Story line. Storyline Walkthrough of the game kalavdyuti 4

Mission 9

This mission is in Azerbaijan, where, according to intelligence information, the elusive Khaled Al-Assad is located. need to check several buildings in the area. The village is located in the southwest of the landing site. It is better to immediately climb into the bell tower, it is immediately visible from the landing site, there is a Dragunov sniper rifle and a Javelin FGM-148 on the second floor - a tank is driving around the village. It’s also convenient to call in an air strike from the bell tower. There is intelligence in the building northwest of the bell tower on the second floor. By the way, intelligence is needed to activate cheats (ESC Settings->Cheats), but they can only be used after you beat the game at least once.

The house we need is located in the very west of the village behind the field. Al-Assad turned out to be not involved in the nuclear explosion, but it was possible to find out that Imran Zakhaev staged it, he received a nuclear charge from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (although it is impossible to create a nuclear explosion from nuclear fuel, but since the Americans do not know this, we continue to play).

Mission 10

In this mission you will have to play as Captain Price fifteen years ago, he is performing a mission in Pripyat under the leadership of Captain McMillan. We need to go after Captain McMilln. Weapons: USP 45 caliber and M21 sniper rifle with silencer.

If you do everything as Captain McMillan says and don’t make any noise, then you can pass the posts along the road to the goal quickly and without a fight. We come across the first post, kill one before the other one sees. Further on, four people are sitting in a wooden house and one is walking outside. We kill him and move on. About a hundred meters later we take down the guard in the bell tower next to the church. There are three stingers in the church. We pass through the church to the cemetery, there we need to wait out the patrol helicopter. We go out into an open area right in the middle of the field, we notice that a whole crowd of soldiers with a tank is coming towards us, we need to make sure they don’t notice us. They pass right a meter away from us and move on. Behind the clearing is a cemetery of broken armored vehicles, about ten terrorists there. You can just crawl through them. After 50 meters there is a post between the rusty containers and Captain McMillan deals with him. Then you need to get through the terrorist camp, you just need to follow McMillan.

Pripyat begins behind the terrorist camp, we shoot the sniper on the fire escape. On the top floor of the building where the sniper was, there are 2 stingers and intelligence data. We follow McMillan through several yards to a wild dog that is eating someone. If you kill a dog, a whole pack of wild dogs will come running. We follow McMillan to the hotel, the goal of the hotel is a convenient observation point.

Mission 11

Goal: Eliminate Imran Zakhaev

Weapon: M82 sniper rifle

We took up a position on the top floor of the hotel. After eliminating Zakhaev (he still does not know that Zakhaev survived), we go down the ropes. The helicopter landing site is 600 meters to the north, and it takes 20 minutes to get there. Below we are immediately met by terrorists. If we try to kill everyone, we won’t be able to get to the helicopter in time; we need to run to the place, shooting back at the terrorists if possible. After we enter the building, the terrorists lag behind for a short time. In the yard we are attacked by a helicopter, after we shoot it down, it falls directly on McMillan, so he will travel the rest of the way on my back. While we're carrying McMillan, you can't shoot, so you need to put him in an advantageous position before engaging in battle. To get to the place, you need to go through the building, there are two dogs and two terrorists in the rooms on the second floor. We pass through the pool, there are two people behind it. The landing site is at the Ferris wheel, where you need to position yourself and hold out until the helicopter lands.

Mission 12

We are returning to Northern Azerbaijan, we need to hold out until the helicopter arrives. At the very beginning, we climb up the hill and shoot at the enemies from it with machine guns. After they start hitting the hill with mortars, we retreat. We go after the minigun, which is a little to the west in the crashed helicopter. The minigun clicks 5 arriving helicopters like seeds. After this, you need to activate the explosives planted, the detonators are located in the nearest house on a hill, there are 4 detonators on the second floor opposite the windows.

The next task is to stop the tanks, Javelin lies at the northern end of the village in a barn. The easiest way to get there is to crawl along the left gutter. You need to destroy four tanks, after which you are given 4 minutes to get to the helicopter landing zone, it is on the south side at the foot of the hill. The only way to get there is to crawl back along the gutter, because... there are a lot of enemies there. Through a small forest you need to move down to the water, a helicopter is waiting on the shore.

Mission 13

Southern Russia.

Goal: Find Zakhaev’s son and ask where his dad is.

Weapons: Colt 1911 and R700 sniper rifle

We go to the southeast, we need to deal with the checkpoint, while others are storming it, we kill 2 guards on the tower. Then we occupy the checkpoint and set up an ambush. An enemy column of 3 trucks, 2 tanks and one jeep arrives. We attack them; Zakhaev’s son is sitting in the jeep. During the battle, the tower on which we are sitting, shell-shocked, falls from the explosion, we see where Zakhaev is running away. As soon as we come to our senses, I immediately run after him. We run through the house, a dog attacks us, Zakaev runs away to the north along the road to his friends. Right along the road there is a fortification made of concrete blocks, we storm it, trying not to kill Zakhaev. He runs left into an alley, then turns right behind an iron fence, where about 8 terrorists cover him. On the right in the building behind the iron fence on the second floor there is intelligence data. From the courtyard we run to the right, there is another concrete shelter, there are two people behind it, the lane turns left, there are two more behind an overturned car. Zakhaev runs into the five-story building on the right; machine gunners are sitting on the fifth floor; a helicopter helps kill them. We chase Zakhaev’s son throughout the dilapidated five-story building, finally we drive him onto the roof, but he shoots himself in the head.

Mission 14

Altai, Russia.

We need to find Staff Sergeant Griggs. It is half a kilometer to the southwest. Two people in a jeep are driving towards them - they are killed. Another group of soldiers who act like drunken Russian bears. Go ahead. We go into the building to the right of the road, there is 1 on the second floor, three on the third, Griggs is not here. We go out into the courtyard and check the building opposite. Griggs is sitting on the second floor, there is another terrorist there.

The next task is to destroy the power line support in the southwest, this does not present any difficulty. Then you need to unite with the second group. We go northwest and climb through the hole in the fence to the enemy base. About twenty terrorists are distributed around the yard and sitting in the building, enemy grenade launchers are on the roof. In the building at the back end of the yard next to the tower there is intelligence data. We pass through the building on the left, where enemy troops are landing. We go further to the southwest, straight ahead there are two small buildings, each with two grenade launchers, and inside there are also several terrorists and two dogs. After we kill them, 3 more trucks with infantry arrive. On the second floor of the building on the left there is an RPG, you can well load the truck before the terrorists get out. We go northwest along the road along which the trucks arrived. There is another RPG lying near the trucks. A little further along the road we meet the second squad of snipers. And two missiles are launched immediately.

Mission 15

The next task is to capture the missile launch control center while the others try to find out the missile launch cancellation code from the Russians. Control center in the southeast. Enemy infantry and a tank are still approaching from the north, the task is to find explosives and heavy weapons, well, this is not a problem, there are weapons lying around in every trash heap. From the northern part of the base you can use explosives (it’s there) to knock out a piece of the wall, and there are also two RPGs near the jeep. Directly opposite the break in the wall there is a hangar, there are G36C rifles and several more RPGs, and there is also an indestructible UAZ, which does not obey any laws of physics.

The left gate to the inside of the base is blocked, you need to go right. At this time, the Russians are shouting all kinds of nonsense into a megaphone, which is quite annoying, in general it’s strange that such a game was translated into Russian, and so good, the scenario is not just crazy (American special forces in the center of Russia, next to a military facility) it’s also makes some kind of idiots out of us. But I digress.

In the northernmost part of the base, in a small building with the number two, there is a Dragunov sniper rifle, which will not hurt at all. To the right of the gate in the passage behind the buildings there is intelligence information. We fight our way to the right gate and blow it up. On the territory of the internal base, you need to destroy two armored personnel carriers; there are plenty of grenade launchers in the buildings on the right. Then we go down the cables into the ventilation shaft.

Mission 16

We are in the ventilation shaft, making our way to the launch control center. We go downstairs to the shower room. Codes for self-destruction of missiles have been obtained. The goal is to meet with the second group, there are 11 minutes left before the missiles reach the target. We leave the shower room, turn left, there is intelligence data from the room on the left along the corridor, we storm the base further. We go straight, there will be stairs down. There it is better to make your way forward along the left or right flank between the boxes. We pass through the warehouse, go right and attack there through the left or right wing. We run straight while the countdown is going on and close the hatch behind us. Another rocket is launched. We open the door to the control center, storm it, and go down the stairs. We blow up the left wall in the lower room and go through the hole. We get to the control center, there are a couple of terrorists sitting here, we kill them and enter the code for the self-destruction of the missiles. The next task is to follow Price and get out of the control center. We take the elevator to the garage with trucks, kill the terrorists and leave in the vehicle.

Mission 17

We leave in UAZs and trucks, they catch up with us in trucks, ram us, try to push us off the road, attack us from helicopters, in general, full Action. The Mi-24 blows up the bridge, and we climb over the wreckage of the bridge. On the other hand, we are being attacked by several terrorists (in fact, Russia has never posed a terrorist threat to the United States, however, in the entire history not a single Iranian has killed a single American, but this did not stop them from bombing Iran).

When we got to the other side, 3 UAZs with infantry arrived. While we are firing back, the car behind which we are hiding explodes, we are shell-shocked, and we watch as the enemies advance. Zakhaev appears with two bodyguards, he and them finish off our wounded. At this time, their helicopter is shot down and while they are distracted, we kill them with a pistol that one of ours threw to me. Kozlov’s men approach and take away the wounded. The final video follows.


It is proposed to free the hostage on board the plane, after which we jump with a parachute and the plane explodes.

With this, let's say goodbye to the passage of the game (or just CoD 4) and wait for the next part. Thank you all for your attention, see you again.

– undoubtedly one of the best representatives of this genre. So, let's begin our walkthrough Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and we hope that you will do no worse.


Newbie Soap, i.e. we, joins the special forces group. Shooting skills training begins.

You are given a G36C rifle - a fairly light but accurate weapon, and a 12-round USP 45-caliber pistol (indispensable when the main weapon's magazine runs out).

After we shoot at targets and kill a couple of watermelons, practicing a knife strike, we are sent to Captain Price to examine the newbie. In order to get into the group, you need to confirm that you are worthy and pass a test for melee skills. You need to complete the training ground in less than 60 seconds. After this, we are given an MP-5 rifle - a more serious weapon and 4 flash grenades. Depending on how this test is completed, an appropriate level of difficulty is suggested. Well, then - the first task.

Mission 1

One of the spies from Russia reported that a ship with important cargo on board would be passing through the Bering Strait.

Our task is to board the ship and find out what is being transported there.

We and five other special forces fly to our destination under the cover of a storm. We board the ship next to the main wheelhouse and take out all the enemies who are inside the wheelhouse.

Gus remains standing on the deck, covering from behind, and the five of us go to check the cabins. We go down the stairs, there we kill a drunken Russian in a hat with earflaps. On the right in the cabin two sailors are sleeping, we also finish them off without waiting for the sleepyheads to wake up. We go down to the cargo deck, spread out around the perimeter and walk along the ship.

We remove two guards on the platform. We go further, on the second floor there are many well-armed people. They discovered us, but they are eliminated from a helicopter with a heavy machine gun. The helicopter is running out of fuel and is flying back to base. We climb onto the platform, blow up the iron door with plastid and storm the room, leaving two of ours at the entrance.

We go down the stairs to the lower level, where we find three terrorists. A short shootout, we go further along the corridor to the left. More terrorists. Let's blind them

flash grenade and burst into a large cargo bay filled with containers. We clean it up. We find a door on the left, the captain kicks it out, and we rush inside.

There's exactly the same adjacent cargo bay. Here you will have to tinker a little. The terrorists are holed up behind the boxes and are firing at us.

We pass through this compartment, behind it is a room half the size, there are also terrorists there, throwing grenades at us. We throw a flash (flash grenade) there and, while they are blinded, we remove them.

On the left in the container we find what we are looking for, but the base reports that there is no time for loading, because two helicopters are flying towards us. We grab the documentation for the cargo and run away, but halfway through the ship there is already a missile strike.

We're shell-shocked. The ship is sinking, everything around is crumbling and breaking, we run back to the helicopter. The main thing here is not to lose sight of the captain. We jump into the helicopter and fly away.

We see a video: President Al-Fulani is being taken in a jeep in some Middle Eastern country and dropped off near a crowd of jubilant armed people. And they lead you to execution. Just like that.

Mission 2

The next assignment is in Russia, in the Caucasus. We need to save our spy, who leaked information about the cargo transportation to us. Russian loyalists promised to help us (from the word loyalty) if we help them storm a settlement that the separatists captured.

We land in some kind of swamp. We need to meet Russian troops and provide sniper support. We go north, knee-deep in water, and in a wooden house on the shore next to the UAZ we find a laptop with useful information. We go northwest, pass under the bridge and come out to a small settlement.

I mine the exit from the wooden house and shoot to attract attention. I wave my hands in front of the entrance and run away. Stupid Russians (this is only about virtual Russians, of course) run in a crowd toward the mine, and then the hype begins. Several more terrorists run out and are immediately hit with M4A1s. Further to the north-west. We see a clearing, there is a meeting with the loyalists, their leader is Komarov.

We go to the sniper positions further to the northwest, up the hill and further along the road until we see anti-aircraft salvos. We position ourselves at the top of the road and kill everyone like cockroaches. In the midst of the battle, helicopters arrive and we leave the hill.

Komarov is trying to manipulate us, allegedly using us to break through to Nikolai, our spy. There are many separatists running towards us below. It's good that the M4A1 has an M201 underbarrel grenade launcher, this will solve most of the problem. Then we cover Komarov’s men with sniper fire and run north to the power plant.

Captain Price is nervous, Komarov still won’t say where exactly the spy is being kept, so we have to put a little pressure on him. We break through in a northeast direction to the house where the spy is being kept. The gas cuts the wires, and we storm the house with night vision devices.

Nikolai is sitting on the second floor. That's it, mission accomplished. A helicopter is already waiting for us in the southeast of the house.

Mission 3

The action moves from the Caucasus to the Middle East. Already another special. the group must storm the house where Al-Assad is believed to be located. We play as Sergeant Paul Jackson. We land in the city block and run north. We use plastid to blow up the door of the building where Al-Assad is hiding. In the hall we kill two terrorists who did not expect such a turn. On the left we go down the stairs to the basement, where several terrorists hid behind boxes in the dining room.

Al-Assad was not found in the building. New information has been received that he is performing live half a kilometer southeast of this place. We make our way along the narrow eastern streets. Halfway to the television center, the street is blocked by a car with a couple of terrorists sitting behind it. There are a lot of terrorists sitting on the roofs and throwing grenades. There are many ways to the television center, but everywhere there are ambushes behind cars and terrorists on the roofs. We kill them and get to the television center. In the southern part of the television center, we blow up the door with plastid and run in. Right down the corridor is a room with television equipment, there are about seven terrorists there. Then we go through the archive with records into the large hall. There are a couple dozen terrorists sitting here, armed with AK-74U, grenades and RPGs. They throw grenades, just have time to throw them back. In the right-left corner there is a door to the main hall from which you can go up to the 3rd floor to the television studio. One - zero in favor of Al-Assad. Instead, a recording of his performance was launched at the television center.

Mission 4

In a suburb half a kilometer to the north, a tank from the Alpha group is stuck; the task is to help them. At the very beginning, an ambush awaits us; the entire building on the right is stuffed with militants. We have to clear it, climb onto the 2nd floor and kill four terrorists. They begin to storm the building from the back, we position ourselves at the windows, and go to the roof to fire from there. There are also several terrorists sitting on the roof. From the roof we kill everyone below. There is very strong fire from grenade launchers from the bridge from above. Intelligence reported that several tanks were moving towards their destination, across the bridge. But this is nothing when there is a Javelin FGM-148. It is very good to hit tanks with it in order to immediately destroy more infantry along with them. After destroying the tanks, we go northwest along the passage and to the left, we pass under the bridge to the Abrams tank. There are a lot of enemies, air support is needed, but there is an anti-aircraft gun in the southwest. You need to get to it and blow it up. We make our way to the ZPU. The main thing is to remove the machine gunners from the roofs so that you can safely crawl where you need to. We blow up the ZPU.

After destroying the anti-aircraft gun, you need to install an infrared beacon for helicopters. The beacon needs to be installed in front of the house in the southwest; machine gunners are firing from the building; it is better to crawl behind cover and install the beacon. Then helicopters arrive and launch a couple of dozen missiles into the building. The mission was successfully completed.

Mission 5

The action moves again to Russia. We see a Video: the helicopter returns with Soap’s group that saved the spy. The helicopter flies over western Russia, and then he is shot down by a stinger. The pilot died. An AC-130 plane was sent for us, we need to get to the landing site in the west.

We go west along the road, hiding under the bridge from a column of trucks. Once everything has calmed down, we move on. We reach a small village. We deal with three separatists who pestered a local resident. We go further in the same direction, a patrol helicopter with a searchlight is flying, we were spotted. We hide from our pursuers in the basement of the nearest house. From the basement we go up to the first floor and shoot back from our pursuers. We make our way west through the village, there are still separatists with dogs. Dogs, by the way, are very realistic. We make our way through the village, cross a stream, and then we are discovered by a large group of separatists. I advise you to immediately kill the machine gunner in a helicopter, there is nowhere to hide from him. We cross a field, followed by another stream. There we go to the right through the greenhouse, behind which the separatists have settled. To the north-west of the greenhouse in the barn there are stingers, with their help you can finally shoot down those annoying helicopters. Right behind the barn, a message comes that the AC-130 has arrived in our square, and that it will help us get to the helicopter landing point.

Mission 6

In this mission, we control weapons on an approaching AC-130 aircraft; we need to provide air support to ours making their way to the landing site. We have at our disposal a heavy machine gun and two cannons of 40 and 105 caliber. By combining them, we need to destroy the enemy, not letting him get to our guys, and try not to hurt our own.

Mission 7

Near East. Sergeant Jackson.

We need to escort the Abrams M1A2 tank, which we rescued in mission 5, to the evacuation site. We need to move east, there are terrorists dug in behind broken equipment, a helicopter is helping them. The tank is moving behind Sergeant Jackson (i.e., behind me), so you can run through some places, crawl, and the tank will follow you, but it’s much more interesting to deal with all the hated enemies.

Having dealt with the small ambush, the tank turns left, crushing parked cars along the way. The tank provides good cover, destroying machine gunners in the windows. The narrow streets are full of cars that take turns exploding, so it's best to stay away from them. On the second floor of the building in front of the bus standing across the road there is an RPD (a large belt machine gun). Behind the bus blocking the road, there is a left turn, there is an enemy tank there. To kill him, you need to take a grenade launcher, which lies on the second floor of a building with a completely destroyed wall on the second floor. After this, everything ends well, the tank is delivered, alive and unharmed.

Mission 8

Intelligence reported that Al-Assad has a nuclear warhead at his disposal, and it is urgent to finish off him. Our task is to weaken the ground forces and capture Al-Assad. The mission begins with an air attack on troop concentrations from the MK-19.

After a successful clearing, we fly to rescue the reconnaissance group that is surrounded. To help us find them, they fired a green smoke bomb. Green smoke can be seen northwest of the landing site. We storm the house in which the allies have taken refuge; 4 terrorists are hiding on the first floor.

There are 4 terrorists with RPD sitting on the roof and inside near the windows. The helicopter is waiting for us in the northeast. Just to the right of this building is the landing. A nuclear device was discovered in Al-Assad's palace, and then, as luck would have it, a second helicopter, with a Cobra, was shot down. She is given 90 seconds to save her, then the helicopter explodes. It took me 40 seconds to run to the fallen helicopter and save Cobra, carrying him on my own shoulders, not paying attention to the bullets hitting me, falling and getting up.

Well, everyone was rescued, put into a helicopter, they flew away... beauty... from the window the city was in full view, a large mushroom cloud was growing... NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!

"We woke up together again with him
We're in the white medical unit"
Yeah, of course :)

I woke up alone, in a crumpled helicopter, everything was floating, I only had enough strength to lean out...

Making up a walkthrough Call of Duty 4



The training mission is unlikely to make it difficult for anyone, so I won’t waste any time and will briefly describe the main points. Complete training at the training ground in the first hangar, then head to the room next door, where a team led by a stern boss awaits you, who will force you to complete a training mission with shooting at mock-ups within sixty seconds. It’s quite difficult to miss the deadline, but if you manage to do everything in 15 seconds, you’ll break the record. Returning to your boss, listen to the briefing and prepare for your first combat mission.

Crew Expendable

After a colorful flyby of the Estonian tanker, you will be dropped onto it. Follow the team, shooting the ship's crew along the way. When you see a drunken Russian leaving the cabin, take his life in cold blood and go back to where he crawled out from. The first of thirty laptops awaits you in your cabin. Continue following your team deeper into the ship. Soon you will have a small shootout involving a "turntable". It’s better not to stick your head out too much, but you can shoot at live targets yourself. After clearing the deck, go down. Be on your guard, the enemy is not asleep.

When you find yourself in the cargo room, go down the first ladder and carefully examine the space to your left, while not forgetting to shoot back from the annoying dummies. After Price throws a flash, go downstairs, take the laptop and kill the terrorists.

Having dealt with the villains, go to the next room. A more serious mess awaits you here, so walk carefully and beware of the grenades that NPCs love to throw around. Having systematically cleared the room (this should not cause any difficulties), go to the very end, where there will be an open container, listen to everything they tell you, take the documents and get off the ship. Halfway through the journey, a surprise awaits you: the ship is attacked, as a result of which it quickly sinks. Get up and run as fast as you can after the team (no need to sprint). Be attentive and careful: if you fall behind, you will die. Go up the stairs, then left, then right and straight ahead. A helicopter is waiting for you there, ready to take off. Jump into it.

Act I

Black Out

Once you're there, don't hesitate. Follow your comrades forward, simultaneously exterminating Russian separatists. The location is quite dark, so we advise you to use a night vision device, but remember that bright light can blind you. Get to the meeting place with Sergeant Komarov. After listening to the dialogue, take the M21 sniper rifle and move to the position with the price list. From the firing point, eliminate all targets in the windows and make sure that the machine gun nests are empty. After successful clearing, move on. From the second position, shoot all the opponents. If you get lost, look at the radar. After completing the task, you will meet with a helicopter. hide, then run to the power plant and ride the cable down. Ahead is a building filled with enemy soldiers, but problems are unlikely to arise. clear the area and go up to the second floor, where the captive Nikolai will be waiting for you. Free him and go out the back door, the “spinner” is already waiting for you.

Charlie Don't Surf

After you get down from the helicopter, immediately follow your comrades to the terrorist bunker. Then you clear it of enemies and take any weapon on the long table. Throw a couple of blind grenades into the rooms with the boxes and kill all the enemies. Then go to the iron fence, shooting at the terrorists sitting behind the cars along the way. When you get there, a couple of enemies will jump from the roof. Shoot them and the terrorists behind the barrels. There will be many paths to television. Go either way, I advise you to take the road on the right, a machine gunner in a car will pass there. When you reach the television, you will need to go into a hall where there are many tables with computers and televisions. There will be many enemies there. Be careful, the terrorists throw grenades and shoot from RPGs. The safest way is through the small rooms on the left. When you clear the hall of terrorists, you need to go to the second floor. You can shoot at enemies with an RPG or a sniper rifle through the window. Then follow your comrades up the stairs into the corridor. And they will lead you to a large room at the end of the corridor. But Al-Assad will not be there. Griggs will turn on the music and the mission is complete.

The God

The American Abrams tank is stuck in a swamp and needs to be rescued. The mission begins with the fact that you appear on the road and must go save the tank. But there's an ambush here. Machine guns are firing at you from the windows of Arab houses. You quickly run into the hole in the house, put on your night vision, and go up the stairs. There are a lot of terrorists there. We kill them all and sit down at the machine gun. Then you shoot non-stop at the enemies. Then we clear a couple of rooms and go down. There are many terrorists outside the windows. And soon enemy tanks arrive. A soldier with Javalen runs out. They kill him, and you pick up the gun and go to the second floor of the house on the left. Point the gun at the tank, hold it for a couple of seconds and shoot. And so are all enemy tanks. Then follow your comrades to our tank. They begin to fire at him from all sides. They throw a lot of grenades at you, shoot from RPGs, but you still shouldn’t let the enemies get close to the tank, otherwise they will blow it up. After stopping the terrorist attack, you need to destroy the anti-aircraft gun so that helicopters can fly in. You put C4 on it, go to a safe distance and boom. Then there was more machine gun fire. You set up a beacon and hide in cover. Our “turntables” arrive and you gather at the tank with a detachment. Now the mission is completed.

The Hunted

The mission begins with a helicopter carrying informant Nikolai being shot down. The helicopter crashes, the pilot, Nikolai, Captain Price, Gus, another soldier die, and you remain alive. Take the place of the pistol g36 c, mp5orM4 A1. Next, run to the bridge and take cover there from the enemy helicopter. Then enter the house that Price opens and kill the enemies that approach the local resident, otherwise he will be killed. After the shootout, you climb over the fence and go to the next house. On the way to it, you will need to lie down so that the enemy helicopter does not notice you. But everyone notices you and you will need to find cover while Gus opens the door to the basement of the house. When he opens the door, you go in there and go upstairs. Go through the open door. When enemies burst in, it's best to move away from the door when they throw a blind grenade at you. Kill them and move on. Two dogs will run out there and many separatists. The dogs run fast, don't hesitate, shoot them. After dealing with all the enemies, move on. There the separatists will sit behind the cars. After clearing the enemies, go further through the small swamp. Then you need to move quietly and hide behind sheaves of hay. When you cross the entire field, everyone notices your comrades. We'll have to shoot back into the greenhouses. There will be enemies in the next greenhouse. Once everything is clean, move on. There will be two trucks standing there, a lot of separatists in the barn and a helicopter that is constantly firing at you. The machine gunner in the helicopter can be killed if you aim ahead. When there are no more enemies left in the barn, go into it and take the Stinger missiles. Point your sight at the helicopter and wait until it stops beeping. After that, shoot. If you don't get it, try again. When the helicopter is shot down, go after Captain Price. Your AC-300 plane will arrive and bomb all enemy armored vehicles. Move on and the mission is completed.

Death From Above

In this mission you need to cover your comrades from SASon an AC-130 aircraft. Be careful when shooting, the camera will be black and white, your comrades will flicker. It will be possible to switch black and white heat color. You can also switch types of guns: 105mm is slow, but very powerful, 40mm is faster, but less powerful, and 25mm is fast, but weaker than others. At the beginning, when the enemies run out of the church, do not shoot at it, otherwise the mission will fail. When you clear this place of enemies, your comrades below will get into their cars and drive along the road. You will have to protect them from enemies with RPGs on the roofs and from a tank. Then your comrades will get out of the car and go to a place where there are many cars and two large buildings. Enemies will run out of these buildings, and you will shoot at them. When there are no enemies left, two helicopters will fly in and pick up your comrades. Mission completed.

War Pig

In this mission you have to escort the Abrams tank to a safe place. The mission begins with many terrorists sitting behind concrete slabs and on a bus. Enemy helicopters will soon arrive and they need to be shot down. To do this, you will need to break through to the bus and take the RPG there. After that, aim at the helicopters and shoot. Then our tank moves on. There will be cars on the sides, be careful, they often explode. Also, if you stand next to a tank, you will be stunned when fired. Watch out for enemies with RPGs on the rooftops, they need to be killed. There will be many enemies in the two houses. They will shoot from large holes on the second floor. After dealing with the terrorists in the houses, move on. There, at the turn, there will be two more two-story houses with many enemies. A grenade launcher will help you deal with them. Then go further, simultaneously killing the enemies on the bus. There will be another house with enemies. After they are gone, go further through the house into an alley where there will be many cars, and behind them there will be terrorists. There will also be two machine gunners in the windows. I advise you to kill them first, otherwise they may kill you. When there are no enemies left, follow your comrades into the house on the second floor. There will be an enemy T-72 tank on the street. Stay in the house until our Abrams destroys the tank. Then follow your comrades to the place where your helicopter will land and pick you up.


The task of this mission is to help your comrades on the ground by flying around the city in a helicopter with a grenade launcher. When flying over the city, you need to destroy tanks - they can attack you heavily, you also need to destroy the anti-aircraft guns of enemies and terrorists with RPGs on the roofs and on the ground. Then your helicopter will land on the square and your squad will emerge from it. After this, you need to evacuate another squad from the building with green smoke. The helicopter lands and you go out to pick up the squad. All the terrorists hid on the first floor. After clearing the first floor, take the grenade launcher and shoot down enemy helicopters. Then you break through the house with machine guns and go to the helicopter. Then you fly back, but suddenly the second Cobra helicopter is shot down. He falls, and you need to save the pilot in 1:20 seconds. When you have saved the pilot, your helicopter flies away. You are flying and suddenly...

And suddenly a nuclear bomb explodes and your helicopter crashes. This completes the mission.

Act II


In this mission you will have to search houses in search of Al-Assad. They are given two houses to search. One is far, the other is close. To find Al-Assad, you need to clear at least three or four houses (preferably all). I advise you to clear houses like this: call a helicopter and point to the house that needs to be searched. After shelling a house from a helicopter, he flies off to refuel and returns five minutes later. You are cleaning the house. Al-Assad is not there. You go to the next one, having first fired at it from a helicopter. After clearing the third house, an armored personnel carrier will appear, to make your life easier, you’ll better return to the first house and climb onto the church tower, where the Javelin lies. And so on until the farthest house remains. Moreover, if you go to it right away, then Al-Assad will not be there, he will be in some other house. When you reach the last house, Captain Price throws a blind grenade, runs into the house, hits Al-Assad, Zakhaev calls, Price kills Al-Assad and the mission is over.


We watch the video and start the game, follow Mac Milan, you can go closer and kill the separatist, or you can take cover (I mean a building like a barn), then we go after Mac Milan, you can kill the separatist or wait, it’s better to kill so as not to wait, then we run Shoot at the sentry then, we kill the separatist (don’t even try to shoot him in the head, wait until the car passes, then we run, we see the stingers, you can take them and try to shoot down the helicopter, if you killed the separatists in the house, then there will be less difficulties, and if not, then they will run and take down like a couple of helicopters Sepra with 2 people, we just pass through, then hide, go, Mac Milan says we have to lie down and wait for everyone to pass (it’s difficult because some soldiers will come at you, you just don’t move abruptly in the other direction if there is no separatist there, then we run and see 4 sepra two they are walking, 2 others are throwing off corpses, we kill the separatist who is only coming from the back, the front one will see, then we kill who are throwing off the corpses, now we run, one will be in containers (like containers on the left and right side, like a landfill) then we run and wait for another one, we bring down and squat down because there are 3 separatists sitting there, then we wait and run to the car, then we crawl, get out, then we take down the sniper, we move on, then we go to the stadium (there is a dog there, it’s better to pass it from the side) and all that’s left is to get to the hotel.


Mission" Ultimatum ".
So you start the mission here.
Follow the soldiers of your squad (S.A.S.) and you will see the enemy vehicle. After the car explodes, you will see more enemies with flashlights. After
You follow the members of your squad (S.A.S.) here.
After you have cleared the building, jump down after your allies when they open the door Not hurry up run out out!
There are 2 guards there
you kill them to the head! Otherwise, they will raise the alarm and a bunch of enemies with dogs will come. When you have dealt with them, follow Gaz to the next building where you will free your ally. After that, you follow them to the “electric tower”, there you install C4 and move away and blow it up. Then you walk for some time without fear behind (S.A.S.).
When you see the fence, find a hole there and go through it.

Next there will be enemies whom you will kill and go there.
There you will go down and after killing the enemies you go through that door.
Passage diagram:

Then you just follow without fear (S.A.S.)
Wow, the Separatists launched nuclear...
Another nuclear missile launched! As a result, there are already 2 of them!
End of mission.

Mission "Everything is in place"

I decided that it would be clearer to make a video than to write, here is the video:


Completing the bonus mission "Under Heaven" on a veteran.

As soon as our warrior comes down from the ventilation, we run to the parachute. It will come out with a person that would be better to kill with a knife. Then you should sit down and kill the terrorists passing in front. After the rush, we run through the room with the corpses and somewhere in the middle of it we throw a flash grenade behind the seats of the passengers in front. To avoid self-blinding, you should sit down. We quickly kill the terrors with the MP-5 SD and move on. You should leave the terrorists behind you to your comrades. There is no time to reload, so you need to reload the weapon and periodically finish off enemies with a pistol. There is no point in stopping at all, except to reload. As you pass the vestibule, you should check for terrorists behind it. After eliminating them, we throw a flash grenade forward, behind the seats, and shoot the oncoming people. After the explosion on the plane, we throw another flash grenade towards the stairs. Hiding behind the seats, you need to go around the terrorists from the side and shoot them. You need to be careful because you can catch a bullet from the descending terrorists. Climbing the stairs, as we go, we throw the last grenade at the terrorists and kill them. We are moving forward quickly. Be careful, there are always terrorists behind the partition, so it’s time to remove them. We select grenades on the shelf in front of the narrow corridor and throw one of them into the same corridor. after the flash, we run forward as fast as we can along the corridor, not paying attention to the terrors, except for those who stand in the way or are not blinded. Two bandits are waiting around the corner: we shoot one, the second can be stabbed. And we rush along the finish line to the white door. There we carefully shoot through the head of the terrorist hiding behind our hostage. "See you later, buddy!" :)

P.S. If there are any shortcomings, please correct them.

Review of the game Call of Duty - Modern Warfare. This game belongs to the famous “Call of Duty” line. In this game, like in many of its predecessors, there is a character named Captain Price, but we are never allowed to play as him. The main character is another character - Soap MacTavish, for whom we, in fact, play. The game also has a pretty good plot. The ultimate goal is to eliminate Imran Zakhaev.

To catch Imran Zakhaev, we first hunt his son. Sitting in ambush in the occupied territory, we are waiting for Zakhaev’s son. But he quickly runs away, suspecting an ambush, and then we have to chase after him, while shooting everyone who comes to hand. At the same time, Zakhaev’s son cannot be wounded even in the leg in order to immobilize him. Having broken through all this and climbed onto the roof of a high-rise building, we manage to surround Zakhaev’s son, but he shoots himself in the head. Because of this, we have to look for another way to detect Imran Zakhaev.

After all the chases and shootouts, we still have the opportunity to shoot Imran Zakhaev on the bridge, while being seriously wounded. Captain Price, who caught a stray bullet, is also mortally wounded. In this storyline, we will be transferred from one place to another and assigned control of different characters. This can be a little disorienting at first and make it difficult to follow the game's story. Because of this, the meaning of the game is a little lost.

The game has both a wide variety of weapons and an immense number of enemies who need to be killed with these very weapons. Some maps are very difficult to complete on high difficulty due to too many enemies. This is an unusual shooter for its time. Firstly, the graphics have been improved. Secondly, there are missions that need to be completed in stealth mode. In addition, for healing you no longer have to get first aid kits.

The controls are easy and don’t let you down at critical moments. In general, the game is unique and there are almost no bugs in it. There is also a network mode, which has a lot of bugs. It’s simply impossible to even launch it because the game immediately freezes. It is possible to replay in cheat mode. In this mode, there are changes in vision to various tones and a couple more gadgets. True, it is still not clear what they are doing. The game deserves a rating of 4 out of 10. But shooter fans may like it much more due to the number of enemies and the variety of ways to kill them. P.s.: Does diabetes prevent you from living peacefully and enjoying every day? Contact the Endocrinologist Center, where professional and qualified doctors will help solve any problems. You will be offered the most convenient glucometer - which has a fundamentally new operating scheme, a test cassette for fifty determinations, and a device memory for 2000 measurements!

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Call of Duty Ghosts. Walkthrough. Video. Photo.
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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

This year has been rich in high-quality shooters. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare is undoubtedly one of the best representatives of this genre. So, let's begin our walkthrough of Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and hope that you will do just as well.


Newbie Soap, i.e. we, joins the special forces group. Shooting skills training begins.

You are given a G36C rifle - a fairly light but accurate weapon, and a 12-round USP 45-caliber pistol (indispensable when the main weapon's magazine runs out).

After we shoot at targets and kill a couple of watermelons, practicing a knife strike, we are sent to Captain Price to examine the newbie. In order to get into the group, you need to confirm that you are worthy and pass a test for melee skills. You need to complete the training ground in less than 60 seconds. After this, we are given an MP-5 rifle - a more serious weapon and 4 flash grenades. Depending on how this test is completed, an appropriate level of difficulty is suggested. Well, then - the first task.

One of the spies from Russia reported that a ship with important cargo on board would be passing through the Bering Strait.

Our task is to board the ship and find out what is being transported there.

We and five other special forces fly to our destination under the cover of a storm. We board the ship next to the main wheelhouse and take out all the enemies who are inside the wheelhouse.

Gus remains standing on the deck, covering from behind, and the five of us go to check the cabins. We go down the stairs, there we kill a drunken Russian in a hat with earflaps. On the right in the cabin two sailors are sleeping, we also finish them off without waiting for the sleepyheads to wake up. We go down to the cargo deck, spread out around the perimeter and walk along the ship.

We remove two guards on the platform. We go further, on the second floor there are many well-armed people. They discovered us, but they are eliminated from a helicopter with a heavy machine gun. The helicopter is running out of fuel and is flying back to base. We climb onto the platform, blow up the iron door with plastid and storm the room, leaving two of ours at the entrance.

We go down the stairs to the lower level, where we find three terrorists. A short shootout, we go further along the corridor to the left. More terrorists. Let's blind them

Flash grenade and burst into a large cargo bay filled with containers. We clean it up. We find a door on the left, the captain kicks it out, and we rush inside.

There's exactly the same adjacent cargo bay. Here you will have to tinker a little. The terrorists are holed up behind the boxes and are firing at us.

We pass through this compartment, behind it is a room half the size, there are also terrorists there, throwing grenades at us. We throw a flash (flash grenade) there and, while they are blinded, we remove them.

On the left in the container we find what we are looking for, but the base reports that there is no time for loading, because two helicopters are flying towards us. We grab the documentation for the cargo and run away, but halfway through the ship there is already a missile strike.

We're shell-shocked. The ship is sinking, everything around is crumbling and breaking, we run back to the helicopter. The main thing here is not to lose sight of the captain. We jump into the helicopter and fly away.

We see a video: President Al-Fulani is being taken in a jeep in some Middle Eastern country and dropped off near a crowd of jubilant armed people. And they lead you to execution. Just like that.

The next assignment is in Russia, in the Caucasus. We need to save our spy, who leaked information about the cargo transportation to us. Russian loyalists promised to help us (from the word loyalty) if we help them storm a settlement that the separatists captured.

We land in some kind of swamp. We need to meet Russian troops and provide sniper support. We go north, knee-deep in water, and in a wooden house on the shore next to the UAZ we find a laptop with useful information. We go northwest, pass under the bridge and come out to a small settlement.

I mine the exit from the wooden house and shoot to attract attention. I wave my hands in front of the entrance and run away. Stupid Russians (this is only about virtual Russians, of course) run in a crowd toward the mine, and then the hype begins. Several more terrorists run out and are immediately hit with M4A1s. Further to the north-west. We see a clearing, there is a meeting with the loyalists, their leader is Komarov.

We go to the sniper positions further to the northwest, up the hill and further along the road until we see anti-aircraft salvos. We position ourselves at the top of the road and kill everyone like cockroaches. In the midst of the battle, helicopters arrive and we leave the hill.

Komarov is trying to manipulate us, allegedly using us to break through to Nikolai, our spy. There are many separatists running towards us below. It's good that the M4A1 has an M201 underbarrel grenade launcher, this will solve most of the problem. Then we cover Komarov’s men with sniper fire and run north to the power plant.

Captain Price is nervous, Komarov still won’t say where exactly the spy is being kept, so we have to put a little pressure on him. We break through in a northeast direction to the house where the spy is being kept. The gas cuts the wires, and we storm the house with night vision devices.

Nikolai is sitting on the second floor. That's it, mission accomplished. A helicopter is already waiting for us in the southeast of the house.

The action moves from the Caucasus to the Middle East. Already another special. the group must storm the house where Al-Assad is believed to be located. We play as Sergeant Paul Jackson. We land in the city block and run north. We use plastid to blow up the door of the building where Al-Assad is hiding. In the hall we kill two terrorists who did not expect such a turn. On the left we go down the stairs to the basement, where several terrorists hid behind boxes in the dining room.

Al-Assad was not found in the building. New information has been received that he is performing live half a kilometer southeast of this place. We make our way along the narrow eastern streets. Halfway to the television center, the street is blocked by a car with a couple of terrorists sitting behind it. There are a lot of terrorists sitting on the roofs and throwing grenades. There are many ways to the television center, but everywhere there are ambushes behind cars and terrorists on the roofs. We kill them and get to the television center. In the southern part of the television center, we blow up the door with plastid and run in. Right down the corridor is a room with television equipment, there are about seven terrorists there. Then we go through the archive with records into the large hall. There are a couple dozen terrorists sitting here, armed with AK-74U, grenades and RPGs. They throw grenades, just have time to throw them back. In the right-left corner there is a door to the main hall from which you can go up to the 3rd floor to the television studio. One - zero in favor of Al-Assad. Instead, a recording of his performance was launched at the television center.

In a suburb half a kilometer to the north, a tank from the Alpha group is stuck; the task is to help them. At the very beginning, an ambush awaits us; the entire building on the right is stuffed with militants. We have to clear it, climb onto the 2nd floor and kill four terrorists. They begin to storm the building from the back, we position ourselves at the windows, and go to the roof to fire from there. There are also several terrorists sitting on the roof. From the roof we kill everyone below. There is very strong fire from grenade launchers from the bridge from above. Intelligence reported that several tanks were moving towards their destination, across the bridge. But this is nothing when there is a Javelin FGM-148. It is very good to hit tanks with it in order to immediately destroy more infantry along with them. After destroying the tanks, we go northwest along the passage and to the left, we pass under the bridge to the Abrams tank. There are a lot of enemies, air support is needed, but there is an anti-aircraft gun in the southwest. You need to get to it and blow it up. We make our way to the ZPU. The main thing is to remove the machine gunners from the roofs so that you can safely crawl where you need to. We blow up the ZPU.

After destroying the anti-aircraft gun, you need to install an infrared beacon for helicopters. The beacon needs to be installed in front of the house in the southwest; machine gunners are firing from the building; it is better to crawl behind cover and install the beacon. Then helicopters arrive and launch a couple of dozen missiles into the building. The mission was successfully completed.

The action moves again to Russia. We see a Video: the helicopter returns with Soap’s group that saved the spy. The helicopter flies over western Russia, and then he is shot down by a stinger. The pilot died. An AC-130 plane was sent for us, we need to get to the landing site in the west.

We go west along the road, hiding under the bridge from a column of trucks. Once everything has calmed down, we move on. We reach a small village. We deal with three separatists who pestered a local resident. We go further in the same direction, a patrol helicopter with a searchlight is flying, we were spotted. We hide from our pursuers in the basement of the nearest house. From the basement we go up to the first floor and shoot back from our pursuers. We make our way west through the village, there are still separatists with dogs. Dogs, by the way, are very realistic. We make our way through the village, cross a stream, and then we are discovered by a large group of separatists. I advise you to immediately kill the machine gunner in a helicopter, there is nowhere to hide from him. We cross a field, followed by another stream. There we go to the right through the greenhouse, behind which the separatists have settled. To the north-west of the greenhouse in the barn there are stingers, with their help you can finally shoot down those annoying helicopters. Right behind the barn, a message comes that the AC-130 has arrived in our square, and that it will help us get to the helicopter landing point.

In this mission, we control weapons on an approaching AC-130 aircraft; we need to provide air support to ours making their way to the landing site. We have at our disposal a heavy machine gun and two cannons of 40 and 105 caliber. By combining them, we need to destroy the enemy, not letting him get to our guys, and try not to hurt our own.

Near East. Sergeant Jackson.

We need to escort the Abrams M1A2 tank, which we rescued in mission 5, to the evacuation site. We need to move east, there are terrorists dug in behind broken equipment, a helicopter is helping them. The tank is moving behind Sergeant Jackson (i.e., behind me), so you can run through some places, crawl, and the tank will follow you, but it’s much more interesting to deal with all the hated enemies.

Having dealt with the small ambush, the tank turns left, crushing parked cars along the way. The tank provides good cover, destroying machine gunners in the windows. The narrow streets are full of cars that take turns exploding, so it's best to stay away from them. On the second floor of the building in front of the bus standing across the road there is an RPD (a large belt machine gun). Behind the bus blocking the road, there is a left turn, there is an enemy tank there. To kill him, you need to take a grenade launcher, which lies on the second floor of a building with a completely destroyed wall on the second floor. After this, everything ends well, the tank is delivered, alive and unharmed.

Intelligence reported that Al-Assad has a nuclear warhead at his disposal, and it is urgent to finish off him. Our task is to weaken the ground forces and capture Al-Assad. The mission begins with an air attack on troop concentrations from the MK-19.

After a successful clearing, we fly to rescue the reconnaissance group that is surrounded. To help us find them, they fired a green smoke bomb. Green smoke can be seen northwest of the landing site. We storm the house in which the allies have taken refuge; 4 terrorists are hiding on the first floor.

There are 4 terrorists with RPD sitting on the roof and inside near the windows. The helicopter is waiting for us in the northeast. Just to the right of this building is the landing. A nuclear device was discovered in Al-Assad's palace, and then, as luck would have it, a second helicopter, with a Cobra, was shot down. She is given 90 seconds to save her, then the helicopter explodes. It took me 40 seconds to run to the fallen helicopter and save Cobra, carrying him on my own shoulders, not paying attention to the bullets hitting me, falling and getting up.

Well, everyone was rescued, put into a helicopter, they flew away... beauty... from the window the city was in full view, a large mushroom cloud was growing... NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!

"We woke up together again with him
We're in the white medical unit"
Yeah, of course :)

I woke up alone, in a crumpled helicopter, everything was floating, I only had enough strength to lean out...

This mission is in Azerbaijan, where, according to intelligence information, the elusive Khaled Al-Assad is located. need to check several buildings in the area. The village is located in the southwest of the landing site. It is better to immediately climb into the bell tower, it is immediately visible from the landing site, there is a Dragunov sniper rifle and a Javelin FGM-148 on the second floor - a tank is driving around the village. It’s also convenient to call in an air strike from the bell tower. There is intelligence in the building northwest of the bell tower on the second floor. By the way, intelligence is needed to activate cheats (ESC Settings->Cheats), but they can only be used after you beat the game at least once.

The house we need is located in the very west of the village behind the field. Al-Assad turned out to be not involved in the nuclear explosion, but it was possible to find out that Imran Zakhaev staged it, he received a nuclear charge from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (although it is impossible to create a nuclear explosion from nuclear fuel, but since the Americans do not know this, we continue to play).

Mission 10

In this mission you will have to play as Captain Price fifteen years ago, he is performing a mission in Pripyat under the leadership of Captain McMillan. We need to go after Captain McMilln. Weapons: USP 45 caliber and M21 sniper rifle with silencer.

If you do everything as Captain McMillan says and don’t make any noise, then you can pass the posts along the road to the goal quickly and without a fight. We come across the first post, kill one before the other one sees. Further on, four people are sitting in a wooden house and one is walking outside. We kill him and move on. About a hundred meters later we take down the guard in the bell tower next to the church. There are three stingers in the church. We pass through the church to the cemetery, there we need to wait out the patrol helicopter. We go out into an open area right in the middle of the field, we notice that a whole crowd of soldiers with a tank is coming towards us, we need to make sure they don’t notice us. They pass right a meter away from us and move on. Behind the clearing is a cemetery of broken armored vehicles, about ten terrorists there. You can just crawl through them. After 50 meters there is a post between the rusty containers and Captain McMillan deals with him. Then you need to get through the terrorist camp, you just need to follow McMillan.

Pripyat begins behind the terrorist camp, we shoot the sniper on the fire escape. On the top floor of the building where the sniper was, there are 2 stingers and intelligence data. We follow McMillan through several yards to a wild dog that is eating someone. If you kill a dog, a whole pack of wild dogs will come running. We follow McMillan to the hotel, the goal of the hotel is a convenient observation point.

Mission 11

Goal: Eliminate Imran Zakhaev

Weapon: M82 sniper rifle

We took up a position on the top floor of the hotel. After eliminating Zakhaev (he still does not know that Zakhaev survived), we go down the ropes. The helicopter landing site is 600 meters to the north, and it takes 20 minutes to get there. Below we are immediately met by terrorists. If we try to kill everyone, we won’t be able to get to the helicopter in time; we need to run to the place, shooting back at the terrorists if possible. After we enter the building, the terrorists lag behind for a short time. In the yard we are attacked by a helicopter, after we shoot it down, it falls directly on McMillan, so he will travel the rest of the way on my back. While we're carrying McMillan, you can't shoot, so you need to put him in an advantageous position before engaging in battle. To get to the place, you need to go through the building, there are two dogs and two terrorists in the rooms on the second floor. We pass through the pool, there are two people behind it. The landing site is at the Ferris wheel, where you need to position yourself and hold out until the helicopter lands.

Mission 12

We are returning to Northern Azerbaijan, we need to hold out until the helicopter arrives. At the very beginning, we climb up the hill and shoot at the enemies from it with machine guns. After they start hitting the hill with mortars, we retreat. We go after the minigun, which is a little to the west in the crashed helicopter. The minigun clicks 5 arriving helicopters like seeds. After this, you need to activate the explosives planted, the detonators are located in the nearest house on a hill, there are 4 detonators on the second floor opposite the windows.

The next task is to stop the tanks, Javelin lies at the northern end of the village in a barn. The easiest way to get there is to crawl along the left gutter. You need to destroy four tanks, after which you are given 4 minutes to get to the helicopter landing zone, it is on the south side at the foot of the hill. The only way to get there is to crawl back along the gutter, because... there are a lot of enemies there. Through a small forest you need to move down to the water, a helicopter is waiting on the shore.

Mission 13

Southern Russia.

Goal: Find Zakhaev’s son and ask where his dad is.

Weapons: Colt 1911 and R700 sniper rifle

We go to the southeast, we need to deal with the checkpoint, while others are storming it, we kill 2 guards on the tower. Then we occupy the checkpoint and set up an ambush. An enemy column of 3 trucks, 2 tanks and one jeep arrives. We attack them; Zakhaev’s son is sitting in the jeep. During the battle, the tower on which we are sitting, shell-shocked, falls from the explosion, we see where Zakhaev is running away. As soon as we come to our senses, I immediately run after him. We run through the house, a dog attacks us, Zakaev runs away to the north along the road to his friends. Right along the road there is a fortification made of concrete blocks, we storm it, trying not to kill Zakhaev. He runs left into an alley, then turns right behind an iron fence, where about 8 terrorists cover him. On the right in the building behind the iron fence on the second floor there is intelligence data. From the courtyard we run to the right, there is another concrete shelter, there are two people behind it, the lane turns left, there are two more behind an overturned car. Zakhaev runs into the five-story building on the right; machine gunners are sitting on the fifth floor; a helicopter helps kill them. We chase Zakhaev’s son throughout the dilapidated five-story building, finally we drive him onto the roof, but he shoots himself in the head.

Mission 14

Altai, Russia.

We need to find Staff Sergeant Griggs. It is half a kilometer to the southwest. Two people in a jeep are driving towards them - they are killed. Another group of soldiers who act like drunken Russian bears. Go ahead. We go into the building to the right of the road, there is 1 on the second floor, three on the third, Griggs is not here. We go out into the courtyard and check the building opposite. Griggs is sitting on the second floor, there is another terrorist there.

The next task is to destroy the power line support in the southwest, this does not present any difficulty. Then you need to unite with the second group. We go northwest and climb through the hole in the fence to the enemy base. About twenty terrorists are distributed around the yard and sitting in the building, enemy grenade launchers are on the roof. In the building at the back end of the yard next to the tower there is intelligence data. We pass through the building on the left, where enemy troops are landing. We go further to the southwest, straight ahead there are two small buildings, each with two grenade launchers, and inside there are also several terrorists and two dogs. After we kill them, 3 more trucks with infantry arrive. On the second floor of the building on the left there is an RPG, you can well load the truck before the terrorists get out. We go northwest along the road along which the trucks arrived. There is another RPG lying near the trucks. A little further along the road we meet the second squad of snipers. And two missiles are launched immediately.

Mission 15

The next task is to capture the missile launch control center while the others try to find out the missile launch cancellation code from the Russians. Control center in the southeast. Enemy infantry and a tank are still approaching from the north, the task is to find explosives and heavy weapons, well, this is not a problem, there are weapons lying around in every trash heap. From the northern part of the base you can use explosives (it’s there) to knock out a piece of the wall, and there are also two RPGs near the jeep. Directly opposite the break in the wall there is a hangar, there are G36C rifles and several more RPGs, and there is also an indestructible UAZ, which does not obey any laws of physics.

The left gate to the inside of the base is blocked, you need to go right. At this time, the Russians are shouting all kinds of nonsense into a megaphone, which is quite annoying, in general it’s strange that such a game was translated into Russian, and so good, the scenario is not just crazy (American special forces in the center of Russia, next to a military facility) it’s also makes some kind of idiots out of us. But I digress.

In the northernmost part of the base, in a small building with the number two, there is a Dragunov sniper rifle, which will not hurt at all. To the right of the gate in the passage behind the buildings there is intelligence information. We fight our way to the right gate and blow it up. On the territory of the internal base, you need to destroy two armored personnel carriers; there are plenty of grenade launchers in the buildings on the right. Then we go down the cables into the ventilation shaft.

Mission 16

We are in the ventilation shaft, making our way to the launch control center. We go downstairs to the shower room. Codes for self-destruction of missiles have been obtained. The goal is to meet with the second group, there are 11 minutes left before the missiles reach the target. We leave the shower room, turn left, there is intelligence data from the room on the left along the corridor, we storm the base further. We go straight, there will be stairs down. There it is better to make your way forward along the left or right flank between the boxes. We pass through the warehouse, go right and attack there through the left or right wing. We run straight while the countdown is going on and close the hatch behind us. Another rocket is launched. We open the door to the control center, storm it, and go down the stairs. We blow up the left wall in the lower room and go through the hole. We get to the control center, there are a couple of terrorists sitting here, we kill them and enter the code for the self-destruction of the missiles. The next task is to follow Price and get out of the control center. We take the elevator to the garage with trucks, kill the terrorists and leave in the vehicle.

Mission 17

We leave in UAZs and trucks, they catch up with us in trucks, ram us, try to push us off the road, attack us from helicopters, in general, full Action. The Mi-24 blows up the bridge, and we climb over the wreckage of the bridge. On the other hand, we are being attacked by several terrorists (in fact, Russia has never posed a terrorist threat to the United States, however, in the entire history not a single Iranian has killed a single American, but this did not stop them from bombing Iran).

When we got to the other side, 3 UAZs with infantry arrived. While we are firing back, the car behind which we are hiding explodes, we are shell-shocked, and we watch as the enemies advance. Zakhaev appears with two bodyguards, he and them finish off our wounded. At this time, their helicopter is shot down and while they are distracted, we kill them with a pistol that one of ours threw to me. Kozlov’s men approach and take away the wounded. The final video follows.

It is proposed to free the hostage on board the plane, after which we jump with a parachute and the plane explodes.
