Clan fortress in clash of clans. Typical mistakes when luring out and destroying the defense of a clan fortress

“The best walls of a castle are its defenders.” The clan stronghold will house the troops of your brothers in arms, who will help you in defending the village.

Features of the Fortress:

  • The clan's fortress is at the player's disposal from the very beginning, but only as ruins. In order to bring the fortress into proper shape, you will need 10 thousand gold, but this is not necessary.
  • Repairing a fortress allows the player to create a new clan or join an existing one.
  • Once the player is in the clan, he will be able to request reinforcements for his garrison. However, this can only be done once at a certain time. At the very beginning, you can request reinforcements no more than once every 20 minutes, but the counter can be reset, if necessary, for crystals. Once the clan reaches level 2 and up to level 6, the time will be reduced to 15 minutes, and starting from level 7 and above - to 10.
  • When posting a reinforcement request, there is an option to add text to the message. This can be used to clarify which type of troops would be more desirable in the garrison or to express gratitude to brothers in arms.
  • Allies can send up to 5 units of any type of troops. This number increases gradually to 8 as the clan level increases.
  • As the level of the fortress increases, the amount of resources stored in it, the number of warriors that can be in the fortress, and the strength of the building will increase.
  • The clan's fortress ranks second among buildings in terms of strength (the championship is headed by the Town Hall, not counting the walls).
  • For sending reinforcements to your allies, you receive experience equal to the amount of space occupied by this unit. Thus, sending a Barbarian will bring you 1 experience point, and a Giant will bring you 5 points.
  • Troops that did not die during the defense remain in the fortress until the next attack.
  • Warriors leave the fortress in the order of their distribution in the barracks: from Barbarian to P.E.K.K.A.

Defensive tactics:

  • When attacking your settlement, troops located in the fortress will attack the enemy within a radius of 12 cells around the fortress, but only if the target is suitable - Barbarians will not come out to attack Balloons, but will remain in the fortress. The garrison troops easily jump over your walls as they rush headlong towards the enemy. In this regard, position the fortress in such a way that it covers the main buildings of your village within its area of ​​effect.
  • Take into account the huge strength of the stronghold: position it so that it can take the main damage from enemy attacks, while they are attacked by your towers and garrison. However, if the fortress is destroyed and troops remain in it, they will fall into a trap. They will not be killed and will remain at your disposal.
  • Defending troops are regarded by attackers as defense buildings, and will attack them according to their priorities. Garrison warriors can also be killed. If they were wounded at the end of the battle, then in the next battle they will be in perfect health. Sometimes you can see that the attackers are rushing towards the defenders even through walls. In such cases, it is advantageous to use warriors with long-range combat, for example Archers. The fortress itself is classified as a normal building and has the corresponding attack priority.
  • It is advantageous to place a stronghold in the center of the village, then the troops will respond to attacks from any side.

Offensive tactics:

  • The most effective way fighting the garrison of an enemy settlement is a tactic of luring and ambush. It consists of releasing a “bait” - one warrior into the response area of ​​the fortress troops, taking the defenders away from their bridgehead and dealing with them away from their defensive structures. This is also necessary for reconnaissance: you always need to find out what type of troops are in the fortress.
  • If there is an opportunity to win the battle without engaging in combat with defenders, take advantage of it. However, be careful because... A seemingly unprotected area of ​​defense may turn out to be strewn with traps.
  • To destroy groups of enemies, use Lightning spells and combat sorcerers with an area attack.

Characteristics of clan castle


In Lineage 2, fortresses are very popular among clans that were unable to acquire a CH. In total, two types of fortresses can be distinguished: border and territorial.

Fortress has a lot in common with clan halls. To take possession of a fortress, you must capture it. Depending on the location, there are two types of fortresses:

  • border;
  • territorial.
Type of fortresses Small fortresses Large fortresses
Tanor Fortress Florent Fortress
Turtle Fortress Misty Mountains Fortress
Aaru Fortress Antaras Fortress
Demon Fortress Western Fortress
Monks' Fortress Hunters' Fortress
Dilapidated Fortress Dragon Fortress
Hive Fortress
Ivory Fortress Southern Fortress
Narsill Fortress Borderland Fortress
White Sands Fortress Swamp Fortress
Snowy Fortress Giant's Fortress

By the way, it is worth noting that there will definitely be one or two fortresses near each castle or on its territory. In addition, the owner of the fortress himself chooses whether he will obey the castle or not.

All fortresses have their own flag, which easily identifies its appearance.

  • blue flag - territorial fortress;
  • red - border fortress.

The easiest way to find out information about fortresses is in the information tab on the map.

If you want to find out where the fortress is located, then use the map by clicking on the fortress in the list. The fortress will be marked with a shield icon on the map. If you hover your cursor over such an icon, you can find out more details about the fortress. If a fortress is being captured, you will be shown information about how many barracks have been captured.

Owning a fortress provides the following benefits, which are activated by the Sergeant:

  • possibility of recovery;
  • using teleport;
  • use of enhancing magic;
  • using the clan storage

A variety of items such as Shirts, Talismans, Bracelets and others can be purchased from the Support Captain for a certain amount of Knight Epaulet. Special skills for units are acquired from the same NPC. Regardless of political status, the clan that owns the fortress consistently receives the Oath of Blood from the Supply Officer every six hours, until the period of ownership of the fortress ends or another clan conquers it. If the fortress has become dependent on the castle, then it acquires additional protective functions that can be activated from the Guard Captain, and is also endowed with the ability to increase the strength of the guards and supply the owning clan with supplies that can be purchased from the Supply Officer. Independent fortresses have the opportunity to get into an underground dungeon; to do this, you need to approach the Prison Warden.


Rules for owning a fortress

Just like Abodes, Fortresses are clan residences. A clan that owns a fortress can register for sieges of castles and other fortresses, and, having won them, become their owner. However, the previous fortress comes under the control of the NPC until a clan recaptures it.

A clan can own only one fortress or castle, while it retains the opportunity to acquire the Clan Abode.

A clan that owns a fortress can establish political ties with a clan that owns a castle in that territory.

By capturing fortresses, you can obtain Oathed Blood, which is used to increase Clan Reputation Points and increase its level.

While a clan's fortress is under siege, this clan is deprived of the opportunity to capture other fortresses and castles.

168 hours (7 days) after your clan takes possession of the fortress, it will be attacked by a rebel army and the fortress will come under the control of an NPC.

A clan cannot register for a siege 2 hours before the rebels attack the fortress.

A clan cannot register for a siege 2 hours before the start.

The foreman informs about the time remaining before the attack, about general information regarding the fortress, as well as the situation with the areas where the harvest takes place.

Rules of sieges

The rules for siege of fortresses do not differ from the rules for siege of castles. During a siege, all players are divided into 3 types:

  • allies;
  • opponents;
  • neutral players.

Defenders and attackers have corresponding icons:

  • members of the same alliance can be on different sides during a siege.
  • attackers - sword icon;
  • defenders - shield icon.

Players can attack hostile and neutral characters without holding down a button Ctrl however, they cannot attack their allies.

Preparing for the siege

General information

The siege of the fortress lasts 1 hour. You can attack the fortress every 4 hours a day.

If one of the attacking clans raises the Battle Flag over the fortress, the siege ends.

The siege of a fortress begins 1 hour after the first clan has registered for it.

Registration for the siege

Registration for a fortress siege is similar to registration for a castle siege. Any clan whose level is not lower than 4 can sign up for a siege from the Suspicious Trader located next to the fortress.

The first clan to register is obliged to pay a fee of 250,000 adena. All other clans registering for this fortress do not pay a fee.

After the first clan registers, the remaining clans have 50 minutes to join the takeover. During this time, registration may be cancelled.

After 50 minutes, the Suspicious Trader disappears and a 10 minute pre-siege phase begins, after which the battle begins. If a clan owns a fortress, then it automatically becomes a defender and must repel attackers.

Registration for sieges closes 2 hours before the start.

Beginning of the siege

The entire territory where the siege takes place becomes a combat zone.

Clans registered under siege can set up camps in the besieged territory.

As soon as the siege begins, all entrances to the fortress are tightly locked and NPC defenders appear on the walls.

If a fortress is controlled by a clan, then the strength of the guards and numerous protective functions depend on the Fortress Defense Level of the given fortress. At the same time, an NPC Mercenary Captain appears outside the besieged fortress, who must be protected by the attackers.

Siege process

On the territory of the fortress there are from three to five NPC barracks (this depends on the size of the fortress). The five barracks include Officer Barracks, Control room, Arrow, To the guard And Support Warrior. The Command barracks are located in the center of the fortress.

If all barracks are captured within 10 minutes after the first barracks are captured, the door to the Command Barracks automatically opens.

To capture the barracks, you need to kill the Rebel Commander. In larger fortresses you will also need to turn off the power in the Control Room.

Attacking clans can use the Ballista Bomb to destroy the ballista inside the fortress - this will give the clans some reputation points.

If the players do not make it within 10 minutes after capturing the first barracks, then the Officer of each barracks appears again and they have to be captured again.

If players meet the time limit, the door to the Command Barracks opens and Battle Flags appear inside.

If the besieged fortress is in the possession of a clan, then it is necessary to keep the Mercenary Captain alive until all the barracks are captured - only in this case will it be possible to obtain the Battle Flags, which are located inside the Command Barracks (3 pieces in total).

When a player picks up one of the Battle Flags, he automatically picks it up. If this player dies, the flag returns to its original place.

As soon as a player picks up the Battle Flag, his movement speed decreases and his combat skills become worse. This player is also given a skill that allows him to place the Battle Flag on the Pole, located at the very top of the Command Barracks.

If a clan manages to plant its Battle Flag using Install a Battle Flag, this clan wins the siege and takes possession of this fortress. As soon as the fortress is captured, a Special Envoy from the castle that owns this land appears inside it.

Only one Special Envoy spawns at a Territorial Fortress, while Special Envoys from all surrounding regions spawn at Border Fortresses.

Once a clan takes possession of a territorial fortress, it can establish political ties with the clan that owns the castle in that territory or declare its independence.

Clans that own border fortresses do not have the opportunity to establish political ties with the clan that owns the castle; they are always independent.

Control room

In addition to planting the Battle Flag, there is another way to capture the fortress - turning off the control room. In larger fortresses, your goal may be to turn off the power to the control room, defeat all the Officer Barracks, and plant the flag. Once this is done, the fortress will become yours (only large fortresses have control rooms).

After turning off all backup power systems near the control room, a character with a Control Room Card can open the Control Panel. The Control Room Map is obtained from the Dwarven Artillery Sergeant who are located around the control room. An attempt to turn off backup power systems should be made when system stability is extremely low. Only characters with the Master or Blacksmith profession can turn off the backup power system. To gain control of the control room, you must enter a three-digit password. Any class can enter the password, but it will be much easier for the Master and Blacksmith to do this. If the wrong password is entered a certain number of times, the control will be locked for some time. As soon as all backup power systems are turned off, power supply to the control room will be stopped. After this, the clan will only have to defeat all the Barracks Officers and plant its flag.

Political activity

Neutral position

After capturing the fortress, a Special Envoy appears in it, who waits for an hour for the clan leader to decide what policy he will adhere to. At this hour the fortress acquires neutral status. This status is characterized by the inability to strengthen the fortress and use the dungeon, however, all other functions, including increasing the Sergeant’s reputation points, remain available.

Independent position

A fortress becomes independent if the leader of the clan that owns this fortress decides so, or if no decision was made within an hour after a successful capture.

If a fortress has declared independence, then the clan that owns the castle located in this territory can register to besiege this fortress.

Independent fortresses cannot improve their defensive capabilities through the Guard Captain.

For independent fortresses, the ability to monitor the defense status through the Supply Officer is limited.

The castle does not supply independent fortresses with its goods.

An independent fortress has its own dungeon, where players of the clan that owns it can descend. To do this, they need to talk to the Prison Warden.

Contractual provision

Fortresses enter into a contract with a castle when the clan leader makes a similar choice in a conversation with the Special Envoy.

If a clan has sworn allegiance to the lord of a castle, then it undertakes to pay a certain tax to this castle every six hours. This tax is automatically withdrawn from the clan treasury.

If there is not enough money in the clan treasury to pay the tax, then the fortress automatically becomes independent.

A fortress subordinate to a castle is endowed with all management capabilities, but is deprived of an underground dungeon.

A castle that has entered into a contract with a fortress undertakes to supply it with special goods, which can be purchased from the Supply Officer. The level (quality) of these goods increases every six hours.

The clan that owns the castle loses two reputation points for each delivery of goods to the fortress.

If the number of reputation points of the clan that owns the castle becomes less than two, then the supply of goods to the fortress is stopped, and the leader of the clan that owns the fortress receives a system notification about this.

Maximum level of the supplied goods - the sixth.

If the clan that owns the fortress purchases goods from the Supply Officer, the supply level is reset to zero again.

If the clan that owns the castle has a fortress on its territory that has sworn allegiance to it, it is given the opportunity to go down into the castle’s dungeon.

Benefits of owning a fortress

Fortress Dungeon (time zone)

If the fortress is independent, the NPC Prison Warden can give you access to a special fortress dungeon. Also, regardless of the political status of the fortress, he is able to give you a special task related to the Dungeon of the Fortress. To execute this quest in a group, it is necessary that each group member has this task.

The dungeon can be entered by a group of two or more people; a request to visit the dungeon must be made by the group leader, belonging to the clan that owns the fortress.

You can enter the Fortress Dungeon once every four hours and only one group has the right to stay there.

If the character left the game while visiting the dungeon, then the next time he logs into the game he will appear inside the fortress with the Prison Warden.

Raid bosses that are inside the dungeon disappear 10 minutes after the group enters, provided that they were not attacked.

If the raid boss of a given dungeon is defeated, the group that killed him is awarded the Dungeon Leader's Badge, which can then be exchanged for a Knight's Epaulet.


For a successful capture of a fortress, the clan receives 100 clan reputation points. The loss of a fortress does not affect the clan's reputation points in any way.

Once a clan has captured a fortress, its reputation points begin to increase every six hours. Another plus is the ability to purchase the Blood Oath from the Supply Officer.

During the siege of a fortress, the Knight's Epaulet can be obtained as a trophy by killing NPC Defenders and Officers.

Alliance Blood, Oath Blood and Knight's Epaulet can be exchanged with Clan Traders Ilia and Mulia for Clan Reputation Points.

The clan that captured the fortress can buy special goods from the Fortress Supply Officer

The leader of the clan that captured the fortress can use the wyvern for flights, for this you need to talk to the Wyvern Manager

see also NPC goods and services in the fortress

Fortress Effects

The clan that owns the fortress is automatically endowed with special effects. These effects apply to all clan members, including the Academy. After capturing a fortress, the clan receives two, and for the Western Fortress, three special effects. If a fortress is lost, the clan loses all fortress effects.

Name of the fortress Skills Description
Dilapidated Fortress
Shanty Fortress
Blessing of the Body of the Abode
Shield Block Abode
Southern Fortress
Southern Fortress
Shield Block Abode Increases the chance of Shield Protection for all clan members by 54.7 if the clan controls the property.
Hive Fortress
Hive Fortress
Abode Agility
Abode Lava Resistance
Dragon Fortress
Valley Fortress
Purity of the Monastery
Abode Willpower
Ivory Fortress
Ivory Fortress
Freedom of the Monastery
Morality of the Abode
Narsill Fortress
Narsell Fortress
Blessing of the Body of the Abode Increases Max. HP of all clan members by 222 if the clan controls the property.
Mental Shield of the Abode
Giant's Fortress
Bayou Fortress
Inspiration of the Monastery
The Power of the Abode Increases P. Atk. all clan members 34.6 if the clan controls the property.
White Sands Fortress
White Sands Fortress
Magic Barrier of the Abode
Blessing of the Spirit of the Abode
Borderland Fortress
Borderland Fortress
Posthumous Luck of the Monastery
Blessing of the Spirit of the Abode
Swamp Fortress
Swamp Fortress
Abode Precision
Shield of the Abode Increases P. Def. all clan members 54.7 if the clan controls the property.
Snowy Fortress
Archaic Fortress
Blessing of the Body of the Abode Increases Max. HP of all clan members by 222 if the clan controls the property.
Mental Shield of the Abode Increases sleep resistance for all clan members by 10 if the clan controls the property.
Florent Fortress
Floran Fortress
Freedom of the Monastery Increases hold resistance for all clan members by 10 if the clan controls the property.
Abode Precision Increases the Accuracy of all clan members by 4 if the clan controls the property.
Misty Mountains Fortress
Cloud Mountain Fortress
Abode Willpower Increases stun resistance for all clan members by 10 if the clan controls the property.
Posthumous Luck of the Monastery Reduces experience loss and the chances of receiving other death penalties for all clan members if the clan controls the property.
Tanor Fortress
Tanor Fortress
Abode Movement Increases the speed of all clan members by 6 if the clan controls the property.
Abode Lava Resistance Increases fire and earth resistance for all clan members by 10 if the clan controls the property.
Turtle Fortress
Dragonspine Fortress
Magic Barrier of the Abode Increases M. Def. all clan members by 44 if the clan controls the property.
Resisting the Abode Typhoon Increases water and wind resistance for all clan members by 10 if the clan controls the property.
Antaras Fortress
Antharas' Fortress
Inspiration of the Monastery Increases M. Atk. all clan members by 40.4 if the clan controls the property.
Protection of the Abode
Western Fortress
Western Fortress
Posthumous Luck of the Monastery Reduces experience loss and the chances of receiving other death penalties for all clan members if the clan controls the property.
Protection of the Abode Increases the Shield Defense of all clan members by 225 if the clan controls the property.
Shield of the Abode Increases P. Def. all clan members to 54.7 if the clan controls the property.
Hunters' Fortress
Hunter's Fortress
Abode Agility Increases the Evasion of all clan members by 4 if the clan controls the property.
The Power of the Abode Increases P. Atk. all clan members on 34.6 if the clan controls the property.
Aaru Fortress
Aaru Fortress
Purity of the Monastery Increases the MP recovery rate of all clan members by 0.47 if the clan controls the property.
Blessing of the Spirit of the Abode Increases max. MP of all clan members by 168 if the clan controls the property.
Demon Fortress
Demon Fortress
Morality of the Abode Increases the CP recovery rate of all clan members by 1.09 if the clan controls the property.
Blessing of the Spirit of the Abode Increases Max. The CP of all clan members is 444 if the clan controls the property.
Monks' Fortress
Monastic Fortress
Blessing of the Body of the Abode Increases Max. HP of all clan members by 222 if the clan controls the property.
Health of the Monastery Increases the HP recovery rate of all clan members by 1.09 if the clan controls the property.

Fortress Dungeons

A clan that owns an independent fortress can visit the dungeons of the fortress.

Entrance to the dungeons is through the NPC Prison Warden.

Entry to the dungeon is possible every 4 hours (if you defeat monsters in the dungeon), if the group mistakenly entered the wrong dungeon, you will be able to enter the right one after 20 minutes.

If the player left the game or lost contact with the server while in the dungeon, then after entering the game he will find himself outside, with the Prison Warden. To enter back into the dungeon, the player must be accepted into the same group in which he was before departure, after which he must press the top line in the dialogue with the Overseer.

Danger in the Dungeon

A ray of light in the darkness

NPC goods and services in the fortress

Sergeant Major

For the fortress sergeant, the following are activated:

Name Action Period Price
HP Recovery 300% 7 days 12,000 adena
400% 7 days 20,000 adena
MP Recovery 40% 7 days 45,000 adena
50% 7 days 65,000 adena
Experience Recovery 45% 7 days 63,000 adena
50% 7 days 70,000 adena
Teleportation Level 1 7 days 1,000 adena
Level 2 7 days 10,000 adena
Auxiliary Magic Level 5 7 days 49,000 adena
Level 8 7 days 120,000 adena

Captain of the Guard

The Guard Captain activates the defense mechanisms of the fortress (available only in the fortress subordinate to the castle)

Supply Officer

In a fortress subordinate to the castle, the Supply Officer can activate the strengthening of the castle’s defense and receive supplies from the castle. The supply level increases every 6 hours (25,000 adena is debited from the clan treasury), the higher the level, the higher the quality of the goods sent. The maximum level is 6. If you receive supplies, its level is reset to 1 again. Every 6 hours you can receive Oathed Blood

Increased protection level:

Level Increased protection What's rising Price
Level 1 Increases by 120% 100,000 adena
Level 2 Increases by 150% Physical attack and physical defense 150,000 adena

Supplies from the castle:

Support Captain

You can buy talismans, decorations, shirts from the Support Captain, and you can enchant shirts. You can also learn skills for the Royal Guard and the Knightly Order of the clan from this NPC.


Type Name Price
Epaulettes Adena
Items Human Diadem Knight's Epaulet - 480 pcs. 720,000 adena
Elven Circlet Knight's Epaulet - 480 pcs. 720,000 adena
Circlet of the Dark Elves Knight's Epaulet - 480 pcs. 720,000 adena
Orc Circlet Knight's Epaulet - 480 pcs. 720,000 adena
Diadem of the Dwarves Knight's Epaulet - 480 pcs. 720,000 adena
Kamael Circlet Knight's Epaulet - 480 pcs. 720,000 adena
Agathion Seal Bracelet - Fortress 5,000,000 adena
Scroll of Teleport: Fortress 500 adena
Wyvern Food 300 adena
Blessed Scroll of Teleport: Fortress 200,000 adena
Bracelets Iron Bracelet Knight's Epaulet - 216 pcs.
Bronze Bracelet Knight's Epaulet - 480 pcs.
Steel Bracelet Knight's Epaulet - 1144 pcs.
Mithril Bracelet Knight's Epaulet - 3556 pcs.
Shirts Silk Shirt Knight's Epaulet - 80 pcs.
Striped Silk Shirt Knight's Epaulet - 180 pcs.
Fine Leather Shirt Knight's Epaulet - 260 pcs.
Knight's Epaulet - 260 pcs.
Scale Shirt Knight's Epaulet - 588 pcs.
Striped Scale Shirt Knight's Epaulet - 880 pcs.
Mithril Shirt Knight's Epaulet - 1800 pcs.
Striped Mithril Shirt Knight's Epaulet - 2540 pcs.
Talismans Random mascot Knight's Epaulet - 10 pcs.

Enchanting shirts:

Shirt Enchantment type Price
Silk Shirt HP Boost (+118) Knight's Epaulet - 120 pcs.
MP Boost (+51) Knight's Epaulet - 120 pcs.
CP Boost (+354) Knight's Epaulet - 60 pcs.
Striped Silk Shirt HP Boost (+135) Knight's Epaulet - 140 pcs.
MP Boost (+66) Knight's Epaulet - 140 pcs.
CP Boost (+405) Knight's Epaulet - 70 pcs.
Fine Leather Shirt HP Boost (+147) Knight's Epaulet - 180 pcs.
MP Boost (+72) Knight's Epaulet - 180 pcs.
CP Boost (+441) Knight's Epaulet - 90 pcs.
Striped Fine Leather Shirt HP Boost (+160) Knight's Epaulet - 210 pcs.
MP Boost (+78) Knight's Epaulet - 210 pcs.
CP Boost (+480) Knight's Epaulet - 105 pcs.
Scale Shirt HP Boost (+172) Knight's Epaulet - 240 pcs.
MP Boost (+85) Knight's Epaulet - 240 pcs.
CP Boost (+516) Knight's Epaulet - 120 pcs.
Striped Scale Shirt HP Boost (+186) Knight's Epaulet - 310 pcs.
MP Boost (+92) Knight's Epaulet - 310 pcs.
CP Boost (+564) Knight's Epaulet - 155 pcs.
Mithril Shirt HP Boost (+224) Knight's Epaulet - 500 pcs.
MP Boost (+111) Knight's Epaulet - 500 pcs.
CP Boost (+672) Knight's Epaulet - 250 pcs.
Striped Mithril Shirt HP Boost (+246) Knight's Epaulet - 550 pcs.
MP Boost (+122) Knight's Epaulet - 550 pcs.
CP Boost (+744) Knight's Epaulet - 225 pcs.

Skills for clan units:

Wyvern Manager

Clan Leader can ride a viviern, you need to come to the manager with a Riding Dragon and Crystal: B-Rank - 25 pcs. .

Suspicious Trader

There is a Suspicious Merchant wandering around each fortress, from whom you can buy various items, disappears 50 minutes before the end of the siege.

List of items for sale:

Name Price
Code of Giants - Oblivion Knight's Epaulet - 200 pcs. , 1,000,000 adena
Code of Giants - Discipline Knight's Epaulet - 540 pcs. , 1,260,000 adena
Code of Giants - Mastery Knight's Epaulet - 1800 pcs. , 1,800,000 adena
Battle Spell - Shield Master 3,000 adena
Battle Spell - Sorcerer 3,600 adena
Battle Spell - Healer 3,500 adena
Battle Spell - Dagger Master 3,200 adena
Battle Spell - Master Bow 2,900 adena
Battle Spell - Berserk 2,200 adena
Blessed Scroll of Teleport from the Battlefield 27,000 adena
Scroll of Transformation on the Battlefield 8,000 adena
Battle Healing Potion 1,400 adena
Battle Potion of Magical Energy 9,200 adena
Battle Potion CP 4,000 adena
Potion of Mental Strength 7,200 adena
Medusa Potion 8,000 adena
Fast Acting Potion of Haste 3,000 adena
Ballista Bomb 4,000 adena
Full Bottle– 5 Souls (For Battle) 1,500 adena
Rope for fishing 4,000 adena

Let's leave the prose in the form of guesses about the varieties of plants growing on the windowsills of the NCSoft office and turn to the facts.

21 fortresses have been scattered throughout the Aden map since Chaotic Throne: Interlude.
In CT1, when no one had any hope (smile), sieges were launched.
Fortresses are divided into large and small, as well as border and territorial.

What is a fortress?

All the same buffs, teleports and regens. Everything is also paid from the pocket of the one who connects this business (and has the authority to do so).

Manager NPC in the team camp makes it possible to reduce experience loss (as in Clan Halls), increase HP/CP/MP regen, territorial teleports, buffs and Clan Warehouse.
Items such as shirts and talismans can be obtained from the Supply Captain NPC. You can also buy the Knight Unit and Guard Unit skills for reputation points.
Knight's Epaulettes can be used to buy shirts, bracelets, and talismans.
You can receive Clan Points in proportion to the time you own the fortress.[?]
If you have sworn allegiance to a castle, you can activate Fortress Defense Functions and receive large quantity Guards (at the next siege) and more items from Guard Captain.
Independent fortresses (those that have not sworn allegiance to the castle) can enter the underground prison (instanced dungeon), where there is a Warder NPC prison gatekeeper.


During the siege of a fortress, you can receive a Knight's Epaulette from the Defender NPC or Commander NPC.
If Blood Pledge or Knights Epaulette is turned over to Clan Merchant such as Ilia or Hulia, then you can get a certain amount of CLP for them.

The owner of the fortress automatically receives residential skills.
There are 2 residential skills in total, and in Western Borderline fortresses there are 3 residential skills.
Having lost a fortress, the clan also loses its residential skills.

Concurrent Possession Limit

A clan with a fortress can register for a siege of a castle or other fortress. If successful, the former fortress falls under the control of the NPC.

A clan can simultaneously have a clan hall + a fortress/(OR) castle.

Registration for the siege of the fortress

If you can’t find it at all, then there are 3 possible options:
1. You have already signed up for the siege and there are less than 10 minutes left before the siege (in this situation the NPC disappears)
2. The siege recently took place and the countdown began at 4 o’clock. There will be no NPC all this time.
3. You have topographic cretinism

  • To sign up for a fortress, a clan must be level 4 or higher.
  • If your fortress has been registered, you will receive a message. In system chat, no less, because... There is definitely no big white inscription in the center of the screen.
  • Within another 50 minutes after the first registration, other clans can also sign up for the siege.
  • It’s easy to determine if this is your first registrar: with the first registrar, 250k adena is withdrawn, for subsequent registrars there is no charge

Beginning of the siege

Registered clans can plant flags in the siege zone.
The doors to the fortress are locked and guards spawn throughout the fortress.
If the fortress belonged to another clan, then the level of the guards, as well as protective functions, depend on the Fortress Defense Level (set as in castles).

Regulations for conducting a siege

Inside the fortress there are 3 (small) / 5 (large) camps in a circle, the command camp is located in the center.
To open the doors of the command camp, you need to capture all camps within 10 minutes. The countdown of these 10 minutes begins from the moment one (any) of them is turned off.
Capturing all types of camps except one happens like this: you need to kill the NPC commander, only the Control Room is different (see below).

Ballista Bombs (sold by Suspicious Saler) are used to destroy ballistas inside a fortress, earning a certain amount of clan reputation[?].
If 10 minutes after the destruction of the first camp, the players fail to destroy all the others, then the Commander NPC appears again, and all camps have to be destroyed again.

If players capture all camps within the allotted time, the doors to the command camp open and fortress flags appear inside it.
When a player picks up a flag, it is automatically equipped. There are three fortress flags in total. If the player carrying the flag dies, the flag reappears, so there are always three flags.
Fortress flags give those who carry them two skills

  1. Flag Equipment - reduces player speed (passive)
  2. Raise Flag – allows you to raise a flag on a flagpole (active).

The flagpole is located on the roof of Command Camp (the central building). If the clan manages to plant a flag on the flagpole using the Raise Flag skill, then it wins the siege and becomes the owner of the fortress.
After taking a fortress, an Ambassador NPC (ambassador) is sent from the castle of this territory, which you can find inside the Command Camp.

In Territorial Fortresses, only the castle ambassador from that territory appears. Ambassadors from all neighboring territories arrive in Border Fortress.
The new owner of the fortress can either swear allegiance to the castle of this territory, or remain independent.
The clan that owns Border Fortress can only declare independence.

  • If a clan already has a fortress and is besieging another, they will not be able to capture it if their old fortress is being besieged at that moment, even if they capture the flag.

Control Room

Its capture is different from the capture of others, so let's take a closer look.

There are Sub Power Systems around the Control Room.
After turning off all Sub Power Systems, the player with the Access Card can open the door to this room.
Access Cards drop from gnomes near the Control Room (those with flamethrowers).
To turn off the Sub Power System, wait until its health decreases.
In order to disable the Sub Power System you need a gnome crafter
To activate controllers in Control Room you need a password from three digits.
Any class can enter the password, but this can only be done quickly and without much trouble by a crafter.
If the wrong password is entered a certain number of times, the controllers are temporarily disabled.

Friendly Fire

It's like being under siege of a castle.

Fines for death

Standard -4% adjusted for high level and clan skills, if the clan just came to hang out.
The same applies to the siege of castles.

Political activity

Only the ambassador from the castle of the corresponding territory appears in territorial fortresses. Ambassadors from all neighboring territories appear in border fortresses.
A clan that owns a territorial fortress can either pledge allegiance to the castle or remain independent. A clan that owns a border fortress can declare independence through an ambassador.
Ambassador NPC disappears after an hour. If during this time the oath of allegiance was not given, the fortress becomes independent.
If a clan pledges allegiance to a castle, various functions become available.

Non-Aligned Fortress (Nonpartisan State)

If the fortress is unaligned, its defensive functions cannot be used, and the dungeon cannot be used, but the clan can use additional functions and reputation through the Manager NPC.

Independent State

Having captured the fortress, the clan can declare independence through the Ambassador NPC.
If the fortress is in an independent position, then the clan that owns the castle in the same territory can sign up for the siege of this fortress.
Independent fortresses cannot improve their defensive properties before the next siege.
Fortress management functions such as defense control are not available in an independent fortress.
To obtain Fortress Items, an independent fortress can participate in underground campaigns under the fortress - Underground Prison. To do this, you need to talk to Detention Camp Warden.

Contracted State

When a fortress becomes an allied state, the clan owning the fortress must pay a tax to the castle every 6 hours in the amount of 12,500 adena. The tax is automatically collected from the Clan Warehouse.
If the clan that owns the fortress does not have the required amount of adena in the Clan Warehouse, the status of the fortress automatically changes from allied to independent.
When a fortress is in an allied state, all of its functions are available for use, however, access to the instanced dungeon will be limited.
When the fortress is in an allied state, the clan can obtain supplies by talking to the Logistics Officer NPC. The level of equipment items increases every 6 hours when a tax is paid to the castle.
For each item of supply, 2 CLP are deducted from the clan that owns the castle to which the fortress has pledged allegiance.
If the number of CLP of the clan owning the castle drops to 2, the level of supplies will not increase; The clan leader of the clan that owns the castle will be notified by a corresponding system message.
Supply items can be upgraded to level six.
The level of supplies obtained from the Logistic Officer NPC is zero.
A clan that owns a castle can use an instanced dungeon inside its castle if any fortress has pledged allegiance to the castle.

Fortress Dungeon (Instanced Dungeon)

You can enter Fortress Dungeon in a group of 3 or more players, at the request of the group leader.
Fortress Dungeon can be entered every four hours in a maximum of one group.
Players cannot request two Fortress Monster Prisons at the same time.
Re-login to Fortress Dungeon is not possible.
Upon relogin, the player appears in front of the Fortress Dungeon NPC.
The Raid Boss in Fortress Dungeon takes ten minutes to kill, or it disappears.
By killing a Raid Boss, you receive a Dungeon Leader Mark.
Dungeon Leader Mark can be exchanged for Knight's Epaulettes.
They can be used to purchase shirts, bracelets and talismans from the Manager NPC.

Current status of the fortresses...

You can look at game map. World info -> Fortress info. It looks like this:

Fortress name - respectively the name of the fortress
Occupied clan - name of the owning clan
Current status - at peace = no siege, at war - siege
Time held - the amount of time this clan holds the fortress non-stop.

On the map, border fortresses are marked with a red flag, and territorial ones with a blue flag.

About fortresses

Fortress- This is a small residential clan building, similar to the Clan Hall. It can be captured during a siege.

Depending on the location, fortresses are large and small, Border Fortress and Territorial Fortress.

Little fortresses

Screenshot of the fortress

Screenshot of Narsell Fortress

  • Aaru Fortress - Borderland
  • Demon Fortress - Borderland
  • Dragonspine Fortress - Borderland
  • Monastic Fortress - Borderland
  • Tanor Fortress - Border

Great fortresses

  • Antharas" Fortress - Border
  • Cloud Mountain Fortress - Borderland
  • Floran Fortress - Border
  • Hunter's Fortress - Border
  • Western Fortress - Border

Each locality has one or two fortresses. They can choose union, or independence with (from) the castle (castle) in this territory.

Fortress Rules

Fortresses, like Clanhalls, are the habitat of the clan. A clan that owns a fortress can register for sieges of castles and other fortresses and claim ownership of them in case of victory. In this case, the old fortress goes to the NPC.

One clan can simultaneously own either a castle, a fortress and a clan hall. A clan that owns a fortress can establish political ties with a clan that owns a castle in the same territory.

Blood Oath clan can be obtained by capturing a fortress. Blood Oath can raise the reputation and level of a clan to level 9.

If a fortress belonging to a clan is under siege, that clan cannot take possession of another fortress, even if it captures its flag.

Information about the world/information about fortresses can be viewed on the minimap (Alt+M). Border fortresses are marked with a red flag, territorial fortresses with a blue flag.

Siege of the fortress

The siege of the fortress lasts one hour and can occur every 4 hours around the clock. If the Flag of Fight is raised on the flagpole, the siege of the fortress is over. The siege of the fortress begins 60 minutes after its first announcement via recording.

Rules for siege of a fortress

The general rules for besieging a fortress are similar to the rules for besieging a castle. Participants are divided into three groups: friendly side, enemy side and neutrals. For attackers, the entire alliance or clan becomes a friendly party, those who are not in alliances become neutrals.

After the siege of a fortress begins, defenders are indicated by a shield icon above their heads, and attackers are indicated by a sword icon. The colors of the shield and sword icons are different.

Players can automatically attack enemies and neutrals without pressing the Ctrl key.

You cannot attack friendly players.

Registration for the siege of the fortress

The registration procedure for a fortress siege is similar to that for a castle siege. A clan can register to siege a fortress. A clan of level 4 and higher can sign up for the siege of a fortress from the corresponding Suspicious Merchant NPC near the fortress.

The first clan to sign up for the siege of the fortress must pay a fee. The remaining clans that signed up for the siege of the same fortress do not pay the fee. They have 50 minutes to sign up after the first clan has signed up.

Registration for the siege of the fortress can be canceled within 50 minutes after the first registration.

After 50 minutes have passed since the first clan was recorded, Suspicious Merchant disappears, and after another 10 minute countdown, the siege begins.

The clan that owns the besieged fortress is automatically registered as the defender.

Beginning of the siege

After the siege begins, the area around the fortress is considered siege territory. In this territory, registered clans can plant Siege Headquarters.

The fortress gates are closed and special NPC guards are posted. If there is a clan that is the defender of the fortress, then the level of NPC guards and various other functions are affected by the level of Fortress Defense. A Commander NPC also appears, which must be guarded by a protective clan.

The process of besieging a fortress

Inside the fortress there are from 3 to 5 camps (depending on the size of the fortress), and the command camp is located in the center.

If all camps are captured within 10 minutes after the first camp is captured, the command camp door opens automatically.

To capture a camp, you must kill the Commander NPC of each camp or turn off the power in the Control Room (in a large fortress, you must fulfill both conditions).

A clan can use Ballista Bombs to destroy a Ballista inside a fortress, and thereby earn a certain amount of clan reputation.

If 10 minutes after the destruction of the first camp, the players fail to destroy all the others, then the Commander NPC appears again, and all camps have to be destroyed again.

If players capture all camps within the allotted time, the doors to the command camp open and fortress flags appear inside it.

When a player picks up a flag, it is automatically equipped. There are three fortress flags in total. If the player carrying the flag dies, the flag reappears, so there are always three flags.

Fortress flags give those who carry them two skills:

  • Flag Equipment - reduces the player's speed (passive);
  • Raise Flag - makes it possible to raise a flag on a flagpole (active).

After taking a fortress, an Ambassador NPC (ambassador) is sent from the castle of this territory.

The flagpole is located on the roof of Command Camp (the central building). If the clan manages to plant a flag on the flagpole using the Raise Flag skill, then it wins the siege and becomes the owner of the fortress.

After taking a fortress, an Ambassador NPC (ambassador) is sent from the castle of this territory, which you can find inside the Command Camp.

In Territorial Fortresses, only the castle ambassador from that territory appears. Ambassadors from all neighboring territories arrive in Border Fortress.

The new owner of the fortress can either swear allegiance to the castle of this territory, or remain independent.

The clan that owns Border Fortress can only declare independence.

Control Room

In addition to installing flags, there is another way to capture a fortress - disable the Control Room, which is only available in large fortresses.

After turning off all Sub Power Systems, the player with the Access Card can open the door to this room.

The Access Card can be obtained from the gnomes next to the Control Room.

To turn off the Sub Power System, wait until its health decreases. In order to disable the Sub Power System you need a Maestro or Warsmith. To activate controllers in the Control Room, you need a three-digit password.

Any class can enter the password, but Maestro or Warsmith will be able to find the password faster.

If the wrong password is entered a certain number of times, the controllers are temporarily disabled.

After all main power is turned off in the Control Room, the clan takes control of the fortress.

Fortress capabilities

Manager NPC in the team camp makes it possible to reduce experience loss (as in Clan Halls), territorial teleports, buffs and Clan Warehouse.

Items such as shirts and talismans can be obtained from the Supply Captain NPC. You can also buy the Knight Unit and Guard Unit skills for CLP.

For Knight's Epaulettes you can buy shirts, bracelets and talismans.

You can receive Clan Points in proportion to the time you own the fortress.

If you have sworn allegiance to a castle, you can activate Fortress Defense Functions and receive more Guards (at the next siege) and more items from the Guard Captain.

Independent fortresses (those that have not sworn allegiance to the castle) can enter the underground prison (instanced dungeon), where there is a Warder NPC prison gatekeeper.

Political activity

Having captured a fortress, a clan can swear allegiance to the corresponding territory or castle through the Ambassador NPC (ambassador).

Only the ambassador from the castle of the corresponding territory appears in territorial fortresses. Ambassadors from all neighboring territories appear in border fortresses.

A clan that owns a territorial fortress can either pledge allegiance to the castle or remain independent. A clan that owns a border fortress can declare independence through an ambassador.

Ambassador NPC disappears after an hour. If during this time the oath of allegiance was not given, the fortress becomes independent.

If a clan pledges allegiance to a castle, various functions become available.

Non-Aligned Fortress (Nonpartisan State)

If the clan that owns the fortress cannot choose to become a Contracted State/Independent State before the ambassador disappears, the fortress becomes a Nonpartisan State.

If the fortress is unaligned, its defensive functions cannot be used, and the dungeon cannot be used, but the clan can use additional functions and reputation through the Manager NPC.

Independent State

If the clan that captured the fortress decides to refuse the oath of allegiance to the castle, the fortress goes into an independent state (Independent State).

Having captured the fortress, the clan can declare independence through the Ambassador NPC. If the fortress is in an independent position, then the clan that owns the castle in the same territory can sign up for the siege of this fortress.

Independent fortresses cannot improve their defensive properties before the next siege.

Fortress management functions such as defense control are not available in an independent fortress.

To obtain Fortress Items, an independent fortress can participate in underground campaigns under the fortress - Underground Prison. To do this, you need to talk to Detention Camp Warden.

Contracted State

The fortress enters an allied position when the clan leader agrees to accept the alliance after talking with the castle's ambassador.

When a fortress becomes an allied state, the clan owning the fortress must pay a tax to the castle every 6 hours in the amount of 12,500 adena. The tax is automatically collected from the Clan Warehouse.

If the clan that owns the fortress does not have the required amount of adena in the Clan Warehouse, the status of the fortress automatically changes from allied to independent.

When a fortress is in an allied state, all of its functions are available for use, however, access to the instanced dungeon will be limited.

When the fortress is in an allied state, the clan can obtain supplies by talking to the Logistics Officer NPC. The level of supplies increases every 6 hours when paying a tax to the castle.

For each item of supply, 2 CLP are deducted from the clan that owns the castle to which the fortress has pledged allegiance.

If the number of CLP of the clan owning the castle drops to 2, the level of supplies will not increase; The clan leader of the clan that owns the castle will be notified by a corresponding system message.

Supply items can be upgraded to level six.

The level of supplies obtained from the Logistic Officer NPC is zero. A clan that owns a castle can use an instanced dungeon inside its castle if any fortress has pledged allegiance to the castle.


Having captured a fortress, the clan receives 100 CLP (Clan Reputation Points). Loss of strength does not result in loss of CLP.

After capturing a fortress, the clan's reputation level increases every six hours. You can get Blood Oath from the Logistics Officer NPC.

During the siege of a fortress, you can get Knight's Epaulette from Defender NPC or Commander NPC.

If Blood Pledge or Knights Epaulette is turned over to Clan Merchant such as Ilia or Hulia, then you can get a certain amount of CLP for them.

Residential Skill

The owner of the fortress automatically receives residential skills.

There are 2 residential skills in total, and in the Western Fortress there are 3 residential skills.

Having lost a fortress, the clan also loses its residential skills.

Fortress Dungeon (Instanced Dungeon)

If the fortress is independent, then you can get an Instanced Dungeon Quest from the Warden NPC.

You can enter Fortress Dungeon in a group of 3 or more players, at the request of the group leader.

Fortress Dungeon can be entered every four hours in a maximum of one group.

Players cannot request two Fortress Monster Prisons at the same time.

Re-login to Fortress Dungeon is not possible.

When logging in, the player appears in front of the Fortress Dungeon NPC.

The Raid Boss in Fortress Dungeon takes ten minutes to kill, or it disappears.

By killing a Raid Boss, you receive a Dungeon Leader Mark.

Dungeon Leader Mark can be exchanged for Knight's Epaulettes. They can be used to purchase shirts, bracelets and talismans from Manager NPCs.
