A game of what's the other way around. Speech games

It is known that speech games and entertainment help to cultivate interest in the environment and stimulate the cognitive activity of preschoolers. By promoting the development of mental and speech activity, the game relieves the tension that usually arises in children during classes. Children who are captivated by play increase their ability to involuntary attention and sharpen their powers of observation, and these are necessary qualities for preparing for school.

Game "Black Box"

The child gradually determines what is in the box by asking questions about certain properties of the objects. : "It is a toy? Is it wooden? Is it plastic? Can you ride it?” And so on.

Game "Continue the sentence"

Game “Proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters”

The child must explain the meaning of the proverb and saying and pronounce it expressively:

- The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

- A person's neatness is beautiful.

- A small task is better than any idleness.

- If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

Game "Chain of words"

Children form a “chain” of words (the last letter of each word must become the first letter of the next word): cancer – cat – tank – cow – stork...

Game "Answer in one minute"

1 option Option 2

- Name Hottabych’s “plane”. – What is the name of the stork’s wife?

- What does grandma lose all the time? - In which fairy tale is the hero made of flour?

- What is the name of the drake's wife? - What is the name of our kindergarten?

- What street do you live on? - Is birch a fruit tree?

- Name the baby sheep. – Name Baba Yaga’s “plane.”

- How is your mother's name? - What time of year is it now?

Game "Who is the smartest?"

Questions to activate logical thinking:

-What is the name of adult Oleg if his father's name is Ivan?

- Andrey is the son of Vladimir. Who is Vladimir Andrei?

- Masha is Larisa’s daughter. Who is Larisa Mashe?

- Katya is Roma's sister. Who is Roma Kate?

- Yura is more fun than Sasha. Who is sadder than Yura?

Task “Make a sentence with the conjunction “a”

An adult names pairs of objects:

- newspaper and pan - comb and tie - fork and spoon

- shovel and bucket - dog and cat - pencil and pen

For example: “They read the newspaper and cook soup in a saucepan.”

In games with children, it is useful to create situations that stimulate search activity in the field of word formation. Each game or gaming exercise is aimed at solving different speech problems. The main tasks are the education of the sound culture of speech, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the enrichment of vocabulary, the development of coherent speech. These tasks are solved at each age stage, but from age to age there is a gradual complication of methods and techniques for teaching the native language. All tasks are closely related to each other, and the proposed games and exercises will develop children's attention to the word, to its precise and correct use in oral speech.

Where have I been?

Form the accusative plural forms of animate nouns.

We invite the children to guess where we were. We say that we saw jellyfish, seahorses, and sharks.

We ask:

Where I was? (on the sea)

We offer:

Now tell me riddles. Tell us who you saw. Just name those you have seen a lot, for example, many wolves or many butterflies. The main thing in this game is not guessing, but making a mystery.

Tell me which one.

Name not only the object, but also its signs and actions; enrich speech with adjectives and verbs.

We offer children a number of tasks

1. Identify objects by individual characteristics; solve riddles (Round, sweet, ruddy - what is it?).

2. Complete the phrase with words that answer the question of what item tastes or colors: sugar (what kind)….sweet, snow….lemon….

3. Complete the verbal series: snow is white, cold (what else?); yellow carrots...the sun is warm...etc.

4. Name what things in the room are round, large, etc. Children are asked to remember and say: which of the animals and birds moves how (a crow flies, a pike swims, a grasshopper jumps, a grasshopper crawls), who gives a voice (lions roar, mice squeak, cows moo).

Find the opposite word.

Choose words that have opposite meanings.

An adult names phrases, pausing. The child must say the word that the adult missed.

For example, “The sugar is sweet, and the lemon...”, “The moon is visible at night, and the sun...”, “The fire is hot, and the ice...”, “The poplar is tall, and the rosehip...”, “The river is wide, and the stream...”, “Stone heavy, but fluff...", "The radish is bitter, and the pear...".

Next, the children are asked the following questions: “If the soup is not hot, then what kind is it?” If there is no light in the room, how is it? If the bag is not heavy, then what kind of bag is it? If the knife is not dull, then what kind of knife is it?”

What do you see around you?

Give names to different objects.

Let’s ask the children the question: “How do we distinguish one object from another?” (In response, the children will name various signs of objects.)

Let us formulate the conclusion: “Every object has its own purpose, every word means something. What does the word mean? hoop? What does the word mean? pencil? Are there words that don’t mean anything, that don’t have meaning?” We give an example of sound combinations kus, py, mo.

We read the poem “Plim” by I. Tokmakova.

A spoon is a spoon

The soup is eaten with a spoon.

A cat is a cat -

The cat has seven kittens.

A rag is a rag

I'll wipe the floor with a rag.

A hat is a hat

I got dressed and went.

And I came up with a word

A funny word is plim.

I repeat again.

Plim, plim, plim.

Here he jumps and jumps -

Plim, plim, plim.

And it doesn't mean anything

Plim, plim, plim.

Is this true or not?

Find inaccuracies in the text of the poem.

An adult reads L. Stanchev’s poem “Is this true or not?” Having previously told the children that they must listen carefully in order to notice what does not happen in the world.

Warm spring now

The grapes are ripe here.

Horned horse in the meadow

In summer he jumps in the snow.

Late autumn bear

Loves to sit in the river.

And in winter among the branches

"Ha - ha - ha!" - the nightingale sang.

Quickly give me the answer -

Is this true or not?

Children must name all the absurdities and change the text so that it becomes correct.

Which word got lost?

Choose words that are accurate in meaning.

An adult reads a poem. Children must replace semantic inconsistencies and choose the right words.

Having dropped the doll from my hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

Green onions are crawling there

With a long mustache.

The doctor reminded Uncle Mitya:

Don't forget one thing:

Be sure to accept

Ten herons before bed.

The bug didn't finish the booth.

Reluctance. Tired of it.

The boiler gored me

I'm very angry with him.

Speech games with preschoolers

for children 5 – 6 years old

"Pick up a word"

Goal: expanding vocabulary, developing the ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun.

This game can be played with a ball, throwing it to each other.
What can we say “fresh” about... (air, cucumber, bread, wind); “old”... (house, stump, person, shoe); “fresh”... (bun, news, newspaper, tablecloth); “old”…(furniture, fairy tale, book, grandmother); “fresh”… (milk, meat, jam); “old”…(chair, seat, window.

"Whose purchases?"

Goal: consolidation of general concepts, development of vocabulary.

For this game you will need a toy hare and bear, a bag, fruits and vegetables. You can use pictures of vegetables and fruits or dummies. Invite your child to listen to what happened to the bunny and the bear in the same story.
“The bunny and the bear went to the store. The bunny bought fruits, and the bear bought vegetables. The seller put their purchases in one bag, and now the bunny and the bear can’t figure out which of them bought what.” Shall we help the bunny and the bear? The child takes turns taking out all the items from the bag and explains whose purchase it is. At the end of the game we summarize: “What did the bunny buy? What fruits did he buy? What did the bear buy? What vegetables did he buy?”
In this game, purchases can be very different: shoes and clothes, dishes and food."

Say the opposite"

This game has two options. The first option is easier, since the child in his answers relies not only on the adult’s speech, but also on picture material. The second is more difficult, since it relies only on the speech of an adult.

1.Based on pictures:
Grandfather is old, and grandson...
The tree is tall, and the bush...
The sea is deep, and the stream...
The road is wide and the path...
The pen is light, and the weight...
In summer you need summer clothes, and in winter...

2. Without relying on pictures.
The cake is sweet, but the medicine...
It's dark at night, and during the day...
The wolf has a long tail, and the hare...
The bread is soft, and the crackers...
The tea is hot, but the ice...
It's hot in the summer, and in the winter...me, hats and toys, tools and electrical appliances.

"Who will overtake whom?"

Goal: developing the ability to correctly agree words in a sentence in the accusative case.

For this game you will need pictures depicting animals, vehicles, people or insects. It all depends on your imagination.
We show the child two pictures and ask the question: “Who will overtake whom?”

The hare and the tortoise... (The hare will overtake the tortoise).
Caterpillar and snake... (The snake will overtake the caterpillar).
Train and plane... (The plane will overtake the train).
Motorcycle and bicycle... (The motorcycle will overtake the bicycle).

Dunno mistakes"

Goal: development of auditory attention, the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in the accusative case.

Tell your child a story about how Dunno went into the autumn forest. He liked it there so much that he shared his impressions with his friends, but made mistakes in the story. We need to help Dunno correct his mistakes.

In the autumn forest.

I walked into the autumn forest. There I saw a gray hare, a red squirrel, and a prickly hedgehog. The hare ate a carrot. The squirrel was shelling a fir cone. The hedgehog ran along a forest path. Good in the autumn forest .

"Mom is Lost"

Goal: developing the ability to correctly agree words in a sentence in the genitive case, developing vocabulary, consolidating the general concepts “Wild Animals” and “Domestic Animals”.

In this game we will need pictures depicting wild and domestic animals and their cubs. The cubs are lost, and the mothers are looking for them and cannot find them. We definitely need to help mothers find their babies.
Example: A cow is looking for... (a calf). Here's a calf. The horse is looking for... (foal).
The pig is looking for... (pig).
The dog is looking for... (puppy).
The cat is looking for... (kitten).
The goat is looking for... (kid).
The sheep is looking for... (lamb).
The fox is looking for... (fox cub).
The hare is looking for... (bare).
The she-wolf is looking for... (wolf cub).
The hedgehog is looking for... (hedgehog).
The bear is looking for... (a bear cub).
The squirrel is looking for... (little squirrel).

At the end of the game, you can ask the child which animals he would place in the forest, and which ones near the person’s house. What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild animals.) What are the names of animals that live next to humans? (Pets.)

"Fedorino grief"

Goal: development of attention, auditory memory, ability to agree nouns in the genitive plural.

We read an excerpt from the poem "Fedorino's grief."
Then we ask the child to remember which dishes ran away from Fedora, and what she now doesn’t have. You can look at pictures of dishes or use real ones.
When reading the poem again, the child suggests the word and shows Fedorino’s grief
All the dishes ran away!
Fedora doesn't have any left
No can, no bottles,
No toothless, dirty...(forks).
There are no abandoned orphans -
Black, bent...(pans).
There are no dirty dirty ones -
Broken, broken...(pots).
People haven't seen it close
And dirty fragments... (saucers),
Escaped from bugs
Many days of unwashed...(cups),
Hiding from cockroaches
Cloudy, cracked...(glasses).
No matter how Fedora looked,
I didn’t find anywhere...(plates).
The knife disappeared from Fedora,
There are no large tableware...(spoons).corresponding picture.

"Mishutka's Birthday"

Goal: developing the ability to correctly agree nouns in the dative case.

For this game we will need pictures of fish, carrots, mushrooms, grain, grass, squirrel, fox, hare, hedgehog, chicken, cow and bear.
Mishutka invited his friends to his birthday party. The guests have not arrived yet, but a treat is already ready for them. Let's try to guess who Mishutka is expecting to visit

Nuts for the squirrel. Teddy bear is waiting for the squirrel.
Fish... - Mishutka is waiting...
Carrots... - Mishutka is waiting...
Mushrooms... - Mishutka is waiting...
Grain... - Mishutka is waiting...
Grass... - Mishutka is waiting....

Speech games

for children 6 - 7 years old

"Similar words"

Goal: expanding the vocabulary of synonyms, developing the ability to identify words with similar meanings.

We name the child a number of words and ask him to determine which two of them are similar in meaning and why. We explain to the child that similar words are buddy words. And they call them that because they are similar in meaning.

Friend - friend - enemy;
Sadness - joy - sadness;
Food - cleaning - food;
Labor - factory - work;
Dance - dance - song;
Run - rush - go;
To think - to want - to reflect;
Walk - sit - step;
Listen - look - watch;
Cowardly - quiet - timid;
Old - wise - smart;
Clueless - small - stupid;
Funny - big - huge.

"Family Olympics"

Goal: clarification of syntagmatic connections between adjectives and nouns, development of a dictionary of features.

This game is more interesting to play with the whole family, and the competitive passion will contribute to the child’s interest in such games.

We think of any word denoting an object. Each of the players must select as many words as possible to answer the questions “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”. For example: grass (what is it like?) - green, soft, emerald, silky, tall, thick, slippery, dry, swampy... The winner is the one who names the word-attribute last.

"Two brothers"

Goal: development of word formation using the suffixes -ISCH-, -IK-.

For this game we will need pictures of two different people.
We invite the child to listen to a story about two brothers.
Once upon a time there lived two brothers. One was called Ik, he was short and thin. And the other one was called Isch, he was fat and tall. Each of the brothers had their own home. Ik had a small house, and Ishch had a large house. Ik had a nose, and Ishch had a nose. Ik had fingers, and Ishch had fingers. We invite the child to think about what each of the brothers could have in their appearance, home. If the child finds it difficult, you can continue further, naming the object of only one of the brothers.
Glazik - eye; mouth - mouth; tooth - tooth; cat - cat; bush - bush; scarf - scarf; knife - knife; rug - carpet; elephant - elephant.

"Call me kindly"

Purpose: to consolidate the agreement of an adjective with a noun, the formation of diminutive forms of adjectives.

Today we will play sweet words. Listen to how beautiful it sounds:
The flower is red, and the flower is red.
Next, we say only part of the phrase, and the child finishes it.
The apple is sweet, and the apple... (sweet).
The cup is blue, and the cup... (blue).
The pear is yellow, and the pear... (yellow).

The bucket is blue, and the bucket... (blue).
The sun is warm, and the sun... (warm).
The chicken is fluffy, and the chicken... (fluffy).
The house is low, and the house... (low).
Carrots are delicious, and carrots... (delicious).

"Dishes shop"

Goal: expanding the vocabulary, developing the ability to select a generalizing word, developing speech attention.

For this game it is better to use real dishes.
Let's play shop. I will be the buyer, and you will be the seller. I need some utensils for soup - a tureen. Dishes for salad - salad bowl; utensils for bread - bread box; utensils for milk - milk jug; utensils for oil - butter dish; utensils for sweets - candy bowl; utensils for crackers - cracker; tableware for salt - salt shaker; utensils for sugar - sugar bowl.

After pronouncing all the available dishes, you can change roles. Our task is to encourage the child to pronounce the names of the dishes independently.

"Find by color"

Goal: to consolidate the agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender and number.

For this game we will need pictures depicting objects of different colors.
We name the color using an adjective in a certain form (gender, number), and the child finds objects of a given color that fit this form of the adjective. For example:
Red - apple, chair, dress.
Yellow - turnip, paint, bag.
Blue - cornflower, eggplant, pencil.

"Choose the right word"

Goal: development of thinking, speech attention.

From the proposed words denoting the characteristics of an object, we invite the child to choose one that is most suitable in meaning. Think and tell me which word is more suitable than others?
In autumn ... (cold, strong, wet) wind blows.
... (green, blue, red) poppies bloomed in the meadow.
Mom took ... (bag, package, basket) into the forest.
Santa Claus comes to visit...(in autumn, spring, winter).
The dog lives... (in the forest, in a kennel, in a den).
The train travels along...(road, water, rails).

"Find the picture"

Goal: development of analysis and synthesis.

Goal: development of analysis and synthesis.
We will need pictures depicting various types of transport.
Look at the pictures and name the one that you can talk about using the words:
airport, sky, pilot, flight attendant, wings, window;
rails, compartment, station, carriage, conductor, platform;
pier, sea, captain, deck, sailor, shore;
highway, conductor, driver, stop;
escalator, turnstile, platform, train, station, driver.

"Say it the other way around"

Goal: expanding the dictionary of antonyms.

For this game we need a ball.
We throw the ball to the child and say the word. The child, returning the ball, names a word with the opposite meaning.
Now you and I will turn into stubborn people who do everything the opposite. I throw you a ball and say a word, and you say the opposite. For example: dark, but vice versa - light.






How nice it is to see and listen to a person telling an interesting story. I always admire people who have mastery of words. I hope you share my opinion.

There are currently very few sources of quality language in the environment around our children. Just very little.

Which exit? This environment must be created. I already talked about this in an article about theatrical activities for children. Word games give good results for the mind and speech , for example, when we look for a word that is opposite in meaning to the given one, thinking speeds up .

An antonym is a word that is opposite in meaning to the given one.

For preschoolers, the expression “enemy words” is more understandable. But you can introduce the concept of “antonyms for a word.” I usually tell the kid: “Now we will look for “enemy words”. They are also called “antonyms”. You will learn this word at school. So remember, it will be useful to you.”

Believe in experience, a preschooler will definitely try to remember and show off in front of his friends and parents. Sometimes this can be explained to schoolchildren if the search for antonyms is new to them. Moreover, these are not only first grade students.

Enemy words for preschoolers

A game. Finish the sentence and name the “enemy words”

Instructions. “You and I will come up with proposals: I will come up with the beginning, and you will come up with the end.”

  1. the mosquito is small, but the elephant...;
  2. the fluff is light, and the stone...;
  3. mustard is bitter, and sugar...;
  4. the bush is low, and the tree...;
  5. the compote is cold, and the soup...;
  6. the sour cream is thick, and the milk...;
  7. narrow stream, river...;
  8. It's dark at night, and during the day...;
  9. sugar is sweet, and lemon...;
  10. they walk with their feet and throw...;
  11. kindergarten is close, and school...;
  12. the ribbon is narrow, and the belt...;
  13. the stream is shallow, and the lake...;
  14. the lark sings, and the crow...;
  15. the plane flies high, and the helicopter...;
  16. the tortoise crawls slowly, the hare gallops...;
  17. there is a lot of water in the pan, but in the glass...;
  18. the buyer buys, and the seller...;
  19. It's hot in summer, and in winter...;
  20. in the morning they have breakfast, and at noon...;
  21. salt is salted, and sugar is...;
  22. the children answer, and the teacher...;
  23. In the evening, children leave kindergarten, and in the morning...;
  24. There are fruits growing on the tree, and in the garden...;
  25. in spring flowers appear on the trees, and in autumn...;
  26. in the morning they get out of bed, and in the evening...;
  27. the skyscraper is tall, and the hut...;
  28. birds fly, and snakes...;
  29. at noon they have lunch, and in the evening...;
  30. The viewer watches the movie, and reads the book...;
  31. There is dirt on the street, and in the house...;
  32. The trunk of the tree is thick, and the branch...
  33. the pencil draws, and the eraser...

A game. Say the opposite

Instructions. “I’ll tell you the word, and you say the opposite” (give an example)

night -...;

breakfast -…;

evening -...;

enemy -...;

purity -...;

cold -...;

war -...;

grass - …;

Earth - …;

movement - …;

talker - ...;

health - ….;

mind - ...

to come in -...;

be silent -...;

gave -...;

get up -...;

undress -...;

lift up -...;

laugh - …;


close -...;

come - …;

appear -…;

There is - ….

big - ...;

black - ...;

short -...;

bad - …;

sick -...;

old -...;

young - …;

wide -...;

thick -...;

narrow - …;

difficult - …;


bitter - ...

Words with opposite meanings are not in the dictionaries of even high school students. Therefore, the search for antonyms is currently relevant until the senior year.

Teaching both preschoolers and schoolchildren how to find antonyms for words should begin with something simple. Students may resent the simplicity. Explain that you need to warm up. Make it more difficult: answer straight away. As a rule, guys with a limited vocabulary already have a loser complex. By immediately offering complex (for example, abstract) words, you can get a complete refusal to study.

Semantic opposites in poetry

It's your and my turn
Play the game "On the contrary".
I'll say the word
And you will answer:

I'll say the word
And you will answer:
… (close).

I'll say the word
And you will answer:
… (floor).

I'll say the word
And you will say:
… (found).

I'll tell you a word
You will answer:
... (brave).

I will say, -
Well, answer:
... (end) (D. Ciardi)

I don't like the word "heat"
I'm in the river, in the thick shade
And in bottles of lemonade,
What's my name?

The enemy of the word "laughter".
Not from joy, pleasure,
I happen involuntarily
Both from happiness and from pain,
From resentment, failures.
Did you guess it? - This…<

I don't like the word "summer".
Dressed in a snow coat,
At least I love frost myself!
Because I am...?

I am against noise and knocking.
Without me you will suffer at night.
I'm for relaxation
For sleep,
Yes, and I’m needed at school,
What's my name? –

I am never without a beginning
A close relative of the pier,
The crown of every deed,
My name is…?
(End) (A. O. Belobrykina)

Search for antonyms for schoolchildren

  1. The sources of words with opposite meanings are, of course, dictionaries. Job We start by searching for the Dictionary of Antonyms in the Russian Language (author M. R. Lvov). There is also an excellent information and reference resource _http://bravica.ws/ru/antonims.htm. By loading this link into the search bar (without a dash at the beginning of the link), you will be taken directly to the desired page. Work on each page for more than one day. Each time, take 10-20 pairs of words (depending on age and speech development).
  2. Read yourself carefully all the vocabulary pairs “a word is its opposite.”
  3. Encourage your teen to read it too.
  4. Let him name a word, and you – the opposite in meaning.
  5. Change roles.
  6. Start the next lesson with repetition: you say the word, he says the opposite word.
  7. Then the next 10-20 pairs of words (according to points 2-5).
  8. Word will help you choose the opposite word. Place the cursor over the word and press the right mouse button. At the bottom of the drop-down menu there will be a "Synonyms" item. From there, follow the arrow to the right and in the new menu down to the “Antonyms” item.
  9. Some words in the Russian language do not have their own semantic opposite. If your search for an antonym for the word is unsuccessful, you can do this on the gramata.ru resource in real time.

Children love to teach their parents at any age, so occasionally make a “mistake” somewhere. Praise the teenager, but not directly, because this may be perceived as ingratiation, but rather casually. Praise him to someone else, for example, in a telephone conversation with your grandmother, your father coming home from work, etc., but so that the teenager hears it.

By training a preschooler or schoolchild to find antonyms, you significantly expand his vocabulary and only by doing this speed up his thinking. That's the minimum. Do not waste time on useful work. It may be difficult at first. But the one who walks will master the road! The site Non-standard Children wishes success to its readers.

It is known that classes that include elements of TRIZ technology somehow develop the ability to think (oddly enough)). There are a sufficient number of types of thinking that are influenced by TRIZ. Today I’ll tell you about games that stimulate dialectical thinking.

Dialectical thinking - this is the ability to perceive and find opposites, contradictions in objects and phenomena. This skill of working with the head helps to see the world more voluminously and forms a “convex” view of the world.

Games "On the contrary"

In order for children (or adults) to gradually learn to see contradictions, it is useful to play games in the series "Vice versa", moving from simple to complex. You can introduce simple games from the age of 4.

1st stage

Choose the opposite word (antonym)

For what: make sure the child knows and understands how to choose words with opposite meanings.

Props: ball, pictures with opposite characteristics.

Let's play!

The leader rolls the ball and calls out a word, the child catches the ball and calls out the antonym. It is important that you use words with a particle NOT it is forbidden

(that is, saying: “cold - not cold” is prohibited).

Examples of pairs of antonyms:

narrow – wide,

loud - quiet,

rough - smooth,

dry - wet,

high - low,

far close,

darkness - light,

ice - fire,

stands - goes,

flies away - arrives.

And in pictures

2nd stage

Cheerful dialogue

For what: We teach you to select opposite words in a more dynamic version.

The game is essentially a dialogue, where in the answers the words from the question are replaced with their opposites. The logic between questions and answers is more than completely absent. Children, of course, feel this very well, so having absurd dialogues is very, very fun.

Dialogue example:

Why I'm upset?
- Because we are having fun!

Why he jumps high?

Because she crouches low!
- Why it's wet outside?
- Because the house is dry!


For what: Another fun game to activate dialectical thinking.

Props: pictures depicting fairy-tale characters.

Let's play!

The everyday life of a spy is not easy: he always needs to transmit encrypted messages. Let's help the scout in his difficult work. We will encrypt in the opposite way.

Father Frost.

Encryption - Grandmother Heat.

Pinocchio is a cheerful boy with a long nose.

Encryption is a sad girl with a short nose.

Little Red Riding Hood is a little girl who brings pies to her grandmother.

Encryption - Blue socks (it’s not me, it’s the children who came up with it) - a big boy who takes bagels from his grandfather.

3rd stage

We select objects with the opposite purpose

We suggest choosing items that are opposite in purpose (function). The game is suitable for children from 5.5 years old who are familiar with the basics of TRIZ.

For what: We develop functional and dialectical thinking

Props: You can collect pictures or the objects themselves to select functional pairs.

For example:

A pencil stains the paper, an eraser cleans the paper,

Scissors separate the paper - glue holds the paper together,

Glue connects the sheets - the hand separates the sheets,

The rolling pin smoothes the dough - the hand deforms the dough.

4th stage

We are looking for the opposite in one object.

Props: subject pictures or you can draw diagrams.

What we do: We find where opposite properties are hidden inside one object.

Iron. hot sole, cold pen.

Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“Do the opposite” (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand scattered around the hall.

The teacher shows the exercise, and the children perform it in the opposite direction.

For example, the teacher tilts to the right, and the children tilt to the left; the teacher takes a step forward, and the children take a step back, etc.

From the book Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises author Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“Balloon” (game for children 3–6 years old) Children form a circle, join hands. Following the teacher standing in a circle with the players, the children repeat the movements and actions in accordance with the text: We went to the store with my mother, (They go in a circle.) We bought a balloon there.

From the author's book

“Loaf” (game for children 3–6 years old) Children form a circle. One child stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players join hands and walk in a circle, saying: For Serezhin’s birthday, we baked a loaf (They walk in a circle.) That’s how tall it is, (Stop, rise on their toes,

From the author's book

“Two Girlfriends” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Two girlfriends on the lawn: (Clap their knees.) “Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva.” (Clap their hands.) Two green frogs: (Clap

From the author's book

“House” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. There is a house at the edge of the forest, (They fold their palms into a “house” over their heads.) There is a lock hanging on the door, (They close their palms “into the lock.”) There is a lock behind the doors.

From the author's book

“Herringbone” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Our Christmas tree is beautiful, (They walk in a circle, holding hands.) It has risen to the heavens, (They stop, stretch their arms up.) Slender

From the author's book

“Traffic light” (game for children 4–6 years old) For the game you need paper circles (diameter 10 cm) - red, green and yellow - attached to sticks. Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: at the red signal they squat, on yellow - stand up, on green -

From the author's book

“Knock-knock” (game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements after the teacher: “Knock-knock-knock!” (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Yes, yes, yes. (Three claps of hands.) - Can I come to you? (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Always happy! (Three

From the author's book

“Gate” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children walk along the playground in pairs, holding hands. At the teacher’s signal: “Gate!” everyone stops and raises their hands up. The last pair passes under the gate and stands in front. A game

From the author's book

“Bug” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children form a circle. In the center of the circle the driver is a bug. He is squatting. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle with the words: Spider-bug, Thin legs, Red boots, We fed you, We gave you water, We put you on your feet. (The players approach

From the author's book

“Monkeys” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements in accordance with the text. We are funny monkeys. We play too loud. We clap our hands, (Clap.) We stomp our feet,

From the author's book

“It’s me” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. These are the eyes. Here. Here. (Show first the left eye, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here. Here. (Take first the left ear, then the

From the author's book

“At the Giraffes” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere, (Pat themselves on the body - put spots.) On the forehead, ears, on the neck, on

From the author's book

“Ball” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Ten, nine, (Clap their hands.) Eight, seven, (Slap their knees.) Six, five, (Clap.) Four, three, (Slap.) Two, one.

From the author's book

“Mail” (game for children 5–7 years old) The game begins with a roll call between the driver and the players: – Ding, ding, ding! – Who’s there? – Mail. – Where from? – From the land of fairy tales. – What are they doing there? (dance, draw, run, comb their hair, squat, smile, etc.). The players imitate or

From the author's book

“Tick-tock-tock” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand scattered. The teacher gives the signal: “Tick!” – children bend left and right; at the signal: “Yes!” - they stop, and at the signal: “Knock!” - they jump on the spot. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game. Signals repeat 5–8

From the author's book

“Everything is the other way around” (game for children 6–7 years old) Children stand facing an adult. The teacher rhythmically changes the position of his hands, and the children perform the same movements, only in reverse. For example, the teacher raises his hands, and the children lower their hands; the teacher pulls his hands back - the children extend

Academy of educational games. For children from one to 7 years old Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna

Say the opposite

Say the opposite

Have a ball game with your child. Before the game starts, explain the rules to your child: you will throw a ball to each other and name words with opposite meanings.

Throw the ball to your child and say, “Big!” The kid catches the ball and throws it back, while saying: “Little!” Throw the ball again and say: “Good!”, the child will answer “Evil!” etc.

Possible word pairs for the game “Say it the other way around”: brave - cowardly, well-fed - hungry, light - heavy, smart - stupid, strong - weak, cold - hot, new - old, dirty - clean, wide - narrow, shallow - deep, tall - short, thick - thin.

In this way you can name not only adjectives, but also adverbs: fast - slow, shallow - deep, early - late, difficult - easy, light - dark, close - far, low - high and so on.; as well as verbs with the opposite action: threw - caught, put on - stripped, picked up - dropped, found - lost, floats - drowns, gave - took, poured - poured out, left - came, flew in - flew out.

The game teaches the child how to handle the ball, develops his attention and thinking.

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Why is it the other way around? For a while, become the same why that your child was just recently. Ask him questions to fill in: Why are there leaves on the trees? Why is the water in puddles dirty, but comes from the sky clean? Why can’t you go for a walk barefoot? Why don’t people fly? ?A

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A child mediator between adults: “Go and tell your father...” A child who conveys messages from family members who are angry with each other is almost a joke. Mom asks me to run to the other room and tell dad to take out the trash - what’s wrong with that? And then dad

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Tell me how you laugh You can find out a person’s character not only by asking him to answer test questions, but also in a simpler way - by observing him. Character is manifested in the way a person walks, and in the way he eats, and in the way he speaks, and in his manners and postures, and in

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From the book Academy of Educational Games. For children from one to 7 years old author Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna

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If something hurts, tell the teacher. The duckling was very sad, But he didn’t say anything, He just sat, was silent, sighed, He didn’t listen to his friends, he didn’t play. Then Aunt Duck came up, She asked: “How are you?” Why the sad look? Something probably hurts? Friends, when do you

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Do the opposite. Invite your child to first finish the phrase you started by choosing a word with the opposite meaning, and then perform articulation or breathing exercises. For example, tell your child: “The tongue can be wide, or maybe ... (child

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No. 51. Tale “My light, mirror, tell me...” Ira is in the 7th grade. She differs from her peers in that she constantly demonstrates her superiority over them. In reality, she does not stand out among her classmates in any way - neither in her studies, nor in her hobbies, nor in her talents. Manner of communication
