summary of the didactic game:

"Dirty Doll"

for children of the younger group

Conducted by: Uchurova. S.V.

Troitskoe village, 2017


    Educational - to cultivate cultural and hygienic skills.

    Educational: learn to name the names of objects, actions, introduce personal hygiene items, form an active vocabulary.

    Developmental: develop attention, observation, memory, speech, ability to answer simple questions.

Materials and equipment:

A doll, a basin of water, personal hygiene items, paintings depicting washing.

Methods and techniques:

    Verbal - questions from the teacher, artistic expression.

    Visual - showing pictures, showing the doll washing.

    Playful - putting the doll to sleep.

    Surprise moment.

Progress of the lesson .

There's a knock on the door.

Oh guys, who came to us? - (they open the door, look: there is a Masha doll standing)

This doll is Masha. How dirty she is! She, guys, is saying something.

Guys, Masha was walking on the street and got dirty. What needs to be done to keep Masha clean?

The children's answer is to wash. That's right, Masha needs to wash herself. And for this we need the items that are in this wonderful bag. Let's see what's inside. The teacher takes soap, a towel, a soap dish and a bathtub from the bag. Asks each child what it is and explains why they are needed.

Well done boys! And now we will remember a poem about water.

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle,

So that your cheeks turn red,

So that your mouth laughs,

So that the tooth bites.

Look, there are two basins of water on my table. There is hot water in one basin, cold water in the other. I will mix hot and cold water and the water will be warm. We will bathe Masha with this water.

The soap will foam

And the dirt will go somewhere.

We pour warm water on our Masha.

Long live scented soap

And the towel is fluffy

And a thick comb.

And tooth powder!

Children follow the teacher’s actions, help with soaping, name parts of the body, and pour water on the doll.

Guys, look, Masha has become clean and beautiful. Let's dry her with a towel, wrap her in a clean diaper and put her to bed. Let's sing her a song:

Bye-bye, bye bye, bye bye,

There are bunnies in the garden!

Bunnies eat grass

They tell Masha to sleep.

So Masha fell asleep. And the water in the bathtub is dirty and soapy, it needs to be thrown out. The soap should be put into the soap dish, and the towel should be hung in place and dried.

So Masha fell asleep, and it’s time for us, guys.

Bottom line.

Guys, what did we do today? That's right, we bathed the doll Masha. What else did you do? (put to bed). And what was in the wonderful bag? (children name hygiene items)
