Where can you learn blacksmithing in Skyrim? Teachers of eloquence in "Skyrim" - all about pumping up the skill "eloquence"

Eloquences travel all over the world. Mentors help you quickly improve your skills. The main thing is to prepare money. The higher the level of development of Dovahkiin and the skill, the more expensive the training costs. What do you need to remember about eloquence and leveling it up? Where to look for relevant mentors? What cheats are there for leveling up skills? Every player must figure this out. It's not as difficult as it seems.

Skill Description

In Skyrim, eloquence teachers help improve the skill of the same name, “Speech.” What it is?

This skill affects special conversation topics. The player will be able to persuade characters, intimidate them, sell items at inflated prices, and even fight in exchange for information.

The higher your eloquence skill, the greater the chances of success when using certain phrases during a dialogue. The growth of the skill is influenced by the Lover and Thief stones.

Eloquence is often used by thieves. It helps to reduce the price of the purchased goods and make a markup on the sold ones. It is very comfortable!

Leveling methods

How to improve eloquence in Skyrim? This can be done in different ways. The main thing is to prepare for operations in advance.

Firstly, the player can start selling things. Each transaction increases the skill. That is why it is recommended to sell goods by 1 unit.

Secondly, the character can turn to the eloquence teacher in Skyrim. Mentors come in different levels. They will improve the mentioned skill for money. We'll talk about this later.

Thirdly, players are able to use codes in Skyrim for eloquence. Let's look at this dishonest trick further.

Fast leveling

But first, let's talk about how players can quickly level up the Speech skill in the game world. This technique allows you to develop several skills at once. For example, blacksmithing.

The player will have to collect iron ingots and make a lot of daggers from them. Then you have to sell the items and repeat the steps. Thus, Dovahkiin will pump up both “Eloquence” and “Blacksmithing”.

If you wish, you can simply stand near the merchant and give yourself daggers through the console. To do this, you need to write player.additem 0001397E in the console, and then indicate the number of weapons issued, separated by a space.

About teachers

Leveling up eloquence in Skyrim can be done through mentors. In the game world of The Elder Scrolls V there are teachers of different professions. All of them provide lessons for money that improve certain skills.

Mentors come in the following levels:

  • adept - skill increase by 50 units;
  • expert - improvement by 75 points;
  • master - skill increase by 90 units.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that eloquence teachers in Skyrim do not teach endlessly. The game has one limitation. It can cause a lot of trouble for lazy players.

The thing is that for each skill level obtained, a character cannot take more than 5 lessons from a mentor. As soon as the limit is exhausted, you will have to independently level up the “Speech” skill. There is no way to bypass the requirement. Unless you use the previously proposed secret to quickly increase your level.

Where to look for mentors

Speech teachers are not very common in Skyrim. There are only 5 of them in the game. Of these, 2 are adepts, 1 expert and one master.

You can find initial mentors in the locations "Akari's Khajiit Caravan" and "Sandri's Used Goods". The characters Dro Marash and Revin Sandri are standing there. For a small fee, they will help you learn eloquence.

The adept of eloquence Ogmund can be found in Markarth, and the master Giraud Zhiman can be found in the College of Bards.

There are no more mentors in the game. You won't be able to find characters in other places. They are simply missing.

Cheats for leveling up "Eloquence"

A few words about how to quickly improve the skill you are learning. The player will need to use a cheat code. Leveling up eloquence in Skyrim in this way is done in a few minutes.

The user will need to call the console during the game and type the command Player.SetAV Speechcraft there, followed by a space and specify a value from 0 to 100. This option will help level up “Speech” to the specified level.

The AdvSkill Speechcraft team, followed by the number up to 999999, is responsible for adding experience to Speech. This is a longer way to level up a skill.

If you want to upgrade your skills with mentor teachers, the player will need money. They can be obtained with the command player.additem 0000000F, followed by the number of coins issued.

Skyrim is the fifth Elder Scrolls game, which has a whole large gaming universe. The character, according to the tradition established in the epic, begins as a prisoner, and begins to explore the vast expanses of the game after being accidentally released. As a result, he is destined to fight rivals using magic, bows and swords, search for a variety of artifacts in the Nordic ruins and carry out orders from ordinary citizens and heads of factions. In the process, the protagonist cannot survive without upgrading his combat, magical and other skills. If you cannot do this on your own, then skills teachers can help you.

Mechanics Skills Teachers

When a character needs to raise a skill, but there is not enough materials or time to level it up, skill teachers solve this problem in Skyrim. These characters are found throughout the game world and for a certain amount of money they immediately increase the selected skill by one.

Each skill teacher has its own gradation - “Master”, “Expert” or “Adept”.

For adepts, the Dragonborn can increase the skill to a maximum of 50 units, for expert teachers - up to 75, and masters can increase the skill to a maximum of 90 units. Once a character raises a teacher's skill to the maximum level, he will need to look for a teacher with higher qualifications. The character will have to get the skill to 100 on his own. The game also has a special limitation for learning skills for money - at each level, the protagonist can receive no more than five skill upgrades for a fee.

List of Skills Teachers

Fans of two-handed weapons should first contact the Shattered Shield Fortress, an expert in this skill, Torbjorn Shattered Shield. The next shield teacher will be the hero’s friend Vilkas from the halls of Jorrvaskr. Adept Amren will help you hold a weapon in one hand in Whiterun. The character will be trained to the level of expert in Jorrvaskr by a certain Atis, and made a master in Dushnik - Yala Burguk. The skill of wearing heavy armor to the expert level will be taught to the character in Dushnik-Yala by NPC Garol. The skill is mastered by Farkas of Jorrvaskr. The use of Shields is taught by the expert-level teacher Stone Hand in Jorrvaskr. A master teacher in blocking is Larak from distant Mor Kazgur.

The owner of the House of Fendal will make the Dovahkiin an adept in the field of shooting, the Amazon Aela the Huntress from the hall of Jorrvaskr will become an expert archer, and mastery can be achieved in the Cistern at the NPC Niruin. At first, you can learn how to carry light armor in the Argonian block from Know-Swamp, then you will have to go to Helga’s Bed and Breakfast to the character Grelha. To receive the title of “master” you will need to study with the expert teacher Silda the Invisible in the city of Windhelm, and for further training you need to visit the Raging Flask tavern and pay Vipir Zhivchik. A hacking expert who travels with Ma'drana's caravan will teach you how to empty the hero's pockets, and Vex, a resident of the Wild Flask, is considered the master. Khajiit Kayla from Ri'sad's caravan will help you master the basics of stealth. The main expert of this skill is Garvey from Anthill, and the Wild Flask is home to the master of stealth Delvin Mallory.

Alchemists should go to Jorgen's House and contact Lami. The next teacher in mixing herbs will be the owner of the alchemical shop “Cauldron of Arcadia”. Babette is considered the Skyrim alchemist master, who can be found in the already known hero of the Dark Brotherhood. The adept blacksmith teacher's name is Gorza and she is located in Markarth. The expert lives in Riften, his name is Balimund. And the great master, Gray Mane, lives in Whiterun in the Heavenly Forge. An enchanting expert lives in the College of Winterhold and his name is Sergius Turrian.

The Master Enchanter is Hamal from the Temple of Dibella, who can be found in the inner sanctum. Dovahkiin will find the adept of eloquence Dro "marash in Akari's caravan. For the same purpose, you can communicate with the owner of the Sadri Goods. A recognized expert in verbal constructions lives in Markarth - this is Ogmund. And a member of the College of Bards, a certain Giro Zhiman, will teach the skill.
The skill of Changes in the Blue Palace is raised to the level of adept by Mr. Melaran. An expert teacher of this school sits in a tavern called “Wooden Lace”; her name is Dravinia the Carver. Trained to master level by a member of the College of Winterhold named Tolfdir.

Illusionists should go to Largashbur to Atub. To master this skill to perfection, you will need the help of a member of the College of Sorcerers, Drevis Neloren. Expert teacher of restoration - Carketta from the Watch and NPC Coletta Marens from the College of Winterhold. The master of this school is considered to be the Light of Spring Danika, who can be found in the Temple of Kynareth, but she will teach the hero only after completing the mission “Miracle of Nature”.

Runil, an NPC from the Hall of the Dead in Falkreath, will help you master the secrets of witchcraft. You need to look for an expert sorcerer in Winterhold - this is a certain Finis Gestor. And the best teachers of this school are a resident of Tel Mithryn, nicknamed Talvas Fatrion and Falion who lives in Morthal.

Those who want to comprehend the magic of destruction will find an adept of this school named Wunfert with the nickname Undead in the town of Windhelm. The expert teacher of destruction is located in the Blue Palace - this is lady Sibylla Stentor. And Faralda from the College of Winterhold will teach the skill.

So what am I talking about? Oh yes, alchemy teachers. Let's go in order:


This lady lives in Morthal, in the house of her husband, Jorgen, the owner of a sawmill. Not to say that she is very capable, but, hmm-hmm, she can tell a beginner a lot and teach simple alchemical wisdom. To begin with, however, you will have to appease her a little. But this is not a difficult task - you just need to bring her the book “The Alchemist’s Song”. You can find her in Anise's Hut. Beware of grandma. And before you give the book away, read it, you won’t regret it.


Lives in Whiterun, in his own house, combined with an alchemy shop. She is quite knowledgeable in the art of alchemy and is less picky than Lami. There is, however, one peculiarity: working in a shop leaves its mark. From Arcadia you will hear more than once about hundreds of diseases that haunt you, but do not give in. This is just a way to sell a couple of potions. But that’s not what you’re going to see her for, right? By the way, if you take frost salt to her at Farengar’s request and become Thane of Whiterun, you can buy a Daedra heart in her shop. And this, I tell you, is a rather rare alchemical ingredient. So it's worth the money.


Oh, it's better for you not to know her at all. Because otherwise, you will have to join the Dark Brotherhood. And this is not at all the best way to spend time... for many honest alchemists, at least. In addition, she is a vampire, although she is a potion master, and such that you will not find anything else in Skyrim. But if it’s really hot, go to Dawnstar, where their lair is located. And don't even ask how I know about this.

Skyrim (better known as the Old Kingdom) is the homeland of the Nords, a region of Tamriel that has captivated every gamer. It is ruled by a king who is chosen at a meeting of Jarls. You have a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in this atmosphere and go through a fascinating story where you will become the Dragonborn. If you have already completed the entire storyline and don’t know what to do, we suggest you travel to various locations, discover new places on the map, in search of various objects and artifacts, or meet local residents who are always friendly to strangers.

In the dangerous world of Skyrim, you can’t do without a mentor who will teach you everything you know, even if it’s for money. Skyrim teachers are NPCs who can raise the value of a particular skill for money. Each teacher has their own personal qualifications. They come in three types: Adept, Expert and Master. To improve your skills to the Master level, you need to look for an appropriate mentor.

A teacher who has the Adept level will be able to increase the skill only by 50, an Expert will raise it to 75, a Master to a maximum of 90. If you decide to upgrade the skill to 90 from an Adept, then you will not be able to do this.

The cost of training services depends on the skill level of the mentor, as well as on the skill of eloquence. The higher the skill, the more expensive the training will be. It is recommended to upgrade those skills that are most difficult to upgrade. For example, look at enchantment.

A Master level teacher in Skyrim teachers will help you improve the following skills to the maximum:


The shooting master is in the tank. Not far from the violent flask. To begin training, he has one condition: he needs to join the thieves guild and complete a small number of quests.

One-handed weapon

A master of one-handed weapons can be found during the day in one of the courtyards of the village of Dushnik-Yal in the southeast of Markarth.

Two-handed weapon

This teacher will agree to teach two-handed weapons only after passing the Companions exam. It is located in Whiterun, next to the Sky Forge.

Light armor

Located in the dark brotherhood's hideout, not far from Falkirt. To start training, you need to complete the Dark Brotherhood quest and sleep for twenty-four hours in the game.

Armor is heavy

Lives in Jorrvaskr; for training, just as for a teacher of two-handed weapons, you need to pass an exam.

Blocking punches

Found in Mor Khazgur, western Solitude.


Found in the Ragged Flask. Prerequisite for training: completing Thieves Guild quests.


He will help you immediately after you contact him. He lives in a tank.


Always sits in the Wild Flask.


In the College of Bards.

Illusion, destruction

They go to the Winterhold College of Mages on the first floor. They are nearby.

blacksmith craft

Found in the Sky Forge.


This teacher can be found during the day in the hall of elements, after which he leaves for Saarthal. Returns later.


Lives in Morthal in his own house, sometimes goes out into the city


Lives in the Dark Brotherhood's hideout. Condition: joining the guild.


Can be found in Whiterun at the Temple of Kynareth. To learn, you must first complete the quest.


Lives in Markarth in the Temple of Debella. Training conditions: you need to talk with the priestess, then complete the task of rescuing a child who was stolen by outcasts.

Teacher locations for skill upgrades in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  1. Teachers for developing the “One-handed weapon” skill(One-Handed):
    • Newbie: Amren - wanders the streets of Whiterun during the day, and in the evening returns to his home, Amren’s House.
    • Expert: Athis - Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. You need to pass the first test of the Companions.
    • Master: Chief Burguk - appears during the day in the courtyard of the orc settlement of Dushnikh Yal, southeast of Markarth.
  2. Teachers for developing the “Two-handed weapon” skill(Two-Handed):
    • Expert: Torbjorn Shatter-Shield - spends the night in the House of Clan Shatter-Shield in Windhelm, and in the evening appears at the Hearth and Candle tavern opposite the entrance to the city.
    • Master: Vilkas - Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. You need to pass the first test of the Companions.
  3. Teachers for developing the shooting skill(Archery):
    • Newbie: Faendal - works at the sawmill in Riverwood, south of Whiterun, during the day, and returns to his home, Faendal's House, at night. You need to carry out an assignment to deliver a message to Camilla Valeria from the Riverwood Merchant and present it in a favorable light.
    • Expert: Aela the Huntress - Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. You need to pass the first test of the Companions.
    • Master: Niruin - in the tank behind the Ragged Flagon tavern near Riften. You need to join the thieves guild and complete a couple of Brynjolf's quests.
    • Master: Sorin Jurar - in Fort Dawnguard (DLC "Dawnguard"), east of Riften.
  4. Teachers for developing the Light Armor skill(Light Armor):
    • Newbie: Well-Knows-Marshes (Scouts-Many-Marshes) - works on the Windhelm docks during the day, and at night returns to the Argonian Assemblage, located here on the pier.
    • Expert: Grelka - during the day she works in a shop in the market square of Riften, and at night she returns to Helga's Bed and Breakfast.
    • Master: Nazir - lives first in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, west of Falkreath, and then moves to the Dawnstar Sanctuary, north of Dawnstar. You need to join the Dark Brotherhood by killing Grelod the Good from the orphanage in Riften on the order of Aventus Aretino from Windhelm, and sleep for 24 hours.
  5. Teachers for developing the “Heavy Armor” skill(Heavy Armor):
    • Expert: Gharol - works during the day at the forge in the orc settlement of Dushnikh Yal, southeast of Markarth.
    • Master: Izran - in Fort Dawnguard (DLC "Dawnguard"), east of Riften.
    • Master: Farkas - Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. You need to pass the first test of the Companions.
  6. Teachers for developing the “Blocking” skill(Block):
    • Expert: Njada Stonearm - Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. You need to pass the first test of the Companions.
    • Master: Chief Larak - appears during the day in the courtyard of the orc settlement Mor Khazgur, on a plain in the northwestern part of Skyrim, west of Solitude.
  7. Teachers for developing the Stealth skill(Sneak):
    • Newbie: Khayla - stops with the nomadic Khajiit trade caravan in front of major cities.
    • Expert: Garvey - lives in Ant Hill in Markarth.
    • Master: Delvin Mallory - is always located in the Ragged Flask tavern near Riften. You need to join the thieves guild and complete a couple of Brynjolf's quests.
  8. Teachers for developing the skill “Pickpocketing”(Pickpocket):
    • Expert: Silda the Unseen - during the day, a beggar appears in the square in front of the entrance to the palace of Ulfric Stormcloak, and in the evening he goes to warm himself by the fire in front of the entrance to the Hearth and Candle tavern opposite the main gates of the city.
    • Master: Vipir the Fleet - in the tank behind the Wild Flask tavern near Riften. You need to join the thieves guild and complete a couple of Brynjolf's quests.
  9. Teachers for developing the Hacking skill(Lockpicking):
    • Expert: Ma'jhad - stops with the nomadic Khajiit trade caravan in front of major cities.
    • Expert: Ra'zhinda - stops with the nomadic Khajiit trade caravan in front of major cities.
    • Master: Vex - is always located in the Ragged Flask tavern near Riften. You need to join the thieves guild and complete a couple of Brynjolf's quests.
  10. Teachers for developing the “Speech” skill(Speech):
    • Newbie: Dro'marash - stops with the nomadic Khajiit trade caravan in front of major cities.
    • Newbie: Revyn Sadri - works at Sadri's Used Wares in Windhelm. We need to throw a ring at Viola Giordano's house.
    • Expert: Ogmund - works at the Silver Blood Tavern in Markarth during the day, and returns to his home, Ogmund's House, at night.
    • Master: Giraud Gemane - works in the college of bards of Solitude.
  11. Teachers to develop the skill “Change”(Alteration):
    • Expert: Dravynea the Stoneweaver - appears in the vegetable fields and Wooden Lace Inn in Kynesgrove, south of Windhelm.
    • Master: Tolfdir - teaches students during the day in the Hall of Elements at the College of Winterhold, then leaves for excavations in Saarthal and returns to his usual place as the mages complete their tasks.
  12. Teachers for developing the skill “Witchcraft”(Conjuration):
    • Newbie: Runil - during the day he appears in the Dead Honey tavern at the alchemy table, and at night he returns to the hall of the dead of Falkreath.
    • Expert: Phinis Gestor - appears during the day in the library of the College of Magicians of Winterhold.
    • Master: Falion - works in his home, Falion's House, in Morthal, and sometimes walks around the city.
    • Master: Talvas Fatrion - after killing the ash guard after an unsuccessful summoning in the courtyard in front of Tel Mithryn, in the southeast of Solstheim (DLC "Dragonborn").
  13. Teachers for developing the skill “Destruction”(Destruction):
    • Newbie: Wuunferth the Unliving - works on the upper floors of the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm.
    • Expert: Sybille Stentor - appears during the day in the throne room of the Blue Palace in Solitude.
    • Master: Faralda - appears on the first floor in the Support Hall of the College of Winterhold.
  14. Teachers for developing the “Illusion” skill(Illusion):
    • Expert: Atub - during the day appears in the courtyard of the orcish settlement of Largashbur, southwest of Riften. You need to bring troll fat and a daedra heart to perform a ritual in honor of Malacath, and then help the leader return Shagrol’s war hammer from the Grove of Giants to the tribe.
    • Master: Drevis Neloren - appears on the first floor in the Support Hall of the College of Winterhold.
  15. Teachers for developing the “Recovery” skill(Restoration):
    • Expert: Colette Marence - appears on the second floor in the Support Hall of the College of Winterhold.
    • Master: Danica Pure-Spring - works at the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun. You need to complete the task “Miracle of Nature” to deliver juice or seedlings of Golden Leaf.
    • Master: Florence Beniy - appears in Fort Dawnguard (DLC "Dawnguard"), east of Riften, in preparation for an attack on the vampires. You need to talk to Sorin Jurard, she will send you to Izran, and he will already go on the mission “Strengthening the Ranks”.
  16. Teachers for developing the Alchemy skill(Alchemy):
    • Newbie: Lami - during the day he works in the Thaumaturge's Hut shop on the main street of Morthal, and at night he returns to the house of Jorgen and Lami on the outskirts of the city.
    • Expert: Arcadia - works in the Arcadia Cauldron shop in Whiterun.
    • Expert: Milora Yent - works at the alchemy table in the Raven Rock market in Solstheim (DLC "Dragonborn"). We need to deliver netch jelly.
    • Master: Babette - lives first in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, west of Falkreath, and then moves to the Dawnstar Sanctuary, north of Dawnstar. You need to join the Dark Brotherhood by killing Grelod the Good from the orphanage in Riften on the order of Aventus Aretino from Windhelm, and sleep for 24 hours.
  17. Teachers for developing the Blacksmithing skill(Smithing):
    • Newbie: Ghorza gra-Bagol - works during the day in the Markarth forge in front of the entrance to the Sidna mine. You need to find the book “The Last Scabbard of Akrash” in Fort Sungard and bring it to her.
    • Expert: Balimund - works at The Scorched Hammer forge in Riften. You need to deliver ten servings of fire salt.
    • Master: Eorlund Gray-Mane - works during the day at the Skyforge near Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.
    • Master: Gunmar - in Fort Dawnguard (DLC "Dawnguard"), east of Riften.
  18. Teachers for developing the Enchantment skill(Enchanting):
    • Expert: Sergius Turrianus - appears during the day in the Hall of Elements of the College of Winterhold.
    • Master: Hamal - serves in the Temple of Dibella in the center of Markarth. You need to get into the inner chambers of the temple to the priestesses and talk with Orla, and then complete the task of returning the girl kidnapped by the outcasts.
    • Master: Nelot - works in the largest mushroom in Tel Mithryn, in the southeastern part of Solstheim (DLC "Dragonborn"). You need to complete a story mission and several assignments.