Space pirates and zombies 2 tips. Natural movement and control

Space Pirates And Zombies 2 can shamelessly be called a full-fledged sequel. The game surpasses the original in every way, but, as is traditionally the case with a lot of sequels, it receives less warm reviews from the players and, in general, has a lower threshold for being in the game.

The differences between the first and second parts in terms of visuals and game mechanics are obvious, but it turns out, and I'm not the only one, these innovations did not become a tangible leap for the series. Indeed, in SPAZ2 there is no depth, and this is against the background of the fact that space is filled with several hundred "live" captains who build their world on a par with us. The indication that the player is not chosen is too intrusive. This is also demonstrated through direct actions. If you want to advance in the game, advance in portions - that is, to dare to attack a captain cooler than you (characteristics and ship) is tantamount to a death sentence. Swing yourself slowly and sooner or later you will grow to their level. To clarify. It's not long, but monotonous.

One or two fights in third person mode look very exciting, but special strategies there is no combat, as the developers describe it. The micromanagement of the ship is not of the level that the nuances strongly influence the outcome of the battles. Fights in space are reminiscent of battles at sea, but all the epicness disappears somewhere and it all comes down to the fact that at first you run away from everyone and try to take out one at a time. Otherwise, you find yourself in the middle of a battle and hysterically turn the camera in all directions. I've tried experimenting with guns and ship modulation, but winning tactics have always come down to something like this. The battles together with other captains helped with pumping well. It seems that you earn a reputation and, on the other hand, you have help in the form of a fairly intelligent AI.

However, SPAZ2 is not only battles, but rather just a small part of them. It would be even more accurate to say that the developers intended it that way. Here is space, here is Bitcoin, in the sense of a resource, and it is limited in every sense. Your task, like the rest of the smart dummies in the game, is to be able to master and keep as many resources as possible for yourself. To do this, you can capture territories and create associations. In other words, we build our own state and hope that someone else will not build it. The showdown, whose state is cooler, will still end in a space stabbing.

A question from a completely different opera. Will the player do all this? With a high probability within the framework of incoming quests and a little bit outside the framework. Maybe due to the fact that plot part quite short and boring, maybe due to the fact that there is no higher goal from building your own state - all this fades into the background and with some reluctance, the conquest of space continues, which is about to be attacked by the good old zombies.

Many players praised the build and customization system for the ship. In terms of richness of detail, it's really interesting and informative. That is, thoughtless sticking of modules and a competent approach will give an amazing result in the exhaust. However, as I wrote above, micromanagement is not at the level to play with tactics. It doesn't matter how you assemble the ship - you won't become an almost impenetrable tank, and you won't become a super-nimble fighter either.

What I personally liked was the collection of information about the lore of the game. We do not just collect some date scattered across the cosmos, but we systematize the library of past and present events. And I really like the stylish system of presenting this information. A data center is literally created with data and reveals the spiritual depth of the world, which is not so obvious when looking at other aspects of the game.

The motto of this game is "Everything you do is meaningless, so it's not even worth trying."
(well, that is literally what the main enemy tells you every time you "destroy" him)

I think the developers took this motto from their lives. Or rather - from the history of the development of this game.
They messed around with everything. The game is colorful, and that's all the positive that I can say about it.
Difficulty, balance, AI, economy, interface in this game are poorly made and work on crutches.

The game seems to have two big pieces. The first is how you fly on a boat, improve it, fight enemies. The second is how it lives Big world, factions (devoid of meaning), allies (useless) and enemies (playing by fundamentally different rules). The last, I think, is a consequence of the fact that the developers saw that they couldn’t do anything except for the picture and decided to make it difficult, but since they couldn’t do it well, they made it with crutches.

For example.
4 ships can participate in the battle. 1 on 1, you can most likely butcher anyone. For two - you just do not have enough power. Your shield and dpm are stupidly lacking to endure their double dpm long enough to write off the shield.
It would seem - dodge so that there are 2 vs 2 fights. The problem is that your allies are obviously weaker than your opponents. Therefore, a 2 vs 2 fight very quickly finds itself in a 1 vs 2 fight.

Moreover, if your ally is defeated (somewhere on the map) - he automatically goes into the camp of the enemy.
If you defeat an enemy, you can convert them to neutral for a tangible amount of resource, which you quickly run out of if you are busy defeating and converting enemies. And if you try to farm a resource, your allies are quickly butchered and converted into opponents.
And through such a fundamentally different approach, you easily find yourself in a situation where the number of opponents rests on another crutch. They stop converting your allies. True, the allies still die off "by cooldown". But they do not convert, they remain allies, because the number of enemies has already reached the limit. Therefore, as soon as you decide to convert an enemy into a neutral, the number of opponents falls below the limit, and they immediately convert another dead ally into an enemy. So it's pointless - you don't even have to try.

And the main herd of opponents still walks in such a way that a dozen ships are always ready to engage in battle.
And if you catch someone lonely - the chances are that the game will say "oh, you're too cool ... and it was an ambush! there is not one ship, but two! ha!".

There are other problems as well. While distance is critical in combat, this is a very important difference in weapons - distance is not felt. The factions are such that it is not clear why I was wasting my time, entering into alliances. There is no feedback from weapons (especially rocket and small ships) at all - there is no normal way to understand how good or bad your current ship build is (even though ship building is a big and important piece of gameplay). And so on.

And if you know in advance how the plot of the game will develop, all these crutches could probably be overcome...
But it's just not an interesting game. She just got tired of doing the same thing again, but in a different way - she doesn’t want to. She's not worth it.

MinMax Games is a tiny, two-person Canadian game studio. It took three years for the developers to roll out to the audience their first Space Rangers-inspired project - a space action/RPG. The sequel, Space Pirates And Zombies 2, took six years to complete.

Space Pirates And Zombies 2

Genre role-playing game, spacesim
Platforms Windows, macOS, Linux, Oculus, HTC Vive
Developers MinMax Games Ltd.
Publisher MinMax Games Ltd.
Sites , Steam

Same, right there. The plot of Space Pirates And Zombies 2 begins almost immediately after the end of the first part of the game. The dark entity has been defeated, but Elsa Young and her team are still roaming the galaxy, clearing out the last pockets of infection. The gear is destroyed, the ship looks like a rusty trough, and the crew looks like a bunch of madmen. So, everything will have to start over. Collect the next uberstarship, build muscle, acquire connections, find your own place in the galaxy. And, of course, the zombies will still return, where would it be without them.

The feature of SPAZ 2 is the reputation system of your hero in the game world. The SPAZ 2 galaxy, randomly generated before the start of the game, is inhabited by two hundred characters, divided into factions or preferring to remain free shooters. Depending on your every action, others change their opinion of you. Helped someone in combat - improved your reputation with that particular captain and his faction. Destroyed someone's combat raid - upset its owner and the corresponding faction, but pleased the one whose territory this raid was heading to. Stole someone else's cut (the main resource in the game) - get a minus in karma. Destroyed a pirate on the territory of another faction - a plus in the relationship. Etc. etc. Since you won’t be able to sit still in this game, each of your battles will change the attitude of other captains towards you. And while you do not belong to any faction, you can try to appease everyone, but as soon as you start building your own space empire, friction with your neighbors cannot be avoided.

If the first part of Space Pirates And Zombies looked like a mixture of "Space Rangers" and Star Control with a pause, then SPAZ 2 is more like some kind of. The game moved to 3D and lost the top-down camera. Now this is maneuvering in a conditionally three-dimensional space, although in reality the third dimension does not affect combat tactics in any way. No pause - we catch the enemy in the crosshairs, give orders to the escort fighters, wait for the painfully slow recharge of the batteries, watch the shields and try to turn to the enemy with an undamaged side. Some battles involve several ships of different factions, not including fighters, in others you will have to deal with the enemy, for example, with a heavily armed enemy base, alone.

And here the second important feature of Space Pirates And Zombies 2 comes to the fore - the ship designer. From the building blocks received in battle or purchased, you need to assemble your own megastarship. Each cube, like a weapon or armor in some traditional action/RPG, has its own parameters, special bonuses, fixed attachment points, etc. Many blocks have weapons, and most for various purposes- long-range torpedoes, short-range lasers, anti-aircraft guns, anti-shield ion missiles, tractor beams, etc. etc. Believe me, the variety is such that you will envy. Plus, the game has a good selection of ships of the auxiliary fleet, which can seriously affect the outcome of the battle. In a word, assembling and preparing your own ship for battle is no less exciting than equipping your hero in some fantasy action/RPG. And given that you yourself choose the external shape of your starship, it’s also creative.

As you gain experience and level up your hero, you get the opportunity to combine more and more building blocks, open blocks of medium and large sizes that require several attachment points. In addition, as you level up, you can raise one of three randomly offered parameters - strengthen the hull, armor, shields, reduce battery recharge time, etc. etc. Here we pay attention to such a parameter of captains as command points, which allows you to carry and use more powerful fighters in battle.

The first ten hours of Space Pirates And Zombies 2's single-player campaign is basically one big, overlong tutorial mission. By the time you gain some independence and start building your own empire, preparing for a deadly confrontation with new horde zombies, you will already get tired of the monotonous fights. The problem is that there are no side quests, and indeed there are no traditional quests in SPAZ 2 (training tasks do not count). And there is a large sandbox in which you are free to entertain yourself. Hunt pirates, go through simulation battles in the battle arenas of foreign stations, build your own stations and develop their economy, “order” other captains and try to fight off those who want to receive a reward that someone has put on your head. No, formally there is a plot in the game, but it is, let's say, so insane that many would prefer to immediately forget both it and the characters of the game, like a bad dream.

The visual component of Space Pirates And Zombies 2 is the most painful part of the project. The first part of the game, for all its eccentricity, even looked cute in 2D, somewhat reminiscent of the classic Star Control and games of the 90s. SPAZ 2 looks in 3D… like a Christmas tree dressed up by a mental hospital patient. Each battle is a color and music show of the 80s. It seems that someone hung a mirror ball in the center of the battlefield and hit it with hundreds of laser pointers of different colors. Too bright, too grotesque, too poisonous. At the same time, the world map, the ship icons moving along it, on the contrary, are made in a very restrained manner. This contrast is a little confusing. The portraits of the characters used during the plot inserts are also unpleasantly surprising; sometimes it is simply unpleasant to look at them.

Space Pirates And Zombies 2 is a game with interesting mechanics and impressive freedom of action. This is probably the closest in spirit to " Space Rangers from modern space action/RPGs. If you're willing to put up with, to put it mildly, the unusual visual style of the game and somewhat repetitive gameplay, you can hang out here for more than a dozen hours. If not... well, Space Rangers is still playing pretty well.

Site score

Pros: ship designer; big choice components and weapons; relationship between pilots and coalitions

Minuses: Too long training; visual style for an amateur; monotonous battles and tasks

Conclusion: The closest modern action/RPG to Space Rangers

, Egypt , Pirates , West , Future ,
Dark Ages. Beach , Caves , City , Neon ,
Swamp, Present.

Day 3 Tombstones appear on the field. They serve as immobile shields for the zombies. For the victory we get the plant Bloomerang.

Day 4 We play a mini game where you can arrange the plants that appear on the conveyor belt on the left. For victory, we get access to bonus powers: Snow Power, Throw Power and Lightning Power. All of them are very expensive, they should be used only in extreme cases.

Day 5 We kill all zombies with the help of bonus forces. For the victory we get a plant Frosty cabbage.

Day 6 Zombies with camel signs appear among the enemies, we destroy them using fertilizers on the Pea Shooter. For the victory we get a new costume for Frosty cabbage (it does not give anything, it only changes appearance). Opens access to the Zen Garden.

Day 7 Mini-game "Memory". We need to turn over the camel tablets and memorize the symbols. By opening two identical symbols, we will destroy these tablets. So you need to destroy all the zombies, preventing them from reaching the left edge.

Day 10 Tombstone builders appear. Let's destroy them first.

Day 11 You need to play with an already selected set of plants. We immediately put double sunflowers, we defend ourselves from the first zombies with mines. With this tactic, it will be difficult at the beginning, but easier at the end of the level. For the victory we get a ninja costume for the Potato Mine.

Day 12 The zombie pharaoh appears. To destroy it, we put three combat plants on one line. For the victory we get Pyramid of Doom - access to the endless mode in Egypt.

Day 13 (Conditions: do not place plants on the two left rows). Of the combat plants, we use only Cabbage Pults. For the victory we get a plant Broccoli cabbage.

Day 14 We put boxer cabbage on the left behind the nuts. Behind everything we plant Cabbage Pults.

Day 15 (Condition: Don't let the three Sunflowers in the middle of the field be destroyed). Put boxer cabbage and nuts in front of the sunflowers. To destroy the pharaohs, we use fertilizers on boxers in time. If it doesn’t work out, before starting the level, you can turn on the enhancement of nuts for the collected pot or for crystals. Thus, nuts will protect sunflowers three times longer. For the victory we teach the hippie outfit for the Bloomerangs.

Day 16 Mini-game "Memory". You need to act very quickly.

Day 17 (Condition: you can not plant more than 14 plants). (The plant limit is indicated in the upper left corner of the screen, to the right of the solar energy). We plant only three Sunflowers. Ahead we put a tench of five fighting cabbages and five nuts. Total - 13 plants. From time to time we put Frosty cabbage to put out the torches. For the victory we get an increase in the maximum amount of fertilizer bonus.

Day 18 You need to arrange all the plants at the very beginning, press the "Let's Rock" button, only after that the zombies will start attacking. We plant a row of cabbages, a row of boxers and a row of nuts. We spend the remaining energy on planting new nuts instead of beaten ones.

Day 19 (Conditions: 1 - you can not plant more than 12 plants, 2 - do not place plants on the two left rows). We plant five sunflowers. We begin to plant a row of boxers and a row of nuts. In the process of filling, we gradually dig out sunflowers so as not to exceed the limit of 12 plants. Before using Frosty Cabbage, do not forget to dig up an extra plant. To stop the last wave, we plant additional cabbages on the top two lines, and below, when the enemies come up, we use fertilizer on the fourth boxer so that he destroys everyone on the bottom three lines. For the victory we get Peashooter Repeater.

Day 20 (Condition: protect the Sunflowers in the center of the field). We recommend that you use improvement nuts before leveling.

21 day. You need to play with an already selected set of plants. We put double sunflowers, we stop the enemies by freezing, we gradually put corn plows and cabbage plows. A row of double sunflowers will allow us to save up for the Watermelon Pult. When using the fertilizer bonus, always give it to the Watermelon Pult. For the victory we get an initial supply of 25 energy at the beginning of each level.

Day 22 (Conditions: 1 - do not place plants on the two left rows, 2 - you cannot plant more than 15 plants). We put a row of Sunflowers, a row of Boxers, a row of Nuts. Sunflowers are gradually dug up and replaced with Cabbage Pults.

Day 23 Mini-game "Memory". You need to act very quickly. For the victory we get a random costume.

Day 24 You need to arrange all the plants at the very beginning, press the "Let's Rock" button, only after that the zombies will start attacking. We put a row of Bloomerangs, a row of Boxers, a row of Nuts. For the victory we get a plant Double sunflower.

Day 2 On the second day, everything is the same.

Day 3 We need to click on the Coconut Cannons in time to shoot down as many seagulls as possible. The explosion of the coconut shell hits the neighboring zombies, so we aim at the central birds in the flock. After gaining 5000 points, we win and get the Dragon Leaf plant.

Day 4 We put the Dragonflyers in the forefront, but behind the nuts. For the victory we get Dead Man's Booty - access to the endless mode in the Pirate Seas.

Day 5 You need to play with an already selected set of plants. We plant the entire field with corn consoles, behind - Sunflowers, in front - Nuts. Corns will quickly bring down flocks of seagulls. For the victory we get a fireman costume for Dragonleaf.

Day 6 Nothing unusual. For the victory we get a plant Thorns.

Day 7 We put spikes right in front of the barrels so that they do not crush the plants.

Day 10 Enemies have ship cannons. We put Beans on the cells in front of the water, they will act as springs and throw the zombies into the water. Cannons need to be destroyed with corn remotes.

Day 11 We shoot cannons at seagulls. You need to score 30,000 points. For the victory we get a plant Coconut Cannon.

Day 12 Nothing unusual. For the victory we get Shovel Bonus - after digging up the plant, 25% of its value is returned.

Day 13 (Condition: you need to produce 3000 energy). We take Double Sunflowers into the kit, thanks to them we can put several Coconut Cannons.

Day 14 You need to arrange all the plants at the very beginning, press the "Let's Rock" button, only after that the zombies will start attacking. On the bridge we put Dragon-leaves, Nuts, Thorns. On the edge of the ship we put Beans-springs. In the rear - Corn consoles and Pea shooters repeaters. For the victory we get the plant Triple pea shooter.

Day 15 (Condition: Don't let the zombies step on the line of flowers). Ahead, you need to quickly line up rows of Boxers and Nut. Then, in the rear, you need to gradually replace ordinary plants with Triple Pea Shooters. If there are not enough of them, then the plants will not be able to shoot the cannons in time, and the cannons will shower us with Imps, which can step on the line of flowers immediately after landing. (You can also use double sunflowers and plant your cannons, but then it will be more difficult to fight back at the beginning of the level).

Day 16 (Condition: do not let two Bobs in the center of the field be destroyed). At first, the beans themselves will defend themselves - drop single enemies into the water. At this time, we plant Double sunflowers, save up energy. In front of the Beans, we plant Dragon Leafs and Nuts. In the rear we put a lot of Peashooters of repeaters. For the victory we get a costume - sunglasses for Double Sunflowers.

Day 17 (Condition: kill 20 zombies in 30 seconds). On the bridge we put Dragon Cleats, in the rear - powerful Pea Shooters. At the very end, when there will be a lot of enemies on the bridge, we apply fertilizer to Dragonleaf. At the same time, we apply fertilizer on two Pea Shooters from above so that they destroy the zombie guns, so we will complete the task.

Day 18 (Condition: you need to play with an already selected set of plants). A very difficult level, as there are no sunflowers in the kit. To pass level 18 of the Pirate Seas, we recommend that you purchase the Frosty Cabbage boost before starting the level (for this you will need to grow a bonus in a Zen garden or spend crystals). We constantly put on the field more and more reinforced Frosty cabbages, from this the enemies will freeze for a few seconds. This will save us a lot of time. On the right edge we gradually put Nuts, in the rear we put ordinary Pea Shooters. For the victory we get a plant Stone spikes.

Day 19 (Conditions: 1 - produce 1750 energy, 2 - prevent zombies from stepping on a line of flowers). We put two rows of sunflowers. Gradually plant Nuts in front of the flowers. (You can play the levels of the Wild West before this and earn a Chili bean plant there. It will greatly facilitate the passage of subsequent pirate levels).

Day 20 Mini-game shooting from cannons at seagulls.

21 day. (Conditions: 1 - destroy 5 zombies in 5 seconds, 2 - produce 3250 energy). We plant Double Sunflowers, fight off the first enemies with Frosty Cabbage and Spring Beans. Gradually add Dragonflies and powerful Peashooters. During the last wave, we use fertilizer on Dragonleaf so that it burns 5 zombies at once. For the victory we get +1 cell for seeds.

Day 22 (Condition: you need to arrange all the plants at the very beginning, press the “Let’s Rock” button, only after that the zombies will start attacking). We will only need to fight off boarding pirates and cannons. We put a row of Coconut Cannons, a row of Nuts, a row of Thorns. We shoot coconuts in time to destroy enemy cannons.

Day 23 (Conditions: 1 - kill 8 zombies in 10 seconds, 2 - prevent zombies from stepping on flowers). We plant double sunflowers. Ahead we put Dragonolists and Nuts. We gradually plant powerful Pea Shooters in the middle. Use fertilizer on Dragonleaf to burn 8 zombies at once. For the victory we get 1 free Power of Snow.

Day 24 (Conditions: protect the beans in the center of the field). We repeat the tactics of the previous level. Powerful Pea Shooters will destroy enemy cannons in time, and the Imps will not have time to eat the Beans. During the last wave, we use three fertilizers at once on the Pea Shooters to protect all the Beans. For the victory we get a plant Cherry Bomb.

Day 25 Boss: Deckwalker Zombot. We place all the plants that appear. We fertilize the Coconut Cannons in time to inflict maximum damage on the boss.

Achievement "Honorary reader site",
Levels: 1. Egypt , 2. Pirates , 3. West , 4. Future , 5. Dark Ages ,
6. Beach, 7. Caves, 8. City, 9. Neon, 10. Swamp, 11. Real.
Progress . Questions - answers.

At first SPAZ 2 causes quite mixed feelings. This is both delight from the new found elements of the ship and disappointment after a collision with the enemy. It's the enjoyment of pretty good visuals and the annoyance of endless and repetitive gunfire sounds. At first, the game can push too much information, but you just have to get involved and you can’t tear yourself away from the computer. My review of Space Pirates and Zombies 2 should help you, and me too, to understand if the game is good. new game studios MinMax Games Ltd. By the way, I consider the second part as a separate game, not a continuation, so there will be no comparisons with the previous part of the game.

You won't be fed up with the plot

The events of the game continue the story of the first part. In short, the ships have become infected with a virus that turns them into independent organisms. People who are at war with each other unite to defeat the threat. This is the plot of Space Pirates and Zombies, according to intro video from the second part. It's disappointing that at the same time nothing interesting happens on the monitor. Obviously, the reason for static screensavers is a low budget. Returning to the plot, he in SPAZ 2 is not far from the original. Groupings wage wars among themselves, each gaining more resources for himself, not only from his own territory. After a while, zombie ships attack people. But the characters reveal their character in the dialogues and in the biographies in the menu completely. In a conversation with the characters, you can see their motivations, demeanor. You can imagine how they behave in battle and together with friends at dinner. They turned out to be alive, albeit stereotyped. But the stereotype for the plot and characters is not a minus - they are not the main thing here.

Gameplay - he and in space gameplay

The game immediately throws us into battle, after which we need to remember a lot of new information about the game. If you master it, and wait out the flow of learning, then you will definitely be rewarded with freedom of action. In Space Pirates and Zombies 2, you have to build relationships with other captains, of which there are a lot. Equip your base, fight against zombie ships, create your own ship from a bunch of different parts and much more. Exploring a fairly large open world is a pleasure - in new areas of the map you can find fuel, scrap metal that can be sold, people (they can also be sold or left to care for the ship), and data revealing the game world.

On the one hand, battles look slow, ships turn around reluctantly, and waiting for weapons to reload is a very tedious task.

But in other way, when you yourself test your ship in battle, you look at the pros and cons of your build, look at the weapons of the enemy and calculate the tactics of battle, the game captures with your head.

You can rebuild your transport in SPAZ 2 from the parts collected after the battle (they just fly in zero gravity), buy from other captains or collect junk and attach it somehow to your brainchild. Something else that won't let go after beating the game - generation of completely different events with each new start. True, what surprised me unpleasantly was that no multiplayer. It’s a pity that you won’t be able to compete with friends or go along with someone story campaign. But you should treat the developers with understanding - I think not every indie studio can afford to support servers.

Graphics and sound

But in terms of music and sound, SPAZ 2 is not so good. When traveling around the map, you do not notice the roar of the engine and other noises, but during the shooting, the same sounds begin to annoy after 20 minutes. Music flies out of my head immediately after turning off the game. She, of course, adds an atmosphere of something cosmic, but nothing unusual. But the visual part pleased. Spaceships beautifully illuminated with multi-colored lights, the models are drawn well enough to love the picture as a whole, and the background always looks solid. The only complaint about the visual design is the portraits of characters that pop up during dialogues and look out of style. Unpretentious, reminiscent of the spirit of antiquity, images and heaps of realistic scrap metal and garbage are very strangely combined. I admit, they fit the local humor, but not the big picture.

Gameplay: 75% Want to know how we write our reviews and why space game Pirates and Zombies 2 received exactly this rating?