How to check if the game will run on the computer. Review of the game "It's you! Where to find your system settings

In a time when computer games had to be bought only on discs, it was difficult to predict in advance whether this very game would work well on a computer. After all, the issue of lags during games is a matter of your nervous system. I’m sure who the game was hanging at the most crucial moment, or when, after passing through more levels, it simply didn’t start, they will understand me. After all, all the information regarding the characteristics of the game that was written on the boxes was rarely valid. More often than not, the actual system requirements were very different from those listed on the box.

That is why I had to take the game, guided only by a guess, whether it will run on a computer or not.

But, you and I live in the modern world. Now, the answer to this question “Will this game run on my computer?” Is not a mystery. Now any game can be checked, and for this you don’t even need to install it. Everything can be done online and very quickly.

This is exactly what we're going to talk about today. I will teach you how to check if the game suits your computer.

In order to test any of the games, you need to find a test site called "Can You Run It". On this site you can quickly test the components of your computer that are important for games, namely: processor, RAM and video card.

Follow the link for testing.

In the field for searching games "Search for a game", you enter the name of the game you need, be sure to use English. For example, I will enter the name of the game in which the game was recently played, namely "Need for Speed ​​Payback". After filling in the search field, click the "Can You Run It" button.

In the window that opens after that, you must mark "Desktop App", and click on the "Start" button.

After the analysis starts, a file will be downloaded to your computer. Don't worry, it's not malicious, so feel free to run it.

As soon as you start, the last stage of testing will begin. The program will turn itself off. As soon as the verification is completed, the verification site page will re-open on the screen. On this page you will see the test result. For example like this:

According to the test results, it became clear that the game "Need for Speed ​​Payback "will not work on my PC, but will fly. Even for the highest demands.

But this is not interesting, the question is now from those to whom the toys did not fit. It is interesting what parameters do not allow one or another toy to work qualitatively. You can find the answer all on the same site.

Below, from the main result, you can observe a window with the minimum and maximum computer settings for the desired game.

Most often, it is the video adapter that serves as a weak point for games that do not work correctly or do not start games at all.

I find the Systemrequirementslab site useful for users with weaker computers. After all, even before you download and install the game, and you will spend at least half an hour on this, it will already be clear whether the game will go to your computer or not.

More on the topic of the article, if the game still went well for you but it gives out too little FPS, I recommend watching my video on increasing FPS:

Increase FPS in games

Stay tuned to keep up to date with all the latest in the computer world and don't forget to share this article with your friends!

The question of how to check whether a game will go to a computer arises in our time not only among gamers with weak technology, but also among owners of fairly strong hardware. Computer manufacturers are rapidly conquering new heights of technological progress, and entertainment developers are trying to keep up with them.

Literally in six months, the latest gaming hardware may no longer be able to pull the novelty of the industry at maximum settings. That is why it is important to be able to identify games by system requirements and compare them with the parameters of your machine.

Why know the system requirements

A novice player may not even think about the fact that a purchased or downloaded game simply will not start on his computer. This unfortunate news may discourage any desire to continue spending time in the world of digital entertainment.

That is why you need to know how to check if the game will go to the computer. Not everyone knows how to check system parameters, but you still need to understand them. These aspects are not of interest to those who simply want to have a good time. At the present time, technological progress is moving forward with great strides. Therefore, it is advisable to check the relevance of your own computer regularly.

What requirements are taken into account when checking

Before you distribute games by system requirements, you need to decide on their priority. Starting from 2012-13, most of the projects were transferred to the Windows 7 operating system or a higher version. It makes no sense to consider previous operating systems, since their support has been completely discontinued.

The next parameter is the processor. The model, number of cores and clock speed are important here. For example, if you buy a new generation processor now, it will last another year or two. RAM is considered in gigabytes and at the moment below six bars for a comfortable game is no longer recommended.

Last on the list, but not least, is the graphics card. It is she who takes on the greatest load during the game. Before you check if the game will run on your computer, you should determine how old your graphics processor is. Otherwise, the tests will always show negative results.

FPS setting

To understand the comparison of the system requirements of a game with a computer, manufacturers introduced the FPS characteristic. It is responsible for how well the performance of the system satisfies the established design.

It is important to understand that if, when asked "will the game run on my computer", the test will show the minimum bar, but the number of FPS will be 10, then there is no point in trying to install. You will lose time, and a comfortable game will be impossible.

The average recommended number of this parameter is 30, and the optimal one is 60. If testing shows numbers close to this, then you can safely install the game. Of course, much still depends on optimization, and even the checker cannot take everything into account, but in 90% of cases you can safely rely on the number of FPS.

First way to check

You can find out if the game will go to the computer in manual mode. To do this, you first need to know the system requirements of the project. When downloading or buying from a digital store, they are included, so you just need to open this page and take a look.

Next, go to the "Start" menu and launch the console called "Run". In the window that appears, enter the dxdiag command and wait a few seconds. In the first tab, all parameters will be highlighted, except for the graphic one. Information about it in all details is in the following tabs.

The user simply looks and conditionally compares the models with those written under the game itself. Of course, there are inaccuracies in this method. A person will never be able to take into account all the details, at the same time, the program that determines whether the game will go to the computer is more accurate in the calculations. This applies to the average gamer, because computer masters have their own calculation algorithms.

The second way to check

There is a service called Can you run it. It offers three ways to match requirements. One of them is the usual display of recommended parameters. This option was considered in the above method.

The second way to check if the game will go to the computer involves installing a special script in the browser that will collect information about the computer. The developers assure that personal data cannot be read in any way. After that, in the list selection window, enter the project of interest to the user.

The test runs automatically and takes a few seconds to process. Next, a column with three indicators will appear in the window: minimum, recommended and maximum. The mark will be at a certain level, and the player will determine how suitable the system is for the desired entertainment. You should also not forget about the FPS parameter, because its amount corrects the system data.

If a person does not want to check on the network, then the service offers to download special software. A small utility will collect computer data and compare it with its database. The results in both cases will not differ from each other. Millions of users use these tests every day, and there have been no complaints about the service yet.

A similar resource is Game-O-Meter. It uses similar testing mechanisms, but does not offer to install additional software. It is also worth noting that the Java runtime environment must first be installed on the computer, otherwise the check will not start.


The question of how to determine whether a game will go to a computer is relevant because this knowledge saves time. Current games take up over twenty gigabytes, and downloading all the files from the network, even with a high Internet connection, takes precious hours. In this case, the installation process can last two or three times longer than the download.

For some people, these processes may take a free evening, and if the game does not start, then it can be considered spoiled. In order to avoid such troubles, it is better to spend half an hour testing and find for yourself the game that will surely suit your personal computer.

All PC players sooner or later ask themselves one simple, but at the same time sad question: “Will this game run on my computer?”. Each machine has its own unique specification, and only the most powerful computers can run all the most demanding and modern toys or applications.

Whether users with medium or budget builds are constantly forced to check whether this or that project will run on their machine. Sad truth, but what can you do. So, in this article we will tell you how and with what you can check the compliance of your computer with the system requirements of the game.

So, there are several methods to check whether this or that toy will work on your configuration. The easiest method is for you to compare your computer with the system requirements for the game.

System requirements

Where can I find these system requirements for the game you want? Frankly, in a huge number of sources. For example, you can find them on the official website of the game, in the digital distribution store where the game was purchased, on the game box (cover), as well as a bunch of other sites and game editions that post system requirements on the game page.

Once you've found the system requirements for your game, simply compare them to your computer's hardware. Usually, developers post minimum and recommended system requirements. It should be warned right away that the minimum system requirements guarantee you only two things: the launch of the game and, possibly, a satisfactory FPS.

So if you understand that your PC meets the minimum system requirements, then we can say with confidence that the game will run on it. If it fits the recommended ones, then it will go even better.

Various sites

If you don’t want to bother looking for system requirements to answer the question “Will my computer run this game”, then you can use the services of various resources on the network that can automatically scan your system. After scanning, the resource will tell you if this or that game will run on your system.

Pointing to a specific resource is quite difficult, since there are a huge number of them on the network. Just type in your search engine a query like “check if the game will run on a computer online” or “site check if the game will run on a computer” and you will find the resource you need.

A great example of such a site is Nvidia itself, which provides a similar scan. However, not the entire computer, but only your video card, but in most cases this is quite enough.

Computer performance test online

However, if you want to determine whether the game will run more accurately than automatic scanning of PC components, then we recommend that you use such a cool thing as online computer performance tests.

When you go to one of these sites, you will either have to answer a series of questions about your PC configuration or manually enter your hardware in the drop-down fields. Once everything is set, it remains to click on the "Check", "Test" or "Compare" button, and then the resource will give you your results. If you quickly want to understand if a certain game will work on your computer, then online tests are a great solution.


In the end, it all comes down to the fact that you somehow have to rely on the system requirements from the developer. Various resources or online tests that will help you understand whether certain games will run on your PC also use them in their calculations and scans of your system. In general, it all comes down to the fact that you will have to guess whether the game will run on a computer or not based on system requirements.

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In general, I was prompted to create this article by a huge number of questions from ordinary PC users, who, with their last effort, are trying to litter all topics with games with one single question: "Will it work for me?". I warn you right away, I will not load you with all sorts of little things and characteristics of each of the PC components. I'll try to explain everything



In general, I was prompted to create this article by a huge number of questions from ordinary PC users, who, with their last effort, are trying to litter all topics with games with one single question: "Will it work for me?".
I warn you right away, I will not load you with all sorts of little things and characteristics of each of the PC components. I will try to explain everything clearly and accessible. Experienced users, please do not judge me, because the article is designed for complete dummies. We will also look at games based on their system requirements, and I won’t touch such things as “system requirements overstated / underestimated”, otherwise you can talk about it for hours.

So let's get started:

Step 1: First you need to find out what your system unit consists of (processor, video card, amount of RAM, etc.). Everything is quite simple here, and if you are the owner of a video card from nVidia, then their DPO will help you, which is called NVIDIA Experience and already in the program itself, in the "My system" tab, you can look at your stuffing.

It looks like this:

Well, if you have a video card Radeon, then someone can help you here CCleaner. It takes up very little space and can also clean your OS from garbage.
AT CClenaer it will look like this:

Step 2: Now we need to know the system requirements from the game itself. I hope that you know how to use Google or think of going to Steam in order to look at the system there. requirements, or, in extreme cases, read them on the box with the disk (if you are from 2007).

In general, we learned everything that interests us. We realized that the 3 main components of your PC in order for the game to go to it are RAM(RAM); CPU; video card.

Now we will find out if these pieces of iron are suitable for the game you want to play.

RAM: everything can be easily understood and also easily and intelligibly explained: if the amount of RAM in your PC is less than that of the game in the minimum system requirements - bad and the game may simply not start if the number is the same or more - well.

CPU: if everything was simple with RAM, then here you have to strain your buns a little. I will analyze this situation on the example of my PC. You have already seen its characteristics from above in the screenshots. Let's take a game as an example. Assassin's Creed: Unity. So, I'm wondering if my processor is suitable for a comfortable game. I look at the system requirements for the game and find out what processor is needed there. Also, it is important to note that I will look at the processor from AMD, not from Intel, because I have a processor AMD, therefore, if you have a processor Intel then you should look at Intel, this is a very important point.
In the screenshot, I marked in blue - Intel, and in red AMD.

Next, we write the name of your processor in this format "AMD FX-8120" to the Google search engine, then write "VS" and add at the end the processor that is shown in the system requirements for the game and the result of your request should look something like this: " AMD FX-8120 vs AMD FX-8350". We are given results on request and we open a site whose link starts with "".

As you can see, my processor's performance score is less than AMD's FX-8350, which is bad and the game will most likely run unstable. If your processor score is higher than that of the processor that is in the minimum system requirements, then this well. The same procedure is with processors from Intel. Got it sorted out.

Video card: here you need to perform the same actions as with the processors. Only here, too, there is one nuance. There are video cards nVidia and there are video cards Radeon. Those. if you have nVidia, then compare it with nVidia, and if Radeon, then with Radeon. It is important.
In the screenshot I marked nVidia in blue and Radeon- red.

Now let's write the following line in the Google search box: "GTX 780 3GB (this is my video card) vs GTX 680 (this is a video card from the system requirements)".
We get the following results for our query:

In general, if all your hardware meets the system requirements, congratulations, the game will run on your PC. If not everything came up, then do not rush to get upset, if the processor or video card is a little weaker, and the RAM is only 1 gigabyte or 2 short, then you can still try to play with grief in half, but I can not guarantee anything. Here I have, for example, the processor does not fit under Assassin's Creed: Unity However, my game is running.

I will not touch the amount of memory on the hard drive, I hope that you yourself are able to calculate it, and I will not touch other little things. We have analyzed the most important and I hope that you understand everything and will not ask stupid questions in the future. If you have friends who also do not understand anything about their PC and cannot understand if the game will work for them, then just show them this article.

The virtual gaming world is growing by leaps and bounds. Hundreds of thousands of interesting and colorful games are waiting for their user. With the growth of product quality, the demand for computer power increases. Because of this, the question arises: how to check if the game will go to the computer?


Developers specify requirements for each of their gaming products. There are usually two types of features:

  • minimum - on which the game will run on a PC;
  • recommended - allow you to unleash the graphical capabilities and enjoy the gameplay to the fullest.

Product requirements can be viewed on the media or the official website of the game developers.

Important! You can view the characteristics of your computer using the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Type dxdiag in the Windows 10 search bar. Also, you can check the performance index of your PC in other ways.

The benchmark will help you check the performance information of your computer for the game. This is a program that determines the performance of the components of the computer. There are several solutions:

  1. 3DMark is a popular benchmarking program that provides accurate CPU and GPU performance results and has a single database of benchmark results on the developer's website.
    The program can be tried out and purchased on Steam.
  2. - performs the functions of a benchmark and stress test for video cards. Powered by the OpenGL engine.
  3. PhysX FluidMark is a benchmark that uses the NVIDIA PhysX API to measure PC performance. The database of results is open on the developers' site.
  4. - the site has a special option that allows you to find out if the computer is ready for new games.
    Download the latest version of Java technology and test (does not work in Google Chrome).

Compatibility check

Microsoft works closely with graphics manufacturers and game developers. This means that there is practically no incompatibility of popular products with the new OS. If everything is in order with the requirements for the game, it may not start due to:

Checking stats via Steam

The popular Steam platform offers its own alternative solutions for checking the compatibility of a game with a computer or laptop:

If you have any questions about specification or performance, please contact us. Describe what you're having trouble with so we can help.
