Card index of walks in the second junior spring. Card index of walks in the second junior group

Natalya Mekhralieva
Card file of walks for the second junior group (March)

Walk No. 1 Observation of snow. slide2.

Target: To form ideas about the first spring performances in nature.

Observation progress. Show the properties of snow in spring. Starts to melt. Icicles appear on the roofs. A hard ice crust forms on the snowdrifts - the snow melts in the sun, and when the sun disappears, the water freezes and an ice crust forms. The snow is no longer fluffy, like in winter.

The sun came out from behind the clouds. And warmed the squeaky snow,

Snow thought a little. And the stream set off on its way. Outdoor games "One - Two". Target: when moving in pairs, learn to balance your movements with the movements of your partner. "Who will run to the flag faster?". Target: learn while running, overcome obstacles. Labor activity. Clearing a path covered with snow. Target: teach correctly, use a spatula, bring the work started to the end. Individual work. game exercise "Find Katya doll"- exercise in orientation in space. remote material

Walk No. 2 Observation of the sky and clouds.

Target: to cultivate interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature, in the native land.

Observation course. Look at the sky with your children.

caregiver: What color is the sky today? (Listens to the answers of the children, then tells.) The sky turned blue. White light clouds appeared, which slowly, unhurriedly, float, admiring the children from above. Spring is coming! Clouds, like white fluffy cotton wool, float across the sky. If there are clouds in the sky, they cover the sun, then it is not so hot outside. They move, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. If the wind blows, they swim faster and often change their shape. Tells riddles to children.

On the blue sea, White geese swim. (Clouds)

White horses on a blue field. (Clouds in the sky)

Outdoor games "Sun and Rain". Target: learn to walk in a circle without breaking it. "Catch me" Target: exercise in running in a certain direction. Labor activity. We collect ice in a bucket. Target: learn to perform the simplest assignments. Individual work. game exercise "Compare ice cubes by size" remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, cars

Walk#3 Watching the wind. slide3. Target: involve children in observing natural phenomena, diversify the play activities of children with the help of games with sultans.

Observation progress. A cold wind blows, it lifts and swirls the snow. The wind howls, shakes the trees, drives the clouds across the sky.

Play with the wind with the help of sultans, listen to how they rustle and how the wind sways them.

The winds blow in February

Howling loudly in the pipes

A blizzard rushes along the ground

White ground. Outdoor games "Carousels". Target: learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children. "The most accurate" Target: Practice throwing snowballs at a target. Labor activity. Let's sweep the path. Target: learn to perform the simplest assignments. Individual work. Jumping forward. remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, cars

Walk No. 4 Observation of transport.

Target: To teach children to distinguish between trucks and cars. Recognize and name other modes of transport - tram, bus. Observation course. To consolidate knowledge about what drives cars - the driver.

Cars are speeding along the highway.

Shur, shur, shur-

Their tires are in a hurry.

But the cars are different:

Blue, red.

Why are the cars in a hurry?

And where are the cars going?

Waiting for one of them at the construction site,

Waiting for a doctor patient on a bed

Goods important factory,

Waiting for the car too.

That's why the cars are in a hurry.

Shur, shur, shur-

Their tires rustle. Outdoor games "We are chauffeurs". Target: learn to navigate the terrain. "Aircraft" Target: exercise in performing actions on a signal. Labor activity. "Sweeping in the gazebo" The goal is to involve children in the implementation of the simplest assignments. Individual work. Throwing snowballs at a distance. remote material

Walk No. 5 Observation of icicles. slide 4.

Target: To show that in spring the sun shines and warms. The snow on the roofs melts and forms icicles: long and short, thin and thick. Icicles are transparent, cold, hard. They shine beautifully in the sun.

Icicle sings a song


Who will understand her


I'm very sad


Who will help me

Cap-cap-cap. Outdoor games "Snowing". Target: exercise children in running, make turns around themselves. "Bubble" Target: teach children to stand in a circle. Labor activity. Clear benches of snow. The goal is to involve children in the implementation of the simplest assignments. Individual work. Repetition of poems by March 8. remote material: shovels, buckets, molds.

Walk No. 6 Observation of the sun.

Target: To give children the first impressions of early spring. To form ideas about the first spring changes in nature - sunny days. Observation course. Draw the attention of children, which is getting bigger sunny days, the sun is bright, radiant. It makes him warmer. Substitute the palms of the sun - they heat up, touch the fur coats, the bench - also warm. Spring is coming - it brings warmth.

Watch the snow sparkle in the sun.

The sun shines in the window

Looks into our room

We clap our hands

Very happy with the sun. Outdoor games "Sun and Rain". Target: teach children to walk and run in all directions. "Snowflakes and Wind" Target: develop children's imagination, mindfulness, ability to play in a team. Labor activity. Snow road construction. Target: to teach children to work together, to help each other. Individual work. Drawing geometric shapes sticks in the snow. remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, cars.

Walk№7 Birdwatching Slide 5.

Target: Continue to develop the ability to distinguish birds in appearance

(dove, crow, sparrow). Expand your understanding of the behavior of birds in the spring. Cultivate the desire to take care of the birds. Observation progress. Invite the children to come to the feeders. Pour bread crumbs into the feeder. Pay attention that sparrows in the sun chirp merrily, and crows croak loudly.

A little bird flew to us

I will give grains to a little bird,

The little bird is pecking at the grains,

The little bird sings songs. Outdoor games "Run to what I call". Target: learn to navigate in space. "Hares and the wolf" Target: learn to navigate in space, find your place. Labor activity. Clearing snow around buildings. Target: to attach to joint work. Individual work. Exercise children in throwing at a distance with the right and left hands. remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, throwing bags.

Walk No. 8 Observation of weather phenomena.

Target: To teach children to notice changes in nature, the first signs of spring. Observation course. Draw the children's attention to what changes occur with the weather. spring: the sun is shining brightly, drops are falling from the roofs, the snow is wet, heavy, gray.

spring, spring,

Open up the gate

Come quickly

Warm our earth "Round dance". Target: teach children how to dance. "Wave, wreath" Target: exercise children in running. Labor activity. Shoveling snow with a shovel. Target: learn to work together. Individual work. Fix the signs of spring. remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, sultans.

Walk No. 9 Observation of children's clothes. slide 6.

Target: Activate children's vocabulary by topic "Cloth". Observation course.

going on walk ask the children what has changed in their clothes? On the walk pay attention to the weather that is getting warmer - people have changed clothes to lighter ones (removed warm jackets, fur coats, fur hats)

Removed scarf and gloves

They took off their fur coat with a hood,

Unbuttoned all the buttonholes,

Spring is coming to us with warmth. Outdoor games "Shaggy Dog". Target: teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement. "Catch me" Target: exercise quickly, act on a signal. Labor activity. Bird feeding. Target: to continue to educate in children the desire to take care of birds. Individual work. game exercise "Along the narrow path". remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, cars, balls. Walk No. 10 Observation of puddles.

Target: To arouse interest in the changes taking place in nature.

To form the concept that puddles are formed from melting snow. Observation progress. Draw the attention of the children that there is ice in the puddles, and what happens to it when the sun warms.

In the morning the puddles are covered with ice, but the ice can be broken with a shovel. -Look at the ice cubes.

They are transparent like glass.

Are you curious to know where the ice came from? -Look, there is no sun in the sky, the sky is gray, gloomy, the clouds have covered everything, the weather is cold today, the water has frozen, turned into ice.

During the day, when the sun begins to shine, the ice melts and puddles form again. Outdoor games "By flat path» . The goal is to develop coordination in the movement of arms and legs in children. "Horses" Target: teach children to move together one by one, coordinate movements. Labor activity. We carry snow in buckets to a certain place. Target: involve children in the implementation of the simplest assignments. Individual work. Didactic game "What color is the car?" remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, cars.

Walk№11 Watching the sun, playing with a sunbeam. Slide 7. Target: Continue to form the concept that in spring the sun shines, warms the earth. It is very bright, warm, snow melts quickly in the sun. Observation progress.

Put your palms up to the sun, feel its warmth.

Bring to walk a small mirror and play with a sunbeam.

Sunbeams play on the wall

Beckon them with your finger

Let them run to you

Here is the light circle

Here, here, here, left, left.

Ran to the ceiling. Outdoor games "Find Your Color". Target: to teach children to act quickly on a signal, to navigate in space; develop dexterity. "Hen - Corydalis" Target: exercise children to quickly respond to the teacher's signal. Labor activity. We sweep in the gazebo. Target: involve children in the implementation of the simplest assignments. Individual work. Didactic exercise "Who's doing what?". remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, cars, masks for games.

Walk No. 12 Watching streams.

Target: To form in children an interest in the phenomena of spring weather. Continue to teach children to determine the state of the weather, to introduce some of the characteristic features of spring. Observation course. Guys, come on, please. I will now give you a riddle, and you try to guess it, be attentive:

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.

The day comes, when does it happen? (Spring).

Children, now it's a month March.

March first month of spring. Snow melts everywhere, stormy, sonorous streams run. We also have streams in our area. Look at the stream we have on the site.

I have prepared for you a poem about a stream. Listen carefully.

A stream runs down the stairs

Ice stairs.

And spring live songs

They run loudly after him.

Outdoor games "Taxi". Target: to teach children to move together, to measure movements with each other. "Mice and Cat" Target: to teach children to run easily, on their toes, without bumping into each other. Labor activity. Collecting stones in the field. Target: teach children to work together. Individual work. A game "Edible and inedible" remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, balls.

Card number 1 summer

observation. We watch the birds arriving at the site. Draw the attention of children to how birds move: they walk, jump, fly. How they peck food, drink water from a puddle.

P / Game “Cat and Sparrows”

The goal is to develop dexterity, speed, reaction.

Game progress: The driver (cat) is selected. The cat is sleeping, the sparrows (the rest of the children) are jumping around and flapping their wings. The cat woke up - sparrows scattered in different directions. The cat catches up with the one he caught, he becomes the driver.

C\R game "Shop"

Work. Wipe dust off the bench with a damp cloth

Card number 2 summer

observation. Sun watching. Encourage children to notice how bright and fun the sun can shine. To evoke in children a feeling of joy, a desire to express their attitude in words, facial expressions, gestures. Expand the vocabulary of adjectives - bright, radiant, cheerful.

After observing, play with sunbeams (near the wall of the veranda) using a mirror. Read verses:

The sun shines on all the animals

birds, bunnies, even flies,

dandelion in the grass

white seagull in blue

even the cat on the window, and of course me.

C/Role-playing game "Shop"

P / Game "The mother hen and chickens"

PURPOSE: Development of attention, dexterity, speed.

PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: On one side of the site there is a "chicken coop" where "chickens" (children) with a "brood hen" are placed. Side to side is a "big bird" (one of the kids). The mother hen leaves the chicken coop, crawls under the rope and goes in search of food. She calls the “chickens”: “Ko-ko-ko”, the “chickens” crawl under the rope at her call and walk with her on the site (“the grains peck”: they bend down, squat, etc.). At the words of an adult: "A big bird is flying!", The "chickens" run home.

Work. Sweep the veranda.

Card number 3 summer

observation. Already my grass is silk - watching the grass. To develop in children the idea that plants need heat. Expand the child's vocabulary (grass, green). Respect for green grass. During observations, Vos-l reminds children that it is impossible to run on the lawn and tear grass. A folklore text is used: little children trampled me, playfully ...

P / Game "Blind Man's Buff"

It is carried out on a flat, obstacle-free place.

Purpose: We develop coordination, hearing, imagination.

The driver is blindfolded. The children stand in a circle and take turns clapping. Whoever the leader reaches first, he leads.

C\R game "Shop"

Card number 4 summer

observation. Reinforce ideas about trees. Show the changes taking place with the trees in the summer, instead of flowers, berries appeared (rowan, bird cherry). Pay attention to the different shape of the leaves.

C/Role-playing game. “Captain and Passengers” Purpose: To tell who the captain is and what duties he performs on the ship. We choose a captain and set off on a journey along the river.

P/Game. "Bees"

GOAL: Development of dexterity.

PROCESS OF THE GAME: Children depict bees, run, waving their wings, "buzz." An adult appears - "bear" - and says:

The bear is walking

Honey from the bees will carry away.

Bees, go home!

"Bees" fly into - "beehive". "Bear", waddling, goes there too. "Bees". "Bees" flap their wings, driving away the "bear", "fly away" from him, running around the room. "Bear" catches them.

Work. Collect dry twigs and stones on the site.

Card number 5 summer

observation. Red sarafan, black polka dots - observation of a ladybug. develop in children elementary representations about insects - a bug crawls, flies, red with black polka dots, antennae on its head. Cultivate a humane attitude towards a small animal creature. You can watch a ladybug on a leaf, on a palm, see how it flies away, opening its wings. You can use a magnifying glass.

P / Game "Bear Bear"

PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: Children sit in a circle, one of them in the center of the circle. Adult says:

Come out, Mishenka, dance, dance.

Paw, paw, Mishenka, wave, wave.

And we will go around Mishenka in a round dance,

Let's sing a fun song, let's sing!

Let's, we'll hit the patty, hit!

Will, will Mishenka dance for us, we dance!

"Bear" in the center of the circle is dancing, the children are clapping their hands.

C\R game "Driver"

Labor My table and benches

Card number 6 summer

Rain watching. Developed presented. about rain, rain, maybe. small, quiet, but maybe. strong, frequent, it rains from a cloud. Enrich and act-th vocabulary attached. Encourage to notice the connection between weather and clothing. Help to express holy impressions in the game, drawing.

C/Role play “Planting a garden” Show the children how to make beds, how to plant some seeds. Remember what vegetables grow in the garden.

P / Game "Sun and rain"

Work. Weeding the weeds in the flower beds.

Card number 7 summer

observation. Dandelion watching. To develop in children elementary ideas about flowering dandelions. Encourage children to learn elementary ideas about flowering dandelions. Encourage children to recognize dandelions and name them. Develop a vocabulary of adjectives (yellow, gold, like the sun) to cultivate a sense of sympathy, respect for the plant.

Girls and boys!

Don't pick dandelions!

Among houses, among cars -

Cheerful, meadow

Do not rush to grab in the palm of your hand -

A flower like you, alive!

P / game “A goat lived with my grandmother”

Purpose: Exercise in running, walking, crawling.

The children stand in a circle, the teacher says, “the goat lived with my grandmother. He had legs like this (they put their legs forward), the hooves were here (squat show), etc. (horns, tail). The goat wanted to take a walk, and he went through the mountains, through the valleys (they get on all fours and disperse throughout the site). The grandmother calls the goat home. “Go the goat home, otherwise the wolf will eat it.” The teacher portrays the wolf and invites the children to run away from him.

Work. sweep the veranda

Card number 8 summer

Tree observation. To develop an idea about the originality of spruce - its needles do not fall off, it remains green, even when it is cold, the Christmas tree is bold, brave, not afraid of autumn. cold. To arouse admiration for the Christmas tree, which was not afraid of the cold, to awaken a feeling of admiring its beauty. read the verse:

Let the leaves swirl in the sky, and the cold is near,

I will never lose green needles!

Just look at my forest outfit,

You just come to talk to me.

Ask what we will say to the Christmas tree. Offer to play hide and seek with toys near the Christmas tree.

P\Game "Carousel"

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, and then

Everyone run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't run

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two

So the game is over!

Work. We water the flowers.

Card number 9 summer

observation. Continue to learn to distinguish insects from other living things. Insects are small, live in the grass, in the ground, in the bark of trees, feed on grass, leaves and nectar.

C\R game "Shop"

P\Game "Cat and Mice"

PURPOSE: Development of coordination of movements.


The mice came out once

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing -

The mice are out!

The adult claps his hands, the "mouse" child runs into the "mink", and the "cat" chases him.

Work. washing outdoor toys

Card number 10 summer

observation. Rain, rain, more - watching the spring rain. To develop elementary ideas about rain in children - the rain is strong, the rain is pouring, the rain is dripping drip-drip, the rain has passed. Everyone rejoices in the rain - and grass, and flowers, and trees. Continue to develop observation 9 after the rain, the earth is wet - the rain is wet)

It's raining from above,

glad herbs and flowers,

happy maples, poplars,

happy wet earth.

If possible, watch from the window for passers-by who are walking quickly, hiding from the rain under an umbrella.

P/Game. "Day Night"

The beholder is chosen by the counting room. The beholder says: “day ... day” the children walk, jump, run, the beholder says: “night” the children freeze. The one who moved lost.

Work. Sweeping the veranda

Card number 11 summer

observation. Show the features of windy weather in summer. The wind is blowing - branches and trees are swaying, foliage is rustling. A strong wind blows - branches break and fall to the ground. To develop in children sensory perception and emotional response (joy, surprise): a warm, gentle wind is blowing, offer to listen to how it rustles in young foliage. Invite the children to "search" for the wind (the trees sway, the grass moves, sways). Arouse children's interest in this natural phenomenon. After observing, distribute the sultans, turntables to the children and invite them to play with them.

P \ Game “At the bear in the forest”

The driver is selected, turns away. Children say a rhyme: "The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep, everything growls at us." After these words, the children scatter, and the leader-bear catches. Whoever gets caught is the bear.

С\Р game “Shop”

Work. Weeding the weeds in the flower beds

Card number 12 summer

observation. Show the properties of water. The water is heated by the sun and becomes warm. Plants are watered with water, birds drink water from puddles. When the water is clean, it is transparent. Water flows, it can be poured from one vessel to another.

С\Р game “Shop”

P \ Game "Geese-swans"

The leading wolf is selected, stands in the middle of the field. Children stand in one line at a distance of 5-10 steps from the wolf and say a rhyme: “Geese-geese, gaga, do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes. Well, fly home. The gray wolf under the mountain, sharpens his teeth, drinks water, does not give us a passage. Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings.” After the words, all the children run to the other side, and the wolf catches. Caught becomes a wolf.

Work. Wash outdoor toys.

Card number 13 summer

observation. Show that summer rain can be different. In summer it rains warmly. After the rain, a rainbow appears in the sky. Trees, houses and earth are wet after rain. The rain has passed and there are puddles. You can walk barefoot in warm puddles.

P\Game “Paper snowballs”

Two teams throw paper balls at each other until the adult says “Stop!” Children throwing snowballs after the word “Stop” Leave the team. The team with the most children wins.

C \ R Game "Drivers" Labor. Collect all paper wads

Card number 14 summer

observation. Show properties of sand. In the morning, the sand is watered so that it is moist and the air in the area is fresh. Dry sand crumbles, and wet sand can be sculpted. You can draw on wet sand, and if you step on it, a trace will remain.

C \ R Game "Drivers"

P\Game. "Sun Bunnies"

GOAL: Development of dexterity.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: An adult makes sunbeams with a mirror and says at the same time:

sun bunnies

Playing on the wall

Beckon them with your finger

Let them run to you!

Then on command: "Catch the bunny!" - the child runs and tries to catch the "bunny".

Labor We remove faded flowers and dried leaves

Card number 15 summer

Observation of passers-by in summer clothes and children's clothes. To develop elementary ideas about clothes in children. Activate the vocabulary of children (dress, sundress, T-shirt, shorts, panties, socks, panama hat) Develop sensory perception of the color of clothes (Kolya has a yellow T-shirt, Anya has a red sundress)

P \ Game "Bubble"

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't crash.

Work. We sweep the veranda, wipe the bench.

Card number 16 summer

observation. Watching ants. Tireless ants work, dragging sticks, blades of grass and straws into their house. In an anthill as in big house, there are bedrooms, and children's rooms, and many corridors

S\Rigra.”Builders” Tell children about the profession of a builder. Show how to build a house out of sand, stones, dry twigs. Encourage the children to build their own houses.

P \ Game "Bubble"

Purpose: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't crash.

Work. We collect stones and dry twigs on the site

Card number 17 summer

Leaf observation. To develop in children the ability to make independent observations, to bring the kids to the conclusion: the wind is blowing, the leaves are rustling. To cultivate a sense of respect for wildlife (we do not break green branches, we do not tear leaves). Such observation is carried out repeatedly, children can be offered to find a large and small leaf, smell the fragrant aroma of freshness, etc.

P \ Game "Do not hurt"

Children randomly arrange objects on the playground. On command, they begin to run, but so as not to collide and not to hurt objects. The child who hit the object is out of the game. The game continues until the last player remains. He is a winner.

C\R game "Hospital"

Work. My table and benches.

Card number 18 summer

Watching a white dandelion. To develop in children elementary ideas about the life of a dandelion during its flowering. Cause a desire to admire flying fluffs, snow-white flower heads, evoke an emotional response to an interesting phenomenon (blew on a dandelion - fluffs flew). Make a riddle: there was a flower - like a yolk, and now it is like a snowball.

P\Game. "Cat and Sparrows"

Draw a circle in the sand. In the center of the circle is a cat. Children are sparrows. They jump around the circle, tease, jump into the circle when their cat does not see, and try so that she does not catch them. As soon as the cat catches three sparrows, the role of the cat passes to another child.

C\R game.”Builders” Tell children about the profession of a builder. Show how to build a house out of sand, stones, dry twigs. Encourage the children to build their own houses.

Work. We weed the garden. We loosen with small rakes

Card number 19 summer

observation. Expand your understanding of trees. Show how deciduous trees differ from conifers. Show that berries appeared on some trees instead of flowers.

C\R game "Drivers"

P\Game “Bees and Bear”

Children run (fly) around the playground, flapping “wings”. From time to time the host says: “Bees, bees, fly into the hive, take care of the honey from the bear!” As soon as the bees hear these words, they should quickly run away from the bear and fly into the hive (circle). The bear chases the bees. After the bees have flown into the hive, they turn to the bear and buzz angrily at him. The game is repeated.

Work. Sweeping the veranda, washing outdoor toys.

Card number 20 summer

observation. We observe the work of the janitor. In the morning, the janitor waters the flowers so that they do not wither, waters the paths and sand to beat the dust. After watering on the street, breathe easily.

P \ Game "Mice and a cat"

Description: children sit on benches or chairs - these are mice in minks. In the opposite corner of the room sits a cat - a teacher. The cat falls asleep (closes his eyes) and the mice scatter all over the room. But then the cat wakes up and starts catching mice. Mice quickly run away and hide in their places - minks. Caught mice the cat takes to itself. After the cat once again passes through the room and falls asleep again.

Work. We collect leaves and flowers for the herbarium.

Card number 1 (spring)

observation. Draw the children's attention to the fact that the sun began to appear more often in the sky. Its rays shine brighter, everything around sparkles, the snow sparkles in the sun and began to melt.

P / Game " Shaggy dog"

Purpose: to teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction, run, trying not to get caught.


Here lies the shaggy dog,

In the paws of his buried nose,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see: "Something will happen?"

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Card number 2 (spring)

observation. The sun heats up more and more, benches, fur coat sleeves, tree trunks heat up from the sun's rays. The sun is working, warming, calling spring. Spring is coming, bringing warmth.

P/Game"My cheerful sonorous ball."

Game progress:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase you!

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Work. Collect portable material, toys.

Card number 3 (spring)

observation. Look at the sky: was it like this in winter? What changed? The sky turned blue. White light clouds appeared, which slowly float, slowly, admiring the children from above. Spring is coming!

P / Game " Sparrows and a cat»

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Work. Collect remote material, clean it from snow.

Card number 4 (spring)

observation. The wind is getting warmer (more affectionate), compare it with a winter, cold wind. Clouds move faster the stronger the wind.

C\R game "Drivers"

P / Game " Catch me"

Description: Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room. The teacher invites them to catch up with him and runs in the opposite direction. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. When they run up, the teacher says: "Run away, run away, I'll catch up!". The children return to their seats.

Work Clean each other's clothes from snow.

Card number 5 (spring)

observation. Watch the icicles grow. Why do icicles grow? Offer to listen to drops. In frosty weather there is no drop.

P/Game"The gray bunny washes"

The goal is to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with it.

The gray hare washes, it can be seen that he is going to visit.

He washed his nose, washed his tail, washed his ear, wiped it dry.

S\Rigra.”Builders”. Tell the children about the profession of a builder. Show how to build a house out of sand, stones, dry twigs. Encourage the children to build their own houses.

Work. Feed the birds. Collect takeaway material.

Card number 6 (spring)

observation. During the day it gets warmer and streams flow through the yard. Watch how water from high places flows down.


The goal is to coordinate speech with movement.

The sun, the sun, the golden bottom

Burn, burn clearly so that it does not go out (round dance)

A stream ran in the garden, a hundred rooks flew in (running, “flying”)

And the snowdrifts melt, melt (squat)

And the flowers grow up (stretch on tiptoe, hands up).

S.R. A game"Shop"

Work. Using a spatula, make a “path” for a stream.

Card number 8 (spring)

observation. Establish a relationship between sunlight, heat and snowmelt. See on which side of the roof the snow melts earlier (on the sunny or in the shade).

P / Game " Little white bunny sits "

The goal is to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with it.

A little white bunny sits and moves its ears,

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws,

Clap, clap, clap, you need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump,

Skok, hop, hop, the bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped - and galloped away.

Work. Bird feeding.

Card number 9 (spring)

observation. Pay attention that funnels have thawed around the trees, the first thawed patches have appeared on the mounds. Show places where the snow melts faster. Why?


Game progress. Children stand in a column, holding on to each other, and move on command.

S.R. A game"Builders". Tell the children about the profession of a builder. Show how to build a house out of sand, stones, dry twigs. Encourage the children to build their own houses.

Work. Bird feeding. Loosening snow with shovels.

Card number 10 (spring)

observation. During the day it gets warmer, streams flow through the yard. Watch the streams.

P/Game"Streams by the Lake"

S.R. A game"chauffeurs"

Work. Measure the depth of the puddle with a spatula or stick in different places.

Card number 11 (spring)

observation. Pay attention to how the snowdrifts settle, trickles of water flow from under the snowdrifts and every day they become more and more, puddles form, which are pulled together by thin ice in the morning.

P/Game"Streams by the Lake"

The goal is to teach to run after each other in small groups, to stand in a circle.

Game progress. Children are divided into teams, at the signal "streams!" run one after another, at the signal "lake!" become in a circle.

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Bird feeding

Card number 12 (spring)

observation. Why do puddles freeze in the morning and thaw in the afternoon? What is the water like in the puddles? Why can't you walk in puddles? Pay attention to the fact that the sky, clouds, etc. are reflected in the puddles.

P/Game"Swan geese".

The goal is to teach the runner to dodge, to develop spatial orientation skills.

Game progress:

Geese, geese! - Ha-ha-ha! Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes!

Bread and butter? - Not! What about you? - Candy!!!

- The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home!

One, two, three - run home!(Geese run, the wolf catches up)

S.R. A game. Shop.

Work. Pick up pebbles, twigs, sticks on the site (you can start swimming in a puddle, noting: sink or swim, swim or get stuck.

Card number 13 (spring)

P / Game " Birds times! Birds two!

the goal is to teach children to perform counting movements.

Game progress.

How many legs, eyes, wings do birds have?

Birds, time! Birds two! Jump, jump, jump!

(expose legs in turn, scout on both legs)

Birds, time! Birds two! Clap! Clap! Clap!

(raise hands, clap)

Birds, time! Birds two! Everyone flew away!(by closing

eyes, run)

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Feed the birds, crumble bread for them.

Card number 14 (spring)

observation. Pay attention to the fact that after winter sleep, each tree comes to life. Watch the sap flow from the birch.

D/Game"Find a tree" the teacher calls the tree, the children find it.

The goal is to fix the names of the trees.

P/Game"We are funny guys"

The goal is to teach walking and running loose in a limited area. Develop speed and agility.

Game progress:

We are funny guys, we love to run and play.

One, two, three, four, five - well, try to catch up with us.

(trap catches children)

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Feed the birds, collect old leaves.

Card number 15 (spring)

observation. Examine the buds on the branches. Explain to the children that some trees wake up earlier, others later. Talk about the benefits of kidneys.

P/Game"Cats and mice".

The goal is to teach to imitate the sounds made by mice, cats, to run easily like mice.

Game progress. They choose a cat, the rest are mice.

On a bench by the path, the cat lay down and dozes

(mice run and squeak)

The cat opens its eyes and the mouse catches up with everyone: Meow! Meow!

(mice run away)

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Clear the ground of old foliage.

Card number 16 (spring)

observation. Look closely at the leaves that have appeared, on the birch - wrinkled, sticky, accordion-like, dark green. On poplar - shiny, sticky, dark green. Touch the leaves, find similarities and differences.


The goal is to teach them to run fast in different directions without colliding with each other.

Game progress.

The twig will not catch up with us, the tart will not catch us.

We can run fast and help each other out!

Children with the last words run away. Who has been pissed off should stop.

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Plant a tree or shrub.

Card number 17 (spring)

observation. Pay attention to the thawed patches, green grass has already appeared there. Offer to run your hand over the grass - it is soft.

P / Game " Kittens and puppies»

Description: Children are divided into 2 groups. 1 - kittens, 2 - puppies. The kittens are near the gymnastic wall, the puppies are on the other side of the playground. The teacher offers to run easily, gently. To the words of the teacher “puppies”, the 2nd group of children climbs over the bench, they run on all fours after the kittens and bark. Kittens, meowing, climb onto the gymnastic wall.

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Work. Clean the area with a rake from last year's grass

Card number 18 (spring)

observation. Pay attention to the flowering willow with fluffy, like terry earrings. Blooming willow is a sure sign

P/Game"At the bear in the forest"

A "bear" is chosen, which sits aside. The rest, pretending to pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket, approach the "bear", singing (saying): At the bear in the forest ...

Children scatter, "bear" catches them. The first one caught becomes a "bear".

S.R. A game"chauffeurs"

Work. Make a sand cake.

Card number 19 (spring)

observation. Show the children how dandelions turn bright yellow on fresh green grass - the first spring flowers. Consider the parts of a plant: stem, leaves, flower.

P/Game"Catch the sparrow"

Children become in a circle, choose "sparrow" and "cat". "Sparrow" in the circle, "cat" - behind the circle. She tries to run into the circle, to catch the "sparrow". Children are not allowed.

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Work. Collection of remote material

Card number 20 (spring)

observation. Watch the janitor at work. What is he doing? What for?

P / Game " Mother hen and chickens»

Description: Children are chickens, the teacher is a mother hen. On one side of the site there is a fenced-off place - this is the house of chickens and hens. The mother hen goes in search of food. After a while, she calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko.” At this signal, the chickens run to the hen and walk around the site with her.

After all the children run up to the hen and run around the playground, the teacher says: “Big bird!”. All chickens run home.

S.R. A game"Pilots"

Work. Help the janitor clean up the area

Card number 21 (spring)

observation. Observe the work of adults while planting seedlings and sowing seeds in the garden and flower beds. Ask what the flowers are for. Consider seeds of different colors.

P/Game"Sun and Rain"

S.R. A game"Aircraft"


Card number 22 (spring)

Observation behind the snow in the thaw. Introduce children to the properties of wet snow. Show the kids that you can make snowballs and figures out of wet snow. Show buildings made by older children. To cultivate a friendly attitude of children towards each other, cooperation skills. Accompany observation with practical actions: children try to sculpt, check, learn. Immediately after the observation, the children, together with the teacher, make snowballs, pies, a house of clods from the snow. Suggest substitute toys to play with to complement and decorate your buildings with them.

P/Game"Sun and Rain"

The goal is to teach children to walk and run loose without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on a signal. Game progress. To the signal "Sunshine!" children run around the playground, at the signal "Rain!" hiding in houses.

Work. Help the teacher loosen the ground when planting, make grooves

Card number 1 (winter)

observation. Fluffy white snow. To develop in children general ideas about snow (cold, falls from the sky, from a cloud, many, many snowflakes fly, melt on the palm of your hand). Activate vocabulary - snow, snowflake, spin. Learn to admire the beauty of snowfall, snow-covered alleys.

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Fall down, go to bed.

Invite the children to fly and spin like snowflakes.

P / Game " Two Frosts»

Two cities are marked on opposite sides of the site. In the middle of the site are the Frost brothers: Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose. Children begin to run from one "city" to another. Frost catches them. Anyone they manage to catch is considered frozen.

Work. Bird feeding. Hang up feeders, feed the birds daily

Card number 2 (winter)

observation. At clarify the names of birds that feed on the feeder and fly near the site; to teach children to distinguish birds by two or three characteristic features: sparrows are small, and crows are large.

P/Game"Flies, swims, runs."

The teacher calls the children an object of wildlife. Children should depict the way this object moves.

S.R. A game"Aircraft"


Card number 3 (winter)

Observation behind the freshly fallen snow. To develop in children the ability to notice the unusual in nature: freshly fallen snow, its whiteness, temperature. Arouse interest in snow as an unusual material - traces remain in the snow, you can draw on it. Show the children how the snow scatters with a wave of the hand, teach them to find traces of people and their own, traces of a dog, a bird, not necessarily all at once - you can wait until the next observation. Learn how to use snow seals. Learn to notice the beauty in the environment. After observation, children can be offered non-sharp sticks and seals for self-drawing in the snow.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

P/Game. " Snow targets»


Card number 4 (winter)

observation. To form a desire to help birds in winter period. Watch how birds fly to the feeder if a person feeds them with grains and crumbs.

P/Game"Hares and the wolf"

Hares lope, lope, lope,

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

Listen carefully -

Is the wolf coming?

After the last words, the wolf runs after the hares, they run away to their homes. The captured wolf takes to itself.

Work. Clean benches from snow with shovels. Clean feeders, add food

Card number 5 (winter)

observation. Pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape (it is white all around, the snow sparkles in the sun, the sky is blue). Note which sun (dim, bright, covered with clouds). Remember what it was like yesterday.

P/Game"My cheerful sonorous ball."

The goal is to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken. Game progress:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase you!

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed.

Card number 6 (winter)

observation. In windy weather, watch low and fast floating clouds, swaying tree branches. Pay attention to how the wind picks up from the ground and carries the snow to another place. Explain what a blizzard is.

P / Game " Snow targets»

Make targets out of snow. Show the children how to make snowballs and throw them at targets.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

Children with the help of molds make various toys from snow, distribute the roles of sellers of buyers.

Work. Clean feeders, add food

Card number 7 (winter)

observation. Admire calmly falling snowflakes, snowdrifts shining in the sun. Examine the snowflake on the coat sleeve. Ask why the snowflakes on your hand are melting. Introduces the properties of snow: light, cold, white. In warm weather or a thaw, snow is sticky, it can be molded from it, in cold weather it is impossible to mold loose snow.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

Children with the help of molds make various toys from snow, distribute the roles of sellers of buyers.

P/Game. " At the bear in the forest ":

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

And the bear sits

And growls at us.

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Collect snow with a shovel

Card number 8 (winter)

observation. Introduce children to the property of water turning into ice. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of ice (hard, brittle, smooth, slippery).


Purpose: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't crash.

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Clear the site of snow.

Card number 9 (winter)

observation. Draw the attention of children to the work of the janitor. His shovel is wide, why? Invite the children to help clear the area of ​​the playground from snow.

P / Game " Snow targets»

Make targets out of snow. Show the children how to make snowballs and throw them at targets.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

Children with the help of molds make various toys from snow, distribute the roles of sellers of buyers.


Card number 10 (winter)

observation. Pay attention to vehicles standing nearby or passing nearby. Remember what other transport the children saw on the roads of the city. Remember the purpose different types ground transport.

P / Game " Snow targets»

Make targets out of snow. Show the children how to make snowballs and throw them at targets.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

Children with the help of molds make various toys from snow, distribute the roles of sellers of buyers.

Work. Clear the sidewalk or site of the site from snow.

Card number 11 (winter)

observation. Note that the trees shed their leaves for the winter. Explain that on frosty days the branches of trees and bushes are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk.

S/R Game."Confectionery".

Children make cakes out of snow.


Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Shovel the snow to the trunks of the bushes in the area.

Card number 12 (winter)

Observation. Where are the leaves? tree observation. Develop ideas about regular recurring phenomena - it's cold, the trees are sleeping. Associate with the concept of the season, without encouraging children to repeat. Consolidate ideas about the structure of a tree - a trunk, branches without leaves, possibly already in the snow. Read the verse. "The poplar sleeps in elegant spangles..."

P/Game Throwing snowballs into a snow basket.

S/R Game."Confectionery".

Children make snow cakes

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. "Repair" of snow buildings.

Card number 13 (winter)

observation. On the freshly fallen snow, show the children the traces of birds, dogs, cats. Ask who else might leave traces.

P/Game Game"Shaggy dog".

S/R Game."Confectionery". Children make snow cakes


Card number 14 (winter)

Observation behind the dog. To develop general ideas about a dog in children - barks, waves its tail. To form in children the prerequisites for empathy for pets - the dog frolics, runs, she loves to walk just like children. Fix the names of the parts of the body of the animal, remember what the cubs are called. Cultivate kindness towards animals.

P/Game"Shaggy dog".

The goal is to teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction, run around trying not to get caught by the catcher.

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Collect remote material, clean it from snow.

Card number 15 (winter)

observation. Pay attention to the clothes of passers-by, children. Specify what kind of clothes it is, according to the season, warm or not. Why? Fix the names of the parts of the clothes.


The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind each other, making complex turns, maintain balance, not interfere with the arcs of a friend and not push the runner in front.

Game progress: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

C / R Game "Shop"


Card number 16 (winter)

Observation behind the trees in the hoarfrost. To educate in children aesthetic feelings from the beauty of the surrounding nature. Encourage the kids to independently search for the elements of the object, highlight them (hoarfrost on a bush, on a mountain ash, on a birch) to show the relationship, the uniformity of frost and snow - cold, like a snowball, melts like a snowball. Learn to reflect these impressions in speech. In the evening, "in the ear" invite the baby, who is going home, to show his mother beautiful trees. Mom is recommended to ask the child or be "surprised" when he sees frost.

P / Game " Mice and cat»

Purpose: to teach children to run easily, on toes; navigate in space, change movements at the signal of the educator.

Description: children sit on benches - these are mice in minks. A cat is sitting in the opposite corner. The cat falls asleep and the mice run away. But then the cat wakes up and starts catching mice. Mice quickly run away and hide in their places - minks. Caught mice the cat takes to itself. After the cat once again passes through the room and falls asleep again.

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Collect remote material, clean it from snow.

Card number 17 (winter)

Observation for passers-by in winter clothes, as well as for the clothes of children. To create the preconditions for the development of aesthetic taste in children, curiosity, interest in what is happening around. Display a variety of winter clothing items. Activate their names in speech - a hat, a fur coat, mittens, felt boots, their qualitative characteristics - fur, warm, fluffy. Support the desire of children to independently observe and tell an adult about the winter clothes of passers-by.


The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind each other, making complex turns, maintain balance, not interfere with the arcs of a friend and not push the runner in front.

Game progress: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Clear the sidewalk or site of the site from snow.

Card number 18 (winter)

observation. Consider icicles with children. What are they. Icicles grow quickly in warm sunny weather. Ask the children what icicles are made of. There are more icicles on the sunny side of buildings.

P / Game " Sparrows and a cat»

Purpose: to teach children to jump off gently, bending their knees, dodge the catcher, run away quickly, find their place.

Description: children stand on high benches (10-12 cm) placed on the floor on one side of the playground - these are sparrows on the roof. The cat is sleeping on the other side. The teacher says: “Sparrows fly out onto the road” - the children jump off the benches and scatter in different directions. The “meow-meow” cat wakes up and runs to catch sparrows that are hiding on the roof. He takes those who are caught.

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Collect remote material, clean it from snow.

Card number 19 (winter)

observation. Experience turning water into ice. Freeze water in large and small molds, Determine where it freezes faster. Make colored ice from colored water.

P/Game. " Hares and wolf»

Description: One child is a wolf, the rest are hares. They draw circles for themselves - houses on one side of the site. Wolf in the ravine - on the other side of the site.

Hares lope, lope, lope,

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

Listen carefully -

Is the wolf coming?

Work. Clean feeders, add food . Clean each other's clothes from snow.

Card number 20 (winter)

Observation for the birds at the feeder. Continue to develop general ideas about birds in children - they fly, peck, have wings, a tail. Learn to distinguish between a sparrow, a crow and name them. To cultivate a desire to take care of them, to evoke an aesthetic response. If several species of birds fly to the feeder at once, compare them in size, color, mode of movement, watch how they peck. Invite the children to pour millet, sunflower seeds into the feeder themselves.

P / Game "S/R Game."Shop"

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Clear the sidewalk or site of the site from snow.

Card number 21 (winter)

observation. Draw the children's attention to the frost on the trees. Tell how it appears.

P / Game " Hares and wolf»

Description: One child is a wolf, the rest are hares. They draw circles for themselves - houses on one side of the site. Wolf in the ravine - on the other side of the site.

Hares lope, lope, lope,

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

Listen carefully -

Is the wolf coming?

C/Role-playing game "Drivers"

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Clear the sidewalk or site of the site from snow.

Card number 22 (winter)

observation. See how the tractor removes the snow. Why is he clearing snow from the road? Who controls it? What parts does the tractor have.


The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind each other, making complex turns, maintain balance, not interfere with the arcs of a friend and not push the runner in front.

Game progress: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

C/Role-playing game "Drivers"

Work. Clean the feeders, fill the feed. Clean each other's clothes from snow.

Card number 1 autumn

observation. Pay attention to the autumn flowers growing in the flower beds, find out which of the flowers are familiar to children.

P / Game "Wave a wreath."

The goal is to teach children how to dance.

The teacher tells that flowers (children) have grown in the clearing. A breeze blew, the flowers began to play pranks and scattered across the clearing. A girl comes and says: “Wave, wreath! Curl, wreath! children should form a circle. All together lead a round dance and sing any song. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

C/Role-playing game "Drivers"

Work. Collect plant seeds.

Card number 2 autumn

Observation of passers-by in autumn clothes. To develop the prerequisites for observation, interest in the relationship between natural phenomena and people's lives. People put on warmer clothes - jackets, hats, the number of items of clothing increases - gloves, scarves. Ask why we and passers-by dress like that. When considering the act in the speech of the names of garments, fix the names of the primary colors. Plan this observation again in rainy weather, draw attention to umbrellas, waterproof shoes, raised hoods. Review the children's clothing. In the group, conduct a did. "We will dress the doll for a walk" by picking up the items of clothing that were observed.

P / Game "Wave a wreath."

The goal is to teach children how to dance. A breeze blew, the flowers began to play pranks and scattered across the clearing. A girl comes and says: “Wave, wreath! Curl, wreath! children should form a circle. All together lead a round dance and sing any song. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Work. Collect plant seeds. Put up a gazebo.

Card number 3 autumn

observation. Remind the children that autumn has come. The whole earth was covered with leaves, everything around is yellow. Therefore, autumn is called yellow, golden. Pay attention to the children as the leaves fall to the ground. Clarify that the leaves are light, so they fly slowly.

P / Game "Catch a flower" The goal is to develop the ability to jump on the spot as high as possible. Game progress - children try to catch a leaf hanging on a branch or flying through the air.

C/Role-playing game "Drivers"

Work. Collect a bouquet of leaves.

Card number 4 autumn

Observation of the phenomena of the first frosts. Develop sensory ways of understanding natural phenomena - the nature of the surface, the temperature of the ice. Show frost on the grass, brick wall, fence grid. To evoke a feeling of surprise, admiration for the originality of natural phenomena. To form the premises of logical conclusions - to associate the freezing of water in puddles with cold weather. Allow to frolic, jump in small frozen puddles, listen to the crackling, rustling, ringing of flying ice.

C/Role-playing game "Journey on a ship"

One evening in the garden

Turnip, beetroot, radish, onion

Decided to play hide and seek

But first we stood in a circle

(Children walk in a circle, holding hands, blindfolded in the center)

Calculated right away:

One, two, three, four, five.

(stop, twist the driver)

Hide better, hide deeper

Well, you go looking

(squat, the driver is looking)

Work. Collect beautiful leaves for crafts.

Card number 5 autumn

Watching autumn leaves. To develop in children the ability to observe leaf fall, to bring children to an independent conclusion - the leaves are falling because it has become cold. Activate verbs in speech - fall, fall, flew around. To evoke an aesthetic response to the beauty of autumn trees, to create a mood of affectionate sympathy for trees that are losing their leaves.

P / Game "Where have you been?"

Legs, legs, where have you been?

We went to the forest for mushrooms

(walk on the spot)

How did you guys work?

We collected mushrooms

(squat, pick mushrooms)

Did your eyes help?

We looked and looked

(Look from under the arm, turn left, right)

Work. Collection of natural materials for crafts.

Card number 6 autumn

Observation of the cloudy sky. Developed Elementary representations - clouds fly high, high, clouds are large, they can change shape, color. Encourage to notice the simplest relationships - the presence of wind and the movement of clouds. Cultivate interest in this natural phenomenon, develop imagination (they catch up with each other, as if they are playing, collided, changed shape, who they became similar to, etc.) Offer games with turntables, run around with turntables that were presented by older children.

C / Role-playing game "Confectionery"

P/Game"Tracks". The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind each other, making complex turns, maintain balance, not interfere with the arcs of a friend and not push the runner in front. Game progress: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

Work. Sweep sunlit areas

Card number 7 autumn

observation. Invite the children to look at the sky, note what it is (clear, blue, or gray, gloomy). Note that the sky is covered with gray, heavy clouds. Find the darkest clouds in the sky. Explain that such clouds are called clouds. What did the clouds do? (shut out the sun)

P / Game "Bubble" The goal is to teach children to stand in a circle, make it wider, then narrower, teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words. The course of the game - the children stand in a circle and with the words: “Inflate the bubble, inflate the big one, Stay like that, but don’t burst. FLUSH" increase it, break the circle on the last words and squat.

Work. Mark the areas lit by the sun

Card number 8 autumn

observation. Listen to how the leaves rustle in the wind, watch how clouds move in windy weather. Pay attention to the fact that the wind has become colder.

C/Role-playing game "Journey on a ship"

P / Game "Bees"

GOAL: Development of dexterity.

PROCESS OF THE GAME: Children depict bees, run around the room, waving their wings, "buzz"" An adult appears - "bear" - and says:

The bear is walking

Honey from the bees will carry away.

Bees, go home!

"Bees" fly to a certain corner of the room - "hive". "Bear", waddling, goes there too. "Bees" says:

This hive is our house.

Get away, bear, from us!

"Bees" flap their wings, driving away the "bear", "fly away" from him, running around the room. "Bear" catches them.

Card number 9 autumn

Observation of flowering plants in the autumn flowerbed (list). To develop ideas about plants in children: flowers are not only very beautiful, they are alive, grow, enjoy the sun. Demonstrate to children the dependence of plant life on heat and light: if you take a flower into a group, it will live in warmth for a long, long time. To develop in children the ability to feel beauty and express their attitude with facial expressions, gestures, and words. immediately after observation, a bush of flowers is dug up for planting in a group.

P / Game "Fishing Rod"

Work. Collect marigold seeds.

Card number 10 autumn

Watching autumn leaves. Develop sensory perception and emotional response (admiration, joy) to a variety of colors, shapes and sizes of fallen leaves. Encourage to recognize and name leaves, mountain ash (like feathers), birches, find the trees from which they flew off. After observing, collect the leaves in bouquets - the largest, smallest, yellow leaves, red leaves

S/Role-playing game "Chefs"

Making "food" from wet sand and treating friends.

P / Game "Catch the mushroom"

Game progress:

Work. Collect and arrange natural material in boxes.

Card number 11 autumn

observation. Pay attention to people's clothes (raincoats, jackets, boots, umbrellas in their hands). Why are people dressed like that. Specify the name and purpose of clothing items.

P / Game "Catch the mushroom"

The goal is to exercise in loose running with dodging, to develop spatial orientation skills.

Game progress:

Between spruce soft paws, rain drip, drip, drip.

Where the knot has long dried up, gray moss, moss, moss.

Where a leaf stuck to a leaf, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom grew.

Educator: "Who found his friends?" Children: "It's me, me, me!"

Children "mushroom pickers" stand in pairs facing each other, holding hands, and catch "mushrooms" (enclose in their circle)

Work. Collect wind blown leaves

Card number 12 autumn

observation. Draw the children's attention to the janitor. Ask why the profession of a janitor is needed. The goal is to introduce children to working professions, to emphasize the importance of work for everyone.

C/Role-playing game "Wipers"

Play the verse:

The janitor gets up at dawn,

The porch cleans the yard.

Janitor picks up trash

And sweeps the paths.

P / Game "Fishing Rod"

The goal is to learn how to jump over the rope.

The course of the game - the leader in the center of the circle leads the rope, the children must jump over it, whoever did not have time - become the leader.

Work. Make a broom out of dry grass.

Card number 13 autumn

observation. Ask why the profession of a janitor is needed, what tools are used in his work. Show the janitor's tools, various operations and their appropriate sequence to achieve the goal.

P / Game "On a flat path"

The goal is to teach to walk in a column one at a time, to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Game progress:

On a flat path, on a flat path

Our legs are walking, one - two, one - two.

("spring" on two legs moving forward)

Oh stones, oh stones, boo fell into the pit.

(to squat)

One - two, one - two, got out of the pit


C/Role-playing game "Drivers"

Work. Collect large debris

Card number 14 autumn

observation. Clarify the changes in inanimate nature occurring on earth. Pay attention to the protruding blades of grass that are left from the annual grass. The flowers have faded.

C/Role-playing game "Drivers"

P / Game "We are funny guys."

The goal is to teach children to walk and run loose in a limited area. Develop speed and agility.

Game progress;

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us!

One, two, three - catch!

The trap catches the children.

Work. Collect flower seeds.

Card number 15 autumn

observation. Pay attention to the white coating that covered the entire surface of the earth and grass - this is frost. From the sun it melts, the soil becomes hard.

P / Game "My cheerful sonorous ball."

The goal is to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Game progress:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Do not keep up with you! Labor. Remove dry grass with a rake.

Card number 16 autumn

observation. Learn to recognize the characteristics appearance animals. Going out for a walk, you can meet pets passing by (cat, dog). Fix the names of body parts, pay attention that the coat has become thicker. Summer wool sheds, and the animal is covered with thicker and warmer hair.

C/Role-playing game "Drivers"

P / Game "Mice lead a round dance."

The goal is to teach children to move in accordance with the text, change the direction of movement, navigate in space.

The course of the game - the leading “cat Vaska” is selected, the rest are “mice”. "Mice" do not obey, run, squeak, "cat" catches "mice".

Hush the mouse, don't make noise, don't wake the cat Vaska!

Here Vaska the cat wakes up, breaks your round dance!

Here Vaska the cat woke up, a round dance ran up!

Work. Sweep the veranda.

Card number 17 autumn

observation. Ask to find common signs and differences between a cat and a dog. Find out if children are afraid of animals or not. Is it possible to get close to them, why? Why you shouldn't tease dogs.

P / Game "Cat and Mice".

The goal is to teach to imitate the sounds made by mice, to run easily, like mice.

The course of the game - choose a "cat", the rest of the children "mouse".

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes

("mice" run out of the house, run and squeak)

Coca opens his eyes

And the mice catch up with everyone:

"Meow! Meow!” Work. Collect garbage

Card number 18 autumn

observation. Draw the attention of children to the ruffled crows, magpies, jumping sparrows. Tell that birds fly closer to people, hoping to find more food. Invite the children to feed the birds, watch the birds peck at food.

C/Role-playing game "Shop"

P / Game "Train"

the goal is to teach children to walk and run one after another in small groups. First holding hands, then not holding. Learn to start moving and stop on a signal.

Game progress. Children stand in a column, holding on to each other, and move on command. Labor. Feed the birds.

Card number 19 autumn

observation. Remember that there are wintering and migratory birds. Pay attention to the preparation of birds for departure. First of all, young birds fly away, and more hardy ones remain.

P / Game "Flight of birds"

The goal is to teach children to run loose without bumping into each other, to act on a signal.

The course of the game - the children of the "bird" gather on one in the gazebo.

At the signal "FLIGHT!" “The birds are flying all over the place. At the signal "STORM!" - fly into the gazebo.

Work. Feed the birds.


Walk 1

Observation behind the snow - continue to acquaint children with natural phenomena - snow. What was the snow like? Why are the tracks slippery? How should you walk on the paths? To form elementary ideas about weather changes.

mobile game "Hares and the Wolf" - exercise in jumping in place and moving forward.

Didactic game "One - many" - to learn to distinguish between the number of objects.

Work. Cleaning buildings from snow - involve in the execution of assignments.

Individual work. Game exercise "Find the doll Katya" - exercise in orientation in space.

Walk 2

Observation behind the sky - to learn to distinguish the states of the sky: cloudy, clear.

mobile game "The white bunny washes" - to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

Didactic game “Compare ice by size” - learn to determine the size of objects (large - small).

Work. We collect ice in a bucket - to teach how to perform simple tasks.

Individual work. Repetition of verses for March 8.

Walk 3

Observation behind the snow. Experimentation: “Snow melts on the palm of your hand” - continue to consolidate ideas about the properties of snow.

mobile game "Catch up with me" - exercise in running in a certain direction.

Didactic game "Determine the color of clothes" - learn to distinguish between primary colors.

Work. We will clear the benches of snow - the execution of instructions.

Individual work.

Walk 4

Observation behind the wind - to involve children in observing natural phenomena, to diversify the playing activities of children with the help of games with sultans.

mobile game "The most accurate" - exercise in throwing snowballs at the target.

Didactic game with colored icicles: “Spread the icicles by color” - consolidate the knowledge of the primary colors.

Work. "Let's sweep the path" - involve in the execution of assignments.

Individual work. Jumping on two legs.

Walk 5

Observation for transport - fix the name of the parts of the car (body, cab, wheels, steering wheel).

Mobile game " We are drivers” - to learn to navigate the terrain.

Didactic game "Guess the description" - learn to guess the description of a pet.

Work. Construction of a road from snow - to learn to work together, to help each other.

Individual work. Throwing snowballs at a distance.

Walk 6

Observation for birds - to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

mobile game "Crows and a dog" - learn to act on a signal, imitate the movements of birds.

Didactic game "Guess by description" - learn to guess from the description of the inhabitants of the forest.

Work. Feeding the Birds - Learn how to take care of the birds.

Individual work. Climbing on the gymnastic wall.

Walk 7

Observation "Footprints in the snow" - to develop the cognitive activity of children, to teach to determine the belonging of traces: children's, adults, birds, animals.

mobile game “Run to what I will name” - to teach to navigate in space, to remind children of the names of objects.

Didactic game "What am I doing?" - activate the use of verbs in speech.

Work. Shoveling snow with a shovel - learning to work together.

Individual work. Running in different directions.

Walk 8

Observation for the weather of the day. What changed? How did the sun shine? Draw the attention of children to the appearance of icicles, explain that the sun warms the snow, it melts, flows down from the roof, forming icicles. To form ideas about spring changes in nature.

mobile game "Airplanes" - exercise in performing actions on a signal.

Didactic game "Small and large icicles" - learn to distinguish objects by size.

Work Clearing snow around buildings - to attach to joint work.

Individual work. Remember the poem "Mother's Day".

Walk 9

Observation for the work of a janitor - to continue to acquaint adults with the work, to arouse a desire to help.

Work. Helping the janitor in clearing the area of ​​snow is to cultivate a desire to work.

mobile game "Birds, time! Birds, two! - to exercise children in performing movements, to teach counting.

Didactic exercise "Who's doing what?" - clarify children's ideas about the work of adults.

Individual work. Composition of the story "How we helped the janitor"

Walk 10

Observation behind transport - to acquaint children with vehicles the nearest environment.

mobile game “Sparrows and a car” - exercise in the ability to run in different directions without bumping into each other, in the ability to start moving and change it on a signal, to find your place.

Didactic game “Pick scoops to buckets” - learn to determine the color of an object, find objects of the same color.

Work. Sweeping paths from snow - running errands.

Individual work. Game exercise "I'll draw in the snow ..."

Walk 11

Observation for passers-by, their clothes - activate the dictionary on the topic "Clothes".

mobile game "Ladushki - pancakes" - teach children to clap their hands in different ways; count "one-two".

Didactic game "Spread the flags by color" - learn to distinguish colors.

Work. “Let's collect the snow in a heap and build a slide for Katya's doll” - to interest children in the performance of labor assignments.

Individual work.

Walk 12

Observation for the weather of the day - to draw the attention of children to puddles on the roads, drops from roofs - to form ideas about spring changes in nature.

mobile game "Airplanes" - exercise the ability to run without bumping into each other, perform movements on a signal.

Didactic game "What colour?" - to consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Work. We carry snow in buckets to a certain place - to cultivate a desire to work together.

Individual work. Walking in a straight path.

Walk 13

Observation for transport - to form ideas about the diversity of transport.

mobile game "Cars" - learn to navigate in space, run without bumping into each other.

Didactic exercise "What color is the car?" - to consolidate the knowledge of colors.

Work. Road construction - learn to build together.

Individual work. Onomatopoeia exercise "How does the car honk?"

Walk 14

Observation behind the wind, games with turntables - to acquaint in the process of games with an accessible natural phenomenon - the wind.

mobile game "Legs" - to learn to act according to the text.

Didactic game “Guess who called” - develop auditory attention.

Work. Feeding the birds - continue to nurture the desire to care for the birds.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Castle"

Walk 15

Observation "The sun warms" - to give children the first idea of ​​spring.

mobile game "Mice lead a round dance" - exercise in performing movements.

Didactic game "Light - heavy" - learn to determine with eyes closed how much snow in a bucket.

Work. Clearing the path from snow - arouse the desire to work with the teacher.

Individual work.


Walk 1

Observation "Water all around" - show children a variety of actions with melted snow.

mobile game "Through the stream" - to develop dexterity, a sense of balance, an eye.

Didactic game "Small and large streams" - learn to distinguish streams by size.

Work. We collect twigs - to cultivate the desire to fulfill orders. We let the branches float on the water, we observe whether they sink or swim.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics "House".

Walk 2

Observation for buds on trees - to involve children in observing wildlife, to cultivate a caring attitude towards trees.

mobile game "Engine" - to learn to move at a different pace, change direction, convey the characteristic movements of animals, birds; practice pronunciation of sounds.

Didactic game "Guess what to do" - to develop the ability to switch auditory attention, the ability to correlate your actions with the sound of a tambourine.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - the implementation of the simplest assignments.

Individual work. Repeat the nursery rhyme "Egor's Hare"

Walk 3

Observation at the work of a janitor - to cultivate interest in the work of adults, to intensify the use of verbs in speech.

mobile game "Across the stream" - jumping on two legs.

Didactic game "Vegetable shop" - learn to name vegetables correctly.

Work. Let's remove the branches on the site - to support the desire to help adults.

Individual work. Remember the nursery rhyme "The cat went to the market."

Walk 4

Observation behind the wind - to involve children in observing the available natural phenomena, to promote the development of play activities, physical activity through games with sultans.

mobile game "A gray bunny is sitting" - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Didactic game "One - many" - to consolidate the ability to distinguish between the number of objects.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - to involve in the execution of labor assignments.

Individual work. "Catch the ball" - exercise in catching the ball.

Walk 5

Observation behind the plane in the sky - to form an interest in the world around us, to tell children about the profession of a pilot.

mobile game "Airplanes" - exercise in performing movements on a signal.

Didactic game "Who and where?" - learn to navigate in space, improve understanding of adult speech.

Work. We help the janitor - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

Individual work. Jumping over the line.

Walk 6

Observation behind the rain - to form elementary ideas about spring changes in nature, to acquaint with accessible natural phenomena.

mobile game "Bubble" - to learn to perform movements in accordance with the text, to consolidate the ability to stand in a circle.

Didactic game "Big and small" - to form the ability to distinguish objects by size.

Work. Sweep in the gazebo - to cultivate the desire to maintain cleanliness in the gazebo.

Individual work. Repeat the nursery rhyme "A fox with a box ran through the forest."

Walk 7

Observation for the weather - to form ideas about spring changes in nature, to cultivate interest in the environment.

mobile game "Shaggy dog" - learn to act on a signal, run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Didactic game "Long and short sticks" - learn to distinguish sticks by length.

Work. Let's collect the sticks - the execution of instructions.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Finger - boy."

Walk 8

Observation behind the wind - to form an interest in observing natural phenomena.

mobile game “Legs - legs” - learn to act according to the text.

Didactic game "Large and small buckets" - learn to distinguish the size of objects.

Work. Feeding the birds - to maintain the desire to take care of the birds.

Individual work. Repeat A. Brodsky's poem "Sunny Bunnies"

Walk 9

Observation behind the melting snow - to involve children in observing accessible natural phenomena, to develop thinking, speech.

mobile game "At the bear in the forest" - to develop interest in Russian folk games, to learn to act on a signal.

Didactic game "On our site" - learn to navigate the site kindergarten name correctly familiar objects.

Work. Sweep the central path - involve in the execution of assignments.

Individual work. Repeat the nursery rhyme "Big feet walked along the road."

Walk 10

Observation for birds - to draw the attention of children to the change in the behavior of birds: they chirp happily, fly in a flock, bask in the sun - to form an interest in bird watching, to note the changes taking place in nature associated with spring.

mobile game "Birds in nests" - teaches you to run in different directions, run away to nests on a signal.

Didactic game "Learn by touch" - learn to identify objects by touch, develop tactile sensations, speech.

Work. Collection of twigs - to involve children in joint work.

Individual work. " Catch - throw "- develop the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Walk 11

Observation beyond the streams - to involve in observations of natural phenomena, to develop the game activity of children through games with boats.

mobile game "Catch up with me" - learn to run in a certain direction.

Didactic game “Sinking does not sink” - introduce the properties of objects, develop speech.

Work. We collect pebbles on the site - to involve in the execution of instructions.

Individual work. Repeat the poem "Ship" by A. Barto.

Walk 12

Observation behind the puddles. Compare where there are more puddles - on asphalt or on the ground. Involve children in observing natural phenomena, develop speech, thinking.

mobile game "Crows and a dog" - learn to imitate the movements and voices of birds, exercise in running on a signal.

Didactic game "Learn by sound" - develop auditory attention.

Work. Feeding the birds - to keep the children willing to take care of the birds.

Individual work. Throwing at a target.

Walk 13

Observation for the first weed - to form ideas about spring, to develop interest in the world around us.

mobile game "Cat and Mice" - continue to involve children in round dance games, develop the ability to listen to the teacher.

Didactic game “Bring the same item” - to teach to find among the proposed items the same one that the teacher showed.

Work. Let's sweep the central path - to bring up the desire to maintain order in the territory of the kindergarten.

Individual work. Game exercise "On a narrow path."

Walk 14

Observation behind the sky - to cultivate the desire to admire the beauty of the sky.

mobile game "Shaggy dog" - learn to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Didactic game "Pick by color" - learn to distinguish between primary colors, select objects by color.

Work. We collect twigs - to involve in joint work.

Individual work. Jumping forward.

Walk 15

Observation behind the kidneys - to form elementary ideas about spring changes in nature, to teach to take care of the plant world.

mobile game "One, two, three - catch!" - learn to run at the signal of the teacher.

Didactic game "Fox, dance!" - to learn to distinguish by ear the sound of musical instruments.

Work. We are building a house for a doll - to involve in joint construction.

Individual work. Practice catching and throwing the ball.

Walk 1

Observation behind the sun: it shines brightly, warms, grass grows from this, birds rejoice, buds bloom - to evoke a joyful spring mood, to form ideas about spring signs.

mobile game "Sun and rain" - learn to act on a signal.

Didactic game “Heat - cold” - develop tactile sensations, show that objects are cold in the shade, and warm in the sun.

Work. Sweep in the gazebo - support the desire to work.

Individual work. Throwing the ball for a distance.

Walk 2

Observation behind the trees - draw the attention of children to the blossoming buds, cultivate a caring attitude towards the trees.

mobile game "Legs" - to learn to act according to the text of the poem.

Didactic game “Cow, give me milk” - to improve the intonational expressiveness of speech.

Work. Let's mark the sides of the sandbox - the execution of instructions.

Individual work. Learn to answer the questions: “Who? What? What is he doing?"

Walk 3

Observation for sparrows: warming themselves, chirping merrily, swimming in a puddle - attract to bird watching.

mobile game "Get the ball" - exercise in jumping.

Didactic game "Vegetable shop" - learn to distinguish vegetables, name them correctly.

Work. Loosening the soil in a flower bed - to involve in labor.

Individual work. Climbing on the gymnastic wall.

Walk 4

Observation behind the birch - the trunk is white, warm, smooth, long catkins have grown, tiny leaves - to cultivate a caring attitude towards trees, to develop the ability to admire the beauty of nature.

mobile game "Bubble" - to exercise children in the ability to stand in a circle, act according to the text.

Didactic game "Who and where?" - improve the understanding of adult speech, learn to navigate in space.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - to cultivate the desire to work.

Individual work . Rolling the ball into the goal.

Walk 4

Observation behind the clouds: which clouds: big or small? what colour? what do they look like? - develop speech, thinking, imagination.

mobile game "Hares and the wolf" - exercise in jumping forward.

Didactic game “Pick up a ribbon for dolls” - learn to determine the length of the ribbon: long, short.

Work. Collecting toys after a walk is to involve in joint work.

Individual work. Game exercise "Jump up to the ball."

Walk 5

Observation for dandelions - to cultivate interest in the world around us, respect for flowers.

mobile game "At the bear in the forest" - involve children in participating in folk games, exercise in running in different directions, without bumping into each other.

Didactic game "Spread by color" - to form the ability to group objects by color.

Work. Collecting pebbles on the site - to cultivate the desire to fulfill orders.

Individual work. Game exercise "Catch the ball" - exercise in running in a certain direction.

Walk 6

Observation for the grass - to determine what color it is, what to touch - to involve in observations of wildlife, to cultivate a careful attitude towards them.

mobile game "Run to me" - exercise in running in a straight line.

Didactic game “Pick scoops to buckets” - learn to group objects by color.

Work. We build a garage out of sand - to learn to work together.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Three bears were sitting."

Walk 7

Observation behind the leaves - to teach to notice changes in nature, to cultivate a careful attitude towards plants.

mobile game "Birds, time! Birds, two! - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Didactic game "Spread the balls by color" - learn to classify objects by color.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - the execution of instructions.

Individual work. Jumping from circle to circle.

Walk 8

Observation for transport - to form ideas about transport, its purpose (transports people, goods, etc.).

mobile game "Cars" - learn to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Didactic game "What color is the car?" - learn to determine the color of the car.

Work Construction of a road from sand - to involve in labor.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Magpie - white-sided".

Walk 9

Excursion on the site of the kindergarten - note the changes that have occurred in nature, what thick grass has grown on the site, how many dandelions, flowers in the flower bed begin to bloom - form ideas about spring signs, encourage the ability to ask questions.

mobile game "Run to me" - exercise in running in a certain direction.

Didactic game "Polite doll" - learn to use polite words in speech.

Work. Loosening the land in the garden - preparing the garden for planting potatoes.

Individual work. Remember the nursery rhyme "Cucumber, cucumber."

Walk 10

Observation for the work of adults - the educator and assistant educator plant potatoes in the garden - to form interest in the work of adults, to maintain the desire to help.

mobile game "Crows and a dog" - learn to imitate the movements of birds.

Didactic game "Big - small" - to learn to distinguish objects by size.

Work. Help in planting potatoes - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

Individual work. We draw with a stick.

Walk 11

Observation for flowers in a flower bed - to cultivate interest in observing wildlife, the ability to see the beautiful around.

mobile game "Cucumber, cucumber" - exercise in walking in the indicated direction, running on a signal.

Didactic game "Touchy flower" - to learn to express affection, attentiveness in words and facial expressions.

Work. Watering flowers in a flower bed - involve in the execution of assignments.

Individual work. Jumping forward.

Walk 12

Observation behind trees and shrubs - to learn to compare shrubs and trees, to find common and differences. Develop thinking, speech, observation.

mobile game "Along a narrow path" - to learn to coordinate movements with the text.

Didactic game " One - many "- to consolidate the ability to distinguish between the number of objects.

Work. We collect pebbles on the site - the execution of orders. Use pebbles to lay out various shapes in the sandbox.

Individual work "Catch the ball."

Walk 13

Observation for a cat - to learn to name parts of the body of an animal, to involve in observations of pets, to develop speech, thinking, to cultivate a caring attitude towards a cat.

mobile game "Cat and Mice" - learn to run in different directions on a signal.

Didactic game “Collect yellow buckets” - teach to carry out assignments, distinguish between yellow.

Work. Help the janitor in cleaning the site - cultivate a desire to help

Individual work. Roll the ball into the goal.

Walk 14

Observation for ants - to form ideas about insects, to cultivate a desire to observe them, a careful attitude towards them.

mobile game "Catch the ball" - running on a signal.

Didactic game "Collect the red scoops" - involve in the execution of instructions, develop the perception of color.

Work. Helping adults in filling the sandbox with sand is to cultivate a desire to help.

Individual work. Throwing the ball for a distance.

Walk 15

Observation for a butterfly - to involve in observing insects, to cultivate a caring attitude towards butterflies.

mobile game "Okay, okay" - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Didactic game "Big and small" - learn to distinguish objects by size.

Work. Help in watering the garden - to cultivate a desire to help.

Individual work. "Roll the ball into the gate" - develop coordination of movements.

Observations on a walk at 1 junior group spring

1. Consider children's clothes while getting ready for a walk: “It became warm, the sun warmed up, so everyone is dressed in coats and jackets. They took off their fur coats, warm coats, hats, winter boots and felt boots, and put on rubber boots. It's spring already"
2. Watch how passers-by are dressed: They also took off their winter clothes.
Read poems about spring:
The last snowflakes are flying
Icicles hung from the roofs - ice floes;
More and more visible above
Spring blueness ... E. Blaginina.
3. Surveillance behind the sun: the sun shines brighter, its rays have become very warm. In order for the children to better feel how the sun warms, I suggest putting your hand on a coat, bench, house, veranda wall: warm!
The spring sun warmed
Everything around is green.
And birch, and grass,
And a bench, and a fence -
And the path, and the alder,
What a green yard!
4. Surveillance behind the wind: along with spring, a gentle, warm breeze flew to us.
Wind, breeze, windmill,
What are you scouring the world for?
Better sweep the streets
Or spin the mills.
Riddle: No arms, no legs,
And the gate opens.
Watch how the wind plays with turntables, multi-colored flags, sultans, balls.
5. Surveillance behind the melting snow: on a clear sunny day, I pay attention to the wet snow lying on the asphalt: it melts and streams flow from it in different directions. This is because the sun has warmed up.
The snowdrift is already stooping
From the rays of the sun
And ran down the street
Glittering stream.
On the way he sings
And how not to sing - spring!
The stream runs, laughs
At our window.
Drops fall from the roof
And the sky is high
I hear spring salute
Cheerful voice. I. Demyanov.
6. Consider icicles: thin and thick, long and short, small and large; they are easy to clean with a spatula. Listen to how water drips from icicles into an empty children's bucket: “Drip, drip, drip!”
Bubbling drops,
Icicle cried:
- I wanted to sit higher,
I wanted to climb on the roof
And stepped on the ledge!
And I'm afraid to fall down!
Cap! Cap! Cap!
7. Show lots of big and small streams running around the site.
The sun laughs softly
Shines brighter, hotter.
And from the hillock it pours loudly
Talking stream. I. Kolas.
Dig grooves with shovels and connect small streams into one large stream. Launch boats, boats along a wide stream.
8. Show swelling poplar buds outdoors and in a group (in a vase). Consider first them, and then the first leaves, carefully stroking them with your fingers: they are tender, small and green.
9. During a walk in the garden, show the children the fruit trees, how spring decorated them with flowers, how the bees buzz, flying from one flower to another.
little apple tree
In my garden
Everything is in bloom.
I put on a dress
With white border.
little apple tree,
Befriend me!
10. In the garden supervise the work of adults and children of older groups. Tell that carrots, beans, peas, potatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers will grow here ..., show the corresponding pictures of vegetables, play the "Paired Pictures" game.
11. On the site, pay attention to the bright grass greens:
Like in a meadow,
Through the green meadow
Spill, water
Spread out grass
Silk grass!
12. Pay attention to primroses: coltsfoot, snowdrops, dandelions. Watch how dandelion fluffs scatter in different directions.
wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
Grow up - dress up
In a white dress
light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.
13. Watch out the work of adults in the flower beds as they plant seedlings in the ground. Tell that soon the whole flower bed will turn green and flowers will bloom. Later, it should be noted that some flowers are tall, others are low, but they are all beautiful, bright, smell good, you can’t pick flowers in flower beds!
14. Pay attention to bird behavior: sparrows fly from bush to bush, chirp loudly, fly a lot; doves coo; starlings nestle in a birdhouse hung by children preparatory group. Explain that the birds have also become warm, and together with us they rejoice at the arrival of spring.
Already bear snowdrops,
Starlings fly into birdhouses,
And somewhere in the hazel
Capercaillie are running.
15. Observe for animal behavior: how a cat laps milk and cares for kittens; how a dog plays with older children.
Like our cat
The coat is very good.
Like a cat mustache
Amazing beauty.
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

The dog came to us
Smart dog.
Plays with children
Barks very loudly.

Riddles: Furry, mustachioed,
drinking milk,
Sings songs. Who is it?

crochet tail,
ears up,
barks loudly,
No one is allowed into the house. Who is it?
16. Observe cleaning adults remaining snow, clearing the earth around bushes and trees with a rake, digging it up.
17. Site cleaning: collect branches, sticks, stones and other debris; sweep the paths, the floor on the veranda.


Expand children's ideas about the sky and the sun in spring.

To develop the ability of children to notice cause-and-effect relationships. Activate the names of colors in the speech of children.

Encourage the development of fine motor skills and imagination.

To promote the development of motor activity, response to a signal. To form in children an interest in the phenomena of spring weather.

Continue to teach children to determine the state of the weather, to introduce some of the characteristic features of spring.

Pay attention to the beauty of spring weather.

In a group:

Educator (V.):

Nature came alive around

Waking up from sleep.

From the blue sky

Spring has come with the sun!

V .: - In the spring, you really want to take a walk, expose your face to the bright rays of the sun. Do you want to go for a walk and meet a forest guest? Then get dressed, and we will go to meet him!

Exit to the street.

Progress of the walk

Stage 1 (game moment)

Target: creating a positive emotional background.

Walking with a character is aimed at creating a positive emotional background, emotional and psychological relief for children, and meeting their need for physical activity.

Children become in a circle.

V .: - Guys, close your eyes to find yourself in a forest clearing.

So we found ourselves in a forest clearing. It looks like someone is hiding in the bushes. Guess what kind of forest animal?

I stood up like a column under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass

Ears bigger than head? (bunny)

That's right guys!

V .: - Let's tell the bunny: “Do not be afraid of us, coward, come out, play with us, we will not offend you! "(Invite one of the children to find a bunny and pick up a toy)

Stage 2 (mobile game):

Before the walk with the children, a lesson was held that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress. For this reason, the sequence structural components This walk begins with an outdoor game.

The mobile game "The gray bunny is sitting."

Target: Expand the motor experience of children, improve existing skills in basic movements; develop agility, speed, endurance; to form independence, activity, positive interaction with peers. Game content:

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears

That's it, that's it, and he moves his ears (show ears with fingers)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Gotta warm up the paws

That's it, that's it, you need to warm up your paws (clap your hands)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump (jump)

Bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny: Bunny jumped and galloped away. (children run away)

V .: -That's how nicely they played with the bunny, now he is not afraid of us at all! The teacher pays attention to what the bunny said in his ear.

(Oh, how hot I got!)

The teacher addresses the children:

Guys, why do you think it became hot for the hare? (Answers of children).

V .: - Look guys at the sky.

Stage 3 (observation): The sequence of this stage of the walk corresponds to the principle of rationality of the alternation of types of activity (from dynamic to static), which implies the replacement of one of its types by another fundamentally different in the nature of the impact on the body. In this case, each new regime moment turns into a kind of rest. Sky watching

Target: Continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena; to teach to distinguish the states of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Observation progress:

Invite the children to look at the sky, note what it is (clear, blue), which means that the weather is clear, sunny. And if the sky is covered with clouds, what is it like? (gloomy gray, not joyful). What is the weather? (Cloudy, the sun is covered by clouds) Riddles for children (thinking development):

Blue, blue, very close, dear,

Seems like a stone's throw, but we can't get it. (sky)

Shines for adults, shines for children, warms everyone in the world,

Warm, radiant, bright golden. (Sun)

Fluffy fleece walks across the sky,

The wind will drive them, they run away (clouds)

The lady floats across the sky, gloomy, angry.

Wipes the nose, sheds tears. (cloud and rain)

V .: -And today the sun is shining brightly in the sky, let's stretch our hands to the sun and say hello to the sun:

Good morning, Sunshine!

Guys, what do you think will happen if clouds appear in the sky? (children's answers) - That's right, the sun will hide and it will rain. Stage 4 (independent play activity of children)

Target: to teach children to find an occupation of interest, to unite in the game with comrades; to promote the formation of friendly relationships between children. During independent play activities, children reflect the impressions received in the process of GCD, walks, everyday life, learn knowledge about the work of adults. It happens in the process role-playing games. The teacher draws the attention of the bunny to a basket with portable material.

V .: -Oh, how many toys are here! Now I will distribute them to the guys at will, who wants to play with what toy. Offer balls, cars, steering wheels, buckets, hoops, turntables, scoops, molds, colored crayons for games.

Stage 5 (individual work on the development of movements): - with Sasha P. Nastya X. Vlad Sh. Katya U. - continue to teach to throw and catch the ball with both hands. - exercise in jumping forward Masha T. Leroux K. Ellin K. Sasha E.

Stage 6 (labor activity):

On a walk, the tasks of not only mental, moral, physical, aesthetic, but also labor education are solved. The inclusion of children in the implementation of the first labor assignments enriches each of the kids. He learns to respect and appreciate the work of other people and come to their aid, learns the rules for performing work tasks, acquires the skills to use tools. When performing labor actions, such personal qualities as self-confidence, independence, initiative, and the ability to complete the work begun are successfully formed. Build positive relationships with peers. Garbage collection at the site "Collect garbage in a bucket."

Target: teach to keep cleanliness and order on the site; accustom to accuracy; encourage adults to help.

V .: -What good fellows guys, nice work. - Nature came to life around, waking up from sleep. Spring has come to us from the blue sky with the sun. - Guys, the hare and I want to give you spring gifts (sun medals) as a keepsake. The teacher gives the children medals-suns (gifts of spring) and invites them to return to kindergarten.

V .: -Guys, our walk through the forest clearing has come to an end, let's say goodbye to the hare, he was very interesting and fun with us. Let's say goodbye to Zainka, close our eyes and go back to our favorite kindergarten.
