How to make a giant shelter in Minecraft. How to make a secret hideout in Minecraft

When you launch Minecraft for the first time, it is very difficult to navigate this strange cubic world with many incomprehensible laws. Minecraft walkthrough games, the question most often arises: “What is there to do here? Where to start? You appear at a random point in the world, you have nothing in your hands, and there is not a single intelligent creature around. No one gives you tasks or tries to teach you the possibilities of gaming. At the same time, no one is trying to kill you, but this is only for the first time. This first time should be used to prepare for any possible danger.

Imagine that you are Robinson, who finds himself on desert island. There is no usual human society here, only wild, virgin nature. But you are a person, you are used to living in comfort, and not spending your days jumping through trees from branch to branch. You can create the necessary comfort for yourself.

To begin with, it’s worth building at least some kind of dwelling: to fence off a small piece of land from the outside world, and thereby create a safe place where you can return after the next adventure. Only you can decide what your shelter will be like. It could be: a small bungalow on the sandy shore of the nearest trees, a dugout deep in the ground, a cozy cave, a house on top of a tree, a multi-story mansion, a crystal palace, a stone castle, and perhaps something else that comes into your head. You can build whatever your heart desires.

Got any idea about this? Are you already eager? This means that the first step has been taken – the goal has been set. Now we need funds to implement it: building materials and tools. Let's move on to practice.

Minecraft walkthrough

First you need wood. We look for the nearest tree and start hitting it with our hands (hold down the left mouse button). In this way, we destroy all the blocks of wood that we reach in height. The destroyed blocks have been added to our inventory, we look there (press the “E” key). In the center are all our collected items, and just above, to the right of the hero’s model, there are four cells for crafting (for transforming items).

We take everything we get wood and drag it with the mouse into one of the crafting cells. In the cell to the right of the arrow we take the resulting boards and drag them down to the inventory. Then we take the boards and put two of them in the upper and lower crafting cells on one side. On the right we take the resulting sticks.

You can now mine with a wooden pickaxe stone blocks . We look for a nearby rock, pick up a pickaxe, hold down the left button and begin to hollow out block by block. Having extracted 20-30 blocks of stone, we return to the workbench.

Go to the workbench menu. Again we place sticks in the central and lower crafting cells, and stone blocks in the three upper cells. The result will be stone pickaxe. It is much stronger than wood, and destroys blocks much faster.

Minecraft walkthrough
How to make a shelter in Minecraft

Minecraft walkthrough
How to make a shelter in Minecraft. With the help of the created tools, you can now safely mine building materials and ingredients. The most common blocks can be used as building materials for the walls and roof of a building: stone, earth, wood. (Construction from rarer and more refined materials is best postponed until later). We hastily build a box with four walls, a roof, windows and a door.

We will also need coal Minecraft walkthrough (stone blocks with black veins). By combining the coal in the top crafting slot and the wooden stick in the bottom slot, we get torch. This is the simplest light source. When night falls, without additional artificial lighting, you can easily get lost or fall straight into the clutches of monsters, so it’s always better to have a decent supply of torches with you. It is also better to surround the walls of the constructed building with torches on all sides. It would also be nice to build a tall tower near the house and install torches on its top. This simple beacon will help you notice the location of your shelter from afar.

We put it inside the building Workbench, stove, box. Can be made from wood entrance doors can be opened from the inside using floor slab. From coastal sand you can make glass using a stove for this. Then it will be possible to make windows from glass blocks, or even a completely glass house for better review peace. You can also immediately install it in the house bed, so that after death you can be resurrected immediately at this point (to create a bed you will need to find and shear sheep, since their wool is needed to craft a bed).

A small house has been built, basic household items have been arranged, and now you can study the world around you in more detail.

Minecraft. Resources

Resource extraction is the main and most important thing for passing Minecraft games, in order to obtain some resources, it is not enough to simply walk and search on the surface of the earth. There are such very useful minerals as: iron, gold, diamonds, redstone (red electric ore), lava, obsidian. But they are all located deep underground, and their extraction is very difficult.

In Minecraft, you can destroy every block, which means you can dig a tunnel to the very center of the earth (to the bottom layer of adamantine, an absolutely impenetrable rock) anywhere. But, without good tools, it is better to refrain from this. It will be much easier to wander a little on the surface of the earth to find caves leading deep down.

The caves are filled with underground waterfalls, lava flows and countless nightmarish creatures that hide here from the sunlight. Caves are an extremely unsafe place, but they are the closest route to the rich lower layers of the earth.

When moving through a cave, it is better to immediately level out all natural holes and hummocks, creating a convenient and comfortable path down, because you will have to walk along it very often. It is also worth taking care of lighting. It is best to place torches on the floor and three at a time, building a corner of them (with the corner deep into the cave, and two torches on the sides - towards the exit). This way it will be possible to determine not only whether you were here or not, but also the direction of movement towards the exit.

Mining is made more difficult by the fact that stronger ores require stronger tools. Iron is mined with at least a stone pickaxe, gold and red ore with an iron pickaxe, diamonds with a gold pickaxe, and obsidian with a diamond pickaxe. To do this, it is better to carry a workbench and a stove with you in your inventory, and make tools right in the cave.

Transforming the world
Minecraft. Survival

Minecraft walkthrough of the game, having collected a sufficient amount of a wide variety of resources, you can create all kinds of decorative things for the home, grow a vegetable garden, brew potions, enchant weapons and armor, build giant objects with many small parts, pave railway, create steam locomotives and entire railway trains, invent various automatic mechanisms. In a word - you can transform this cubic world to your liking.

I want a space station to communicate with residents

When there's a zombie apocalypse.

I still don’t understand why I was thrown into emergency situations in the group? Several people supported me and one of them answered objectively. There is no reason to publish buildings that can be built in 5 minutes. Anyone can do something in five minutes, and you can post it to the group. People don’t strive to do something so that their construction will be published. I can make a box with windows and plant flowers next to it and it will be published. Fine? I don't think so. The name of the group is “Delny - BEAUTIFUL buildings.” And they lay out boxes that will score a maximum of 2/3 points.

Guys, I was bitten by a wasp today.

Nice picture you have above your bed, make it a secret passage to the laboratory and resource warehouse, I'm waiting

Make secret rooms behind the paintings

You fell asleep in a box with small cows, there is an entrance there

Where is the zombie apocalypse?! If you abandoned it, then this is a very bad decision! It gets the most views! LIKE IF YOU AGREE!

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In this video I will show you how to build a mega secret bunker in Minecraft. A secret door on the pistons will hide the entrance to your bunker.

#minecraft bunker #mechanisms #explosion shelter

Below watch the video about how to make a secret shelter in Minecraft and express your opinion about it in the reviews to the article.

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The video was uploaded to the admin from the user Averky: for immediate viewing on the portal.

To give the correct answer to the question How to make a secret shelter in Minecraft, you need to watch the video. After viewing, you will not need to seek help from specialists. Detailed instructions will help you solve your problems. Enjoy watching.

Humor on the topic: - Teacher, how did you know nirvana? - Downloaded and listened.

System requirements
Minecraft (2011 - 2017)

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel, AMD 1.6 GHz Dual Core 3.0 GHz
Video card 128 MB, Shader 1.1
DirectX 9.0c
256 MB, Shader 2.0
DirectX 9.0c
200 MB 200 MB
operating system Windows 32-bit: XP/7 Windows 64-bit: 7 / 8 / 10

First steps in the game

Purpose of the game
Minecraft. What to do in Minecraft

When you launch Minecraft for the first time, it is very difficult to navigate this strange cubic world with many incomprehensible laws. And most often the question arises: “What is there to do here? Where to start? You appear at a random point in the world, you have nothing in your hands, and there is not a single intelligent creature around. No one gives you tasks or tries to teach you the possibilities of gaming. At the same time, no one is trying to kill you, but this is only for the first time. This first time should be used to prepare for any possible danger.

Imagine that you are Robinson, stranded on a desert island. There is no usual human society here, only wild, virgin nature. But you are a person, you are used to living in comfort, and not spending your days jumping through trees from branch to branch. You can create the necessary comfort for yourself.

To begin with, it’s worth building at least some kind of dwelling: to fence off a small piece of land from the outside world, and thereby create a safe place where you can return after the next adventure. Only you can decide what your shelter will be like. It could be: a small bungalow on the sandy shore of the nearest trees, a dugout deep in the ground, a cozy cave, a house on top of a tree, a multi-story mansion, a crystal palace, a stone castle, and perhaps something else that comes into your head. You can build whatever your heart desires.

Got any idea about this? Are you already eager? This means that the first step has been taken – the goal has been set. Now we need funds to implement it: building materials and tools. Let's move on to practice.

Minecraft. Walkthrough

First you need wood. We look for the nearest tree and start hitting it with our hands (hold down the left mouse button). In this way, we destroy all the blocks of wood that we reach in height. The destroyed blocks have been added to our inventory, we look there (press the "E" key). In the center are all our collected items, and a little higher, to the right of the hero model, there are four cells for crafting (for transforming items).

We take everything we get wood and drag it with the mouse into one of the crafting cells. In the cell to the right of the arrow we take the resulting boards and drag them down to the inventory. Then we take the boards and put two of them in the upper and lower crafting cells on one side. On the right we take the resulting sticks.

You can now mine with a wooden pickaxe stone blocks. We look for a nearby rock, pick up a pickaxe, hold down the left button and begin to hollow out block by block. Having extracted 20-30 blocks of stone, we return to the workbench.

Go to the workbench menu. Again we place sticks in the central and lower crafting cells, and stone blocks in the three upper cells. The result will be stone pickaxe. It is much stronger than wood, and destroys blocks much faster.

In addition to the pickaxe, you can make other necessary tools. To do this, we place the sticks on the same two central lower cells, and the type of tool obtained will depend on the position of the stone blocks: axe(three blocks in any upper corner), shovel(one block in the central top cell), hoe(one block in the top center cell, and the second in the upper left or upper right corner). An ax significantly speeds up deforestation, a shovel speeds up digging up earth blocks, a hoe is needed to loosen the soil for planting.

Building a Shelter
How to make it in Minecraft

With the help of the created tools, you can now safely mine building materials and ingredients. The most common blocks can be used as building materials for the walls and roof of a building: stone, earth, wood. (Construction from rarer and more refined materials is best postponed until later). We hastily build a box with four walls, a roof, windows and a door.

We will also need coal(stone blocks with black veins). By combining the coal in the top crafting slot and the wooden stick in the bottom slot, we get torch. This is the simplest light source. When night falls, without additional artificial lighting, you can easily get lost or fall straight into the clutches of monsters, so it’s always better to have a decent supply of torches with you. It is also better to surround the walls of the constructed building with torches on all sides. It would also be nice to build a tall tower near the house and install torches on its top. This simple beacon will help you notice the location of your shelter from afar.

We put it inside the building Workbench, stove, box. Can be made from wood entrance doors can be opened from the inside using floor slab. From coastal sand you can make glass using a stove for this. Then it will be possible to make windows from glass blocks, or even a completely glass house for a better view of the world. You can also immediately install it in the house bed, so that after death you can be resurrected immediately at this point (to create a bed you will need to find and shear sheep, since their wool is needed to craft a bed).

A small house has been built, basic household items have been arranged, and now you can study the world around you in more detail.

Minecraft. Resources

In order to obtain some resources, it is not enough to simply walk and search on the surface of the earth. There are such very useful minerals as: iron, gold, diamonds, redstone (red electric ore), lava, obsidian. But they are all located deep underground, and their extraction is very difficult.

In Minecraft, you can destroy every block, which means you can dig a tunnel to the very center of the earth (to the bottom layer of adamantine, an absolutely impenetrable rock) anywhere. But, without good tools, it is better to refrain from this. It will be much easier to wander a little on the surface of the earth to find caves leading deep down.

The caves are filled with underground waterfalls, lava flows and countless nightmarish creatures that hide here from the sunlight. Caves are an extremely unsafe place, but they are the closest route to the rich lower layers of the earth.

When moving through a cave, it is better to immediately level out all natural holes and hummocks, creating a convenient and comfortable path down, because you will have to walk along it very often. It is also worth taking care of lighting. It is best to place torches on the floor and three at a time, building a corner of them (with the corner deep into the cave, and two torches on the sides - towards the exit). This way it will be possible to determine not only whether you were here or not, but also the direction of movement towards the exit.

Mining is made more difficult by the fact that stronger ores require stronger tools. Iron is mined with at least a stone pickaxe, gold and red ore with an iron pickaxe, diamonds with a gold pickaxe, and obsidian with a diamond pickaxe. To do this, it is better to carry a workbench and a stove with you in your inventory, and make tools right in the cave.

Transforming the world
Minecraft. Survival

Having collected a sufficient amount of a wide variety of resources, you can create all kinds of decorative things for your home, grow a vegetable garden, brew potions, enchant weapons and armor, build giant objects with many small parts, lay a railroad, create steam locomotives and entire trains, invent various automatic mechanisms. In a word - you can transform this cubic world to your liking.
