Snowball game for children. Didactic game "Snowball" for senior preschool age

Dating games

The players sit in a circle. The first says his name, the second says the name of the first and his own, the third says the names of the first and second, then says his own, etc., until the circle is closed. As a result, the last one in the circle says the names of all the players, and then his own. It’s easier, of course, to be first, but last is more useful.

"I'll take it with me on a hike"

The game is played in the same way as “Snowball”, but in addition to his name, each player also names an item that he would take with him on a hike (or anywhere) and that begins with the first letter of his name.

"Let's get acquainted"

The players form two circles. Those standing in the inner circle turn to face the outer one. Music sounds, players play in circles and move in opposite directions. After the music stops, the participants in the game stop in front of each other, introduce themselves, saying their names. Then the music sounds again, only now, moving in different directions and running past an acquaintance, they wave to him. The music stops playing, new acquaintances appear. Game continues.

"Sing Your Name"

Each player takes turns singing their name. Everyone else must repeat the name, i.e. sing it the same way, with the same intonations, etc.

"Who is faster"

The squad is divided into 2 teams. Between teams, assistants hold a screen (for example, a blanket). One person per team approaches the screen and crouches; they should not see each other. At the command of the leader, the screen is lowered and the players sitting near it must say each other’s names. The one who calls faster wins. The loser moves to the opposing team. Etc.

"Zoo with names"

This is the same game as “Zoo 1” or “Zoo 2” (section “Reaction Games”), but each player also says his name each time.

"I never…"

Everyone sits in a circle and puts their hands on their knees. The first player says something he has never done in his life. For example, he says: “I have never flown on an airplane.” If one of the players was flying, then he bends one finger on his hand. Then the next player speaks, and so on. round. The winner is the one who bends all his fingers the fastest.

"Tutti Frutti"

Everyone sits in a circle on chairs and settles for first or third. The first numbers will be, for example, apples, the second – bananas, the third – oranges. In the center is the driver, who begins a story about himself and as soon as he mentions one of the named fruits in his story, these players must quickly change places. If the driver says: “Tutti-frutti,” then all the players change places.


The players sit in a circle. The driver says: “My name is..., I love...” (you can love anything and anyone) and rolls the apple to someone from the circle. He picks up the apple and also says: “My name is..., I love...”. And the apple rolls to the next one. The game continues until all players have introduced themselves.

Gorgeous Valeria

Participants stand in a circle. The first participant says his name and an adjective that characterizes him (the player) and begins with the same letter as his name. For example: Magnificent Valeria, Interesting Igor, etc. The second participant names the phrase of the first and says his own. The third participant names the phrases of the first two players and so on until the last participant says his name.


Participants join hands to form a circle. The first player starts the game by saying his name. The second participant repeats the name of the first participant in a circle and says his own. The third participant repeats the names of the first two and says his name. And so the game continues until the last person names all the names, including his own.


Participants are divided into two teams, located opposite each other. A blanket is pulled between them. From each team, one person sits closer to the blanket. As soon as the blanket is lowered, you must have time to say the name of the person sitting opposite you. Whoever names it faster takes the player to his team. The winner is the team that “draws” more players to itself, that is, the team that knows more names.

And I'm going, and so am I, and I'm a hare

The participants of the game sit on chairs in a circle, one seat is not occupied by anyone. In the center is the driver. During the game, all participants change seats in a circle counterclockwise. A player sitting near an empty chair changes to it with the words “and I’m going.” The next player says “me too.” The third participant says “I’m a hare” and, hitting an empty chair with his left hand, calls the name of the person sitting in the circle. The one whose name was spoken must run to an empty chair as quickly as possible. The driver’s task is to have time to take the chair faster than the one named. Those who did not have time become the driver. The game starts over.

We're going on a hike

Participants stand in a circle. The first participant starts the game by saying his name and the item he is taking with him on the hike. The presenter begins: “My name is Katya, I take rolls with me.” All participants need to guess that the object must begin with the same letter as the name. Whoever guessed it, the leader takes him on a hike. And so on until everyone says it correctly.


Participants stand in a circle. Everyone together makes two claps, a snap of the fingers of the right hand, a snap of the fingers of the left hand, two claps, etc. It is advisable for the counselor to start. So, when clicking the fingers of the right and left hands, the presenter says his name, then two claps, after that, when he clicks the fingers of his right hand, he says his name, and when he clicks the fingers of his left hand, he says the name of one of the participants. The player whose name was called repeats the same thing. For example: Olya, Olya, two claps, Olya, Igor, Igor, Igor, two claps, Igor, Sveta, etc. Those who didn’t make it in time “missed it.”


Participants stand in a circle. The presenter approaches any player and says: “Hello, I’m a locomotive. What’s your name?” The participant says his name, the “locomotive” repeats. It is important to repeat with the same intonation as the participant said. Whoever introduces himself joins the locomotive. The game continues until all participants join each other.

Favorite hobby

All participants sit in a circle on chairs. The leader is in the center, he pronounces a certain characteristic (for example: who likes to dance, who plays the guitar, who likes ice cream, etc.), the players who attribute it to themselves must change places. If the leader is the first to occupy an empty chair, then the player without a chair becomes the leader.


All participants are given cards, which are divided into 9-16 cells. Each cell contains a task. The essence is the same: write down in the box the name of a person who (here there is room for imagination) loves fish, keeps a dog at home, loves the stars... The more unexpected the task, the better. You can put what you need on this card. For example, to identify lovers of drawing, singing, playing the guitar, etc. The winner is the one who collects names faster and more accurately.

Molecule - chaos

Participants depict Brownian motion of molecules. When meeting, they greet each other and get to know each other. At the command of the leader: “Molecules of 2, 3, etc.”, the players are divided into groups of 2, 3, etc. people. As soon as the command “Chaos” sounds, the participants again begin to move like molecules. Thus the game continues.


The presenter invites participants to line up according to eye color (from lightest to darkest); by dates and months of birth from January 1 to December 31; in alphabetical order by the first letters of full names, etc.

"Find a partner."

A group of children stands in a row according to age or some other characteristic. The middle divides the row into two groups, which stand next to each other so that they form pairs. Each pair comes up with a code consisting of two words, for example: (moon - ball, children - kindergarten, etc..). The pair is determined that the first word-code belongs, for example, to participant "A", and the second word - code - to participant "B". Codes are announced to all participants in the game so that they are not repeated. Participants “A” stand on the opposite side of the playing area, change places with each other and are blindfolded.

To avoid accidents, players must extend their arms forward. Now each player tries, by calling his code, to find his half of the pair. Couples who have found each other take off their blindfolds and get to know each other.


The players choose someone from those present. The driver must guess it. To do this, he asks questions: “Suppose the person you have in mind will be furniture. What object does it remind you of?” Analyzing the answers of the players, the driver tries to find out who the mystery is. An interesting option is when the driver himself is guessed. Associations are given both by a person’s appearance and by his character.

This game is played at a very late stage.

"Imaginary Portrait"

Partners interview each other about names, places of residence, jobs, ages, hobbies, expectations, pets, etc. The host sets the time. Then partner "A" introduces partner "B" to everyone present. In the partner's presentation, the entire group is told 4 facts (events, details, details) that one of the partners finds most interesting. One detail out of four is fictitious. The entire group present must guess the fictitious information.

"False coat of arms"

A group of children is divided into pairs. Each pair receives colored pencils, markers, and sheets of paper from the leader. There may be ready-made outlines of the coat of arms on sheets of paper. Each participant draws 4 images inside the coat of arms (what is characteristic of him is characteristic). 3 - correct, real, 1 - false, fictitious, not characteristic of the participant. Each couple carefully studies the painted coat of arms of their partner and tries to recognize (guess) the false image. Next step of the game: The whole group of children gathers together. Partners from each couple present (comment on) each other’s coats of arms as plausibly as possible. The goal of the whole group is to guess which of the 4 images on each coat of arms is false.

"Duel of Names"

The group of children is divided into 2 subgroups. They (subgroups) are located opposite each other. The leader and assistant hold the blanket between the groups so that the subgroups do not see each other. In silence, each subgroup chooses one player. They must sneak up to the sheet and squat down facing it. At a signal, the presenters quickly lower the sheet. Two participants who are sitting opposite each other must say the name of the player opposite each other as quickly as possible. Whoever calls the name first has the right to take the player with him to his team.


Each child receives the task of making a passport (cardboard card), using which all participants in the game can learn more and get to know each other.

The passport contains small information about the passport holder (5 - 8 facts). Each fact (appearance, interests, details from personal life) is described in one sentence. The finished passports are placed in a large hat or box and mixed. Each participant draws out one passport and, based on the data described in it, tries to find out who they are talking about. The contents of all passports are read aloud and all participants in the game try to find out about whom we're talking about.

"Imaginary Portrait"

Partners interview each other about names, places of residence, jobs, ages, hobbies, expectations, pets, etc. The host sets the time. Then partner "A" introduces partner "B" to everyone present. In the partner's presentation, the entire group is told 4 facts (events, details, details) that one of the partners finds most interesting. One detail out of four is fictitious. The entire group present must guess the fictitious information.


The players stand facing each other, forming two circles. You can do this: girls - inner circle, boys - outer circle.

The inner circle is “tickets”, the outer circle is “passengers”. In the center there is a stowaway “hare”. At the command of the leader, the circles begin to move in different directions. The presenter shouts: “controller”! Tickets remain in place, and passengers must find their match. The “hare” grabs the “ticket” that he liked. The "passenger" left without a ticket becomes the driver - the "Hare". When meeting, the “passenger” and the “ticket” get acquainted. After some time, the “passenger” can catch not only his own, but also any “ticket” he likes. The game can be accompanied by music.

"Agents 007"

Each participant is given a can of film. There may be some inside (for example, pebbles, sand, salt, flour, etc.). The participants’ task is to find their match by the sound without opening the jar.

The main goal of this game for children and teenagers is to develop sociability and help remember the names of all the players, the number of which can reach 20-30 people. In addition, the game helps to establish communication, create a fun and relaxed atmosphere in the company of strangers and “break the ice.” It is often played in camps in order to, for example, acquaint squad or new team Guys.

Rules of the game "Snowball"

To play, it is convenient to sit in a circle or something similar to it (for example, a train compartment is perfect) so that the faces of the players can be clearly seen.

Someone says their name.

For example: Petya.

The next person sitting clockwise says the name of the first player and his own.

Petya, Tanya

The turn passes to the next person sitting. He must remember the two names mentioned before him, and then name his own.

Petya, Tanya, Polina

The game can be finished when everyone has named all the names of the players without mistakes. The goal has been achieved - everyone has met!

The main goal of this game for children and teenagers is to develop sociability and help remember the names of all the players, the number of which can reach 20-30 people. In addition, the game helps to establish communication, create a fun and relaxed atmosphere in the company of strangers and “break the ice.” It is often played in camps in order to, for example, acquaint squad or new team Guys.

Rules of the game "Snowball"

To play, it is convenient to sit in a circle or something similar to it (for example, a train compartment is perfect) so that the faces of the players can be clearly seen.

Someone says their name.

For example: Petya.

The next person sitting clockwise says the name of the first player and his own.

Petya, Tanya

The turn passes to the next person sitting. He must remember the two names mentioned before him, and then name his own.

Petya, Tanya, Polina

The game can be finished when everyone has named all the names of the players without mistakes. The goal has been achieved - everyone has met!

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There are a lot of games that will help people of any age have fun, and there are games that develop intelligence or help you get comfortable in a new company. Such types of entertainment include the game “Snowball”, which helps develop memory and gets acquainted with a group of even 30 people in a playful way.

How to play the Snowball game?

The rules of the game “Snowball” are quite simple and have a lot of variations. The main principle of the game is that words accumulate in the process, like a snowball.

For a group of unfamiliar people, the rules of the game “Snowball” look like this:

  1. The presenter says his name.
  2. The next player repeats the name of the previous player and says his name. So, moving around the circle, the number of names becomes larger and larger, and the last player must list the names of all participants.
  3. You can complicate the game by adding, for example, a profession to the name. This game will last longer, but it will become more interesting.

You can add activity to the game, then the rules of the game “Snowball” will look like this:

  1. The first one takes a step inside the circle, while saying the owl’s name and making any movement, the whole circle repeats the movement after him.
  2. The next participant does the same, calling the name of the previous player and repeating his movement.
  3. Gradually, the players list the names of all participants and repeat the entire set of movements that the previous participants made.

In this version, the game “Snowball” becomes fun and develops not only memory and associative thinking, but also helps to train the body a little.

If the company knows each other's names well, then the name snowball game will not be interesting, because everyone can simply list familiar names sequentially. In this case, it is better to choose any category of objects, animals or plants. For example, kitchen equipment. And using the same principle, make a chain of names.

And if after one round, the participants have not yet played enough, you can leave all the previous conditions and simply rearrange the players.

How to become an ace in the game "Snowball"?

At first glance, it seems impossible to quickly memorize such a number of words, and even in a certain sequence. However, this is not the case if we act on the principle of associations.
