Skyrim mods for your own tavern. Why I love Skyrim taverns

Have you ever wanted to have your own business? If so, then you should hurry up: they say the owner of a tavern with a garden near Whiterun was forced to leave the province. Perhaps you will be lucky and become his successor! Hurry up before you get ahead of yourself!

The tavern is located next to the Sons of Battle farm. Inside you will find the tavern owner's diary. From it you will learn a little about the history of this building and understand how the mechanisms in the basement work. After this, ownership of the building and garden will pass to you. Please note that until you read the diary, you will not be able to manage anything in this place.

You can make your own cider (apple wine), cook and serve food to guests. People will gather at your place, and the evenings will become fun. And most importantly - you will earn money! Improve your tavern, keep records in the journal, keep track of orders from ordinary and high-ranking people - in general, get down to business. If you feel like traveling, you can hire waiters to take your place during your adventures.

Are you ready to work? Then it's time to open your tavern!

Compatibility: This mod must be compatible with all others that do not occupy the same space.
Additionally, this mod's cider is NOT supported by mods with needs, as it does not count as a drink for them.

Requirements: Skyrim

Publishing the translation on other sites is prohibited!

What's new in version 1.6.0 ()

  • 1) Improvements
  • - you can purchase a small pen for cows (15 thousand septims),
  • - you can slaughter a cow per day (using a table in the pen),
  • - after slaughtering a cow you will receive 15 pieces of beef meat,
  • - for cows to reproduce, they need to be fed hay,
  • - the sellers do not have hay, you can only order it,
  • - existing hay should be transferred to the feeder.
  • 2) New items (models and textures):
  • - containers for vegetables and meat hooks - Blary,
  • - knife and cutting board - Stroti,
  • - plates for dishes - Jokerine.
  • 3) Changes:
  • - from a piece of meat you can cook 20 steaks (instead of 5),
  • - the cost of meat is 150 septims (instead of 50),
  • - imperial façade improvement flags have been removed.
  • 4) Bug fixes:
  • - manual serving of dishes (without the help of a waitress),
  • - the presence of visitors when the tavern is closed,
  • - removed the farm door outside the tavern.


This mod gives you the opportunity to open a small tavern near a small farm. There you can sell your farm products, attract visitors, improve and equip the premises to your taste, invite traders, buy new goods, collect collectibles and much more.

Attention! This modification is not a standalone plugin!
For it to work you need installed mod"Little Farm"!!!

Version 1.0:

Now “Small Tavern” is separated into a separate plugin and requires the “Small Farm” modification to run. Be sure to make a backup before installing!!! Do not use this mod with older versions of the Farmer's Joy plugin!!! Only with "Little Farm"!!!


1. The musical background of the tavern has been removed, now the gramophone performs this function. Records for it can be stolen from various tavern inhabitants. The first record is in Denise’s inventory; read the list of where to find the rest at the end of the ReadMi file if you don’t want to look for it yourself. Extra records can be placed on special stands above the gramophone.

2. For those who are too lazy to complete the starting tasks or who have difficulties completing them, a “Lazy Potion” has been added, which can be easily stolen from grandma, because its cost is zero. When using this potion, you will reset all quests and immediately gain control of the tavern.


1. The creation of antique vases from shards has been transferred to a more suitable machine for this - a pottery wheel.

2. The courier can be asked to move to the tavern to free up space on the farm. After this, you can find him sitting on a chair in the basement near the gramophone.

3. The supply of food for the tavern is now stored not in the granny’s inventory, but in a special container. It can be accessed directly or through dialogue with the grandmother and her assistant.


1. For compatibility with the “Survival in Cold Conditions” plugin, the hearth in the tavern has been replaced with a vanilla one and now works similarly to the hearth on the farm. It needs to be lit with logs, each of which gives 8 hours of burning (according to game time).

2. The scripts for racks, stands, shelves, pins and more have been redesigned similar to those used on the farm. Now you will not be able to place an item that is not suitable for it into a container. The pins for the figures were separated. Some are now only suitable for small figures, others only for large ones.

3. Dialogues with grandmother’s improvements and Denise’s invitation to merchants have been corrected. Now, after ordering all the improvements and inviting all the merchants, they will disappear.


Version Skyrim games 1.8 and above;
SKSE corresponding version;
DLC Dawnguard;
Mod "Little Farm"!!!


There may be conflicts with any mods that change the location in which the tavern is located and the surrounding areas.


Copy the Data folder from the archive to the game directory, connect MilkEggTav.esp in the launcher after the MilkEgg.esp file, play. When updating, copy all other plugin folders and replace the files.


Disable the mod in the launcher and delete all its files.

Video review:

Skyrim, located in the icy northern regions of Tamriel, is an unforgiving land of fierce blizzards, merciless bandits and fire-breathing dragons.

Among all these dangers are taverns, warmed by fires crackling in stone hearths. These cozy, tranquil sanctuaries offer weary adventurers refuge from the cold and chaos, even if just for a few minutes. The hardened, resourceful people who call Skyrim home have mastered the art of comfort and hospitality, as it is necessary for anyone living in such a cold and inhospitable place.

And when you enter one of their taverns, where the stone walls are illuminated by orange firelight and the tables are laden with cold meads and cuts of red meat, you feel like you can rest easy. It's like you've come home. None mud crabs or skeevers will not jump out of the bushes and attack you. No bandits in furs will try to shake gold out of you with bows and arrows. And best of all, those pesky ancient dragons are too big to fit through the door.

The eternal howl and chill of the wind are replaced by the soothing music of a strumming bard, the conversations of other visitors and the clinking of mugs. This setting, unlike the snowy wilderness outside, is the perfect place for a tired, hungry adventurer to find cold drinks, warm food and a soft bed for the night. Of course, you could always just sleep on some big old sack, but the Dragonborn deserves better.

Entering a tavern in Skyrim perfectly recreates the feeling of escaping into a cozy local pub after a long walk on a cold, windy day. Instant feeling of calm and peace. You know you'll have to go back again eventually, but for now it's just you, the fire and a pint of ale. Your problems seem so far away, although the problems of an ordinary person are modern world, are certainly no match for the Dragonborn's mission to save Tamriel from an ancient, evil dragon that seeks to devour the world.

You have a wide choice when we're talking about about taverns in Skyrim, and their atmosphere reflects their location. In the city of Riften, a meeting place for criminals and other dregs of society, you'll stumble across the Wild Flask and the Bee and the Sting, places where you can get a dagger between the ribs just by looking at someone's mug.

Meanwhile, the capital city of Solitude boasts The Laughing Rat, a luxurious, spacious establishment with a fine selection of quality booze and food. In addition to the city taverns, there are many small ones in the area, including the Four Shields Tavern.

Taverns in Skyrim not only provide lodging, food and drink, but are also excellent places to meet reliable mercenaries. These warriors can often be seen sitting in a corner, like Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings, waiting for an adventurer with enough money to hire them.

For example, in Drunken Hunter in Whiterun, you'll find Jenassa, a Dunmer mercenary who's good with a bow and doesn't seem to mind killing innocent people. But you will need 800 gold coins to use her dubious services.

Taverns are also rife with gossip, which can lead to some interesting quests. Talk to the bartender and you will learn about various events in the world, including the boy Aventus Aretino trying to summon an assassin from the Dark Brotherhood, which you will eventually be able to join. Or you may hear about the sanctuary of the Daedric Princess Azura, after which you will acquire a powerful Daedric artifact. It's good that Skyrim's tavern owners are so unabashedly curious.

The tavern is an important part of any fantasy world, be it the Prancing Pony from The Lord of the Rings or the Crossroads Inn from Game of Thrones, and Skyrim is no exception. Wherever you drink and whatever you drink, these are great places to spend your money.

Version: 1.2
Translation: Russian

The name of the mod speaks for itself! It is an expansion of most of the game's main farms, including Sons of Battle Farm, Cold Furrow Farm, Katla Farm, Jolly Farm, and Salviev Farm. The mod also includes changes to the sawmill in Solitude. I made this mod because, frankly speaking, vanilla game Farms look pretty pathetic. This mod adds more crops, horses, stables, more animals, different architecture.

- In order for your game to have the same textures as in the screenshots, you need to install mods and (these mods are not mandatory, but if you want the same look, you must install them)
- Or you can download any other texture mod of your choice that changes the textures of farms
- Keep in mind that Katla Farm, Solitude Sawmill and Salviev Farm all use Solitude house textures, while the rest of the farms use regular village house textures (except Happy Farm, it uses Riften textures).
- I also highly recommend the Realistic Horse Breeds mod to improve the appearance of horses

- The author didn’t write anything like that, but everything, as usual, is incompatible with mods that also change or add buildings to farmland
- should be compatible as long as this mod doesn't edit anything in farming areas which are quite far away from cities usually so it should be compatible. The worst that can happen is you might end up with some texture clipping or something like that.

- No

Installation:(can be done manually or through NMM/MO managers)
- Place the Data folder from the archive into the game folder (Data is not inside Data, but on top), confirm merging folders and activate in the launcher

- The mod consists of just one esp. file, there are no textures and meshes files

Have you ever experienced this: go into a cafe (pub, bar or something similar) and the visitors of this establishment suddenly begin to seem somehow... Unusual? No, I'm not paranoid - and I hope you aren't either. However, often (especially in quite colorful establishments) the imagination itself draws the most unusual pictures. Pictures are drawn of the destinies of people who are just sitting here, minding their own business and don’t even know about your existence.
Have you ever wanted to take one of these “destinies” and try it on yourself? And even in a world more suitable for this - a fantasy one. Take it - and go through all sorts of adventures with him: from the fate of some thief, the experiments of a magician - right up to saving the world as some kind of palladin. What happens if there are a lot of such people? Well... Relatively many...

So, I present to you another module like tavern. For those unfamiliar with the style, let me explain: this is a game for masters. The fact is that the world is shaped inside and out by the players. Even at the beginning there is almost no information about the world - all its details are described by the characters - their stories, their actions, their relationships. Ideally, the “guiding hand of the master” should not be required at all.

Yes, there was a tavern on DM before (what do you mean there was one - it is still alive and well!) - by the way, it was my authorship;) - link
However, in my opinion, it deviated somewhat from the original genre, precisely because the master was too “involved” in the game. This (in my opinion) is not desirable. Of course, in some situations you cannot do without this - but it is in your power to make this game the least dependent on the Master.

This does not mean that, having created it, I will not craft and monitor the tavern. This is simply a type of game where the intervention of the master is minimal.

Well, since the Master’s influence is expected to be minimal, I created these rules to regulate relationships between players.
Rules (many books, but you have to take them into account):

1. The main rule for resolving gaming disputes is SILENCE on any issue - A SIGN OF CONSENT.
2. Unsubscribe is required AT LEAST ONCE EVERY TWO DAYS. The standard case is once a day. If it is impossible to maintain this pace for various reasons, you must notify the Master. In this case, the GM can take control of the character to prevent the game from "stagnating" - without fatal consequences for the player.
3. The player character is ALMOST IMMUNE. Any impact on the character by another player must give the character a chance to avoid an immediate threat to the life of this character. Otherwise, it is possible only either by agreement of both players (the one being influenced and the one who is influencing), or by the decision of the Master.
4. GODMODE is prohibited. God Mode (from the English God Mode, god mode) - the ability for a character to do EVERYTHING HE WANTS, including influencing another character in violation of rule 3, or change some fundamental foundations of the created world (this category includes: control " strongmen of the world this" - kings, presidents, heads of the most important guilds, gods; the creation of many minor characters in huge, peace-disturbing numbers, such as armies, and their control) without the approval of the majority or the Master. Partial violation is also allowed when using the trick system.
5. Everyone has the right to create one main character and an unlimited number of secondary, tertiary, etc., often referred to as NPCs (for example: guard, innkeeper, librarian, etc.).
6. Monitoring other people's thoughts and their knowledge is prohibited - your character knows only what he heard, saw, felt, etc. He cannot find out about the sinister plot being contemplated by another character.
7. No action should conflict in time with another. For example: two characters broke up on July 22, 2010, after which the first player described the history of their character only until July 23, 2010, and the second - until July 24, 2010. They cannot write a message that they suddenly met again on July 23, unless this is written in the first player's message.
8. The unit of game time for players is one in-world day. Players should not write for their characters if the other characters have not yet completed the current game day.
9. Despite rule 8, you cannot write only your own messages, even if they describe only one day. Messages must be sufficiently voluminous, more than 200 characters. Small and frequent messages are allowed if there is mutual action between two characters, for example, there is a conversation between them, a fight, or something else.
10. All non-game posts must be in the Discussion or in the spoiler.
11. Mat is prohibited (substitutions from " ancient language Elves" or something else), violence in too obvious form (description of bullying in all details) too.

Addition: about TRICKS.
In relations between players (AND EXCLUSIVELY BETWEEN PLAYERS!) I am guided by a system of tricks. What is a trick?
A trick is the influence of one player on another, putting the second in an awkward/unfortunate/difficult position. It may or may not pursue the interests of the former.
Example: one player placed a tracking beacon on another without the other one noticing it.
Trick rules:

1. To carry out the trick, it is necessary that both characters can somehow contact each other. If you need to steal something, then in the immediate vicinity (well, at worst, if the post is extensive, then, for example, you had the opportunity to “get across the roofs of the city to the sweetly sleeping Mr. N.” And steal, yes.). If you need to cast a spell, knowledge of the target's pseudo-structure and sufficient magical power (if cast at a long distance). Or, again, closeness.
2. Only 3 tricks are allowed in one game day. Whoever got it first used the trick. As the Master said that a new day has begun, you can use tricks again.
3. Only one trick is allowed per person per game day. Well, except in exceptional cases. Which are discussed with me, naturally.
4. When using a trick, you must roll 1d10. A roll greater than or equal to 6 means the trick is successful and is considered used. If it does NOT fall out, it is NOT SUCCESSFUL, but it is NOT CONSIDERED USED. This means that if there were two tricks available, then having thrown an unsuccessful cube with a trick, two tricks will remain available.
5. The trick system is not applicable in battle and/or against NPCs
6. The player is allowed to make up to 3 unsuccessful attempts at tricks in one game day.

Next, what is required for submitting an application?
Due to the non-standard nature of the game, the quenta needs to be filled out specifically: in the History you need to write a sample of your first post - how your character got into the tavern. The remaining fields are filled in as desired (it is believed that this data should be disclosed during the game), with the exception of skills - it is necessary to describe what the character possesses at the time the game starts. Skills can be described quite generally (for example, “a student of a magician of the elements of Fire”), or specifically (“Magic mastery of the fourth level of the school of Lava Mages”). Almost any race can be invented, the main thing is that controlling such a character does not violate rule 4.

PS: we definitely won’t do this here...

Lanzot knew that the capital was a danger, deception and all the temptations of a person in this life. But having been a mountain monk in life, he knew how to tire of temptation. From childhood, the mountain sages taught Lanzot the magic of the earth, having seen 25 years of his life there, he became a master of the earth. The young but a very strong Lanzot could build walls 2 meters thick with one wave of his hand, or he could turn himself into stone.
As much as the magic of the earth seemed a strict and dull matter for the people, Lanzot was nevertheless astray and resourceful. He went to the city to pursue his dream, to learn the magic of air, water and fire. According to rumors, there are masters in the capital and he intends to find them.
Coming out of the train, he did not know where to go, and he began to ask the people leaving the train for directions to the nearest tavern.
“Excuse me (Lanzot asked a man in a blue hat and an unusual substance in his hand) you don’t know where the nearest tavern is (the man turned around and said with a prisoner’s grin) that this is the first time he’s been put behind bars and you already want to take down the tough guy, but no, I’ll fight (the prisoner gave him a homemade knife and started waving it in Lanzot’s face, and the creature, apparently by instinct, jumped off and began to drip a tunnel into nowhere) you damn guard, I WILL NOT GIVE UP alive (with such a cry he attacked Lanzot and cut his entire top, to which Lanzot responded ) the mountain sages say who will come to us with a homemade pressure, there we will break his hand. What (the prisoner said in amazement, not noticing how a huge column of dirt came out of the ground like a stream of water, which broke his hand with a knife) oh you %?No* nothing we will meet again. (with these glories, the prisoner jumped into the tunnel created by the animals of the country and quickly crawled forward) the country, if everyone here is like that... there will be a lot of broken arms (looking at the hole, he closed it with one slight movement of his foot, after that he looked at his shirt and said) I need new clothes, but this time I won’t ask anyone where the workshop is, I’ll find it myself. (Having found the workshop “Ahmed there is no fashion,” he came out dressed in a black hood with a cloak and gloves with thin fur so that they would not interfere with him connection with the earth, he was also wearing a brown shirt, and his appearance itself was like this: black hair, he was 1.79 tall, brown eyes and had a scar (a burn) around his right eye (it even suited him). (After that, he found the Knife tavern and a tapor" where he rented a room and locked himself in it until the next day.
