How to unlock all artifact skins in WoW Legion. How do quest rooms work and what is it? Walkthrough for the original version of the game

Walkthrough for the original version of the game

A description of the controls in the game and the author's notes can be found in the text of the passage of the first book.

Note. To enlarge the screenshot, click on it in the text of the walkthrough. To view additional screenshots, click on the active links highlighted in the text of the walkthrough in dark red.


Earlcastle, Aliena's room

Eight months earlier

Lady Aliena of Shiring, daughter of Bartholomew, Earl of Shiring, sits in her room, drafty due to broken windows. William Hamley's screams are heard from below, demanding that her servant, Matthew, call Aliena to come downstairs. The sound of a slap is heard, and a minute later there is a knock on the door - it’s Matthew asking not to anger William and to come down to him.

Wait for Matthew to return

We go left, to the door. Click on it with the left mouse button (LMB).

Matthew enters the room. He asks not to provoke Hamley and go down to him. In a whisper, Matthew adds that you need to “arm yourself properly.”

We choose the option to contact Matthew (“ How's my brother?»)

Replying that Richard is being treated “like a dog,” Matthew reveals that he hid a weapon in the yard. You can find it by “a piece of red rag”. The voice of Walter, William's servant, is heard demanding that he stop whispering and come downstairs.

  • We get the Key Item “Matthew hid the weapon...”

Aliena goes downstairs.


During the conversation, we choose any answer options (answers selected by the author in this walkthrough in bold):

To William's question (“ What goes around...»).

When Matthew interrupts the conversation (“ I am able to speak...»).

To William's statement about his possibility of marrying Queen Maud (" Will Maud marry you? …»)

Aliena and William's escalating argument is stopped by Walter. He invites Aliena to go out to “get some air.”

Choose any answer to this sentence (“ Should I clear my head?»)

Walter turns to the owner, who demands that Aliena bring him food. Walter sends the girl outside.

  • We receive the Key Item “Hamley told me...”.

Find food for William Hamley

Courtyard (west end)

We move left, towards the stables. We talk to Richard tied to the post on all the suggested topics, using the topic “You really haven’t seen...” twice.

Richard reveals that he has a plan and shows his sister his freed hands. Aliena, asking about her red scarf, tries to find out where Matthew hid the weapon, but Richard does not understand his sister’s question.

After talking with Richard, we communicate on all the proposed topics with Walter, who is observing the conversation from the side.

The Hamleys' servant states that Percy Hamley likes the way he raises his son and pays him enough to keep Bartholomew's offspring free and "muddy the waters."

We pass to the right, go into the “Pantry”.


We throw aside the “Piece of Cloth” on the shelf on the left, take the BREAD. We take the ROTTEN MEAT from the shelf on the right and leave the pantry.

Courtyard (west end)

We are heading to the Donjon.


We offer William ROTTEN MEAT (or BREAD - it doesn’t matter). Select the replica option (“ From me you are definitely...»)

Enraged, William is ready to deal with Aliena. Suddenly, someone blows out the candle and the room becomes gloomy. Richard runs into the room. Walter, who follows him, stabs Matthew with his sword. William grabs the guy by the throat, but Walter stops the owner when William is ready to stab Richard with a dagger.

Chapter eight. Aliena

Courtyard (west end)

Take off your shackles

Aliena and Richard are chained to posts in the stables. Walter is dozing, sitting in the open gates of the donjon. Richard, with a mangled ear, is unconscious.

We look at the “Hammer” and the “Horseshoe”, we try to reach them, but it doesn’t work. We turn to Richard three times, and after Aliena’s third shout he comes to his senses. We talk on all proposed and newly discovered topics.

  • We receive the Key Item “Praise the Lord! Richard is alive."

When asked “Throw me a horseshoe,” Richard pushes the desired item towards Aliena.

We select a HORSESHOE. We throw it at the “Hammer” hanging on the pole (we play a mini-game, stopping the running ball on the displayed areas of the scale).

Aliena picks up the knocked-down OLD HAMMER.

We use it on the “Chains”.

With two precise blows (with our help), Aliena knocks the chains off her legs, then gets up and frees Richard. Richard offers to steal William's horse. Aliena intends to go in search of the weapon hidden by Matthew.

  • We get the Key Item “If you calm the horse...”.

Find Matthew's weapon cache

Courtyard (west end)

LMB-click on the “Climb the Wall” sign.

Aliena climbs the fortress wall.

Courtyard (east end)

We pass to the right.

Aliena listens to the conversation of the guards below.

  • We get document No. 13"William's Henchmen"

We move towards the “Piece of Fabric” to the right. We take the FATHER'S DAGGER

Escape Earlcastle

Courtyard (west end)

Having discovered the weapon, Aliena returns to the stable.

We choose the option of action with William’s horse (“ Remove the saddlebag»).

The horse neighs, which almost wakes Walter up. The bag's knot is too tight.

Select the action option " Cut off the saddlebag».

Aliena cuts the rope with her FATHER'S DAGGER.

We take the OVES from the bag and give it to the horse.

Aliena invites Richard to climb into the saddle because she intends to get to Winchester, find her father and talk to the king. Jumping into the saddle, the fearless girl gives her horse spurs.

On the way to Winchester

Moving around the map: “ Jump through the forest», « Ride to Winchester».

In the forest, the fugitives are stopped by a woman - this is “the wife of the one who guards this forest on behalf of the king.” Noticing Richard's wound, the woman offers to take Aliena and Richard to her house nearby.

  • Let's choose an action option:

Option 1: "Take a risk: let her help Richard»

Forester's house

The woman lights the fire, and the fugitives quickly warm up.

Select the option for further action (“ Insist on helping Richard»).

Taking advantage of Aliena’s momentary confusion, distracted by the noise outside the door, the woman snatches the dagger from the girl. A man enters the room.

We make a choice of action (“ Fight»).

The newcomer easily takes away from Aliena a piece of the board with which she armed herself. Together with the woman they leave the house. The woman returns the dagger to Aliena, advising her to cauterize Richard’s wound. Looking outside, Aliena discovers that the robbers have galloped away on William's horse.

After rest, we hit the road (according to the map) on foot: “ Continue to Winchester»,

IMPORTANT: This option is required to receive achievements "Being Together" at the end of the ninth chapter and affects another achievement.

Aliena and Richard are still left without a horse, because... the robber's partner meets them ahead on the road. In this case. Aliena does not cauterize Richard's wound, and the wound becomes inflamed by the time they reach Winchester. Let's summarize the events that took place.

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Artifact weapons give players a lot of advantages, which you can read about in. However, artifact weapons are not only useful, but also beautiful! Each weapon has 24 skins, and in this guide we will tell you how to get them and how long it will take.

1. How to unlock skins

  • Most skins can be unlocked at level 110, but some of them are available by leveling up.
  • In order to unlock the color variations of a skin, you must first unlock the skin itself.
  • In order to change appearance artifact, you must go to the forge in the class stronghold.
  • To transmog artifacts, you can use the appearance of other weapons. Transmogrification follows standard rules regarding weapon types.
  • Some skins change the type of weapon (for example, hidden appearance Titan Accuracy transforms Titan Might from a gun into a bow.)
  • All skins and colors are available in any specialization of a single character, but are not available to other characters account. In order for them to be able to use the skins, they must be unlocked again.

2. Classic look

Skin 1

Default weapon appearance.

Skin 2

Requirement: find one of the Pillars of Creation.

Receipt: Pillars of Creation are given for completing story missions in the Broken Isles locations. List of Pillars and their corresponding locations:

  • Aegis of Aggramar - Aegis of Aggramar, Stormheim
  • Hammer Kaz"gorota - Hammer Kaz"gorota, Highmountain
  • Tear of Elune - Tears of Elune, Val'shara
  • Tidestone of Golganneth - Tidestone of Golganneth, Azsuna
  • Eye of Aman "thula - Suramar

Complexity: low, requires completing quests in the Broken Isles.

Skin 3

Requirement: Find the Heart of Light and bring it to the class stronghold.

Receipt: complete the quest chain Shooting Star, Lightbringer, Onslaught of Light

Complexity: low, tasks required.

Skin 4

Requirement: Complete the first stage of the Class Hall Campaign.

Receipt: participate in a class campaign.

Complexity: low, required to complete tasks. The campaign includes missions for defenders, so the process may take a little longer.

Receipt: Complete a Class Hall campaign.

Complexity: low, required to complete tasks. The campaign includes missions for the character and defenders that will take a long time to complete.

Skin 2

Requirement: Earn the Strength Incarnate achievement by unlocking all artifact talents.

Receipt: Invest points in all 34 artifact talents (not including the additional talent). This requires 5,216,130 units. artifact powers. Details about accelerated leveling can be found in the guide How to obtain and improve an artifact.

Complexity: average, the power of the artifact accumulates without any problems, but this requires a lot of time.

Skin 3

Requirement: Earn the achievement A Piece of History by thoroughly studying the history of your artifact.

Receipt: complete the tasks that precede placing Orders to obtain Artifact Knowledge. Available at level 110: (requires finding 4 books with the history of the artifact in different parts of Azeroth) and Talking to the Wind (Shaman) or Digging in Books (all other classes) (requires placing an order to obtain Knowledge about the artifact). After this, you must complete orders to reach level 20 of Artifact Knowledge.

Complexity: average, requires spending a lot of time completing tasks and orders.

Skin 4

Requirement: Earn the achievement This Side Up

Complexity: average, especially if you don't like Archeology too much. Requires a lot of time. The tasks are given at intervals of two weeks and involve collecting a large number of fragments.

Complexity: high, you need to complete tasks, collect a large amount of resources and visit dungeons and raids.

Skin 2

Requirement: Earn the achievement Unleashed Monsters

Receipt: Defeat 8 of the 10 world bosses found in the Broken Isles.

Complexity: Medium, takes some time as bosses appear rarely and randomly.

Skin 3

Requirement: complete a dungeon in challenge mode with a key level 15 or higher.

Receipt: Kill all bosses in a Mythic dungeon level 15 or higher (the key may belong to you or another party member). Mythic dungeons are incredibly challenging, as the monsters within them deal more damage and have additional abilities.

Complexity: High, requires completing dungeons on Mythic Advanced difficulty. This mode will appear in the game on September 20.

Skin 4

Requirement: Earn the Glory of the Legion Hero achievement

Receipt: Complete 26 achievements in 10 Legion dungeons on Mythic difficulty. The achievement is common to all characters on the account.

Complexity: high, requires high coordination between group members. Most of the achievements are quite simple, but some of them require special gaming skills. In addition, entering the dungeon on Mythic difficulty requires manual grouping.

Receipt: Reach prestige level 1 (in the new PvP system) and rank 50 by participating in battles with other players.

Complexity: low, because you can independently choose the types of PvP activities that you like. Requires moderate time investment. The first season begins on September 20.

Skin 2

Requirement: Earn the achievement Crest of Heroism (O)/ Crest of Heroism.

Receipt: Reach prestige level 5 by earning honor points. Only available in Season 2.

Complexity: average, because you can choose the types of PvP activities. Requires a lot of time, you need to wait for the second season.

Skin 3

Requirement: Earn the achievement Crest of Carnage (O)/ Crest of Carnage.

Receipt: Reach prestige level 9 by earning honor points. Only available in Season 3.

Skin 1

Requirement: A special subject or task.

Receipt: Details about hidden appearances for different specializations will be described in a separate guide in the coming days.

Complexity: different, the requirements for different specializations may differ significantly. Some will need to get an item from the world boss, some will need to complete a chain of 12 tasks.

Skin 2

Requirement: Complete 100 dungeons while armed with a hidden artifact.

Receipt: apply a hidden appearance to the artifact, pick it up and go through 100 dungeons. Detailed guides you can find it in the dungeons.

Complexity: low, requires a lot of time.

Skin 3

Requirement: complete 200 local quests, armed with an artifact with a hidden appearance.

Receipt: apply a hidden appearance to the artifact, pick it up and complete 200 world quests.

Complexity: low, required to complete tasks.

Skin 4

Requirement: Kill 1,000 members of the opposing faction while armed with a hidden artifact.

Receipt: apply a hidden appearance to the artifact, pick it up and kill 1,000 players from the opposite faction.

Complexity: average, depends on whether you like PvP. If you actively participate in battles with other players, you will get the skin quite quickly.

Achievement: By unlocking all of the above skins, you will receive the Hidden Potential achievement.

7. Unrealized skins

In the Wowhead Artifact Calculator, some Artifacts have a sixth appearance. At one of the conferences, the developers hinted that new skins will be introduced into the game in the next patches.

Various quest rooms are becoming extremely popular today. There are an incredible number of them, “horror stories”, “action”, “plot and thematic”. Increasingly, invitations to participate in one or another quest can be found on the central streets of Kharkov, Kyiv, and in any other city in Ukraine. Surely you have seen similar posters in your city more than once. Yes, quest entertainment is becoming increasingly popular. Both adults and children take part in them. People come here for a breath of vitality, a flow of positive emotions and simply with the desire to have an interesting time with pleasant people.

Have you ever heard about quest rooms? Have you encountered it? Have you heard a lot, but somehow never had a chance to visit? In this article we want to tell you about what quest rooms are and what the conditions are for completing them. Let’s also mention those who would be interested in visiting such leisure activities in the first place and tell you why many psychologists speak positively about this entertainment for children.

We will reveal several secrets that will help you emerge victorious from this game. We will also look at quest rooms from the point of view of the profitability of this business, and evaluate the complexity of the cases that a novice businessman who has decided to open his own quest rooms usually has to face. And in addition to everything, we will also tell you about the main assistants who will increase the profitability of the business and guarantee its payback and success already in the first stages of doing business.

What is an quest room?

A modern quest room (you can often come across the name “questroom”) implies intellectual game. The conditions of such a game are simple and clear: a team of 2-5 like-minded people is locked indoors. Within a certain time (usually players are given 60 minutes), team members must manage to get out.

To do this, they will have to work together to solve various puzzles and tasks. Successful completion of all tasks will allow the team to move forward, receive hints and find the right path, which will lead to the main prop - the key to the front door. This find is the most important, since only it can free the team and become a symbol of their victory and successful completion quest room.

Escape rooms can be based on different storylines. Today you can easily visit a quest room, in which you will be able to take on the role of a detective or detective, try to live the life of a jailer or a mentally ill person. Eat interesting stories and for those who have always dreamed of playing a “bad guy” or “bad girl.” For such people, a lot of stories have been invented, according to which it is necessary to steal cars and run away from the police. The audience of teenagers was not left without attention - various “horror stories” and educational quests are presented to their attention in any specialized organization, they are always waiting for new winners.

The undoubted advantage of any quest room is its uniqueness and originality. Even if you already have more than one victory in such a game, you will still be interested in testing your capabilities in another quest. And each subsequent discovery will bring its contribution, give new impressions and positive experience.

Look at the data online - you won't find any detailed descriptions tasks and exact pictures and photographs of how everything is arranged in the room. No video materials. Only emotional reviews filled with expressive delight about how great everything was. This only makes visiting the quest room more interesting.

Many participants, after completing the quest, feel initiated into something secret and unattainable, which only they managed to discover in just an hour. They are in no hurry to share their acquired knowledge and can only recommend that you also visit the quest room. Believe me, they don’t mind telling you about everything that quests contain, but why ruin your whole experience? It’s not for nothing that people say, it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Folk wisdom is an indisputable thing. The effectiveness of its work has been tested for centuries. It makes sense to listen to this truth now.

Where it all began

Have you ever wondered where the quest room genre came from? The ancestor is considered to be computer DOS, released back in 1994 Noctropolis. After the game MOTAS was released in 2001, the term “ Escape the room».

The general popularity and recognition of this genre was the result of the spread Online Games"Crimson Room", released in 2004. It became a success for Toshimitsu Takagi, a famous Japanese developer.

The meaning of “Crimson Room” is that in a room furnished with various interior items, it was necessary to look for various clues and keys. This would allow participants to find a way out of such a room. Isn’t it very similar to what we are offered to visit in reality today?

The room in the game “Crimson Room” had a red interior. Inside it were several objects that served as clues that made it easier to find 13 objects connected by the same logic. After some time, as a continuation of the first version, it was released a new game"Viridian Room". This development belongs to the Chinese. Its interior is decorated in green colors, and the tasks and puzzles offered for solution are more complex. The development of computer games did not end there. After them, versions “Blue Chamber” and “White Chamber” were released, in which the plots were even more twisted and the tasks even more complex.

As we have already determined, “Quest room” is the original name of an incredibly popular computer game. Initially, it represented the genre of adventure stories. Main character found himself locked up. To get out I often had to use various items interior This also helped to successfully solve all sorts of problems. logic problems and puzzles. Ultimately, such efforts of the hero led him to victory - to release from captivity.

I would like to note that the popularity of this game was enormous. Teenagers, schoolchildren, people of different ages and status could sit for hours on end at the “Crimson Room”. It was so exciting and interesting. It was not just sitting in front of a monitor; the participants in the game had to think logically, show logic and erudition.

Many began to think: “what if we bring such quest rooms into reality”? The discussion was sharpened, various hypotheses and commercial projects were proposed. Yes, today it is difficult for us to even imagine that such an idea could seem unprofitable to someone. But at first, that’s exactly what happened. And then, there were those brave souls who were not afraid to take risks and seriously began organizing quest rooms in reality. Their efforts paid off with incredible success! Today, we can say a huge thank you to them for not being afraid to endure computer game into reality. And they gave us the opportunity to participate in interesting and exciting entertainment.

When it became clear to everyone that creating quest rooms is not only fun and exciting, but also really profitable, quest rooms received recognition and a powerful impetus for development and distribution. Gradually the scale of their location expanded. After them, quest rooms began to appear in Europe, Asia, the CIS countries and the USA.

That's how the game came out virtual world, has become a reality and today has become available to each of us for review. The public encountered the first real quest in the US Silicon Valley in 2006. The developers of the project proposed an interesting scenario for the passage, with riddles and puzzles based on the works of the famous detective story writer Agatha Christie.

Gradually, the genre gained popularity and began to spread throughout all countries in the world, but Japan and China became the pioneers of quests and, in fact, the countries where this genre was most developed. The first European country to pick up the baton of creating quest rooms was Hungary.

Features of the quest

Quest games are a relatively new format for our country. Over the past few years, the development of plots and interior variations has appeared incredibly. The range of quest games allows everyone to choose the version of the scenario that they like best.

At the same time, despite the diversity storylines, the principle of the game in the quest room remains unchanged. A group of participants (from two to five people) finds themselves locked in a room. They need to be observant and think logically in order to successfully find clues and solve tasks and puzzles. All this will bring the team closer to the final goal - the key to the front door. He will become victorious. The main thing is to meet the allotted time. As a rule, the team is given 60 minutes to complete the quest.

What if the players don’t make it to the hour? In fact, nothing bad will happen. The project organizers will open the door for you. What is true is that in this situation you will not be able to experience the joy and exultation of victory. But you can always try again. And you don’t have to go to the same room; the assortment will allow you to choose another option with a similar complexity and a similar theme of the storyline.

Such quest projects are interesting for many people to complete. Couples of lovers often come here. This is a great way to get to know your significant other better, build trust, improve understanding and become even closer. After all, joint efforts for the sake of achieving a common goal are incredibly uniting.

The company of like-minded people, friends, colleagues or just acquaintances does not bypass this opportunity for entertainment. Holding corporate events in quest rooms is becoming extremely popular. This is an excellent decision by a competent leader who is interested in uniting his team.

Quest rooms are equipped with various thematic decorations, realistic props and corresponding paraphernalia. The careful design of the interior allows players to move into “another world” for an hour, immerse themselves in the passage of the quest game, taking the place of its main characters.

Everyone who goes to the quest room should note for themselves SEVERAL FEATURES OF QUEST ENTERTAINMENT:

    The storyline can be varied, with unexpected twists, unpredictable surprises and sometimes false facts. It is important to be careful and not lose your own logic of thinking. You can become the hero of a detective story, steal a car, or try on the life of a prisoner or mentally ill person. And this is a small part of the possible variations;

    all quest rooms have one goal - to get out of the room in 60 minutes;

    in any case, you will be faced with puzzles and tasks, the successful solution of which will gradually bring the team closer to the end of the operation. The player in quests is not a blind observer, but a direct curator of all events that take place. The outcome of the game depends only on the actions of the team;

    The time for completing the quest room is limited: as a rule, the team has only 60 minutes at its disposal. This situation adds excitement to the game; many people want to set their own passing record;

    passing through an quest room is always a closed space;

    you will have to use your own logic, intelligence and observation: this will help you successfully solve tasks, puzzles, find and select the correct code, determine which strategy is worth moving forward;

    To complete quest rooms you do not need to have any special skills, players do not have to exert physical force and, in general, completing the quest does not imply any serious test. The team will have to test their capabilities, but this will all happen in the form of a game, fun and playful, an quest room is not an exam;

    it is important to act as a single team: consult, share your own assumptions, discuss a strategy of action, distribute roles, share observations - all this will help you complete the tasks of the quest room as quickly and correctly as possible, and at the same time unite even more with each other, learn to understand, hear and listen .

As you can see, quest rooms are quite an interesting leisure activity. Passing quest games has many features, but they are all simple and easy to understand for everyone. Discover the world of exciting quests and you too!

For those interested in creating own business Based on ready-made quest projects, we can recommend purchasing a quest room franchise from one of the already promoted brands. This decision will allow you to protect yourself as much as possible from the possibility of failure. How it works? Purchasing a franchise provides you with proven methods and methods for attracting clients, setting up quest rooms and a number of other tricks that anyone starting their own business will have to face.

The forerunners of the adventure genre were text quests. I confess to readers that I have not played them, and I don’t think it’s worth looking so far into the history of the gaming industry, since the foundations of the genre are in its modern form formed in the 90s.

Considering that some of the projects have received re-releases, the modern generation of players can familiarize themselves with them without fear for their eyesight :)

Legendary quests of the 90s!


In 1993, a game developed by the Miller brothers (Rand and Robin) was released on Macintosh computers. This project not only gained popularity, was ported to many platforms and received several sequels, but essentially laid down the canons of the quest genre. The vast majority of adventure games, in one way or another, use gameplay mechanics that first appeared in Myst.

Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars

The release of "Broken Sword 1: Shadow of the Templars" took place in 1996 and tells the story of American tourist George Stobbart, who miraculously survived an explosion in a Parisian cafe. Having escaped death, yesterday's idle slacker transforms into a detective and, joining forces with the journalistic Nicole Collar, begins an investigation into what happened, the roots of which go back to the times of the Templars.

Grim Fandango

Released in 1998, the quest became the first LucasArts project with character models created using 3D technology. But this is not the only reason why the game attracted the attention of the gaming community; its unusual setting the afterlife, heavily mixed with Aztec myths and noir style, became the calling card of an extraordinary project.

The Secret of Monkey Island

A humorous quest from LucasArts, released in 1990, tells the story of a young man (Guybrush Threepwood) who dreams of mastering the pirate craft. Following his dream, the hero gets involved in adventures full of dangers to solve the riddle of the “Monkey Island”.

Full Throttle

Or translated into Russian " Full Throttle" (1995) was also developed by LucasArts, ubiquitous in the quest genre at the time. The game tells the story of a biker named Ben, against his will drawn into a showdown between the "powers that be" in their struggle for power in a motorcycle corporation.

The Neverhood

The famous plasticine quest developed by the studio of the same name “stuck” on monitor screens in 1996. The main character Clayman has to save the world of “Never-Never” by finding 20 skillfully hidden videotapes, and in the final defeat the tyrant Clogg and make a choice between the bad and good sides.