Change name in counter strike source. How to change nickname in CSS? We answer the question

Many overly novice players ask a banal question: how the hell do you change the game name ala nickname in CSS (Counter-Strike: Source). I can say that there is more than one way to solve your issue. So, now I will describe in detail, probably, all the ways to change the nickname, both in licensed CSS and in pirated ones. Their methods are different!

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How to change nickname in licensed CSS

If you have licensed game, then you should change your nickname in only one way, which I will now tell you about.

The method is very simple and does not require much effort. In the licensed version, nicknames on Steam and in the game itself will match. To change the nickname in the license, you need to change the nickname in Steam.

For this:

Run it.
Click right click mouse on your avatar. This can be done, for example, here (see screenshot below):

3. At the very bottom of the list you will see the field "Change nickname ...". Click there.

4. Well, in the field "Nick" you can enter your desired nickname. Then you have to press " OK».

We finished with the license, and, I think, everything was easy and fast for you, let's move on to pirates.

How to change nickname in pirated CSS

Method number 1

The first way, quite simple, is to change the nickname in the game menu.

1. Let's get into the game.
2. In the menu, open the "settings" item.
3. Next, in the submenu, look for the “network mode” tab, click. What do we see? The Gameplay Amenities Settings menu opens.
4. We find the sub-tab "Advanced", lower the slider down to the end. We are looking for the “Player Name” setting, erase the name standing there and enter the one that you like.
5. Have you written? Press the "OK" button, enjoy the game with your favorite nickname.

This method, as you can see, is very (even the most) simple, but does not work in all versions.

Method number 2

The second method, if suddenly the first does not work. Also a method to change the nickname in the game itself. We go into the game, open the "Console" or press the "Tilda" key (it usually opens with the "~" button, if not, then look in your keyboard settings). We change the keyboard layout to Latin, write the “name” command to the console (without quotes), then, after the word “name”, we write the nickname that you need. For example, name Profi. The game will be displayed as Nub Profi.

Method number 3

The third method, in case the second and first methods do not work. The method of changing the nickname is no longer in the process of the game itself, but during the game is turned off. We find the file “Config.cfg” in the folder with the game, open it with notepad, find the entry “name” there, then write the name you need, close it. The answer to the save request is yes.

Today we would like to talk about how to change nickname in css. This question is very relevant, since different versions KSS and on the license changes the nickname in different ways, by different teams. In this article we will tell you about all the ways to change the nickname in such great game like Counter Strike: Source. So let's get started.

How to change nickname in CSS v34

There are two ways to change your nickname in KSS v34 - through the console or through the settings. The nickname on this version of the CSS changes in the same way as in the good old CS 1.6.

How to change nickname through game settings in CSS v34

Changing your nickname through the game settings is very simple. To do this, open the main menu, then go to the tab settings(Serrings) and looking for a window network mode. After that, you need to find the field Player name and enter the desired nickname there. Don't forget to apply the changes.

How to change nickname via console in CSS v34

The second way, and very simple, is to change your nickname through the console. To do this, open the console on the key Yo (~)(if it does not open, then you need to turn on the console) and enter the following command there.

Name Your nickname

How to change nickname in CSS v90

In CSS version 90 and other new versions, you will have to change the nickname in a slightly different way. These methods are described for the pirated version, read about the licensed version below.

How to change nickname via console in CSS v90

So, to change the nickname through the console, open the console itself on the key Yo (~)(if it doesn’t open, read about how to enable the console in the KSS) and enter the command just below.

Setname Your nickname

In case the command did not work, then try the command we already know.

Name Your name

How to change nickname via rev.ini in CSS v90

If the above methods did not suit you, then you can still change the nickname through the configuration file rev.ini. Go to the root folder of Counter Strike: Source, look for the file rev.ini and open it.

Now we need to find the line "PlayerName=You name" and instead of You name, we indicate the nickname we need. Don't forget to save the file afterwards.

How to change nickname in CSS Steam

If you are the owner of a licensed version of CSS, then you can change your nickname only in editing your Steam profile. As you know, the profile name and nickname in CSS (also in CS:GO) are interconnected. By changing the name of the Steam profile, the nickname in CSS will also change. We hope that you understand the essence. Just change the name of the Steam profile and after that you will have the same nickname in CSS.

There are many versions of CS:Source, and in each of them the nickname changes differently. Today we will look at how to change the nickname in the old CSS No-Steam versions and how to change nickname in CSS v75.

In general, as in any other game, it serves so that other players can recognize you.

Everyone will probably think that I write nonsense and every NOOB knows how to change a nickname, but on the one hand this is not so.

The first is not the easiest way to change your nickname in KSS

1. First of all, we go into the game.

2. Then, in the menu that appears, look for the "Settings" item. At standard versions it is found immediately.

3. In the subsection we find the tab " Network mode". Click and see the Gameplay settings.

If you didn’t see the settings, but you have the “Network Mode” section, and you went there, but it’s empty there, then it wouldn’t hurt you to contact your local doctor at the nearest clinic, or rather, an ophthalmologist. They will definitely help you, because in the Russian Federation at the moment there are many private clinics that help people who have vision problems.

4. We are looking for the "Advanced" tab. Scroll the mouse wheel to the very bottom.

If you do not have a wheel on your mouse, then you urgently need to buy a new, more modern mouse, because if you start playing with a mouse from the last century, then I'm afraid you will not be lucky in the game. The simplest mouse on the territory of the Russian Federation costs 100 rubles. For example defender.

5. Find the "Name" item, delete unnecessary characters and letters from there by pressing the "BackSpace" key.

If you do not have this key, then you should also buy a new keyboard, so that in the game it is almost not needed, only if in emergency situations.

6. Enter the nickname that you want to see in Counter-Strike Source when you press the TAB key. In addition, you will see your nickname in the upper right corner when you killed someone or killed you.

7. After you have written, click on the OK button.

This method of how to change a nickname in CSS is not very simple, but to change a nickname using this method, it will not even take you 2 minutes.

The second way is how to change the nickname in CSS v75

1. Open the game console on the button ~ or the Russian "e".

2. Enter in the opened window setname "your nickname" and press Enter.

This method of how to change a nickname in css 75, much easier the first, but there may be problems in opening the game console.

What then to do? You must either use the first method of changing your nickname in CS:Source, or turn on the console. To do this, you need to go to you need to go to "Settings" and select the "Keyboard" section. After that, click "Advanced", where we find "Enable console (~)".

Nickname in CS:GO is literally your name. After all, if you good player and represent your team, your city and yourself from the best side - the nickname is what will be remembered first. Therefore, it should be at least understandable, beautiful and readable, if this is not so, it’s not scary. But the moment has come when you need to change your nickname in cs go, how to do it?

How to change nickname in cs go

Pirated version of CS:GO and licensed ones differ in the possibilities even for changing the nickname. For the licensed version, this method is different - through Steam, for pirated versions- through additional, or files.

Nickname change in the licensed version of cs go

To change your nickname in the licensed cs go client, and at the same time in other games, go to Steam..

In this section, you have access to the settings of both the avatar for cs go and the nickname. On the right, click on the "Edit profile" item, and make changes. Save the changes made with a special button.

How to use a nickname only for CS:GO?

Some players do not want to use the nickname set on Steam and use an alternative nickname specifically for playing CS GO.

How to change your nickname not through Steam:

  • We make a standard launch of the CS:GO game;
  • Turn on the console with a special key;
  • Enter the name "site" command into the console that opens, specifying your name inside the quotes nickname for cs go.

Nickname change CS:GO - Pirate

Everything here is usually not so difficult, just follow the instructions below and everything will work out.
- Go to the folder with the pirated CS:GO;
- Find the rev.ini file;

- Open it with a text editor (notepad, msword, notepad +);
- Using the key combination CTRL + F, we are looking for the line "Player_Name =";
- In the found line of code, instead of the standard nickname "Player";
- Set your own, for example PlayerName = "site";
