Homefront: The Revolution – review. Review of Homefront: The Revolution: yellow menace Lineage 2 revolution game review

The legendary Lineage 2, almost fifteen years after its premiere, returned in an updated form, and mobile devices acted as a platform for this comeback.

It's hard to find another western country except for Russia, where traditionally an oriental product from the Korean company NCSoft would be so popular. For many domestic gamers, “Ruler” became the first game in MMORPG genre, and therefore the release of the game for smartphones stirred up long-forgotten feelings in the hearts of millions of adults. To evaluate whether the game lived up to expectations, let's start reviewing Lineage 2 Reevolution and take a closer look at the game.

Game legend

The setting is Elmoreden, beloved by millions of players - a world in which people, elves - light and dark, dwarves, as well as gods, who set all the militant forces in motion, coexist.

mobile version, unlike its progenitor, places much more emphasis on quests - tasks during which players receive rewards and gain experience. The process can be controlled either using a virtual joystick, or you can leave the movement to the game itself, which copes well with the character’s movements without the participation of the player.

A quick overview of the Lineage 2 Revolution classes will somewhat upset fans of the original - there is no gender selection in the game, so we will not be able to play as a male light elf or a human girl. The orcs were completely left out of the game, which greatly affects the integrity of the world. The number of classes for each race has also been reduced, the number of professions and skills makes one remember the classic Lineage 2 with nostalgia. What's in mobile game what has become more is the grind, although it would seem that there was plenty of it in the PC version.

Players who saw their main purpose in crafting unique equipment will be especially saddened; here this process is poorly designed, even with all the discounts on the mobile platform.


Lineage 2 would not have become so popular if it were not for the activities that players kept themselves busy with after a tiring grind. The mobile version strongly recommends joining a clan immediately after the short training comes to an end; as an incentive for this, the game contains bosses that you cannot cope with alone. If the monotonous killing of artificial intelligence does not bring pleasure, then you can choose another player as the next victim.

Of course, it is difficult for a mobile game to implement such large-scale events as the siege of a castle, in which hundreds of players from each side participated in the orthodox Line. However, this component of the game is implemented quite well and the permissible number of participants in the conflict for each of the opposing forces is fifty people. There is simply no equal game in this aspect in the mobile universe, and therefore Lineage 2 Revolution will be interesting to look at though for that reason.

In general, compared to other games of the genre on the mobile platform, Lineage 2 Revolution is an absolute step forward, and fans of “another line” will be able to nostalgize about the glorious bygone times and run among familiar landscapes. On the other hand, if you are expecting exactly the same gameplay that captivated you a decade and a half ago, you will most likely be disappointed.


Concluding the review of the game Lineage 2 Revolution, I would like to summarize some results. The application, without a doubt, has a number of advantages - it has no equal among other MMORPG-crafts on iOS and Android, the atmosphere of the beloved world is conveyed carefully and with love, the graphical component and the scale of the gameplay sometimes make you forget that this game is intended for smartphones, and those those who were not much of a fan of endless grinding at one time can have fun without interfering with the process - the autopilot easily copes with movements and battles without the participation of the player.

On the other hand, what we have before us is, nevertheless, not the same game that forced us to fight all night long for the honor and glory of the clan. Resurrecting such a glorious series is an incredibly difficult task, and transferring it to a mobile platform without loss of quality is hardly feasible at all. Each deviation from the canon leaves a bitter aftertaste, and therefore those who want to return to their youth and again forget about the surrounding reality are unlikely to like the game. In addition, Lineage 2 Revolution horribly consumes smartphone resources and battery power, and therefore, in addition to the obvious shortcomings of the game, purely technical nuances can add unpleasant emotions.


In 2011 Kaos Studios And Digital Extremes they made just a masterpiece shooter about overwhelming the Americans, who bravely fought against the arrogant and cunning Koreans who occupied their country. Thank you that there were no Russians. The game showed very well good level in terms of plot and production, and the graphics were gorgeous. Of course, to the same entertainment level as in or , didn’t live up to it, but it was many times more interesting. And yet he remained an ordinary linear shooter, who did not even have a chance to compete with the previously named giants.

Then she bought the rights first, and then. Craftsmen from Dambuster Games We started making the second part. They took it, of course, is not the right word: they literally overhauled the game, radically changing the gameplay. And, you know, if I had money, I would go to their office and shake everyone's hand for it. During the entire game I only received positive emotions and, unlike the emotions obtained while playing , these did not disappear and were not replaced by negativity. But first things first.


The game begins with us being shown the secret headquarters of American revolutionaries preparing to overthrow the bloody Korean KGB.

Yes, on the first floor.
Yes, the windows are open.
Yes, there's a guy with a bagpipe looming in plain sight

But this does not concern the brave warriors of democracy. And so they receive a bullet in the face, and one takes a hammer-shaped serve with his head. When the silent protagonist is about to be filled with lead, a man breaks into the room. Very Scary American Terrorist named Walker, and part-time leader of the uprising, who turns out to be even dumber than his subordinates, having killed three enemies in the room, and then wasted all the remaining ammunition in the corpse of their commander.

It is not surprising that when more Koreans run into the room, the guy finds himself without bullets, but with grief he copes with them, having received a bullet in the leg. Having dragged the leader of the uprising to a safe place, Brady (that’s our hero’s name) receives a cell phone from him and instructions to finish things off. Brady, of course, immediately runs away without even thinking to close the door. And here, finally, control of the hero is given into our hands.


Our main character is fast and dexterous: playfully, he runs through Korean checkpoints, first to the neighboring house, taking things necessary for survival. There, by the way, they show us that in the game it is possible and necessary loot crafting consumables and simply valuable things that need to be sold. Then we are sent to another place, where we get a flashlight, and then go into a tunnel leading to the subway, where we get hit in the head with a bat.

Apparently, this is a ritual for being accepted into revolutionaries, because after a couple of minutes we cheerfully walk along the subway and receive our first gun. And this is where they show a very tasty gameplay feature - converting weapons from one to another right on the go. Brady removes the receiver, takes out the magazine, replaces them with submachine gun parts, and there you have it - a new gun! Next, we are shown how to craft the most useful thing for a revolutionary - a Molotov cocktail, after which the missions begin.

When you go out into the street, you immediately realize that in front of you is nothing more than, but in the style of the near future. Carefully placed on the map outposts enemies that it is advisable to capture, otherwise you simply won’t be able to breathe from the Koreans. It seems that under the location there is a special incubator where soldiers of the Korean army are raised. But when the map finally turns from red to blue, there are fewer Koreans, Resistance fighters begin to set up ambushes, and the world becomes easier to explore. For this purpose, there are even motorcycles, which are more convenient to drive than in, and they are also more useful - in some places you need to activate a homemade dynamo by placing a motorcycle on it and starting to accelerate.

By the way, you can take up to four people with you as assistants at the base so that you can fight enemies with them. But these guys die very quickly, blocking the view - no wonder, because before the war they were ordinary people - taxi drivers, electricians, clerks. That's why I personally prefer to run in proud loneliness- You can then act secretly, and no one will interfere. This is how Brady slowly battles with "Juches"- this is the funny word the Americans call invaders - he tries to save Walker, and then he is carried into yellow zone.

And then you realize that the game is not about shootouts with Koreans. This is a game about the horrors that the inhabitants of an occupied country are experiencing and about the revolution that the freedom-loving American people will organize in order to get rid of their narrow-eyed oppressors. In the yellow zones you can’t run around with weapons at the ready - numerous patrols will immediately raise the alarm, call for reinforcements and will pursue Brady until he manages to break away.

But don’t forget that the yellow zone is still a densely populated city with all its delights - you can hide in tanks, mix with the crowd, lock yourself in dry closets. All this running around from the military when raising the alarm is painfully reminiscent of, you can even use some elements of parkour during the races.

It is possible to ambush Korean columns by blowing up cars, or you can simply wander around the city and help citizens during random encounters - then save a woman who is being groped Horny Korean Hentai Lovers, then free the prisoners from correctional labor by stabbing their warden in the throat with a knife. There are, of course, more difficult jobs - stopping the storming of someone's apartment by attacking stormtroopers, and there are very easy jobs - giving ten bucks to a beggar. All this is considered to be help to the people, who will then, in gratitude, side with the Resistance.

It’s also quite interesting to wander around the rooftops, empty apartments and tune the radio to the Militia radio station. As in the red zones, here you also need to capture outposts, but the sensations are completely different. In the red zones - real fighting, snipers, a huge airship is firing from above.

In the city, after the first shot, panic arises, residents run back and forth, lock themselves in their houses, Korean soldiers immediately call for reinforcements, drones fly in from everywhere, equipment arrives - in general, you need to think twice and then choose a good position before starting firing.

All actions directed against the KPA fill the scale "Hearts and Minds", and when it’s full, you can climb onto the armored car and call on the people to overthrow Korean gebni and the establishment of good old democracy. Riots begin on the streets, everything is on fire, new zones open up that previously could not be captured until there was a fuss.

In general, in terms of the atmosphere of the revolution, the game is made very well - you really feel a smart guy, a real militiaman. In some places they even burn tires and attack the troops with batons.


The game also has an online component, but not the classic multiplayer that was in the first part. Instead the developers did co-op mode.

First, we are asked to choose a character, maybe even a gender. Although I never liked it when games feature too many female warriors. They run back and forth, squeal, breathe languidly...

So, having chosen a character, you next need to choose a class. To be honest, my eyes just ran wild. 23 classes, each of which provides some advantage. Moreover, the classes are named after the activities that our character was engaged in before the war. For example, a former auto mechanic extracts more spare parts from destroyed cars and drones, while a former lawyer upgrades his skills in the “Mind” category at a slightly lower cost.

Speaking of skills. There are 4 types of them in the game: Mind, Survival, Force And The battle. Intelligence affects the crafting of various emy grenades, as well as their effectiveness. Survival will allow you to work more effectively secretly, as well as extract more ingredients from the garbage. Leveling up your strength will provide better damage resistance and increase health, and combat affects your skill in wielding various types weapons.

The missions themselves represent various game scenarios: for example, you need to secretly enter a guarded facility and steal a valuable item, save a hostage within a certain time, or withstand an attack from enemies. The co-op is designed for four people, but you can start playing alone by creating a closed session.

Bottom line

Having played more than twenty hours, I was not at all disappointed in the game. There are, of course, unpleasant moments in it - sometimes textures do not load in time, although, most likely, my bucket should be blamed for this, on which, by the way, the game runs at the highest settings. But, damn, how the video card gets hot during the game! Have you heard the expression “radiation, at least bake your eggs”? I melted metal on my card. The frame rate dropped at some points from fifty to thirty, but this is not so scary, because we all know that the human eye distinguishes gaps between frames only if there are less than twenty-four of them.

There are times when artificial intelligence It’s frankly stupid - the soldiers, lined up in a row, jump over a small obstacle, not thinking about getting around it, or the residents, frightened by the shooting, run in a crowd, running against the wall. Several times I fell between textures and could not get out for a long time.

I also didn't remember the music at all. There was something playing in the background, and I was expecting to hear tracks from some famous bands. But excellent shooting, dynamic shootouts, fun rides on motorcycles make up for these flaws, the plot was also not bad, although I laughed for a very long time at the end - go through the game until the second assault on the palace and you will understand why, although some characters even made them worry a little.

The pluses include very good graphics, which give a very pleasant picture, especially at night - all these reflections and shadows cannot but please the eye.

retained from the first part only the basic concept of confronting Asian invaders. An open world, divided into several locations that are different from each other, but at the same time have a common integrity. Outposts, crafting and hiding from enemies - the game seems to have absorbed the features of the most best projects, and other giants, bringing all their advantages almost to ideal.

Yes, you understand that all this has already happened in other games, but Dambuster Games one cannot be accused of plagiarism - each borrowed feature looks very fresh and interesting. But, no matter how much I like the game, I am forced to soberly evaluate it for the reasons written below.

+ Very pretty atmospheric picture;
+ Spectacular and dynamic shootouts (not a shooting range);
+ Variety of locations;
+ Changing yellow zones depending on the player’s actions;
+ Excellent Russian voice acting (and without censorship);
+ Good dramatic plot;
+ Chips borrowed from other games fit harmoniously into the game and in some moments look better than in the original ones.

- Very few game hours, the main concept of the gameplay is not brought to mind;
- Lack of interesting additional quests;
- Artificial intelligence, capable of sometimes soaking up things that make your hand reach for your face;
- An outrageously small number of cooperative missions;
- Lack of online battles;
- Unmemorable soundtrack, short tracks;
- Optimization leaves much to be desired, plus bugs with animation and spawning in places.

Cyanide wrote some scribblings for you. I’ll go stage a coup at home or something. First, I'll go to bed half an hour later.

I read the phrase “the most complete, honest and adequate review” and for some reason I laughed.

Homefront, released in 2011, was a controversial game. The workers at the now defunct and torn to pieces THQ didn't seem to fully understand what it was supposed to be like.

Kaos Studios wanted to release something odious or at least original, but in the end they turned out to be a linear corridor action game that almost completely copied Call series of Duty. Except that the plot had its own, although that one (Korea’s attack on the United States) went beyond the limits of adequacy.

Nevertheless, work on the sequel began, and then new problems arose. First, THQ went bankrupt, and the rights to the project were bought by Crytek. Then she resold the rights to Deep Silver. Because of such leapfrog and confusion, the original concept was forgotten and outdated, which is why the newly minted developers decided to restart the franchise.

R evolution is fashionable

Deep Silver really radically reworked the original project. Now Homefront doesn't resemble Call of Duty at all, has that benefited the game? Here's how to look. After all, in an effort to avoid copying one popular shooter, the publisher managed to copy another, no less original and popular.

And they turned out to be the real one Far Cry, however, with a North Korean entourage. Almost everything here is arranged according to the scheme worked out by Ubisoft, including a half-empty open world, heaps of some kind of towers and wooden physics.

According to all the canons of the genre, we appear in the metropolis of Philadelphia (formerly San Francisco), captured by North Korean troops. From the first minutes it becomes clear that the game has jumped from a rail shooter to another genre shore, namely the sandbox. Nobody or anything limits us; we are free to go in absolutely any direction.

Conservatism is also nothing

What has remained unchanged is the antagonist country. The DPRK mentioned above was presented as the main villain in the previous Homefront, but now, except for the method of occupation, nothing has changed. Developers definitely have problems with authenticity, and the same goes for appearance cities.

Philadelphia appears more like a collective image of everything American, although the city's most famous landmarks are still present. You can see Independence Hall, City Hall, the Rocky monument and so on with your own eyes in the so-called green zone, where the Korean administration settled.

There are a lot of “green” territories, and you, as you might have guessed, will have to actively clear them of Asian occupiers. The Revolution, as the game's subtitle says, must come true, and it is you who will contribute to this cause. This brings up one of the many disadvantages of the game, specifically the process of fighting for freedom.

IN original game the war for independence was not felt: someone somewhere was shooting at someone, you couldn’t really tell, and everything happened too spontaneously. Here, sad as it may seem, the situation is mirrored.

The developers failed to come up with a competent mechanic of discontent and gradual revolution; you simply complete tasks in occupied territories and liberate them, after which the people come over to your side. No abstruse solutions, everything is extremely simple, which makes it boring.

There are also red and yellow zones. The first are the ones most affected by the offensive. It is there, in the midst of ruins and utter chaos, that it is easy to incite the crowd to revolt.

In the red zones, you expect eternal confrontation, constant firefights, ambushes, in short, hit-and-run tactics. The second, yellow ones, are a haven for ordinary hard workers. They live under the heavy-handed supervision of the Korean police, and the streets are generally orderly.

This is the territorial “traffic light” you will follow, making up more safe route from point A to B. In the process of completing a mission, spontaneous attacks by local “fauna”, that is, units of the DPRK army, often occur. If in Far Cry these were tigers or crocodiles, here they are replaced by drones or patrols.

Like The Division, which, again, came from the pen of Ubisoft, you can avoid collisions by hiding. You are free to hide on the roof using the stairs. There is no parkour, although you can climb most high-rise buildings.

Freedom fighter's routine

The hero Ethan Grady, originally from Philadelphia, is chosen to lead the liberation operation. He is tasked with recapturing the industrial zone from the Koreans at night. Together with the rest of the group, he decides to ambush a DPRK armored car.

On one of the balconies, under which the convoy passes, they installed a catapult, adding barrels of flammable mixture to it. When the car reaches the ambush point, the massacre begins with all that it entails.

It is on this principle that most operations take place. They differ in the ultimate goal (capture, liberation, kidnapping, etc.), method of action (ambush, stealth, frontal attack, sniper work from afar) and the number of fighters.

The first ten hours are very, very interesting, especially if you play in co-op, but in the process, as usually happens, the operations begin to become boring. This is due to both their monotony and insufficiently smart AI, as well as weak motivation.

Although in general the artificial intelligence is well done when compared to other shooters. Opponents often regroup, go to the rear or from the flanks, do not crawl out of cover and once again do not expose themselves to bullets.

However, it was not without weak points, which are easily and quickly discovered by many players. The variability of the operations and how they can change along the way was also encouraging. You never know exactly how the AI ​​will behave.

Weapons are a different matter. The guns feel good, the weight is felt, there are ballistics, in general, they are light, you can’t shoot without aiming. Forget the Call of Duty shooting gallery, Homefront is all about adults. But the technology was disappointing. Firstly, it is controlled too arcadically, and it does not receive any special damage (external and physical).

Secondly, variety. You are given no more than a dozen vehicles to choose from, and you cannot steal Korean armored personnel carriers.


  • Good graphics and a rich map, rich in objects
  • Various operations
  • The cooperative gives a lot of positive emotions

A game Homefront, as it is fashionable to say now, is a project with a difficult fate and the trail of an eternal loser. The original story, although it was able to recoup its costs, was met with mixed reactions from critics. The narrative of North Korea taking over South Korea and invading the United States was criticized for its showy brutality, limited missions and low emotional engagement. After death THQ company Crytek bought the rights to the IP in order to eventually abandon the production of the sequel, transferring the raw materials Deep Silver. Finishing the game was like assembling furniture from “ Ikea" Contractors were compared against a large list of popular features of gaming bestsellers, mainly from the camp Ubisoft. Open world and stealth – ticked; weapon modification - installed; a bunch of monotonous tasks and capturing points - introduced; The brutality of the original and the plot are all fine. The only problem is that none of the features introduced into the game were ever completed.

In a wonderful new world, North Korea very quickly reached unprecedented heights of industrialization, captivating stupid Americans with powerful gadgets and magical technologies. Residents of the United States rejoiced at the gifts, like the residents of Troy, until the Koreans cut off all the devices in one fell swoop and brought in troops to maintain order. The game takes place in Philadelphia, where occupation forces have divided the state into sectors. Representatives of the privileged class enjoy life in the Green Zone. Everyone else lives in Yellow, and there are restrictions on the level of movement. Important military installations are located on the territory of Krasnaya, and law enforcement forces are firing to kill. This whole concept of a totalitarian world with the characteristic design of drones, uniforms of fighters and military equipment is very reminiscent of the series “ The colony" With Josh Holloway starring. It is in the center of a new society that you, as an unwitting participant in the interrogation, become a member of a militant terrorist cell that is trying to save a national hero - Paul Walker. Actually, numerous plot branches are devoted to finding ways to rescue the leader and organize the revolution.

At its core, it is a story-based shooter that tries to copy various gameplay elements and solutions from popular series. The plot beginning and the refuge calls for Metro. Open locations and capturing points resemble experiments Ubisoft With FarCry and already half forgotten Prototype. Weapon modification brings back peace Crysis. The authors try to do game process varied and introduce stealth missions where you can hide from the enemy in trash cans. There is only one problem - all this does not work as it should, it is useless or cumbersome. For example, the ability to modify a weapon is excellent: if you wanted, you made a pistol with a silencer or converted it into an Uzi, but in both cases the change of modifications is too long, and the accuracy of both barrels is monstrous. The same thing with a flamethrower crossbow or a submachine gun. All these different types the destruction of manpower is poorly balanced and, despite the rich imagination of the authors, when changing guns they not only drop the frame rate, but also make you an open target for the army of the Korean Union.

Hodgepodge of good ideas and poorly coordinated mechanics - that's what happens to projects that have gone through production hell.


Fate turned out to be almost sadder than that of its heroes. At some point, it seemed that she would not be able to escape from production hell. But miracles happen, and after changing several publishers, the project hit the store shelves. One gets the feeling that there is some kind of curse hanging over the series as a whole. However, if the original fell victim to its own ambitions five years ago, then the sequel, rather, was terribly unlucky with circumstances.

Unite them, lead them... And remind them, who are you anyway?

The original was about how Korea went crazy and brazenly invaded the United States. Moreover, its military power was so great that the most democratic power in the world was unable to oppose anything. An entire nation was brought to its knees by the Asians and became almost a colony, serving the government in fear. O I'll give. Of course, the indigenous population could not put up with this situation for long, organized underground resistance and, ultimately, gave the Koreans a worthy rebuff.

The game had many problems, and it was not lost only thanks to its interesting setting. The creators of the new part vowed to correct all the shortcomings of its predecessor and make it what it was originally intended to be. First of all, it underwent changes plot outline. The enemy remained the same, but the reasons for the conflict changed radically. IN new version North Korea was able to become the technological center of the world thanks to the Apex corporation (this is what Apple would have been like if Steve Jobs had been born with a narrower eye shape). The whole world uses its products, from smartphones to military equipment.

The United States, meanwhile, got into one war after another and “sawed off budget funds,” which ended disastrously. Finding itself heavily in debt and on the verge of social disaster, the government decided to hand over the reins of power to North Korea, which it owed a mountain of money. The civilian population, however, did not entirely agree with this kind of “occupation.” And so the Resistance was born, the newest member of which is our protagonist, Ethan Brady. The cell he joined has entrenched itself in Philadelphia and plans to begin liberating the country from this city.

We have to engage in a real guerrilla war: set up ambushes, incite local residents to revolt, organize riots, and so on. It is not clear, however, why the main character is given the main role in this: Ethan has no personality, no past, no special qualities. In principle, he is no different from hundreds of extras who will die before your eyes during a dozen and a half hours of playthrough. There are almost no bright... or any events at all during this time. In contrast to its linear predecessor, it offers an open world divided into zones of influence. Our task is to free as many of them as possible from the invaders and hand them over to the Resistance.

The game has minimal staging: the main gameplay mechanics rule the roost. At first it even gives pleasure. You feel like a real partisan, crawling on your belly among the ruins and capturing key points (read: towers) one by one. Moreover, each of them represents a mini-riddle: in some places you just need to get to the radio, in others you need to return electricity or clear the territory. In battles, the creators offer to choose their preferred approach: do everything quietly or noisily knock down the front door. The stealth here is working, although rather conventional, but the shooting is implemented very nicely: you can feel every shot, every hit on the enemy. The shotgun worked especially well.

The game creates the right atmosphere with imitation of underground activities. The world is divided into red and yellow zones. In the first, there is a constant combat alert, and the Koreans open fire as soon as they notice. The second type of territory changes the gameplay. The yellow zones are relatively peaceful and teeming with enemy patrols, and security cameras are hung on the walls. Here you have to act quietly, commit sabotage and undermine (literally) the authority of the authorities. The more people come to your side, the more riots break out in the streets.

In words it seems great. But after a few hours you realize that not everything is all right with her. She simply cannot offer interesting situations. Throughout the entire playthrough, you are forced to constantly do the same thing: capture key points, raise an uprising in the area - and so on again and again. In an attempt to get away from the linear past, the authors overdid it and are not trying to entertain the player at all.

They simply mixed a number of mechanics into the project, but forgot to connect them together. Take, for example, the upgrade system: for completing tasks, the hero earns money and technology points, which can be used to buy new weapons, body kits and gadgets. The arsenal looks homemade, as befits an underground resistance: bombs assembled from improvised means, barrels wrapped with electrical tape and explosives attached to a radio-controlled car - such details create the right mood for the world of the game. But in reality this turns out not to be necessary for the gameplay: why be able to turn an assault rifle into a grenade launcher right during the battle, if you can simply take a rocket launcher as a second weapon?

All the elements, even interesting ones, simply do not add up into a single whole. It turns out to be incredibly monotonous and drawn out. The story stalls until the very end, the characters are boring and one-dimensional, and the hero is completely devoid of personality. Moreover, we are not even given an incentive to fight. The authors provided Korea with fairly compelling justification for such behavior: there was no military takeover, the reins of power were voluntarily transferred to it by the US government. Therefore, the reasons for the emergence of the Resistance are not clear - especially if you read the records scattered around the world. As a result, the rioters come to the conclusion that there is no need to pay the bills. A plot choice could have saved the story here, with one of the characters hinting that changes can and should be achieved without bloodshed. But the iron hand of the screenwriter will force you to fight for ideals that remain known only to him.

Finally, I would like to return to the original thought: in the case of , the problem was unlikely to be with the developers. They really tried. First, correct the flaws of the original. We came up with a concept involving guerrilla warfare and implemented the visual component with dignity. The game looks nice, CryEngine after all. Then, with all the jumping around publishers, layoffs and limited budgets, they probably tried to salvage at least what they had done. You can see how entire pieces were cut out of the project and what was left was sewn together. It turned out acceptable. The only pity is that the result of the work is a pale shadow of what could have happened.

But what was undoubtedly pleasantly surprising was the level of localization. The writers failed to do interesting characters, but the Russian dubbing gives at least some emotion. The translation came out very diligently, and during the entire time there were no errors or blots. In addition, the localizers allowed themselves to use rude words, but not for the sake of the fact itself, but because it was necessary according to the situation. If you're ambushed, you're unlikely to remember your manners.

Atmospheric shooter with open world, which could become something more. The new Homefront has a lot of good ideas that just don't work together. In an attempt to correct the mistakes of the original, in some places it turned out almost worse. The series has not risen from the ashes and, most likely, is now unlikely to ever return to the screens.
