Where does Michael live GTA 5. Description of the GTA V trailer: Michael

Michael De Santa (Michael Townley) is one of the three main characters in the game. Michael in GTA 5 is a very special character, whose history is as ambiguous as his character. Not yet old, but already approaching 50 years old, with a neat appearance, well-groomed and very fond of money. Although who doesn’t love them from the trio of main characters? Trevor and Franklin can boast of exactly the same fad in relation to green pieces of paper.


The real story of Michael De Santa begins not with his school days or the university classroom, but much later, when he meets Trevor, a former US Air Force pilot, an aggressive and slightly abnormal guy who nevertheless values ​​​​friendship, and Brad Snyder.

Bank robberies are Michael De Santa's specialty in GTA 5, which he mastered almost masterfully. Why practically? But because FBI agents are still on his trail after a series of high-profile robberies in which our main character was directly involved. But instead of sending him to jail, they offer him another, much more tempting option - a witness protection program, a new name, a luxurious estate in Los Santos, the metropolis of the state of San Andreas, and a lot of money. All you need to do is hand over your accomplices.

Michael in GTA 5 is not some superhero from other games, who might have spat in the face of law enforcement officers and served his time, but would never have betrayed his comrades. Therefore, he was tempted by the offer, thereby buying himself a luxurious life. As a result, Brad is killed during an arrest attempt, and Trevor is doomed to hide in the outskirts of Los Santos for the rest of his life.

Character and skills

In GTA 5, Michael is the brains of the team and the best shooter. He is used to a luxurious life, but still more money he loves adrenaline, adventure and wants to change his life. His temperament is changeable - he can be calm, or he can explode. Probably, a long stay in the state of “winner”, when Michael De Santa reached the top - a lot of money, a luxurious house, a beloved wife, children, cars - left its mark on his character.

But he didn’t lose his skills. Despite his 48 years, he is active, agile, devilishly calculating and, moreover, an excellent shooter. And he still strives to achieve more. Or change something. This is probably due to the feeling of hopelessness that he developed over several years of a “well-fed” life and the realization that he did not dream of such a “peak” for himself.

Life and family

Family and the difficulties associated with it are probably the reason for the irritation and some of the characteristics of Michael de Santa.

Once in love with each other, Michael and Amanda (the future wife of our hero) lived in perfect harmony. The romance quickly grew into a serious relationship and an imminent wedding, giving married couple daughter Tracy and son Jimmy. However, soon all the romance fades away and “everyday life” begins. Michael and Amanda constantly quarrel, and the main character's relationship with Jimmy and Tracy is worse than just terrible.

All this, year after year, leaves its mark and the luxurious house is no longer happy, the wife turns from a princess into a “bitch”, and cute kids turn into financial and moral bloodsuckers. By the way, the money issue also makes itself felt. Although there were a lot of green pieces of paper, they tend to run out.

Due to all the accumulated problems, the hero is increasingly thinking about changes in his life. Well, since he doesn’t know how to do anything other than rob, then the choice of future “earnings” and career suggests itself.

Gaming Abilities

Michael in GTA 5 not only has logical thinking abilities and good weapon skills, but, like a real superman, he can slow down time when shooting. This happens in approximately the same way as in Max Payne with bullet-time deceleration technology.


Michael de Santa is a neat man of attractive appearance. That’s exactly what, in short, many women would say about him.

Despite his “almost 50”, he carefully looks after himself - he always has a haircut, is neat, dresses well, preferring expensive suits. His hair is short, dark, and his height is slightly above average or average. At the same time, his long, comfortable life still made itself felt - he is a little overweight, although this is not critical, since he continues to play sports and can boast of good physical shape in general.

The game begins with a backstory, the main characters of which are Michael De Santa(Michael De Santa), whose real name is Townley(Townley), and Trevor Phillips(Trevor Philips) The town of Ludendorff, North Yankton (USA, near the Canadian border), 2004. The plot is based on the state of San Andreas ( Los Santos and Blaine County), year 2013. There they are joined by a third hero named Franklin Clinton(Franklin Clinton).

The Russian version of the mission names is taken from the game (the translation was prepared by 1C-Softclub), as is the original English version (by Rockstar), which is indicated in parentheses. In some cases, a free translation of the author of the article is indicated through a slash (read - a version of the translation from GCU). Near the name of each mission there are icons showing which of the heroes is actively participating in it. After each mission there is a list of conditions necessary to obtain gold (necessary for).

01. Prologue

The snowy town, on the one hand, confirmed that there will be snow in the game, but on the other hand, it will be in this and another mission. A group of four people, still young, a man: short-haired Michael, Trevor with thick hair and a mustache, Brad and the driver.

The infiltration remains behind the scenes - in front of us is a raid that has already taken place, and the game puts Michael under control. To begin with, we go into the room and aim at the hostages so that they go to another room. Then the charge will be placed and you will need to take the phone and dial the only contact “Blow up”. We go to the vault for money.

As soon as we get out of there, the guard will grab Michael and put a bullet to his head. You need to switch to another character - Trevor. How?! The game will clearly demonstrate and explain. We carefully aim at the head of the unlucky attacker and shoot. Then we go to the back exit, where the brave police are already waiting for us. The heroes have suitable weapons - assault rifles. Now you can choose who to control and fight off the swooping crowd of cops. We fight our way to the car where the driver is waiting for us. All this time, dialogues are heard, during which the protagonists call each other Tee and Mikey.

- He glued the flippers together.
- He's an asshole!

With these words the driver is seen off - in a small cutscene he is hit by a bullet and Michael gets behind the wheel. Now we just rush along the road indicated by the GPS navigator (later you can turn it off if you don’t like “imposition”). At the end of the road, at the very place where the helicopter should be waiting for the fighters. But the scene loads - the car does not have time to pass at the crossing and its rear is rammed by a train. The heroes barely get out of the crumpled car, but a sniper shoots at Brad. The second bullet hits Michael, who tells Trevor to leave, but the latter stands his ground and takes cover to shoot back. Control is given to the player, but not for long - after killing several cops, the next screensaver loads, in which Trevor first takes hostage a woman passing by, and then runs away from the feds with the thought that he is the only survivor of the group of raiders.

No matter how long I describe this mission, you need to know that it is not that long - the player takes control for only a few minutes, everything else is cutscenes. And now the scene of Michael’s funeral is being shown, who is mourned by his family, but he himself is hiding behind a tree very close, and a federal agent, FIB agent, is also hanging around nearby (yes, yes, there is no FBI in the game, there is its own analogue). Apparently, these are the events that immediately followed the failed attack.

The game then moves to the office of Dr. Isaiah Friedlander, Michael's therapist. The hero complains about his failed life, namely about his idiot son, who does everything “smoking weed, jerking off and playing games.” He will also talk about his past: by the age of 20, he had served in prison twice, sold dope and girls, and also did various other things to match. For this Mikey, by the way, is under the witness protection program, goes to sit on a bench on the coast. They're just passing through there Franklin Clinton(Franklin Clinton) and Lamar Davis. The latter will ask Michael where the house of one asshole is. We remember these scenes well from.

As in GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony, in GTA 5 there will be conditions for receiving 100% for one mission taken and, accordingly, medals three types: bronze, silver and gold. For 70 gold medals received in story and side missions, we get the achievement "Solid gold, baby!" When fulfilling the conditions, the developers urge you to remember the following: “Quest objectives may not be completed if the player uses a checkpoint load, taxi, skipping a quest, or a cheat.”

  • Complete the mission.

02. Franklin and Lamar

The game takes us into the shoes of Franklin, who, together with Lamar, enters the territory of a guy whose cars are to be taken away: a white and a red sports car. This is probably the first time in the series that from the first minutes of the game the developers make such a luxurious car available. The player can choose which one they want to drive, but if they take too long to choose, Lamar will make the choice.

We leave and follow Lamar, trying to keep up. Hints and tips will introduce you to the game. Don't catch a single actor dressed as an alien at a movie studio. Later, after passing the parking lot, you will need to speed up and overtake Lamar - one of the conditions for getting gold. Now the cops will be after the guys. Breaking away from them will not be a problem. Once you do this, the wanted stars will begin to blink, and the patrol cars will have a limited view that must be avoided. Then we'll just head to our destination - Premium Deluxe Motorsport, where Franklin and Lamar work. Their boss, Simon Yetaryan, is waiting for them there. There he “sells” the car to Jimmy De Santa, the son of Michael, the robber from the first mission.

Meanwhile, we get the "Welcome to Los Santos" achievement and move towards Frank's car - a white Buffalo. We are heading home, which is a few hundred meters away. +250$.

  • Deliver the car with minimal damage.
  • Arrive at your destination before Lamar.
  • Don't hurt the aliens at the film studio.

Literally immediately a letter will arrive from a certain Tanisha, Franklin’s ex-girlfriend, with whom he vainly wants to renew his relationship.

03. Requisition

As soon as you leave the house, Simon will call Frank and inform him that he needs to come to the car dealership - a job has appeared. Mr. Yetaryan demands to take away the fancy Bagger motorcycle from, as it turns out, one Vagos. We take a good, fast car. Fortunately, it will be parked and not locked. We drive to Vespucci Beach, and there we first turn the car around so that it faces the direction we came from, and then we quietly walk to the garages. We need the one on the right hand. You don't even have to approach the rest. When we open the garage, we won’t find the bike, but three Vagos will rush in and start downloading our license. Here Lamar will reasonably shoot one, and push the dead man’s gun towards Frank - the player will be drawn into the shootout. There shouldn't be any problems: hide behind walls, containers or other shelters, and aim as accurately as possible (the ideal hit is the head). This will affect the gold medal you receive for the mission. The moment the car jumps out, shoot at it, and then at the gasoline track left from it. Stay away - an explosion is coming. We shoot the remaining bandits and rush to the place where we left the car, get into it, wait for Lamar and press the gas pedal. Now you need to watch out for the bandit, and when you get close to him, give him a good poke with the bumper. Then we climb on the motorcycle and take it to the car wash, where Lamar will pick it up - Simon will never see the bike.

  • Complete the mission before 06:30.
  • Shoot into the gasoline "track".
  • Kill 6 enemies with headshots.
  • Complete the mission with at least 70% shooting accuracy.

04. Chop

Lamar offers to kidnap one of the "ballas" and then demand a ransom for him. Frank immediately doesn't like this idea. Here the player meets Chop, Lamar’s Rottweiler, who will help us in this task. We head to Lamar's van and move to the place where he was last seen. You need to be careful with the van, because its damage affects the receipt of “gold”.

Having approached the indicated point, we will see that the bandit is on a bike. It is not surprising that long chatter will ruin everything - the “ballas” will try to run away. You'll have to chase him, but not for long - very soon the unlucky fugitive will be hit by a bus. However, he will get up and have time to hide on railway station, and before that there will be a small chase - keep up with Chop. As a result, the “ballas” will hide in one of the freight cars, and Chop will need to find him. Here we are already moving into the body of a four-legged friend, and for 10 seconds we look around - this is necessary to get “gold”. After two carriages, Chop will see another dog and go to take care of her natural needs. You can delay it, or you can wait until he finishes. Franklin will note that Chop is not so picky - his chosen one is not a bitch at all. After that, there will be three more cars left to open, and it’s done. Upon returning to his hometown, he will need to release the “ballas” - he easily recognized Lamar. We hung ourselves, and that's enough. Later, Lamar will ask to hold Franklin Chop, and will also give away the green motorcycle taken from the Vagos.

  • Complete the mission without causing any major damage to Lamar's van.
  • Look at the world through Chop's eyes for 10 seconds.
  • Use Franklin's special ability for 7 seconds.

05. Complications

Simon, busy selling the car, sends Franklin to pick up the car that Jimmy De Santa sold a few missions earlier. What, confiscation already? And, in any case, this is the boss's order.

So, we are heading to De Santa’s house, on the way Simon will call, apparently already free, he found out that Lamar and Franklin did not give him the bike. There will be problems. But for now we need to cope with the task at hand - pick up the jeep. There will be a lot of people in the house, and therefore you will have to make your way quietly. We go through the main gate, approach the gardener from behind, and knock him out - this is one of the prerequisites for “gold”. Then we go around the house and climb onto the car, then onto the roof. From there - out the window. We wait a couple of seconds - Tracy will leave Jimmy's room, and then we can go downstairs. Having gone down, we turn 180 degrees and walk until the door to the garage is visible on the left. In the kitchen, the lady of the house and her tennis coach are so busy practicing shots and pressing their hips together that Franklin will not be noticed. I wonder where the head of the family is looking. And where is he himself? To hell with it... We get into the jeep and drive through the automatically opened gates of the garage, and then the yard. We head to the salon, Frank calls Simon and says that he has the car. Immediately after the call, a revolver is pointed at the hero from the rear passenger seats. Franklin, under pressure, says that he is simply doing the job given to him. After a short journey to the salon, Michael, the father of the car owner, first orders the car to stop in front of Simon's establishment, and then accelerate into the window. Then control is transferred to Michael - he is our second main character, if you haven’t forgotten yet. It will be necessary to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Simon. Beating the Armenian will not be a problem, but if any arise, you can use Michael’s special ability to slow down time. We teach Simon good manners, and this is where the mission ends.

  • Complete the mission before 05:00.
  • Do not take damage in a fight with Simon.
  • Knock out the gardener while in stealth mode.

06. Father & Son

Returning to Franklin, we find the scene when Simon says on the phone that Frank and Lamar are no longer working for him, and that they will have to take care of themselves. After this, we head to Michael’s house, marked with the letter M. There, after a conversation between the two heroes, Jimmy will call and tell his father that he wanted to sell it, but she was kidnapped, and he himself is sitting in the cabin, fearing bandits. We'll have to save the situation, the yacht, and Jimmy too.

We get into Amanda's car and move to the place where the yacht should be. Seeing a truck with a transported yacht, we chase it. First, we drive as close as possible to the target so that Franklin can cross, then we keep our weapons ready - one of the thieves will appear and it’s worth shooting. Then we approach from the left side - the mast on which Jimmy will hang will move there. We hold the car in one position for a few seconds so that our son can fall into the back seat. Then we’ll drive close to the truck - we need to pick up Franklin. After this, the car will begin to stall, and the truck will go into a clear gap. Then Michael will ask Franklin to call a taxi for him, and the guy himself, along with Jimmy, will go to repair the car. Frank’s friend Hao works at Los Santos Customs. After the repairs, we go to Michael’s house to return the car and Jimmy, who has already become a friend.

  • Save Jimmy in 10 seconds.
  • Deliver Amanda's car without damage.

07. Stretch on the loose (The Long Stretch)

One friend from the gang was released and together with Lamar they came to Franklin, who turned out to be not as friendly as Stretch, who was released from prison, wanted. It turns out that they managed to “stir up” the matter. Before this, we prudently stop at Ammu-nation, where we are introduced to the weapons store. Here we take a shotgun and a flashlight, as well as armor.

The meeting will turn out to be a trap prepared by the “ballas”, because after meeting the very guy who was kidnapped in the “Chop” mission, the “violet” ones will flock in and a massacre will begin. Franklin is not as good at shooting as he is at driving, and does not have any special abilities related to weapons, so we use cover and shoot as accurately as possible. Once outside, we see that the police have joined the action. We shoot at the helicopter circling overhead, ideally we need to shoot the pilot. Then we run after Lamar, and as soon as they get into the car, we rush away: maybe into tunnels, or off-road. The main thing is to stay away from the roads where patrol cars ply.

  • Complete the mission with at least 60% shooting accuracy.
  • Kill 10 enemies with headshots.
  • Complete with minimal damage to health or armor.
  • Complete the task before 10:30.

08. Marriage Counseling

The mission can be started as either Franklin or Michael. But if we start as the first one, we won’t see a splash screen, but will start right away with the chase.

So, Michael returns home, no one answers his calls, but he sees two tennis courts near the entrance. He goes up to the second floor and sees his “wife” in a towel, and in the room - a tennis coach in only “tiger” panties and socks. Amanda was clearly not involved in tennis, but in something else, albeit in tune with sports game. Michael will rush after the coach, who will jump right out the window.

We will meet Franklin below and the two of us will jump into the gardener’s pickup truck parked near the house. We are chasing a quirky beetle, which after the chase will hide in a luxurious house on a hill. Franklin will winch the pickup truck to the support of the house, and after briefly pressing the gas pedal, the building will simply collapse.

After this, curses will fly into the back of a satisfied Michael, and soon two cars of bandits will fly. Dealing with them is not a problem. Let's switch to Franklin, and while Michael is turning the steering wheel, we shoot the attackers.

Then the most interesting thing is shown in the video. As it turns out, the house did not belong to the coach (Michael didn’t even think about it, he acted rashly), but to the girlfriend of a serious Mexican bandit, Martin Madrazo. It was he who would personally visit Michael’s house literally ten minutes after the house collapsed. With threats, a bat and gangsters behind him, he will drive into Michael’s head that he owes the Mexican $2.5 million, and finally he will take away Franklin’s driving license.

  • Complete the mission without causing any major damage to the Bison truck.
  • Complete the mission before 05:30.
  • Kill 3 enemies while shooting from a vehicle.

09. Add as a friend / Friend Request

Michael, a former professional bank robber, knows only one way to get several millions - robbery, and therefore he goes to his old friend Lester, a brilliant computer scientist and the “brain” of all subsequent robberies in the future. Lester, having listened to Michael's problem, suggests that he take a jewelry store in Vinewood or a bank in Paleto Bay, one of the villages north of the city. Mikey chooses the first option. But first, the lame comrade should ask for a favor, which we will take on right away.

You need to penetrate the Lifeinvader building and insert a certain chip into the device of the head of the company. First, you need to dress up appropriately - let's pop into the store for shorts and a sleeveless vest. And from there straight to the office. We go to the back entrance, so that we can then enter the building with whoever comes out for a smoke break. After a short video, we follow the mustachioed guy, simultaneously watching how IT workers are having fun at work. We sit down at the computer, where you will need to close all advertising and quickly launch antivirus program. Doing this with a joystick is not so easy - the unprepared will take a long time to close the advertising windows. Having dealt with annoying pop-up messages and launched the antivirus program, let's head to the room where what we need is located. We insert the chip there and leave in English. In the future, Michael, while watching TV, must call this very head of Lifeinvader, who is at the conference. The call will activate the explosive device, and we will see the colorful death that Lester needed. Later, Michael will receive a call from the same IT guy who took Michael inside. The smart guy understood what was happening, he would ask you to call him when some work came up. This will give us access to a new team member for robberies.
Heists in the game can be performed in two ways. The player himself is free to choose which scenario this or that raid will follow. For the integrity of the mosaic, both approaches are presented in the article. The first will be marked with the letter A next to the task number, and the second - B. If you chose a rough approach, then everything will turn out to be more prosaic. For example, you won’t need to climb onto the roof to throw a BZ gas grenade into the ventilation. However, one more item will appear in the conditions for receiving a gold medal - you will need to complete the mission in 10 and a half minutes. There will be one training mission. If a smart approach was chosen, you won’t have to shout at people, but you will need to precisely throw a gas grenade into the ventilation. There will be two training missions, which is better, because this is an easy way to get two gold medals.

10. Casing the Jewel Store

Lester gives Michael the task of scouting out the situation at the jewelry store. To do this, we get special glasses and blow into the jewelry. On the way, by the way, Lester will reveal to the player Michael’s real surname - Townley. The required angle is located slightly to the left immediately after the entrance: you need to capture the alarm, camera and ventilation in the frame. After that, we’ll have a nice chat with the saleswoman and leave the store. Now we need a photo of the ventilation system from the inside. We go around the block and head to the construction site. Having climbed to the roof, we go to the yellow sign. From there we photograph the ventilation. Then we take our leave and head home.

Memo: After returning to the “base”, the game will offer one of two options for approaching the robbery. Choose the one you like best - both versions of the robbery are described below. When choosing a team, there is no need to save money - take people who have the maximum performance, unless, of course, there are personal preferences. Their share will be larger, but the jackpot will remain as large as possible, otherwise there will be losses in the form of dead people and money left with them. Do not change the team - after successful robberies, their skill level improves, but the share remains the same.

  • Complete the mission before 8:00.
  • Catch all 3 required systems in one frame.

Do you have your own version of the mission? , interesting options will be published.

The trailer introduces us closer to Michael, who is very clearly going through a midlife crisis and wants to achieve much more in life. Musical accompaniment video: the song “Radio Ga Ga” performed by Queen.

Fragment No. 1
Frames (time): 138-185 (00:04-00:06)
The beginning of the trailer shows us Huntington Beach (the name will definitely be different in the game), located in the southwestern part of the city. People are running along the path, intended strictly for bicycles - everything here is just like in life. Apparently Rockstar Games I began to gradually optimize the game for the current generation consoles, because the “ladders” and muddy textures (hereinafter) are not very impressive.

The main star of the fragment is the road bike, which we already saw in one of the first screenshots. The inscription on the frame suggests a possible name - Whippet ("hound"), and externally it is very similar to the Pinarello Prince with high-profile wheels (they are called K9 Speed). For some reason, the model lacks brakes, and the tires sink a little into the ground. Judging by the strange clothes of the cyclist, as well as the slippers on his feet, we can assume that he stole this “road bike” somewhere nearby :)

Several pedestrians are visible in the background: one sat down to rest on a bench, and four more are going about their business. At the end of the segment, the second runner turns his head to the right, apparently to admire the beautiful view of the ocean from the beach.

Fragment No. 2
Frames (time): 186-264 (00:06-00:09)
In this segment, we return to Michael's therapist's office from the second trailer and now get to see his face for the first time. Michael himself has definitely looked younger since the release of the previous video, and what’s more, even his voice has become slightly different. We will make a visual comparison in one of the following frames.

Behind Michael's figure one can see a veranda with a sofa, and in the background there is a beach and the ocean. From this we can conclude that the therapist’s office is located on Huntington Beach and in the first fragment we were shown a view of the house from the street. On the table next to the sofa there is a mug with the inscription “I ❤ VS”. What does it mean?

Fragment No. 3
Frames (time): 265-329 (00:09-00:11)
Michael returns home in the red Sentinel convertible we already saw in the second trailer. It might be his wife's car. However, pay attention to the license plate 28PUP842 - during the pursuit of his son on the mast of the yacht in the second video, it was different.

We have already seen Michael's house several times in screenshots and in trailers; there are no visible changes here yet.

Fragment No. 4
Frames (time): 330-457 (00:11-00:15)
Michael is in the kitchen drinking whiskey. This is where we already visited at the beginning of the second trailer, but this time we get a wider view of the room. Cry from daughter Tracy: “Dad, Jimmy just called me a bitch!” Rugrats!

The rays of the sun break through the window into the room, demonstrating good work Rockstar Games over lighting. It is also noticeable that some of the recessed lights under the wall cabinets are included.

Fragment No. 5
Frames (time): 458-489 (00:15-00:16)
Michael's son's room. Jimmy lies on his bed and holds a wireless controller in his hands game console, on his head he has a headset for voice chat, also wireless. I wonder what he's playing? We hope Rockstar will not miss an opportunity to poke fun at any of the popular game series on the current generation of consoles.

The walls are covered with posters, on which you can see the logos of Los Santos Rock Radio and Pirate record stores. There's an electric guitar and combo amp in the corner. On the table there is a computer, a lamp, a box of tissues. Above the table hangs a calendar with the inscription Vanilla Unicorn. Later, from Franklin's trailer, we learn that there is a strip club with that name in the game.

Fragment No. 6
Frames (time): 490-519 (00:16-00:17)
We are transported to the territory of Santa Monica beach (Santa Maria in GTA: San Andreas ). In the background we note the Del Perro Pier, which close-up we saw in the screenshot inside one of the pocket diascopes that appeared last year. In this fragment we find confirmation that the Ferris wheel still rotates. This means that there is a chance that they will let you ride on it. If you remember, in the description of the second trailer we noted the fact that the wheel was not moving then, and offered several possible explanations.

The company in the foreground is relaxing on a yacht, as indicated by the flag and characteristic flooring on the deck. A similar ship can be seen in this screenshot. By the way, the flag flutters in the wind, and does not hang motionless. Development experience certainly helped here. Red Dead Redemption, where the physics of such objects was done very well.

The dancing girl, Michael Tracy's daughter, looks similar to the arrested blonde from one of the game's artworks. Even her hat and shorts are the same. One of the ladies was buried in a smartphone, and the guy next to her looked somewhat like Franklin.

In the distance to the right you can see a tall tower. Now we can say with confidence that this is the airport control room, which we were given a glimpse of in the second trailer.

Fragment No. 7
Frames (time): 520-569 (00:17-00:19)
Michael's wife Amanda does exercises on a mat in front of the pool at their home. Michael was relaxing on one of the orange lounge chairs to the left of the frame at the beginning of the second trailer.

Fragment No. 8
Frames (time): 570-715 (00:19-00:24)
Michael takes the remote control from his daughter. On the left wall there is a portrait of Amanda, under it there is a vase with white roses. On the far wall are five framed close-up photographs of flowers. The furniture in the room is beautiful and expensive, as befits a home of this class.

A close-up of an angry Tracy running away allows for a better look at the framed photograph of the dog mounted on the dresser under photographs of flowers. Perhaps Michael’s family also has a four-legged pet? On the right is a wide passage with several steps down from the living room to the kitchen, where we have already been, and next to it, apparently, to the dining room. And on the wall hangs a photograph of Los Santos.

Having received the remote control, Michael, as if nothing had happened, settles down on the sofa with a glass of whiskey. By the way, the glass, as in the second trailer, again does not cast a shadow. On the shelf behind Michael is a portrait of a certain older couple, as well as several stacks of books, two of which are by Tim Vapid.

The next shot shows us the room from Michael's back. He's watching some kind of black-and-white film (perhaps a noir detective story) on a huge projector hanging above the fireplace. Michael's love of classic films was confirmed in recent previews. A speaker is attached above the tightly curtained window. speaker system. Which is strange, because usually they try not to place them so high.

Fragment No. 9
Frames (time): 716-768 (00:24-00:26)
Michael on a yellow mountain bike scares off a girl in a cowboy hat on the boardwalk. Jimmy rides behind on a red bike. The “great” models are apparently the same. Notice the two women on the second floor veranda to the right, both with their hands raised. Perhaps they are filming something on their phone? Houses in the distance are blurred in style L.A. Noire, and the lack of anti-aliasing does not make the scene better, but that is the capabilities of current consoles.

In the next shot, our two cyclists ride through a graffiti-covered skate park in Venice Beach. As in real world, V GTA V street artists didn't even spare palm trees. One of the drawings reads: “Ruets” - under this pseudonym, in the real Los Angeles, a master paints city property with spray paint. Maybe we will see more of his works on the streets of the city, although Banksy, illustrations of which were included in GTA IV, it can't even be compared.

In this part of the video, anti-mud “wings” magically appear on Michael’s bike. Jimmy's bike still doesn't have them. By the way, we have already seen Michael riding a bicycle in two screenshots from Game Informer'A. In both cases, he was wearing the same clothes (,), but the model of the bike itself was different, and with more road-worthy “slicks”, despite the suspension at the rear. Something is wrong here:)

Fragment No. 25
Frames (time): 1734-1793 (00:58-01:00)
It can almost certainly be argued that here we are being shown a helicopter chase from a mission to free a hostage, which we described in detail in the translation of the first preview Game Informer'A. The high-rise building on the left is the headquarters of the local FIB branch.

Any time (but not during a mission). When the character is not being played, he goes about his daily affairs. Some missions in GTA 5 require only one character, some require two, and on some missions three heroes go at once. During missions where the hero is not alone, sometimes it will be necessary to switch. The presence of several characters at once plays an important role in the structure of tasks, which makes the gameplay richer.

In this IGN article, Andrew Goldfab wrote: “During missions, players will be able to combine the efforts of all three characters, each with a different set of skills. For example, during one robbery, Michael climbs down the side of a building while Franklin covers him from afar with a sniper rifle, and Trevor flies nearby in a helicopter. Players can switch back and forth between Michael, who is "rummaging around" inside the building, and Franklin, who is "taking down" enemies. At the end, you can switch to Trevor, pick up everyone and escape by helicopter, or shoot all the enemy pilots as Michael. Well, or drive away in a car, shooting back for Michael.”

Michael De Santa

Successful bank robber. “Retired” and now lives comfortably under the witness protection program. He has a difficult relationship with his wife Amanda, and his children Tracy and Jimmy are constantly doing something that defies understanding. He used to do robbery with Trevor. At that time he still bore his real name, Townley. Prior to the game's release, it was believed that this character would be named "Albert De Silva", a reference to Kevin De Silva.

Franklin Clinton

Franklin works for Armenian Semyon Yetaryan, who sells luxury cars. His job is to confiscate the cars of customers who cannot pay for them. He hangs out with his abnormal and childish friends, his best friend name is Lamar. Having met Michael, he sees how different life can be. Then he lights up with the desire to leave the streets forever and get rich.

Trevor Philips

A crazy drug addict, a former military pilot who now lives in a trailer in the middle of the desert. He definitely doesn't have everything at home. Trevor grew up in Canada, but apparently lived most of his life in the US, so he speaks with a slight accent. Prior to release, this character was named "Simon".

Main characters:

Lester Crest

Another longtime accomplice of Michael and Trevor. He used to help them plan robberies and now he's back at it again. Can access any information. He loves video games even more than movies.

Tracey De Santa

Daughter of Michael and Amanda, sister of Jimmy. She likes everything that girls her age usually like. Sleeps with just anyone. She craves the fame of a famous singer and dancer, and is ready to do anything to make her dream come true.

"Nervous" Ron Jakowski

Trevor's neighbor. Afraid of everything. Suffering from paranoia and believing in conspiracy theories. I recently got divorced after a scandal. Before release, he went by the name "Nervous Jerry".

Jimmy De Santa

Son of Michael and Amanda, brother of Tracy. He smokes ganjubas and does nothing else. Wants to be a gangster.

Lamar Davis

Franklin's friend and accomplice, they both work for Yetaryan. A guy with a slightly slanted roof.

Amanda De Santa

Michael's wife, Tracy and Jimmy's mother. He loves to waste money and give Michael a “fun life.” When she was a stripper, she lived in a trailer park, and then she met Michael. He has silicone tits, apparently an inheritance from his previous job.


Gustavo Mota

Gustavo Mota is a Latino, professional fighter, member of the Vagos gang. Gustavo is a great weapons expert, making him one of the best marksmen in the game, but he also demands the highest share of all fighters at 14%.

Eddie Toh

Eddie Tou is a Chinese professional criminal. Provides the gang with transportation and finds the best escape routes after robberies. Has the highest driving skills. Requires a share of 14% of production.

Paige Harris

Professional hacker. The best hacker in the game, and therefore demands a share of 15% of the production. Works well with both computers and alarms.

Other characters:

Ashley Butler

A member of the Lost biker gang, she came to Los Santos from Liberty City with Terry, Clay and her boyfriend Johnny. When you look at her, it's immediately clear that she has a problem with methamphetamine.

Aunt Denise

A staunch feminist. Franklin's housemate.

Bradley Snider

Was once the third member of Michael and Trevor's gang. As far as Trevor knows, Bradley is in prison, but that may not be the case.


Definitely not the best guard in the world. He was forced to participate in a robbery when his cash-in-transit car was seized.


Works in Trevor's laboratory and makes drugs. Can be a good shot during robberies.


A Rottweiler that once belonged to Lamar but then went to Franklin. Can carry out various commands and help Franklin in business.

Clayton Simons

Member of the Lost biker gang who migrated from Liberty City with Johnny, Ashley and Terry.

Cris Formage

Head of the Epsilon Program sect

Dee (from the Ballas gang, D from Ballas)

An old friend of Franklin and Lamar, who joined a gang hostile to them. Not the most successful gangster, but that doesn't mean he's afraid of problems.

Dave Norton

This FBI agent provided Franklin with a witness protection program and thus an easy life. Works under the supervision of Steven Haynes. After Michael returns to business, Dave gives him several tasks that should help him (Dave) keep his job. Prior to release, it was believed that the character's name would be Calvin North.

Devin Weston

As already written above, he is a billionaire investor, as well as the owner of the largest stake in the Merryweather Security company and its executive director. He is ready to go over his head to achieve what he wants.

Dr. Isiah Friedlander

Helps Michael restore his relationship with his wife.

Fabien LaRouche

His profession speaks for itself. Masters controversial yoga poses.

Ferdinand Kerimov aka Mr. K

Officially dead, but actually working for the SDGs. Later, Franklin, Trevor and Michael kidnap him on instructions from the FBI. In early previews, this character was called Brad, but this could lead to some problems in the kidnapping mission.

Floyd Hebert

Wade's cousin. Lives in the apartment of his girlfriend, whom she fears more than Trevor

Harold "Stretch Joseph"

Franklin's old "friend", recently released from prison.

Johnny Klebitz

Came to Los Santos from Liberty City with Terry, Clay and his girlfriend Ashley. Methamphetamine addict. This character was also in previous games in the series: Grand Theft Auto IV The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony.

Kyle Chavis

Plays tennis with rich men and their lonely wives. Michael catches him giving Amanda "extra lessons."

Martin Madrazo

Leads a Mexican-American drug gang. He almost answered according to the law for his crimes, but the witnesses suddenly disappeared somewhere. Due to some misunderstanding, Michael owed Martin a certain amount of money. Stealing the jewelry should help Franklin settle the deal.

Michael De Santa is one of the three main characters in GTA 5, who is the leader, mentor and ideological inspirer of our criminal trio. Neat appearance, punctuality and pedantry - all these qualities coexist in Michael along with an irresistible love for big money.

Character history

The approximate year of birth of Michael De Santa is 1968, so by the time storyline GTA 5 is about 50 years old. Our hero's past is very criminal - he participated in the largest bank robberies in history, where he not only made a huge fortune, but also managed to get away with it when caught - he was offered to go to Los Santos under the witness protection program and live quietly in his house .

Naturally, Michael agreed, because hardly anyone would want to go to jail when they have a choice. Plus, it's hard to resist when FBI agents offer you a luxurious mansion and a decent amount of cash for a quiet life.

However, a quiet life in complete prosperity was not destined to happen - the reason for this was Michael’s family problems, as well as his passion for crisp green pieces of paper, which, thanks to his extremely wasteful wife, became less and less every day.

Fate brings Michael together with two future accomplices - and. This trio becomes a truly significant criminal structure in Los Santos, committing dangerous and very brazen crimes.

Character and family life

De Santa's character and mental abilities can be called the most stable among the three criminals. He is reasonable, cold-blooded and smart, able to clearly calculate multi-step operations and stay several steps ahead of FBI agents.

Despite his outward calm, Michael is prone to bouts of irritation, which can sometimes lead to mistakes and unforeseen circumstances. The reason for this is the hero’s difficult relationship with his family, which is getting worse day by day, undermining De Santa’s character.

Michael's family, at first glance, is an example of stability and strong relationships. But this is just tinsel - in fact, the passion between (the wife) and Michael has long died down, and the children only add fire to the already boiling cauldron of family discord.

It is noteworthy that it is Amanda who pushes Michael to new crimes - the hope of saving his marriage still smolders in his soul, but this requires money, because his wife is accustomed to a luxurious life.

Michael De Santa and his prototype

When creating the character, the developers used the image of actor Ned Luke, who, by the way, also voiced his protégé in English version games. The image of Michael turned out to be truly vivid and memorable precisely thanks to Luke’s work on the hero.

Michael De Santa's skills and abilities

Michael's key role in GTA 5 is to shoot all types of weapons. De Santa is an unsurpassed shooter, accurate and unforgiving. In addition to passive shooting skills, Michael has the ability to slow down time while firing, which allows him to aim weak spots opponents and hit targets with lightning speed.

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