What you need to know about the clan war in Clash of Clans? Clan wars: step-by-step guide What is CC in clash of clans.

Clash of Clans is the most popular strategy game in the mobile world. Just imagine, more than 40,000 thousand people download this game every day!

This game draws its players in with its pleasant, calm world. The interface is cool, the genre is cool, the graphics are cool, everything is cool! All this gives Clash of Clans the right to be a “top” game in the App Store and Google Play.

Since the game has gained such popularity, players often have questions, in fact, this site should answer all of them. And for beginner players, we have collected the most common mistakes of players, the best secrets and a lot of tips.

Many novice players make a lot of mistakes from the very beginning of their development in Clash of Clans, thereby making it difficult for themselves to develop quickly and easily. Many players who consider themselves a “good player” also make simple mistakes. Let's look at them.

  1. If you just downloaded it, where do you go?

In no case, until your initial shield disappears on its own, do not press the “selection” button, even if you are very interested in what will happen. What will happen is that other players will begin to take you out, stealing very valuable resources for you, which are not easy to come by anyway. If you want to fight, go to a solo company and fight. It's too early for you to attack others. It’s not for nothing that the developers give such a long first shield.

  1. Don't let the builders sleep

This is not a secret or advice from Clash of Clans, it is a mandatory item that must be followed. If your workers take a lot of rest, you are unlikely to be able to develop quickly and for free. Constantly collect resources and develop, this is the key to success!

  1. Don't waste crystals on nonsense

At the beginning of the game it is very interesting to try and find out everything, so many players spend crystals to speed up barracks, mines or for instant buildings. In any case, later such players cannot buy themselves a 4th and 5th builder. But, if you don’t waste crystals on all sorts of nonsense, then the 4th builder is very easy to get, and the 5th will appear already at the 8th level of the town hall! And you won't spend anything!

  1. Don't buy gems at the beginning of the game

If you downloaded Clash of Clans and really liked it from the first minutes, there is a chance that you will want to frolic faster and show your friends “who’s daddy.” But to do this, you will have to spend money. According to statistics, 30% of players can afford it.

As a result, you buy a couple of thousand, quickly build, and then realize that the same players are taking you out. How can this be, you might think.

It’s simple, they’ve been playing all this time, they have more experience and knowledge, and you did everything in a couple of minutes. Thus, you lose interest in the game and, as a result, waste your money and time.

  1. Unite with the strong

Tip #5 will be about clans and their choice. If you find yourself in a strong, friendly clan, you will understand this immediately. In such clans, players are not kicked out for a small donation or an unsuccessful attack in clan battles. You are always happy to help, that’s what a strong clan is.

In such companies they are not greedy; they give you everything you ask for. As a result, the clan fortress is always packed, there is a good atmosphere, a great mood and a good income from clan battles.

  1. Place the clan fortress in the center

This is not a secret, rather a Clash of Clans tip. By placing it in the center of the base, you make the situation very difficult for the attacker. Agree, it’s not nice when someone leaves there when you attack.

  1. Always lure out the clan fortress

It is necessary. If you don’t do this, then either you’re not right in the head, or you have a powerful mix that will break through the defense anyway.

In Clash of Clans, it is very important to lure out the clan's fortress.

You can lure him out with a giant, letting him hit the fence while he stands and take the blows of the defense, the clan's fortress will come out. Here it is very important to understand the radius of the fortress; you may have to break through the wall, and perhaps with one barbarian you can check whether there is anyone there or not.

  1. Look for abandoned places, don't be afraid to lose a little more gold

When looking for farm, many players attack “more or less” profitable enemies. This is correct if you don’t have time to search; if you have time, look for a “juicy” base. You should see a bunch of tombstones, overflowing mines and empty vaults. It will be cool if the mines are maximally pumped.

  1. Rusher = trouble

This is probably the advice we demand you listen to. It is very important. The word “rusher” itself is, in principle, a new word in the game. It appeared not so long ago. It means a base that is very ahead of events, this is a base that has not pumped everything up to the end but is already improving the town hall. In general, see the example.

Typical "Rusher"

It is very important to improve everything in the game and build it to the end, and only then move on to the next level of the town hall.

  1. Town Hall in the corner

No matter how trivial it may sound, I don’t understand why you should put it in the center of the base; if they decide to attack you, they will demolish at least half of the base, you will lose a lot of resources and even more cups (especially if you decide to collect them).

When the town hall is in the corner, the player demolishes it, you don't lose any resources, and the cups you lose are quite insignificant.

Believe me, if the enemy wants to demolish the base, he will demolish it no matter where the town hall is, but if it is in the corner, then most players will only demolish it.

  1. Proper defense is just as important as a well-thought-out attack.

This is more of an advice, and maybe a secret for some, in general, for Clash of Clans newcomers.

Don't make stupid mistakes, when I first started playing there were countless such bases.

These are serious mistakes; foreign warriors can land inside your base and easily destroy it. You also need to know that if you build a base on the edge of the map, this will not help since warriors can be planted right on the grass, where you cannot build.

Build smartly, if you don’t have enough imagination, look at the layouts, don’t put all the buildings outside the fence.

  1. 30 second rule

When selecting an enemy, you are given 30 seconds to think about how to attack. This is not the time to scratch your nose or make a sandwich. These 30 seconds are very important. Believe me, if you think at least a little about where and how your troops will go, you will be able to demolish bases much stronger than yours.

  1. Revenge

Oh, that sweet word "revenge". When taking revenge, you can be 100% prepared, you can first look at the base, see if there is someone in the clan fortress, you can see how to lure out the clan fortress, in general, take revenge more often. This process was added to the game for a reason, take advantage of this advantage.

14. Vaults and clan var

Maybe someone else doesn’t know, but defending storage facilities in clan battle mode is stupid, to say the least. A lot of resources cannot be stolen from you, and storage facilities have a large margin of safety, and for the enemy to destroy them, he will need time, use this time.

  1. The secret to calling Santa

To find out how to call Santa, go here. (the article will appear one of these days)

  1. Don't be upset if something doesn't work out

No matter how strange it may sound, if something doesn’t work out, this is not a reason to give up. This is probably the main secret of life and Clash of Clans as well. 0 stars in apt? Well, at least you got experience, next time there will be at least one, but there will be. In general, there are no difficult situations, just know this.

  1. Be different from others

Everyone knows that if you cut down forests, bushes, etc., you can earn crystals, but not everyone knows that if you remove stones, they will no longer appear. If you want to be original at high town hall levels, leave the stones at the very beginning of the game.

  1. Changing the language does nothing

Many players say that when you change the language, the game server changes, and there are servers where it is easier to rob. This is complete nonsense.

  1. Lightning, how to use it now

This tip is for new players. Since with the latest updates it is no longer possible to rob resources, destruction would be an excellent solution. 2 lightning bolts can break a mortar, and farming without it will become easier.

By the way, if the mortars are standing together and touching each other, throw lightning in the center, then you can break 2 mortars at once.

  1. Where is the best farm

Many players ask every day where is the best farming in Clash of Clans, we will reveal this secret. Farm is absolutely everywhere if you look for it. But the best farming starts with the second silver and continues until the first gold.

If you have any tips, secrets or mistakes made by players in Clash of Clans, add them in the comments, let's help each other.

Most likely this article will be updated. If you want to correct something in the article, just write about it in the comments, we will not publish them, but we will correct the article.

Clan wars in Clash of Clans, clan wars in clash of clans, KV. This will be discussed in this article.
A battle between two clans. The HF is divided into two parts: “Preparation Day” and “Battle Day”.
Clan members can attack twice during the “Day of Battle”. The clan with the most stars wins.
When attacking an enemy, you are provided with a bonus, which is indicated if you spy or simply click on the enemy base. But you can get it after the war. If your clan loses, you will only receive a share of the bonus. The Clan War can be started at any time, even immediately after the end of the War.

During the CT, nothing will happen to your ordinary village! The main village and the village that participates in the HF are in different space-time continuums.
If you are a clan member, then you can get to the war map by clicking on the button (crossed swords) in the lower left corner of the screen.

Let's move on to the war itself

The head or co-leaders can start a Clan War.
Your participation in HF depends on whether you were in the clan and the search for an enemy began. If you joined the clan after the start of the war, you will be an observer.

During a clan war, you can safely leave and rejoin the clan. If you left the clan after your successful attacks, you will receive your bonus upon completion of the HF (even if you are no longer in the clan). But if you left the clan during the Clan War, then you will not be able to participate in a new war until the one in which you participated ends.

To start a Clan War, a clan must have at least 10 members without penalty.
New members of the clan, as well as members who left a clan during the Clan War. You can find out who can take part in the HF by the brown icon (crossed swords) next to the nickname in the list of participants.

How opponents are selected in the Clan War

The enemy is selected based on the strength of the clan members. The number of cups does not matter! And this is influenced by the military power of the players: the level of troops, the level and number of military camps, the level of barracks and the level of spells, as well as the level of walls and defenses.

How are places distributed on the war map?
Among the first are those players who have the greatest power in their defense, and below are the villages of players with a defense of lower power.

Preparation day

At this time, you can rebuild your village, donate troops to the Clan Fortress and scout enemy villages to choose who to attack. During reconnaissance, you can find out if there is anyone in the clan fortress on defense.

You can sacrifice warriors only on the day of preparation. This is done for the entire HF. If you need someone specifically for protection, you can indicate this by clicking on your village on the war map and selecting a request.

Battle Day

It's time to attack. You can do this only twice during the entire war.
On the day of the battle, the game recommends an enemy to you. It is not necessary to use this recommendation. You can attack any enemy if you think that you will break him into three stars.

You will not have a second chance to attack a village you have already attacked. Therefore, before the attack, make sure that the clan’s fortress is filled to capacity, the heroes are not sleeping and the spells are ready.
Your HF attacks will not affect your shield in any way.
The bonus earned on HF can be collected at the Clan Fortress.

Pitfalls or main secrets of Clash of Clans
Fans of strategy games will love Clash of Clans, there is no doubt about it. Here, as in any other game of this genre, the primary task will be to develop correctly, rationally and thoroughly. This is what attracts not only children, but also adults to strategy games. Clash of Clans has a wide audience and interest in it is constantly growing.

Game strategies teach you to wisely and competently distribute time and available resources. Military strategy also includes planning for army costs.

In such games, those who are at least a little familiar with budget distribution or economics in its general sense and know the secrets of the game Clash of Clans undoubtedly achieve success.

Each player independently determines how to develop their settlement. It depends on his goals, interests and objectives. For some, the most important thing is quickly leveling up, for others it is improving the army. But one cannot fully exist without the other, so to maintain interest in the game and rationally build a village, you need to understand some of the secrets of Clash of Clans. Of course, you don’t have to listen to them and develop on your own, but they will help you become a pro in this game.

Clash of Clans secrets or the path to the champion league

  • The most important tip is that if you are not going to spend real money in the game, then you do not need to use crystals in the first place. Since crystals are the most valuable and difficult to obtain resource, they should be treated accordingly. It’s better to save up a little and then buy a builder than to invest just somewhere. This method will allow the settlement to develop faster.

    Don't waste a single crystal, save them to buy builders!

  • The second secret of Clash of Clans is not to rush to level up the main building, because with each new level it becomes more difficult to rob opponents, and more forced expenses appear.
  • At the beginning of the game, when the settlement is still weak and undeveloped, you should collect mainly resources in battle. Cups are not so needed at low levels; you will have time to collect them later.

    Don't chase cups. Get resources in battle.

  • For the successful defense of a village, guns, mortars, towers and all other defensive structures are important, their level of strength and the correct location of the fence. Therefore, special attention must be paid to their development if you want to keep your own resources intact - this is one of the most important secrets of Clash of Clans.

    Upgrade your defense to the maximum before moving on to the next TX level

  • You must not forget to pump up your warriors, since a lot depends on their level, in particular, the number of battles won.

    Upgrade to the maximum, first of all, those warriors and spells that you use most often.

  • The army should be as diverse as possible. Everyone has their own preferences in choosing a unit: some like magicians, and some like goblins. Despite this, improve and learn to fight with other characters. They all have different abilities and in tandem will bring success.

    In tandem is the secret to victory in Clash of Clans.

  • When an enemy attacks your settlement and destroys it by forty percent, a shield appears. If this shield is active, then the enemy cannot attack your village, but as soon as you attack someone, the duration of the protection decreases. Before you enter into battle, think carefully about whether it is worth leaving the settlement without a shield and thereby putting it in danger.

    Helpful secret: use your shield wisely!

  • Be sure to join the clan. This will provide a lot of benefits. For example, when you share your warriors, in return you can receive a much stronger army than you have. It’s quite profitable, and it’s more fun to play in a group than alone. The clan also contributes to the expansion of the army beyond the limits of the bridgeheads built on the territory. You can send a request for donation of soldiers yourself. Don't hesitate to respond to it. The soldiers of your clan will not only attack your opponent, but also defend the settlement.

    Another secret of Clash of Clans is to join a good clan and enjoy all its benefits.

  • It is recommended to rebuild the database periodically. This is due to the fact that at higher levels the enemy's attack strategy changes. Be prepared for this scenario. Clash of clans lineup
  • It is useful to watch replays (replays of battles), with the help of which you can identify deficiencies and weaknesses of the defense. Place more traps on the main attack directions, this will help hold back the enemy’s onslaught. You can be cunning and deliberately leave open corridors. The enemy warriors will run there and stumble upon a minefield.

    Watch replays of battles and draw your own conclusions!

  • Please note that the activity of gamers is not always the same and largely depends on the time of day and days of the week. On weekdays, as a rule, attacks occur much less frequently.
  • Immediately invest the looted resources in the development of units and buildings, spend them as quickly as possible. After all, your settlement can be attacked and everything that has been accumulated and collected for so long can be taken away. Pay attention to this Clash of Clans secret.

    Spend the extracted resources wisely.

  • If the army is fully staffed and there are no places left in the camps, you should still order the warriors you need from the barracks. Despite the fact that training will be paused, since there are no places, resources will be reserved for them. This method will allow you to save "time and money" and will prevent the enemy who attacks you from completely plundering the village. This secret is important in the initial stages of the game.

Everyone who plays Clash of Clans discovers various secrets on their own. Of course, a full understanding of the game strategy comes with experience. The main thing is to enjoy the process of leveling up and creating your own game world, and everything else will come with time.

Let's try to talk about clan wars using the example of the first war of our clan website. After updating the chat, we decided that we would try to declare the first war over the weekend; on Saturday afternoon we clicked on the “Start War” button. After that, the search screensaver appeared and hung there for about 40 minutes. At this time, the game selected approximately suitable clans and sent them a request to start a war, this continued until someone, or rather our enemy, accepted the offer to participate in the war.

After the start of a clan war, the War map becomes available. It tells how the war will take place. We will give an approximate meaning of what is written in the pictures and give explanations.

Review: Two-day war The war will be won by the clan that gains more stars in the process. In battles you earn bonus resources, they grow after winning battles, but most of them will be lost if the clan loses the war.

We will not yet answer the question of how much remains if we lose, we have won all the wars.

Preparation day: Lasts 24 hours. During the preparation day, all clan members can send troops to the towers of war participants. These units will defend the base during attacks; if there are several attacks, the contents of the tower will not disappear after the first battle, but will be updated automatically.

Be careful when donating and preparing.
1. If the base for farming and tech is outside the walls, it’s time to rebuild, because every star in battle can matter. We have arrangements on our website in special. section.
2. Before donating on the war map, the leader or co-leaders can send out a letter with the donation rules so that it doesn’t look like ours, someone stuffed half of the goblin clan for protection.
3. All changes can only be made during the preparation day.
4. Clearly write down the donation rules on the war map, for example, if the castle has 20 seats, donate a dragon, or maybe you have other preferences...

Battle Day: Lasts 24 hours. During the day of battle, everyone who participates in the war can attack any enemy twice. If someone is attacked several times, then the best result is taken into account; the ideal would be to divide everyone into three stars. Fighting during a war does not affect the resources in the real base and does not remove the shield.

1. All changes made at the real base on the military map on the day of the battle are not displayed, if you have a base for farming, you can take the vehicle back outside the fence, just don’t forget to put something else in its place :).
2. All buildings launched for an upgrade will participate in the battle at the level before it, but there is one trick, if on the day of preparation you build, for example, an x-bow, then despite the fact that on the real base it has not yet been completed, but on the military base it is already involved in protecting the village.

Results of the war: At the end of the battle, bonus resources are transferred to the clan castle; you can pick them up from there by clicking on the castle and then on the coin on the right. The war report can be viewed by clicking on the War log button in the clan window. For the last war, replays of all battles are available; for the previous ones, only the overall result.

Then the general rules will be described on several screens, but we have already described everything before.

There are two screens available on the military map, a list of your clanmates and a list of opponents. Each of them has a barbarian drawn - these are unused attacks; as attacks progress, the barbarians disappear from the map.

Each of them can be studied carefully, but the game does not allow you to look into the clan’s castle after the update; also, after the update, the game does not write who is in the camp, this can only be assessed visually.

There is a blue star at the top right; if you click on it, you will be taken to a window with a list of all battles. Every fight can be watched.

There is also a list of your clanmates

And players from the enemy clan, as you can see, we encountered an opponent much stronger than us, look at the level of the best players among them and us...

At the end of 24 hours, the clan with the most stars is declared the winner and everyone receives the bonus they earned in battles. It happens that the entire bonus does not fit into the castle, then you will receive as much as the clan’s castle can accommodate.

We won this war despite the fact that the enemy was clearly stronger; it was more due to the fact that almost all of our players were active, and almost everyone took part in the battles and each brought a number of victory stars to the clan!

Tips on the results of wars:

1. It is better to declare war in the middle of the day, in this case the day of battle will fall on 2 calendar days and more clan members will be able to take part in the war.
2. It is better to spend the first battle for the stars, but do not choose too weak opponents, otherwise newcomers from your clan will not find an opponent.
3. It is better to leave the second battle for the second calendar day and, depending on the situation, add stars to the clan, or if the reserve is large, attack a strong opponent and take him to at least one star and add resources to yourself. Everyone will receive the bonus they captured in battles.

To be continued, we will supplement this material...

Clan warriors are one of the main means of earning resources in clash of clans. For example, having a town hall level 8, you can spend 500,000 elixir on two attacks, and if your clan wins, the bonus will be equal to 2,000 units of oil, as well as 600,000 gold and elixir. In the event of a loss, each HF participant will receive only 30% of all resources, and in the event of a draw - 40%.

In order not to receive a third of the resources earned, you need to adhere to certain rules that will help you win.

Below, using the example of HF (45 to 45 players), the main reasons for the defeat of the clan and some tips on attack will be considered.

Firstly, you should not hope for an easy victory, even though your clan won the previous warriors by a large margin.

Secondly, one of the main reasons for defeat during a siege is the lack of reinforcements in the clan castle. For defense, you should ask for strong high-level units, since at the 7th level of the town hall bows of the second or third level will be useless.

Thirdly, actively communicate with clan members about attacks in KV. For example, the head or co-leaders should be notified of all your opponents in the war, since it is the correct distribution of forces that affects victory.

Fourthly, attack in a mirror or on the recommended enemy, only in this case you will receive the greatest bonus. Of course, you can attack one of the upgraded opponents, somehow earn one star and wait for the completion of the CT to receive the bonus. But in this case, the chance of winning decreases and, most likely, you will be kicked out of the clan.

Fifthly, the base for the HF also needs to be built correctly, because it is the key to repelling an enemy attack.

This screenshot shows an uneven attack: most players did not attack in a mirror manner. As a result, untouched enemy bases appeared, and this means only one thing - a decrease in the number of stars.

One of the main rules is not to miss the CT without warning the head or co-leaders, otherwise you will be considered an inactive player.

In most clans, after the war, the so-called “Freeloaders” are excluded, who are participants or even elders, but do not attack in the KV. They are one of the reasons for defeat, since opponents will have the opportunity to launch more attacks.

It is impossible to attack twice in a mirror manner, so in most clans participants finish off opponents located below the recommended level. But this does not mean that the second attack should be spent on the lowest level player. It is better to attack a second time a few hours before the end of the war, when all the allies have already had time to attack once, and attacks for which all stars have not been earned will be visible. It is the players who are not 100% defeated that should be attacked in order to bring additional stars. Otherwise, you will get the following picture: all opponents below thirty are completely defeated, and those a little higher are not even touched.

Attack Tips:

Try to lure the army from the clan fortress to the edge of the map and defeat it there with weak units, for example, bows:

Before an attack in a clan war, try to ask for reinforcements, as they can change the outcome of the battle:

Also, before the attack, it is advisable to consult with your comrades about the army you are going to attack. Experienced players will help you choose the right units with spells and attack tactics on the enemy.

In addition to asking for help, you must also help your allies:

  • Give reinforcements to their clan fortress for HF (for defense and attack)
  • Help newbies plan attacks

Conclusion: if you follow all these rules, then attacking in HF will become much easier, and winning against other clans will become easier.
