Again. Old school version. Now - with Kamael

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Old school version.
Now - with Kamael. Again.

Legendary hardcore, available by subscription. All the best
the best of the early chronicles: difficult leveling, bloody PvP
and an open world in which you cannot survive alone!

Main Classic Essence

Speed ​​of reaching top content 9 3 6 PvP 10 3 6Pumping speed 9 2 6 Self-sufficiency PVP 9 3 7 Sociality PvE 2 10 5Leveling difficulty 3 10 9 PvE 4 10 9

It's easy to start playing

Hardcore is not as scary as it is made out to be

Two servers:
Gran Kain and Shillien

What kind of world history are you ready to write? Familiar monsters and ancient dragons, old-school chronicles, 34 classes and 6 races await!


Sometimes you need a break from the grind. You can always do important things while your character is fighting. But remember about death: do not leave the hero unattended for a long time.

Protection from tops

From Newbie Hunters open world A special coin will protect you - the Blessing of Protection. Level up safely to level 70.

Starter kits

In the game store you will find sets with consumables and temporary weapons - everything you need for a comfortable start.

The best weapon is friends

In Lineage 2 Classic, friends are needed more than ever: find comrades on the forum, in Discord or in VK group and conquer top content in pleasant company

Fight with your clan for Raid bosses against the entire server at 21:00 Moscow time daily

Join a clan and fight for Giran Castle every Sunday. Sieges can involve hundreds of people fighting at once!

Challenge the Four Elemental Kings, the fearsome bosses of new group dungeons

Win every week in the Clan Arena and get nice bonuses

Hardcore as you remember it

Return to those times when experience was gained through sweat and blood, every death had consequences, and every new level was an event

"it is necessary to assemble a group of the following characters: two Destroyer"a level 61-65, equipped in, preferably, desirable two-handed sword+15, you must also have a weapon with SA Risk Haste & Health, Spectral Dancer, (or for convenience you can take Sword Singer "a level 61-65), Doomcryer at least level 78. A group of these five characters is a necessary condition, sufficient You will have to determine the composition of the group. I’ll immediately upset you that with a group of five characters you can kill Zaken and get the earring only if you play alone on the server, because usually every 48 hours a battle breaks out for him on level. Therefore, you need to strengthen your group with more level 78-80 characters.

I will describe several useful classes in this matter:

Cardinal - buffs Salvation, can remove debuffs, and also has useful skill Mass Resurrection.
- can, using the ability to move silently, move freely inside the ship, and, if necessary, bring or take away Zaken"a
Titan - as you can see from the name of this profession, this is a character of level 76 or more. It will be very useful if your competitors come to kill you in PK.
Warlock - the Blessing of Queen buff is very useful, enhancing critical hits.
Sagittarius is necessary just like Titan to protect your buffers and farming characters.

Now let's move on directly to the process of killing Zaken.
He is a very interesting epic, because to kill him you need to have sufficient skill and dexterity - throwing hats at him will not work. This was the main reason when, after installing Lineage2 - Interlude on the x10-1 server L2SERVER.RU, the three of us killed Zaken, and the large alliances could not come up with their own system.
The main difficulty is the Zaken guard, which imposes a Raid Curse inside the ship on all characters above level 65. Accordingly, in order to keep support characters above level 65 inside, you need to regularly kill these guards and constantly keep Dance of Shadows so that when they appear did not apply their debuffs.

The next unpleasant moment is Zaken’s use of his ability to teleport to any point on the ship or teleport there one of the characters he has aggroed against. Usually his victims are destroyers, so I advise you to study the ship in advance before trying yourself in this role. As for teleports Zaken"a, then he usually does them when he receives 30%, 50-60% of the damage from his total life, respectively. In order to start hitting Zaken again after one teleport, you must first find him using the /target command and checking three floors.
After this, you can either bring him with Threasure Hunter, or run to him with the destroyers themselves.

The key to the success of the entire event lies in a good location. To do this, you need to choose a place where there is a minimum of security: the spans between floors are just right here. In addition, you can place support characters outside and thus they will not receive Raid Curse, however, the disadvantages are that they can only give you a buff in a certain area, and besides, you need to place guards near them, since they like to be killed in PK .

Now let's look at the most pressing problem: an enemy alliance that is trying to kill Zaken and get an epic earring. We have already looked at the problem with annoying PKs killing buffers standing outside, now let's turn to the main obstacle - several full parties of the enemy alliance located inside the ship. Usually in this case they make a PK character with an augmented weapon and without armor, who should kill you. This problem is solved by having a high-level archer in the group, who will have to kill the PK character with several shots. In addition, try to bring them to the buffers. your enemies are protected by Zaken, since when they use skills near mobs, they receive Slinece for all skills.

Let's move on to key point- killing an epic boss and picking up an earring.
As already indicated, approximately when Zaken has about 30% of his total life left, he makes a teleport. The main thing here is to act quickly. You need to determine on which floor he appeared and, having received all the buffs from his support, run to finish off Zaken." a and pick up the earring while the group of enemies, which has priority for picking, will run for the next songs and dances. Here it is already necessary to run away with a group of characters who are inside so that they cannot kill you in PK, and also, if they start doing this, try to “wash” them.

I’ll say right away that to quickly finish off Zaken and pick up his earring, you need to have the proper agility and speed, otherwise your enemies will identify you. Your party should have about five people in order to check out multiple floors and control all the characters at once. And of course, make a discount on Korean rand, since Zaken may appear near your competitors, so there is already a complete roulette here :)
I can only advise you to come next time and you will definitely be lucky.

In Gracia Plus location with Zaken turned into an instance zone. Epic farming has been greatly facilitated.

To get to Zaken you need to assemble a group depending on the playing time: 9-27 people during the day, 72-450 people at night. Entry is made by the leader of the Command Channel. The boss is lvl 60, so we gather a party of lvl 55-65 characters. Be sure to take CA for pumping. SA swings differently depending on time. During the day, only one random person from the assembled groups, at night up to 9 people and directly depends on who will finish off the epic.

Daytime Zaken(given 60 minutes to farm) is much easier than the night one (360 minutes to farm).

The drop from the night Zaken remained the same as in Gracia Final.

You can enter the instance after killing an epic after 3 days after 6.30 am for Daytime Zaken and once every 7 days for night. Accordingly, you can enter either during the day or at night.

Let's move on directly to the specifics of farming. Night Zaken is killed in the same way as in Gracia Final.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the daytime Zaken.

For farming, you can collect just one mile DD group, for example SHE, BISH, TX, TX, TANK, CAT HUNTER, VARK, BD, any DD. We fly to Giran Harbor, look for it near the TP Researcher Zakena Somulita . Through this NPC we teleport directly to the door Zakena. We talk to Pathfinder and get spoiled. We go down a little and buff ourselves. Now you need to light candles on the barrels and wait for mobs that will not be difficult to kill. This is how we move throughout the instance. If the candle on the barrel is blue, it means Zaken near. The more red candles you light, the stronger Zaken. Zaken appears in a room surrounded by blue candles. Daytime Zaken has resistance to bows, teleports to different floors.

So the race itself. As soon as you find yourself in the ship itself (not in the dressing room), the time countdown will begin, so you need to buff yourself as quickly as possible. Buffs like Holy Weapon should help, since Zaken UNDEAD.

Only lights up 2 barrels and ALL! on every floor!
The gray line on the maps is where to run.
The faster you find Zaken, the weaker he is (although I heard somewhere that the fewer barrels you light, the weaker he is)

If the barrel lights up BLUE, which means Zaken is in the room to which this barrel is adjacent (it’s clear on the map). In his room all 4 barrels light up BLUE. Light the 4th and Zaken comes running with a bunch of worthless mobs.

Here is a map of his ship:

Note: 1. All buffs inside the instance are removed, except for the beginner buff and paid buffs.

2.If you are killed or disconnected, buff yourself and teleport again through Researcher Zaken Somulita.

3. The reward depends on the speed of killing Zaken. Zaken's earring drops equally both during the day and at night.

4. If you are teleported, it is easier to log out and enter the zone through Somulita. In this case, you can recharge mana and HP while you are not inside. Therefore, you can gather a party of buffers at the teleport just in case.

5. K Zaken You can go any day, but the next time you can go will appear after every Wednesday and Saturday. For example, if you killed someone on Monday, you can only log in next time on Wednesday, and so on. The death of zaken is forced for the entire server, and not for each party.

One of the awards is unique Zaken's Earring

Provides the following effects: MP +31, increased resistance to bleeding by 30%, increased chance to cause target to bleed by 30%, increased healing effectiveness, increased Vampiric Rage, increased resistance to shock/abnormal condition by 20%, increased chance to cause shock/abnormal condition to target by 20%. If a character wears two of these earrings, the effect will appear on only one of them. Magic defense 71.

Pirate hat

Book of Transformation: Zaken

Ask questions, I will answer. 🙂

A long time ago, when the elves were not yet divided into light and dark, a ruthless pirate crew of a bloodthirsty captain rampaged through the southern part of the kingdom of Elmore. Not many survived an encounter with a fast pirate schooner, and even less fortunate were those who met its bloodthirsty captain. No one still knows how many merchants were robbed, how many sailors were killed or sold into slavery, and no one could catch and defeat Zaken, because he was not only an experienced sailor, but also an excellent master of the saber and sword. Over many years of excesses, the captain and his crew accumulated enormous wealth on Devil's Island, where their secret refuge was. And no one dared to set foot on that Island, for there were rumors about terrible demons who had submitted to Zaken.

One day, the king's patience ran out, and he ordered a huge reward to be given to the one who would stop the excesses of the ruthless pirate. No one could catch Zaken in the sea, and then a group of necromancers decided to destroy him in his lair on Devil's Island. Having found the captain's schooner, the necromancers used terrible dark spells, killing Zaken and his crew. And peace and quiet reigned in the southern seas of Elmore.

But those spells did not kill the pirate, but made him an immortal undead, unable to leave his ship. He was doomed to forever guard his island from treasure hunters.

Zaken is one of the epic bosses in the Lineage II universe. Now this is an instance zone, players can choose a night or day Zaken, and as a reward for killing him you can get Zaken's earring.

To enter the night Zaken, players must assemble a Command channel of 8-50 groups (72-450 players). To enter, the CC leader must speak to the Pathfinder Worker NPC. Usually the composition of each group for night farming is the same, this is 7 dark magicians(Spell Howler), healer (Bishop) and dark dancer (Blade Dancer).

– level 60 boss. Get to to daytime Zaken

and from one to three groups (9-27 people) can try to kill him; in the case of one group, it must consist of 9 people. To enter, the command channel leader or party leader must speak with the NPC Pathfinder Worker. Daytime Zaken is a level 83 boss.

The method of passing day and night Zaken is identical. First of all, the pirate needs to be found. This can be done in two ways, either by gradually lighting the candles (here you need to remember that the more candles you light, the stronger Zaken and his minions will become), or using mass skills to detect the pirate. In total, the ship has 3 floors, 5 rooms on each. If a lit candle lights up blue, it means there is a pirate in one of the adjacent rooms.

On the Day Zaken farm, even when you enter, you will find a timer that will appear in the very center of the screen, it shows you the time you have been in the instance. Depending on the time it takes you to kill the pirate, you can receive different bonuses.

Being sufficiently prepared, killing Zaken in any of the presented options is not at all difficult.

Zaken's cooldown and raid time

The time to kill Daytime Zaken is limited to 60 minutes, the zone resets every three days (Wednesday, Saturday 6.30 am)
The time to kill night Zaken is limited to 360 minutes, the zone rollback occurs every 7 days (Wednesday 6.30 am)
