Console commands for the game dragon age inquisition. Codes for the game Dragon Age: Inquisition - smart people won't get ahead

Series Dragon Age- this is a fairly successful creation, which has already gained a considerable number of fans in three parts. It is noteworthy that not only males, who are usually the main gaming audience, like to play the game, but also girls. It’s hard to say what exactly attracted the girls’ attention to this game. The game itself is very interesting and most importantly long. On complete walkthrough you need to spend several tens of hours.

Exactly what Dragon Age Inquisition quite long, it pushes some players into cheating. This is understandable, not everyone wants to sit for countless hours playing a game in order to reach its logical conclusion. Moreover, at the current pace of life, not everyone even has free time in the right quantity. Therefore, you can sit through even a very good game great amount Few can. Such players are looking for a way to somehow reduce the completion time and we can help you with this.

From this material you will learn how to quickly level up experience in Dragon Age Inquisition, and also understand how to get a huge amount of money in the game. In other words, we will tell you how to cheat in the game.

Leveling up your character's experience with the help of cheats will help you quickly increase his level, and this is very good, since gaining a level is one of the most routine and monotonous moments of the game.

So, let's go!

We need any for cheating Dragon version Age Inquisition, as well as the program ArtMoney, which you can download below from the link in the instructions.

Inquisition cheats"data-essbishovercontainer="">

Obtaining the War Nug mount:

Travel to Val Royeaux and find a supplier called Deraboam in a small shop with
blue door. Interact with the chest to find unique thing"Mystical box", which costs 10,000 coins. Buy it to unlock Global War Council missions. Then, send one of your advisors to complete the missions and they will return with the War Nug mount.

Companion Locations:

Go to the specified location to find the corresponding interlocutor, and he will join your side.
There are a total of nine companions available that can join your party without including your character. Each interviewee has unique skills and stories, as well as their own romantic interactions and side quests. All companions except Cassandra, Solas and Varric are optional.


When entering Val Royeaux, the capital of Orlea, there will be a glowing red arrow next to your character. Find all the arrow messages around the city to meet Sera. Note: You must complete the quest "Red Jenny's Friend" before you can recruit Ser.

Lady Vivien

When you reach the courtyard in Val Royo, look for the envoy next to
fountain on your way out of town to receive the quest "Ghislan's Estate". He will give you an invitation to meet Lady Vivien at her estate.

Iron Bull

Go to the gate outside of Chantry in Haven. Wait for the message to appear and
will invite you to the Storm Coast. Note: You must complete "The Captain Of The Chargers"
quest on the Storm Coast before you can recruit Iron Bull.


After Leliana gives you the quest "The Lone Warden", you can find him in the Hinterlands


After Fiona asks Herald to meet with the Mage faction, you can find
Dorian in Redcliffe.


Later in the story, Cole will appear in Haven. You can't miss it or buy it early.


Purchased at the beginning of the game. Cassandra joins the story with Varric and Solas
as your first group members.


Purchased at the beginning of the game. Varric joins the story with Cassandra and Solas


Purchased at the beginning of the game. Solas joins the story with Cassandra and Varric
as your first party members.

Wedge of Fate Cheese Shield:

The Blade of Fate is a shield made of cheese. It resembles a cheese-making wheel with one wedge missing. It can be found randomly on picnic tables in Crestwood and chests. At one of the Crestwood camps there is a chest on high. From the starting camp, look for the nearby camp, then look for the high ledges nearby to find a chest.

Characteristics of the wedge of fate:

  • Type: Off Hand shield.
  • Armor: 14 – Front.
  • Level: 9.
  • Restriction: warrior only.
  • Requirement: Level 6.
  • +6% Bleed on hit.
  • + 30% Defense Front.
  • Healing + 15% of damage dealt over 10 seconds.

Treasure map locations:

Find the indicated location to find a treasure map, then follow it to get
corresponding loot:

Cave with loot

The Farmland Cave map is located in Hafter's Woods. You can find the treasure by traveling to Redcliffe Farms. From Redcliff Farms, head west to reach Dead Rum Grove. Explore the area for a cave at the top of the hill. There is another small cave on the south side at the top of the hill. Enter this small cave to find the treasure.

Halin Sulan

The map of Khalin Sulan can be found in Grozny Gilan'nain in the hunting camp. You can
fight or sneak past the dragon to get the card. After obtaining the map, head towards the Dalian camp on the southwestern edge of the High Plains. Move towards the waterfall
south of the Dalian camp. Go to the right side of the waterfall, then go up the mountain
next to him. The treasure is located on the top of the mountain, next to the waterfall.

Watchman's Passage

Talk to Fairbanks in the Emerald Graves, then explore the camp to find a map in one of the
nearby shacks. Next, go to the western side and reach the westernmost
rift near "Rush of Sighs". Climb up big mountain next to Fade Rift, then follow
path on the left side of a large lonely tree. Collect treasure and close Fade
Rift (if required) before leaving the area.


The waterfall map can be found in the upper lake camp in the Hinterlands region. To find
treasure, you need to go towards Lake Lutiyas and take the “Western Road”. Continue along the path to reach the broken bridge shown on the map. Then follow the eastern path to reach the waterfall. Note: You will have to fight the Templars in this area. After
After killing them, follow the path at the back of the Templar camp to fall under a waterfall.
Find a local dirt patch in the area to find the treasure.

Weapons and armor:

You can create weapons, armor and potions. Crafting a specific item requires a recipe and
craft materials. Recipes are obtained by purchasing schematics from shops, glyphs, illuminated
Veilfir and scrolls that can be found in treasure chests. The blacksmith can also upgrade weapons and armor, which can be placed in certain slots. However, to add elemental effects to your armor or upgrades, you must find a gnome named Dagna.

The schematics required to craft equipment are divided into three levels. Scheme more high level
will always promote better equipment. However, they will also require more material per slot.

  • Level 1 circuits have 2 slots.
  • Level 2 circuits have 3 slots.
  • Level 3 circuits have 4 slots.

Available slot types:

  • Defense: Grants resistance against elemental attacks and resistance to any type of damage. Enemies also receive certain effects when attacked. For example, bleeding when they attack in close combat.
  • Offense: Provides offensive bonuses. For example, increased damage from barriers / protection from bleeding, etc.
  • Primary Skills: Determines the base armor or attack value of an armor or weapon.
  • Utility: Determines the upgrade of attributes to states such as Willpower, Cunning, Dexterity, Magic, Strength and Constitution. Strengthening an attribute is directly related to the creation of a material.
  • Mastery: High level weapons or armor have an additional masterwork slot that requires masterwork
  • Artificial material. This slot provides bonuses such as a chance to deal damage and unique
    buffs after absorbing damage. This may also result in a 40% chance of critical creation
    (increases each statistic of a specific weapon or armor by 10%).
  • Upgrade: Armor has up to two upgrade slots, and weapons have up to three. Materials can significantly improve the quality of armor and weapons.
  • Rune: Does not depend on the quality of the material for processing. All you need for a rune is a runic diagram.

Try to have one from each class in your group. You will find many doors and hidden areas, which can only open one specific class.
Feel free to buy upgrades from merchants. They are not particularly expensive, and are a must for upgrading your weapons/armor to increase stats.
Be sure to talk to all your companions after each major story event. They often have new things to discuss.
If you don't like how you leveled up your character, don't worry. You can purchase a tool from your base for as little as 1 gold, although it increases in price after the first purchase to change all leveled skills.
The Hinterlands is the first major area in the Inquisition and there is a lot to see and do there. But don't linger too long in the Hinterland. You will ignore other interesting environments.
Closing violations in an environment is a great way to earn experience.
Try your best to solve the astrarium riddles. Solving all of them in one area will lead to the opening of a cave with great loot.
Kill animals and collect herbs as you explore. You will need materials to create a new one
weapons, armor and upgrades.
Pay close attention to the War Council mission descriptions, as some of them reveal important symbols, options, and other interesting things.
The Inquisition allows you to flirt with big amount characters, but you can only pursue relationships with some of them based on your gender and race.

Dragon Age Inquisition PC Codes The list below gives you the code to enter into the PC version, followed by the cheat description. All Dragon Age Inquisition cheat codes still need to be confirmed to work on PC, since they came from Dragon Age 1 & 2 (they are in both games, so it might work). How to activate codes:

Step 1: Make a shortcut to the “dai.exe” file on your desktop (normally found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age Inquisition\bin_ship folder).

Step 2: Right-click the folder and go to Properties. In the “target” field write this: -enabledeveloperconsole. Here is an example of how it should look: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age 2\bin_ship\DragonAgeInquisition.exe” -enabledeveloperconsole.

Step 3: Once in game, activate the Cheat Console box by pressing the tilde key (~) on your keyboard.

Step 4: Take note that after entering a cheat below, you won’t be given a notification that has anything changed and you won’t see the cheat console when you are typing. (Pressing enter while typing will close the console.)


help - Cheat Description: Graphic options.

  • runscript pc_immortal - Cheat Description: God mode. Although you can take damage, it won’t kill you, so you are effectively invincible.
  • Xrunscript dbg_setattrib x y - Cheat Description: 1 minute attribute buff. Here x is attribute (is a number from 1 to 6; 1 being str, 2 dex, etc. in order) and y is the amount of buff you want.
  • runscript addxp x - Cheat Description: Add experience points to your character(s) for faster leveling up. x is the amount of XP you wish to add.
  • runscript chargen mage - Cheat Description: Changes player to a level 2 mage.
  • runscript chargen rogue - Cheat Description: Changes player to a level 2 rogue.
  • runscript chargen warrior - Cheat Description: Changes player to a level 2 warrior.
  • runscript bowlingforferelden - Cheat Description: Knocks back enemies and forms a shield around you.
  • runscript zz_supercrit player - Cheat Description: Gives the player 1000 mana, 1000 health, 50 Strength, and 50 Dexterity.
  • runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_(companion name in lowercase) - Cheat Description: Gives the player’s chosen companion 1000 mana, 1000 health, 50 Strength, and 50 Dexterity.
  • runscript healplayer - Cheat Description: Heals the players and his/her party.
  • runscript killallhostiles - Cheat Description: Kills all enemies in the area.
  • runscript injury remparty - Cheat Description: Removes all injuries from your party.
  • runscript addmoney xx - Cheat Description: Add money to your character. xx is the amount of gold you want to add to your inventory.

In the vast world of Dragon Age Inquisition There is a place for everything, including cheating. For experienced players familiar cheat codes for use in the console. In the third part of the project, they, alas, do not work. But this does not mean that it will not be possible to correct the non-game reality. Most often, special programs similar to ArtMoney or special save editors tailored for Dragon Age are used for these purposes.

History is written by the winners

With the release of the new game, the developers from BioWare created a special service for transferring the saves of their previous games - Dragon Age Keep. The service supports saves from all previous parts of the game. Cunning guys have created a special program, Save File Tools, which allows you to edit save files for subsequent import into new game, so to speak, on favorable terms.

You need to load your save files into the downloaded program, after which lists of key moments of the game will appear in three fields. To understand the notation, the archive contains the text file PlotFlagsMapping.txt. After downloading, you can safely start editing the necessary points. The file contains the main key points plot and options for their development, by adjusting the outcomes of each event you can adjust the course storyline in the necessary way.

The beautiful region has been under the protection of angels for centuries. But as a result of betrayal, these beautiful creatures were plunged into eternal sleep. See the review of the game League of Angels, otherwise the dark forces have broken out.

Review of the game Kingsroad, which can be played online and is free at the link. Plot, gameplay, reviews and criticism of this game.

No money - no money

Another good way gameplay adjustments - analogues of ArtMoney. In particular Cheat Engine Pro. Working in the program is not very different from the aforementioned ArtMoney. First of all, you need to start the game Dragon Age Inquisition. In the window of the installed Cheat Engine, a green button with a computer icon will blink. By clicking it, you need to select the process of interest from the list of running ones. In our case, “DraganAgeInqisition.exe”. Now we have a powerful tool for managing the game in our hands. With it you can reduce the health of bosses, change the amount of money and accumulated experience.

In the video you can see how to install using the Cheat Engine program maximum level your hero (video in English):

Slaying enemies

At the nightmare level of the game, passing some bosses causes a lot of inconvenience. To make your life and their death easier, you need to do a few simple steps:

  1. Open the process in the program;
  2. Using a tactical camera, we find out the number of enemy health units;
  3. Enter the resulting number in the “Value” line;
  4. In the “Value Type” field, select “Float”, otherwise the whole procedure makes no sense;
  5. Click the “First Scan” button and get the result;
  6. We turn the game around and take away at least a little health from the enemy in any way possible;
  7. We minimize the game again and enter a new enemy health indicator in the “Value” field;
  8. Click “Next Scan” and get several values ​​​​on the left side of the window;
  9. Select all values ​​and right-click;
  10. In the drop-down menu, select “Add selected addresses to the addresslist”, they will appear at the bottom of the screen;
  11. Select all the values ​​there and press “Enter”;
  12. In the window that appears, set the required value (the amount of enemy health) and click “OK”;
  13. We deploy the game and do our dirty work.

Money, power, glory

The mechanism for changing the amount of money is just as simple. The difference is small. In point 2, instead of health, enter the amount of money. In step 4, select the “4 bytes” type. In point 6, we get rid of a certain amount of money, and enter a new value in point 7. After defining the variables, the actions are the same.

Experience is a gain

The algorithm of actions is the same, only experience is our main variable. You just need to find the original value, change it in the game and do all the operations to change it in the program. Thus, in the end you can get the maximum experience.

With the help of such manipulations, you can change both the number of specificity points and the level of inquisition. In any case, the tool is in hand, you can begin to conquer new heights.

Create a shortcut to daorigins.exe in the game launch folder at C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\. In the shortcut to launch the game, add -enabledeveloperconsole after the quotes.

Although, you can put -enabledeveloperconsole in the launch parameters.

* * *
Go to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings and open the "keybindings.ini" file. This will give you access to the encoding of the game itself, but I strongly advise ignorant people not to change anything themselves. Find the line:
"OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X", It also happens that Button_Grave is
In it, change X\Grave to any key not used in gameplay. I would recommend "~"

In our case it is "~". Like this - OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_~
If it doesn't work, then try changing the number 0 to 1 Like this OpenConsole_1=Keyboard::Button_~
If it doesn't work again, then -

In some versions of the game, the console is locked only to numbers (1-9), so reconfigure the console to open to any one of the numbers. I remind you that you can configure the console key in: /My Documents/BioWare/DragonAge2/Settings/KeyBindings, line OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_~ and here instead of ~ any number (1-9)

Check that -
There is a space between...\daorigins.exe" and -enabledeveloperconsole

Some others may not have...\daorigins.exe", but...\daorigins.exe.exe"

The symbol you assigned to open the console is not in Russian, it must be English

It must be done so that there is no conflict. If you doubt whether a key is activated, it’s better to launch the game, open settings, then controls, and look at the keys that are assigned there. Save the file. Great, the console is activated. And you can open it and enter codes by pressing the key of your choice.

But sometimes it's better not to touch this file at all. It’s better to go into the game, call the console using the “~” button, if nothing happens, then feel free to change this file. But still, before that, I strongly (requiredly) recommend placing the file below.

But unfortunately, the console without third-party modifications is not visible.
This can be easily fixed! ya GH5o1rQQTRn (Remove spaces)
After downloading, extract the zip contents to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data

Cheat codes

So, now let's look at the list that shows all the known cheats for the game.

runscript addxp X - Adds X experience
runscript zz_money X - Adds X copper coins
runscript pc_immortal - God Mode (Immortality)
runscript ai off - Disables auto intelligence
runscript selectparty - Change group
runscript chargen - character creation
runscript killallhostiles - Kills all enemies
runscript zz_dropparty - Removes the current group composition (You will be left alone)
runscript zz_pre_demo2 Takes the party to Duncan's fireplace in Ostagar, during his arrival in the city. (It's better not to)
runscript zz_pre_strategy - transfers the group to Ostagar at the moment before the battle for Ostagar (Save before this!)
runscript zz_talk_nearest - Start a dialogue with the nearest NPC
runscript setplayerimmortal - Immortality for the entire group (Sometimes does not work)
runscript healplayer - Restore the health of all party members
runscript zz_givearmor - A bone weapon appears in the inventory dragon armor Legion
runscript cheat -Increases 30 armor and 100 group defense for 120 seconds
runscript zz_party_addgifts - Gives gifts that can be given to party members: - Antivan Leather Boots, Dalish Gloves, Alistair's Mother's Amulet, Duncan's Shield, Andraste's Grace (Flower), Golden Mirror, Black Grimoire, Flemeth's Grimoire, and the Sword of Wall.
runscript levelparty - Reset character. (That is, you bring him into the state of the newly created character)
runscript zz_set_trap - Several traps appear in the inventory.
runscript zz_reveal_map - shows the entire map
runscript e3_party - Adds Yorick and Davet to the team (Save before doing this)
runscript cheater -Unlocks achievements
runscript zz_eurodemo_end - Transfers the group to Dalisha's camp (there may be an error or something like that)
runscript zz_add_skills3 - 3 skills appear that will appear only after rebooting or saving the game
runscript zz_economizer - Undresses the character
runscript zz_supercrit player - Adds 1000 mana and lives, and 50 points to strength and agility to each character in the group
runscript zz_addapproval X -Y - Add reputation to NPCs (X - party member number, YY - quantity).
runscript zz_jump_around - Transfers to an arbitrary point on the map

It should be said that some errors can be debugged in the console. Therefore, let's look at cheat codes that will help you fix any problem.

runscript zz_cli_debug - enables fix mode related to Redcliffe Castle
runscript zz_pre_debug - Enables the repair mode associated with Starting locations.
runscript zz_cir_debug - Enables correction mode related to the circle of magicians
runscript zz_orz_debug - Enables fix mode related to Orzamar
runscript zz_arl_debug - Enables repair mode associated with Earl Eamon
runscript zz_urn_debug - Enables the debug mode associated with the sacred urn.

You can also use dragon age cheats to summon some companions to the party. To do this, enter the runscript command zz_addparty X, where X is the character number:
1 - Alistair
2 - Dog
3 - Morrigan
4 - Winn
5 - Sheila (Only with DLC! Otherwise there may be errors!)
6 - Stan
7 - Zevran
8 - Oghren
9 - Leliana
10 -Logain
