Sports quest game “Jolly guys. Quest - a game on the topic of healthy lifestyle on the playground in kindergarten

“Summer Team Games” is a simple team building game program with an emphasis on raising team spirit and active communication between participants. The basis of the program is fun, active team tasks and unusual competitions - from mega-volleyball with a giant ball to a water shooting gallery and tug of war, relay races and group games. The program is designed to be held during summer corporate events outdoors or can be held indoors. This program often complements various corporate events.

“Argonauts” is an original program of real team building, originally developed by Event Consulning Service to be held on the territory of Colchis - modern Georgia. This is an active team building program with a bright overall ending, requiring real contribution from the participants in exchange for bright positive emotions and the final “we did it!”

"Office Sports Championship" - friendly team competitions in unusual and ridiculous "office sports" disciplines. This team building program with a humorous twist, aimed at maintaining team spirit and emotional release, is carried out at any time of the year, outdoors or indoors.

Corporate quest team building “Treasure Island” is an effective, bright, cheerful and atmospheric active team building program, a corporate quest game for unity, raising team spirit, real team building. The quest team building program is based on images familiar from childhood - treasure hunters, adventures, trials, sailors, pirates. Depending on the objectives, the program can be conducted as an entertaining team building exercise, a corporate quest, part of a corporate event, or as a serious team building training with elements of a “Rope Course”.

The “Corporate Bicycle Carnival” is about team building, teamwork, project activities, engineering and creative thought, and simply a beautiful, joyful event.

The military sports team building program "Mobilization" is an excellent option for corporate team building in nature for a large team. The program consists of two main parts: “recruit training” and “general battle”. Participants in the program will acquire practical survival and first aid skills, learn the basics of terrain navigation, master the assembly and disassembly of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, and learn a lot of interesting and useful things. The program provides excellent emotional release and can be recommended as the basis for a corporate event in nature.

"Bicycle Biathlon" is an unusual sports and entertainment corporate program with team building elements, an excellent option for active corporate recreation in nature. The program is intended for participants without special training. The program includes covering distances on a bicycle and shooting from various types of weapons: an air rifle, a bow. A master class on cycling is held. It is possible to conduct master classes in shooting.

The classroom training program “Domino Effect” is a wow-training for teamwork based on the principle of the so-called “Goldberg machine”.

Quest team building "Photo Sprint" is an exciting program of active creative team building that combines a wide variety of team tasks, creativity and local orientation. Various master classes can be held as part of the program. To conduct the program, a large area with interesting objects or large premises is desirable. When summing up the results at the end of the program, it is necessary to have projection equipment or print photographs with the results of completing team tasks.

Corporate "Film Festival" is a creative team building program, an excellent basis for an unusual corporate event. Participants in the Film Festival are immersed in the world of the film industry, where creativity, finance, technical components, project and team work are closely intertwined. Having united in teams - film crews, the participants will have to go through a number of master classes, write their own scripts, make props and make short films. At the end, a competitive screening and a ceremony will be organized to award the winners in various categories with the presentation of the Oscars.

Team building training “Rope Course” from Event Consulting Service is an effective technology for team building and leadership development, created on the basis of the classic American-British training “Ropes Course”.

Game team building “Wild Wild West” or Wild Wild West is a bright, cheerful and atmospheric fun team building program, a corporate themed game for unity, raising team spirit.

“Historical Darkroom” is a scientific and practical program about the history of the emergence and development of photography. The host is the famous photojournalist Sergei Shakhijanyan.

“Sea Voyage” is an in-class team building training with a “sea” legend, designed for one day. The training is carried out independently or as an addition to the street team building program.

Commercial proposal for socially responsible companies: creation of a mini-park, green team building, corporate holiday, corporate volunteering.

A real adventure for a real Team.
An adventure quest program for participants without special training, significantly different from classic team building programs. Participants will have to go through many team tests in order to successfully complete the journey, the route of which runs through water and land.
The basic route passes through picturesque places of the Moscow region.

The sports team building program "Team Orienteering" is an education and adventure, an excellent option for corporate outdoor recreation. During the program, participants learn to navigate the terrain using a map and compass. The teams' task is to find checkpoints marked on the map within a limited time over a vast territory. The program includes a master class. “Team Orientation” can be conducted as one of the stages of corporate adventure programs, as an active corporate event in nature, or as a program that teaches useful skills.

Intellectual and adventure team building with a historical twist, a corporate quest - this is how the Crossword Quest team building program can be briefly described.”

Dragon Boat are unusual, very beautiful 10 or 20-seater rowing boats that came to us from ancient China

“Graffiti Party” is an unusual creative team building program based on team interaction, familiarity with street culture and activities that are usually prohibited.

The creative team building program “Music Festival” is difficult to describe in one or two phrases. Drive, positivity, creativity, self-expression, revealing dormant talents - these are just a small part of the Festival. It's a cross between a rehearsal space, a recording studio, and the backstage of Be A Star. Your colleagues, immersed in the atmosphere of this action, turn into rock stars, prima donnas and pop idols, musicians and dancers. The corporate team building program "Music Festival" will be an excellent basis for a bright and unusual corporate event.

Culinary team building from Event Consulting Service is an original corporate team building, a fun and entertaining culinary show in the format of friendly competition between teams of participants.

Team building program based on first aid and emergency aid training. Teams of participants undergo training and find themselves in simulated various emergency situations, where they have to provide “first aid”, saving the “victims” and not forgetting about their own safety. It is carried out with the support of qualified doctors and rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Special equipment is used. Certificates are issued. The program is held outdoors or indoors.

A dynamic program of children's game team building is carried out in the form of team relay races for children's groups or for children with their parents. A children's team building program can be organized and conducted outdoors or indoors. A variety of team building exercises are used for winter and summer, for outdoors and indoors. The content of tasks is selected individually. It is possible to conduct the program as a complement to a corporate event. Professional equipment, excellent animators, summer and winter, outdoors and indoors.

The corporate tour program begins with a short hike through the winter forest on foot or on snowshoes or skis. It is possible to organize several routes for several groups that go to the same goal - the so-called tourist “star”.

Winter analogue of the "Summer Team Games" program. This is a sports and entertainment program for winter team building, an active competitive program consisting of relay races, group games, and intellectual tasks for an unlimited number of participants united in teams. The program is aimed at maintaining team spirit, emotional release, and creating a positive attitude. Often, it is this winter team building program that becomes the basis for corporate holiday events.

Game team building "Winter team games"

Sports team building and quests - to unite a bright team

Team building is an integral part of any corporate activity. A team where there is understanding and a common view on the development of the company is more effective than experienced professionals who work separately. A team is, first of all, people with real emotions and experiences. Therefore, trainings should often be supported by active sports team building. "Event Consulting Service" offers a catalog of events with scenarios for specialists of all ages and fields of activity.

It is worth approaching the organization of company events wisely. Sports team building and quests strengthen team spirit and teach people not only to coexist, but also to successfully solve non-trivial problems.

Possible scenarios

We organize sports team building of any type:

  • tourist rally (hiking trips through a winter forest/green mini-park with games and difficult but fun tasks; overnight stays in tent camps or camp sites);
  • office sports entertainment (emotional release with fictitious sports like racing on office chairs or in the unusual use of technology);
  • creative active team building (participation in an educational exhibition and an exciting master class for an ambitious team);
  • sports training (joint orienteering and completing tasks is especially useful for a team that was recently formed);
  • children's team-building quest (a game for young “colleagues” with the participation of professional animators and special equipment);
  • sports corporate rafting (water activities are an ideal summer holiday to raise the working spirit of an already close-knit team).

Natalya Zasemkova
Outdoor sports scenario. Quest “Treasure Search”


Formation of positive motivation for the development of dynamic activity of children;

Creating conditions conducive to strengthening friendly relations within the children's team.



1. Develop cognitive interest

2. Develop a sense of humor, imagination, ingenuity

3. Physical development.


1. Promote the development of attention and coordination abilities

2. Promote the unity of children in a team


1. Cultivate respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, and attentive attitude towards others;

Welcome children to the island of health! Explain the meaning of the game, choose a captain and a place to store the map pieces!

Pirate: Hello kids! I lost the magic key and now I don’t know how to open the magic chest of gold. Maybe you can help me?

Educator: Certainly. we will help, but how?

Pirate: I heard from one fortune teller that the key was broken, and its fragments were scattered across different islands, we need to find it. So, are you ready for an adventure where there will be different challenges on your way? So I bought the card from a sailor I knew. I just can’t figure it out.

The pirate takes out a map, and the guys go in the direction indicated by the arrows to the first island.

1. Island "Warm-up".

Children are given the task to come up with movements and dance. Having completed the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

2. Sea island.

On the island you are asked to find a sheet with a task.

Task, game "Shark".

The driver is chosen - he is a Shark, the rest are sea inhabitants. The shark is hiding (sitting on a chair, the others are playing.

An adult reads a poem, children perform movements.

In our sea, what a miracle,

Life is calm and beautiful.

Happiness and love reign

Even the whale knows this. (children hold hands and make a big circle)

Here is a crucian carp in the quiet sea

Skirting the waves (running in circles)

A flock of small jellyfish

Together, like a string of beads. (children line up, hugging each other tightly)

The swordfish and the hammerfish are dancing,

Forgetting about hunger. (dance randomly in pairs, depicting fish)

Dolphins jump briskly

Arching your back straight. (jumping in place "soldier")

The wave splashes quietly,

She is everyone's protector. (they stop in place, making waves with their hands)

But a Shark is hiding in a cave far away,

And the formidable Shark goes hunting,

She says to her friends, clicking teeth:

“I’ll cook for lunch today...” (Shark comes out and says any word)

If the leader (Shark) says something edible, then the children run away, the Shark catches up with them, whomever it stains, takes it to itself. If it’s inedible, the children freeze in place, the Shark looks carefully - whoever moves is grabbed.

3. Island of pictures.

Complete 2 puzzles.

After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

Move along the map to the next island.

4. Island "Obstacle Course".

Go through the obstacle course. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

Move along the map to the next island.

5. Island "Ball Trap"

A game: stretch the fabric, throw balls on top of the fabric, and from below the children must knock them down.

After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture. Move along the map to the next island.

6. Island "Jumpers".

Relay race "Jumping on fitballs". Divide the children into two teams and place them in circles. On command, the guys take turns jumping on the fitball, passing it on to the next one. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture. Move along the map to the next island.

7. Island « Mess» .

Collect scattered cubes, balls, bags into baskets. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

After which the children are asked to run around the kindergarten building and run up to the person (learning it from a riddle).

Who are all the tales and riddles

And does he know poetry from memory?

Dolls, balls, horses

Who plays until old age?

Who has all the questions?

Have an immediate answer?

Who takes everything out of the house,

Regardless of budget?

Who can do it out of the box?

Make a TV

Repair electrical plugs,

Hammering cloves into the wall?

Who's at the New Year's tree?

The kids are amused

And anyone you want

Is he pretending to be?

The teacher turns the collected picture into a real key. The key opens the chest where sweet coins lie.

Sports quest

The goal of the game is:

    systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and sports;

    acquiring new vital knowledge on healthy lifestyle in a playful way;

    developing students’ motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, instilling responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones;

    promoting the development of communicative qualities of the student’s personality;

    developing the ability to work in a group.


Each team chooses a color that will accompany them throughout the game. The team receives the first riddle according to its color and starts to the place of the first test; if the riddle is not solved, the leader asks additional questions that will help the team guess the place of the first test. At each station, the team must find a sheet with a riddle that will tell them where to move next. The winner is the team that is the first to pass all the tests and guess the location of all the stations.


    Formation of teams . Options: based on the class, the team of one circle group, or during the general gathering of students for an event by distributing color tokens. The number of teams in the game should not exceed the number of stations. Team compositions should be as equal as possible in terms of age and number of participants. The number of players in teams is not limited.

    Preparation of props. In accordance with the expected number of teams, route sheets are prepared, in our case riddles (Appendix No. 1), signs on office doors with the names of stations, station props (see description of stations).

    Training of station managers. Stewards can be high school students, school students, teaching staff who have received the necessary instructions and advice from the organizers of the event.

    Preparation of the award fund. As in any game where a winner is expected to be identified, when summing up the results there should also be a moment of rewarding. Rewards can include medals based on the number of team members, as well as sweet prizes and diplomas.


(speech by the competition organizer)

Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall.

Today we will conduct a sports search game and identify the fastest and most savvy participants. Let's get acquainted with our teams participating in the game. Let's welcome the teams. Team name and motto.

At each of them, station managers will be waiting for your team with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station. Route sheets with the indicated order of passing stations will serve as your guide to the country, but we will not tell you the order of stations; you must guess them; how correctly you guess, the faster you will pass the test.

Good luck! Have a nice trip and new knowledge necessary for your future life!


1 station "Gym"

Mystery: There are no desks, but there is something to sit on. You can play there and you can learn there.


Girls 5 people – jumping rope in 30 seconds (it is necessary to collect the total number of jumps 300 times)

Boys 5 people - throws into a basketball basket in 3 minutes (need to hit 10 times)

5 people – standing long jump (total 8 meters)

5 people – press in 30 seconds (total number of 125 times)

Provided that the team has completed all the steps and scored the required number of points, the manager allows them to start finding the next riddle. If the team does not score the required number of points, the manager assigns an additional task.

Station 2 "Cabinet of Music"

Mystery: There the song flows

And the music plays. It can be classic and popular.

Exercise: sing a song about sports with the whole class.

3 station "Biblioteka"

Mystery: Knowledge is stored there. There are a lot of fiction and educational books. You need to run to the keeper.

Exercise: Solve the crossword puzzle and answer the questions.

Exercise: Based on the description, determine what sports we are talking about. Write the words - sports in the cells of the crossword puzzle. Make up a word combination from the letters in the highlighted cells.

1. One of the types of skiing, which includes several disciplines: ski acrobatics, ski cross, mogul, halfpipe, slopestyle. It originally emerged as a mixture of alpine skiing and acrobatics. (freestyle)
2. A type of luge that requires a controlled sled. These sleds are used to descend along specially equipped ice tracks. (bobsled)
3. One of the most popular types of gymnastics. There are three types: jumping, pairs and group. (acrobatics)
4. Fans of this sport have to climb mountain peaks, which are sometimes difficult to reach. (mountaineering)
5. Water competitions at various distances, which are held both in swimming pools and in open reservoirs. (swimming)
1. This is most often called cross-country running. However, not everyone knows that some other types of cross-country racing are also called this way. Can be car, bicycle, ski, motorcycle. (cross)
2. Those who engage in this sport must be proficient with hand-held bladed weapons, strike (thrust) with them, and also reflect the blows of an opponent. (fencing)
3. A winter sport in which competitions take place on ice. Members of the two teams alternately “roll” the shells towards the “home” - a target drawn on the ice. The main task is to hit the target as accurately as possible. (curling)
4. In this sport, athletes need special gloves to hit each other. (boxing)
5. In this sport, athletes compete not only in cross-country skiing. After walking a certain distance, the athlete shoots from a rifle. For each miss he receives a penalty lap or penalty time. (biathlon)
6. This sports game requires a round target that hangs on the wall. Players throw darts, trying to hit the target. (darts)


 Which modern state is considered the birthplace of the Olympic Games?

 What birds are traditionally released at the opening of the Olympic Games?


 At the opening of the Olympic Games, the teams are in alphabetical order of the host country. But the team of the same country always marches ahead. Which?

 What color is the Olympic flag?

 What time of year are the White Olympics held?

 Name the continent where the Olympic Games were held in 2000.


 How many meters are in the shortest track and field distance of the modern Olympic Games?

(100 meters.)

 How many athletes on one team take part in the Olympic relay race?

 What Olympic sport is played in a swimming pool?

(Water polo.)

 In which Olympic sport is the saber used?


 Which of the following was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games?

a) Towns; b)Tug of war;

c) Domino; d) Hide and seek.

 What is the name of the complex of residential premises for athletes participating in the Olympic Games?

A)Olimpic village ; b) Sports village;

c) Town of record holders; d) Champion's capital.

 Which of these martial arts is an Olympic sport?

a) Sambo; b)Judo ;

c) Karate; d) Aikido.

 In which part of the world have the modern Olympic Games never been held?

a) In Asia; b) In Australia;

c) In America; G)In Africa .

 Which country hosted the 2012 Summer Olympics?

A)In England ; b) In Sweden;

c) In France; d) In Austria.

(In London.)

4th station "Stadium"

Mystery: It stands outside the school, oval in shape, with trees around it.

Exercise: 30 meter run - performed by 6 people

Ball throwing 5 people (total points or meters 125m)

Station 5 "Doctor's office"

Mystery: If you suddenly get sick or have a slight injury

You need to contact us urgently...

Exercise: 1. What no amount of money can buy. (Health)

2. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 liters of this substance per day. What is this? (Water).

3.What is the name of a mass disease of people? (Epidemic)

4. What is the rational distribution of time called in one word? (Mode)

5. Training the body with cold. (Hardening)

6. Which liquid carries oxygen in the body. (Blood)

7. What is the science of purity called? (Hygiene)

8. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (Microbe)

9. Voluntary nicotine poisoning. (Smoking)

10. This Russian commander was a very weak child as a child, but he perfectly tempered himself. He considered the Russian bath to be the best way to harden. There he withstood terrible heat on a shelf, after which 10 buckets of cold water were poured on him. (Suvorov).

11. Why did healthy people in ancient China and Persia apply a little blood of smallpox patients to a scratch?

(Thus, infected people suffered the disease more easily. It’s like a vaccination).

12. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence of sunlight. (Vitamin D).

13. People spend a third of their lives in this state. It is useful and necessary. What is this? (Dream)

14. Can I immediately sit down after running to rest?

(No. You need to walk around so that the blood does not stagnate in the veins)

15. What must be taken before bed, and in hot weather - in the morning and evening? (Shower).

Station 6 "Gymnastics Hall"

Mystery: They call it gymnastics, there are stairs and carpets.

Exercise: push-ups – 5 boys + 5 girls (perform 125 times)

Shuttle run 4 * 9 m 6 people.

Medicine ball throws at a distance of 5 people (45 meters - total number of meters)

After the tests, gathering in the assembly hall, the winner is determined by the number of arrival at the final point (assembly hall). Summing up, awarding.

A healthy lifestyle consists of an orientation towards health as an absolute life value, towards the ideals of the individual, family, nation and nature, from effective measures of nutrition, education, physical education and sports, hygiene of body and spirit. Teachers, as carriers of culture (including the culture of health), provide optimal psycho-hygienic conditions for learning and education. A social educator helps solve the problem of maintaining social health and preventing social illnesses. Consequently, the main way to improve health is to create favorable social and pedagogical conditions.
Currently, games in the quest format are in great demand among students. Quest game “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” is aimed at creating a culture of healthy lifestyle among the younger generation, demonstrating responsibility, independence and teamwork, as well as creating conditions for intellectual and creative self-realization of students and the popularization of physical activity.
A social teacher performs the following functions at school: educational - provides targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior and activities of children; organizational - organizes socially valuable activities of students, ensures the implementation of plans, projects and programs; organizational and communicative - involving more children in events.
The school teacher-librarian, promoting the implementation of an integrated approach to the effectiveness of health-preserving activities, participates in the organization of physical education and health activities: holds book exhibitions “Choose Health”, “I take care of my health - I will help myself!”, “Sport is life, joy, health!”, conversations and literature reviews, public events. This kind of work helps students change themselves and their attitude towards physical education for the better.
A physical education teacher, in combination with the classical form of education, conducts physical education and sports events - days of health and sports, outdoor games and competitions, sports festivals, sports competitions, with the help of which the formation of the individual’s physical culture is achieved.
The tasks of interaction between physical education teachers, teacher-librarians and social educators during this event are as follows:
- motivation and need for systematic physical education and sports;
- mastery of basic types of physical education and sports activities;
- creating favorable conditions for optimizing physical activity;
- formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle, use of the acquired knowledge in everyday life;
- nurturing the need and ability to independently engage in physical exercises, consciously use them for the purposes of recreation, training, improving performance and improving health.

Plan for preparation and conduct of the game:

  1. Preparation of a route sheet for completing the stages.
  2. Preparation of questions and answers.
  3. Selecting quest organizers, forming teams of players.
  4. Conducting briefings for quest participants.
  5. Walking through playgrounds in teams.
  6. Summarizing.
  7. Rewarding.

Start of the game.

Each team receives a route sheet indicating the sites. Teams move between the gym and the school library, completing thematic, practical and intellectual tasks. At each stage, teams receive points for correctly completed tasks.

1 site “Proverbs and sayings” (in the library)

  1. Temper your body for good.
  2. Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.
  3. Anyone who plays sports gains strength.
  4. The sun, air and water always help us.
  5. Anyone who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.
  6. And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.
  7. In a healthy body healthy mind.
  8. The athlete is in control of the sails and tackle.
  9. You'll be toughened up from a young age, and you'll be good for the rest of your life.
  10. The sun, air and water are our true friends.
  11. Start a new life not on Monday, but with morning exercises.
  12. Strong in body - rich in business.
  13. If you are not friends with sports, you will worry about it more than once.
  14. Walking means living long.
  15. Give your time to sports and get health in return.
  16. Move more - you will live longer.
  17. Movement is a companion to health.
  18. Walking means living long.
  19. Physical education is the enemy of old age.
  20. Sports and tourism strengthen the body.
  21. If you toughen up, you will distance yourself from the disease.
  22. If you want to be healthy, toughen up!
  23. Ice water is a disaster for any illness.
  24. Eating in moderation is a blessing to the mind.
  25. The thinner the waist, the longer the life.
  26. Gluttony clouds the mind.
  27. Not everything is in the mouth that the eye sees.
  28. Moderation in food is more healing than a hundred doctors.
  29. Long meals - short life.
  30. Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.
  31. Anything eaten at night will not be good for future use.
  32. When you go to bed with an empty stomach, you will wake up refreshed.
  33. Shorten dinner - lengthen life.
  34. Expect nothing but trouble from delicious and sweet food.
  35. Thoroughly chewed - almost overcooked.
  36. The more you chew, the longer you will live.
  37. Just eat and you can live to be a hundred years old.
  38. You can't get enough of sweets.
  39. When I eat I am deaf and dumb.
  40. Health, joy and work always go together.
  41. Laziness brings on illness, work cleanses the soul.
  42. Nothing harms a person more than idleness.
  43. The body weakens without doing anything.
  44. It is not old age that makes you old, but idleness.
  45. A person gets tired when he has nothing to do.
  46. Idleness is the sister of disease.
  47. A lazy person is always unwell.
  48. Excessive idleness leads to the acquisition of foolishness; through active work the will is strengthened.

2nd area “Riddles” (in the library)

1. Who rushes quickly through the snow
Aren't you afraid to fail? (Skier)

2. Ten plus one someone
they want to kick the ball into the goal,
and eleven others
They try not to let them in. (Football)

3. Green meadow,
There are a hundred benches just around,
From gate to gate
People are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing nets. (Stadium)

4. The ice around is transparent, flat,
Two iron strips
And someone is dancing over them,
Jumping, waving his arms. (Figure skater)

5. Right on the road
The horse spread his legs
Without head and tail,
Stunned to the spot, he stood up.
The horse stands still
Together with the rider. (Projectile - horse)

6. Iron pancakes
Thin stick -
Iron rolling pin
Bakes pancakes
It attracts by force. (Barbell)

7. Two rings
And two ropes
Up and down,
There and back again.
Unfinished flight
Stance, take off and turn. (Projectile - rings)

8. Beardless and not white,
Smooth, hairless body,
Iron hooves
As if dug into the ground,
He doesn't bleat or make noise.
Where they put it, it’s there;
They don't move him -
They jump over it. (The projectile is a goat).

9. Iron bird
She laid an egg
Egg from the nest
Can't take it without difficulty.
The egg is heavy
There is a ring in the egg;
You'll take the ring -
You will carry the egg. (Weight)

10. There is a lawn at our school,
And on it are goats and horses.
We're tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
At school there are horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle - guess what! (Gym)

11. - I don’t understand, guys, who are you?
Birders? Fishermen?
What kind of net is there in the yard?
- Wouldn't you interfere with the game?
You better go away!
We play... (volleyball)

12. On an empty stomach
They beat me unbearably;
The players shoot accurately
I get punches with my feet.
They're blowing air into me
And they kick me. (Soccer ball)

For students in grades 10-11.

1. Who warns smokers about the dangers of smoking? (Ministry of Health)
2. Which organ is affected primarily in smokers? (Lungs.)
3. The most dangerous disease of the 21st century. (AIDS.)
4. A drop of it kills a horse. (Nicotine.)
5. A drink that can ruin your family and life. (Vodka.)
6. A low-alcohol drink that many people consider harmless. (Beer.)
7. What color are smokers' teeth? (Yellow.)
8. What happens to people when they smoke, drink alcohol, drinks, or take drugs? (Personality degradation is the loss of positive qualities.)

3 platform “Interesting questions” (in the library)

1. Name the name of the Russian person who in Holland really fell in love with skates and was the first to come up with the idea of ​​nailing them to the soles of boots. (Russian Emperor Peter the Great)
2. Which gymnastic figure has a namesake among the birds? (Martin)
3. What game do the French call “flying rooster”? (Badminton)
4. Which of the sons of Zeus “organized” the first Olympic Games? (Hercules)
5. What is the name of the largest company in Germany that produces sporting goods? ("Adidas")
6. In which game do ladies watch their figures the most? (Chess)
7. How is the name of the swimming style “butterfly” translated from English? (Butterfly)
8. The name of what type of martial arts is translated from Japanese as “soft way”? (Judo)
9. What swimming style did people borrow from the frog? (Breaststroke)
10. What sport can be easy for some and difficult for others? (Athletics)
11. What warlike word can be used to describe the pole, the rings, and the bars? (Projectile)
12. In which team sports competition do you have to move backwards to win? (Tug of War)
13. What was the name of the winner of the Games in Ancient Greece? (Olympic)
14. How many days did the competition last? (Five)
15. In honor of which god were the Games held? (In honor of Zeus)
16. Do you think there were competitions between poets and musicians at the Games? (Yes)
17. Remember the motto of the Olympic Games. ("Faster, higher, stronger")
18. What is the symbol of the Games? (Torch)
19. What is depicted on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)
20. How to decipher the word “sambo”? (Self-defense without weapons).

4th area “Gym Hall” (in the gym)

Sequence of obstacle course exercises




Start. Jumping on one leg

Distance 6 m. Perform at least 5 jumps.
Jumping can be performed on the right or left leg.

Marking. There is a start and finish mark on the floor.

You cannot change your leg while completing the distance. Every mistake
(less than 5 jumps performed, changing legs while moving) is assessed as a 1.0 second penalty

Crawling on a gymnastic bench.

Crawling from a prone position using arm curls.

Gymnastic bench.

When performing the exercise, you cannot help yourself with your legs.

Equilibrium. Walking on a gymnastic beam, arms to the sides.

Walk on a gymnastic beam without losing your balance.

Floor gymnastic beam, mats.

Loss of balance: falling from a log, touching the floor with your foot or hand - 1.0 second penalty.

Throwing a medicine ball at a target with both hands from the chest.

The participant makes 3 attempts.
From the place of the throw to the nearest edge of the target is 5 m. Near the place of the throw there are 3 medicine balls.

Medicine ball weight for grades 5-6 is 1 kg, grades 7-8 2 kg, grades 9-11 3 kg.
The target is a hoop with a diameter of 60 cm.
Marking the throwing line and target.

If the participant does not hit the target, then for each miss he is added 1.0 seconds.

Shuttle run (3 x 7m)

High start from the starting line. The segment (7m) is considered overcome if the participant steps over the line limiting the segment with one foot and touches the cone with his hand.

2 cones and markings on the floor

For each failure to reach the line limiting the segment, a 1.0 second penalty is added.

Dribbling around the posts and throwing the basketball into the hoop.

The participant circles 1 post on the right side, 2 on the left, etc. The racks are circled with the hand farthest from the rack.
Next, the participant takes the ball to the backboard and throws the ball into the ring in an arbitrary manner (stopping or after two steps in motion). After throwing into the hoop, the participant picks up the ball and crosses the finish line with it.

5 stands or cones. The distance between the cones is 1 m
The ball is located 1 m from the first cone.

Dribbling according to the rules of basketball.
Improper execution of the exercise is penalized for 1.0 seconds.

The program is considered completed when the participant crosses the finish line with both feet.

The line is marked on the floor.
The referee moves the ball to the beginning of the drill.

The time required to complete the entire complex task is recorded.

Obstacle course exercises are performed continuously by all team members. The time from the start of the first participant to the finish of the last is estimated. The start of the first participant is made at the command of the judge, the start of the second and subsequent participants - by touching the palm of the hand. The finish of the last participant is recorded immediately after crossing the finish line.
One judge records the time taken to complete the obstacle course exercises and the correctness of the relay passing, the second judge evaluates the quality of the tasks.
Students who are exempt from the practical part for health reasons help the judges in arranging equipment.

Additional competition “The most, the most!” - optional.

2 boys and 2 girls (from each team) participate. Each of them performs two exercises: first, 30 seconds of bending and straightening the arms (boys) from the floor, (girls) from the bench, then 30 seconds of jumping on two legs over a rope, rotating it forward or backward. The number of exercises completed in 1 minute is assessed.

Sports festival

“Sports and recreational quest game for children of senior preschool age”

Target:Propaganda and popularization of a healthy lifestyle, creating conditions for active recreation for children and parents.


Improve health
- Improve sports skills and abilities;
- Develop endurance, reaction speed, agility, coordination of movements, running, throwing a ball with two hands and one hand at a target, jumping rope, throwing the ball to each other in motion;
- Improve intelligence, resourcefulness and the ability to navigate in space;
- Teach to follow the rules of the game;
- To develop the ability to interact with playing partners;
- Clearly pronounce rhymes and dialogues in games;
- Create a joyful, cheerful mood during active recreation in the summer. Equipment: hoops, flags, boards for stepping over, large and small balls, skittles, 4 buckets, gymnastic sticks, walking mats, jump ropes, targets for throwing the ball, hint keys, treasure box, envelopes with game tips.

Location : senior group playground

Participants of the sports festival: teachers, children and parents of the senior group

Q: The word “quest” means “search.” This is a gaming adventure, a game where participants are always given a task in which they need to find something - an object, a hint, a message, so that they can move on. Today we are waiting for a sports and recreational quest game. In this game you cannot do without ingenuity, logical thinking, erudition, as well as dexterity, speed, coordination and the ability to interact with friends.

Q: Well, are you ready for this game?

Children: Everyone wants to compete,

Joking and laughing

Show strength and agility

And prove your skill.

We are all happy about this meeting

We did not gather for a reward.

Q: To be strong and healthy, what should you do in the morning? (charging). So you and I will start our health game with exercises, and only after that we will see the first hint.

Everyone sits freely around the sports ground and does exercises to the music:

Warm-up “Do exercises, you’ll be fine”

IN:We are starting the holiday of sports and health now!

Hello to all the guys

And this word:

You have loved sports since childhood,

You will be healthy!

Come on, come on together, kids.

Let's all shout:

Children: Fizkult-Hurray!

IN:. We must split into two teams. The path to the treasure will be indicated by arrows, and you will find all the instructions on how and with what help to find the treasure in secret places. Quest objective: get 5 keys and one help. Are you ready to play?

Children and parents find the arrow and the first clue. The clue contains an encrypted relay race (the card shows two buckets, the bottom full of balls, the other empty, and a wooden spoon, the key). Children and parents guess the purpose of the relay race and begin the game to find the key and the next clue as quickly as possible.

1. “Balls” relay (common for two teams). Children and parents in pairs (parent + child) line up in two columns. Near each column there is a bucket with small multi-colored balls, at the bottom is a cloth, under it is a key and the next clue, opposite is an empty bucket. Task: using two wooden spoons, transfer the balls from one bucket to another, one ball at a time, passing the baton one by one until the key appears and the bucket is empty. (Next, each team finds its own hint, where to move next and the key).

2. Relay for 1 team. Children and parents look for the relay by the arrows and decipher it. In front of them are 2 frogs and further into the swamp. At the end of the swamp there are also two frogs. “To find the clue you need to cross the swamp. Look under the last pair of bumps and find a clue there.” Children and parents decipher the relay race and go through it in pairs (child + parent) and pass the baton to the next one). You need to use two hummocks to cross from one bank to the other without stepping into the swamp. We stand on one hummock with both feet, and put it next to a friend, jump over, etc. The last pair finds the next clue and key.

3. Relay for 2 teams. Children and parents look for the baton using the arrows and decipher it. P/n “Who is the most accurate?” Children and parents get into pairs (child + parent). Task: you need to run with the ball to the red line, stop and hit the target with the ball, pick up the ball and run back to the team and pass the balls to the next pair. The last pair finds the clue and the key behind the target.

4. Relay for 1 team. “Go through the obstacle course and get a hint.” Children and parents decipher the next relay race. In front of them is a tunnel of hoops and a ball. Task: run across the tunnel, throwing the ball to each other, and run back, passing the ball and baton to the next pair. In a secret place, team members find the next clue and key.

5. Relay for 2 teams. “Go through the obstacle course and get a hint.” Task: A couple (child + parent) simultaneously run through a tunnel of hoops, run with balls in hand to the red line, stop and roll the ball forward strongly, trying to knock down the obstacle in the form of pins. The last pair finds the clue to the next relay and the key.

6. Relay for 1 team. "Fast train". The first team member runs to the flag, runs around it, returns to its place, the next member grabs it and the two of them run. Then they return and take the third one, until everyone runs around, the last one takes the clue.

7. Relay for 2 teams. “I told you to sit down.” Task: The players line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. The children get up first. The adults are behind them. The team captain (dad) stands in front of the column team, facing it at a distance of 2-3 m. All team members except the captain receive a ball. At the signal, the first participant throws the ball to the captain, the captain catches the ball and puts it in the basket. After throwing the ball, this player crouches. Then the second team member throws the ball to the captain and crouches, then the third, etc. Having received the ball from the last player in his column, the captain raises it up, and all the players on his team jump up. The captain finds the key and the clue.

8. Relay for 1 team. "Collect sunshine." Task: the first one runs to the end of the court, puts a hoop, comes back, passes the baton to the next one, the next one runs, puts a ray of sunshine - a gymnastic stick - to the hoop and comes back, passes the baton to the next one, etc. Then the team gives a help-hint.

9. Relay race for 5th team. “Rent a hoop.” Task: Roll the hoop to the cube and run back to the next pair and pass the baton. Then the team receives help and a hint.

10. Hint for 2 teams. Teams receive a hint after jumping rope games.

As a result, each team has 6 keys and a hint (the route where the treasure is hidden). Everyone goes in search of the treasure.
