Where in the dark. How to survive in the Dark Zone of The Division - Game2Day

Risk – Reward. This is exactly what works in The Division, if you want to get the best things, you don’t want to, but you have to go to PVP zones. This is where you can find or make money on better weapons and equipment in the game.

The “Dark Zone” is inhabited by merchants who only accept currency earned in the “Zone” and nothing else. The assortment includes blue, purple and orange equipment.

Endless NPC farming

You will be rewarded for every kill of enemy NPCs in the Dark Zone. You don't even need to have a high enough level to do this. You can farm the same groups of enemies over and over again.

Opening chests

The second place where you can get currencies are chests. They are guarded by NPCs, for killing whom you will also receive currency, so “you kill two birds with one stone.” Of course, there is a chance that after killing the NPC guarding the chest, the key to open it will not drop, however, it is not that great.

Don't die - and especially don't die as an Outcast

Every time you die in the Dark Zone, you lose currency, level, and some of your items that you could get from chests or after the death of an NPC.

And also more money and experience you lose by dying as an Outcast. So, if you don’t have a “strong” enough team, it’s better not to become an outcast at all. Singles don't live long!

Do not give in to provocations from players

The most common case: You meet a group of players, and someone shoots at you a couple of times. Thereby provoking you to respond with fire. Do not do this, if the one who shot at you is not an outcast, then in 99% of cases this is a provocation, and by opening fire back you will become an outcast, after which you will be shot by the opposite group, you will lose points, currency and loot.

Provoke other players/Kill other players

The most effective way to gain Dark Zone currency and experience is by killing other players. As soon as you kill one player, you immediately become an outcast. All other players on the map will know about this and will start hunting for you.

Yes, it's not easy. It’s quite easy to survive at the first level, but at levels 4 and 5 the time before you disappear from the “radar” of other players is about 7 minutes. And every time you “collide” with other players, this timer is updated.

If you manage to hold out, you will receive significantly more experience and currencies.

First there was the word. And that word was PVE. If you easily dealt with missions against artificial intelligence - honor and praise to you, a monument in Manhattan Square and the love of your fans. But it’s too early to relax, a new challenge lies ahead - dangerous, interesting and promising. The Dark Zone in The Division is the most dangerous place in the game. Threat lurks around every corner: allies can become enemies in a second and the thread of your life can break at any second. Game2Day is ready to guide newcomers into the realm of deadly dangers of The Division in a special guide to survival in the Dark Zone. Go!

Look for checkpoints

You will die often, especially in the first raids. Unlike regular card, there are no quick transitions to the Dark Zone and after the death of the character, the player is returned to the last checkpoint. In New York, gamers end up in a shelter if they die. In the Dark Zone - at the last checkpoint at the edge of the border. It is very important to open at least half of the checkpoints before going deeper into the zone. Otherwise, after death you will have to go a very long way to the desired place on the map.

Minimum level forPVP - eighth

Yes, this has been said more than once, but repetition is the mother of learning. Dark Zone has a much higher difficulty level than anywhere else in the game. The enemies are much stronger, they have better equipment and they are most often encountered in large groups. Accordingly, your character’s level should be no lower than level eight, or even better, level ten, because completing missions in the Dark Zone at level eight still requires maximum concentration and dedication. In addition, you can meet other players of a higher rank who may consider you easy prey and take you out of the way with a well-aimed bullet to the head.

UseNPC for their own purposes

Bots travel through the Zone in large groups, becoming a serious obstacle at important points on the map. In most cases, NPCs end up in the same places over and over again, and this can be turned to your advantage. Example: You are being pursued by a large group of Purifiers with the worst intentions. What to do? Shoot back to the last bullet and heroically die the death of the brave? No. It is best to retreat to the nearest rebel checkpoint and, chewing popcorn, watch with a sly smile as your enemies enthusiastically destroy each other. But it’s better not to linger and hide in the maze of streets, so that the righteous anger of the surviving and deceived bots does not fall on your head. The same strategy successfully allows you to break away from the pursuit of enemy agents.

Loneliness is like death

Don’t have 100 phoenix credits, but have a reliable team of friends behind you. The Division allows you to change allies like gloves in PVE missions. But in the Dark Zone, random friends can easily become enemies if you stand in their way. Trust, but verify, as another popular wisdom says. Accordingly, it is best to travel with reliable and proven teammates. It will become easier both in fights with bots and in battles with people. Alone, an experienced gamer can easily leave a large group of NPCs in the cold, but the annoying harassment of other players is not so easy to get rid of.

When a player enters the unfriendly lands of the Dark Zone, he has several ways to communicate with other gamers. The first method is as old as time. A gesture of friendship and peacefulness in the form of a salute or a wave of the hand will make it clear: you are not the enemy. But it is much easier to enable voice chat in the settings (yes, it is enabled by default, but before starting the mission it is better to double-check everything) and enter into diplomatic negotiations. The Dark Zone has a special built-in chat that triggers when you get close to other players. It can be used to communicate with a potential ally: offer a deal or remain neutral. It’s not a fact that after exchanging virtual handshakes, your newfound comrade won’t shoot you in the back. But voice communication still remains the most in a fast way announce your intentions.

Keep track of your rank

After a player has entered PVP mode and recorded several kills, a separate rank appears in the statistics. It doesn't solve much in the main game, but its importance cannot be underestimated. The Dark Zone rank allows you to purchase equipment and ammunition at checkpoints. The level of items depends on what rank you currently have. The success of finding chests with money is also determined by your statistics in the Dark Zone. For example, in the first of them there is a chest that can only be unlocked after level 30.

Rank increases in proportion to the number of successful kills you perform and decreases when you die. If you travel around the map as an outcast and get shot by enemy agents, the player's level drops greatly.

The pocket doesn't have enough stock - more consumables!

Before entering the Dark Zone, it is best to fill your pouches completely. Food, drinks, ammunition, grenades - absolutely everything will come in handy. If gamers are not short of consumables in the main game, Dark Zone, like a vacuum cleaner, pulls all available upgrades and items from your inventory. The only thing more useful than a flashbang is a personal tank. But no one will give out tanks in TheDivision, but a good grenade throw can save your life or take someone else’s.

Prepare carefully to capture the loot

Loot points are the most heavily guarded: groups of hostile bots or a rogue lurking in hiding pose a serious danger. Therefore, it is better not to ride on an imaginary horse and draw a saber. Be patient and resourceful, and resource hunting in The Division will become easier.

The first step to capturing prey is clearing the territory of enemies. Before calling a helicopter, you need to make sure there is no danger. If you are playing in a team, then the most effective way is to spread out around the perimeter and be ready; in PVP mode you cannot relax. The second step is to make sure that all player skills are ready to use, you will need every skill at any second. And only then can you signal the helicopter to evacuate.

Note to outcasts

The previous points in the guide were intended mainly for honest and respectable The Division players. High moral standards are great, but how can you resist the temptation to be an outcast for once? Deliver treacherous stabs in the back, turn any hunter into prey, farm the maximum number of points and credits. The opportunity to become an outcast is the serpent-tempter of the game, holding out to the players a wonderful apple of opportunity with an insidious smile.

The consequences for players who choose to play the Rogue role will be challenging (even for experienced ones). Your movement on the map will be visible to all game participants nearby. So, get ready. Make a plan for dashes and maneuvers. It wouldn’t hurt to describe the strategy for the team in detail either. The main thing to remember is that living players are much smarter and more cunning than artificial intelligence, so you need to eliminate them before the enemy medic comes to the rescue.

Don't dig in around mining points

Yes, hiding somewhere in the corner of a location with loot and waiting for unsuspecting players is the easiest way to make money. But ask yourself: is this interesting? Or fun? This is a rhetorical question and it is not necessary to answer it. Much more fun can be had by making cunning plans of attack and maneuvering on the edge of a knife. Just remember the great confrontation between Professor Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes. The patron of criminals and the brilliant detective preferred to fight head-on, looking into each other's eyes. Or at least in the back.

It is vital for outcasts to be close to two or three checkpoints, since HP is lost faster than usual. But there are also plenty of advantages: for killing players you are awarded experience and a special Dark Zone currency, which can be used to purchase best weapon and equipment from merchants.

Local knowledge is the key to survival

If you spend an hour or two exploring and exploring the map, it will be much easier to succeed. Knowing the zone gives the player a significant advantage over opponents both in attack and retreat. Familiarize yourself with shortcuts, learn to avoid dead ends, and it will become much more difficult to push you into a corner. If you have studied the map better than others, this will at least help you survive, which is also important in the hell called the Dark Zone. Finally, a bonus - a video guide on quickly farming levels in The Division

In the game Tom Clancy's The Division, the Dark Zone is the only PvP location with its own characteristics. There are several unique, key places, without which the entire game in this territory would not make sense. These include:

1. Checkpoints
2. Extraction area
3. Safe Room
4. Landmarks


Checkpoints are places through which you can enter and exit the Dark Zone. These are passages between the zone and the “ordinary” world. In the zone you can find a merchant who will provide you with excellent things (you, of course, will have to buy them). There are also special places for restoring ammunition and first aid kits. Remember that you cannot pass through checkpoints with weapons found or purchased in the zone. They will be saved in your inventory, but you will not be able to use it. In order to gain access to them, they must first be evacuated.

Evacuation areas

The evacuation area serves to send all recovered equipment to headquarters using a helicopter. The entire sending process is divided into two stages. Firstly, you must wait 90 seconds until a helicopter arrives at the specified point. Secondly, in 30 seconds you have to pick up all the things you want to send.

It is worth mentioning that during the process you will be confronted by both NPCs and other players who want to intercept your loot. All players receive information about your location and evacuation.

Remember that there are computer-controlled opponents on the map. Although artificial intelligence cannot be compared to human intelligence, do not underestimate them. Before firing the signal shot, check the location of the enemies using the “pulse” - this will buy you a little more time.

A shelter is just a small room in which the player is safe. No one will be able to attack or rob you as long as you are inside the room. There are a total of five shelters in the Dark Zone, where you can replenish all your ammunition. After death, you will also appear in one of the shelters.


Landmarks in the Dark Zone are considered the most protected objects. Here you can meet the strongest team, consisting of some kind of mini-bosses. These enemies are much stronger than other NPCs, so killing them is not so easy. You shouldn’t go to such places alone - it’s better to gather an organized team that you can trust.

To make it easier to navigate The Division Dark Zone locations and throughout New York, there is a detailed interactive map at the link below:

    Tom Clancy's The Division Dark Zone: Key Places


    In the game Tom Clancy's The Division, the Dark Zone is the only PvP location with its own characteristics. There are several unique, key places, without which the entire game in this territory would not make sense. These include: 1. Checkpoints 2. Extraction area 3. Safe Room 4. Landmark Checkpoints

Update 03/15/2016 Named Enemies in the Dark Zone- these are elite mobs in the project. After a player reaches level 30 in PvE, they will begin to drop first class And excellent items, as well as Phoenix loans . Fighting such named bosses is an excellent chance to use all the skills and abilities accumulated during the game.

Features of Dark Zone mobs is that they always sleep in the same place. Therefore, it will not be difficult to study in detail where these places are located. At the same time, knowing where the mob appears, you cannot predict which enemy will appear before you. Therefore, preparing for a specific task is quite difficult. In other words, they are random.

General map of boss locations in the Dark Zone (Reddit)

White icons – bosses underground in tunnels

Blue icons – on the surface

Dark Zone (TZ-01) named enemies

Western part of TZ-01. There is an entrance to the subway, almost at the checkpoint, on the corner of Broadway and West 32nd Street (W 32nd St).

This enemy will be found in the middle of the street, in the north of the Dark Zone. Here 5th Avenue connects TZ-01 and TZ-02.

An alley in the southeast of the zone, between East 31st and 32nd Streets (E 31st St and E 32nd St).

Dark Zone (TZ-02) named monsters

Near the library which is located on the corner of East 38th Street (E 38h St) and Madison Avenue. To the northeast of this place is TZ-02. The boss himself and several thugs are in front of the entrance to the building.

The southern part of TZ-02, if you go from 5th Avenue. In the building, a group of thugs will be waiting for you on the first floor. Kill them and go upstairs.

In a large sports store in the north, on West 38th Street (W 38h St).

Dark Zone (TZ-03)

The middle of the TZ-03 location. Enter the subway station east of Bryant Park and take the stairs that lead to the lower level. A crowd of thugs and the boss will be hiding on the train.

East of Bryant Park there is a gas station. It's easy to detect because military equipment a lot of this place. A named boss will also appear here.

Almost in the center of Bryant Park, near the evacuation zone. If you are still unfamiliar with the map of New York, then find a large green rectangle on it in the west of TZ-03, this is Bryant Park.

Dark Zone (TZ-04) named monsters

In the center of TZ-04, in the parking lot on East 43rd Street (E 43rd St), which is between 5th and 6th Avenues (5th and 6th Ave). The boss will be protected by many associates.

Northeast TZ-04, contamination zone will be slightly southeast of the evacuation zone. The boss will be on the corner of East 45th Street (E 45th St) and Madison Avenue (Madison Ave) surrounded by CERA corpses.

Dark Zone (TZ-05) Elite mobs

All named enemies in this area are level 32 and are designed to kill them in a group, and this is not so easy to do. Theoretically, they can be killed solo, but the average player will spend an incredible amount of time on this. With friends - faster.

Get there to the eastern evacuation zone in TZ-05, and then move west. Go underground when you see the ramp and head to the lowest level.

Rockefeller Center, eastern part of TZ-05. A group of thugs will be in front of the building.

Military camp on the corner of West 52nd Street (W 52nd St) and 7th Avenue (7th Ave). The boss will be in one of the tents.

Dark Zone (TZ-06) Elite mobs

To find this boss, use landmark building Mid Town Music on the corner of West 52nd Street (W 52nd St) and 6th Avenue (6th Ave). There is a lot of open space here, so you can navigate and find a suitable place to attack.

North-eastern part of TZ-06, building under construction in the east from the evacuation zone. On the first floor there will be a group of thugs and a boss.

Metro tunnels in the northwest of TZ-06. The entrance can be found on West 54th Street (W 54th St). Go down to the bottom floor and there will be an elite mob there.

This guide will be updated in the future.

Dark Zone is a PvP (player versus player) area where you can find the most best items. Any player you encounter in the Dark Zone is potentially dangerous unless you become friends. And there is no guarantee that the other player will not attack you.

Some missions require you to enter the Dark Zone, and some even offer encounters similar to the classic PvP mode. But your main motivation remains loot.

Before entering the TK, you must prepare properly. Spend some time in PvE, acquiring enough equipment, and most importantly, character level 10. Artificial intelligence what you will encounter here is harsher than in other parts of the city.

The easiest way to enter the TZ is through the checkpoint (they are purple on the map, and the Dark Zone itself is colored red), and you can also climb the walls and go down to the TZ. Please be aware that you will not be able to return, i.e. climb the walls, back if you change your mind about visiting the most dangerous area, to get out you will have to find the exit door to the checkpoint. The Dark Zone itself is divided into different sections, each for more high level and offers a greater challenge.

At every checkpoint there is safe room with a box for resupplying grenades, ammunition and medicine. There too Dark Zone Merchant, who will sell you good equipment, depending on your level, in exchange for Dark Zone credits - this is a currency available only there. There are similar providers in other safe rooms.

Team or solo

Matchmaking in TZ is level-based, meaning you and your friends must be at the same level to play together. If you don't have friends, don't be afraid, as you will meet many Agents in the Dark Zone, just like you. You can talk to people using local voice chat if you have a microphone. Or use regular text chat. But be alert, just like yours new friend may turn out to be a “radish” and betray you at any moment.

Dark Zone Items

The dark zone is all filled with high-level items. The Division uses a fairly common system of color-coding items and equipment, in accordance with the player's level. TK provides an excellent opportunity to find rare things.

There are three ways to benefit from a visit to the Dark Zone:

True, you won’t be able to use the items received in the TK right away, they are infected and you will need to send them for processing, only after that you can return to the base and pick up everything that you have looted. Items are sent by helicopters, which can be called on special evacuation points. After the call, you have to wait a minute and a half for the helicopter - which will seem like an eternity. Because NPCs may come to this point so that you “don’t get bored” or other players who will help you or, on the contrary, will come for your soul. The fact is that when someone calls a helicopter, everyone in the Dark Zone will know about it - accordingly, you need to be prepared for anything.


The Dark Zone is a PvP area. A special place in the game is occupied by tracking down other players and stealing their equipment.

You can always tell by the player whether he is carrying a trophy from the Dark Zone: he will have a yellow belt bag hanging on him, but think twice before opening fire: the risks of becoming a renegade are high.

If you constantly attack other players, you will immediately be marked as a renegade (if you accidentally destroy your comrades in a firefight, you will simply receive a warning). Renegades are marked with a red skull on the map, and other Agents will receive good experience points for neutralizing them. On the other hand, if you see a large group of renegade Agents, run. These guys aim to increase their Renegade rank to 5 (the highest) by eliminating other players and saving their head counters to gain Dark Zone Credits and use them to purchase gear from vendors.

If you answer the call and help take down a renegade, be careful: other players may take this opportunity to become a renegade themselves, hoping to double (or even better) the loot.

Dying while in renegade status results in harsher penalties than without the status.

Rank and death

Completing certain actions in the Dark Zone, such as defeating enemies, finding trophies, and successfully extracting them, will add points to your Dark Zone level.

Important: do not die in the Dark Zone - especially if you have become a renegade - because such a death has consequences:

  • loss of any infected trophy you might carry;
  • lose your credits;
  • some rank and some keys from your inventory.

If you die while in Renegade status, you will lose a lot more money, rank, and keys than you would without this status.
