Doesn't drink blood in Skyrim. Pros and Cons of Vampirism in Skyrim

TES V: Skyrim was and remains extremely popular game, which won the hearts of a huge number of players: to this day, those who played it are often and warmly remembered by those who played it, and mods are still being created for it in huge numbers. Last but not least, Skyrim has gained popularity due to the freedom of action: you can even be ... undead. In this case, a vampire. Transformation into such a creature can occur both at your will and against it; in any case, the gameplay will change significantly.

What is it all about

Getting infected with vampirism is not difficult - just enough find an unfriendly vampire(and there are enough of them in the vastness of Skyrim) and engage in battle with him, while not having one hundred percent resistance to diseases. The enemy will definitely use the Life Drain spell, and after a few seconds, the desired (or not so) message will appear that you have caught a disease with the beautiful name Sanguinare Vampiris. For the first 72 hours, it will be just an ordinary sore without any effects, which can be cured just like any other. But then…

Then the character becomes a real vampire, with all the improvements and weaknesses that come with such a state. Moreover, their list strongly depends on whether the add-on is installed. down guard. It seriously reworks the mechanics of vampirism in the game, with it the passage for a vampire becomes much more diverse and interesting.

From now on, Dovakin will constantly want blood for internal use. It can be sucked from sleeping people. If the blood is not drunk, the vampire begins to starve: 24 hours without red liquid leads to the transition to the next stage of hunger, up to the fourth. With each stage, some vampire powers are strengthened, but the disadvantages of such a state are becoming more and more noticeable (in principle, you can never drink anyone's blood for the whole game and run around starving all the time - the choice is up to the player). In addition, it will change appearance: the eyes will become red or golden, the teeth will lengthen somewhat.

If you're tired of your character getting weak under the sun and their eyes burning with an unnatural light, here's the good news: Vampirism can be cured.

The first way is to become a werewolf, although this is not exactly a cure ... Rather, the exchange of one disease for another is lycanthropy. The second way is to complete the quest “Rise at Dawn”, which is given by the Morphal wizard Falion; And this quest can be done multiple times.


People go to the Dark Side for something pleasant and useful. Upon becoming a vampire, a character gains the following traits (features are marked with an asterisk* if they have the Downguard DLC):

  • Large bonus to cold resistance (25-100% / 20-50%*)
  • 100% resistance to all diseases and poisons
  • 25% Stealth bonus when sneaking
  • Illusion spells are increased by 25%
  • The ability to resurrect the dead as allies once a day (the more hungry the vampire, the stronger the zombie).
  • Drain Life spell that transfers someone else's health into your own (the power of the spell grows with the level of hunger).
  • The ability to calm other creatures, that is, make them unable to fight, once a day.
  • At the last stage of hunger, the character can become invisible once a day and gain night vision for three minutes.
  • If the bloodsucker is skilled in Restoration spells and has the Necromage perk, then all self-directed spells, Shouts, and enchantments have increased strength and duration.
  • Access to Vampire Lord Form*.

It is worth dwelling on the latter in more detail. From now on, the hero can, at will, turn into a frightening creature that can soar above the ground, call for reinforcements from gargoyles, and even strangle enemies, pulling them towards him, like some kind of Darth Vader. There is a tree with abilities: using them on enemies, you can open new skills. In general, the form is interesting and useful; however, mainly for magicians, since all skills consume magic.


Alas, in the harsh northern Skyrim, nothing comes for free. Here is what you will have to pay for the acquired power:

  • Large penalty to fire resistance (25-100% / 20-50%*)
  • Health Reduction, stamina and magicka by 15-60 units and a reduction in the regeneration of all these parameters by 100% during daylight hours in the open. Combined with the previous point, this makes daylight battles with fire-breathing dragons a serious problem.
  • If Downguard is not installed, then at the last, fourth stage of hunger, all surrounding characters become hostile to the starving vampire and will try to finish him off. With the add-on installed, their reaction is reduced to comments about the unusual appearance of the hero.

What is the result

As a vampire, the Dragonborn makes much better use of Illusion spells and the stealth skill, at the same time gaining access to resistance to cold, several talents, and with Downguard - also to the chic form of a vampire lord and a special quest line consisting of fighting for the common vampire good. On the other hand, the hero noticeably weakens in the sun, and enemy fire spells will hit much more painfully. That is, for magicians and secretive characters, vampirism is of some interest, but for warriors this will not help much.

In addition, it is unlikely that someone who plays a completely positive character will want to turn into undead: it is not appropriate for them to suck blood from those around them. It can be said that vampirism does not make the game easier or more difficult, but rather more unusual. In any case, it is worth trying to play as a vampire, at least once.

Many players are thinking about how to drink blood in Skyrim. After all, if there is an appropriate faction (vampires), there should be a unique ability. And she is. More will be discussed in the article.

About the game

The brainchild of Bethesda pleases fans to this day with a variety of locations, races and opposing sides. The path of the vampire chosen by the player brings some zest to the gameplay.

Being a member of a faction provides a number of advantages, but also imposes certain restrictions. AT Dawnguard expansion the idea was fully developed: an interesting quest chain with new characters and artifacts, as well as unique locations. A separate vampiric perk tree allows you to pump the abilities of the Vampire Lord.

An invariable source of replenishment of health is the drinking of blood. In Skyrim, as in many games, vampires bite on the neck. After the attack, it is important to hide unnoticed. Otherwise, there may be negative consequences.

How to drink blood

It's not easy to play as a vampire in Skyrim. To turn into this nocturnal inhabitant, you need to attack the nearest dwelling and become infected with Sanguinare Vampiris. Or drink water from the Blood Spring in the Redwater Lair (we are talking about the Dawnguard add-on).

The easiest way to get enough is to sneak into the house at night, approach the sleeping victim and press "E". There will be two commands in the menu that opens:

  • drink blood;
  • clean out pockets.

By choosing the appropriate option, the player will witness the takeover scene. Another way to drink blood in Skyrim is to use the Vampire Seduction spell, which immobilizes the victim for 30 seconds.

Immobilized NPCs can be eaten even in broad daylight. You should not do this in crowded places, because panic will begin. And within the city limits, Dovakin runs the risk of attracting the attention of the guards and ending up in prison.

Blood drinking game mod in Skyrim

A fan-made modification adds bloodlust to all vampires (including Serana). Every night the ghoul will have to go hunting to satisfy the need for food.

The character chooses a victim and sneaks up unnoticed. If the NPC suspects something, the vampire pretends to be an ordinary passer-by. It is necessary to look away, the ghoul is trying to attack again.

Being exposed by one of the witnesses or the victim herself, the bloodsucker will give up the idea of ​​feasting and will no longer make attempts until the next night.

In the case of a successful hunt, a person will simply fall and forget everything that happened. The mod makes adjustments to the combat system: Serana bites the enemy with a small amount of health and strength.


In summary, it should be said that the life of a vampire is not easy: either the sun bakes, or the thirst torments. Therefore, there is a chance to be cured and no longer wonder how to drink blood in Skyrim.

Healing is possible in the following ways:

  • pray at the altar of any of the nine deities (suitable if Dovakin has recently become infected);
  • become a werewolf by turning to the Companions (Aela the Huntress will gladly infect the protagonist with lycanthropy);
  • find the necromancer Falion in Morthal, who will perform the ritual and heal the sick at any stage;
  • write a console command.

The penultimate method is also suitable for Serana, if, upon completion storyline"Guardians of the Dawn", the hero will want to make a beautiful companion a man.

Released in 2011, the game is still popular among players. It is constantly updated with various mods. In the Dawnguard expansion, the player can turn their character into a vampire, but as with any race, vampirism has its pros and cons.

First, before becoming a vampire in the Skyrim game, it must be taken into account that the player will need to consume blood to maintain the life and strength of Dovahkiin. Without deviating far from mythology, the developers of the game presented a vampire biting the victim by the neck. But you should do it carefully, remaining unnoticed.

It is not difficult to turn into a vampire or become infected with Sanguinare Vampiris. There are two main ways: first, visit the vampire lair and get infected there; second, drink from the Blood Well in the Redwater Lair. Once infected, players are interested in how to drink the NPC's blood.

The easiest way is to break into any NPC's house, approach a potential victim, and press "E". Immediately, the game will offer a choice: rob an inactive player or drink his blood. If you choose the second option, you can see how Dovakin will drink the blood of an unsuspecting victim.

Also, one of the options for attacking a potential victim is the Vampire Seduction spell. It is worth Dovakin to use this spell, as the victim will be immobilized for half a minute, which will allow the hero to replenish the thirst for blood.

NPCs that have experienced the effect of the spell can be freely attacked during the day. But it is not advised to do this in front of witnesses. A player's reckless act can lead to the arrest of the hero.

There is also a special mod created by fans of the game, aimed at increasing the thirst for Dovakin, Serana and all other vampires. By installing this mod, the player will have to quench their thirst for blood every night without fail.

The quenching of thirst by NPC vampires is done in a deliberate way. The NPC chooses a potential victim, sneaks up on her unnoticed, and attacks. In the event of a successful attack, the victim faints until the morning and does not remember what happened. If the victim suspected something was wrong in time, or if possible witnesses appeared, the vampire refuses to attempt an attack. Once an NPC vampire is exposed, he leaves the victim and returns to the lair until the next night.

In the end, many players get tired of the restrictions associated with lifesteal and wish to be healed. There are 4 ways to heal from vampirism:

1) prayer at the altar of one of the nine deities (if the character is sick with vampirism relatively recently);

2) turning into a werewolf from the Companions;

3) the ritual of healing Falion from Morthal (this method can also heal Serana);

4) console command.

Vampirism is a disease The game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It turns the character into a vampire.

You can become infected with vampirism by encountering a vampire. In the event that a vampire uses the Life Drain spell, there is a chance to catch the Sanguinare Vampiris disease. The sick person has 72 hours to cure the disease. To do this, just visit any altar of the Nine or drink the usual potion of healing diseases.

72 hours after infection, the character becomes a vampire, so to speak, the first stage of the disease. The following permanent effects are activated:

"Weakness in the Sun" - the maximum health, magicka and stamina are reduced (by how much it decreases depends on the stage of hunger) and the speed of their regeneration in the sun is reduced by 100%. Also, the skin will begin to char.
Disease Resistance - 100% immunity to diseases.
Poison Resistance - 100% immunity to poisons.
Night Predator Steps - Vampires are 25% harder to spot when stalking.
Harbinger of the Night - Vampire Illusion spells are 25% stronger.

These effects apply to all stages of vampirism. The appearance of the character will also undergo some changes: the eyes will become a different color, the fangs will grow, the skin color will change.

We go to Solitude to the Blue Palace, speak with the court magician, take the quest and go to become a vampire

A vampire:
1st stage- your eyes turn red and NPCs start noticing the color of your eyes and skin. While sneaking, you can drink the blood of sleeping NPCs (will lower the condition to the first stage).

Permanent Effects:

Cold Resistance - Ignores 25% of cold damage.

Weakness to Fire - The character takes 25% more damage from fire.

Weakness in the Sun - Health, magicka and stamina are reduced by 15 points.

Servant of the Vampire - Reanimates a weak corpse for 60 seconds. The dead man will fight on the side of the caster. Can be applied once a day.
Drain Life - Drains 2 health per second from the target and transfers it to the caster. Spell of the school of magic "Destruction" level "Beginner".
Vampire Gaze - Allows you to see in the dark. Lasts 60 seconds. Can be used multiple times during the day.

2nd Stage (24 hours without feeding):

Permanent Effects:

Cold Resistance - Ignores 50% of cold damage.
Weakness to Fire - The character takes 50% more damage from fire.
Weakness in the Sun - Health, magicka and stamina are reduced by 30 points.


Servant of the Vampire - Reanimates a stronger corpse for 60 seconds. The dead man will fight on the side of the caster. Can be applied once a day.
Drain Life - Drains 3 health per second from the target and transfers it to the caster. Spell of the school of magic "Destruction" level "Beginner".
"Seduction" - calms creatures and representatives of sentient races up to level 10. Lasts 30 seconds.

3rd Stage (24 hours without feeding after 2nd stage):

Permanent Effects:

Cold Resistance - Ignores 75% of cold damage.
Weakness to Fire - The character takes 75% more damage from fire.
Weakness in the Sun - Health, magicka and stamina are reduced by 45 points.


Servant of the Vampire - Reanimates a strong corpse for 60 seconds. The dead man will fight on the side of the caster. Can be applied once a day.
Drain Life - Drains 4 health per second from the target and transfers it to the caster. Spell of the school of magic "Destruction" level "Beginner".

4th Stage (24 hours without feeding after 3rd stage)- the main part of the NPC will attack you even during the day.

Permanent Effects:

Cold Resistance - Ignores 100% cold damage.
Weakness to Fire - Your character takes 100% more damage from fire.
Weakness in the Sun - Health, magicka and stamina are reduced by 60 points.


"Servant of the Vampire" - reanimates a very strong corpse for 60 seconds. The dead man will fight on the side of the caster. Can be applied once a day.
Drain Life - Drains 5 health per second from the target and transfers it to the caster. Spell of the school of magic "Destruction" level "Beginner".
Embrace Shadows - Turns invisible and activates Night Vision for 180 seconds. Can be applied once a day.

At this stage, the characters will begin to act hostile towards the main character, as he will become a full-fledged vampire with the appropriate appearance. The transition from stage to stage occurs every 24 hours without quenching the thirst for blood. Quenching thirst will reduce hunger to the first stage. The fourth stage vampire is attacked by all characters in the game. To avoid this, you need to find a sleeping character and quench the thirst for blood.

You can drink blood only in stealth mode and only from sleeping characters, the mechanics are the same as for pickpocketing.

In custody: Vampires in Skyrim are much more adapted to hidden passage, while the werewolf state will suit a melee warrior. Both states have their own characteristics, but given that you do not get some negative effects for being a werewolf, this is a safer version of the metamorphosis.

How to cure vampirism
There is a cure for vampirism. To do this, you must complete Falion's quest "Rise at Dawn".
You can also complete the quests of the Companions branch and become a werewolf - the hero will be cured of vampirism, but in return he will become infected with lycanthropy.
You can also get rid of vampirism using console commands: just enter player.removespell 000B8780 . You can also enter setstage 000EAFD5 10 in the console. Always heals, but only works once, since healing happens after the quest is completed (this code ends the quest).
If you have already used the previous command (or completed the heal quest), you can use the following to heal: the game (new save, not quick save);
2.enter resetquest 000EAFD5
3.create another new save and load it;
4.Enter setstage 000EAFD5 10

Lifesteal abilities can also be added to a character using console command player.addspell 000B8780. Also in addition The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard, you can visit the Redwater Lair and drink the strange liquid from the Red Spring.
If you equip an item with an enchantment to increase the speed of magicka regeneration by 50%, then the speed of magicka regeneration in the sun will be only 50%. If there are no items of equipment with such an enchantment, then magic, health and stamina will not be restored.
It is worth noting that after infection, the character receives the status of "Undead", which means that if the "Necromage" ability is available, all spells directed at oneself, Shouts and enchantments on equipment are enhanced (strength increases by 25% and duration by 50%). These changes can be seen in the Active Effects menu.

How to become a vampire

Becoming a vampire is quite simple, you just need to find a large and strong group of vampires and fight them for a long time (and sometimes just be near them and accidentally fall under their spells). However, it is still not a fact that you will pick up vampirism. Sometimes it seems that vampirism is transmitted by airborne droplets or through touch. The details of the process are not yet clear, there are only theories. There is also a theory that the distance at which you fight with vampires depends on the ability to pick up vampirism: the closer the vampire, the more likely it is to become infected. After the fight with the vampires, you need to go to the magic menu and see if you have any negative active effects (they are written in red). If you have a disease that portends vampirism, then getting rid of it is easier than picking it up: a potion of curing diseases or any altar in any temple (each altar, be it Talos or Mara, is treated for all diseases). If you did not consider it necessary to look at your active effects, then you can still find out about impending vampirism, if you are careful. The very first night after infection, the screen will turn red for a second and in the upper left corner there will be an inscription “it is getting dark, you feel thirsty”, and with dawn the screen will also turn red for a moment and there will be an inscription “it is dawning, you feel weak”. Before the awakening of the vampire blood, making you a full-fledged vampire, you will have 48 hours after infection, then the process cannot be reversed by conventional means. More than enough time to heal.

Vampire Life: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Hunger

The life of a vampire cannot be called easy, but one cannot help but say that it gives a certain charm. gameplay. In the light of the sun, from about 5 am to 9 pm, not including rooms and caves, vampire blood boils in the sun: mana, life and stamina are not restored naturally. This debuff can be ignored by one of the Guardian Stones, or enchanted items. Another major disadvantage of vampirism is its vulnerability to fire, but this effect can also be ignored with an enchanted item. There are also advantages: resistance to cold, a bonus to the magic of illusions and stealth (25% each), as well as 100% immunity to poisons and diseases. But since the vampire is not only a nocturnal creature, but also a blood-sucking one, he has a need for blood. The vampire has a hunger or thirst, with an increase in which the vampire gains new spells (which are discussed below), as well as increased resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire. There are 4 stages of hunger in total:

1. Weak hunger the well-fed state of the vampire.

effects 25% resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire.


  • Drain Life Energy - This spell can be called effective if you have developed destruction magic and works well against groups of enemies in front of you. The spell drains life from enemies and transfers it to the vampire, dealing damage to the enemy while healing the vampire. The spell has a fairly wide range, from which it carries a kind of mass character. If there is 1 enemy in front of you, then by default you absorb 3 units from him. life per second, but if you have 3 enemies in front of you, then you absorb the lives of three at the same time, causing damage to them, and the absorbed units of life are summed up in proportion to the number of enemies. Very handy in tight spaces. In principle, the same as the frostbite flame, only the angle is slightly wider. IMPORTANT! Only works on the living.
  • Night vision.

2. Average hunger The power of the vampire is slightly increased.

effects resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire increases to 50%.


  • "Vampire charm" the ability to calm any enemy for a short time once a day.

3. Strong hunger The strength of the vampire again increases.

effects resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire increases to 75%.


  • Corpse resurrection.

4. Hungry vampire. The strongest and most vulnerable state of the vampire. A hungry vampire will be considered an enemy by all civilians without exception. Such a vampire is like a turned werewolf in the middle of the city.

effects cold resistance and vulnerability to fire are 100%.


  • Shroud of Shadow Once a day, the vampire becomes invisible for 3 minutes. IMPORTANT! It is impossible to become invisible when they are looking at you.

The vampire's hunger increases once a day, i.e. from the 1st to the 4th stage of fasting you are separated by 4 days. It's quite easy to spend a little time every three days for food, sneaking into someone's house in the dead of night and having dinner: it's better to go to a farm, there will be less noise if something goes wrong. For one thing, you can rob a sleeping person, rummage through his chests, I personally have never denied myself this.

How to cure vampirism

You can be cured of vampirism by the quest, which is taken in any tavern. In order to take the quest you not must be a starving vampire, otherwise everyone will attack you.

  • Approach the innkeeper of the tavern and ask for rumors until they tell you about a wizard in Morthal, investigating vampires, zombies and other evil spirits
  • Go to him and take the task to fill the black stone of souls, which is bought from him. To do this, you will need the "soul capture" spell, which can be bought from him or have a weapon enchanted and charged with "soul capture"
  • Go to any cluster of ill-wishers, where you use the "capture of souls" on a person and then kill him. Or you can kill the first person you meet, whichever you prefer.
  • Go back to the sorcerer in Morthal, he will make an appointment for you at dawn (2-4 in the morning) at the appointed place. The place in the swamps is a magic circle. After the ceremony, you are no longer a vampire, enjoy the gentle sun

(Note: Possible bug. From the beginning, it is better to kill all the crabs in the area, otherwise he will not come to the appointed place, as they will interfere with him. If he still does not come, then wait for the next dawn.)


Unlike lycanthropy, vampirism greatly affects the player's daily life. If the werewolf simply cannot sleep, and after death sits with the Daedra prince Hircine on a chain, then the vampire has to reconsider the tactics of battle in the light of the sun and constantly monitor hunger. Vampiriz does not allow you to relax and constantly reminds you of yourself. But at the same time it gives many advantages, if skillfully used, they can help. In a simple life, a werewolf that “before”, that “after” does not change in any way. It would be much more interesting and fun if once a week the player would randomly turn into a werewolf and have to wander through the forest. And so it’s even possible to forget that you were a werewolf, I forgot once, and the beast would greatly facilitate my task. Vampirism is for those who are not looking for easy ways in the game, who lack extreme sports, for those who create an assassin or black magician for themselves.

"Vampires are not the same" result from Diablo

Vampires are no longer the same lords of the night, with huge amount bonuses as they were in Morrowind. Now this is some kind of pathetic semblance, without huge strength, and without much damage in the sun (in Morrowind, a weak vampire was simply burned in seconds in the sun). And what the developers were thinking about, adding vulnerability to fire, is not at all clear fire spells on the “master” difficulty simply knock you out (kill with one hit).

In general, to all fans of the vampire theme (and myself too), I recommend waiting for normal mods that will make vampires really strong at night, and with huge penalties (or better, burning health) in the sun.
