Games for two zombies girl and boy. Zombie games for two

The game Shooter for two against zombies invites you to immerse yourself in an intense battle with aggressive dead creatures. Choose the type of fight, its location and launch a scattering of deadly bullets at the evil spirits attacking you. Try one of the most popular arcade games in the genre - zombie games for two!

Fight for the hero's life

Zombies are usually shown to be stupid creatures with no other purpose than to attack living people and eat their flesh. You will have to fight with the same opponents in this game - once in the location, you will very soon see groups of dead people approaching from the distance. Their terrifying growl does not bode well! Indeed, their only aspiration will be to attack the game hero and kill him.

In an ideal world, everything lives in peace and harmony. People are still only striving to create an ideal society. And when a person finds himself among evil evil spirits, he most often has to play by their rules, using all available means to preserve life. The characters in the game Shoot for two against zombies do the same. It’s good that they don’t go on such dangerous adventures without weapons - your heroes have guns that can give a worthy response to the aggression of the undead.

The zombies in the game are made to be very powerful. Them dead and alive magical power bodies can withstand several direct hits from a standard pistol. To destroy evil spirits more effectively, you should pick up boxes of ammunition that appear in the location. So the hero may even have a machine gun and a powerful rifle, which will make killing zombies much easier. Since the game will gradually become more difficult, and the number of cartridges for cool barrels is seriously limited, they should only be used in really tense situations. To switch between available weapons, you need to press the number buttons on the keyboard.

Different playstyles in different locations

Before you get into a terrible bloody shootout, the game will ask you to choose the place in which these events will unfold. Locations differ from each other in size and the presence of additional objects - partitions, pillars, buildings... These are solid objects, so when playing, you can use them as a barricade or safe way to retreat.

It is worth understanding that the same accumulation of obstacles can become a support in the game or a death trap. Since zombies attack heroes in large groups, it is not always possible to quickly destroy them and often have to retreat to a safe distance. And if a place with narrow passages is chosen for the shootout, then when retreating you may come across another group of undead.

Partitions play a positive role when you need to protect yourself from the fiery attacks of the red zombie devils. These creatures are much more dangerous than ordinary dead creatures - they are able to withstand more bullets and attack the hero from a long distance. Other zombies begin to reduce the character's health only upon direct contact with him.

In many locations you will see barrels of explosives. If used correctly, it will be possible to instantly destroy many in-game opponents - shoot at them when a lot of dead people have accumulated around.

Three modes and four levels of difficulty

The two-player shooter game against zombies contains a single mission in which the gamer himself confronts a zombie army, a cooperation mode in which two players fight together to form a friendly team, as well as a “death match” where gamers are invited to go against each other.

Game mode is selected in the main menu. But to set a new degree of difficulty (beginner, intermediate, expert, nightmare), you should click on the word options in the window for selecting a location and selecting the appearance of characters.

Plot exciting game Zombie for two will appeal to all fans of horror, fantasy and fast-paced action films.

Load it if you are sure that you won’t be scared, and then you won’t nervously glance sideways at every dark corner in the apartment. Keep in mind, Zombie games for two are an explosive cocktail of horror, adventure and creepy monsters. Even a couple of minutes of playing Zombie for two will make your heart beat faster. Become a participant in the Zombie game for two if you need a fresh dose of adrenaline. We promise, you will receive it in full, it will last for a long time.

The plot of the game Zombie for two

Imagine that you find yourself in the very center and midst of an apocalypse. Yes, yes, the end of the world could very well look like this. And even though the idea of ​​an attack on Earth by all sorts of bogeymen and monsters is not new, and has been repeatedly brought to life by artists, filmmakers and writers, believe me, the awareness of this fact does not make it any less scary. Moreover, there is a difference, and a significant one: watching the development of events from a soft cinema chair, gnawing on popcorn and washing it down with cola, or rushing across a deserted field with a rifle in hand, realizing that there is no one to save humanity except you. And it doesn’t matter that the field, the rifle, and the monsters are virtual. The developers of the game Zombies for Two did their best and created a complete presence effect for you. We promise that in just a few seconds you will forget that you are playing on a computer, immersing yourself in the bizarre twists and turns of the plot.

Features and Features

The beauty of the Zombie game for two is that you can play alone (you as people, your PC as monsters) or together with best friend. Together, of course, it’s more fun, but alone you won’t be bored. You will have many opponents. These include vampires, zombies, and werewolves. Agree, not a very attractive company. Humanity will only breathe a sigh of relief when you destroy every last one of them. The toy has wonderful graphics and a large field for maneuvers. At your disposal is a whole map with marks on areas captured by vile creatures. The main goal of the game: gradually, competently controlling an army of people, liberate land after land from monsters.

Rules of the game Zombie for two

First, you should carefully study the map and the principle of deployment of enemy forces. Territories captured by vampires, werewolves or zombies are marked with corresponding icons. Then think carefully about which place would be most advantageous for you to launch your attack from. There is a lot of work to be done: twenty-seven territories need to be conquered. For each victory you will receive all the gold of the liberated land. It is necessary to maintain the army in combat-ready condition: purchasing new ammunition, weapons, Vehicle and other needs of your soldiers. By the way, the soldiers themselves can also be purchased. Not a bad option, right?

Territories freed from monsters are marked on the map with the image of a person. To make it easier for you to think about your offensive strategy, do not forget to study the information in the upper right corner game screen. There you will find characteristics of the piece of land where the battle is currently taking place: what part is occupied by enemies, what weather conditions await you, what nasty things the enemy is preparing. The developers of the game Zombie for Two did their best with this option - it turned out to be a very convenient “trick”.

On the left side of the screen information will appear about how much gold can be obtained as a result of conquering a particular land, and what can be purchased for it in the virtual ammunition store.


Convenient and quite common in this kind of games: arrow keys. To activate strength and morale, use the Z button. If you want to take a break and pause the game, press P.

If there are two players, the second one can use the WASD buttons to control their characters, and the number 2 key to activate the power. Despite the fact that the players will have to use one keyboard at the same time, they will not interfere with each other, since the control buttons are located on sufficient distance. Do not believe? Hurry up, invite a friend over and download the game.

Zombie invasion is always unexpected

Usually zombies are uncontrollable creatures that do not shine with intelligence and terrify people with their big amount. They like to attack in waves with short pauses and often go straight ahead, not paying attention to obstacles: holes, cliffs, boxes, gates, fences, and so on. Therefore, it is quite difficult to calculate them. However, you have several advantages. Firstly, your hero is in any case smarter than a zombie, and secondly, he is armed (only a fool or a suicide would go to a horde of zombies with with bare hands). True, the dead also know how to handle weapons, and some even boast extraordinary abilities: speed, invisibility, endurance, invulnerability, and so on. In any case, no matter what the zombies approaching you are, do not underestimate them - it is better to prepare for a serious battle.

Zombies attack unexpectedly, but loudly, their ominous roar and stomp can be heard from afar, so you have the opportunity to prepare. Ordinary hand pistols and knives cannot defeat the dead, although only the weakest. Best weapon against the risen dead - these are submachine guns, powerful machine guns, long-range rifles and bombs. All this can be purchased before the battle.

Fights against zombies can find you literally anywhere: in abandoned warehouses, in the middle of the street, in an open field, on a highway, on the seashore, and so on. Zombies know no fear or barriers, this is good and bad. Good, because they, too self-confident and fearless, can be easily lured into a trap. And the bad thing is that they won’t stop until you kill them. In addition, in any case, there will be more zombies than your assistants, so you will have to act very quickly and accurately, without wasting ammo.

It's good that sometimes you can get additional weapons and ammunition right on the battlefield. They are hidden in wooden boxes or behind shelters - walls and fences. The main thing is to find them before the zombies and use them as quickly as possible. By the way, at each location you can use a variety of shelters and obstacles to help yourself. You can hide behind them and fire from there, they can be moved from place to place and block escape routes for zombies. But here you need to be careful, because such things can also play a cruel joke and lead you into a trap too.

In the fight against zombies

You can start fighting zombies whenever you want, but it wouldn’t hurt to prepare first. First, decide where you want to fight against zombies - there are many locations to choose from. Abandoned factories and warehouses, barely passable swamps and forests, half-empty cities and deserted roads, open fields and other areas, even dungeons and space. Each location has its own pros and cons, features and obstacles. For example, in an open area it is difficult to find shelter, because lonely bushes are unlikely to save you from a bullet or a powerful explosion, but, for example, in the city there are many buildings where it is very convenient and safe to shoot from the roofs at approaching zombies.

It is also better to choose a weapon before the battle. At the first levels, the choice is not very large, and you first need to earn money for cool guns and explosives. At the same time, you will have to decide on the difficulty level and mode. There are usually three levels - easy, medium and difficult. Although there are exceptions, it depends on the specific game. There are also several modes: single, two-player, against each other, base capture, general destruction.

The most fun way to fight zombies is with a friend, this way you will have support, which means your chances of success will increase. But it is not necessary to fight with a friend on the same side; one of you can take the side of the zombies, then the battle will become even more interesting. The rules are the same in any case - you need to shoot the enemy army and hold out on the battlefield for as long as possible, while collecting bonuses, obtaining weapons and upgrading your skills along the way.

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The best games about zombies with part 2 released

During the existence of the genre, a lot of games about zombies were released, but not all of them were able to become so popular that their developers decided to release a sequel. But some of the zombie games broke all records and of course received the sequels that many fans expected.

The zombie games 2 section contains the second parts of the famous zombie games, and this applies to both flash games and computer projects. You can find out about flash arcades and shooters a little higher, but here we will tell you about the most famous computer games!

Left 4 Dead 2

The most famous first-person shooter in which you will need to fight hundreds of zombies and save a team of several surviving people. Left 4 Dead 2 was released just a year after the release of the first part of the shooter, but was much more successful than its predecessor. Needless to say, Left 4 Dead 2 is still played today, despite the fact that it is already more than 5 years old! The game takes place in the same time as its predecessor, and the gameplay has also remained virtually unchanged, but the developers have done a good job on the graphics, which make it possible to convey the post-apocalyptic atmosphere no better than in films.

Screenshot from Left 4 Dead 2, Valve Corporation and Electronic Arts.

Moving through the levels, you will be able to observe dilapidated, dead buildings, abandoned cars, barbed wire and of course a lot of zombies. Unlike many other games, zombies here were presented as very fast creatures that almost ran after you through the streets. There were also enhanced versions of the dead in Left 4 Dead 2, which could move even faster or had special abilities. The most popular feature of the game was co-op mode, thanks to which people could unite over the Internet and start fighting their enemies together. Thanks to special additions, on some maps it became possible to play not only as surviving people, but also as zombies.

Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time

This is the case when mobile arcades will overtake in popularity and number of installations computer games! Plants vs. Zombie - distributed first in the app store App Store, and then on other platforms, for 99 rubles! The number of installations of the first part exceeded several million, and what can we say about the 2nd part, because it is distributed completely free of charge! A new version The arcade game is monetized using an in-game purchase model, which has made its passage more difficult, but perhaps this is what spurs fans of the series who are ready to complete one level for several hours! The arcade itself belongs to the “Tower Defense” genre, but is not a typical representative of it.

Screenshot from Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time, by PopCap Games and Electronic Arts.

Here you need to prevent zombies from reaching the end of the flat territory by planting your plant soldiers anywhere in this territory. The variety of plants is simply amazing. More than 50 heroes await you here, some of which, however, can only be purchased for real money, but most can be earned by completing levels, as well as collecting all the bonus coins. Zombies will also be far from the same; there will be individual species endowed with special abilities and even bosses, to destroy which you will need all your skills and strength. Unlike many games in the Tower Defense genre, there will be a fascinating storyline.

Dead Island 2: Riptide

This is a continuation of the famous survival shooter, released in 2011. As in the first part, the action will take place on an island full of thousands of angry zombies! Use a huge arsenal of weapons and destroy all the dead, and finally unravel the story of the mysterious virus that turns all people into mindless creatures eager to devour you.

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2

An interesting shooter that tells the story of a sniper who will have to complete a dangerous mission to destroy the demonic Fuhrer, who has raised all the dead in Germany and sent his inhuman army to the whole world. Only a first-class sniper can stop this army by defeating the Fuhrer.

Dead Rising 2

Very unusual game about zombies, in which several genres are mixed at once. In addition to the mix of a shooter, in which you can defend yourself from your enemies with almost all objects that come your way, there is also a quest element, thanks to which Dead Rising 2 can end in 7 different ways.

Resident Evil 2

The second part of the most famous series of zombie shooters, released back in 1998 for both the computer and later consoles. Here you had the opportunity not only to move around the maps and shoot weapons, but also to decide logic problems. Last game series - Resident Evil 6, released in 2012 exclusively for consoles.

Well, that’s all the banner games, and if you don’t want to dive into something heavy yet, our section - zombie games 2, will help you choose an interesting arcade game for the evening.

Games with zombies are a great way to saturate your life and the life of a friend with adrenaline and switches, because you will always be attacked by living corpses of not only people, but also animals! Therefore, if you are still ready for what is happening, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with toys in which two players will need to destroy zombies using different types weapons.
As for genres in which zombies are the main opponents, they great amount, but the most common, of course, can be called shooting games.

Zombie games for 2 players

the site is a resource where you can find toys with zombies for every taste, there is even entertainment for girls in which two female representatives need to play.
Instructions for those who decide to fight zombies:
-you need to understand that zombies are dead people or animals that have come to life in a strange way, but have not lost the appearance of a corpse;
- if you are bitten by this monster, you will join the ranks of their army;
- a great way to kill zombies is to shoot them in the head, because they die when their brain is damaged;
- if any part of the body of a killed zombie gets on you, then you can also become a zombie, therefore, you should be especially careful;
- Zombies don't kill each other. therefore, in their crowd it is quite possible to find an ordinary person;
- you need to know that zombies have no need for sleep, rest and food, which means that you need to be especially vigilant and not get tired;
- Since monsters can be located in any area and even in water, you need to select the right weapon to kill them and a second player who will help rid the planet of zombies.

What does every player need to know about zombies?

Don't think that zombies are just a fictional character. There is a lot of evidence that they exist in real world.
1. These monsters originate where Voodoo magic spreads, therefore, it is believed that they came to us from the African continent.
2. In Haiti there is a special article in the criminal code that talks about zombies. Its essence is that for zombification you can be punished as for murder.
3. It is believed that if zombies and vampires started a war, the latter would win, because they can recover from damage, have mobility and can form groups.
4. If you trust films about zombies, then these creatures are inactive, and in winter they can generally be frozen.
5. If we talk about hot weather conditions, then zombies are not able to endure them, which causes them to dry out. This period is considered the best for their destruction.

Let's quickly start playing zombie games for two!

If you are ready to challenge the most terrible and mysterious creatures on the planet, then we advise you to take your faithful friend and choose the most interesting and exciting toy. This is where you can become real heroes who can free humanity from these terrible creatures. Also, you should not ignore the above recommendations, because they will fill players with knowledge about zombies, which will help in exterminating them. There is no need to hesitate, because a lot of the most interesting adventures and adrenaline are waiting for you!