Where is the Dawnguard Keep in Skyrim? Interesting walk around Fort Dawnguard

After completing the initial levels and quests in Skyrim, the player is given the opportunity to join the ranks of the Dawnguard or continue his journey along the previously planned path. Many newcomers face problems when joining the Order of the Dawnguard. Some people cannot find the right path for a long time or do not know the sequence of goals that will help them join the clan. How to join the Dawnguard in Skyrim and acquire new abilities?

Methods for joining the Dawnguard

The Dawnguard in Skyrim is an order of vampire hunters who recruit volunteers to fight dangerous creatures.

Basic abilities:

  • Animal training;
  • New weapons (crossbows, hammers);
  • Magic;
  • Research of new abilities and technologies.

The organization is located in the Rift, in Fort Dawnguard. The main condition will be that the player is level 10. After achieving the necessary skills, in literally every settlement you can expect a meeting with the orc Dorak, who will provide all the information necessary for the search.

How to find the Dawnguard in Skyrim? Our journey begins from Riften to Fort Dawnguard. We reach the place indicated by the marker, where we find a gorge in a cave. Entering the gorge, we meet Agmeyer, who asks you to accompany him straight to the fort. This is a small mission and is key when joining a clan.

When you have reached the fort with Agmeyer and entered it, follow the dialogue that will take place between Izran and Tolan. Isran will help you join the Dawnguard. After talking with him, you receive a crossbow and steel bolts, after which you set off to complete a new quest already in the ranks of the clan.

You can join the Dawnguard before reaching level 10. You just need to get into the fort and start completing the quest. However, with such a low level of skills, the tasks are somewhat more difficult to complete. This option is beneficial for those who want to purchase good small arms and continue to complete quests with them.

New opportunities

In addition to new quests and 39 tasks, the player acquires a number of abilities and achievements. You will have access to new artifacts, books, weapons and the opportunity to put on new equipment that will provide your character with excellent protection from vampires and other enemies. The Dawnguard have access to a new spell called Restoration, which allows your character to create a protective aura and influence the enemy.

In terms of their activities, Dawnguard from Skyrim can be compared to Daedra hunters, who lead a similar lifestyle, but there are far from friendly relations between the clans.
Access to purchasing an armored troll will make the battle mode even more fun and exciting.

The Dawnguard faction is a major part of the main storyline in the supplement of the same name Skyrim: Dawnguard. This is a group of warriors - vampire hunters, and they are quite interesting. Now all the content of this DLC can be found in any full version games, including the one that came out on Switch.

If you know what you're looking for, the Dawnguard won't be hard to find. The quest related to them is the main one in the Dawnguard expansion, and it will be presented to you on a silver platter. On the other hand, if you get carried away with free exploration, you may miss this moment and joining the Guard. Below we will tell you how to prevent this and become a real Van Helsing of the Skyrim world.

How to join the Dawnguard

  • The first thing you should know is that there are two ways to join this faction, depending on the level of your character. If you are below level 10, then you should talk to Agmeir and he will tell you everything. You can find him at the entrance to the Gorge of the Morning Dawn. But to be honest, we would recommend that you wait until at least level 10 to join.
  • Upon reaching level 10 this quest can be taken from the orc Dorak, if you do not previously meet some guard who can also tell you information about the guild, which will begin this series of quests. Now you will receive a mark on the map and learn about the location of the Dawn Gorge. Once there, you will meet the aforementioned Agmeir, who will take you to Fort Dawnguard.
  • When you arrive at the fort, you will find that the guards are very friendly - they will give you a crossbow and tell you about the evil vampires they are trying to destroy. As part of all this, you will be inducted into the ranks of the Dawnguard, giving you access to all the contents of this DLC,
  • This is all. You are now a full member of the Dawnguard. This add-on is quite interesting and you won't regret your time. But we recommend that you do not start it before level 10, until the game itself offers to join this faction. Vampires are vampires, but even a level 7 bloodsucker can beat up Dovahkiin.

Dawnguard Benefits

  • Opportunity to learn from masters of shooting (Sorin Jurard), heavy armor (Izran), restoration (Florentius Benii) and blacksmithing (Gunmar).
  • Access to an apothecary (Florentius Benius), a blacksmith (Gunmar) and a merchant of simple goods (Sorin Jurard).
  • Access to the pentagram of souls and the alchemy laboratory.
  • Access to Gunmar's forge, where you can make powerful crossbows and reinforced bolts.
  • Enchanted axe, hammer and shield of the Dawnguard.
  • Possibility of purchasing rare restoration spells.
  • The ability to take one of the faction members as a companion.
  • Possibility of hiring armored trolls from Gunmar for 500 gold.
  • Random events when vampires attack the player or normal settlements.

Today I decided to explore the entire Dawnguard Fort and found a lot of interesting things... I examined all the bags again, collected what I found, including the book "The King", written by Reven. Then I found several barrels of fish, and this is probably one of the few places where there are so many of them...

The first place I happened to go to was a separate cave, which you can get into directly from the fort, with a waterfall. Along the way I met two wonderful dogs named Skeolan and Bran. The names, of course, are so-so, but the dogs are wonderful!

The cave with the waterfall is magnificent! The cave is called "Swift Jump Waterfall". There are mushrooms growing everywhere and there is a chest. The waterfall was somehow unusual, and I was drawn to jump down from it. It was high, but for some reason I wanted it. Lydia flatly refused. I just told her that if I surfaced, they would pump me out with potions.))) But the interesting thing is that it was really worth jumping from the waterfall. First, as usual, you find yourself several meters under water, then you emerge and find yourself in a round cave hall... Then I climbed onto the winding path and activated the lever along the way. Stone door It opened up, but not usually down, and I got further... Along the way I found another chest. Then I came out the other side and again found myself near Lydia, who ran up to me and asked if everything was okay? To which I replied that it was amazing! Overall, this place is worth a look.

Exploring the fort further, I found a normal bed, even a double one. It's a pity I didn't come here yesterday. True, next to the room where the bed is, there is a torture room and this is somehow not very pleasant... So that no one else gets hurt, I took away the torture instruments. I had neither the time nor the desire to find out what and how. But next to the bed there are 2 wardrobes, in which there are rich clothes that you can take for yourself and I also found a silver necklace with a sapphire. An amethyst was found in the second closet. On the shelves I found damaged books that were needed for alchemy. The fort is really big... There is so much to see here... In large bags we found a lot of bags of flour, in smaller bags - vegetables. There are bottles of mead on the barrels, weapons can be found everywhere, and also bags of coins.

Climbing the ornate stairs, I went to the door several times... And after several attempts, I dared to go in. The door leads to the Gorge of the Morning Dawn. I haven’t yet understood why this place was called a gorge, because you seem to find yourself in a courtyard on the roof of the fort. Here I found a lot of supplies... Including weapons and equipment of the Dawnguard: war hammer, battle ax, shield and boots. And, of course, there are crossbows. I also found a strong potion of healing, a drink of strength, small horns and a silver ring. This is where Lydia and I had dinner... Here we found a table with a very good tasty dinner. What was offered for our feast was: beef stew, boiled beef and black heather honey (mead).

Then we went into the fort itself and I talked a little with Agmeir, who came here with me. He trained tirelessly in crossbow shooting...

[Agmeir trains all the time and thanks to this he can collect a large number of bolts for his crossbow.]

I went into one of the rooms where there is a whetstone and improved the weapon.

By midnight I went to sleep in the open air - in the Gorge of the Morning Dawn.

Dogs in the fort: Skeolan and Bran.

Cave Waterfall Swift Dash.

View from the waterfall.

Dive! =)

A round cave hall under a waterfall.

Found bed.

Cabinet contents.

The usual contents of fish barrels.

Decoration of Fort Dawnguard.

Skyrim map on the table.

Gorge of the Morning Dawn.

Dawnguard weapons and armor.

Our modest but delicious dinner.

Agmeir training.

Skyrim is computer game 2011, released by Bezeda. It is a continuation of the cult series "Ancient Scrolls". Completing Skyrim quests can keep a player busy for many days. It is quite difficult to say the exact number of tasks, since in addition to the main ones, there are countless side and additional ones. Upon completion, all quests will still generate endlessly.

Completing Skyrim quests is the basis of the gameplay. These are tasks that must be completed to receive a reward or advance in the story. Not only the progress of the player’s development depends on completing quests, but also the world.

As progress is made, the weather may change, the mood of the residents, political map on the mainland of Skyrim. Completing the main quests is the most interesting and large-scale. For them the player receives best awards. Additional quests he takes it on his own. Some of them are hidden, so getting the task is quite problematic. In total, there are 2 main quest lines in the game.


The player receives the quest to the dragonborn line at the very beginning of the game. As we find out later, main character- Dovahkiin, which means kinship with dragons. The first quest of the line takes place in the city of Whiterun, which is located in the center of the map. Upon arrival there, you need to approach the jarl of the city, who sits in the Dragon's Reach - the main fortress of the city. Then suddenly it turns out that Whiterun is under threat of a dragon attack.

Dovahkiin goes with the city guards beyond the walls to reconnoiter the situation. After this, a dragon arrives and begins to attack the squad. To defeat him, it is best to use the bow that the garrison officer will give you. During the flight, the dragon makes one stop to hit opponents with fire. It is at this moment that you need to shoot arrows at him.

In total there are more than 7 types of arrows. The most useless ones are iron ones. They are not difficult to find, but they do very little damage. Steel ones are also quite common. It's best to always use them. Powerful and rare ones like glass or elven ones should be used only in battles with a serious opponent. The dragon is just like that.

When the enemy is low on life, he will fall to the ground, but continue to fight. Here you can finish him off with close combat. After the monster dies, the player absorbs its soul, which confuses everyone around him. The officer sends you to report to the jarl about what happened. A strange voice is immediately heard from the sky. The jarl explains that it is the Greybeard clan that is calling Dovahkiin to its lair. It is located on Mount High Hrothgor. To get there, you have to walk many miles along serpentine roads. Therefore, it is better to prepare before the trip.

First, wait for the night (if it is daytime, press the standby button, default is T). Then crouch (default is Ctrl). Go to the horse and sit on it. This will significantly reduce travel time. When climbing the mountain, the player will have to face various difficulties.

Path to the mountain

First it will be ice spirits. They are very difficult to kill because they move quickly. Attacks with normal weapons will not cause serious damage. It is best to use a fire spell.

Before approaching the Greybeards' monastery, you will have to fight an ice troll. This is a very strong animal that quickly restores health. Before the fight, it is better to use potions. Start shooting your opponent with arrows from an ambush so that he receives critical damage. Then make quick attacks and run away so that the troll doesn't hit you. The animal's attacks are very slow, but cause huge damage. Therefore, it is better to just walk past it and continue up.

Upon arrival at the location "High Hrodgor", the head of the Order of the Greybeards will meet with you, who will explain the purpose of Dovahkiin and teach you the word of power. There are many words of power in total. They allow the player to use unique skills. Words of power are given by Greybeards, some dragons, and can also be found in the caves that fill Skyrim. Completing quests will definitely confront you with such dungeons. To make spells recover faster, you can put the Tallos amulet on your character.

After talking to the monks, they will ask you to return Jurgen's horn. To do this, you will need to go to the Ustengerev dungeon. It's infested with draugr. These are the ancient dead who never found peace. Regular draugr are fairly easy to kill. But there are various leaders and peculiar “bosses” of dungeons. Fighting them will require significant effort. Some draugr also know words of power and are proficient in Shout (the ability to cast word of power spells).

Second act of the main quest

Completing Skyrim quests will take a lot of time. Be patient. The further you progress through the storyline, the more difficult the tasks will be and the more dangerous Skyrim will be. The order of the Dragonborn line quests should alternate with side quests so that the player can develop and gain the necessary skills.

After completing the quest, the player meets Dolphin, she gives new tasks. She represents the ancient Order of Blades, who have sworn to serve Dovahkiin. Together with her you need to go to the Kin Grove. There the player will have to fight a dragon. In order not to die, you should constantly run away so that the enemy focuses on the Dolphin.

After the victory, a conversation takes place and the next quest begins. In it, the main character will need to go to the Thalmor embassy to steal important information. In order for the guards to let you in, Dovahkiin must be dressed in a festive outfit. Therefore you should go to western city Solitude. There you will find the Shining Outfits store. About 200 gold is enough to fully dress the hero. Next, you need to meet with Delphine and go to the embassy. You can take with you only one thing, which will be given to you by the man of Blades inside. A knife is best.

Security at the embassy is quite serious. Inside, several elves in armor patrol the perimeter. It is almost impossible to kill them alone. You need to quietly squat past them. To avoid being seen, hide in dark places - there is less chance of detection. Improve your stealth assassination skill in advance. It allows you to deal 12x damage with a knife to the back. You can take away armor and weapons from killed guards. This will give you a chance to survive in an open battle. After stealing the necessary documents, the player must meet with Delphine again.

Battle with Alduin

Completing Skyrim 5 quests changes the world. After advancing along the main line, the hero begins to be pursued by dragons. They appear in a random location, most often outside the walls of large cities. But all of them are weak enough to cope with them without problems. The real threat is the main dragon - Alduin.

Before your first meeting with him, you will need to complete several simple missions. Find the old man in Riften, go to the dungeon, talk to several characters. The search for Esborn poses some difficulty. He is hiding in the Rat Hole - the lair of the thieves guild.

After talking with the Greybeards, the hero needs to climb the Throat of the World. Porthurnax is there. He points the way to the center of the World. After reading the scroll, the hero is transported to the past. At this moment, no action is required from the player.

Dovahkiin automatically studies new scream"dragon slayer". With its help it will be possible to defeat the dragon Alduin, who will appear after returning to the present time. As soon as the World Eater flies past the hero, he should be immediately hit with a dragon slayer. This Shout will cause the dragon to fall to the ground, where it can be dealt with with a melee attack. The battle continues until Alduin has very little health left. You can't kill him, he immediately flies away.

The last act

The final act contains several surprises that will pleasantly surprise the Skyrim game. The main line quests will end after this.

It all starts with the mission "Fallen". After talking with the Earl of Whiterun, you will need to drive the dragon into a trap. Dovahkiin, with the help of Scream, summons a monster. After that, the dragon slayer hits him and he falls. Next, you need to quickly secure the loops of the trap. The enslaved dragon will agree to deliver the main player to Sovngarde. This afterworld among the Nords. Warriors who died in battle go there. After the flight you find yourself in unknown location. There will be a battle with several dragons and trolls. Then a portal to Sovngarde opens.

Upon arrival in the afterlife, it is discovered that the entire surrounding area is shrouded in fog. To disperse him and get into the fortress, use the Scream " Clear sky"The entrance to the Hall of Valor is guarded by the hero Tsun, who tests everyone who comes. After a dialogue with him, a battle takes place. Having defeated the guard, you find yourself in the Hall. There you can collect provisions and potions. Several heroes agree to go with you to fight Alduin. This is one one of the most difficult moments of the game.

The dragon is very powerful and uses various magical abilities. For example, calling lightning, meteorites, fire. After defeating him, the main quest is over. Dovahkiin receives a reward and new ones will still appear, but less often.

Civil War

Completing Skyrim quests involves participating in a civil war. She goes between the Stormcloaks and the Imperial Legion. It began after Earl Ulfric killed King Thorug. The Legion is an army of the Empire, which wants to restore its control over the province of Skyrim. Complete walkthrough all quests for this faction will restore Thalmor power on the mainland. The Imperials accept fighters from all over the world into their ranks. They obey the arrogant elves.

The Stormcloaks are Skyrim rebels. They fight under Ulfric. The main task of the Brothers is to liberate Skyrim from the oppression of the Empire and create their own state. The Storm Fighters are predominantly made up of Nords - the indigenous population. They don't like people of other races.

The player himself chooses which faction to fight for. Depends on his choice further fate game world. First, you can join the side you like. The quests are about the same. First, Dovahkiin will have to pass a test to prove his fighting skills. The Stormcloaks will send you to the northern island, where you will need to defeat the ice ghost. After this, you can become a full member of the army.

The line involves many missions to storm small fortified forts. There the player will encounter resistance from ordinary soldiers of the opposite side. Fighting them is not difficult. Usually enemies die after 3-4 hits. The difficulty lies only in the sheer quantity.

It is not at all necessary to go into a frontal attack. You can sneak into the fortress unnoticed and open the gates to your comrades. Then it will be possible to take the enemy by surprise and quickly kill him.

In addition to capturing small objects, there are also missions to storm cities. The first battle takes place for Whiterun. You need to break through the enemy army and kill the jarl. Then the power of your faction is established in the city. Crimes will be written off. And if you received a quest for a thana, all tasks will be considered completed, and you will be able to purchase a house in the city.

The final battle takes place in the capital of the enemy faction. Playing as the Stormcloaks, the player will have to take Solitude by storm. For the Imperials - Winterhold. After the victory of either side, peace will be established in Skyrim. The local population will stop mentioning in dialogues civil war. The soldiers of your faction will greet you as soon as they see you. It will also be easier to negotiate with guards in cities.


After the release of the original game, the Bezeda company released an official add-on. It's called "Downguard". After this, an additional quest line appears. The Dawnguard are an ancient clan of vampire hunters. They have been fighting the creatures of darkness for many years. Their hideout is at Fort Dawnguard. This is a huge complex of castles, which is very beautiful from an aesthetic point of view. Completing faction quests changes Skyrim. The Dawnguard quests, the completion of which will allow you to finally defeat the vampires, are quite difficult. To access this line, the player must be at least level 10. Better yet, even higher.

The first task is given to a random passer-by or a guard. You just need to talk to the city garrison.

The hero goes to the fortress, where he meets with the head of the guild. He gives him a crossbow and sends Dovahkiin to the dungeon to clear it of the vampires of the Valkihar family. After fighting the guards, you meet an ancient vampire lord. In a dialogue with him, he offers to join the family. Here the player must make a choice, there is no turning back. If she agrees to accept the gift, she will become a vampire and will fight the Guardians. If he refuses, he will remain human. The benefits of vampirism are closely related to its disadvantages. You get the opportunity once a day to transform into a vampire lord who has big amount skills and can fly. This path is more suitable for magicians. But those around you will attack you during the day.

By fighting for the Dawnguard, the player will gain access to unique armor and weapons. After a conversation with Sorin Jurard, the hero is sent to a random dungeon that Skyrim is filled with. Dawnguard quests, which can only be completed after selecting the appropriate faction, are often randomly generated. That is, it is impossible to say for sure which dungeon will be filled with vampires or which jarl’s circle a spy of the Valkihar family will join.

The main character will be tasked with obtaining ancient Dwemer scrolls. This is an ancient race of superior beings who built a civilization underground. Their machines still work, although no records of the Dwemer remain. To get the scroll, you will need to go through the entire dungeon to the end. On the way, Dovahkiin will meet various enemies. Most often these are Dwemer spheres or robots. The first are serious opponents. They are unaffected by most Shouts and take little damage from arrows. Robots are easy to destroy.

There are also bosses - centurions. These are huge humanoid machines. They hit enemies with jets of steam. A few seconds of exposure to such steam will certainly kill the hero. Therefore, we must try not to fall under them. Best strategy- this is to run around the centurion and strike quickly. A bow, crossbow, and spells from the school of destruction are suitable for this.

In addition to the Dwemer machines, the Falmer live in the dungeons. They look like elves hostile creatures. There are several types of falmer. Some shoot with a bow, others fight with melee weapons. You can defeat them using various potions and poisons. At the end of the dungeon there is a chest where the necessary scrolls are located. After receiving all the scrolls, the player will advance along the quest line, at the end of which he will have to put out the sky and complete the passage of Skyrim 5. Side quests at the same time they will remain.

"Skyrim: Solstheim." Quests. Walkthrough

The island of Solstheim is located north of Winterhold. The passage of Skyrim quests in this location begins after the cultists attack Dovahkiin. It is necessary to kill both attackers. They will appear in a random location when the hero reaches a certain level. After searching their bodies, you will find notes indicating the location of the cultists’ meeting. This will automatically start the quest. To get to the island, you must first arrive at the harbor. There, board the ship to leave Skyrim. Completing additional quests is also possible on the island. It is located near Morrowind, but is considered part of the Skyrim mainland. Solstheim (quests, the completion of which is inextricably linked with other lines, do not change the world around us) is the main place of action.

It is impossible to complete the plot without completing the Dovahkiin tasks mentioned above. The island itself is very dangerous for travel. It is inhabited by a large number of ice monsters. It is better to fight them with fire spells.

"Skyrim": Thieves Guild quests. Walkthrough

The Thieves Guild is located in Riften. They are engaged in thefts. To receive the first task, you should meet Brynjolf at the central market. He will ask for help in stealing the ruby. Then he will invite you to It is located in the sewers under the city. To get into the main building, you need to overcome several "tramps". They pose no threat as they attack with their fists.

Completing quests in the game "Skyrim 5" will definitely lead to the thieves guild. Brynjolf gives out the most tasks in this faction. As you progress, it turns out that the leader of the thieves is a traitor. After this, you will need to fight him in the Dwemer dungeon. For combat, it is better to use a bow and spells. Since the enemy can teleport, you can use the "Ruthless Force" Shout to stop the disappearances.

After defeating the leader, the dungeon will begin to flood with water. You should wait until its level reaches the head of the Falmer statue in the center. There is a passage there that will lead to Skyrim. Side quests, the completion of which gives you the stealth skill, will help you complete guild tasks.

ID: DLC1VQ01MiscObjective

The first thing that arises after installing the DLC is: how can you see the whole additional content in all its splendor? The answer is simple: after your character reaches level 10, any guard in Skyrim will have access to a dialogue about recruiting for the Dawnguard, but if you are in the city, an orc named Durak will come up to you and talk to you. We choose the answer with the desire to join the vampire slayers (Killing vampires? Where do I sign up?).

Following the marker (the best way to get there is from Riften), we come to a cleft in the mountain. Let's jump boldly. Following the path, we reach the entrance to the castle. Next we observe a scripted dialogue between two NPCs:

We speak with a character named Isran and express a desire to join the Dawnguard (I "m here to join the Dawnguard). What follows is a conversation scene between Isran and Tolan, after which the Dawnguard quest ends.


We follow to the cave, which is located not far from the sanctuary of Mehrun Dagon, and kill a bunch of vampires in it (attention! To follow the Dawnguard storyline, do not accidentally become infected with vampirism). Arriving at a certain altar,

press the button under the marker and a purple glow appears. Next, you need to move the braziers that stand around so that they become engulfed in flames.

When everything is ready, a stone monolith will open, when activated, a lady of beautiful appearance and... long fangs will fall out of it. After talking with her, the task is completed.


As it turns out, the girl’s name is Serana, and she asks to be taken home. Well, we won’t refuse. We get out of the crypt and study a new cry along the way.

We move north, take a boat to Castle Volkihar and go to the main gate. When they see Serana, they will immediately open the gate.

Lord Harkon is waiting for us in the castle, and he will invite you to become a vampire. We choose to refuse to accept this curse (I don't want to become a vampire. I refuse your gift), because we want to slaughter vampires! Not very happy about this development of events, Harkon expels us from the castle (well, he doesn’t kill us, and thank you) On the approach to the castle of the Guardians of the Dawn, we observe an attack on the castle by a detachment of vampires, in the amount of 3 pieces! Having killed them, we talk with Isran, and this ends the task.

A New Order

ID: DLC1HunterBaseIntro

We are required to recruit two new Van Helsings to the castle. Let's begin. The first one, named Gunmar, will not come to the castle until you kill the she-bear, who is in the cave before our eyes. The difficulty here can only be caused by a troll who has settled near the bear. We talk with Gumnar, and he goes to the castle.

The second recruit will be a girl named Sorine Jurard. She flatly refuses to go to the castle if you don’t have a pumped-up conviction or if she doesn’t have a “Dwemer Gyro”. Luckily, Serana's lost bag of gyroscopes lies near the river.

We give her one piece, and she is already a member of the order.

Returning from the mission, we find ourselves locked in a castle, where we are tested for vampirism. If you are not infected, the gate will lower, after which we go to Isran (turn left and up the stairs). End of task.


ID: DLC1VQ03Hunter

We are required to follow Isran, who will lead us to Serana (I already thought we would have to kill her) and after talking with them we will be sent to find out about a certain priest. We go to the College of Winterhold to the librarian Urag gro-Shub and find out where to find the priest (I need to find a Moth Priest), he will send us to the Dragon Bridge. Arriving there, we lose the quest marker, but any city resident or guard quickly helps us out. We ask if they saw the priest here (Know anything about a Moth Priest visiting Dragon Bridge?) and they answer that he was here, but had already crossed the bridge to the south.

We take out the note from the vampire and, after reading it, follow the marker into the cave. Let's clean it up. We take out the quest stone from the marked corpse and insert it into the hole on the parapet.

The energy barrier is falling and you need to beat up the old man! After talking with him, after his sides were dented by our sword/mace/axe/fireball/(insert as appropriate), we send him to the castle, and then we ourselves move there. After the dialogue in the castle, the old man reads ancient scroll and the Prophet quest ends.

We need to talk to Serana, and from the dialogue we learn that the entrance to one of the Oblivion planes is hidden where she would not look. We offer her the option of Castle Volkihar (In Castle Volkihar?) and hit the road.

You shouldn't go into the main entrance of the castle; we'll go left.

In the castle we go through the corridors, unlock the doors, lower the bridges with levers and, in the end, reaching Fresh air, we come across a lunar clock (it’s like a solar clock, only lunar). They look like this:

For them to work, you need to find the missing sections:

After repairing the mechanism, we go down to the basement. We pass, simultaneously taking all opponents into Oblivion.

The mechanism from the bars behind the gargoyle.

Let's activate it.

How unexpected!

When passing by a room with a bunch of gargoyles, don’t forget to take a beautiful vampire armor.

Find a couple of differences:

We reach this location with circles in the middle of the room:

I advise you not to touch anything until it is indicated in the task (there are bugs with the task) and save just in case.

After Serana's long speech, she asks us to find her mother's diary.

We read, take it, give it to Serana (I "ve found your mother"s notes). After which she asks to find three things in the room to open the portal.

Next, we put it all in a marked cup and say to Serana. She drips her blood there, the portal opens, but we cannot enter there. Serana tells us that either a vampire or someone who leaves part of their soul in this world can enter there.

Eh, since we are the Guardians of the Dawn, in a conversation with Serana we choose the option of dividing the soul (Soul trap me. I won't feel right as a vampire), and then say that we are ready (I'm ready). The separation is painless

and we can go through the portal. End of task.

Having passed through the portal, we find ourselves in one of the planes of Oblivion, where those souls that are absorbed into stones are stored. The peculiarity of this area is its own unique landscape. There are cracks in the ground, which, when activated, fill one of the soul stones in the player's inventory.

First of all, we go to the marker, along the way meeting wandering souls and local undead.

Arriving at the place, we will meet Serana's mother - Valerica.

Based on her tip, we go to kill three guardians. There is nothing complicated with this, the markers will indicate where they are.

Returning to Valerika, we discover that the barrier separating us has disappeared, and she takes us outside the gate.

Where a dragon appears that must be defeated.

And then we set off to complete the next task.

One of the scrolls for this quest is obtained through the previous quest, and the other is obtained during the passage of the main storyline.

Having obtained both scrolls, we talk with the monk.

This completes the task.

The monk who was supposed to read our scrolls has gone blind! Now you need to perform the moth ritual.

To do this, we go to the cave under the sign, where we take a scraper, use it on a tree and start running after the moths. You don't need to catch them, you just need them to fly after you. To do this, we run around the cave in search of 7 groups of moths.

When they are collected, go to the light and read the scroll.

We speak with the companion, and the task is completed.

So, we stock up on everything we need for a long journey and set off on a mission that will take a long time to climb through dark caves.

So, in the first cave we need to jump into the water and swim with the current, it will lead to the right place. In general, the cave is quite straightforward, we look at the location map and go to where we have not been before. After a long journey, we meet a snow elf named Gelebor! The only representative in his right mind and with seeing eyes.

Talking with him, we learn that he is not the last snow elf, but he really wants to become one and gives the task to kill his own brother. Well, it’s not possible to continue the family line, so it doesn’t matter if there’s one more member of a dying race or one less.

A representative of the Red Book opens a portal for us, and we receive a task: collect 5 water samples from different sources.

There is a lot of running around, there are a lot of Falmer, there is more than one dragon, but there shouldn’t be any difficulties in finding locations.

In the end we come to a huge castle, into the bowl of which we need to pour the collected water. We go to the opened location and meet our brother sitting on the throne.

He doesn’t want to give up just like that, so he revives the frozen Falmer and Corus, whom we have to kill. Next, the fight takes place with the snow elf himself:

after defeating which Gelebor will give us Auriel’s Bow.

End of task.

Kindred Judgment

The final mission of the Dawnguard! We talk with Serana, and then with Isran in the castle, where he, delighted at our discovery of the bow, will gather all the warriors and make a fiery speech.

Having dealt with them, we run to the castle, where a battle is raging, in which it would be good not to hurt our own.

And the last one will have to fight with Harkon. There is no need to give him the bow, because the battle will take place in any case.

He is a nimble enemy, summons skeletons and gargoyles, and sometimes pupates, becoming invulnerable to everything except Auriel's bow.

By killing him, we receive... honor and respect from all of the Dawnguard. Congratulations.

Skyrim: Dawnguard - Walkthrough (Vampires)

The vampire storyline described here is only available in the Dawnguard add-on.

The storyline for vampires begins in the same way as for the Dawnguard. And to immediately understand how exactly the storylines diverge, here’s a small drawing:

Requirements to start the storyline: level 10 or higher.
Requirements to complete the storyline: possession of an ancient scroll (obtained by)


ID: DLC1VQ01MiscObjective

Talk to any guard, or visit Whiterun, where, after taking a few steps into the city center, the orc Durak will approach you and start a conversation about the war of the Dawnguard against vampires. Whatever you say, after the conversation begins Dawnguard quest, and the entrance to the Ford of the Dawnguard will be marked on the map, you can go there:

In the main building we talk with Isran, and say that we want to join the guards of the dawn (in general, if you play on English version, and with English it’s difficult - you can safely press the first version of the dialogues everywhere).

The task will end after the conversation, and the next one will automatically begin.


We go to the Dimhollow Crypt. Where vampires and other evil spirits will be waiting for us:

The first closed grate opens with a lever, which is located opposite, in a small room:

There will also be a second grille, and the lever that opens it will not be nearby, but slightly behind. Eventually, while exploring the crypt, you will come to this location:

We kill two vampires and begin to move the stands so that the magical fire ignites in them. After all the posts in the circle light up, activate the rod in the center.

A small surprise will await you, and this is where the task ends.

Completing this quest unlocks the achievement: Awakening


Now you need to take Seran to her ancestral castle. We get out of the crypt (we will have to make our way again through the mountains of corpses of skeletons, draugr and gargoyles), after which we go here:

There will be a boat in the indicated place, we sit down (activate it) in it and appear at the Castle Volkihar:

Talking to Lord Harkon:

Important: it is in a conversation with him that there will be a fork between the light and dark sides. We need a dark one, which means we choose:
"I will accept your gift and become a vampire"

After which he turns us into a vampire, and the mini-training will begin:

Important: it is unknown why, but if, after training, if you turn into a vampire lord again with Harkon, he will begin to attack you.

After training, the task ends and the next one automatically begins.

Hematite Chalice (The Bloodstone Chalice)

ID: DLC1VampireBaseIntro

Without leaving the castle, we talk with Garan, who, after a long and incomprehensible conversation, will give us a special cup:

And send it to Redwater Den:

On the spot you will come across a simple ruined house... but not everything is so simple. In his basement there is some kind of torture chamber, and from it there is a passage to another location. In general, feel free to kill all the vampires that will bother you until you get to this place:

Press E (fill the goblet with special blood), kill a couple more vampires, and return to Castle Volkihar, to Garan:

The task is completed.


ID: DLC1VQ03Vampire

Talking to Harkon:

After which we go to the College of Winterhold, where we talk with Urag gro-Shub:

And now we need to go to the village of Dragon Bridge:

Where the task cursor disappears. You need to talk to any guard:

After which we go across the bridge, along the road, where we find a broken cart. We select a note from the corpse and read it:

After which we go to the Forebears Holdout dungeon, located nearby:

We kill everyone on our way until we get to this place:

Here you will need to disable the magical barrier. To do this, we select Weystone Focus from the corpse of Malkus and install it on the rack at the top:

We go to Castle Volkihar, talk to everyone the marker points to, and the task ends here.

Chasing Echoes

First we talk to Serana:

After which you need to leave the castle, go down the bridge, and turn immediately to the right (without swimming to the mainland), where you will find the entrance to the castle’s dungeons:

There are no special opponents inside, but you will have to run around the labyrinths quite a bit. And, of course, there will be closed doors with levers (which will torture you until you find them):

We install them on the required circles, after which the entrance to another location opens:

In the next ruins, Volkihar Ruins, you will have to run around a lot and look for hidden passages - do not count on quickly passing this location.

There are three difficult moments with hidden doors, the first two:

You find yourself in a room in which Serana will talk to herself a little, then you will need to talk to her (everywhere you can click on the first dialogue option), at the end of the conversation you are given new task- find the magazine.

It is located on shelves with red books:

We talk with Serana again, now you will need to find three ingredients. You need to look in the same room - there are a lot of different ingredients on the shelves and tables. I didn’t choose the ones I needed, but simply collected everything that was lying around.

Having collected them all, you need to put them in this bowl at the top:

A portal opens to Soul Cairn - a beautiful and large location that will have to be trampled on quite a bit.

As soon as you enter the location, the task ends and a new one begins.

Beyond Death

First you need to get to the marked point where you will meet Serana’s mother - Valerica:

She gives the next task - to kill 3 Keepers. They are located in the same location, but in different parts:

A special feature of the location is some glowing bowls that can teleport you to additional locations. One of the keepers will be in just such an additional location.

Having killed all 3, we return to the mother, talk to her and follow her to the Boneyard.

Where the dragon Durnehviir immediately appears and must be defeated:

After the victory, talk to Valerica again, follow her and take Elder Scroll (Blood):

Now we need to return to our vampire castle. On the way back, the dragon you recently defeated will speak to you and teach you new dragon words:

We leave the location, the task is completed.

Seeking Disclosure

Important: in order not to wander through numerous corridors and rooms, in the next location we go straight out through this door, and then through global map moving to the entrance to the castle:

And we talk with Dexion Evicus:

The task is completed and the next one begins.

Unseen Visions

Important: in this task you will need an ancient scroll (Elder Scroll Dragon), which is obtained from the game (see the task “Beyond the Ordinary”)

Let's go to the beautiful location Ancestor Glade:

Where first you will need to take a scraper, then use it on the tree nearby:

We talk with Serana - the task is completed:

Touching the Sky

Get ready for a very long time to complete this task and an unrealistic number of locations that you will have to visit.

First we go to the Darkfall Cave:

There will be a hanging bridge in it - walk over it the first time, it will support you, walk across it the second time - it breaks off, and you fall into a stream that begins to quickly carry you away in an unknown direction - don’t worry, everything is fine:

He will bring you to the cave below, after passing through which we come out here:

We talk with the snow elf, who opens a portal to the Darkfall Passage. Let's go into it:

In all the upcoming huge locations there will be practically no puzzles, but here is one of them - a hidden stone wall, which is opened by a cable protruding from the wall nearby:

The point of all the upcoming running is to find 5 ghosts who will open shrines in which you will need to collect water:

We go into the opened portal and find ourselves in the following huge location, Forgotten Vale:

The essence of the task remains the same - we are looking for ghosts and collecting water:

You will have to run around a lot, explore several locations. When you see this building, know that the end is coming:

We go upstairs and pour the collected water into this bowl:

And we go to the Inner Sanctrum, the entrance to which will be behind you. There we meet Arch-Curate Vyrthur and talk to him:

Then we fight with numerous ice falmers, after which there will be small lyrical inserts and, in fact, a fight with himself.

After the victory, we talk with Kinght-Paladin Gelebor, who will already be nearby, and take Auriel’s Bow:

The task ends.

Kingred Judgment

And so the final task began. We talk with Serana and return to the castle, where Harkon in the form of a vampire lord is already waiting for us. We talk with him, everywhere you can choose the first dialogue points (do not give him the bow - in this case it will make it very difficult to kill him). After which the final battle begins.

At the moments when Harkon surrounds himself with a red sphere, he is invulnerable, and you can “knock” him out of this state by shooting at him with Auriel’s Bow (I recommend setting it on a hotkey).

In general, he is not a strong opponent, but he is very nimble and constantly restores his health.

We win, become a Master, take possession of the vampire castle and all other privileges.

The task is completed. Congratulations.

Now you can take Additional tasks from various NPCs in the castle. I will write more about them later.

How to put out the sun

Now we can put out the sun for two hours. For this we need Auriel's Bow and Bloodcursed Elven Arrow.

Then we shoot at the sun (in the area of ​​the sun, since the vampire cannot look at the sun, and it is displayed simply as a light blurry spot):

To get Bloodcursed Elven Arrow, you need to have ordinary elven arrows and, after talking with Serana, ask her to make bloody arrows (she will exchange 20 ordinary elven arrows for 20 blood ones).
