Stalker nooks and crannies of truth PDA in the wild. Walking through the nooks and crannies of truth

Dressing room:

We speak twice with the Conductor. We go with him, when he talks about the absence of a sniper on the tower and leaves for the checkpoint, then two scenarios are possible:

1) We are waiting for his message.

2) we follow him until the message appears, but then the turntable will appear and will kill you.

We speak with the Conductor, then with Makhalov: if you choose a bad answer, then the plot will not continue. We take a job from Sidor to search for a box, there will hardly be any problems with this. Then he will talk about the SOS signal, there are two options for the development of events:

1) agree and find the PDA

2) refuse and walk around the location towards the destroyed bridge, the SOS signal comes, then point 1, but you give the PDA to the Wolf

The task to eliminate the merchant:

1) kill him without hitting others and report to Sidor

2) kill him, but after injuring or killing other mercenaries, then go home, but the avengers will attack the village, kill them, talk to the Wolf, then to Sidor

At the end, we take the box from Sidor and go to the Bar

We give the box to the Bartender, we go to Voronin. We speak with the sergeant, we read sms, we speak with the sergeant again, we speak with Voronin, he sends to search for information about the murdered debtor.

Army warehouses:

We find the corpse, take a flash drive from him (it will come in handy at the end of the game). A text message comes from Max, we talk to him, we talk to the sniper, we go to the hatch, a little to the left of the direction in which the Dolgovites attacked in the original. We get a text message from Max, we talk to him again, we get a PDA.

We give the PDA, if we wish, we give the flash drive, but write down the code somewhere. Voronin sends to TD, we go there.

Dark Valley:

We speak with the sentry, he lets us in, we speak with Tkachenko, we kill the flesh, we report. We receive a task for an agreement with the Somovskiye:

1) we can say that, they say, they were ordered, then we report to Shulga at the base, we attack the Borovskys, then we talk with Shulga at the farm, we go to Matushkin

2) otherwise, we also agree with the Borovskiys, but then Borov takes away all things, money, etc. Do not touch him with a weapon! We wait a little in captivity, we see the appearance of saviors, we talk with Shulga, then with Som, we go to Matushkin.

Capture the entrance to X18, talk to Matushkin, go to X18.

We find documents, the first on the floor with the first door, a little to the left, in the room, the second in the room with pseudo-giants, the third in one of the blue boxes. We return.

Dark Valley:

we leave, we pass, we run into a mine, we teleport to X20.

we find PKM, cartridges and first-aid kits near the barrier, we wet everyone and everything (optional), we find a way out and return back to the TD.

Dark Valley:

we speak with Voronin who has appeared, then with the investigator, we go to the Warehouses.

Army Warehouses:

we speak with Max, then with Lukash. He gives a task for a contract with mercenaries:

1) take out all the mercenaries and report to Lukash

2) we speak with Rusak and get the task to kill the Master. The master in the house where the debtors were sitting: 1) we kill, 2) we speak; we report to Rusak. Now the task to kill Sparrow: everything is clear here, but when you first talk with Flint, you need your own vodka. Killing Chip: 1) wait until he reaches a certain point, kill; 2) talking to him. We report to Rusak. We report to Lukas. We speak with the Scarecrow (I don’t remember exactly) and get a personal house, click on the mattress below, on the right. We get the task to deliver the box to the Agroprom and deliver the box to the observer in the Bar (everything is clear here - there will be a small scene that you yourself will see, this task is taken at will and you can refuse it).


we talk with the sentry, we reach the base, we talk with the Shaman, we talk with the Tsar, we talk with Dartagnan, we take out all the evil spirits in the locations, along the way we search 5 corpses and take the PDA from them. We report to the Tsar, we return the PDA, we go to Voronin, we return, we talk with the Tsar, we go to the Warehouses, then to the Scientific Complex.

Scientific Complex:

we are talking with the sentry, with the substitute, Nekrasov. Nekrasov gives a task to accompany the scientist, we accompany, we speak, we report to Nekrasov. Then the task to search for the device in the laboratory.

we kill the evil spirits, we go upstairs, where the installation was turned off, we see the skeleton, we take a bioradar from it (optional), we go down to the very bottom and see the teleport, jump into it, take the installation and teleports.

Scientific Complex:

We give the device to Nekrasov, we get the task of escorting a group of scientists, we accompany, we watch the suicide of one of the warriors, we fall into the Dead City.

Dead city:

We speak with the warrior, then with the Fang. We find the installation in the COOP Torg building, on the second floor in the room, there will be a knife switch, we use it. Let's get out of the city center to hell before the timer runs out. We report to Fang. Now nychki: they have a description, there will be questions - ask. After surrendering all the knots, we speak with Fang, go to the edge, read sms, go with the whole gathering, jump on teleports.


we talk with the Strelok, kill the sniper, kill the first wave of the monolith, hide somewhere, kill the second wave, teleport to the village, kill the third wave, go to the building to Glukhar, read sms, move after the remaining stalkers.

Army warehouses:

we talk with Strelok, then a text message from Lukash, we talk with him. We receive a task for reconnaissance, we speak with the Ghost, we go to the DT.

Wild Territory:

if they killed Chip, then there will be no one, if they left alive, then we talk with him, we take out the Monoliths, we talk with Dale, we take the task to search for the PDA. PDA near the crashed helicopter, on rails.

Army Warehouses:

We report to the Casting, a text message from Voronin.

we speak with Voronin, a timer begins, after which everyone in the Bar becomes enemies (think why).

Dale is in the village of beginners, we speak with him, we go to the NK.

Extended guide from Dr Denn.

We start the game at the location of the Dressing Room, in the basement of one of the houses, first of all we speak with the Conductor. We follow him to the transition to Cordon, near the checkpoint, the Conductor says that there is no sniper on the tower and goes to reconnaissance, there are two possible scenarios:
1) we are waiting for his message and go to the checkpoint.
2) we follow him until the message appears, but then the turntable will appear and will kill you.

We speak with the Conductor, then with the commander of the checkpoint, Makhalov: if you choose a bad answer, then the plot will not continue (even if by some miracle you survive in the shootout). There are caches from the original on Cordon, do not forget about them, at this stage of the game they will be very useful - wooden boxes in the bushes to the left of the checkpoint will give you cartridges for PM, in the attic of the checkpoint barracks - stew and a couple of indestructible armor, in the attics in the DN --costume "Dawn" and art Stone flower.
We reach the village of beginners and take a job from Sidor to search for a box of supplies, this is unlikely to be a problem (you can go to the box from the side of the checkpoint, so avoid meeting with boars).
Then Sidor asks to check the SOS signal, there are two scenarios:
1) agree and find the PDA.
2) refuse and walk around the location towards the destroyed bridge, the SOS signal comes, then point 1, but you give the PDA to the Wolf (in both cases, a flock of dogs is in the place of the signal).
Sidor gives the next task to eliminate the merchant (it is better to approach the ATP from the side of the railway embankment):
1) kill the merchant without hitting others and report to Sidor.
2) kill him, but after injuring or killing other mercenaries, then go back, but the avengers attack the village, kill them, talk to the Wolf, then to Sidor.
Sidor's last task is to take the box to the Bar. We agree and go to the transition to the Landfill.
We run under the bridge quickly, quickly, as radiation))
At the exit from the Cordon, you can take the task of destroying a group of bandits on the farm, the task is not mandatory, decide for yourself, you won’t get anything particularly valuable from them, if only for the sake of moral satisfaction.

There is nothing to do at this location now, there are no tasks here, and it’s not safe to wander without good equipment - anomalies, mutants, radiation, so we quickly run through the entire Junkyard to the transition to the Bar.

We give the box to the Bartender, he sends us to Voronin. We speak at the entrance with the sergeant, read sms, do not forget to talk to the sergeant again (sociable type), we go tête-à-tête to Voronin, he gives the task to find any information about the murdered debtor in the Army warehouses.

Army warehouses:
We find a corpse near the fence, take a flash drive from him (it will come in handy at the end of the game). Immediately a text message comes from Max, we go to the Svoboda base to talk to him, then a conversation with a sniper on the tower, after the conversation we go to look for a cache with a PDA, to the hatch, slightly to the left of the direction in which the Dolgovites attacked in the original. We get another sms from Max, (oh, these sms, well included for free), we talk to him again, we get a PDA. You can safely wander around the location, collect loot - there are no dangerous places except for bloodsucking, the mercenaries at the checkpoint are neutral, they are needed further in the story, the Monolith does not break through the barrier (maybe a few will still shoot on the next entry to the AC).
We return to the Bar: we give the PDA to Voronin, if we wish, we give the flash drive, but write down the code from it, it is needed according to the plot. Then Voronin sends to the Dark Valley, to help Tkachenko, we go there.

Dark Valley:
Be sure to speak with the sentry at the entrance to the base, then we go to Tkachenko, he does not believe in us, so he wants to check in the case - he gives the task of shooting flesh, we go behind the base, to where the pseudo-dog was hunted in the ChN, we arrange a local genocide mutated pigs and return for a report.

The next task from Tkachenko is diplomatic, Duty wants to occupy a strategic point - the entrance to the X-18 laboratory, for this you need an agreement with the Soma gang, there are two options:
1) You can tell Soma that they were ordered, and the shooting starts - we report to Shulga at the base, we attack the Hog's gang, then we talk with Shulga on the farm.
2) Catfish asks to negotiate with Borov on the farm, we run to him, after a short dialogue we follow Borov, and then a gop-stop happens. At this moment, the main thing is not to twitch, all things, money, etc. the bandits took it away, so you need to hide in a corner and wait for rescuers. We do not wait long in captivity, we see the appearance of debtors and the Som gang, we talk with Shulga, then with Som, we go to Matushkin. (You will take your things from the second building on the farm)

Matushkin is waiting near the base, after talking with him (he will give a good barrel and cartridges) we go to clear the entrance to x18, he was occupied by snorks, zombies, bloodsuckers, you need to kill everyone, then talk to Matushkin, and go down to x18 for documents.

It's full of zombies, there are burers, in general, it's fun. We find documents, there are three parts in total, the first on the upper level, in the room next to code door, in the anomaly "jelly" (or nearby), the rest are below, in the hall with the pseudo-giant and in one of the blue boxes. We return to dark valley, but a surprise awaits at the exit - we run into a mine, teleport to X20.

X20: There are two options - either run fast or shoot a lot, for the second we take RMB, cartridges and first-aid kits near the barrier, wet everyone and everything (optional), do not forget to inspect the rooms - there are a lot of artifacts, after the robbery on the farm they definitely won't be redundant.
We find a way out and go to the TD, where we are met by Voronin, who will clarify the situation with the mine and make an offer that cannot be refused.
After a conversation with Voronin, we go to the investigator at the Debt base in the TD, and after talking with the investigator we are on our way to the Army Warehouses.

Army Warehouses:
We speak with Max, then with Lukash, he gives a task for an agreement with mercenaries, here are the options again:
1) we take out all the mercenaries and report to Lukash.
2) we talk with the leader of the mercenaries Rusak, find out what he needs and sign up for the dirty work: we get the first task, to kill the Master, he is right there, on the AC, on the farm, where the debtors were in the original: 1) we kill, 2) we say ; we report to Rusak.
Now the task to kill Sparrow: everything is clear here, but when you first talk with Flint in the Wild Territory, you need vodka, after you have given everything to Flint, just go to the passage to the Bar and the task will be updated, take the poison and go further to the Bar, talk to Sparrow.
Killing Chip (further in the story, Chip will help you, so decide for yourself whether to kill or not): 1) Go to the Garbage, to the hangar, wait until Chip reaches a certain point, kill; 2) talking to him. We report to Rusak.
We report to Lukash, and we get a personal house, where in the original the informer was killed on the instructions of Lukash, there is a mattress in the house, now there is an opportunity to sleep.
We get a task from Lukash to deliver the box to the Agroprom and deliver the box to the observer in the Bar (everything is clear here - there will be a small scene that you yourself will see, this task is taken at will and you can refuse it, but I don’t advise it - the scene is worth it).

At the Dump, near the transition to Agro, brothers can wait, shoot everyone, collect loot.
Immediately after the transition, we speak with the guard, then at the base we speak with the Shaman, he sends him to the commander of the base, the Tsar, on the third floor of the complex, from a conversation with him we find out that Svoboda wants to take control of the territory of "Agroprom", for this it is necessary to eliminate the mutants on separate plots of land and strengthen their positions there.
We subscribe to this hopeless case and go to start the cleanup, to the Svoboda D "Artagnan, he will give out equipment and set the task. During the cleanup of the eastern complex, we search the corpses of the debtors - you need to find two PDAs, otherwise the task will not complete. After you crush everyone, it will work the transition to the dungeons of Agroprom, they also need to be cleared of mutants. As soon as you kill the last mutant, the transition will work again, which means it's time to report to the Tsar, turn in the found PDAs and complete the task.
Well, now to the bar, to Voronin, he was already waiting for news. After talking with Voronin, you will receive a text message from the Tsar - he has information of interest to us, so we break away from the Bar and run to Agroprom, and after talking with the Tsar there, we are on our way to the Scientific Complex.

Scientific Complex:
When you appear at the location, we speak with the guard, then with the Svoboda, whom they came to replace, then with Nekrasov. First of all, Nekrasov sends Professor Anikin to accompany him. Anikin must investigate the changes that have occurred with the mutants over the past week. The task is to prevent the mutants from breaking out at any cost in the event of an emergency. Finding Anikin is not easy - this scientist is located in a dungeon, the entrance is in the building next to the house where they spoke with Nekrasov, then as you are lucky - you can wander for a long time ... For a very long time ... When, in spite of everything, you still find Anikin and accompany him according to the complex, Nekrasov will give a new task - to go to X16, where he was testing a device that has a mental effect on mutants, but the test ended in failure, you need to find and bring this device.

Everything is simple here, there are few differences from the original - we kill the evil spirits, go upstairs, where the installation was turned off, find the bioradar, then go back, go down to the very bottom and see the teleport, jump into it, take the installation and teleport back to the Scientific complex.

Scientific Complex:
We give the device to Nekrasov, and we get a new task - the devices of scientists have detected some kind of surge of energy not far from their base. The stalkers who are near this place say that they do not see anything, but when they approach, their head starts to hurt. We need to get to this place with the group and protect them while they are taking measurements. We meet with a group of scientists, accompany, watch the suicide of one of the warriors, and get into the Dead City.

Dead City: When you appear in the MG, we receive a text message from a group of stalkers, we speak with a surviving (for a short time) scientist and set off in search of a camp.
In the camp we speak with a warrior, then with Fang. Fang says that you need to cut down some kind of psi-installation, otherwise you won’t get out of the MG. Well, hopeless tasks are not the first time for us, so we are galloping towards the city center, the main thing is not to turn into zombies ..

In the city center, the countdown of the timer begins, showing the time before zombies, there are also a lot of zombies (apparently Fang has been here for a long time, and many people sent to turn off this psi-machine).
We find the installation in the COOP Trading building, on the second floor in the room, on the right on the wall there will be a switch, we use it. Let's get out of the city center to hell until the timer runs out and we finally become part of the Zone. We report to Fang, but instead of taking him out of the city, he gives a new task: to find caches with supplies in the MG, detailed description each cache is there, so there should be no problems.
After they delivered everything they found to Fang, all the survivors are going to discuss further actions, and decide together to get out of the MG. In the implementation of this simple plan, the main role went to who would you think? That's right, so we go to the center of the MG and, thanks to natural dexterity, jump on teleports and go to the Generators.

Upon arrival, we speak with the Strelok, he will tell about the situation and offer another hopeless case - we agree, get a silent sniper and go to war with the adherents of the Monolith. On the way to the base, we kill snipers on the towers, occupy the territory and prepare to kill a lot. The monolith attacks in waves, in large numbers and shooting very painfully, so take an advantageous position, do not let yourself be bypassed, there are many enemies and there may not be enough ammo for everyone. After the destruction of the second wave, we teleport to the village, the batch with the Monolith begins again there, the enemies are still stubborn and eager to kill everyone, we destroy the last wave of adherents and go into the building to Glukhar, read sms, move after the surviving stalkers to the transition.

Army warehouses:
Having switched to AC, we speak with Strelok, and after the conversation we receive a text message from Lukash. We speak with the leader of Svoboda and get information that Svoboda intelligence has detected a large activity of the Monoliths practically throughout the Zone. Right now, a small group of fanatics are coming from the side of the Science Complex with one prisoner. Lukash offers to find this group and, if possible, save the prisoner. The Ghost of Freedom will tell you in more detail, he is waiting at the base near the tunnel with anomalies, after talking with him we go to the Wild Territory.

Wild Territory:
If on the instructions of the Mercenaries they killed Chip, then you will act alone, if you left him alive, then talk to him and start the operation. The Monolith detachment is located behind the construction site, at the trailer, at the construction site itself they left a sniper, at the right time Chip will inform you about this, it is advisable to remove the sniper as quietly as possible, if the Monoliths start firing - they can kill the hostage, then you have to replay, as the plot will freeze . When you free the hostage, talk to him. This guy's name is Dale)) and he will tell you a lot of interesting things, but in return he will ask for a favor - find his PDA, which he lost while running away from the adepts, and bring it to Cordon. There can be problems with this device - sometimes it just disappears through the textures, we are looking for it near the crashed helicopter, on the rails. After we got the PDA, we go to the AU to report on the raid to Bring, and after the report we receive a text message from Voronin with an invitation to a private conversation.

We speak with Voronin, he mentions an important PDA in the Wild Territory, yes, yes, the very one, after the conversation a timer starts, after which everyone in the Bar becomes enemies. We need to have time to leave the Bar in the direction of Cordon, Dale has already been waiting for his PDA in the village of beginners, we talk with him, get a lot of information and determine the main goal - this is Nekrasov, which means the path lies in the Scientific Complex.

Scientific Complex:
As soon as they entered the location, the air explodes from reports of a mutant attack, then only one thing is clear - you need to find Professor Sakharov and find out from him where Nekrasov is.
Here you can have fun - the situation is similar to X20, there are a lot of mutants, a lot, you can practice shooting at free-running and jumping targets, or you can ignore what is happening around and run immediately to the center of the map, there Sakharov is waiting in a two-story building, who after a conversation with it, he will open a teleport to the Wild Territory, through which all the survivors will leave. After the transition, we speak with Sakharov, then with the leader of the loners and teleport to the exit to the Bar.

The events of recent days have pretty much crippled the mental health of the GG, and therefore the goal is now the only one - to get drunk and forget, it seems not a tricky thing, but it doesn’t drink well alone, which means we are looking for a company in the bar in the person of a debtor (quest for assault Abakan in the original), under philosophical conversation we eat a couple of liters of vodka and forget.

After we woke up in the bar, we go to Voronin to have a hangover, but he, an infection, instead of having a hangover, offers to take part in some exercises between stalkers and the military. First you need to talk with Major Makhalov at the checkpoint of Kordon, so that he issues a pass for passing through the checkpoints in the Predbannik.
Having received a pass, we go to the Dressing Room, present a pass and head to General Zakharov, he sets a task and indicates the gathering point of the entire group, we go to the air base, watch the scene and teleport to the Dark Hollow.

Dark Hollow. (Advice - remove the bioradar from your belt)
The task is simple - to destroy all groups of mutants on your way.
The most important thing here is to follow the squad leader Caesar, because. stalkers for some reason run back and forth and are not always adequate. We advance with a fight along the road, having destroyed a certain number of mutants, we will be transported to the gas station.
At the gas station we speak with Caesar, he reports that one group went to the farm and disappeared, you can’t leave the fighters and you need to move out in search.
We go to the farm, talk to Caesar, see the approaching horde and quickly, quickly get the hell out of there to the transition to Cordon.

Since the situation is clearly not developing according to the plan of the exercises, we urgently need to report what happened to General Zakharov, which we do by going to the dressing room. Zakharov decides to send additional forces, a meeting with them is scheduled in the Dark Hollow, to the left of the transition to Cordon.

We find the group that Zakharov sent, we talk with the group commander Sam, we attack the farm, then we go to the other end of the location, where they came to it with Caesar, along the way there are many mutants, bloodsuckers, wild boars, pseudo-giants - there definitely won’t be enough cartridges for everyone, it’s better run past. The task will be updated when you reach the end of the location, now you need to report to Zakharov.

We report to Zakharov, after the report we go to the Bar, talk with Voronin. This figure offers just the same business of a lifetime - together with the "Debt" and "Freedom" detachments, break through the defensive force of the "Monolith" in Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and then penetrate into the "Center Monolith Control". After talking with Voronin, we go to the Radar.

On the Radar we meet an old friend Shulga with a detachment. After passing a little, we observe a sad scene of the execution of the fighters of Freedom, making our way to the transition to Pripyat, we shoot as much as we like, but here another surprise awaits us - after shooting another wave of adherents, we find ourselves captured.
Waking up in captivity and talking with Shulga, let's do the usual thing for captivity - waiting. The rescue team will not keep you waiting, quickly shoot the Monoliths and grant freedom. After talking with Shulga again, you can leave this hospitable place, not forgetting to pick up your equipment in one of the rooms (look for a place with 3 stairs, under one of them there is a descent, there is a backpack with things)

Do not forget that you still need to go to X10 for Katsman's PDA, the code for the door was on a flash drive that was not given (or given? Then 358465), the door is on the lower tier, to the right of the stairs leading there. The laboratory is empty, a couple of bloodsuckers after everything passed is clearly not a hindrance, we pick up the PDA and go to storm Pripyat.

In Pripyat - Stalingrad, literally, heavy weapons and aviation are available, immediately after the transition we speak with Shulga (so tired, hunting to shoot), he determines the route for us and promises air support, only the route is tricky - on roofs and teleports. As soon as we climbed onto the roof, we are looking for an adept with Gauss, we take him out, we take a gun. The task is being updated - crowds of Monoliths appear, with the help of Gauss we shoot them, but we don’t get carried away - as soon as we heard the noise of the turntables, we immediately dive into the farthest corner, since the flyers of the glade do not see at all where their own people are crawling, where strangers are it seems to be all the same, they hit everything that moves, but we are the first to hit. We remember our acrobatic stunts in the MG and dump from the roof, out of harm's way. The air is filled with reports of battles, shooting all around, in general - a successful walk came out.

Then everything is very simple - we go to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and, with the support of the warriors, we begin the assault. You will have to shoot a lot, since it is here that the main forces of the monolith, and the "tanks" will spoil a lot of your nerves, although it seems like it is possible to sit on the sidelines, the warriors know their job, but what's the buzz? We break through to the Monolith Control Center, here, as in the original, there is a crowd of guards, we crush everyone, we go through the treasured door.

Here is Nekrasov, whom we are so eager to kill. We are talking. And that's it. The final.

Dressing room:

We speak twice with the Conductor. We go with him, when he talks about the absence of a sniper on the tower and leaves for the checkpoint, then two scenarios are possible:

1) We are waiting for his message.

2) we follow him until the message appears, but then the turntable will appear and will kill you.


We speak with the Conductor, then with Makhalov: if you choose a bad answer, then the plot will not continue. We take a job from Sidor to search for a box, there will hardly be any problems with this. Then he will talk about the SOS signal, there are two options for the development of events:

1) agree and find the PDA

2) refuse and walk around the location towards the destroyed bridge, the SOS signal comes, then point 1, but you give the PDA to the Wolf

The task to eliminate the merchant:

1) kill him without hitting others and report to Sidor

2) kill him, but after injuring or killing other mercenaries, then go home, but the avengers will attack the village, kill them, talk to the Wolf, then to Sidor

At the end, we take the box from Sidor and go to the Bar

We give the box to the Bartender, we go to Voronin. We speak with the sergeant, we read sms, we speak with the sergeant again, we speak with Voronin, he sends to search for information about the murdered debtor.

Army warehouses:

We find the corpse, take a flash drive from him (it will come in handy at the end of the game). A text message comes from Max, we talk to him, we talk to the sniper, we go to the hatch, a little to the left of the direction in which the Dolgovites attacked in the original. We get a text message from Max, we talk to him again, we get a PDA.

We give the PDA, if we wish, we give the flash drive, but write down the code somewhere. Voronin sends to TD, we go there.

Dark Valley:

We speak with the sentry, he lets us in, we speak with Tkachenko, we kill the flesh, we report. We receive a task for an agreement with the Somovskiye:

1) we can say that, they say, they were ordered, then we report to Shulga at the base, we attack the Borovskys, then we talk with Shulga at the farm, we go to Matushkin

2) otherwise, we also agree with the Borovskiys, but then Borov takes away all things, money, etc. Do not touch him with a weapon! We wait a little in captivity, we see the appearance of saviors, we talk with Shulga, then with Som, we go to Matushkin.

Capture the entrance to X18, talk to Matushkin, go to X18.

We find documents, the first on the floor with the first door, a little to the left, in the room, the second in the room with pseudo-giants, the third in one of the blue boxes. We return.

Dark Valley:

we leave, we pass, we run into a mine, we teleport to X20.

we find PKM, cartridges and first-aid kits near the barrier, we wet everyone and everything (optional), we find a way out and return back to the TD.

Dark Valley:

we speak with Voronin who has appeared, then with the investigator, we go to the Warehouses.

Army Warehouses:

we speak with Max, then with Lukash. He gives a task for a contract with mercenaries:

1) take out all the mercenaries and report to Lukash

2) we speak with Rusak and get the task to kill the Master. The master in the house where the debtors were sitting: 1) we kill, 2) we speak; we report to Rusak. Now the task to kill Sparrow: everything is clear here, but when you first talk with Flint, you need your own vodka. Killing Chip: 1) wait until he reaches a certain point, kill; 2) talking to him. We report to Rusak. We report to Lukas. We speak with the Scarecrow (I don’t remember exactly) and get a personal house, click on the mattress below, on the right. We get the task to deliver the box to the Agroprom and deliver the box to the observer in the Bar (everything is clear here - there will be a small scene that you yourself will see, this task is taken at will and you can refuse it).


we talk with the sentry, we reach the base, we talk with the Shaman, we talk with the Tsar, we talk with Dartagnan, we take out all the evil spirits in the locations, along the way we search 5 corpses and take the PDA from them. We report to the Tsar, we return the PDA, we go to Voronin, we return, we talk with the Tsar, we go to the Warehouses, then to the Scientific Complex.

Scientific Complex:

we are talking with the sentry, with the substitute, Nekrasov. Nekrasov gives a task to accompany the scientist, we accompany, we speak, we report to Nekrasov. Then the task to search for the device in the laboratory.

we kill the evil spirits, we go upstairs, where the installation was turned off, we see the skeleton, we take a bioradar from it (optional), we go down to the very bottom and see the teleport, jump into it, take the installation and teleports.

Scientific Complex:

We give the device to Nekrasov, we get the task of escorting a group of scientists, we accompany, we watch the suicide of one of the warriors, we fall into the Dead City.

Dead city:

We speak with the warrior, then with the Fang. We find the installation in the COOP Torg building, on the second floor in the room, there will be a knife switch, we use it. Let's get out of the city center to hell before the timer runs out. We report to Fang. Now nychki: they have a description, there will be questions - ask. After surrendering all the knots, we speak with Fang, go to the edge, read sms, go with the whole gathering, jump on teleports.


we talk with the Strelok, kill the sniper, kill the first wave of the monolith, hide somewhere, kill the second wave, teleport to the village, kill the third wave, go to the building to Glukhar, read sms, move after the remaining stalkers.

Army warehouses:

we talk with Strelok, then a text message from Lukash, we talk with him. We receive a task for reconnaissance, we speak with the Ghost, we go to the DT.

Wild Territory:

if they killed Chip, then there will be no one, if they left alive, then we talk with him, we take out the Monoliths, we talk with Dale, we take the task to search for the PDA. PDA near the crashed helicopter, on rails.

Army Warehouses:

We report to the Casting, a text message from Voronin.

we speak with Voronin, a timer begins, after which everyone in the Bar becomes enemies (think why).

about the project
For me, truth is the overriding principle, including many other principles. This truth is truthfulness not only in word, but also in thought, not only relative truth in our understanding, but also absolute truth, the eternal principle, that is, God. I worship God as truth. I haven't found it yet, but I'm looking. I am ready in this search to sacrifice everything dear to me. I will even give my life if necessary.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Plot Description

The main character is Alexander Voronov, who just recently graduated from the institute and is looking for thrills. With the help of a stalker named Explorer, he penetrates the Zone.

The plot is built mainly on human relationships: how one or another can act in relation to this or that person. There are several moments in the game where you can shoot plenty, a kind of "meat", but the plot does not entirely consist of tasks - find and kill, sometimes you have to think with your head and get out of the situation without using weapons. Some quests will seem monotonous to you, but if you complete them all, you will see several unexpected scenes where the main character is not the most important figure.

Key Features

New, well-designed quest part. When passing some quests, you need to turn on the logic. The plot is present in absolutely all locations.
-Removal and modification of original content: characters, dialogues; full cut of the original storyline; some locations have undergone a total resettlement.
-Revealed the fate of some characters known from the prequel " Clear sky"and the sequel" Call of Pripyat ". There are also characters from the Stalker book series with their stories and destinies; there are some characters from other mods. The dialogues are written in accordance with the characters of the characters, some of the dialogues have been rewritten more than once. Some NPC names may be the same as those from other mods or books, but this does not always mean that they are the same character.
-Radically changed the balance of the game in the direction of complication gameplay: even such an insignificant moment as a flashlight that works only when placed in a slot makes it very difficult to survive in the Zone.
- Trade has also changed: almost all weapons and body armor can be bought from the hucksters from the very beginning, but no one will give you money for this just like that. Traders have been added to new locations.
-Added many new factions. About 10. Basically, these are gang formations and groups of stalkers: well, only one gang led by Borovoy cannot be in the Zone. Due to the truce between Duty and Freedom, the observers of these groups have been added to the large bases of both groups. You will learn about other factions by going through the modification.

Minor Features

-New locations:
Dark Hollow.
Laboratory X20.
Military laboratory.
Dead city.
Dressing room.
Replaced with build analogs of the Dump and Amber locations.
- Added new weapon models:
AK-74M Custom
AS Val "Cobra"
VSS "Vintorez" PSO-3
FN FAL "Paratrooper"
HK XM8 Para
Colt M16A4
SIG SG 550 Sniper
Needle gun
Kriss super V
MP-444 Bagheera 9x18
Taurus Raging Bull
Remington 870 "Marine Magnum"
Mossberg 590 12 Gauge
Modified gauss rifle
VSSK Exhaust

Almost all original barrels are right-handed.
New sounds of shooting, reloading.

-Engine edits (Cut X-Ray Project):
Death in the first person.
Fixed third person view.

Stalkers have become smarter.
-Added carved monsters and body parts (there are also new types of zombies).
-repair kit.
-New NPC visuals.
-New loading screens.

This mod is for clean game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl, preferably licensed, patched to version 1.0004.
We unpack the archive, then we place the gamedata and bin folders in the root folder of the game, after making sure that there are no other gamedata. Before copying modification folders, copy the original bin folder to any other location!

Save frequently (not autosave).
Carefully read the dialogues and incoming messages, they contain information regarding tasks. There will not be many quest shells themselves.
Include your own logic periodically.

If there are crashes, then report in your message on the forum in this order:
1) Installation procedure (carefully read the "installation" column)
2) Patch version
3) Error log
Where to find the log:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\documents\stalker-shoc\logs
We open a text file and at the end, after FATAL ERROR, select everything to the very end and copy it to a post on the forum.
