Oval shaped items for children. Game “Tricky Objects”

Elena Krasnova
“Developing the ability to distinguish between round and square objects”


Goals: continue develop the ability to distinguish between round and square objects, secure ideas about the number of objects"one-many-none", activate these words in speech. Help to navigate in space and remember and distinguish between right and left arms and legs

Preliminary work: looking at objects and toys in everyday life

Did. a game "It doesn't roll"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about round and square objects, about ability round objects roll, A square - stand straight, develop logic.

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Update children's knowledge about geometric forms

Strengthen children's knowledge about circle and square

Expand children's knowledge of spatial orientation

Developmental tasks:

Develop memory, speech, ability to listen carefully

Develop ability to group objects by shape

Improve ability to name a circle, square


Cultivate interest in classes

Foster friendships between children

Demo material: Masha doll, balls and cubes, toys various shapes, pouch.

Dispensing: cardboard candies, 9 pieces for each child (3- round, 3-square, 3-triangular forms)

Progress of the lesson:

1. Children enter group, and there are toys scattered there round and square shapes

Look, guys, someone was playing here and scattered all the toys.

(Children walk and watch)

That's who did it. This doll Masha came to play with us. Let's help her put the toys in these boxes. But our boxes are different. What box is this, guys? form? (Round) . And this? (square)

Oh guys, we have toys too round and square.

Ilya, bring me round toy(brings). Round Where will we put the toy, guys? (children's answers) That's right, in round box.

Vika, bring me square toy. And we will put it (children's answers - in square box)

Let's put the toys in boxes

(Children complete the task)

(We examine the toys in the boxes to see if they were assembled correctly)

Well done boys

2. Did. a game « Place the candies»

Look, guys, Masha brought us a lot of sweets. But they are all somehow different.

Let's look at them. (children look at triangular candies, square and round shape)

Lera, show me the triangular candy forms


Masha, show me the candy square shape


And you, Vasilisa, show me the candy round shape)


Guys, put some candy on one plate. round shape


And now square.


And now triangular


(Doll Masha watches the children complete the task)

You made Masha happy today. All candies laid out on plates correctly. Well done

3. Physical exercise "Stork"

Stork, long-legged stork

Show me the way home.

Stomp your left foot

Stomp your right foot.

Again with the left foot,

Right foot again

After the right foot

After - left foot

And then you will come home.

4. Game "Magic bag" (It contains toys various forms)

Guys, Masha brought us magic bag. What's there? Let's get a look.

Vanya, take it out of the bag. What is this (Ball) What kind of guy is he? form? (round)

Katya, get the toy. What is this? (cube) What is he like? forms? Square.

A game repeated several times

Guys, please tell me which geometric ones? forms did we talk to you today? (circle, square, triangle)

Publications on the topic:

Summary of organized educational activities on life safety in the second junior group “Dangerous Objects” Summary of organized educational activities on life safety in the second younger group“Dangerous Objects” It’s no secret that the current situation.

Program content: 1. Introduce children to objects that, if handled incorrectly, can be dangerous to human life and health.

Lesson notes on FEMP in the second junior group Lesson notes on FEMP in the second junior group. Goal: to teach children to compare objects by size (big - small, long - short).

Lesson notes on FEMP in the second junior group Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the second junior group Topic: “Bear visiting the guys” Priority educational field: cognition (FEMP).

Lesson notes on FEMP in the second junior group Topic: “Big Small. One, many, not one.” (Reinforcement) Targets: development of children’s cognitive interests, attention.

Lesson notes for the second junior group on FEMP Lesson notes on FEMP in the 2nd junior group. Goal: -to strengthen the ability to answer the question “How much?” words “one”, “many”, “none”.

The game develops attention, visual memory, abstract thinking baby, his powers of observation and fine motor skills. Exercises children in the ability to find objects of similar shape in the world around them.
Making a game
Print the cards below on a color printer and glue them onto thick cardboard. Cut carefully along the contour. To make the parts last longer, you can cover them with transparent tape.

Option number 1: “Find a pair”
We invite the child to find objects of a similar shape (for example, a carrot and a closed umbrella-cane). We ask what else these objects have in common (for example, when digging up carrots, you can use a cane as a shovel to dig up a root crop, etc.). You can ask the child to line up a whole row of objects of the same shape (a total of 6 objects in one row).

Option number 2: “Riddle”
Several pictures (at least 10 pieces) are laid out on the table. The game leader is selected. He begins to describe the picture he has chosen, following a rough outline of the story.
Story plan for describing an object:
what is it made of
how does a person use it
Story plan for describing a living creature:
what does he eat
what sound does it make
what actions and movements are characteristic of him
– I wished for a brown object, round in shape with four holes. It can be made of plastic or wood and is used in clothing as a fastener (Button).

Participants in the game guess the picture that the presenter has guessed. Whoever correctly names the answer receives this picture as a prize. The one who receives the most prizes wins.

Option No. 3: “Chain”
Each player is dealt several cards. The adult is the first to put down his picture and invites the children to think about what can be put next to it and why. That is, the child is looking for a unifying feature between objects (color, shape, purpose, etc.). The winner is the one who is the first to get rid of all the cards he has. For example, you can put a crescent moon on a piece of watermelon because they are the same shape - a semicircle shape. And by the month you can put Earth, because they are both celestial bodies, etc.

Option #4: “Hide and Seek”
Any objects one more than the child’s age are laid out in front of the child. Please look at them carefully and remember. We say: One, two, three, four, five - we’ll close our eyes.” The child closes his eyes, the adult removes one picture and rearranges the remaining ones. We say “One, two, three – wipe your eyes.” The child opens his eyes, we ask him to guess which picture is hidden. If the child cannot cope with the task, we make it easier: we do not mix the remaining cards or take fewer pictures. As a complication, we change the location of the pictures, then the child must answer the question “What has changed?”

Option #5: “What’s extra?”
An adult selects three pictures, two of which have a common feature, and the third picture should not have this feature. We ask the question “Which picture is the odd one out?” Why?" You can complicate the game by choosing cards so that two or each of the pictures are redundant. When the child gets comfortable with the rules of the game, we invite him to come up with a task himself.

Didactic task. The same as in the previous game.

Material. Three objects of triangular and rectangular shape. Each side of triangular objects is approximately 3 cm, the sides of rectangular objects are 3 and 4.5 cm. The thickness of objects is 1.5 cm (Fig. 3).

As didactic material you can use parts from a set of building materials, rectangular bars “bricks” and triangular prisms - “roofs”.

Management. First, one rectangular block is placed in front of the child lying on his stomach. The adult observes what the child will do with the object placed at his disposal. After the child grabs the toy, the adult places another rectangular block in front of him. As a rule, children immediately leave the old toy and grab a new one. In this way, another “brick” is placed in front of the child.

The game lasts about 5 minutes and can be played twice during the day. In a day or two, one triangular prism will be placed among the three familiar bars. Gradually, the adult adds two more triangular objects to the objects at the child’s disposal.

prisms and records for himself which toys the child prefers.

It’s good if the baby shows interest in the proposed material, especially in objects of a new form.

The adult praises the child, pats him on the head, takes him in his arms, and smiles at him.

The game is played for three to four days in a row and can again interest the baby after a week's break, but now it is advisable to play it two or three times. The duration of the game is about 5 minutes.

/ Consideration decorative panels | (organized With 5-5.5 months)

Didactic task. Enrich your child with impressions when looking at a bright picturesque image.

Material. A Zhostovo tray measuring 40 X 18 cm with images of flowers is used (color table 3).

Management. An adult places a horizontally painted tray against a well-lit wall. The child lies on his stomach at a distance of 80-100 cm from the tray. In this case, the adult is behind the child or to the side, trying not to fall into the baby’s field of vision, draws his attention to the bright colors depicted on the tray. After 2-3 minutes of looking at the baby’s energetic attempts to get closer to the image, the adult places his palm on the child’s feet, creating such thus an emphasis for yoga. Pushing off the adult’s palm with his feet, the baby approaches the tray, examines it in a new position, and touches it with his hands.

Then the child is again placed on his stomach at the same distance from the tray and given the opportunity to again look at the bright flowers, approach them, vigorously pushing off with his feet from the adult’s palm.

The game lasts 5-7 minutes. In this case, the panels can be placed either horizontally or vertically. Good lighting is important

With periodic replacement of objects to look at, the child’s interest in the game does not disappear for quite a long time. Intervals of several days, after which the object is perceived by the child. Like new, also maintain interest.

In the future, at intervals of one or two days, the game can be played over three to four weeks. The duration of the game is about 5 minutes.

Manipulating a garland of large and small objects (organized with 6 months|

Didactic task. Accumulation of visual and tactile experience, improvement of hand movements when grasping objects of different sizes.

Material. Rings from a wooden pyramid, connected with inur so that two large and two small rings intersect (Fig. 4). The rings are fixed in the garland at a distance of 2 cm from one another. This distance is necessary to examine the size and shape of each ring in the garland. Grabbing large and small rings, the child each time adapts his hand to grasp in accordance with the size of the object. The tight connection of parts of rattles and toys interferes with their shape.

Management. A garland of rings of different sizes is placed in front of the child, lying on his stomach. The adult observes the child's actions. To grasp the large ring from above, the child needs to open his palm wide, while the small ring can be grasped with his fingers. When grasping the rings from the side by the edge, the child makes an even more subtle movement with his fingers. Sometimes the baby can grasp the cord connecting the rings with his fingers.

First, as a rule, the child spanks with an open palm on the large and small rings. Having slapped his palm on the surface of the ring and without grabbing the toy, he repeats the movement, while changing the movement of his fingers in such a way that he achieves the desired result and grabs the object.

Having taken one ring, the baby then moves the other rings in the garland and, attracted by them, takes large and small objects in his hands alternately, each time adapting his hand to grasp and hold the toys.

Very quickly, the baby begins to accurately guide his hand to objects of different sizes without preliminary trying-on movements. When manipulating various objects, the baby develops hand movements and an eye. Hand movements begin to be controlled by vision. As a result, the child’s vision and general sensory activity improves.

Rings connected in a garland allow the baby to act independently for some time. The same objects, presented separately, roll out, and the baby cannot always reach them.

Rice. 6

Interest in them is rapidly declining. The weight of objects is also important. Toddlers have fairly strong hands, so heavier wooden (rather than plastic) rings are necessary to ensure normal muscle loading.

The child's attention is also attracted by the sound of toys. Shaking the garland of toys, the baby listens to sounds. Having turned over on his back, the child continues to manipulate toys, finding them at his side or in other places. The duration of the game is from 5 to 10 minutes.

Manipulating a garland of objects of different shapes (organized with 6-7 months)

Didactic task. Accumulation of visual experience, improvement of hand movements when grasping objects of different shapes.

Material. A garland of wooden objects of different shapes: two bars and two rings. Size of bars: 3X3X1.5 cm; rings: diameter 3 cm, thickness 1.5 cm. The bars and rings are connected by a cord into a garland and spaced 2 cm from each other (Fig. 5)

The garland can also be made from wooden balls and cubes with holes in the center. The color and size of the objects are the same.

Management. A garland of wooden objects is placed in front of the child lying on his stomach and given the opportunity to manipulate it.

If a child has not seen square-shaped objects among his toys before, then most likely he will be interested in a square block. When you first try to pick up an object, your fingers will awkwardly slide along the square block. Then the baby will take the entire garland in his hands.

Observing the actions of a child, you can see how he turns a square block in his hands, examines it, holding the corners with the fingers of both hands. During subsequent manipulations, the child

will prepare the hand differently to grasp round and square objects. It is more difficult to grab a block than a ring. When grasping square objects, the baby distributes his fingers along the sides of the square. When grasping a round object, the fingers are held much more freely. An adult periodically places the garland so that the shape of the objects is visible to the child and observes the way they grasp them.

You can also make garlands from small toys, including a variety of rattles. It is the set of toys connected to each other that gives the child the opportunity to receive a variety of impressions that contribute to the accumulation of sensory experience.

The duration of this type of game is 5-10 minutes during each waking period.

Manipulation barrel (organized from 8 months]

Didactic task. Enrich your child with impressions. Introduce basic methods of combining parts


M a t e r i a l. Khokhloma barrel with a lid 12-14 cm high

(color table 3).

Management. By showing a child a barrel at a distance of half a meter, an adult makes him want to get closer to the new object. If a baby crawls up to a barrel and tries to take it from an adult’s hands, you should not immediately give him the object. Holding the keg tightly in his hands, the adult provides the opportunity to grab the lid and open it. Most likely this will happen on the second or third try. But how much joy the result of his own actions will bring to the baby!

Having received the lid from the barrel, the baby begins to examine it, turns it one way or the other, moving it from hand to hand, and perhaps even pulls it into his mouth. If a child drops the round lid, then by rolling it will again attract his attention, and he will again reach for the attractive object.

After briefly manipulating the child with the lid (1-2 minutes), the adult closes the barrel and again invites the child to open it. The baby opens the lid, can roll the barrel, and crawl after it when it rolls away. Periodically, the adult closes the keg with a lid, giving the child the opportunity to practice opening it. The child does not immediately manage to open it independently, without the help of an adult. After all, to do this, you need to place the barrel correctly, holding it with one hand, and open it with the other hand. Another option may arise when the baby presses the barrel to himself with one hand and opens it with the other.

If the child does not try to open the lid, but enthusiastically rolls the keg, then the adult moves the closed keg away from the baby two or three times and holds it tightly in his hands, leaving the child only the opportunity to remove the lid.

1 game is considered successful if the child looked at the barrel, rolled it and removed the lid two or three times. The duration of the game is from 5 to 10 minutes over several days.

Acquaintance with form items [organized< 9 months]

Didactic task. Teach children to perform simple actions with objects, taking into account their shape.

Material. A bucket with a lid and small, easy-to-grab objects of different shapes and colors; pyramid, cube, block (brick), mushroom, cylinder, egg, ball. Bucket height 10-12 cm; the size of the items to be inserted is 3-5 cm (color table 4).

Management. The adult shows the child a bucket with a lid and explains that there is something in it. Removing the lid reveals the items in the bucket. They lie in such a sequence that the child can first reach the more stable objects (cube, block, pyramid, fungus), then the rolling ones (cylinder, egg, ball).

The adult invites the child to put his hand in the bucket and take out a toy. The child takes out a cube or block. An adult joyfully exclaims: “What a beautiful toy! Well done for getting it out of the bucket!”, causing an emotional response in the baby.

Having given the child the opportunity to look at the cube and play with it, the adult asks the child to put the cube on the table and draws attention to the fact that it is stable. Then he reminds you that there are other toys in the bucket and you can get something else.

During the game, the child places a cube on a brick and places a pyramid or mushroom on it. He tries to superimpose round and oval objects on top of each other, learning in practice that they do not overlap, but they roll well.

When all the items have been examined, you can put them in a bucket and end the game. First, the adult does this himself, then involves the child, and then completely gives him the initiative. If the baby is passive during the lesson and does not show any desire to put the toys away, the adult can gently clasp the child’s hand with his hand and thus perform all the necessary actions. It is important that the child is in a good mood. You can leave a toy you especially like, such as a ball, for independent play.

Sometimes the baby tries to get the toys again. In this case, the game is repeated. The total duration of the game should not exceed 5-8 minutes.

The game ends by putting all the toys in a bucket. If the child refuses, the adult does it himself.

The game can be played with the same material three or four times. With a partial or complete change of toys, it can be interesting for a longer period.

Familiarization with the size of objects (organized from 10 months!

Didactic task. Teach children to perform simple actions with objects, taking into account their size.

Material. Large and small buckets with a set of different cubes (four large and five small). The height of the large bucket is 16 cm, the small one is 10 cm. Size big cube- 4.5X4.5X4.5 eat. small - 3 X 3 X 3 cm (color table 5).

Ruko vo det vo. The adult shows the child a large bucket with a lid and explains that it contains toys. Offers to open the lid and take them out. As the actions are completed, he praises the baby. When all the cubes have been examined, the adult asks the child to put them in a bucket and close it with a lid. Helps complete tasks if necessary.

After praising the child, the adult places a small bucket next to the large one. The child, with the help of an adult, opens the lid and, taking out objects one by one, examines them. Then the adult places large cubes on the table next to the small ones and explains that there are many toys: large and small.

Together with the child, he sorts objects by size: he puts large cubes into a large bucket, and the child himself puts the remaining small cubes into a small bucket.

If the child is interested in the task, you can repeat it. In this case, he is given both buckets. An adult watches how the baby opens the lids and helps him if necessary. The child should arrange toys on the table without piling them on top of each other. The adult moves a small bucket towards the child and offers to put small cubes into it. After selecting the small cubes, the bucket is closed with a lid, and the baby begins to put the remaining large cubes into the large bucket. Children willingly work with small objects, as they are more convenient to take.

It is also possible for an adult to stack large cubes himself, and the child operates with smaller, more convenient ones. In this case, the adult invites the child to select small objects and put them in a small bucket moved closer to the child.

The child should not be required to make precise selections. various items. It is enough for him to learn when grabbing toys to open his palm according to their size.

Game duration is 5-10 minutes.

Getting to know color subject" (organized jc 10 months]

Didactic task. To accumulate color impressions in children, to consolidate elementary actions with objects.

Material. Bucket with lid, set of small items red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black

white and white flowers (tomato, orange, lemon, cucumber, plum, flower, egg, beetle). The height of the bucket is 12 cm, the size of the insert items is 3-4.5 cm. The items are bright, their color of approximately the same saturation (Table 6).

Guidelines: Showing a bucket to a child, an adult suggests opening it and seeing what’s there.

The child removes the lid, takes out small objects and, with the help of an adult, places them on the table so that they are in his field of vision and do not cover each other. The adult names the toys that the child takes out of the bucket and notes how beautiful they are.

Items are placed on the table in accordance with the color scheme: on the left in front of the child is a red tomato, then an orange-orange, then a yellow lemon, a green cucumber, a blue plum, a purple flower. The black beetle and white egg are placed by the child himself.

Having allowed the child to look at the toys, the adult offers to pick them up again. Having moved the bucket towards the child, he first puts one toy in it himself, the baby follows his example. When all the toys are collected, the bucket is closed with a lid. If the child shows interest in the objects, then the adult and the child shake the bucket, mixing the toys in it. The baby opens the bucket again, takes out toys and places them on

The adult regulates the behavior of children with the words: “open”, “take it out”, “put it down”, “close it”. It is important to maintain the child’s interest and joyful emotions by expressing your attitude towards his actions: “Well done!”, “That’s right!”, “You have a beautiful toy!”

The goal is considered achieved if the child willingly takes out and puts objects into the bucket, opens and closes the lid of the bucket, has a positive attitude towards the adult’s instructions, and shows interest in toys of different colors. Many children may have a selective attitude towards one color or another. It depends on their previous experience.

The game lasts 5-8 minutes, it can be repeated twice in a row and played three or four times depending on the interest of the children.
