Board game Ticket to Ride. Board game Ticket to Ride Europe Board game ticket to ride

Board game “Ticket to ride” - the most famous creation Alana Moon. The original plunges participants onto the railroad tracks North America, however, there are modifications with cities European countries and cities within a particular country. Subsequent versions of the game are popular all over the world and bring unforgettable pleasure. Depending on the number of players, the party takes 30 – 60 minutes.

Difficulty level: easy

Number of players: 2-5

Develops skills: strategy, knowledge of geography

What's included?

Original version"Ticket to ride" includes:

  • map of North America - playing field;
  • plastic cars – 240 pcs. + 3 reserves for each color;
  • cards with images of carriages – 96 pcs.;
  • cards with locomotives – 14 pcs.;
  • route maps – 30 pcs.;
  • a brochure with the rules of the game;
  • bonus card for the longest route;
  • advertising cards – 2 pcs.;
  • memo;
  • key to the online version of the game;
  • multi-colored wooden chips.

Game version "Train Ticket to Europe" differs in content playing field and the numerical value of the components.

What types of games and add-ons are there?

Besides basic modification described in the review, “Ticket to ride” has quite a lot of additions and independent games with other countries on the field:

  • « Train ticket junior: Europe» will introduce young travelers to new cities and help create routes to historical places. The rules are simplified, but game process does not lose its own depth. A great way to improve your geography knowledge in such an exciting and fun way!
  • « Ticket to ride: America 1910 » – expanded and improved version original game. The specifics of route selection are such that you can create your own rules. Innovations are expected in the version: three alternative options for conducting a game, routes through megacities, a bonus for the most traveling participant, additional issue of cards and more.
  • « TickettorideNordiccountries» is filled with “fresh”, northern design and new rules. Routes from Copenhagen to Oslo, from Helsinki to Stockholm will have to be connected, and Russian Murmansk is also among the destinations.
  • » publications Marklin accompanies participants around the cities of Germany. The publication is dedicated to the oldest company producing collectible trains of the same name. The rules of the game are close to the basic version, but now passengers can leave the carriages and buy something along the way; missions are divided into short and long.
  • « Ticket to ride: Switzerland"designed for three players and contains tunnels, locomotive cards and countries surrounding Switzerland.

Who is this game for?

  • For looking for an unusual gift for a holiday, because everyone will like the game “Ticket to ride”;
  • for people who first time dealing with desktops to create a favorable impression from the very beginning;
  • For eternal tourists to think about which states of America you should visit;
  • For railway workers who go crazy from just the sight of trains;
  • For history buffs railways;
  • for those who want spend an evening with a small group;
  • For family holiday with children, recommended age – from 8 years, it's time to start studying geography.

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Game description

Ticket to Ride takes players on an exciting railroad adventure. Participants, connecting cities of many states, lay out routes, capturing all corners North America. This is some math problem about how transport routes need to develop. Railways must have a clear and harmonious layout, which will allow reaching the desired destinations faster and more efficiently. During each turn, you will have to make informed decisions: save up cards for more bonus points or take the path before your opponent does? Or maybe take one joker from the open cards, or take a risk and take cards blindly, hoping to get a locomotive?

The goal of the game “Ticket to ride”

The goal for the player in “Ticket to ride” is to accumulate more victory points, which are awarded for the following advancements:

  • path design, which connects cities in North America;
  • creating a special path, which connects the cities mentioned on the route card;
  • formation of an extended path based on the results of the game among the players.

If the game is completed before the participant completes the task, the points written on it are deducted during the calculation.

Renewal of the wagon fleet

Cards with multi-colored carriages are updated when the “Ticket to ride” deck is emptied by thoroughly shuffling those already discarded earlier. Often, those cards that previously made up a set of identical matches end up in the discard pile.


“Locomotives” are very useful, because they play the role of “ joker" This card in the game “Ticket to ride” can be played on a stretch with sets of carriages of any color - it doesn’t matter what you pull!

The nuances of obtaining a locomotive are important. If a player takes it from the table, then his turn ends. It is also prohibited to take this card if the participant has already taken the carriage card. But when drawing a locomotive from a closed pile, you are allowed to take a second card.

Passage of the stage

Completing the stage is a labor-intensive process, especially when the participant wants to build it from 5-6 cars. The more trailers there are in the haul, the more victory points the player receives and the further he moves along the perimeter of the field from his opponents.

The stages are marked with different colors, which means that you can launch carriages of a certain color - to do this you need to collect cards of carriages of the specified color. That is, a yellow distillation can only be created by discarding cards of an identical shade. The rules do not apply to the color scheme of participants’ plastic trailers.

Useful stages for participants are gray ones, on which a path is laid with any colors of carriage cards, naturally, identical or when mixed with jokers.

Rail travel rules

  1. Interesting feature“Ticket to ride” games: if three jokers appear in a row of five open cards, then the current set is discarded, after which new cards from the closed pile are dealt.
  2. After the player has taken one open card, you should immediately fill the gap, and then draw a card blindly or any of the proposed ones. It is impossible for there to be emptiness among a row of open carriages.
  3. There are stages on the map with parallel tracks. When playing with two or three players, according to the rules, only one path can be used, that is, only the only participant in the “Ticket to ride” can use the path for themselves. If the players 4-5 – it is allowed to occupy both parts of the stage.
  4. If a player takes a joker from an open row when replenishing cards, his turn ends.
  5. During a turn, the haul must be completed, which means that it is impossible to lay only two or three of five carriages, unless, of course, the entire route consists of two or three carriages.

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During a Ticket to Ride participant's turn, they must complete one of three steps:

  • replenish your hand from five cards lying in a row or replenish the hand from the set if the cards from the table do not suit the player. When a participant has chosen an open card, before taking the second one, he should replace the previously taken card from the closed deck. You are allowed to take one card open, and the other from the set. You are also allowed to pick up a couple of cards with open cars, and then fill the row.
  • pave the distance between cities, but only the only one, even if you have a set for another route on hand. To do this, cards with carriages corresponding to a specific color and number of track segments are discarded. Afterwards the route is laid out using our own carriages. On the formed path, the participant displays figures of carriages of his own color - one carriage per unit segment of the route. After this, you need to count the points for the route taken and move your own marker chip along the edge of the playing field by the required number of points. The values ​​for moving the chip are given on the field itself so that no one forgets how many cells to move their marker to.
  • take a new card with a quest if desired. Initially, the player is given 3 route cards, after which he decides to keep 2 or 3 to complete the task. The map is reset if it is obvious that a path cannot be constructed from all the received routes. But it is worth remembering that long paths bring a large number of points at the end of the game, so it is worth taking risks.

Preparing for the game

  1. Place the “Ticket to ride” card in the center of the table.
  2. Give to the players necessary components: 45 trailers in their chosen color and a marker of the same color.
  3. Place the playing pieces on the 0 value of the scoring track located at the edge of the field.
  4. Carefully shuffle the stack of “Cars” cards and deal 4 cards to each participant. Then place the remaining deck near the field and take the top 5 cards, place them face down in a row so that each player can reach them.
  5. Place a bonus card near the field for the longest path. It is played at the end of the “Ticket to ride” game.
  6. Mix the quests thoroughly and distribute 3 to each.
  7. You can start exciting adventure across North America!

Beginning of the game

Before the initial move, the “Ticket to ride” participants deal with the tasks they have received. After studying them, participants leave 2 or 3 quests of their choice. Unchosen quests are placed at the bottom of the stack. Both long and short tasks can be reset. Opponents must not see the contents of players' cards discarded or in their hands until the end of the game.

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Move order

There are different ways to determine who is starting the “Ticket to ride” party:

  • quit dice, and the one who dialed larger number will start the game first, but for him, accordingly, he will need cubes that the game does not provide;
  • agree if no one objects to give in;
  • give the right to the one who has visited the States the most times.

Choosing new travel goals

It happens that an opponent has occupied the stage you need to complete the quest. To do this, it is necessary to develop a new route and approach the goal in a new way, so that you do not receive penalty points for an unfulfilled route during the final calculation.

Attention! To play you need the basic version of Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride: Europe!

Amsterdam has many water canals that turn the city into the Venice of the north. But not all of the Netherlands uses shipping routes. Many bridges support the railway lines in this low-lying country, where 20% of the landscape is below sea level! Be careful not to admire the beauty, otherwise you will spend most of the money on “bridge tolls”!

This beautiful map brings a new “zest” to the game. If you are the first to make your way across one of the many bridges, you will have to pay a fee for moving to the bank, but the second player on this bridge will pay you! Moreover, at the end of the game, players will receive additional bonus points for the Bridge Toll tokens. Plan your routes and enjoy the vastness of the Netherlands!

Trains, trains...Ticket to Ride is a German-style railroad game created by Alan R. Moon and published by Days of Wonder in 2004.

Already in the year of release, the game was awarded many awards, including “Game of the Year”, “Best Board Game of the Year”, “Best Board Game for the Whole Family”.

A real railroad tycoon must always strive not only to create and strengthen his empire, but also to take care of his competitors. It is necessary to lay out the longest and most efficient routes, not forgetting to cut off opponents from important transport hubs. The main thing is to maintain a balance between greed and moderation: long, tedious journeys certainly bring profit, but for a quick arrival at the desired destination, many are willing to fork out serious money...

Each of the additions makes its own changes, but the Rules of the Original are always the basis:

At the beginning, each player receives a route map, where two cities located at different ends of the map are marked. This card must be kept secret! The goal is to carry out railway between the indicated points. To carry out this grand plan, each turn players are given train cards of different colors and joker cards with a picture of a locomotive, they are also allowed to take additional route cards and place train cards on the playing field, gaining victory points. The route can be laid out to any possible length, as long as there are enough cards of the same color and no opponents interfere with you. Moreover, winning points are awarded for the length of the route non-linearly, but at times!

When one player's trains run out, the game is declared over. All players reveal their hidden routes and count their points. If the task indicated on the route map is completed, then points are added, and if it is failed, then vice versa. And, most importantly, the player who laid the longest route receives an additional ten points!

Game author Alan Moon wrote: “The rules of the game are simple enough to be squeezed onto a train ticket - every turn you either draw new cards, take a route, or take new tickets. The tension in the game arises as the player is forced to balance his greed with desire to receive new cards in your hand means, through your fear, to give away a key section of the path to your opponent."

Ticket to Ride continues the tradition of large format board games Days of Wonder: great illustrations, high-quality components - huge map North America, two hundred carriages, colorful maps. Around the world, Ticket to Ride is recognized as one of the best games for the “initiation” of newcomers - introducing novice players into the world of board games. TtR is easy to learn, beautiful, rich, and endlessly fun. Try planning your route in the world of Ticket to Ride!


  • map of the Netherlands;
  • tickets with routes;
  • new Bridge Toll tokens;
  • rules of the game.

As I promised, I will continue to tell you about interesting desktops implemented for iOS. And today I decided to introduce you to one of my favorite games - Ticket to Ride (aka “Train Ticket”). This game was invented by Alan Moon and was released 10 years ago, in 2004. She immediately received many awards and prizes, such as “Best Board Game 2004” according to the Origins Award and “Spiel des Jahres 2004”, the French award “As d'Or 2005”, “Diana Jones award 2005”, second place in the category "Family Games" according to Schweizer Spielepreis 2004. Ticket to Ride: Europe, one of the varieties of the game, received the "International Gamers Awards" in 2005, and "Best" in 2007. family game" and "Game of the Year" according to the website

As with Carcassonne, I played both the board and electronic versions of Ticket to Ride. And I can assure you that under iOS game implemented simply superbly, from the graphics and convenient location of objects to the musical accompaniment.

In the game we need to build a railway connecting cities and score the most points. There are several Ticket to Ride options, and almost each of them has its own features. You can see a map of the USA, Europe, Asia and, separately, Switzerland. As for the desktop version, Days of Wonder has also released maps of Africa, Scandinavia, Germany, Holland and India.

At first the rules may seem a little confusing to you, but after the first game everything will fall into place. The game is designed for 2-5 players, each of whom takes turns. You will have the opportunity to play against a computer, online, or with multiple players on one or more devices.

In my opinion, playing on one device is not very convenient, since a lot of time is spent passing the iPad from hand to hand. The advantage of playing online is the ability to run multiple games at the same time.

Consider the playing field. In the lower right corner there is your icon and the number of remaining trailers, and the points you have scored will also be displayed there. Icons of other players are located above the field.

Each player is dealt cards: 4 trailers and 3 tasks. They are located below, to the left of your icon. These cards are not seen by other players, since for them it should remain a secret behind seven seals.

Then each player chooses which task cards to keep, the minimum number is two, but if you wish, you can take three cards. Each completed task can bring a different number of points; the length of the path and the complexity of the construction are important here. A card can be worth 5 or as much as 20 points, you just have to decide which path to take.

You can click on each task card and thus highlight in blue the cities that need to be connected. If it doesn’t suit you, press one more time, the cities will fade, and this card will not be selected. When you decide, click the “Done” button and start playing.

The cities you select will be highlighted in green; you just need to think about the route that will connect them. You can take a shortcut or a longer one, depending on what goal you are pursuing. Sometimes another player may interfere with your plans and spoil the given route. In this case, you will have to change it and go around.

Next to your icon, as I already mentioned, the number of your cars is displayed. 45 is the maximum amount you can put on the board. When one of the players has less than three cars left, you are warned about this and you make your last move. After this, the game ends and scoring begins. There, at the bottom left of the icon, your 4 carriage cards that were dealt to you from the very beginning are shown. The number on the card indicates how many cars of a given color are in your hands.

On the playing field you can see multi-colored lines that connect cities - these are the segments of the path that you will need to build. Each segment can consist of 1-8 cars. I will give a simple example of how to build route segments. If you need to build a black segment consisting of 3 carriages, you must collect 3 black carriage cards. If you don’t have enough black cards to build, then you can take a locomotive. This card acts as a joker and can replace any color of the carriage.

For each turn you need to perform one of three actions:

  • take carriage cards
  • take task cards

On the right you see 5 open carriage cards and a stack below them. There are two options: either you take cards that have already been revealed, or you rely on luck and get them from an undisclosed pile. You can take only 2 wagon cards or one locomotive per turn. If you take cards from an unopened pile, you may end up with as many as two locomotives.

If you already have the required number of carriage cards in your hands, you can place them on the field. If a track segment is gray, you can place any cars of the same color on it. For example, if a gray segment consists of 2 cars, you can put 2 black, 2 green or 2 red cards on it. If a track segment is yellow, then only yellow cars can be placed on it. Two cities can be connected by one or two parallel segments. And it is still unknown which player will have time to occupy this single segment, because it is not clear which route your opponent has chosen.

Finally, you can choose a few more task cards. At the very beginning, you already took such cards, if suddenly this seemed not enough to you, then during the game you can get more and more... and then build routes connecting cities. The task pile is located above the open carriage cards. This time you can keep just one card if the others do not suit you. But if you decide to take Additional tasks, you will no longer be able to cancel your decision and will have to keep at least one card in your hands.

By making certain moves, you try to score the most points. They can be obtained in three ways:

  • place the carriage cards on the playing field
  • complete task cards
  • build the longest path

For each road segment built you get points:

  • segment of 1 car – 1 point
  • segment of 2 cars - 2 points
  • 3-car segment – ​​4 points
  • 4-car segment – ​​7 points
  • segment of 5 cars - 10 points
  • segment of 6 cars - 15 points

When you complete a task, you receive the number of points indicated on the card. If you do not comply, they are deducted from the amount you collected. And there is one more bonus: the “longest path” card, for which you get 10 points.

Over time, you will have your own strategy, and you will feel how best to act in a given situation. Moreover, it will be very easy for you to understand the features of other maps (Europe or Switzerland). I’ll just tell you that European maps also contain tunnels and road segments, for the construction of which you will definitely need a locomotive. I can assure you that once you start playing Ticket to Ride, you will not be able to put it down for several hours. Personally, I spent a lot of time on this matter. Additional cards on iPad are:

  • Europe — 169 rubles
  • Switzerland — 129 rubles
  • Asia -129 rubles
  • Extensions for the US map - 33 rubles

The price is not small, and sales for this game appear very rarely. One US card may be enough for you, but I tried all possible options. Believe me, this game is worth the money spent!

As I promised, I will continue to tell you about interesting desktops implemented for iOS. And today I decided to introduce you to one of my favorite games - Ticket to Ride (aka “Train Ticket”). This game was invented by Alan Moon and was released 10 years ago, in 2004. She immediately received many awards and prizes, such as “Best Board Game 2004” according to the Origins Award and “Spiel des Jahres 2004”, the French award “As d'Or 2005”, “Diana Jones award 2005”, second place in the category "Family Games" according to Schweizer Spielepreis 2004. Ticket to Ride: Europe, one of the varieties of the game, received the International Gamers Awards in 2005, and in 2007 - "Best Family Game" and "Game of the Year" according to the site

As with Carcassonne, I played both the board and electronic versions of Ticket to Ride. And I can assure you that for iOS the game is implemented simply superbly, from the graphics and convenient arrangement of objects to the musical accompaniment.

In the game we need to build a railway connecting cities and score the most points. There are several Ticket to Ride options, and almost each of them has its own features. You can see a map of the USA, Europe, Asia and, separately, Switzerland. As for the desktop version, Days of Wonder has also released maps of Africa, Scandinavia, Germany, Holland and India.

At first the rules may seem a little confusing to you, but after the first game everything will fall into place. The game is designed for 2-5 players, each of whom takes turns. You will have the opportunity to play against a computer, online, or with multiple players on one or more devices.

In my opinion, playing on one device is not very convenient, since a lot of time is spent passing the iPad from hand to hand. The advantage of playing online is the ability to run multiple games at the same time.

Consider the playing field. In the lower right corner there is your icon and the number of remaining trailers, and the points you have scored will also be displayed there. Icons of other players are located above the field.

Each player is dealt cards: 4 trailers and 3 tasks. They are located below, to the left of your icon. These cards are not seen by other players, since for them it should remain a secret behind seven seals.

Then each player chooses which task cards to keep, the minimum number is two, but if you wish, you can take three cards. Each completed task can bring a different number of points; the length of the path and the complexity of the construction are important here. A card can be worth 5 or as much as 20 points, you just have to decide which path to take.

You can click on each task card and thus highlight in blue the cities that need to be connected. If it doesn’t suit you, press one more time, the cities will fade, and this card will not be selected. When you decide, click the “Done” button and start playing.

The cities you select will be highlighted in green; you just need to think about the route that will connect them. You can take a shortcut or a longer one, depending on what goal you are pursuing. Sometimes another player may interfere with your plans and spoil the given route. In this case, you will have to change it and go around.

Next to your icon, as I already mentioned, the number of your cars is displayed. 45 is the maximum amount you can put on the board. When one of the players has less than three cars left, you are warned about this and you make your last move. After this, the game ends and scoring begins. There, at the bottom left of the icon, your 4 carriage cards that were dealt to you from the very beginning are shown. The number on the card indicates how many cars of a given color are in your hands.

On the playing field you can see multi-colored lines that connect cities - these are the segments of the path that you will need to build. Each segment can consist of 1-8 cars. I will give a simple example of how to build route segments. If you need to build a black segment consisting of 3 carriages, you must collect 3 black carriage cards. If you don’t have enough black cards to build, then you can take a locomotive. This card acts as a joker and can replace any color of the carriage.

For each turn you need to perform one of three actions:

  • take carriage cards
  • take task cards

On the right you see 5 open carriage cards and a stack below them. There are two options: either you take cards that have already been revealed, or you rely on luck and get them from an undisclosed pile. You can take only 2 wagon cards or one locomotive per turn. If you take cards from an unopened pile, you may end up with as many as two locomotives.

If you already have the required number of carriage cards in your hands, you can place them on the field. If a track segment is gray, you can place any cars of the same color on it. For example, if a gray segment consists of 2 cars, you can put 2 black, 2 green or 2 red cards on it. If a track segment is yellow, then only yellow cars can be placed on it. Two cities can be connected by one or two parallel segments. And it is still unknown which player will have time to occupy this single segment, because it is not clear which route your opponent has chosen.

Finally, you can choose a few more task cards. At the very beginning, you already took such cards, if suddenly this seemed not enough to you, then during the game you can get more and more... and then build routes connecting cities. The task pile is located above the open carriage cards. This time you can keep just one card if the others do not suit you. But if you decide to take additional tasks, you will no longer be able to cancel your decision and will have to keep at least one card in your hands.

By making certain moves, you try to score the most points. They can be obtained in three ways:

  • place the carriage cards on the playing field
  • complete task cards
  • build the longest path

For each road segment built you get points:

  • segment of 1 car – 1 point
  • segment of 2 cars - 2 points
  • 3-car segment – ​​4 points
  • 4-car segment – ​​7 points
  • segment of 5 cars - 10 points
  • segment of 6 cars - 15 points

When you complete a task, you receive the number of points indicated on the card. If you do not comply, they are deducted from the amount you collected. And there is one more bonus: the “longest path” card, for which you get 10 points.

Over time, you will have your own strategy, and you will feel how best to act in a given situation. Moreover, it will be very easy for you to understand the features of other maps (Europe or Switzerland). I’ll just tell you that European maps also contain tunnels and road segments, for the construction of which you will definitely need a locomotive. I can assure you that once you start playing Ticket to Ride, you will not be able to put it down for several hours. Personally, I spent a lot of time on this matter. Additional maps on iPad cost:

  • Europe — 169 rubles
  • Switzerland — 129 rubles
  • Asia -129 rubles
  • Extensions for the US map - 33 rubles

The price is not small, and sales for this game appear very rarely. One US card may be enough for you, but I tried all possible options. Believe me, this game is worth the money spent!

What's so wonderful about board game Train Ticket to Europe? When you open the box and get acquainted with the rules, you feel some surprise and doubt: is this game so praised by everyone? Why has this game received so many awards and why is it in the top ten best family games?

Inside we see a very high-quality and stylishly designed map of Europe, which shows the main European cities, including those close to us (Petrograd, Moscow, Kyiv, Smolensk, Rostov, Sevastopol, Sochi, Kharkov, Vilno, Warsaw, Riga). The game takes place at the beginning of the twentieth century, when all these cities were part of the Russian Empire.
Between the cities there are multi-colored paths of various lengths, which we have to lay. Each player has 45 plastic wagons, which should be placed on these tracks, paying for them with wagon cards of the color indicated this path on the map.

The rules of the game are elementary. On your turn, you can do one of four actions: either take two carriage cards from the deck, or build a path (that is, place your plastic carriages on the path marked on the map), or take route cards connecting different cities, or build a station, which will allow you to use other player's paths to complete your routes.

It would seem, what could be more primitive? Bring the cards and place your trailers on the pre-marked tracks. Where is the freedom of action? Where's the scope? Where is the depth? Where is the interaction between players?

But when the game starts, everything falls into place. Maps of old Europe, cute plastic trailers, colorful cards - create a very special atmosphere of travel at the beginning of the twentieth century - remember the Orient Express? Ticket to Ride Europe is perhaps the most atmospheric game in the series! Then comes the element of competition for paths and routes, the joy of breaking new paths and the delight of completing a long route, which explains the constant desire of thousands of people around the world to buy the board game Ticket for a Train Across Europe to add to their collection.

It turns out that collecting the required number of carriage cards is not such a trivial task, that routes need to be planned in advance, that sometimes it is better to wait and not build five short tracks, but save up for one long one, that other players can take the tracks you need for their routes, so you have to look for workarounds and much, much more...

Learn the rules of a board game Train Ticket to Europe very simple and fun, especially if you do it in great company. If you want to learn the rules of the game in just half an hour, we recommend that you watch this video.
