Educational quests for parents and teachers. Quest game for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Theory and practice of cognitive and research activities”

Teachers' Council

Subject: " Let's find the treasure"- a quest game for teachers.

Dear Colleagues! Our teachers' council today is called “Let's Find a Treasure!” Our teachers' meeting will be held today in unusual shape– in the form of quest games.

Throughout our meeting today we will be looking for an unusual treasure and maybe at the end of the meeting we will find it if we complete all the tasks. I suggest you familiarize yourself with today's route.

(distribute route maps to participants)

Do you want to find a treasure? Are you ready to travel a little?

Colleagues, I invite you to stand in a circle.

Organizational moment

To immediately create a positive atmosphere, I invite you to take part in a short training.

First stage of the training:

“A successful team has a healthy spirit! »

Game "Greeting"The participants are all teachers.

Goal: get to know each other, create a good impression of yourself.

Progress of the game: players stand in a circle. In turn, everyone introduces themselves by name and patronymic, at the end calling themselves diminutively (for example: Irishka, kitty, etc.)

Second stage of training:

"Love yourself and others"

Game "Car Wash"The participants are all teachers.

Goal: relieving emotional stress.

Rules of the game: using stroking movements, “wash” bad thoughts and problems from the participant in the game who is in the “car wash”.

Game progress: 7 people. Two people stand on both sides facing each other.

1 pair – soap

2 pair brushes

3 pairs - water

4 people - “drying”, he stands at the exit from the car wash and “dries” his colleague with friendly hugs - hugs.

Each participant goes inside the “car wash”, where he is thoroughly “washed”.

So we continue:

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, and for some it was only recently, you and I (so different) chose the same profession: teacher kindergarten.

Some came to kindergarten deliberately, others came by fate. But since you and I work in a kindergarten, we want to believe that our chosen profession was given to us from above. Outsiders don’t stay here for long, they look for another job (and that’s their right!). And the most devoted people to this profession remain in kindergarten. So who is a teacher?

I Exercise. Portrait of a good and bad teacher

Participants are divided into 2 teams. Task: on sheets of whatman paper, create for team 1 an image of a modern teacher who meets the professional standard, and for team 2 an image of an incompetent teacher. Teams must protect their projects.

II Task. Blitz survey

Goal: to increase the professional level of competence of teachers in organizing educational activities based on the implementation of the work program.

  1. What documents determine the work of preschool teachers?
  2. What annual tasks did we solve in this 2016-17 academic year?
  1. What activities were aimed at solving these problems?
  2. What difficulties have you encountered?
  3. What tasks do you think we should highlight for the next academic year?

III Exercise. Children's leisure.

Children's leisure time was very busy this year!

There was all kinds of entertainment in kindergarten: holiday matinees, fun leisure time with parents, and attending performances, puppet shows on our own.

1. Are you satisfied with the organization of children's entertainment events and what are your suggestions for organizing holidays and entertainment in the next school year?

We have entertained and amused the children all year, and it’s not a sin to relax ourselves. Our musical director E.A. Kornelyuk has prepared something interesting for you. Over to her.

(Phonopedic exercise “Laki-byaki”).

IV Exercise. Monitoring educational activities.

Every year, at the beginning and end of the school year, a comparative diagnosis of the level of development of children is carried out. I suggest you look at the results (speech by group teachers).

The best results of children's development are presented in senior group No. 2. Let us ask the teacher of this group, T.D. Kurbatova. talk about the work system (planning individual work with children, working with parents, planning).

V Assignment. Self-education of teachers.

As the scientist and writer Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin said

“Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that no matter how much you study, no matter how much you know, knowledge and education have no boundaries or limits.”

Dear Colleagues!

*What are the forms of self-education?

Open classes

Mutual reviews and analysis of OOD

Publication of teaching materials

Participation in professional competitions at various levels

Generalization of teaching experience

*What forms of presenting teaching experience can be used?

Obtaining vocational education

Speech at teachers' meetings and seminars

Organization of master classes

Creative report on the topic of self-education

Presentation and dissemination of teaching experience

I would like to note that this academic year the participation of our teachers in various competitions, including all-Russian ones, has intensified. True, this is still online participation, but still, the teachers are great! (teachers Egorova T.V. Kostenko E.V.). From municipal participations - participation in the pedagogical forum (in April 2017, Kurbatova T.D. - teacher and Gridyaeva E.V. - senior teacher).

Our preschool educational institution was supported by teacher N.V. Burlyaeva with her performance at the annual municipal competition “Teacher of the Year in Kuban 2016”. I would like it to become a tradition for our preschool teachers to participate in competitions of this level in the future.

Teachers of our preschool educational institution took part in other municipal competitions this academic year (teachers Kurbatova T.D., Yakupova G.Sh., Kostenko E.V., Egorova T.V., Letashina M.V., Koba N.V. ., Burlyaeva N.V., Gridyaeva E.V.)

This academic year, 2 clubs functioned successfully - “Cheerful Tongue”, headed by E.V. Chernova. and “Masterilochka”, leader N.V. Burlyaeva, “Musical Theater” circle, leader E.A. Kornelyuk. worked for only 3 months, due to the workload of the teacher, the circle ceased its work in January 2017.

Also this academic year, we had a “Young Specialist School” at our preschool educational institution, in which, thanks to mentors (teacher Kurbatova T.D. and teacher Letashina M.V.), young specialists received the necessary assistance in their work (Teachers Kryuchkova N.A. . and Chernova E.V.).

VIExercise. It's all in the bag.

Dear Colleagues! I want to tell you about the 6 thinking hats method.

The British psychologist and writer Edward de Bono made a huge contribution to the popularization of creative thinking. Thus, the “6 hats” thinking method he proposed 30 years ago is widely used in completely different areas, including Education.

Its essence is to move away from the dispute model we have adopted in discussions; instead of this model, De Bono proposes a completely different approach. He called this method the parallel thinking method or the “6 thinking hats method.” This method allows you to consider the situation from different angles and take into account all aspects important for making a decision. Hats may not be material; it is enough to wear an imaginary hat. But we are preschoolers and love to play, so our hats are real.

WHITE HAT – information symbol. You are focused only on facts.

What information do we have? What information do we need?

RED HAT – symbolizes feelings, emotions and intuition. With a red hat, you can freely express your emotions without having to explain or justify anything. How do I feel about this?

YELLOW HAT – This hat of optimists, we always forget about it, in our thinking, unfortunately, we often shift towards negativism.

Why is this worth doing? What are the benefits? Why can this be done? Why will this work?

BLACK HAT - this hat of critics. This is the basis of the debate and the way of thinking of Western civilization. This is a very useful hat. She protects us from rash decisions. Is it true? Will it work? What are the disadvantages? What's wrong here?

GREEN HAT- it is an invitation to creative thinking. In this hat

Having rejected criticism, we are looking only for alternative options. We see only positive aspects in this hat. What are the alternatives? What are some of the possible solutions and actions? Analysis.

BLUE HAT - time to take stock. The representative of this hat, after listening to the opinions of all subgroups, states the facts and draws a general line. What have we achieved? What should you do next? Conclusions, summing up.

Dear Colleagues! I propose now to split up into 2 people and play this technique using the example of r.n.s. "Turnip".

(teachers in pairs complete the task, then present their assumptions, speaking at the debate).

We are finishing the school year, congratulations to everyone!

And I will tell you in response: “You are good, no doubt!

When asked when to rest, I will answer – never!

After all, you girls were born as a teacher - forever!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you creative ideas and good luck!

Let the love of our children warm our hearts!”

So you little by little got to the treasure. Let's open it and see what's inside? (Awarding)

And now, dear colleagues, I suggest you summarize our work as follows: you have already assessed your work in the 2016–2017 academic year. year. Let me read out an analytical report on the results of the work of the teaching staff for the 2016-2017 academic year (analytical report attached).

Mood reflection “Mood flower”

Let's create our own, almost summer, clearing of mood. Here is the grass in the clearing, the sun is shining, the clouds are floating across the sky, and you can place your mood flowers here.

I offer you colorful flowers. You independently choose the flower with which you associate the end of the school year and place it in our mood clearing.

Red color - we did a great job

Yellow color - we worked “Okay”, but there are still unresolved problems.

Blue color - we did not work in full force, and therefore many unresolved questions remain.

I propose to create our “Flower Glade of Mood” on an easel.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the draft tasks for the next academic year:

Dear Colleagues!

We have something to be proud of and something to strive for.

Life is a movement towards a goal. To reach the goal, you must first of all move forward, and not stand still, after all, our preschool educational institution is:

D– kind, sincere, benevolent;

ABOUT– sociable, responsible, charming;

U– smart, successful, passionate teachers

Our pedagogical credo:

Love and respect for the child’s personality;

Breadth of soul and sharpness of mind;

Quality of training and education;

Originality of ideas and thoughts.

I propose to summarize our pedagogical advice:

Draft decision of the teachers' council:

1. Recognize the work of the MADOU-D/S 12 team for the 2016-2017 academic year with a “satisfactory” rating.

2. Continue work on organizing a subject-development environment and

methodological support of the educational process.

3. Continue to take an active part in competitions at different

levels, in city methodological associations.

4. Approve the work plan, OOD schedule, daily routine, system

hardening and recreational activities for the summer recreational period of the 2016-2017 academic year.

5. Teachers to continue working on self-education: determine

topics for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Publications on the topic:

"Game Technologies". Workshop for teachers From 02.11.11 Compiled and conducted by: N. A. Kravchenko, teacher of the first quarter. cat. Musical warm-up “Neighbors” Purpose: relieve emotional stress.

Workshop for educators “Game technologies in the educational process of preschool children” The game generates joy Freedom, contentment, peace in yourself Around yourself, peace with the world Friedrich Froebel. At the center of the educational organization.

Workshop for parents of children of the senior group “Game in a child’s life” Workshop for parents of children senior group On the topic: “Game in the life of a child” Proceedings: Greetings from parents: Good evening.

Workshop “Create a new game!” (interactive game) Goal: to help teachers master the technology of creating new game based famous games. Quantitative and qualitative composition of participants.

Workshop “Health-saving technologies in the development of speech skills of preschool children” Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical experience in the use of health-saving technologies in the work of a teacher in the development of speech skills.

Modern educational technologies Report of the teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 of the village of Gubskaya S. A. Motorkina on the use of modern educational technologies, appropriate.

Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions Health-saving technologies on music lessons in preschool health care, a child’s health is complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions "Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions." Today we will talk about educational technologies and their effective use in preschool.

Modern pedagogical technologies “Club hour” and “Quest game” Modern pedagogical technologies “Club hour” and “Quest game”. Prepared by: senior teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 22” Lipina T.P.

MDOU "Nylga kindergarten No. 1"

Educational quest For preschool teachers

"Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Prepared by: senior teacher of the pre-school educational institution

"Nylga kindergarten No. 1"

Pozyreva Natalya Sergeevna.

With. Nylga, 2018

Target: Introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process of preschool education.


    To introduce the basic concepts of active methods (AMO), stages of application of AMO, types of AMO.

    Teach to useactivemethodstrainingin practice at all stages of the educational process.

    To clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Equipment: media projector, presentationPowerPoint, screen.

Attributes: Visual demonstration material for completing assignments, assignments for teachers, chips for dividing into groups, envelopes with assignments.

Organizing time

I invite you on a fabulous journey,

It will be mysterious

Unusual roads await us,

Decent strength will be required.

In the Udmurt kingdom, in the Russian state, there lived educators. They worked in kindergarten for a long time. There were many children in their group. Big and small, serious and funny, singing and dancing, playing and drawing. And the children loved them very much, and they had a lot of knowledge. They gave warmth of soul and all their love to their students and rejoiced in their work. And everything was wonderful, but one day dark clouds began to appear in the sky. A sharp wind of change blew and brought the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. And all teachers in the Russian state were ordered to observe it unquestioningly. I gathered all the teachers here into one team, the senior teacher... (full name) in order to teach them intelligence and the wisdom of science called the Federal State Educational Standard.She took with her a suitcase with a sophisticated document, and they sailed along the stormy river of change on the ship of knowledge. Perhaps the river turned out to be too stormy, or the ship of knowledge was not strong enough, but the crew got caught in a storm and was shipwrecked. The suitcase was carried away by the wave, however, the senior teacher ... (full name) managed to save the team and, while escaping, she managed to give a distress signal using Morse code and even receive an answer.

The answer is in this envelope (the envelope is handed to the teachers).

1 task.

In the envelope there is a piece of paper with the text:

You've arrived at Quest Island

Find all the tips here.

Many tasks await you,

Interesting tests

You will find a suitcase with Federal State Educational Standards,

You will gain the power of knowledge.

Knowledge will help

Find your way home.

Task: use a decoder to decipher the phrase and get a hint.

“You will find a clue, you will only open the doors”

After receiving the first clue, the team of educators follows the indicated route in search of the second clue.

2 task crossword

A crossword puzzle awaits the teachers in the hallway. After solving the crossword puzzle and entering the answers, participants receive the following clue: “stairs”

3 task . A game"Oh, what a clever girl"

On the stairs, teachers find an envelope with the next task. The envelope contains a piece of paper with the text:“Teachers are modest people, they don’t like to talk a lot about themselves, but sometimes it’s simply necessary to overcome your modesty. Your next task is to talk at each step about how wonderfully you implement the requirements and principles of the Federal State Educational Standard in your work. To do this you need to split into pairs. One of the members of the pair says, for example: “I create conditions in the team for successful self-education of teachers...”, and the second one praises: “Oh, how smart you are”... Then the participants can change.

4 task « Pedagogical fishing."

In the corridor of the 1st floor, participants are met by a teacher dressed as a chef with a “Culinary Master” badge.

Educator: Hello, dear guests. Did you come to us out of curiosity, or on business?


Educator : Well, I don’t have it, but so be it, I’ll help you if you do me a service.

And pedagogical fishing awaits you. Everyone knows that children do not really like fish, especially if it is not interesting or tasty prepared. Now I suggest you catch one fish of each color of your choice, and then come up with and write down a recipe for a tasty, interesting fish dish for children.

Marked on the blue fish age group

On the red fish - the topic of the day

Yellow fish – GCD schedule for the day

Green fish - routine moments, activities outside of class that are planned for the day.

Here's a recipe template for you. We can begin.

The task of teachers is to develop the content of the educational process for the day, taking into account the integration of educational areas, by filling out the proposed table.

Educator: Well done, you did a great job. For this I will give you a bridge and a magical ball, they will lead you to the next clue.

5 task . Following the thread of the magic ball, the quest participants end up at the station, where they are met by a teacher with the badge “Elena the Wise.”

Educator : Hello, dear colleagues, did you come to us on business or to visit?

Teachers: In fact, we want to find the suitcase with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Educator: Well, I don’t have it, but I’ll give you a hint where to look for it if you complete my tasks:

Determine which educational field The following tasks include :

Development of communication, interaction of the child with adults and peers;

Formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions;

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers...

( Social and communicative development ).


Make conditionsdevelopment preschoolers the most appropriate for their psyche, long-tested methods that containsocio-game technology.

Socio-game technology is a development child in playful communication with peers.

Application of thistechnologies contributes to the realization of children's need for movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

Please name the forms of work with children aimed at developing communicative qualities and emotional responsiveness (GCD, role-playing game, conversations, observations, work, reading fiction, familiarization with proverbs and sayings, didactic games...).

The main conditions of socio-game technology are movement - under any pretext.

I suggest you play a game called "Washing machine"

Purpose: stress relief, relaxation.

Instructions. The group lines up in two lines, facing each other. One person (at the beginning of the line) is the “machine”, the second (at the end) is the “dryer”. The “machine” passes between the ranks, everyone “washes” it: stroking, rubbing, etc., doing this carefully and accurately. The “dryer” should “dry” it - hug it. After this, the “dryer” forms a line, the one who has passed the “wash” becomes a “dryer”, and the next “machine” comes from the beginning of the line.

Well done, you did a great job. Here is an envelope with a route diagram. But you will have to walk along it very amicably and unitedly. To do this, we give you these details. Helda game "Caterpillar" (Go to the manager's office).

Task 6 Quiz “Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Participants find themselves in the manager’s office, where they are met by the Tsar Father. Teachers are invited to take an interactive quiz and receive the following clue - the order of numbers that make up a phone number. By calling the phone number, teachers receive the following hint.

Task 7 - psychologist's assignment

Both teams meet in the method room, where they are greeted by psychologist Marya the Mistress.

Psychologist: Hello, dear colleagues, did you come to us on business or for a visit?

Teachers: In fact, we want to find the suitcase with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Psychologist: So I have it, but of course I won’t just give it to you. First, complete my task.

Determine which educational field the following belong to:tasks:

the formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, an aesthetic attitude towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art; nurturing interest in artistic and creative activities...

child development artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity...

Now calltypes of creative activity (visual, constructive-model, musical, theatrical, etc.)

What is it"Creative skills"?

Creative abilities - the ability to find new original solutions to any problems.

List development methods creativity, used in classes in kindergarten or at home by parents (drawing, modeling, reading, music, educational games, experimentation)

Creativity helps a person relax, liberate, and throw out accumulated emotions.

And now I invite you to show creativity, unconventional thinking in a technique called “collage”.

The theme of our collage is “Kindergarten graduate in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.”

Teachers approach the table where everyone is necessary materials to make a collage, and then present the work.

After completing the task, the psychologist hands the teachers a locked suitcase. The key is in the music room.

Return to the music room .

Development of your own quests in micro groups.

Reflection .

Carrying out. The teachers are shown a suitcase - this is a suitcase of successes, achievements, skills, and experience gained. You need to fill it up to see what everyone takes with them. To do this, a poster “Checking in Baggage” is made up, the teacher approaches the counter and voices the most necessary knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the event, shares ideas and advice.

To check in your luggage, I suggest you fill out a declaration...

Fine…. Interesting... It's a nuisance... I'll take it with me...

Scenario of the pedagogical Quest game “Journey”

Target: Activation of the mental activity of teachers; unleashing creative potential; optimization of interpersonal relationships.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today I want to invite you to play the role of contestants, test your strength, demonstrate your abilities. Our game is a team one. Therefore, before we begin, I propose to draw lots. Now everyone in turn must draw a token from the bag.

So, the draw is completed. Today we have more than just a game. We have to an amusing trip by train. The team that received red tokens is one train train, the team with blue tokens is the second train. The task of the trains is to successfully go through a difficult path and get to the station of intellectuals. The path is quite long - 100 km. There are different distances from station to station. And the more successfully you cope with the proposed tasks, the more chances you have of getting to your destination.

Now the teams need to choose the head of their train and come up with a name for the train.

Well done! Well, are the trains ready to hit the road? (sounds musical accompaniment– moving train).

It’s so good when many friends go on a journey with you.

Everyone immediately becomes more cheerful, you want to move mountains.

Here's the first stop!

    Station "Razminochnaya" (Not Evaluated)

Guess riddles where the intended word consists of several independent words.

The first word melts over the teapot,

Secondly, it grows under my dad’s lip.

And the whole sea wind blows

And he invites you and me to go swimming (Par mustache)

The first syllable is a note, the second is also,

Overall it looks like a pea(Beans)

The preposition is at the beginning of mine,

At the end is a country house.

And the whole thing - we decided everything

Both at the blackboard and at the table (Task)

The beginning is a note, then the deer decoration.

And together - a place of busy traffic (Road)

    Station "Remember"

Older people are said to become distracted and forgetful. In fact, forgetfulness is not at all a “privilege” only of the elderly. Alas, “people can have leaky memory different ages. What kind of memory do you have?

Task No. 1: 25 words are read -Elephant, bed, camel, umbrella, notebook, pencil, bird, coat, glass, telephone, flower, man, tree, ball, apple, bag, rose, orange, pyramid, tea, doll, vase, sparrow, hat, bear.

Each team must write down all the words that they managed to remember. Words can be written in any order (For each word, 1 km is awarded.)

Task No. 2: What is shown?

Each team is shown 3 slides at 5 second intervals. Then questions are asked about the content of the slides, each team has 3 questions (For each correct answer, 2 km is awarded.)

    "Smekalistykh" ​​station

Participants need to replace phraseological units with one word

An eyesore

Nodding off

Beat your head

Bite your tongue

Out of the blue

hang your nose

Head in the clouds

Dress down

Nick down

Wait by the sea for weather

Sharpen the laces

Give your word

Tremble like an aspen leaf

Pee like a chicken with its paw

Walk on your head

Keep in mind

Talk to three boxes

Keep your mouth shut

After the rain on Thursday

(For each correct answer, 1 km is awarded.)

    Station "Fantasers"

Participants in each team are asked to complete 10 identical images. Drawings should not be repeated (For each original drawing, 1 km is awarded.)

    Station "Understand"

Teams are given cards with 10 words. Within 3 minutes, the members of the first team must explain as many words as possible to their opponents, but they cannot use words of the same root. Then they change roles.






Semolina porridge





Fairy tale








Speech therapy


(For each correct answer, both teams are awarded 1 km.)

    Station "Mathematical"

A boy has as many sisters as brothers, and his sister has half as many sisters as brothers.

How many brothers and how many sisters are there in this family? (4 brothers and 3 sisters)

When my father was 31, I was 8 years old, and now my father is twice my age. How old am I now? (23 years old. The difference between the years of the father and son is 23 years, therefore, the son must be 23 years old for the father to be twice his age).

The first team to name the correct answer receives points. For each correct answer, 5 km is awarded.

    Kvakushkina station

Early in the morning, frogs croak loudly at the edge of the forest.

There are many words, and all words always contain “kwa”.

In the middle, and at the beginning, and in breakdown, and in a row...

You have come across words more than once, let them speak!











( For each correct answer, 1 km is awarded.)

    Station "Dushevnaya"

You and I have come a long way and found ourselves literally two steps away from the cherished station. And intelligence, in my opinion, is measured not only by the power of the mind, but also by the power of the soul. Each team now has to take turns giving compliments to their opponents. And the more of them there are, the greater the chances of reaching your destination.

Let's exclaim and admire each other,

There is no need to be afraid of high-flown words.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love.

In this competition, each compliment has its own value. The more original the compliment, the more kilometers it is awarded.


So, based on the results of all stages, each team managed to cover a distance of one hundred kilometers. This means that our group employs the most intellectual teachers. Congratulations! You have arrived at your destination - the Intellectuals station.

    Station "Intellectuals"

Outside the windows, the air temperature is the most comfortable, the sky is cloudless, and the atmospheric pressure is normal. Please remember to be in a good mood when leaving. Those interested can leave their wishes in the book of reviews and suggestions. Good luck!
