Some aspects of accrual of experience in numbers. How to quickly earn experience in World Of Tanks Wot what they give you more experience for

Experience is awarded:

  • For causing damage to enemy tanks.
  • For causing critical damage to enemy tanks (the difference in tank levels is taken into account).
  • For detecting enemy tanks (more for self-propelled guns than for a regular tank).
  • Firefly for causing damage to targets he illuminated with friendly vehicles.
  • Bonus experience for destroying an enemy tank (only the one who destroyed this tank takes into account the difference in tank levels).
  • Bonus experience for capturing an enemy base (only for invaders, proportional to the time spent at the base).
  • Bonus experience for knocking down the counter at your base (in proportion to the “knocked down” percentage).
  • Bonus experience for "Staying Alive".
  • For "active fighting" They mean shooting within a certain radius from the enemy and shooting by the enemy within a certain radius from the player. Overall it doesn't work out much, but it does have an impact.
  • The more damage your team inflicts on the enemy, the more experience everyone will receive. Only the damage of killed tanks is counted. The coefficient is actually small.
  • Bonus experience for a team victory (+50% experience for each tank)

Experience is NOT awarded:

  • For damaging friendly equipment.
  • For the destruction of friendly equipment.
  • For ricochets and non-penetrations.
  • For receiving damage.
  • For receiving “heroic” titles based on the results of the battle (except for “Invader”, see point 5 of the previous list, as well as “Defender”.
  • There is no bonus experience for a draw. For defeat - too.


As mentioned above, experience is needed in order to upgrade equipment and its modules. There are four types in total in World of Tanks:

  • Combat - individual for each individual tank. When playing on any vehicle, 95% of the experience earned in battle goes only to it, to pump out its modules and the next equipment in this branch.
  • Free - you can spend it on upgrading any tank or module that interests you. Makes up 5% of the resource received in battle.
  • Crew experience - after the battle, each crew member receives the same amount of experience as the tank itself.
  • Combat experience accumulated on premium tanks and elite vehicles is available for conversion into free experience for in-game gold at the rate of 1 unit of gold = 25 units free experience.

Accrual principles

In World of Tanks, to earn a lot of experience, you need to perform as many useful actions as possible during the battle. For some of them more experience is given, for some less. Here full list useful actions:

  • Causing damage to enemy tanks;
  • Disabling modules and crew members of enemy equipment, and the higher the level of enemy equipment relative to you, the more experience you will receive;
  • Causing damage to an enemy by your highlighting - you are given 10% of the experience received by an allied player for the damage he inflicts on the vehicle you illuminated;
  • Causing damage to an enemy standing on a track you knocked down;
  • Detection of enemy tanks, and for detecting an Artillery SPG you will receive 50% more experience;
  • Drowning or pushing enemy tanks;
  • A separate bonus for destroying an enemy tank is only for the one who earned the frag;
  • Capturing an enemy base - only for those who are on the capture, the more base points you have, the more experience you will receive;
  • Knocking down a capture from your base - the more capture points you knock down, the more experience;
  • An added bonus if you survive the battle;
  • Active combat operations - when enemy tanks fire a large number of shots near you, you are awarded a little experience;
  • The total number of damage points inflicted on enemy vehicles - have you ever noticed that when you win by quickly capturing a base, a very small amount of experience is awarded? The reason for this is precisely the influence of this coefficient. Damage is taken into account only for those tanks that were subsequently destroyed. There is also a widespread myth that if you destroy all the enemy's equipment, the team will be given a little more experience. This is not true - There is no separate bonus provided for the fact of complete elimination of the enemy team;
  • For winning you get +50% to the final experience;
  • If you lose for receiving a “Battle Hero” medal, an epic medal or a platoon medal, you will receive a bonus of 50%;
  • A premium account allows you to receive an additional +50% experience and credits for each battle.

The fastest ways to earn experience

In fact, there is not much advice that can be given on enhanced farming. You just need to play well, preferably, pull out all the battles; play with a premium account, which will significantly increase your earnings level; Also, with patch 0.9.9, it became possible to use personal reserves to quickly upgrade equipment.

Every day, “X2” stars appear on all tanks in your hangar - this means that for the first victory that day on this vehicle you will receive a double bonus. Often during in-game promotions conducted by Wargaming, this coefficient increases to X3, or even to X5.

How to upgrade your crew faster?

When you play with premium or elite vehicles, you can transfer all the experience the tank gains in battle into upgrading tankers. To do this, check the box next to “Accelerated crew training”:

Also, the least upgraded crew member, indicated by the “Tank Academy” badge (in the picture this is mechanic driver Lieutenant Kozlov), will receive twice as much experience as the rest. In addition, premium vehicles themselves have a 50% bonus to crew experience.

How to earn free experience?

The amount of free experience in World of Tanks directly depends on combat experience, and you can earn it in any battles. However, if you are willing to invest enough real money into the game, then you can transfer it from elite and premium vehicles to free ones for in-game gold. The conversion rate is 25 units of freedom for 1 unit of gold. In this way, playing exclusively on premium vehicles, you can explore entire branches of vehicles without having to fight a single battle on them.

To sum up this issue, we can say that the only way to earn as much experience as possible in World of Tanks is to play very well and win, because, let’s say, there are no cheats for it. Stick to battles, and leveling up your equipment will become a quick and enjoyable experience.

World of Tanks is a multiplayer game where you can control various combat vehicles different countries peace. The main resource in the game that affects account development is experience or exp. This resource allows you to buy improved components for the tank, in other words, they are key for the player in the process of developing the vehicle, and moves to the next level. The process of gaining experience is labor-intensive and requires a lot of effort from the player. This article will look at how to quickly gain experience in game World of Tanks.

Concept - experience inWOT

Experience is a key resource for developing a gaming account. It is necessary for pumping up equipment and acquiring combat modules. There are 4 types of experience in the game.

Let's look at each of these types in detail:

  • Combat - the player gains experience individually. During the game, 95 percent of the experience gained in battle is distributed directly to the tank that participated in the battle. This allows you to develop the machine further along the research branch, acquire modules and move to the next level.
  • Free - can be used to develop any vehicle or component of any tank. Exp of this type is 5 percent of the resource acquired in battle.
  • Experience of crew members is awarded after the battle. The crew receives the same amount of experience as the vehicle.
  • Combat experience accumulated on premium vehicles can be converted into free experience. The ratio is a gold coin to 25 experience units.

Having understood the types of experience, it is necessary to consider the principles by which this resource is awarded for the player’s actions during the battle.

How to earn

In the game, exp is awarded to the player for certain useful actions that he was able to do to help the team win:

  • Destroying an enemy tank.
  • Damage to modules on an enemy tank.
  • Damage to enemy crew.
  • Lighting up an enemy vehicle is automatically awarded 10% of the experience that allies receive when attacking the vehicle.
  • Ram the enemy.
  • Detecting enemies while spotting enemy artillery will award an additional 50% experience.
  • The bonus will be awarded if you manage to push the enemy off the cliff.
  • Experience is awarded for capturing an enemy base.
  • Defending your own base while it is being captured by the enemy allows you to receive a significant bonus in battle.
  • The total amount of damage that your tank inflicted on the enemy during the tigers is of great importance.
  • Using a premium account increases the experience gained by 50%.

The system for accruing combat experience was read by the developers down to the smallest detail; any action that had a positive consequence for the team’s victory will be noted when crediting the final experience.

Quick ways to gain experience

The game developers place an emphasis on ensuring that all users play exclusively by the rules and do not use various illegal programs to boost their account. Therefore, there is not much advice on how to quickly earn experience. The level of the game, the vehicle's survivability in battles, and the amount of damage caused by you affect the experience gained. We can conclude that it is necessary to learn how to operate a tank extremely effectively, to know the terrain perfectly individual cards, understand what is happening at the moment and use the situation correctly.

All of these tips together will allow you not only to become an effective team member and highly professional player, but also to quickly gain experience. However, the amount of experience gained can be slightly increased. By purchasing a premium account for the game, users automatically earn more experience and money for battles. Recently, the game added the ability to level up the team and tank faster. Game developers game world such a concept as personal reserve. Using your personal reserve will increase the amount of experience gained by 50 or even 100%, depending on what resource is used.

In addition, the game constantly has various promotions and bonuses that can increase the amount of experience gained by x 5 times. Every day, experience from the first battle won in a day is multiplied by x 2.

Free experience

Free experience is an important game resource, as mentioned above, it depends on the combat experience that the player receives as a result of the battle. You can earn this type of experience both in regular free battles and in team competitions. There is a possibility additional receipt experience that requires material investments. Elite vehicles gain experience during the game, which cannot be transferred to other tanks.

However, it is possible to exchange experience with premium equipment. This can only be done for in-game gold. Transfer is carried out at the rate of 20 units per one gold coin. This method can be used to upgrade entire individual branches.

Crew development

Crew development will allow you to operate the tank more efficiently, and team members will also receive extra skills that will help in battle. You can speed up your crew leveling by using your personal reserves or transferring the experience gained on premium and elite tanks to develop the skills of your crew members.

It is also possible to fully upgrade the crew’s skills when purchasing a new tank. However, this is done for in-game gold. Developing skills allows you to significantly increase the speed of the tank in battle, the crew will be able to quickly carry out repairs, determine the location of the enemy, and reload, saving time. Every second is important in the game, so developing your crew’s skills will give you a head start over other players. Faster crew actions significantly increase the chances of winning the battle, which in turn will lead to an increase in experience gained and faster account development.

Using the advice from the article you can gain more experience, and as a result game account will develop much faster.
