Summary of the role-playing game expedition to Africa. Role-playing game "Campaign in Africa"

Galina Zdorova
Role-playing game "Journey to Africa"

Role-playing game in the middle group

Subject: « Travel to Africa» .

Compiled and conducted: Healthy G.M.

Target: 1. Continue to encourage children to play the whole plot using the example of a game: « Travel to Africa» .

2. Help children maintain the pace of play and expressiveness.

Tasks: 1. Teach children to reflect in the game story about a doctor's work, to instill respect in children in this profession.

2. Continue to teach children to coordinate game actions with the events occurring in the game, through the teacher’s commentary on game actions throughout the game.

3. Form positive relationships between children and each other.

4. Expand children's vocabulary.

5. Teach children how to organize a play space using an airplane as an example.

Examples and methods:

Verbal: Indicates instructions.

Practical: Shows the actions within the role.

Methodological goal: show methods and examples of stimulating children to play a holistic plot, teaching children to maintain the pace and expressiveness of the game. Teaching children game actions, according to the role.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales by K. Chukovsky to children "Dr. Aibolit", memorizing passages from this work.

Conducting a question and answer session conversations: about visiting the clinic, about the work of doctors, about the duties of a nurse, etc., interview each of the children, how did he visit the doctor, how did he behave, how did he have his teeth treated, was he vaccinated?

Equipment: Steering wheel for the pilot, melody in gram. records- "Sea, birds"; one adult robe, a cap, a suitcase with medical equipment for Doctor Aibolit, six small gowns for each child participating in the game, six empty first aid kits, a screen, toys (hare, hippopotamus, piglet, fox, mouse) beds for sick animals, colored pencils, envelopes with pictures of animals.

Scenery: Palm trees, monkeys.

Progress of the lesson: The play corner in the group is designed as Africa.

Behind the screen there are cribs, on the cribs there are animal toys - this "infirmary" for the sick.

The children are in the waiting room, Doctor Aibolit enters the waiting room with an envelope in his hands and tells them that he received a letter from Africa.

He invites the children to join the group, sits on a chair and reads letter:

Save! Help!

Come Doctor,

IN Africa soon

And save me, Doctor,

Our kids!

They have a sore throat, scarlet fever,

Diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis.

Dr. Aibolit: I'm going to go to Africa to help sick kids, so I took with me a whole suitcase of all kinds of medicines, medicines and medical instruments, and since a lot of children got sick, I’m afraid that I can’t handle it alone.

Guys, would you like to go with me to Africa treat sick animals?

Children: Yes!

Doctor Aibolit takes out first aid kits for each participant in the game.

They are empty, you need to fill them. Look what I have already prepared for you (syringes, bandages, and everything else you need you will take yourself.

Children fill empty first-aid kits, and the teacher asks what he is taking; if the child finds it difficult to answer, the adult tells his own version, or asks him to think about what it could be.

Dr. Aibolit: Well, you are all doctors, that means my colleagues, you have filled your first aid kits. It's time to go!

Path to Africa lies across the ocean. What type of transport will we use to go there?

The children list... Doctor Aibolit agrees, but assures that to get to Africa The fastest way is by plane. Where can we get a plane? We don't have an airplane.

What should we do and what should we build it from? The children tell their versions, the teacher listens to them all, but offers to build an airplane out of chairs.

Adult: Where will we have the cabin? He sets up 2 chairs, sits down on one of them, and says, I will be the pilot, but I need an assistant navigator. Who wants to be a navigator?

The teacher argues out loud that navigator and pilot are male professions.

After the children have chosen a navigator and pilot, the adult speaks: Where is our passenger compartment? Children build a lounge for passengers out of chairs.

Dr. Aibolit: Well, the plane is ready! Pilot, here is the helm, sit in the cockpit, navigator, sit next to him, passengers, take your seats in the cabin. Passengers, fasten your seat belts, let's take off! Navigator, look carefully out the window if you see Africa, tell me, we’ll land. Woohoo!

Navigator- Africa!

We landed, let's get out, don't forget your first aid kits on the plane, let's go look "infirmary" with sick animals. Sounds music: “Sea, birds. Do you hear someone moaning? And here it is "infirmary".

Look how many small sick animals there are.

Doctor Aibolit approaches the dog and asks: “What hurts you, little dog? Nose? Did a chicken peck you on the nose? Ay, yay, what a deep wound. Doctor Misha, lubricate the wound with green tea and give a painkiller injection.

Dr. Aibolit: What happened to you, bunny? You got hit by a tram and your leg was cut. What a disaster! Do not Cry. Doctor - Artem, open your first aid kit, find a needle and thread, sew on the leg, bandage it, give it a painkiller injection, give it a vitamin so it doesn’t cry.

Dr. Aibolit: Why are you moaning, hippopotamus, does your tummy hurt?

Doctor Dasha, open your first aid kit, where is your medicine? Give the hippo a drink from a spoon and give him a vitamin, stroke his tummy.

Dr. Aibolit: What’s wrong with you, little bear? Head? Please, Doctor - Ulya, give the bear a tablet for the head, and listen with the listener to see if there are wheezing in his chest, if there is wheezing, it means he has a cold, give him some cold medicine, and put mustard plasters on his back.

Dr. Aibolit: He approaches Piggy and touches his head with his hand. Speaks: I think Piggy, you have a fever. Doctor Vanya, open your first aid kit, take out your first aid kit, put on a thermometer, check the neck, if it’s red, lubricate the Lugol’s and give a fever pill. Get well soon, Piggy!

Dr. Aibolit: What’s wrong with you, mouse? Zubik? Perhaps she was gnawing on hard nuts? Let us treat it for you now. I’ll bandage your tooth with a handkerchief, and you, Doctor Ksyusha, put some medicine on the tooth so that it doesn’t hurt anymore.

Nurse Vika, open your first aid kit, take out syringes and vaccine. Give all animals vaccinations against scarlet fever and measles.

Dr. Aibolit: Well, dear colleagues, we helped everyone, treated everyone, now all the animals are getting better, it’s time for them to return to kindergarten, because we have a lot to do there. Say goodbye to your friends. They say goodbye and wish not to be sick anymore.

Doctor Aibolit and the children stepped onto the carpet.

Adult: So we returned to kindergarten. You and I still have one important thing left to do. Place first aid kits on the shelf, take off your gowns, and hang them on hangers.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables. On the tables are envelopes with pictures of animals and colored pencils.

The adult suggests finding an envelope with the animal that the child treated and coloring it with colored pencils. In the evening, he says, we will write a letter to our friends, ask about their well-being, put it in an envelope and mail it to Africa.

Story-role-playing game “Journey to Africa” for children senior group. Abstract

Author. Apatenko Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher
Place of work: MBDOU No. 5 “Forget-me-not”, Stary Oskol, Belgorod region.
Description of material: I offer you a synopsis of the plot- role playing game on the topic "Travel to Africa". Role-playing game designed for children aged 5-6 years. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers working with older children. preschool age.

Story-role-playing game “Journey to Africa”

Program content:
Encourage children to more widely and creatively use knowledge about the life around them in games.
To expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the life of African animals, to introduce them to the habits of some of them.
Develop the ability to take into account the opinions and interests of fellow players.
To cultivate courage, endurance, and love for animals.
Preliminary work:
- Examination of illustrations depicting nature and animals of Africa.
- Reading books: B. Zhitkov “Mongoose”, R. Kipling “Mowgli”, K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”, S. Sakharnov “What I saw in Tanzania”.
Equipment: floor-standing constructor, steering wheel, recording “Sounds of the surf”, “Sounds of nature”, pictures of nature and animals of Africa, food, drinking water, gifts and treats for animals, fruits, picture of India.
Progress of the role-playing game:
Educator: Guys, let's remember the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” by Korney Chukovsky. Who is the story about? (Children's answers) . That's right, about Doctor Aibolit, who treated animals. Today I invite you, together with Dr. Aibolit, to go to distant Africa to check if everything is in order there. Do you agree? (Yes).
Educator: In order to go to our an amusing trip we need to build a ship. I suggest you start work immediately. (Children build a big ship under the guidance of a teacher) .
Educator: Our ship is ready. It is necessary to choose a captain who will recruit a team of faithful assistants. (Captain's choice).

Educator: We need to take everything we need for long journey: food, drinking water, gifts and treats for animals. (Loading in progress).
Educator: Guys, we forgot the most important thing. We need to invite Doctor Aibolit with us. I'll call him now. (Phone rings, doctor appears).
Doctor: Hello guys! I would love to go on a trip with you.
Educator: Captain, invite everyone aboard.
Captain: Has everyone taken their seats? (Children's answers). Then I announce departure. Full speed ahead!
(The ship “sails” across the expanses of water).
Educator: Guys, our ship has approached the shores of India. Do you know that the nice boy Mowgli lived here. (Children's answers). The boy was raised in a wolf pack. He was brave and very kind.
Educator: Captain, we must continue our journey and head for Africa.
Doctor: We need to hurry and make sure everything is okay there.
Captain: Full speed ahead! (The ship “sails” further).
Educator: We have approached the shores of Africa. Guys, what a miracle, all the animals are alive and well and meeting us. (We land on the “shore”).
Doctor: How joyful, cheerful, and cheerful they all are. Guys, the animals have prepared some surprises for you. (Surprise moment).
Educator: Doctor, we are very glad that the flamingos danced their charming dance for us, and the cheetah gave us a running competition, because he is the best runner. But our guys didn’t disappoint either, and friendship won the competition. Then we were received by the king of beasts - the lion. He allowed us to stroke him and closed his eyes with pleasure and slightly waved his tail. The good-natured elephant gave us a real shower. We played hide and seek with funny monkeys.
Doctor: Guys, you have so many friends: ostriches, rhinoceroses, porcupine, zebra, a huge python and even a crocodile. They want to treat you to bananas, pineapples, and coconut milk. (Treat).
Educator: Thank you, dear animals, but we did not come to you empty-handed either. Our children want to sing and dance for you. (Several numbers are performed) . We have also prepared a lot of gifts and treats for you. (Children hand out treats) .
Doctor: Dear animals, thank you for your hospitality.
Educator: It's time for us to return home. Captain, it's time to go back.
Captain: Everyone take their seats. Full speed ahead! (The ship “sails” on the waves).
Educator: Guys, I see my native shores.
Doctor: Captain, we are approaching the shore.
Captain: Stop, car! (Landing ashore).
Educator: Doctor, thank you for taking part in our journey. I'm glad that we returned home safe and sound. What about you guys? (Children's answers).
Doctor: I was very glad to travel with you, but the time has come to say goodbye. Goodbye.
Children: Goodbye!
Educator: Our journey has ended, but I am sure that many new adventures and discoveries await us ahead.

Author: Shumilina Evgenia Nikolaevna
teacher of MBDOU d/s general developmental type No. 53
Volzhsky, Volgograd region
Description of work: I offer you a scenario for summer entertainment for children of middle preschool age, “Journey to Africa.” This methodological development will be of interest to educators, music directors, physical education instructors working with the age category of 5-7 years
Target: Create a joyful, festive atmosphere of the holiday in kindergarten.
Educational objectives: To introduce children to Africa, its inhabitants, vegetation and climatic features.
Educational tasks: Foster friendship among children in the group. To cultivate strong-willed qualities, determination, endurance, to support in children the desire and ability to overcome obstacles.
Wellness tasks: Create a favorable emotional and psychological microclimate. Control over the alternation of various types of physical activity throughout the entertainment.
Material and equipment: ship (module), steering wheel, captain's hat and caps; a chest with Papuans' clothes, attributes for relay races (fruits, bananas, 1 large bucket of water, 2 shallow pools, 2 small buckets, 2 balls, ribbons according to the number of children for the game "Traps", a stone with a design, musical accompaniment: "I am a sailor , you are a sailor", "Chunga-Chunga"
Preliminary work: reading the work “Barmaley” by K.I. Chukovsky,
looking at illustrations about animals, types of transport, fruits. Role-playing game "Steamboat"
Location: kindergarten playground

Methodological development scenario for summer entertainment “Journey to Africa” for children of middle preschool age

Educator: Hello guys! Do you love to travel!
Children: Yes
Educator: Do you know that there is such a country in Africa? I suggest going to this Hot Magic Land. How can we get to it?
Children: By plane, boat, ship.
Educator: Let's go to Africa by boat
(there is a steamship module on the site)
Educator: Now we will go on a long journey. We put on a naval uniform and turn into real sailors. Let's choose a captain together. Everyone jumps onto the ship. Well, let's go!
(to the song “I am a sailor, you are a sailor”)
Educator: Earth! Here we are!
Educator: Guys, who lives on this island?
Children: Papuans
Educator: Do you want to turn into them? Look what I have? (box) Let's open it and see what's there? (Papuans costumes)
Guys, do you want to become real savages? (children's answers)
Educator: This is what I understand: real Papuans! I invite all of us to perform the dance and song “Chunga-changa”
(children perform movements as shown by the teacher)
Educator: Guys, you sing well, but do you like to solve riddles?
(the teacher asks Vera Anoshina’s riddles about animals living in Africa)

Legs - two and two pillars,
Fire hose near the mouth,
Two powerful, long fangs
(in other words, these are tusks).
He's smart, he's handsome,
Everyone knows what it is... elephant.

This fast predator, beast,
It will surpass everyone, believe me.
He is cruel, very strong,
It goes faster than a car.
If you meet, you won’t be happy -
This animal is not a cat... cheetah.

Clumsy, slow-moving,
He carries the house with him on trips,
She lives alone in it without fear
And neighbors... turtle.

There's a fat man living in Africa
He has a huge mouth
In the heat he sits in the water all day,
Thinks only about food.
Chews tons of grass
Insatiable… hippopotamus.

And the Savannah resident
The growth is large - it is very strange:
Long neck and horns
It looks like a crane
He's spotty, handsome... He's right,
Who named him... giraffe.

He looks like a driftwood
The teeth are sharp like a knife.
He lies buried in the mud,
Evil and scary... crocodile.

striped horse,
Like a notebook for writing.
On stripes, friends,
You can't write anything.
Who will answer first?
What is the horse's name?... Zebra.
Educator: Well done! Everyone completed the task! Do you like to play? Now you will take part in sports relay races. Guys, what is the most popular fruit that grows in Africa? (banana) Now we're going to play a game with bananas. And it's called
"Collect bananas"
The children are divided into 2 teams; from a basket with various fruits, the children must select only bananas.
Educator: Guys, tell me, since Africa is a very hot country, what is most important here? (water) Right. Water in Africa is worth its weight in gold. And now let's play a game with water:
"Playing with water"
Children should use two small buckets to fill their containers from a larger container.
Educator: Guys, besides bananas, what kind of fruit grows in Africa? (coconut) Now imagine that our balls will replace coconuts for us and we will throw them at the target.
Game "Hit the Target"
Educator: Guys, in Africa there are a lot of wild predatory animals that move very quickly, so we must be fast and agile. Now we will check it...
Game "Traps"
Educator: Guys, you are so great! Look what it is (stone with chalk image) What does it depict? (children's answers), what could this mean? This drawing looks like a rock inscription of ancient people, which means that there are treasures somewhere here! This sign in the picture (cross) denotes the location of the treasure. Let's try to find this place.
Children and their teacher find a treasure with treats. (bananas)
Educator: My friends, it's time for us to go home. Who will be our commander now? (children's suggestions, choice of ship captain) Forward!
(under musical accompaniment children “return” to the site)
Educator: Well, we've returned home. Did you like our trip? What do you remember most? And where can we use this?


· teach children to play out the plot, performing a certain role in the game, to interact with an adult as a gaming partner and with each other;

· develop game dialogue based on the plot of K.I.’s fairy tale. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, coherent speech;

· teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of characters and convey their emotional state;

· broaden horizons, enrich children’s vocabulary;

· cultivate a sense of empathy for the characters of a literary work, a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Preliminary work:

· Reading literary works: S. Marshak “Children in a Cage”; K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”; V. Stepanov “Zoo”; V. Stepanov " Animal world Earth"; I. Turin “Who will the elephant tell about?”; E. Aksalintova “The best animals”; G. Gubanova “Riddles” for kids.

· Examination of illustrations. S. Nikolaeva and N. Meshkova from the series “The World Around Us. Beasts"; N. Nischeva from the series “The World of Nature. Animals”, from the book by A.M. Head "Fauna of Africa".

· Didactic games: “Guess the Animals”, “Zoological Lotto”, “Animals of Africa”, “Riddles about Animals”, “Cut Pictures”.

· Conversations with children about animals in Africa.

· Viewing a literary work by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit".


· Toys – animals of Africa

· Construction material

African animal masks

· Visors, binoculars, steering wheel




  • teach children to play out the plot, performing a certain role in the game, to interact with an adult as a gaming partner and with each other;
  • develop a game dialogue based on the plot of a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, coherent speech;
  • teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of characters and convey their emotional state;
  • broaden their horizons, enrich children’s vocabulary;
  • to cultivate a sense of empathy for the characters of a literary work, a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading literary works: S. Marshak “Children in a Cage”; K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”; V. Stepanov “Zoo”; V. Stepanov “Fauna of the Earth”; I. Turin “Who will the elephant tell about?”; E. Aksalintova “The best animals”; G. Gubanova “Riddles” for kids.
  • Looking at illustrations. S. Nikolaeva and N. Meshkova from the series “The World Around Us. Beasts"; N. Nischeva from the series “The World of Nature. Animals”, from the book by A.M. Head "Fauna of Africa".
  • Didactic games: “Guess the Animals”, “Zoological Lotto”, “Animals of Africa”, “Riddles about Animals”, “Cut Pictures”.
  • Conversations with children about animals in Africa.
  • Viewing a literary work by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit".


  • Toys – animals of Africa
  • Construction material
  • African animal masks
  • Caps, binoculars, steering wheel


Presenter: Hello, children! They say that all guys love to travel. This is true? Do you love it? (Yes) That's good!

Today I invite you to take a fun trip to Africa.

You are ready? (Yes) Then, friends, let's go. Children walk around the hall to the music. Doctor Aibolit (educator) comes out to meet them.

Dr. Aibolit: Hello children!

Children: Hello!

Dr. Aibolit:

Which one of you is sick?

How do you live?

How's your tummy?

Does your head hurt?

I'll look from under my glasses

To the tips of the tongues


Everyone is healthy!

Then in order

Get ready to exercise!

(physical exercise to music)

We will run and walk,

We will gain strength.

Our stomachs don't hurt,

Like poor hippos.

We will stretch our hands to the sun,

And then we’ll sit down on the grass

Like eagles, we fly, soar,

We look in all directions.

Where is Africa - a country?

Maybe they need help there?

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text)

Dr. Aibolit: Today I received a telegram from Hippopotamus

"Come, doctor,

To Africa soon

And save me, doctor,

Our babies!

Dr. Aibolit:

What's happened? Really

Your poor children are sick...

And they have a sore throat,

Scarlet fever, cholera,

Diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis!

What to do? do the same? I'm afraid I can't do it alone. Will you guys help me?

Children: Yes!

Dr. Aibolit:

But what will we guys sail to Africa on?

After all, there is a sea off the coast of Africa

Raging, making noise in the open space

And there is a high wave in the sea!

Children: On the ship.

Dr. Aibolit: Right. Our children will build a strong ship, and no waves will be afraid of us.

Children build a ship from large construction kit parts and assign roles - captain, sailors.

Dr. Aibolit: The ship is ready! Teams take their places! Raise the sails! Full speed ahead!

The sound of the sea sounds.

The wind inflates the sail

And to distant shores

The ship rushes through the waves.

Dr. Aibolit:

But the mountains get in our way.

And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper.

And the mountains go under the very clouds!

How to be?! What to do?! How will we get over the mountains?

We go ashore. Let's imagine that we are airplanes and fly over high mountains:

I pour gasoline into the tank,

I'm starting the propeller.

“Take the engine to heaven,

So that the birds sing"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text. Children pretend to be airplanes. Music is playing.

Dr. Aibolit:

No need to be afraid

No rain, no hail

I'm flying around a cloud,

Flying cloud.

Soaring like a white seagull,

Flew overseas

Without talking

I'm flying around the mountain.

Attention! Africa is ahead! Let's go for landing!

Dr. Aibolit: Here we are in Africa! Guys, look how beautiful it is here! How many different animals are there? Let's get to know them.

Children take animals and recite poems about them.


Meet the hippopotamus.

Hippopotamus lives in water

He sleeps and sleeps all day long,

Like a lazy fat whale.

He has four teeth

And just a huge mouth.

And this is a big miracle

Lives somewhere in Africa.

A lion.

The lion roars, scaring the echo:

The jungle is no laughing matter

Everyone is scared by the lion's roar

The lion hunts, he's used to it.


Zebra wild horse

Runs away without looking back

It’s not given to people

And he fights with his hooves.


I am a big and kind elephant

In terms of size - a champion!

Ears are like blankets

Yes, and I see a lot.


It's easy to recognize a giraffe

It's easy to recognize him

He's tall

And he sees far.


Everyone is afraid of the crocodile

We won't communicate with him

Teeth as sharp as nails

We shouldn't have come here to visit.


The turtle is simply a miracle!

A dish on top, a dish below,

Walks quietly along the road

The head sticks out and the legs.


Tiger is a large predatory cat

Tiger lives in Africa

Striped like a mattress

He looks at us sternly

Hey, don't stand too close

I'm a tiger cub, not a pussy! Rrrr


Wonderful bananas

In my homeland

Monkeys live there

And there are no people at all.

Dr. Aibolit: Guys, let's let the animals go for a walk. And we will play and portray these animals. Show me a tiger, an elephant, a monkey... And now we will sing a funny song.

(Children sing the song “I’m lying in the sun”)

I'm lying in the sun

And I look at the sun

I'm still lying

And I lie

And I look at the sun.


It's coming.

Crocodile - dil-dil


I'm just lying there

And I look at the sun.

A lion cub lies nearby

And he wiggles his ears

Just me

I'm still lying

And I look at the sun.

Disturbing music sounds. Barmaley appears.


Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

Go for a walk in Africa!

Gorillas in Africa

Large in Africa

Angry crocodiles

They will bite you

To beat and offend, -

Don't go, children,

To Africa for a walk.

Dr. Aibolit: Wait, wait Barmaley! You won't scare us! We are brave guys and we know the fairy tale “Aibolit” well. And that’s why we weren’t afraid of you at all.

Barmaley: Aren't you scared? Not at all? But maybe just a little?

Dr. Aibolit: You better show us the way to Mount Fernando-po, where sick animals are waiting for the doctor.

Barmaley: This is what life has become. Nobody is afraid of me, not even small children. We'll have to help (addresses the guys). So be it, I will show you the way.

Barmaley leads the children along the path.

Dr. Aibolit: And here is Mount Fernando Po, and sick animals lie here. Guys, let's portray sick animals.

Children wear African animal masks and pretend to be sick animals.

Dr. Aibolit:

And Aibolit runs to the hippos,

And pats them on the tummies

And everyone in order,

Gives me chocolate.

And sets and sets thermometers for them!

So he cured them, Limpopo!

So he cured the sick, Limpopo!

DANCE "Chunga-Changa"

Dr. Aibolit: So our fun journey has ended. It's time to go back to kindergarten. And in order for us to get to kindergarten, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words: “We will turn around ourselves and return to kindergarten.” Well, here we are in kindergarten.

Leading: Guys, where did we travel? (To Africa)

You enjoyed our trip. (Yes). What animals have you seen in Africa? (Elephant, giraffe, lion, tiger, etc.) Who treated sick animals? (Dr. Aibolit). And now I invite you to play with the animals yourself or draw gifts for them.

Summary of organized educational activities

in the preparatory school group

Designed according to theme week"Towards the Universiade"

OOD topic: Game - travel to Africa

OOD objectives:


Give to children elementary representations about the features geographical location Africa; to form ideas about the relationships, interactions and interdependence of living organisms with their environment;

Continue learning to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, using attributes, encourage children to independently create items and parts (tools, equipment) missing for the game.


Develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, continue to develop the ability to agree on actions


To cultivate an interest in travel, a culture of behavior, an understanding of the need to follow certain rules, an emotional response to beauty, goodwill, and a willingness to help out a friend;

Expected result:

Children have a basic understanding of the peculiarities of the geographical location of Africa, have an understanding of the interconnections, interactions and interdependence of living organisms with their environment;

Children are able to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, using attributes, and are able to independently create items and parts (tools, equipment) that are missing for the game.

Children develop the game independently and are able to negotiate joint actions.

Children develop an interest in travel, an understanding of the need to follow certain rules, an emotional response to beauty, goodwill, and a willingness to help out a friend;

Activities: communicative motor, play, experimental.

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities.

Game exercises and game situations; discussion; theatrical activities; cognitive-game activity

Preliminary work: preparation of the presentation “Africa”, preparation of equipment, production of the necessary attributes and materials for the game

Equipment for OOD: globe or geographic map, diagrams - tips depicting the fauna of Africa, illustrations depicting the flora of Africa, equipment for experiments, costumes for fairy-tale characters,

OOD progress:

1. Organizational moment

Sports fairy tale


Rabbit, Winnie - Pooh, Piglet, Tigger.

Rabbit. The Universiade will soon take place in Kazan. We should also take part there. How do you think?

Piglet. It is good to! But what can we do?

Ved. Here, Vinny can participate in weightlifting, for example, lifting a barbell. You, Piglet, squeal well - you will be a support group. And the Rabbit can be a judge - he is very smart and reasonable.

Vinnie. We also have Tiger, but he, in Lately, became frail and often sick.

Piglet. Let's help him, let's make him an athlete!

Vinnie. Good idea. But how can we help him? After all, he lives in Africa, and this is very far away!

Rabbit. Maybe we should go to Africa. Let's contact a travel agency. I think they can help us there! And we’ll invite the guys with us!

Piglet. Hooray! Great! We're going on a journey! But I don’t know anything about Africa, what is it and where is it located?

Ved. Dear Piglet! I think on the road we will have time to learn everything about Africa

2 Main part

Role-playing game "Travel Agency"

Hello! This is a Travel Agency. We really need to get to Africa!

So, we are setting off on an exciting, fabulous journey to Africa by plane.

Dear travelers! Please take your seats! Make yourself comfortable! We're leaving!

Let's sail to Zanzibar. Let's get lost in the Sahara

Let's see Kilimanjaro, Let's take a walk with Hippopo along the wide Limpopo!

Music of Limpopo

Look what Africa looks like on a globe (map)! A lot of yellow! What do you think the color yellow means?

Africa is the kingdom of the world's hottest sun and hot sand. There are many deserts in Africa.

Slide Sahara Desert

What do you think a desert is? Desert from the word “empty”, “deserted”. Look, the desert land is covered with golden-yellow sand, soft crumbly dust, and dark stones. There are very few plants, almost no animals.

The largest desert is the Sahara! They call her the Queen of the Deserts! Hot winds blow here and there is no rain for years. (direct hot air from a hairdryer towards the children). It seems that there can be nothing alive in the desert. But. Look what miracles!

He always wears a hump or two on his back.

And in the desert he walks everywhere, everyone calls him..... (camel).

The camel is called the “ship of the desert.” Why? His movements are smooth, like a ship. Camels carry heavy loads and people. These are very strong and hardy animals. Why aren't they hot in the desert? Long thick hair protects the camel from the scorching rays of the sun. (Experience with a lit lamp).

A camel has wide calluses on its feet to prevent its feet from sinking into the sand. (experiment with sand and pencil)

We noticed: sharp heels sink into the sand, but wide soles do not!

There is nothing random in nature, which is why the calluses on a camel’s feet are wide. Before setting off, the owner gives the camel a lot of water and food. A camel has fat and water in its hump; it will use it while crossing the desert.

It's hot in the desert! I really want to relax somewhere by the water.

Do you know what Oasis is? This is a place in the desert where there is vegetation and water. Here you can relax and drink some water.

Have you rested? We continue our journey through Africa

Little Red Riding Hood's Song

The desert is left behind.

Slide Savannah

Ahead is the African savannah. What is the soil in the savannah covered with? Grass. The grass here is always thick: dry and yellow when there is no rain and lush and green after the rains.

Let's take a walk around Savannah and look at the animals that live here.

Slides about animals . A lion. Tiger. Giraffe. Hippopotamus. Ostrich. Elephant. Crocodile

Africa, Africa is a magical continent.

All over the big planet

There is no more beautiful earth

Lions and rhinoceroses, zebras and elephants,

Camels and hippos are the inhabitants of the country.

Did you like African animals?

Palm Tree Slide

Palm trees also grow in savannas and oases. There are coconut palms - these amazing fruits grow on them - coconuts. And these are dates, the fruits of the date palm. Help yourself…

Ved. But what is it, guys, I see Tigger. Hello Tigger! We have come for you to invite you to the Universiade!

Piglet. We will make you an athlete.

Tiger. What is the Universiade?

(children say: This is a worldwide student sports competition. They will take place in Tatarstan, in the city of Kazan, this year - in the summer - material about the Universiade is being consolidated...)

Tiger. I can't. I'm ill…

Ved. We will help you. But first you need to drive away your illnesses. We'll do some exercises! After all, exercise is the most important attribute in the life of any active and healthy person. It charges you with positive energy and a great mood for the whole coming day. Ten minutes of toning exercises a day after waking up will work wonders! Don't believe me? Shall we check?

Winnie the Pooh. The people of Africa are always in a cheerful and joyful mood. Let's dance the merry Robinson Dance with them

Robinson Dance

Tiger. Wow! I'm completely healthy! And ready to jump to the Sun! Let's go to the Universiade soon! I jump high and run fast! And at the Universiade I can show my dexterity!

Ved. Tiger! Well done! You will succeed!

Hear, unusual sounds are heard in the dense thickets - it’s an elephant trumpeting cheerfully, inviting you to play with him and his girlfriends - cheerful and mischievous monkeys. Let's invite them too to our Summer Universiade!

Dance Funny Monkeys.

Ved. Friends! We invite all residents of sunny Africa to the Summer Universiade in Kazan!

We're flying to the Universiade!

3. Final part: Reflection

Ved. Guys, did you enjoy our trip? Let's thank the staff of the Travel Agency and leave a review in the Review Book!
