What do bats eat in Minecraft? Is it possible to tame

The bat is a friendly mob that spawns mainly in caves, but can also appear on the surface at night. A 1x1 area is enough for them to spawn, but in larger areas the chance of these mobs spawning is increased. Bats can land on the ceiling, but immediately fly off when the player approaches.

The bat is the second to last largest mob in the game, slightly larger than a chicken. They are difficult to see in unlit areas due to their dark brown color. They have small wings.

Bats sleep during the day and become active at night. When a bat sleeps, it hangs upside down. If a player approaches the bat, it will fly away. Also, the bat cannot hang on a transparent or incomplete block. In addition, the bat can ride on a minecart. Bats ignore the dangers of their surroundings and can die from cacti, lava and other dangerous blocks.

  • Bats were added in preview build 12w38a.
  • The bat is immune to poison.
  • Bats are the first flying mobs of the overworld, as well as the first passive flying mobs.
  • As of version 12w42a, bats no longer trample beds or interact with pressure plates and tripwires.
  • The bat is the only mob that does not interact with the player at all and has no meaning. Before version 1.2, these mobs were villagers.
  • Sometimes, several bats may be located on the ceiling.
  • Sometimes a mouse can fly into lava and then fly around the cave and burn until it dies.
  • Sometimes a bat can fall asleep in the air (bug)
  • The bat flies underwater (bug)

Bat on the ceiling.

Bats in a cave.

Bats underwater (bug)

A bat in Minecraft is a friendly passive mob. She does not attack the player, even if he attacks her, and does not interact with him.

By the way, when I first switched to new version games (when they just added mice), I just almost shit my pants out of fright when, in the darkness of the cave, some kind of feature flashed before my eyes and immediately disappeared. I then remembered the chupacabra, vampires, werewolves and the scripts of all the works of Stephen King. Indeed, a dark gray bat among the darkness will raise your pulsation rate to three hundred million per second, and reduce your diastole period to zero. When I first saw such a beast in a cave, while I was peacefully hunting for miners on hardcore difficulty, I turned the screen in all directions, started running somewhere forward and fell into the abyss. It was really unpleasant when I realized that this mob is absolutely not dangerous and he is not a messenger of Satan in any way. In fact, you will really like these beautiful creatures of God, and they will be the only friendly mobs in the scary caves, guiding you in your mining endeavors.

, ],Silent:1>>
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Cool) what version is this on my iPad, version: 02/19/18! How to do it there! I can not! I'll try this

my bat spawns but flies away

Sophia's gambling addiction learn to write

Command: This is a dog that is invisible and the bat approaches the dog and the illusion appears that you are taming the bat

how to make an increase like him please tell me! 0:32

go to Optifine and click on

this does not work

Where! Holy shit team!

Look at the video more carefully, maybe you missed something.

Famey where the bat did everything right

How to tame a bat in Minecraft

  1. There is such a mod called Pet Bat, where you need to tame the mouse with pumpkin pie.
    Tutorial on the mod:
    To attract a mouse you need right click mouse tap the pie on the stone, after taming the mouse, it can be treated with the pie.
    To catch a mouse you need to hit it with an empty hand, then the “Night Vision” effect is given for three seconds, if you hold the mouse in your hand, then in the dark the light will simply blink, as before the end of the potion on night vision, if you right-click on the bat mouse in hand, a menu will open with her health, level and nickname.
    To release the mouse, you need to throw it out of your inventory. After reaching maximum level, the mouse will glow like an enchanted object.
    To increase the level of the mouse you just need to unleash it on mobs, like tamed wolves, for starters it’s better on civilians.
    If the mouse is dead, it can be picked up and revived using an anvil and another tamed mouse, the mouse that needs to be revived must be in the first slot.
    Be careful in your creativity, if the mouse gets into a completely full inventory, it will simply disappear like other objects.
  2. No way, it can’t be tamed, but somewhere I saw a mod for taming mobs...
  3. not like
  4. What nonsense.

A bat in Minecraft is a small mob that lives freely in dark places and does not pose a threat. Due to its small size and black color, the monster is practically invisible in unlit locations, but a loud cry can orient players to their habitat. Despite their minor role, mice can be useful, not as a source of loot, but in terms of navigating the terrain. To learn more about this, let's first look at the mob itself, and then note the main spawn locations.

What kind of monster is this?

The bat in Minecraft is quite small and insignificant in size. She can't attack, but she can intimidate in dark places. The mob's main activity occurs at night, and during the day mice prefer to sleep on the ceilings of caves. As for the meaning of the existence of a bat in Minecraft, it lies in its auxiliary function. If you travel around the area at night and listen to the noise, you can hear a squeak coming from the caves. If you follow the sound, you can find interesting places for research. Remember this nuance, and you can significantly increase the list of visited dungeons. Next, let's move directly to the places where monsters appear.

Spawn location

Now it’s worth considering where the bat appears most often in Minecraft. As you might guess, such places will become quite dark locations and dungeons. Examples include the following locations:

  • dungeons;
  • deep canyons;
  • jungle temples;
  • treasuries, etc.

You just need to visit these places once at night, and you will immediately see how these monsters behave and in what quantities they appear. Don't forget that they are friendly, don't rush to kill them.

Can it be tamed?

In the final part, I would like to note a rather interesting issue regarding taming. After all, many users are interested in how to tame a bat in Minecraft. If you use available methods, you are unlikely to succeed, since the original functionality of the game project does not provide for this. But no one forbids using modifications to change the current situation.

To correct the situation, it is enough to install a mod for a bat in Minecraft, which is called Pet Bat. Thanks to innovations, you can attract attention and win over the monster to your side with the help of a regular pumpkin pie. A mouse is unlikely to become a battle comrade, but it can guide your hero to caves with treasures without any problems. Do not forget that the dungeon search bonus works exclusively at night; during the day, your new friend will be practically useless.

Now you have all the information regarding this mob. Be sure to use our tips, try to look for the mouse in the vastness of the game. Remember that each element in Minecraft has its own share of usefulness, so do not forget to actively use such things and try to achieve success.
