Will playing Driver Parallel Lines be fun? Secrets and rewards Driver parallel lines walkthrough.

You are on the page of the game Driver: Parallel Lines, created in the Arcade/Racing/Action genre, where you can find a lot useful information. The game was released by Ubisoft Reflections. The walkthrough we found for the game Driver: Parallel Lines will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also, codes and cheats for the game Driver: Parallel Lines are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

The game Driver: Parallel Lines was localized in Russia by the 1C company, but this does not eliminate the need for a localization, because sometimes errors appear during the game, and original version always better than remade. And playing in your native language is more enjoyable. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you decide if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 06/28/2007, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix game process. You can download them in our file storage.

full of torment and hardship. Initially, the rights to the game belonged to Atari, which managed to release the project on consoles Sony PlayStation 2 And Xbox. Unfortunately for the publisher, the game sold very poorly and was received lukewarmly by the press and players.

It is clear that this did not at all help speed up porting to personal computers. Then Atari began to have serious financial problems, which threatened to close the project altogether. To avoid bankruptcy, the sinking company began to close studios, downsize staff, and quietly sold it Ubisoft trademark license Driver. The French giant, without thinking twice, sent the PC version to the landfill, and it seemed like everything was covered with a copper basin. In general, as they say, “Rip in peace.”

And it’s all the more surprising that a month after the project was closed Ubisoft officially stated that Driver: Parallel Lines will be released on personal computers and consoles Nintendo Wii until the end of March. So is this dubious long-term construction worth waiting for?

Twenty eight years old

The game begins in 1978. Main character- a talented driver named TK (don't even ask what it means) - decides to make money in the service of a crime boss. Easy money, excitement... then a sudden betrayal, and TK is sent to a not so distant place for 28 years.

In 2006, 46-year-old and very angry TK was released. He immediately starts looking for the people who put him in prison. An interesting story could be made from this if the scriptwriters from Reflections Interactive tried and created colorful characters.

Their success in this field is doubtful. But you can’t help but appreciate the magnificent music tracks Driver: Parallel Lines. Even if there are not a dozen radio stations here, as in GTA, but musical compositions of groups Blondie, Parliament, Marvin Gaye, War perfectly convey the atmosphere. Even, perhaps, better than graphics and videos.

The gameplay is very reminiscent of what was seen in Driv3r, only pretty much patched up and improved. The nightmare that greeted players in the third part will not happen again. Available to the player large city, divided into three districts. Civilians are driving aimlessly down the street, police are looking for criminals - in general, Brownian motion.

You ride from mission to mission and complete story missions, of which thirty-five have accumulated. If you get bored, you can try additional assignments - starting with criminal “orders” and ending with illegal races. In addition to moral satisfaction, they will help you earn money. Here it is customary to spend them on improvements to the car.

The main drawback of the missions is simple: they are boring. We've seen similar tasks God knows how many times already. Remember GTA 3. Do you know what has changed over the past five years? Absolutely nothing. Steal a car and deliver it intact? Was. Time travel through the series control points? It happened too.

And in itself this is not so bad. The missions are well done, but it’s difficult to call them an indisputable advantage of the game. After completing half the game, you simply get tired - you don’t want to play any further. I could still keep the plot, but, as we have already said, alas, it was not fate.

Cops from hell

There are 80 cars in the game. The vehicle fleet, unsurprisingly, changes completely when TK is released. Sports cars, expensive limousines, fast and maneuverable motorcycles, proud helicopters. Now each car can be stolen into a garage to spend a certain amount on improving technical characteristics and appearance.

Each model behaves differently on the road. In terms of driving Driver: Parallel Lines easy to furnish GTA.

First, however, you need to get used to more realistic physics. In general, it’s nice to just drive around the city, enjoying the feeling of speed, deftly avoiding oncoming cars and causing planned (or lucky) accidents.

Collisions look especially colorful if you turn on the external camera. In slow motion, a virtual cameraman shows a car slowly crashing into another car. The character is thrown around the cabin, the body is deformed, and the doors fly off. It looks so cool that you can spend hours admiring such disasters.

Impenetrable pillars made of Driv3r are a thing of the past, but there are still moments in the game that can irritate even the most patient players. Take the police, for example. Law enforcement officers strictly follow the rules traffic! We exceeded the speed limit, drove through a red light, cars knocked quietly - we could already hear the howl of a siren from behind.

Yes, police cars are visible on the radar, but there are often situations when you get stuck in a traffic jam and the cars don’t move at all. What to do if there are servants of the law nearby? Just break the rules, get involved in a chase, crash the car and start the mission again. To get from one part of the city to another requires titanic patience, and often several attempts. Realism vs. playability - who wins?

I don’t even want to think about walking missions. This is a quiet nightmare - shameful animation, multiplied by clumsy combat system. A separate point is a question that I have long wanted to ask the designers from Reflections: why is almost the entire city located on a perfectly smooth plain? There are no ascents or sharp descents - it’s like we’re riding on an asphalt area. But there were some good mounds still in Driver 2.

Give advice Driver: Parallel Lines It won't work out for everyone without exception. Yes, the game has a unique atmosphere and great music. But this is not enough. Interesting story imprisonment was presented crookedly and askance. At least the patched-up gameplay doesn't cause the same rejection as it did in Driv3r, but it doesn’t captivate you, and sometimes it just causes irritation. But the most important thing is that the game quickly becomes boring. This is the worst.

It’s scary to imagine what the graphics will look like, because from the moment of release Driver: Parallel Lines A lot of time has passed. Considering how Ubisoft port games, you can’t rely on redrawn textures and redone models. It would be nice if they didn’t screw up the management - and let’s say thank you for that. If you like the series Driver or are you going crazy GTA, then of course it's worth a try. The game isn't bad enough to give up on it.

Often in the gaming world there is competition between certain games in the genre. Call of Duty is fighting with Battlefield, having previously successfully won Medal of Honor, WoW is trying to compete with DoTA, but the Driver series has been trying to fight with GTA for years now.

And today we have an interesting question: is it worth spending time on? Or is it better to focus on another project?

Can playing Driver Parallel Lines be fun?

About two weeks ago I finally completed Driver:Parallel Lines, which I’ll tell you about now. Although it would be more logical to start with the origins of the series, this is the only game in the series that I completed to the end.

Plot, graphics, gameplay

There is no police officer Tanner here, there is only Kid (reminiscent a little of GTA 3, when we are not told the name of the hero), who in the dashing eighties was engaged in car theft, racing and all sorts of rubbish in New York. And then I got involved with serious guys. He started making money, and then suddenly his partners cheated him, and cheated him so badly that the guy ended up in jail for 27 years. Now he came out, and in his head there was a thought: 5 traitors - 5 corpses. It's simple. But at the same time it is very banal and is often washed out in cheap action films. Fail.

Just like in GTA, you'll have to spend most of your ass sitting either on a bunk or in a car. Therefore, the vehicle fleet is quite extensive and changes when our hero is released from prison after 27 years. If before the imprisonment we had old and slow cars, then after we are waiting for more modern and powerful units.

But we not only have to drive cars, we can and will need to tune them. Perhaps this is the main difference from GTA - you can install bulletproof glass and tires on your little one, replace the engine, paint it, change the body completely and radically, add accessories, etc.

Regarding the police: in GTA, the cops don't give a damn that you have a bazooka in your hands and that you are overtaking them at a red light. Here they will shove your hands up your ass for doing this and replay it a couple of times for better memorization.

The graphics in Driver:Parallel Lines are at the level of GTA: VC - nondescript trees and explosions, and you can’t really look for them interesting places, which we don’t have in this game. So what awaits us here is only dry realism.

The music is worth mentioning. Here it loses in all respects to GTA. If a full-fledged radio was waiting for us there, then here there are a dozen and a half mournful tracks that then get into your head and give you no rest.

Well system requirements It’s not so hot here - it will work even on weak machines, so you can afford it.

Bottom line

Worth spending a few hours: the atmosphere big city, chases and explosions will not let you fall asleep right at the keyboard, but good musical accompaniment will brighten up our time at the virtual steering wheel.

See also: " "
A most interesting installation that is worth buying to please your loved ones and decorate your room.

1) $10,000 is given for the first time on high difficulty in the race, as many believe. This prize can be obtained if you complete one lap very quickly (the entire distance street race, very quickly get away from the cops in another mission, very quickly deliver all the cars to the owners, etc.). Look at the statistics for yourself. The time is shown there, and in the middle is a cup. If it glows brightly, then you have already received a prize of 10 pieces. I personally drove almost all the races with excellent times, and in the old era I had 650,000, and in the new era - 999,999 (you just can’t get more).

2) If you die, they will take away $500 (5000 in the new era).

3) If you type $999,999 like I did, the “zero cost” cheat will open. This is the same as if you collect 50 stars (only another 5000 are not taken away upon death).

4) Check out the Redhook area. When you go to lure the cops to Bishop's dudes, you can drive through the ship at the docks. It has a star in it. Also pay attention to the title: "DARKNESS"! (it's on the nose). They probably wanted to write "POTEMKIN"! And this ship is from St. Petersburg, which is written on the stern.

5) For collected large yellow stars they give:

10 stars - +50% health (from 100 to 150),

20 stars - +100% nitrogen (from 100 to 200),

30 stars - you can carry twice as much ammunition,

40 stars - car reservation (I still don’t understand how it works),

50 stars - free car upgrades and purchase of cartridges in the garage.

6) For the distance units traveled, cheats are opened. I don’t remember the exact correspondence between thousands * and cheats, but here are the actual cheats. Body Snatchers (this is when you hit a passerby, he falls, and you turn into him), Night of Nights (all the time night), Short Day (and so everything is clear), Removal (If you played GTA Vice City, then you will understand me. This is such a thing.. Uh.. In short, it’s like you’re driving drunk, the camera is going back and forth. If I'm not mistaken, this was also part of the plot in Driver, but I don't remember anymore).

7) Here are the star maps:

Secrets and rewards

Secrets and rewards

Secrets and rewards

Secrets and rewards

In 1978 I collected 49 stars myself and got the last one from the map; in 2006 I collected 48 or 49 stars (I don’t remember). I felt ashamed, and I did not find the last star on the map.

8) Here is a map of all mini-jobs:

Secrets and rewards

Secrets and rewards

9) For completing circuit races you are given racing cars (for medium and high level) There are also 2 big races in the city (there is finally no traffic, and with such colored walls along the sides of the track a la Undeground 2) For completing them they also give racing cars. Also in a mission where you need to help a loser win a race, they also give you a couple of cars. And finally, after completing the game they give you a few more racing cars and a tank. In general, the game has a lot of non-standard cars and even a motorcycle. There, in the mission where you need to steal it (I don’t remember what it’s called, but it’s so red and black), you take the motsak and just drive it to the garage and save it. In the Slink mission you get into a green jeep. Don’t rush to throw it away after the mission, take it to the garage. It's called the Pimp Van. In the "Ram Raider" mission, you can also just roll the armored car into the garage and save it (but it is also given after beating the game)

10) In 2006, after being released from prison, the entire apartment was torn up and parts destroyed. On the walls you can find interesting inscriptions like “Tanner lives” (Tanner is alive, hello Driv3r)

Well, that's all.. Maybe I forgot something, write in the comments.

ZY I finished the game a long time ago, but I still play it sometimes for fun. I really liked the game)
