An intellectual game for parents of preschool children. Workshop “Educational games of a new generation in the intellectual development of a preschooler Intellectual games for parents in kindergarten

Intellectual game

"Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard»

Target: clarification and systematization of the knowledge of teachers of Federal State Educational Standards of Education.


1. Create a positive emotional attitude for teachers to work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

2. Activation of the mental activity of teachers in rethinking the values ​​of childhood and consolidating knowledge of the main regulatory documents regulating educational activities with children preschool age during the period of introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Equipment: slide presentation, chips, crossword puzzle, pencils, bag, puzzles, questions, puzzles.

Progress of the game

It's good when in the morning
The game begins!
Laughter, fun, running around,
When the kids are playing.
You'll envy the kids:
Both girls and boys.
But today is a special day,
We gathered for a reason.
And today we, adults,
The game begins!

I welcome you to the intellectual game “Experts of Federal State Educational Standards of Education”.

We all know and love our profession, we give it most of our soul. Innovative activities in the aspect of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard require the teacher to increase professional competence. Today, there is a demand for a teacher who is able to build work with children on the basis of progressive educational programs and technologies, and skillfully use innovations. Today’s game “Federal State Educational Standards Experts” will help determine your professional competence in this area. We will divide into two teams - “Knowledgeables” and “Smart Guys”. Jury presentation.

So we start with "Warm-ups."

Who is on the photo?

  1. Name the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation?
  2. Name the Minister of Education of Yakutia?
  3. What is GEF DO? (Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education is a set of mandatory requirements for the structure, conditions of implementation and results of mastering the main educational program).
  4. Unscramble the abbreviations:

Round 1 "Brainstorm"

Question for one team. If there is no answer, another team responds.

  1. Who develops and approves the educational program of a preschool educational institution? (organization independently)
  2. Name the relationship between the mandatory part of the Program and the part formed by the participants in educational relations. ( 60% and 40%)
  1. How many educational areas does the Federal State Educational Standard provide? (5).
  2. Which educational area includes productive activities?
    (artistic and aesthetic development)
  3. Fill in the missing words:

The Federal State Educational Standard includes requirements for:

……the main educational program and its scope

conditions……the main educational program

………. mastering the basic educational program

(1.- structure, 2-implementation, 3-results).

  1. Restore the correct document structure:

a) Requirements for the structure of the educational program preschool education and its volume;

b) General provisions;

c) Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of preschool education;

d) Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education. (b, a, d, c).

  1. Name the educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education
    (socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development)
  2. Name the stages of preschool childhood according to the Federal State Educational Standard
    (infant, early, preschool)
  3. To which stage of preschool childhood do the following targets belong:
    - the child is interested in surrounding objects and actively interacts with them;
    - has active speech included in communication; can make questions and requests, understands the speech of adults? (Early)
  4. Determine which educational area the following tasks belong to:
    — assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;
    — formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work;
    — formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature. (Sots.-com. r.)
  5. What type of children's activity begins the development of work skills in children? (self-service)
  6. Social-normative age characteristics of a child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing preschool education are...? (Targets)

Round 2"Crossword of the Federal State Educational Standard" Answers:
1. One of the requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment.






Exercise to relieve tension and fatigue:

If you think the richest resource for adult learning is experience, clap your hands;

If you believe that practical information is more important for adults than theoretical information, then stomp your feet;

If you are sure that each person has his own individual learning style, touch the tip of his nose;

If you think that adults learn the same way as children, nod your head;

If you think that adults' desire to learn depends on their needs and interests, wave your hand.

If you think that emotions are not so important when learning, close your eyes;

If you enjoy learning and being a student, smile.

Round 3 “Pedagogical puzzles”
Teachers are given the task to compose a phrase, previously cut into individual words.

According to SanPiN, the maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in younger group does not exceed 30 minutes.

According to SanPiN, the maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in middle group does not exceed 40 minutes.

Round 4 "Pig in a poke"

Teams take a question out of the bag and answer. If there is no answer or it is incorrect, another team answers.

  1. The main educational program of preschool education is:
  • a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization of development of preschool children; defines a set of basic characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education, organizational and pedagogical conditions of the educational process;
  1. Specify the requirements of the Standard that are mandatory when implementing OOP DO:
  • to the structure of the educational program and its volume;
  • to the conditions for the implementation of OOP DO;
  • to the results of mastering the Program.
  1. Assessment of the individual development of children during the implementation of preschool education can be carried out in the form of:
  • pedagogical diagnostics;
  • psychological diagnostics;
  1. Determine the implementation time of OOP BEFORE:

· only during classes;

· can be implemented throughout the entire period

  1. Which section is not the main one in the Program?

· Target;

· Installation;

· Organizational;

  1. The Standard requirements for the results of mastering the Program are presented in the form:

· knowledge, skills and abilities;

· targets for preschool education;

  1. How is the Program defined in the Standard?

· Children's education program;

· Program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of children;

  1. What is not included in the types of children's activities for children 3-8 years old?

· manipulation of objects;

· self-care and handling household items;

  1. What is the purpose of correctional work and/or inclusive education?

· ensuring the correction of developmental disorders of various categories of children with disabilities, providing them with assistance in mastering the Program;

· mastery of the Program by children with disabilities, their diversified development, taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation;

  1. What is the purpose of pedagogical diagnostics?

· individualization of education;

· optimization of work with a group of children;

Round 5 “Who came up with all this?”

So today during business games You and I have intensified our knowledge in the field of Federal State Educational Standards of Education.

And finally, I want to tell you one piece of folk wisdom. There lived a sage who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her; the dead one will say, I will release her.” The sage, after thinking, replied: “Everything is in your hands.”

In our hands is the opportunity to form a personality - inquisitive, interested, actively exploring the world; able to learn, capable of organizing her own activities; respecting and accepting the values ​​of family and society, history and culture of each people; friendly, able to listen and hear a partner, respecting her own and others’ opinions; ready to act independently and be responsible for my actions.

Thank you, colleagues, for your activity and professionalism.

Compiled by senior teacher Gubaidulina A.V.

1. One of the requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment.
2. One of the types of children's activities
3. What is the Federal State Educational Standard in one word?
4. What type of activity does labor education begin with at an early age?
5. Stage of childhood according to the Federal State Educational Standard (one of the ages).
6. Who closely interacts with the teaching staff and are partners according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

1.The main educational program of preschool education is:

  • a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization of development of preschool children; defines a set of basic characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education, organizational and pedagogical conditions of the educational process;
  • a system of measures for organizing cognitive and research activities of preschool children, including the goal, objectives, methods, forms of organization and the result of this activity;
  • structured description of teaching experience (master classes, open events, texts of speeches at scientific and practical conferences, publications)

2. Specify the requirements of the Standard that are mandatory when implementing OOP DO:

  • To appearance, competent and technical design of OOP DO;
  • to the structure of the educational program and its volume;
  • to the conditions for the implementation of OOP DO;
  • to the results of mastering the Program.

3.Assessment of the individual development of children during the implementation of preschool education can be carried out in the form of:

  • pedagogical diagnostics;
  • early correctional assistance for children with disabilities;
  • psychological diagnostics;
  • comprehensive examination of medical specialists

4. Determine the implementation time of OOP BEFORE:

· from 65% to 80% of the time children are in kindergarten;

· only during classes;

Can be implemented throughout the entire period

5.Which section is not the main one in the Program?

· Target;

· Installation;

· Organizational;

6. The Standard’s requirements for the results of mastering the Program are presented as:

· knowledge, skills and abilities;

· integrative personality qualities;

· targets for preschool education;

7.How is the Program defined in the Standard?

· Children's education program;

· Program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of children;

· Children's education and training program;

8.What does not apply to the types of children's activities for children 3-8 years old?

· manipulation with objects;

· educational and research;

· perception of fiction and folklore;

self-service and handling household items;

9.What is the purpose of correctional work and/or inclusive education?

· ensuring the correction of developmental disorders of various categories of children with disabilities, providing them with assistance in mastering the Program;

· qualified medical care;

· mastery of the Program by children with disabilities, their diversified development, taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation;

10.What is the purpose of pedagogical diagnostics?

· individualization of education;

· final diagnostics for school;

· optimization of work with a group of children;

Children and parents participate in the intellectual game. Children sit at two tables, parents are in the auditorium opposite their team. A multimedia installation is located in the middle of the hall.

To the music, children enter the music room and stop near their tables.

Presenter (V.). Good morning, dear guests! We welcome you to the intellectual club “Clever Men and Women.” I represent our participants: these are children of two older groups.

The captains pronounce the team names (“Birds” and “Butterflies”) and the motto.

IN. Our game consists of seven stages. After completing all the tasks of each competition, the players will be evaluated by the jury using a five-point system. The team that scores the most points for all competitions will be the winner. So, are all the conditions and rules of the game clear? Then I announce the start of the game.


IN. Here are cards with syllables. They're all mixed up. Each team needs to find the beginning and ending of the word. And if you complete the task correctly, then each team will have six words. Read what words you came up with.

And now the problem is more complicated. Each team will have . . Attention to the screen! The first puzzle for the “Birds” team (two puzzles per team).





Applause to our “Smart Men and Women.” And now I will ask the jury to announce the results for two competitions.


IN. Let's find out how our players master the World of Science and Technology section of the program.

All attention is on the screen. Teams need to count the number of triangles as quickly as possible. Butterfly team, please count.

The second triangle is considered by the children of the other team; if the children have difficulty, then the parents help.

Let's test children's orientation skills on a sheet of paper. Choose one person to draw and the rest to help. Please draw:

  • in the upper right corner is the sun;
  • in the lower left - a tree;
  • at the bottom in the middle is the house;
  • in the upper left - a cloud;
  • to the right of the tree is a flower;
  • in the lower right there is a fungus.

Ready? Now let's look at the screen and check if you did it right. Team captains, take your drawings to the jury.


IN. Our players will teach you how to inflate a balloon in an unusual way. Please come to me, two people from each team. Tell us what we need for this. (Juice of one lemon, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon baking soda, scoop, glass and empty lemonade bottle.) Are you ready to inflate the balloon? Let's start.

Tell us how the balloon was inflated. (Baking soda, lemon juice mixed with vinegar react to release carbon dioxide, which inflates the balloon.)

Competition for parents

IN. The children showed their unique abilities. Now let’s check what our parents are capable of to help their children earn extra points.

A mystery competition. Bring in the black box. You must guess what is in the black box using the Yes-No game. I can only answer “Yes” or “No” to questions. (There is a rabbit in the black box.)

Please provide the material we need for the next competition. Your task is to collectively think through and show, using a puppet theater, a short story, a situation from your own experience on the topic: “How I raise my child.” This will be the so-called exchange of experience.


IN. While the parents are getting ready, I ask the teams to come to me. Now you will hear the beginning of the song and must continue it. Let's start with the "Birds" team.

Now listen to short excerpts and guess the musical genre of the work. (Song, polka, waltz, march, symphony.)

Team “Butterflies”, name the musical instruments depicted. Team "Birds", the same task for you.

And now we turn to the jury and find out the results of past competitions.

The time has come to give the floor to our respected parents. I ask for the screen.

Parents, with the help of a puppet theater, share their experience of “How I raise my child.”


IN. Attention - to the screen. Find the extra picture and explain your choice (Orange, pear, watermelon, lemon, apple; giraffe, koala, elephant, camel, tiger; rose, tulip, daffodil, iris, snowdrop; camelina, boletus, honey mushroom, aspen, russula; fruits of linden, oak, hazel, maple, Christmas trees.)

Look carefully at the pictures and describe the situation you see (pictures on the topic of environmental pollution). I suggest you change this situation so that it becomes positive. To do this you need to create a new picture. What has changed?


IN. The last stage of our competition. Attention to the screen.

  • Which of these paintings are portraits?
  • Which of these paintings did Levitan paint? What is it called? What type of painting is this?
  • What paintings are still life?
  • What other artists do you see here?

(Suggested paintings: “Girl with Peaches” by Serov, “Lilac” by Konchalovsky, “March” by Levitan, “The Rooks Have Arrived” by Savrasov, “Apples on a Red Background” by Petrov-Vodkin, “Birch Grove” by Kuindzhi, portrait of “A.S. Pushkin.”) Well done to our teams. Our game "Smart Guys" is coming to an end. And while the jury is summing up the results, we will watch the performances of the children of the older groups.

An intellectual game for children and parents was prepared by T. Dovgalo

Department of Education

Administration of the city of Noyabrsk





Brainstorming game

Moral and patriotic education in the development of preschool children

"Pedagogical ring"

Prepared by the teacher:

Gracheva O.A.

November 2016

Target: to clarify and consolidate the knowledge of teachers on the moral and patriotic education of preschool children.


Increase pedagogical competence in matters of moral and patriotic education;

To summarize the knowledge of teachers about the goals, objectives and means by which the moral and patriotic education of preschool children is determined;

Develop a way of analyzing one’s own activities and the activities of another participant during the game, showing pedagogical tact;

Promote the acquisition of teamwork experience.

Progress of the game.

Dear colleagues, I invite you to take part in a game in the form of a brainstorming session “Pedagogical Ring”.

Today we will identify your knowledge of moral and patriotic education. The game consists of several rounds. Your task: to give the correct answers in a short period of time, and also to monitor the progress of the game and maintain pedagogical tact. The winner is the one who completes all rounds without errors.

For each correct answer, the team receives a chocolate medal.

I would like to introduce the jury members who will evaluate the game:

- head of MBDOU “Voloshka”, dear I.N. Malevich;

- deputy head By educational work, dear N.R. Kamynina.

So, let's start our game!!!

Two teams meet in the ring:

1 team"Leader";

2nd team"Fortune".

I ask the teams to take their places.

1 round. "Brain workout" (Tambourine fight!!!)

(In 1 minute you need to give as many correct answers as possible.)

    A document that covers all the main aspects of children’s life, in other words, is it a model of the educational process in a preschool educational institution?(Educational program of preschool educational institution).

    The principle is to create optimal conditions for the self-realization of each child in the process of mastering knowledge about their hometown, taking into account the age, gender of the child, and accumulated experience?(Principle of differentiation).

    A system of material objects of a child’s activity, functionally modeling the content of his moral and patriotic education. What is this?(Subject-spatial development environment).

    The land where you were born?(Motherland).

    An ancient name for Russia?(Rus).

    A person who belongs to the permanent population of a given state and enjoys all the rights and fulfills all the duties of that state?(Citizen).

    Preservation of past values ​​in the present?(Cultural heritage).

    Originality, difference from others?(Identity).

    Devotion and love for your fatherland, for your people?(Patriotism).

    A large territory that has definite borders and enjoys state sovereignty?(A country).

    What does "empirical knowledge" mean?(Knowledge based on experience).

    Historical science that studies the culture and life of the peoples of the world, their origin, ethnic history and cultural interactions?(Ethnography).

    A special political institution that ensures social security of the population, defense and security of the country?(State).

    Who is responsible for raising a child?(Parents).

    A symbol of the state, its sovereignty: a banner of established sizes and colors attached to a tree or cord?(Flag).

    Official emblem of the state?(Coat of arms).

    What was passed on from one generation to another, what was inherited from previous generations?(Tradition).

Round 2 "Pedagogical erudition." (Tambourine fight!!!)

1 team.

    Explain the concept.

Moral and patriotic education is...

    List the tasks of moral and patriotic education:

2nd team.

    The purpose of moral and patriotic education:

    When solving the problems of moral and patriotic education, each teacher must build his work taking into account the following principles:

Round 3 "Brain attack". (Tambourine fight!!!)

Coat of arms










Round 4 "Fight of proverbs." (Tambourine fight!!!)

1 team.

Restore the proverbs

There is nothing more beautiful in the world

when there is only one roof over it.

That bird is stupid

The Motherland will be strong.

If friendship is great,

to whom her nest is not cute.

Family is strong

good children grow up.

In a good family

Our homeland.

2nd team.

Restore the proverbs

A man without a homeland

more valuable than any wealth.

In your home and

happiness does not forget the road.

People's Brotherhood

like a nightingale without a song.

To a family where there is harmony,

and the lazy house is empty.

In a diligent house - thickly

walls help.

Dear Colleagues! Attention to the screen! Correct answer!!!

Musical break “Where the Motherland Begins”

Round 5 "Brainbreakers." (Tambourine fight!!!)

Crossword puzzle “Moral and patriotic education”

1. Inherent, characteristic of a citizen.


3. A person belonging to the permanent population of a given state, enjoying its protection and endowed with a set of rights and obligations.

4. A set of norms and rules established and protected by state authorities that regulate the relations of people in society.

5.The country in which we live.

6. The quality of a person, expressed in acceptance of another, in the desire to understand and hear him.

7. Cell of society.

8. Place of birth, origin of someone or something.

9. Internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards, rules of behavior determined by these qualities.

Answers to the crossword puzzle “Moral and patriotic education”

    round. "Black box". (Tambourine fight!!!)

Preschool parents play against the teams.

Attention! Question!

The black box contains a symbol of Russian life, which has long served as a sign of social inequality and a measure of wealth in the family. In the villages it was passed down from generation to generation. With the development of industry, everyone could order it from a catalog or their own sketch. At fairs they were sold by weight and grade. So this is…..(Samovar).

Here lies an object that is a symbol of disputes, bitterness, sadness, evil, because of which wars began. But this did not stop people, did not push them away from this subject, but, on the contrary, seduced them. This item is found not only in fairy tales, but also in mythology and Christian legend. So this is...(Apple)

Reflection “Everything is in our hands”

Based on the game, I suggest you choose and write down on the faces of the cube what you consider most important in instilling moral and patriotic feelings in preschoolers.

Take them in your hands. We see that the cube does not hold on itself, but only thanks to our hands.

“Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country.”

A.S. Makarenko

The education of moral and patriotic feelings in children is in your hands!!!

Summing up the jury's results.

Clip "Motherland".


    Vetokhina A.Ya. “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children.” St. Petersburg: “Childhood-press”, 2012.

    Makhaneva M.D. “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children.” - M: “Sphere”, 2010.

    Zelenova N.G., Osipova L.E. “We live in Russia.” - Moscow, 2009.

    Kozlova S.A. “My world.” - M: “Sphere”, 2010.

    Komarova T.S. "Folk art in raising children." – M:, 2010

    Mosalova "Me and the World". – M.: “Childhood”, 2013.

    Novitskaya M.Yu. "Heritage. Patriotic education in kindergarten." – M: “Linka-Press”, 209.

    Shorygina T.A. Native fairy tales “Moral and Patriotic Education.” - M: “Prometheus; Book lover", 2010

Scenario of an intellectual game for senior preschool age “Clever and smart girls”

Target: promote the development of cognitive activity, logical and creative thinking, and identify the intellectual talent of children.
- activate existing knowledge;
- develop children’s curiosity, independence, and responsibility for the results of their activities;
- learn to negotiate with each other, establish dialogic communication when performing tasks;
- develop the ability to rejoice in the successes of comrades.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Physical Education”, “Health” “Socialization”. Preliminary work:

Teams are selected, an emblem is prepared, the team motto is memorized, a team captain is selected, and attributes for competitions are prepared.

Progress of the event:Presenter: Dear children and guests. We are glad to see you at our intellectual game “Smart Men and Smart Girls”. Let's welcome our participants. Team “Umnitsa” - team captain Anya Borodenko. Team "Umniki" - team captain Dima Erokhin. (children enter the hall to the music)


It's an unusual day for us.

We are sincerely glad to welcome you

For smart game kids gathered

It's time for us to start it!

1.All day long all the children ask questions:

Why does Vanya have such a snub nose?

2. Why is there water in the river?

Where are the clouds going?

Why do birds fly

And they can't get lost?

3 Where do bears live in winter?
4 Who ate a piece of the moon?
5 Why is the car moving?
6 Why do elephants trumpet?
7 How to write lines in a notebook?
8 How to sight read words?
9 Why do flowers bloom?
10 What does an owl eat?

11. Why should we sleep,

Do you have to get up again tomorrow?

Brush your teeth, wash your face

Are you going to kindergarten?

Why should we eat and listen to the teacher?

One hundred questions, one hundred answers
What else can I say...
It is terribly interesting to know everything and about everything in the world. A game for everyone.I will ask questions, and if you agree, answer “This is me, this is me and my friends are with me.” If you don't agree, stomp your feet and clap your hands.

How many of you, noticing smoke, dial “01”?
-Who doesn’t light candles and doesn’t allow others to?
- Who likes to dry their shoes over the fire the old fashioned way?
---A red glow ran. Who played with matches?
-Smoke suddenly rose in a column. Who didn't turn off the iron?
-Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition?
-Does anyone know that a red light means no movement?
-Which of you, walking home, walks along the roadway?
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
-Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
-Knows all the rules exactly and always follows them? Our competition will be judged by a jury (provide members of the jury). For each correctly completed task, teams will receive points. At the end of the competition, we will count the number of points received and find out who the winner is. So:

Preschoolers, pull yourself up
Everyone look at me.
Let's repeat it with me
Oaths of kind words:
We swear to be friends
CHILDREN: We swear!
And don't shed bitter tears.
CHILDREN: We swear!
Meet difficulties with a smile.
CHILDREN: We swear!

Overcome everything with courage.

CHILDREN: We swear!

Attention teams! Our mind game begins! Be careful and remember that you are working in teams! Only the most attentive and friendly team will be able to win our game today.

The first round is called “Jokes and Jokes”You need to answer my questions.

Questions for the team"Smart Guys":

1. There are 5 branches on a birch tree. There are 2 apples on each branch. How many apples are there on a birch tree?

2. How many legs do two chickens have? (four)

3. What does a bear eat in winter? (nothing, he's sleeping)

4. Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?

5. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles? (hedgehog)

6. Who is called the king of all animals? (a lion)Questions for the “Clever” team:

1. Who moos louder: a rooster or a cow?

2. The dog Rozka gave birth to kittens: 3 white and 1 black.

How many kittens did the dog have?

3. If a rooster lays an egg, which will emerge from it, a chicken or a gosling? (the rooster does not lay eggs)

4. Duck as a child? (duckling)

5. A device for washing clothes? (Washing machine)

6. Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?

(Jury's word)

2. Competition: “Find similar words.”

The captains will choose words, you must find related words to them. Whose team comes up with the most words wins.

(Snow, forest)

3. “Erudition Competition”

Each team member must answer the question quickly. They're starting"Clever girls"

1. How many seasons are there?

2. Name them.

3. What day of the week is between Monday and Wednesday?

4. Count from 1 to 10

5. Count back from 10 to 1.

6. How many months are there in a year?

7. What is the first day of the week? (Monday)

8. Coat, dress, sweater. (cloth)

9. Fairytale boy with a wooden nose? (Pinocchio)

10. The name of the boy who was carried away by the Geese-Swans? (Ivanushka)

Questions for the team"Wise Guys"

1. How many months are there in a year?

2. Name the days of the week.

3. When New Year's celebration?

4. How many days are there in a week?

5. Name the days off

6. Boots, shoes, these are shoes. (shoes)

7. Chicken as a child? (chick)

8. Fairytale girl with blue hair? (Malvina)

9. The hero of a Russian folk tale who rode a stove? (Emelya)

10. The name of the girl whose brother turned into a little goat? (Alyonushka)

4. Game “Name the neighbors of the number.”

Now we'll play. The game is called “Name the Neighbors”. Teams, come out into the circle. There are numbers in front of you. While the music is playing, you move in a circle, the music is over - you take one number at a time and stand in order from 1 to 5. Let's start the game! Show your numbers, remember them. Now hide it behind your back. (Number 3, name your neighbors, etc.) Well done, you know how to play.

5. Competition: “Whose head does the beast have? Quickly tell me the words.”

"Smart Guys"

In the lynx - (lynx)

In a cat - (feline)

In a camel - (camel)

In a duck - (duck)

At the deer - (deer)

"Clever girls"

In fish - (fish)

The magpie has -. (magpie)

In a rabbit - (rabbit)

In a horse - (horse)

At the swan - (swan)

Musical outdoor game.

6 Competition “Troubles from a Barrel”.

Each child on the team takes turns taking a puzzle out of the barrel. The presenter reads the question, and the child who pulled the puzzle answers, but if he cannot answer, the team helps him

7. Competition “Find the right answer.”

Here are examples, but the answers to them are mixed up. Your task is to connect the example with the correct answer with an arrow. Which team will do it faster?

8. “Post your name” competition.

We continue the competition “Clever people” and “clever girls”. Attention, next task. Teams need to spell out their names from the syllables as quickly as possible.

9. Captains' competition “Read the coded word”

10. Competition “Put the geometric figure in the right place.”

I will describe a geometric figure and say where on the board it should be placed. And you will all take turns, starting with the captains, to carry out the task.

11. Competition “Who does what?”

I name professions, and you say what a person in this profession does.

"Smart Guys"






"Clever girls"



Tractor driver...



Weaver... Educator: Well done, guys, you coped well with all the tasks. Now the jury will sum up the results, and we will find out the winner. (the jury sums up the results)

In the meantime, the jury is deliberating, we will play. I suggest the game "Let's clap and stomp or a smart “noise maker”! Fun game, in which you first need to think carefully, and then make a little noise. How to play it? To my question, if you agree, you answer - “Yes!” and clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, answer “No!”, and stomp your feet. Are you ready to play? Begin!

There are a lot of mysteries in this book..... Right?

Is the wolf running away from the bunny? Right?

One, of course, is more than two... Right?

A rooster can crow... Right?

An airplane has two wings... Right?

It's dangerous to run through a swamp... Right?

You are already over seven years old... Right?

There is no beast worse than a cat... Right?

Acorns grow on oak trees... Right?

In winter, lilies of the valley bloom... Right?

The bulldozer digs holes quickly... Right?

Monkeys can fly... Right?

The sun shines during the day, and the moon shines at night... Right?

The duckling is afraid to go into the water... Right?

A piglet can grunt... Right?

There is a letter U in the word barrel... Right?

The mouse moos loudly: MU!... Right?

Well done!

The jury sums up the results, awards the winning team medals, and certificates to all participants.

Intellectual game for teachers


Draw the attention of teachers to issues mathematical development preschoolers.

To intensify the mental activity of teachers;

Unleash their creative potential.

Material: - two sheets of Whatman paper depicting geometric figures;

  • markers;
  • tokens for drawing lots for the number of teachers;
  • task cards.
  • Dienesha blocks.

Progress of the game

Dear Colleagues! Today we want to invite you to play the role of a contestant, test your strength, demonstrate your abilities, and find interesting ideas for educational activities. Our game is a team game, so I propose to draw lots(red and green tokens are first placed in the bag).Today we have to an amusing trip to the land of mathematics.

The composition task : successfully go through a difficult path and get to the station INTELLECTUALS . The path is long. The more successfully and quickly you complete the tasks, the greater your chances of getting to your destination.

So, the first test: in order for us to set off, we need to come up with a name and motto for your train. For execution of this assignment you have three minutes. Time has passed!(teams are preparing)

  • So, your submission!(we listen to the participants)
  • Are the trains ready to hit the road?

It's good to have a lot of friends.

Goes on the road with you!

Everyone immediately becomes more cheerful,

I want to move mountains!

"WARM-UP" STATION(Not Evaluated)

Now you have to guess the puzzles.

Point cones

Ruler minus


At each age stage, mental functions are formed that are important for the transition to the next stage. The skills and abilities that a child acquires in preschool age will serve as the foundation for acquiring knowledge and developing abilities in the future.

I invite teams to determine at what age children develop skills.


You and I often offer children tasks in which they reproduce something from memory. What kind of memory do you have?

Each team is shown 5 slides at 5 second intervals. Then questions are asked about the content of the slides.

Questions for the first team:

  • How many scissors are there on the first slide? (five)
  • What color is the cube that held the crane? (Red)
  • What's missing on the second slide?
  • How many carriages are there on the train? (2)

Questions for the second team:

  • How many birds are on the first slide? (four)
  • What color were the numbers on the second slide? (red)
  • What's missing on the third slide? (onion)
  • What is the cone on? (in Cuba)


(captains competition)

I will give out cards with 5 words to each captain. Within two minutes, the first participant must try to explain the words to his opponent; In this case, you cannot use words with the same root. The second captain guesses the words. Then the captains change places.

Words for the first captain: number, addition, shape, counting

Words for the second captain: number, task, subtraction, rebus.

Second option , the captains take turns being given explanations of one or another mathematical concept, the captains must try to guess everything:

For the first captain:

1. an exercise that requires finding a solution based on known data using certain actions (inference, calculations, moving elements, etc.) subject to certain rules for performing these actions

2.Graphical expression of a number of fourarithmetic operations, reverseaddition

For the second captain:

1. basic conceptmathematicians , used forquantitative

characteristics, comparisons,

objects and their parts.

2. Establishing the relationship between objects and segments of the natural series of numbers.

3.Spatial attribute of objects.


Participants need to solve several problems (problems are solved one by one)

First command:

1. 7 sparrows descended onto the beds,

They jump and peck at something without looking back.

The cunning cat suddenly crept up,

He immediately grabbed one and rushed off.

That's how dangerous it is to peck without looking back!

How many of them are left in the garden now?

2. The sum of two numbers is 330.
When in more one zero was discarded on the right,

The numbers turned out to be equal.
What were these numbers?

Second team

1. Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse

They pulled and pulled the turnip and finally pulled it out.

How many eyes were looking at the turnip?

2. The boy wrote the number 86 on a piece of paper and said to his friend: “Without making any notes, increase this number by 12 and show me the answer.” Without thinking twice, the comrade showed the answer.

Task for both teams

(the solution is written down on a piece of paper)

There are two buckets with a capacity of 4 and 9 liters. How can you use them to bring exactly 6 liters of water from the river?...

And now you have to solve the task"Mosaic of numbers" (Dyenesha blocks). Here are pictures that you can “draw” if you solve the examples correctly and find the right block.

Cards depicting symbols and examples are distributed. The team solves the example on their card, “deciphers” it and takes the block corresponding to the cipher and finds a place for it on the image of the objects.
If all blocks are selected correctly, then an image of the object is obtained.


The participants of each team need to complete the drawing geometric figures ten images each. Drawings should not be repeated.

That's "INTELLECTUAL" STATION.We have arrived at our destination. This means that our team employs the most intellectual teachers. I congratulate you and wish you further success!

