A unique psychological test with candy wrappers. Such an ordinary-extraordinary candy wrapper... What is a game of candy wrappers?

What do chocolate and love have in common? Pure pleasure. In both cases, you need to enjoy it slowly, turning the whole process into a kind of ritual. That's why one therapist from New Zealand has approved the use of chocolate to ... better study our behavior in bed. How? Considering what we turn candy wrappers from eaten delicacies into.

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Porous, milky, white, filled, in bars, bitter... Chocolate is akin to boundless passion. The ancient Aztecs considered it the food of the gods. Residents of modern Europe, according to statistics, eat 3 kilograms of chocolate per person per year. The captivating taste is not its main advantage. By stimulating the production of serotonin in the body, chocolate is also a good antidepressant. True, there are some complaints. Some say that it spoils the skin of the face, others say that it makes you fat, and scientists say that sometimes a person can even become addicted to chocolate. Several years ago, scientists from the University of the Italian city of Pavia tried to carry out a massive attack on a product suspected of many sins, but were forced to retreat: it turned out to be absolutely harmless. At the same time, several “societies for saving real chocolate” (with 80% cocoa content, originally from Venezuela) arose around the world, and a book called “Chocolate Therapy” was published in New Zealand. The author of the book, Dr. Murray Langham, decided to reveal some of the psychological aspects associated with our preference for one or another type of cult product. "Tell me what kind of chocolate you like and I'll tell you who you are." For the author of the book, chocolate is a metaphor for life. The doctor came up with the idea for the study one New Year’s Eve: “We were visiting friends, and one of them gave the children a box of chocolates. For an hour and a half, the children chose which candy was best to eat. There was a lot to think about here, so I began my research.”

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So what do you do when you open a box of chocolates? Take the round one (this means you have a lot of friends) or the square one (are you constructive? If you prefer milk chocolate to everything else, maybe you are still a child at heart. You prefer the porous variety - that means you will always look to the future. And if you have convinced yourself that chocolate is harmful, then most likely you do not experience much pleasure from life and do not fully enjoy all its delights.

Chocolate is associated not only with related childhood memories, but also with our erotic imagination. There is no direct evidence that chocolate is an aphrodisiac. But they say that one ancient emperor, who had to make love to all his 600 wives, was a great connoisseur of this product. A close (feeling) cousin to sex, chocolate can reveal a lot about our behavior in bed. After all, sex is closely connected with the imagination, and in order to see in general terms the image of our sexuality, we only need to pay attention to what we turn shiny candy wrappers into after enjoying a chocolate bar. How do you experience sex, how much of it do you need, what do you like in bed, what do you expect from your partner? The test from the book “Chocolate Therapy” will help you clarify something in your “post-chocolate” behavior.

How “sweet” are you in bed?


Do you remove the wrapper, make a ball out of it and roll it on the table? You may be a little tired of the monotony of your sex life, and you need some exciting new product. It's time to push the boundaries of your imagination. It's not just that you are jealous and this is holding back your sexual fantasies. You have sex when you can, but you don't always seem to get the most out of it.


If you twist a candy wrapper, turning it into a stick or string, this means that you live “on nerves.” Most likely, you are a little irritable. You could use a relaxing massage (the harder you twist the stick, the more relaxing it should be). You feel nervous even when having sex. For what? Relax and forget about everything during love!

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Discarded candy wrapper

Do you take and just throw away the shiny piece of paper? Perhaps you miss the signals that others give you (you don’t notice eloquent glances, you don’t hear words), thereby expressing your concern for you. You think too much about a wide variety of things and cannot focus on one thing. Even in bed you are a little distracted. You enjoy sex, but you don't think you need to pay too much attention to it.


Are you slowly folding the candy wrapper? We can say that your bedroom is always perfectly clean, all things are folded and organized. You are methodical and calculating. For you, sex follows a nice dinner and dessert. It is possible that you have a book on sex techniques (due to the fact that everything needs to be done according to the rules and certainly done in bed, very preferably in your own). Having opened your loving embrace, you will certainly take a shower, this is a must for you.

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Candy without wrapper

If you don’t like chocolate in a wrapper and want to immediately see the candy itself, then in sex you prefer to play openly. It's all or nothing. You know exactly what you need. You don’t want grand promises, dust in your eyes, noodles in your ears, etc. In bed you are impatient and perhaps a little too much. But it is a fact that sex is an undoubted source of pleasure for you.


Do you like to turn candy wrappers into various figures: birds, boats, trees? Your imagination needs to be given freedom. In bed you are like dynamite, full of desire and fantasy. Perhaps you are doing tantra to add variety to your sex life. You love nature and love to have sex outdoors. You enjoy play, sensual touch, and make each partner feel special with you.

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Rolled tubes

Do you roll the wrappers into tubes? Perhaps you like to play the role of Cupid, armed with a bow and arrow. You are always interested in the personal lives of others, but what about your own? The grass on your neighbor's lawn is always greener, but you need to water yours too sometimes! Why do you need to know about the love affairs of others? Either things aren’t working out for you personally, or everything is so good that it’s even boring.

Torn candy wrappers

Do you tear candy wrappers into long pieces? For you, sex is a competition with yourself: you have to prove to yourself that you are better than others and are becoming better and better every time. Long-term relationships are not really your style. You are tormented by the fear of missing out on something if you stay with the same partner.


Do you smooth out the wrapper with your fingernail or a coin until it's perfectly smooth? This means that you enjoy stroking your partner, giving him a massage, pleasing him with gentle back rubs. Foreplay is just as important to you as the act of love itself. If, of course, not more.

Chocolate nesting dolls
They wear bright clothes.
(candy in candy wrappers)

The New Year holidays have passed, and almost all of us are left with post-New Year sadness, uneaten candies and candy wrappers scattered throughout the apartment. Well, it's just a problem with these candy wrappers! Wherever you find them! And in bags, and in the pockets of clothes, and under the pillow, and just on the floor... Even in books, we use candy wrappers instead of bookmarks, roll them into balls and throw them to our pets instead of a ball. Who's used to it?

But candy wrappers can be used in other ways. Once upon a time in early childhood we had such fun. It was simply called: “game of candy wrappers.” Of course, our modern computer genius kids have hardly heard of it, but their parents almost certainly knew this game... They usually kept candy wrappers in beautiful candy boxes, played with each other and tried to grab the most liked candy wrappers of their opponents with a successful throw. What a shame it was to give away the most beautiful or the luckiest candy wrappers that so often brought us good luck! And sometimes we didn’t even hide our tears from the bitterness of losing our “beloved candy wrapper friend” with a colorful picture...

Later, when I went to a pioneer camp as a schoolgirl, we were taught another fun thing: weaving beautiful bracelets from candy wrappers. True, now they might be called “baubles,” but during my childhood we did not know such sophisticated words and simply called them bracelets. What a fantastic boom it was! Just fireworks made from candy wrappers! And, most importantly, during the entire long shift, not a single abandoned candy wrapper in the camp! What a joy it was for the cleaners! Not only girls, but also boys wore such bracelets, and I don’t even know which of us liked to weave them more!

True, such bracelets often broke, but repairing them was such a breeze: unwrap a new candy, and here you have the material for repair, and also a sweet pleasure in your cheek! I recently read in a smart book that it is recommended to iron candy wrappers so that they do not wrinkle, but who did such nonsense in our childhood? Agree that our method was much simpler! And tastier!

Well, if your children are interested in this idea of ​​​​using candy wrappers, then, I confess in your ear, your fidgets will no longer be so interested in the candies themselves (well, how many of them can you actually eat!), but rather in their multi-colored wrapper. And cleaning your apartment will become much easier for you!

But first, a little history. It turns out that candy wrappers have only existed for about one and a half hundred years. And the first wrapper for candies was paraffin paper, invented in 1872 by the famous American inventor of the electric light bulb, Thomas Edison. Candy manufacturers already realized that bright packaging attracts customers to their products.

And in the famous Partnership of Abrikosov Merchants, one of the oldest producers of sweets in Russia, which is now called “Babaevsky”, for the production of original packaging they kept a whole workshop of workers numbering as many as thirty people (!), and even special group of artists! Therefore, each packaging box, paper label or wrapper became a real masterpiece. For many years, customers kept empty candy boxes and beautiful candy wrappers.

Is it any wonder that today, for the production of new colorful labels and boxes, there are already entire design bureaus, stuffed with the latest technical innovations, the best designers and marketers work in them. This is how much attention is paid to the birth of a little candy wrapper!

What is a game of candy wrappers?

This is a very simple game; all you need is a table, a wide bench or window sill and candy wrappers. First, you need to make the “candy wrappers” themselves from candy wrappers. The candy wrappers were folded either rectangular or triangular. If you get carried away by this game, then the candy wrappers become more valuable to you than the candies themselves. You go and collect them wherever you can. You roll up the wrapper and it's ready to play.

This game is usually played standing at the table. They agree on who will start first. The first player places his candy wrapper on the back of his hand, and sharply hits the edge of the table with his fingers so that the candy wrapper jumps and flies forward, falling on the table. You need to calculate the force and direction of the blow so that your candy wrapper falls on top of any candy wrapper already lying on the table. If you cover the top with at least a corner, you take both your candy wrapper and the one on the bottom. And you get the right to a second move. If you miss, your candy wrapper remains on the table, and the turn passes to another player. The winner is the one who takes all the candy wrappers from the table.

Now let's move on to weaving the bracelet

We take the candy wrapper we like and fold it into a strip 5 times; if we do it 4 times, it will be a very thick strip, and therefore inconvenient. Fold the resulting strip crosswise. By the way, if you like the candy wrapper and it’s short, then don’t rush to put it aside. It can be folded obliquely. Woven into the bracelet, it will not spoil the overall appearance; moreover, only you will know about the way it is folded, others will not notice anything.

So, we make an approximate number of blanks. It’s okay, if we don’t have enough later, we’ll eat some more candy! Or two! The main thing is that the number of blanks is even.

Now comes the fun part - assembly.

We take 2 blanks and insert one into the other so that on one side there are “legs” - 2 ends of the second strip, and on the other - a loop. The loop should be slightly larger than the width of the workpiece.

We take the “leg” of the second workpiece and bend it towards ourselves, wrap it around the first workpiece and bend the tip of the candy wrapper under it. We do the same with the other “leg”: we bend it towards ourselves, wrap the first workpiece and bend the “extra” tip of the candy wrapper under it. At least we wove bracelets this way.

Next, insert a third piece into the loop, which is made from the second strip, also forming a loop. Now we bend the tip of the third strip towards ourselves, wrap the second workpiece and bend the tip of the candy wrapper under it. We do the same with the second tip.

We increase the required length of the bracelet, do the same with the last strip as with the previous ones, there should be “legs” at the end.

If you correctly determined the number of stripes, and it is even, then the bracelet will easily be rounded. And if we made a mistake and made one less, then we go to the buffet for the last candy!

To complete the work, all we have to do is thread the “legs” of the last piece into the loop of the first one, bend them outward and tuck them in. That's it, our bracelet is ready!

Well, we've sorted out the bracelet, now let's see what else can be made from candy wrappers. Wrappers are connected in a variety of ways: threaded with a needle, fastened with a stapler, connected with tape, glued with Moment or PVA glue. Beads, badges, stickers, funny buttons, laces, various frames, and old hoops will be useful for decoration.

Doll in a full skirt

We will need: 90-100 candy wrappers of different sizes for a doll 10-12 cm high; a small doll, for example, from a keychain; thick cardboard; long sharp needle; strong thick threads; zigzag scissors; universal glue "Moment".

Fold each candy wrapper into a strip, and sort the finished strips by length. For a cone-shaped skirt, three or four sizes of candy wrappers will be required; for a barrel skirt, two sizes will be enough. Thread a needle and tie a large, strong knot at the end. Take the longest strip, pierce it with a needle in the middle and, holding the candy wrapper, pull the thread to a knot. Continue stringing the strips tightly one after the other and fanning them out.

Having used all the long candy wrappers, move on to the shorter candy wrappers. Once you have the skirt of the required length, tie the thread tightly over the last row of stripes and cut it. Use zigzag scissors to trim the ends of the strips. Cut a circle out of cardboard with a diameter slightly less than the length of a large candy wrapper. Glue the bottom of the skirt to the base. Glue the body of the doll to the skirt. Only the top part is needed.

Panel "sun"

We will need: 40-50 candy wrappers of the same length, bright yellow-orange-red; 2 yellow cardboard circles with a diameter of 6-8 cm; details for the sunny “face” - plastic children's glasses without arms; red lips cut out of red fabric or cardboard; a little gold tinsel for bangs; stapler

Fold the candy wrappers into strips and, using a stapler, attach the first strip to one circle, moving 1 cm from the edge. Attach the next strip at a slight angle to the previous one at the same distance from the edge of the circle. Attach new strips in a similar way, evenly placing them along the edge of the circle.

Glue a second circle on top of the finished circle with candy wrappers, covering the ends of the stripes with it, and secure the glasses, lips and bangs on it. Attach a loop for hanging.

A circle with candy wrappers can be attached to a wicker frame made of willow - you will get an elegant panel with a lace edge.

Application "Poppy"

We will need 7-8 identical candy wrappers of red or orange and several candy wrappers of different shades of red and orange. And also a flower stencil.

Place transparent or translucent paper on top of the drawing, on which you can draw with a pencil or felt-tip pen and trace the flower.

From the circled image, cut out the first petal. Attach it to the red fan so that it fits all, and cut along the contour of the white petal.

Do the same with the second, third, fourth and fifth petals. Glue each petal to its place in the drawing.

Now let's go back to the first petal. We have to add other shades of red or orange to its color. To do this, take a white stencil of the first petal and cut it along a wavy line. Attach one cut-out part to a candy wrapper with a different shade of red or orange, cut it out and glue it in the corresponding place to the first petal of the design. If you like this combination, then you can finish working with this petal. The petal now consists of two shades of red. But if you want, you can continue the work by adding other shades.

The color of the petals at their base can be emphasized with shades of burgundy or purple. Dark stamens emerge from the middle of the flower's calyx.

Sheremetyeva Nastya, Neyskosh Vlad 3rd grade

Research project "What should I do with this candy wrapper?" about the history of candy wrappers. About what amazing things you can do with a candy wrapper and what games you can play with a candy wrapper



"Kononovskaya secondary school"

Research project

What do I need

with this

Make it into a candy wrapper?

Completed by 3rd grade students

Head Biryulya E.A.

year 2013


  1. Introduction




Methods used to create the project

Project hypothesis

The degree of study of the issue and the characteristics of personal contribution to the work

  1. Main part

Section 1 Theoretical part

History of the candy wrapper

Sociological survey

Section 2 Practical part

Making a Candy Wrapper

Use of candy wrapper: collecting, games, crafts

III. Conclusion

Conclusions and proposals for the project







Once upon a time there was a candy

With a fun filling -

Here's a piece of paper from her

With a funny picture!

Oh, if I were an artist

I wish I could get up just before dawn

And I would only draw

Candy papers

We noticed that everyone in our class loves candy very much and, after eating it, a lot of candy wrappers remain, which are then thrown into the trash. We wondered if it was possible to give the candy wrapper a second life.



To achieve our goal, we have set ourselves tasks :

  1. Study the history of candy wrappers
  2. Conduct research in the field of wrapper design
  3. Conduct a sociological survey among adults and children:

“When buying candy, is it important to you what kind of wrapper the candy is wrapped in?

  1. Try to make your own paper for storing sweets experimentally.
  2. Create your own candy wrappers
  3. Find out where you can use candy wrappers after eating candy
  4. Draw conclusions about the project

We have put forward a HYPOTHESIS,

Many people believe that a candy wrapper is

it's just a beautiful wrapper for candy.


Methods used to achieve the goal:

  1. Studied the history of candy wrappers (historical method)
  2. Experimented
  3. Designed
  4. Observed
  5. Invented
  6. And we drew conclusions

The project consists of two parts: theoretical and practical.

As part of the project, we studied the history of candy wrappers, so to speak, its evolution. This was necessary in order to replenish my knowledge base. And in the practical part, we tried to play with candy wrappers and come up with different crafts. We asked friends and relatives what they do with candy wrappers. Why play and crafts, because we are children and students. We learn and play.



We started our project by studying the history of the candy wrapper and traced its life to the present day.

Do you know what a candy wrapper is?

Let's turn to the dictionary of S.A. Ozhegova

The etymology of the word “fant” is derived from the German “Pfan” - pledge, mortgage.

  1. forfeit

An item given by a participant in the game for the draw
Example: Take out the lucky forfeit

candy wrapper fantik – empty wafer, wax paper, candy wrapper

Do you know who first invented the candy wrapper?


I turned to the Internet, asking “The history of candy wrappers” in the search engine.

And here's what I found out:

It turns out that the inventor of the candy wrapper was Thomas Alve Edison. Yes, yes, the same one who is known to us as the inventor of the phonograph, typewriter, alternating current generator and, of course, the light bulb. He also invented the stock exchange telegraph, direct current power station, voice recorder, nickel battery and much more, totaling more than 1000 patents.

And among all this splendor, few people remember that in 1872 Uncle Edison came up with anotherand waxed paper, which served as the first wrapper for candy.Eh, if it weren’t for him, how would we store sweets now?..


  1. Study of candy wrapper design from its creation to the present day

And at that time I was looking there on the Internet for what the first candy wrappers were.

So, the first candy wrapper was simple - waxed paper.

In the middle of the 19th century, the first candy factory was opened in St. Petersburg. Its owner was the famous Landrin.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, many types of sweets were already known in Russia: lollipops and monpensiers with various flavors, fudge and toffees, marshmallows, marshmallows...

The boxes for the candy sets were bright and colorful, in no way inferior to the current ones.

The candy wrappers featured graceful pre-revolutionary young ladies, and the names were almost always associated with the female gender: “Marianna”, “Fisherman”, “Merry Widow”, “Sophie”.

The wrappers for sweets and chocolate bars were very colorful and looked like theater posters. For example, there was a series of “Riddle” candies: the buyer was asked to guess a simple riddle printed on a candy wrapper. There were “educational” wrappers - with multiplication tables or the alphabet, and entertaining ones - with proverbs, sayings, ditties, horoscopes, fortune telling and wishes.

After the revolution, the production of sweets no longer sparkled with beautiful design. Even beautiful wrappers are a thing of the past - let alone caramel decorations... The names were in the spirit of the time: “People’s”, “Pioneer”, “Red October”, “Republican”, “United Labor”, “Red Star”

Now in Russia, professional florist designers are working on bouquets, which are more accurately called flower arrangements. And they can’t come up with any names... And when there is a bowl of candies on the table, I first choose the candy in the most beautiful wrapper.

  1. Sociological survey

We decided to conduct a study among adults and children, asking them the question:

“When buying candy, is it important to you what kind of wrapper the candy is wrapped in?”

Adults Children.

50% 50% 7% 93%


  1. We experimentally tried to obtain waxed paper ourselves.

For this we took tissue paper and paraffin candles. We melted the paraffin and dipped tissue paper into it, let the excess paraffin drip off and voila... The paraffin paper is ready!

  1. Making your own candy wrappers

During the drawing lesson we created our own candy wrappers, acting as florist designers

  1. And so, finally, we asked ourselves whether it was possible to make a craft out of a candy wrapper, and whether it was possible to play with it.

It turns out that you can make and play with candy wrappers and crafts, and also

Candy wrappers can be collected

You can make medallions from candy wrappers

Wrappers can be used to create new items

  1. Bookmark for a book
  2. Bouquet of flowers
  3. Basket for small items
  4. Bracelets, necklaces

And much more, up to your imagination

We asked adults how to use candy wrappers?

Moms made curtains from candy wrappers, dads made keychains.

But most of all we liked using candy wrappers in the game. We bring to your attention two games that we love to play.

Game one

This is a fun and exciting game. She develops coordination and eye very well. Although it is played on a table, we would classify it not as a board game, but as an outdoor game. After all, in order to throw your candy wrapper, you need to spin around the table, choosing the best position, and hit your hand on the table so that at the end of the game all your hands hurt))).
In addition, this is a family game - any number of players can participate in it. And their age may be

The candy wrapper is folded in a special way

Players take turns throwing candy wrappers onto the table in a certain way. The candy wrapper is placed on the back of the palm open upward, and the fingers sharply hit the edge of the table.

The palm springs back, the candy wrapper flies up and plops onto the table. You need to calculate the force and direction of the blow so that your candy wrapper falls on top of any candy wrapper already lying on the table. If you cover the top with at least a corner, you take both your candy wrapper and the one on the bottom. And you get the right to a second move. If you miss, your candy wrapper remains on the table, and the turn passes to another player. The winner is the one who takes all the candy wrappers from the table.

Game two

You can play any game: “towns”, “hide and seek”, “halihalo” and others, the losers give their forfeit to the presenter. There may be 2-4 forfeits. After most of the players no longer have any forfeits left, one of those who wish sits on a chair with his back to the presenter, the presenter takes out a forfeit and asks “What should this forfeit do?”


Having completed our project, we can say with confidence that everything we planned worked out, because by doing

Conclusions on the project

  1. We found out who invented the candy wrapper (T.A. Edison)
  2. We made our own paper for storing confectionery products (waxed paper)
  3. We found out who was the first to establish a confectionery factory in Russia

(Georg Landrin)

  1. We realized that most people, when buying candy, pay attention to the wrapper
  2. We drew our own candy wrappers
  3. Learned to play games with forfeits
  4. Learned how to make crafts from candy wrappers
  5. We received a lot of interesting and positive information




We think that the work can be continued, because the world does not stand still and in fact, the use of candy wrappers is much wider.

Literature and sources

  1. S.A. Ozhegov Explanatory Dictionary
  2. Pavlova N.O. “Students’ research activities”
  3. M.A. Stupnitskaya “What is a project?”
  4. Internet resources “History of FANTIK”(http://allim-lip.livejournal.com. http://www.fantik.su


WAXED PAPER (first candy wrapper)


Here are the crafts we made from Wrappers


We offer several tasks for game No. 2.

  1. Draw a portrait of yourself or a friend with your eyes closed.
  2. Depict some fairy tale hero: Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Kolobok, etc.
  3. Draw some kind of animal
  4. Draw a bird
  5. Kiss everyone
  6. Tell a poem
  7. Sing a song
  8. Make a friend laugh
  9. Walk on all fours across the room
  10. Compliment the neighbor on your right
  11. Climb under the table and crow
  12. Read the poem as if you were falling asleep.
  13. Pantomime an alarm clock, ice cream
  14. Show how a supersonic plane flies
  15. Dance a waltz, break, twist, etc.