Tamagotchi, their types and properties. The Great Tamagotchi is back and it's cool Pet Life Path

The retro fashion brought back to life not only the stripes on the pants and the platform ... Tamagotchi is the hit of the season, you can download it to your smartphone or buy a little pocket friend in a bright design - yes, yes, it looks the same as in 1997.

The main sellers of retro Tamagotchi toys are AliExpress, Ebay and Amazon. But there is a small snag, there is no Russian language in the instructions, they say, sort it out in practice.

In our article, we will give general instructions and tell how to use tamagotchi with 4 buttons and 5.

By the way, the toy has two versions: a completely retro (which we will talk about) in black and white pixel form and a novelty with a quite decent colored pet in the ID version.

All actions in the toy are performed by single button presses, no double clicks or holdings are required in this game.

Applies to all versions, regardless of the number of keys on the case.

  • Scrolling SELECT.
  • To enter the selected submenu, press DECIDE.
  • After completing the steps to exit to the main menu, press CANCEL.

Menu icons (listed one by one):

  1. Statistics - in it you can find out the age of the animal and satiety, as well as check how many coins have been collected and specify the nickname.
  2. Food: sushi and cake.
  3. Toilet cleaning.
  4. Games, some require to start saving up coins.
  5. Score.
  6. Heart - additional actions for the pet: working at the computer, riding a swing (after reaching the age of five), transformation - which is possible only if there are gifts purchased in the store.
  7. Education.
  8. Treatment.
  9. Accumulation of additional points - accrued randomly, spent when buying gifts.
  10. Letters - with coins or a notification about an uncleaned toilet.
  11. Key and chest - 1 - additional accrual of satiety, if you know desired codes, 2 - your gifts to the pet.
  12. The last icon lights up on its own and is a notification of everything that happens to your pet: he is sick, unhappy, hungry and “next on the list”.

How to control Tamagotchi with 4 buttons

Let's start with an overview of the buttons:

  • RESET - pet reset button, sends back to selection and at the same time resets all accumulated coins
  • SELECT - choice: flipping little animals; time setting; nickname choice; swipe actions: feeding, cleaning the toilet, playing games and more
  • DECIDE - confirmation of the choice of pet, name and other requests
  • CANCEL - exit from the action (games with the animal, shop, etc.)
  1. To turn on the device, take out the insert on the back side that separates the battery. As soon as the adapter is removed, a squeak will occur and the screen will turn on by itself.
  2. Let's move on to choosing a pet. For this use the SELECT button to scroll through the proposed animals. When you have found your character, press the DECIDE button.
  3. Further it is proposed set the time using the SELECT buttons and the confirming DECIDE.
  4. And the last thing is the choice of a name, with the same button we scroll through the proposed nicknames and make our choice.
  5. That's it, the pet is about to be born. In new versions, the process is fast and the animal appears immediately as an adult - no maturation and growth stages.
  6. To exit sleep mode press DECIDE.

How to care for Tamagotchi 4 buttons:

When the pet was born, you can begin to perform duties.

  1. The pet can be fed and played with.
  2. Tamagotchi will prompt: when the animal wants to eat, that it is time to clean up after him, he is sad or he is sick, letters will also come. If you forget about the duties, the animal will die.


How to play Tamagotchi with 5 buttons

The version with 5 buttons has an additional key for scrolling and switching between actions - STATUS.

1. Control keys:

A - Select - Choice
B - Cancel - Cancel
C - Decide - Confirmation
E - Select - Choice

2. Turn on:

Remove the plate on the back of the toy, a picture of a pet will appear on the display, select who your pet will be by pressing the select button and confirm by pressing the decide button.

3. Time:

When feeding, press decide to enter the time state, when the game is turned on, the time is shown PM 12:00:00
In the time viewing state, press cancel and select at the same time to set the time, the display will show SET, the select button sets the hour, the decline button sets the minutes, after setting, press cancel.

4. Pet life path:

When you select a pet and confirm your choice, a short movie will appear with music, after a while your pet is born, the age countdown starts from zero (as well as other parameters). If the owner takes good care of him, the pet will grow up and when he turns 80, the pet will go into adulthood :)

Tamagotchi 49 in 1

As the pet grows, it has some desires... they summon their master, when summoned, a phone-shaped icon appears on the screen.
When calling a pet, you can press the status button - you will find out his desires. From the picture on the display it will become clear what your pet wants.
If you see how your pet is crying and BYE is written above it, then you can hold down the cancel and select buttons and start feeding it again and feed it again and the age will not be lost, or press the reset button and then you will start the game again.

age up to 4 years


When your pet is hungry, he will start calling and you need to feed him, this can be done using the select key, select cutlery and press the decide button, after which the image of a plate of rice will appear, by pressing the select key you select food (rice, fish, cake, hamburger , vegetables, lollipops, vegetables, water, ice cream). The first 4 types are table, the next 2 are snacks, and the last 2 are water. By pressing the decide key to start feeding.



If you do not clean up, then the pet will definitely get sick, it will call you, an icon in the shape of a skull will appear on the display - this means that you need to treat the pet. Press select and select the bag-shaped icon. When you identify a pet, the music will play. If you do not treat him for a long time, then the pet will die.

Your pet needs to sleep. Press the select button and select sleep from the menu. Use the decile key to confirm. The pet sleeps long enough, if you wake him up early, he will shake his head and will not want to do anything.

from 4 to 12 years old

At the moment, the pet is growing every day, so he needs to go to bed early and get up early, as well as eat a lot.


Waking up the pet, he will want to eat. After feeding, every hour the satiety bar decreases by one bar. If you play the game 4 times, then the division will also decrease.


If the pet's mood is bad, he will ask to play with him, press select to select a game and select a game, confirming the choice with the decide key.

Game 1. Catch eggs.

The pet holds a basket in his hands and catches falling eggs. When 20 eggs are caught, the pet will begin to rejoice, otherwise it will be upset.

Game 2. Football.

You need to kick the ball into the goal. If you hit the gate, the pet will be delighted, if you miss or the ball is caught, it will be upset. The force of hitting the ball depends on the speed and force of pressing the button.
When you win the game, your pet's pleasure scale increases by 1 cell.


If the pet refuses to eat or play, check the education scale, if it is at zero, it's time to teach him. Press the select button and select the book icon by confirming the selection with the decide button.


After a certain time after eating, the pet will want to go to the toilet, the corresponding icon will appear on the display. It's time to clean up after your pet, this can be done with the select key - by selecting the icon with the image of a duck, press the decile button to confirm. After that, the icon with the image of waste products will disappear, and your pet will be delighted and play music. If a for a long time do not clean up after the pet, then he will get sick, in this case, an icon in the form of a syringe will appear on the display and you need to give an injection to your pet.


Sometimes your pet will resist, won't want to eat, drink, play, etc.
When a pet grows, use status to see its status.

Judging by recent events, the end of the world, about which John the Theologian so impressively wrote, has already come. We are witnessing another outbreak of madness, whose name is the Tamagotchi egg. In fact, Tamagotchi is a small plastic controller in the form of a key fob, thrown into the world market at the end of 1996 by the Japanese company Bandai. Inside it is a battery and a certain program, and outside there are several buttons and a tiny display on which a virtual creature is born, lives and dies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tamagotchi?

Translated from Japanese, “tamago” means “egg”, and “chi” means “clock”. Tamagotchi is a small key chain, an egg flattened and hung on a chain with three buttons and a tiny LCD screen in the middle. Keychains Tamagotchi ( rice. one ) are painted like Christmas decorations and can show the time. But Tamagotchi is not a watch, but something more serious. An even smaller cybernetic being lives on the tiny screen, an alien from another planet, born on Earth and settled in a plastic egg. This is the Tamagotchi. The level of intelligence of electronic creation is not fully defined. It is generally accepted that the Tamagotchi is similar in many respects to a chicken and, like any pet, requires constant attention. He should be looked after, played with, fed periodically, treated for diseases and even punished for bad behavior.

Rice. one. Tamagotchi in assortment

Who Invented the Tamagotchi?

Keychains with virtual animals were invented by the engineers of the Japanese company Bandai, and their samples went on sale in November 1996. In the first year of the game's existence, more than 30 million branded keychains were sold, not to mention numerous fakes. Currently, dozens of companies around the world are producing various virtual animals, and Tamagotchi has hundreds of cybernetic “brothers in mind”.
"Virtual lovers" always in your pocket The success of the Tamagotchi inspired Hong Kong-based Solar Tune Electronics to create "virtual lovers". Like an electronic beast, they need constant care, but of a slightly different kind. They need to give flowers and chocolate, write love letters and songs. The degree of their location to you is determined by the number of points. If you make some effort, you can count on a virtual kiss or even a virtual wedding. And if you fail to win sympathy, then, alas, the “beloved” will begin to sigh about something else. The toy costs about $10 and has become one of the most popular at the Hong Kong fair.

Based on the materials of the magazine "Auramedia"

How long do Tamagotchis live?

Tamagotchis are very sensitive and can die even a few hours after birth. But love and systematic care can work wonders. Known Tamagotchi, who lived 28 days. Such a record was recorded in Japan. However, many argue that their little animals lived much longer.

How to find out what the virtual animal needs at the moment?

Tamagotchi life is made up of three components: health, appetite and happiness. On the screen next to your new friend, there are indicators that display the status and needs of the virtual creature. By manipulating the control buttons, you can add food to the chicken, play with it or clean the room.

What are the guidelines for caring for virtual animals?

Unfortunately, there are no specific guidelines for caring for virtual animals. Even if you buy two identical Tamagotchis at once and feed, train and entertain them exactly the same, the results will still be different. Apparently, the program uses a random selection of one of the combinations of character traits, the combination of which creates a unique individuality.

What virtual animals inhabit the Tamagotchi?

Various models of Tamagotchi contain a whole set of virtual animals. It can be dragons, dinosaurs, chickens, puppies, cats, fish, crabs, etc. Over time, Tamagotchi can change their appearance, and the final result depends only on you. If you feed your pet well and play with it often enough, it will grow big and beautiful. Otherwise, it will turn out to be a very bad subject. If you completely stop caring about a virtual alien, then he will die soon.
In fact appearance virtual animal is more than schematic and everything is determined by the choice and subsequent formation of its character. And in the end, a real dragon can grow out of a cat, which will wake you up at any time of the night and brazenly demand meat. And the dragon can be turned into an obedient chicken.

They say that Tamagotchi appeared on sale, inhabited by no means by chickens, but by real bandits?

Indeed, there is a problem of "gangster" Tamagotchi. The point is that the market has great amount"pirate" key rings, whose virtual inhabitants are far from harmless dogs and look great with their unbridled habits on members of mafia organizations.
To keep these virtual gangsters alive, they need (using buttons) to be supplied with whiskey and drugs. In this connection, the directors of many schools forbade students to bring to class not only virtual villains, but also the most harmless puppies and chickens. Of course, the ban is violated, since the Tamagotchi must always be with the owner. After all, it is worth not watching a little, and the inhabitant of the egg will fall ill or even die of hunger.

What are the reasons for the popularity of Tamagotchi?

One of the most important reasons should be considered loneliness and unquenched thirst for communication. It is no wonder that the toy appeared in Japan. Any subconscious desire will always find a way out in reality, even if this reality is virtual. Virtual animals constantly attract attention, they need to be taken care of, they need to be played with. Tamagotchi actively interacts with a person and often relieves him of loneliness, and sometimes completely replaces communication with other people.
A person is accustomed to satisfy all his needs by any available means. If he does not find pleasure in life, then he looks for artificial sources of pleasure. And for many, games with virtual animals have become such a source. The addiction that Tamagotchi lovers fall into is no different from any other harmful human addiction, for example, a passion for gambling or alcoholism.

Tamagotchi and other virtual animals are often referred to as "Death in your pocket" or the new virtual drug. What is it connected with?

For many, especially for children, Tamagotchi becomes a real friend and replaces real pets. A virtual alien is extremely cheap, requires little maintenance and, at the same time, makes you take yourself seriously. However, Tamagotchi and other virtual animals seem to be the new virtual drug. Therefore, virtual animals are not allowed to be brought to schools, and in some countries there are restrictions on the sale of such toys.
In some cases, the death of a Tamagotchi can cause not only a guilt complex in a child, but also cause him serious psychological trauma. The child often believes his fantasies and does not see the difference between fiction and reality. For many, virtual animals are no different from real cats and dogs. Therefore, their deaths are taken very seriously by children.

Is it true that Tamagotchis have been built into cell phones?

The Japanese have too many real problems, especially businessmen, and as a counterbalance they invent virtual problems for themselves. And such problems also require solutions - fortunately, only virtual ones. Therefore, in Japan, even Tamagotchi is built into cell phones.
Tamagotchi: The Madness Continues Mona Gaspar, a 22-year-old Hungarian girl, established the first Tamagotchi nursery. The idea to do this, according to her, came to her mind in public transport. She often heard children complain that their chickens were dying while they were at school. Mona quickly got her bearings and placed ads in the newspapers that she would take care of the Tamagotchi for only 50 forints (about 25 cents) an hour.
Mona received her first pupils, however, not from schoolchildren, but from a teacher who could not cope with her three chickens. Mona does not want to take more than five Tamagotchis at the same time - she is afraid not to keep track of them, in addition, each "parent" asks for special attention to her pet. The "Educator" also claims that she is not afraid of competition: there are enough schools in Hungary, enough children and a lot of Tamagotchi.
Another evidence of the apparent indifference of the Magyars to the Tamagotchi is a cemetery for these virtual creatures, which was opened in southern Hungary by a local businessman. Several dozen conditionally dead chickens have already been buried in a specially erected wall. The cheapest seat costs 500 forints (about $2.5), but some people are willing to pay several times more. Probably to finally get rid of the Tamagotchi.

According to the materials of the weekly "Computerra"

Virtual Animal Slayer Society

If you are already unbearable from virtual living creatures - look at the address http://www.webstudio.ru/tamagotchi/ to the Russian-language page "Tamagotchi Killers". Here you will find like-minded people and opponents of the introduction of electronic friends into our daily lives. At the moment, this community, oddly enough, considers its mission accomplished and announces self-dissolution. The Web pages of the "virtual beast" exterminators contain numerous links to vendors, hobbyists, manufacturers, and persecutors of virtual animals. There is even a list of cemeteries, virtual, of course, where you can bury your virtual friend who died from your excessive worries (overeating, for example) or, conversely, from oversight. One of these "cemeteries" is located at: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/2866/index1.html.
Rice. 2.Sleep well, our dear virtual comrades
By visiting the Tamagotchi Memorial Complex, located at http://www.mirskyland.com/tamagot.htm, you will see endless rows of gravestones with names and dates of birth and care. At the time of the author's visit to this complex, the last, 144th, stone was still free.
You can also bury your Japanese friend at http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/6337/start.html. Although the cemetery was opened quite recently (03/18/1997), you will be pleasantly surprised if you become, for example, customer number 46091. Here, your deceased friend will be offered (your choice) even a burial medium - earth, water or fire. You can also choose a not very distant star for this purpose.

Tamagotchi simulators

PC lovers can use the services of Tamagotchi screen simulators, which are small programs that run on computers. These imitators in a limited area of ​​the monitor screen (approximately 8x6 cm) form an "aviary" in which a certain, often quite nice little animal settles; she, like real Tamagotchi, also needs to be fed, etc. For these purposes, there are special buttons - with their help, the corresponding actions are performed. After launching the simulator, a small window appears on the PC monitor, in which your new "friend" begins to live - a creature that always wants something and forces you to be distracted from working at the computer. Perhaps, Tamagotchi simulators can be recommended as an inoculation against a possible illness with the game. The primitiveness of such imitators is so striking that all the talk about stress and psychological trauma caused by the death of your favorite virtual animals after that may seem simply ridiculous. Moreover, the process can always be restarted from the very beginning.
However, the benefits of Tamagotchi imitators are enormous. In a sick society, where the death of a virtual being is a tragedy, and death on TV screens is perceived as something ordinary, the idea of ​​rebooting the game can be presented as the idea of ​​reincarnation. A child, unlike adults, is able to easily understand what his virtual friend did not die, but simply acquired a new shell, because there is no death - there is only a continuous chain of lives. Here are some addresses where Tamagotchi simulators lie: The most amusing of the mentioned simulators is the named Pet-II ( Rice. 3 ). It allows you to select three levels of game difficulty ( episode 2). On the first level lives a cute hedgehog named Harold ( episode 3), on the second - dragon Denny ( episode 4), and on the third - some indefinite creature named Izzy ( episode 5). Of all three, the hedgehog is undoubtedly the most fastidious virtual tenant, requiring the most attention. Moreover, he nicely eats virtual strawberries and plays with virtual balls that fall on him from above when you click on the appropriate key. To the left and right of the hedgehog are indicators of the degree of his satisfaction with food and entertainment - they can be used to judge his needs.

Rice. four. Some episodes from the life of Harold the hedgehog from Pet-II

HP MOPy Fish Since there are still people who cannot live without problems, there are also those who create these problems. It's about not about water pipes that burst when you are not at home, and not about the phone that is on the blocker, because of which you have not been able to call an ambulance for the second hour. And, of course, we are not talking about Tamagotchi at all, which can create problems that are more like minor inconveniences, for example, tight shoes or a crush on a bus.
Hewlett Packard has come up with something similar to Tamagotchi for your computer. This "small" program, called HP MOPy Fish, is only 1.4 MB in size and can be obtained free of charge from the Web server at http://www.interactive.hp.com/fish/ . After installation, a virtual fish appears on the screen, which lives in a virtual aquarium. By default, the program is installed as a screen saver. If you do not touch the keyboard and mouse for some time, then the fish appears on the screen of your monitor and moves very picturesquely behind the glass of the aquarium. You can and even need to feed it (food is included). At the already mentioned address, you can even order special food, which she should really like. Whether the fish dies from a lack of food, it was not possible to find out - it's a pity to experiment.
The program has, perhaps, only one drawback - in expanded form, it takes 9.2 MB.

According to the Internet

SKLYAR Vladimir Stepanovich,
"Computers + Programs"

Finally, I got my new Chinese tamagotchik from the post office 168 in 1(2017 NEW 168 Pets 90S Nostalgic Virtual Pet Cyber ​​Pet Digital Pet Tamagotchi Penguins MAR17_15) !!!
Went more than a month, and all thanks to our mail. For more than a week he cuckooed somewhere at an intermediate point in Moscow.
(the next day I ordered a couple more calculators on Ali. They have been stuck in Moscow for like 3 weeks)

As you can see from the photo, the packaging is minimal. The bag contains a toy and instructions.
By the way, this is not the only type of case. On Ali, I met tamiks in the form of a bitten apple, a house, a classic egg, a bear, and God knows what else, but with the same filling.
In some lots, there were two or three allegedly different Tamagotchi at once. The model turned out to be popular.

Tamagotchi turned out to be very unusual and, unfortunately, the instruction that came with the kit turned out to be from another model.
those. not just from the other, but in general completely from the other. Not one common menu item.
Googling has yielded no results.
Reviews of this Tamika on youtube do not count. I looked at 5 different pieces, where the authors just skim through the menu, omitting incomprehensible moments.
I had to figure it out using the "scientific poke" method.
The result is this detailed description.

Expecting some kind of super-quality from a toy for 1.5 bucks is stupid.
The plastic is thinner than that of the old tamiks (I say for sure because there is something to compare with).
The pay is thin. In the old Tamagotches, the contact pads for the batteries were applied directly to the board.
In this toy, the contact pads are metal fungi that are inserted into holes in the board and soldered on the other side.
From this, the keychain is afraid of falling. From this, he can be thrown off.
There is no plastic lens on top of the screen, but there is a protective film that bubbles up.
But the buttons are rubber and batteries are included.

Characters (animals)
I stole this useful photo from the seller's page in aliexpress.

Yes, the Chinese have a rich imagination. There is:

  • Zvurushki. Lots of animals. There are 3 types of dogs alone.

  • Pokémon (Piece 3 different)

  • transformers (Pieces 4. Both in the form of a robot and in the form of a car)

  • Any equipment such as aircraft and ships (no one wanted to grow a sailing schooner in his pocket? Feed her buns and clean poop?)

  • Patrick with spongebob

  • Some anime characters

  • Animals from the first, original Tamagotchi (he evolved non-linearly there and the Chinese torn all these stages into separate animals)

  • Butterflies and beetles

  • All kinds of ninjas and supermen

  • And other incomprehensible nonsense ...

For more detailed list animals can be found on YouTube, there are several videos where a list of animals is scrolled through on camera.

My instance has 5 buttons (But there are also 3-button instances.)
From left to right:

  1. status and select- change menu item.

  2. reset- reset. Very mean button. very easy to press. Previously, this button was on the back of the key fob and had to be pressed manually. I advise you to immediately disassemble the tamagotchik and remove this button, as I did.

  3. decide- confirm the choice.

  4. cancel- cancellation.

The clock is called by the Decide button when no menu icon is lit on the screen.
Buttons - good, rubber. Press softly. (in egg-shaped tamikas, the buttons are plastic and hard).

Now for the menu items.
Feeding: In addition to the sound with which the animal chews, they do not differ from each other. Each meal adds one point of satiety.

Toilet: As usual, removes poop. One at a time.


Each game takes away one unit of satiety. The prize for winning will be money. Maximum 99 per game.
Every 5 games, the animal gets 1 year old and gets a letter. (more on that later).
Accessibility (Fake UV) Education:
It is not known what is required. In theory, it should calm the mischievous animal, but he has never been capricious. But you can learn at any time.

Treatment: A pet sometimes gets sick, it needs to be treated. But he cannot die from the disease - he is immortal, like a highlander. The maximum that happens to a sick pet is a spoiled mood and a refusal to play any games.

Mail: Treasures:

  1. Here you can enter a 3-digit code. Where to take them is not known. I spent some time and figured out the local password system. Here they are:
    39 48 57 66 75 84 93
    129 138 147 156 165 174 183 192
    219 228 237 246 255 264 273 282 291
    309 318 327 336 345 354 363 372 381 390
    408 417 426 435 444 453 462 471 480
    507 516 525 534 543 552 561 570
    606 615 624 633 642 651 660
    705 714 723 732 741 750
    804 813 822 831 840
    903 912 922 930

    Unfortunately, despite the number of codes, they all give only 5 units of satiety.

  2. Chest with toys. Here you can see what gift the animal currently owns.

About gameplay.

Tamagotchik does not grow, this is important. In order not to get bored, it is possible to change his appearance for money.
There is no animation. The picture that was chosen at the beginning just jumps back and forth across the screen.
The food is the same for everyone.
Animations are the same for everyone.
Tamagotchik does not starve. Food is spent only on games, etc. If satiety is at zero, then the pet simply refuses to play.
You can feed him indefinitely, but the scale only fills up to 99.
The age of the tamagotchik does not increase with time, but with games and learning.
Tamagotchik crap and get sick.
What is its maximum age is unknown. The son finished playing it until the age of 30, but he did not even think about dying. (If you actively play games, this can be achieved fairly quickly.)
The clock after the start of the game cannot be reset.
The clock is pretty fast. In 30 minutes, a whole minute runs.

Whether he sleeps or not is not entirely clear. there is no sleep icon.
But about three hours after birth, no matter how often he was fiddled with, he turns off his screen, you can activate it again with the button cancel.
After that, the clock changes from these: to these: . (these are watches, not eyes. Arrows run in a circle there)
After that, it starts to turn off the screen after 10-15 minutes. But if they actively play for a while, then the time after which the screen will turn off will increase. Other than that, it doesn't affect his performance in any way.
Perhaps this is a dream, but how to get out of it is not clear. In this mode, he spent the whole day with me.
One gets the feeling that all the activity of the tamagotchik is tied to the activity of the player. While my son was actively playing with it, the tamik regularly spoiled, it was necessary to clean, feed, etc.
As soon as you put it on the table and stop touching it, its activity decreases sharply, but it can also shit from hibernation.


In some aspects, I have not yet fully figured out (why the asterisks, can he die, what a strange timer), as I investigate, I will supplement the article.
From what I understand, I can conclude.
This Tamagotchi is fundamentally different from the other two that I have: Rikou no koibito and Octo-pets 8 in 1(If interested, beacon, I will make reviews-analysis on them).

In classic tamagotchiks, the emphasis is on caring for a fragile, small animal that can die at any moment.
And I'm not at all sure about the possibility of this tamik dying.
But this 168 in 1 is much less intrusive and whimsical. It is not necessary to carry it with you all the time, you can do it from time to time until you get bored.
On the day I ordered this tamik from Ali, I turned on 8 in 1, to nostalgic and pass the time while waiting for the package. My 6 year old son got bored during the day:
you can’t play a lot, one game is difficult, another primitive, you can’t feed a lot, etc. I fed him for four days and called him out - he was tired.
The son is delighted with this Tamagotchi, he has to take it away. In fact, this is not even quite a Tamagotchi, but electronic game that spurs on to play yourself with the opportunity to get new look for the animal.

I can't recommend it to anyone or not. Decide for yourself. Authenticity and old gameplay there is little in it. On the one hand, the animals are the sea, and on the other, the differences in them are minimal, but for an adult it is much more convenient and interesting for a preschooler.

November 23, 2016 the notorious Tamagotchi toy will celebrate its twentieth anniversary - yes, it has been twenty years since the first egg-shaped devices appeared on the market, allowing you to care for a virtual pet. In the nineties, these toys were everywhere - they appeared in Japan, but very quickly spread throughout the world. Most likely, all adults know what Tamagotchi is, but modern children hardly have any idea that such a thing was once popular. They have smartphones and tablets that contain hundreds of different games, so Tamagotchi seems to be a very strange thing for them. But when this game was created, there were no smartphones or tablets, so it gained popularity very quickly. Its creator is officially the Japanese company Bandai, but in fact, Aki Maita, who independently came up with this idea, is responsible. She was very fond of pets, but she wanted to always carry them with her, and not keep them exclusively at home. It was then that she began to consider the possibility of creating a virtual portable pet. For a year, she thought about how this could be done, and she made her final decision when she saw a commercial on TV. In it, a little boy really wanted to take his pet turtle with him to school, and it was then that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat Tamagotchi was was finally formed.

Tamagotchi Release

Naturally, Maita herself could not create such a toy - she was the creator of the idea, and Akihiro Yokoi, an engineer from WiZ, which developed and produced various toys and goods for children, helped her to implement this idea. The result was a test version of the Tamagotchi, which was still far from perfect. In October 1996, Maita armed herself with a set of test toys and looked into a local school, where she turned to schoolgirls with a request to try new toy and let them know if they like it. For several weeks, she watched how children try to figure out what a Tamagotchi is, play with a virtual pet, she analyzed their reaction, and amendments were drawn up based on this. The test group consisted of as many as 200 girls, so the amendments were quite massive, but by the end of November the work was completed, and on November 23, something happened that later for many years would eat up the time of people of all ages in huge quantities.

Form and name

The Tamagotchi toy was a plastic egg that had a monochrome screen and three buttons, as well as a hidden reset button. And this tiny thing has become a real bestseller. However, many are still wondering what Tamagotchi is, that is, what this name means. There are various versions, but the official version of the manufacturer claims that the name is derived from two words - the Japanese tamago, which translates into Russian as “egg”, and the English watch, that is, “watch”. So we can safely say that Tamagotchi is an egg that you need to look after very carefully.

What's the point?

So, now you will learn all the details of this game. Tamagotchi was a real sensation in the first years after the publication - children spent a huge amount of time to care for their pets, because they died very quickly without proper care, shocking their owners. As a result, almost all children went to school with plastic eggs, as they had to not only study, but also take care of little monsters. Yes, although the characters that were present in the Tamagotchi looked like various animals, in fact they were aliens from a distant world. According to the story invented by the company, they flew to Earth to study it, but the local atmosphere and climate do not suit them, so they were enclosed in an egg-shaped shell so as not to die. Naturally, they have different needs, and the owner of the Tamagotchi just needs to satisfy them. And at first it was very important - when you just started the game, your little pet constantly wanted something, so for an hour you had to keep an eye on him. Otherwise, you risked starving him, killing him with depression, or even drowning him in mountains of his own excrement. Each need was indicated by a characteristic squeak so that the owner could not fail to notice it, and his development, his character and many other elements depended on how well you took care of your pet. Tamagotchi games were just beginning to gain popularity - as the years went on, they became more and more common.

Pet development

Over time, various pets began to appear, such as dragons, unicorns and ponies. Tamagotchi initially only assumed a few different types of creatures that you could get. From the very beginning, you had to choose between two various types creatures, and as they matured, they could transform into six different types of adults. And it all depends on how you behave with your pet. The best adult versions, of course, required special care, complete control not only during the day, but also at the specific moment when the transformation began. In addition, it is worth noting that over time, your pet began to call you for a variety of reasons, that is, not only if he needs something, but also “just like that”, because he got bored. In general, you had to pay a high price for growing your own little pony. Tamagotchi nevertheless remained one of the most popular toys in the world.

Incredible Success

Now you can even download Tamagotchi on Android, but these toys are no longer as popular as they were in the late nineties and early zero. To give you an idea of ​​the scale of the project's success, it's worth giving some numbers. So, everyone remembers that Tamagotchi appeared on the market at the end of November 1996, but by the end of this year, that is, in a little more than a month, 350 thousand pieces were sold in Japan - this was an amazing result, which, of course, attracted the attention of foreign markets. As a result, in the spring of 1997, Tamagotchi appeared already in the United States, and then began to spread around the world. In 1999, an incredible figure was reached - forty million copies of Tamagotchi were sold worldwide. It was a sensation that drew the whole world into the process. Manufacturers simply could not meet the demand for toys, the shelves in stores were empty, because all new arrivals were swept away instantly. One toy cost $ 16, but given the shortage, it could be bought with hands at least twenty times more expensive - there is evidence that there were cases of Tamagotchi being sold even for a thousand dollars. People stopped taking toys with them, and if they took them, they used them secretly from others, because attacks and robberies began to occur more and more often, and the robbers were not interested in money, but only in Tamagotchi. So, in principle, you can be glad that now you can freely download Tamagotchi for Android and not be afraid for your health.


So, first of all, it is worth saying that the characters that you so carefully raised were mortal. Even if you created ideal living conditions for them, they could not live longer than a month. However, few people managed to ensure that their pet could survive for 31 days - most often, pets lived about ten days less, even if they were well cared for. What can we say that the pet could die even in infancy. Later, this ceased to be a serious problem, since the Tamagotchi acquired a reset function, and after the character's death, it was possible to start over. But the first version of the game, released until 2004, was a one-shot, which leads to a different mortality rate for Tamagotchi. Online you can find many articles that talk about the fact that children at one time committed suicide due to the fact that their pets died prematurely. It is not known what is the truth in this news, but the fact remains - there were a lot of such messages, and a huge number of children were stressed because of this toy. A virtual cat (tamagotchi) could cause nervous breakdowns, tantrums, attempts to harm oneself, and much more. However, the popularity of the game still remained on top.


Tamagotchi toys had been out for eight years when the manufacturer decided that it was not worth missing out on such an impressive profit that he received from sales that began to slowly subside. Therefore, in 2004 was released a new version, which received an incredible function - the ability to play together with other people. The Tamagotchi now had one that could be used to connect with another toy. And in this way it was possible to acquaint, play various games among themselves, to exchange gifts and surprises, and most importantly, the theme of relationships was introduced. Now you could start a family between two pets from different toys and even "give birth" to children. Progress went further, and as a result there was an unusual possibility of downloading Tamagotchi to a computer.

TamaTown and color

TamaTown is a kind of Tamagotchi online, a virtual city that you can enter with your character from a computer. There you can play various games, chat with other characters, visit different places and so on. This added even more variety to the game, but the highlight was the addition of color to the game in the Connection Plus Color model.

Further improvements

Of course, you won’t be able to get Tamagotchi for free, even though the popularity of the toy is ten times less than it was twenty years ago. However, the manufacturer continues to try to revive the brand by introducing new features. Three years ago, the last updated model of the Tamagotchi Friends was released.
