Proper fitting of a ship in EvE online - secrets and basics. Elite earnings

→ Secrets of the Eve online universe

Loss of items, ships and death of characters is for the most part games in Eve. There are also a large number of Eve online secrets to minimize losses and safety of your characters. You would be very surprised to know how many cases there have been where players could have avoided big losses by using the Eve online database. Below we will share with you the secrets of Eve online and tips that can help you avoid some difficult situations or cloning of your character.

At the beginning of your journey into the Eve universe, find Eve online database data. She will help you find some secrets of Eve online and provide answers to your questions.

  • When mining ore in unsafe areas, remember to align your ship with its jump point. If you need to escape, you will save time spent turning the ship around. And the Eve online database will help you find the richest places for ore mining.
  • Once you're logged in, use local chat to stay up to date with what's currently happening.
  • Use map filters, such as “ships destroyed in the past hour,” to determine the possibility of finding pirate camps and other dangerous areas.
  • Get insurance for the ships you use, especially expensive ships.
  • Use Warp Core Stabilizers to avoid the risk of getting stuck due to Warp Jam. The greater their number, the better. You can find out more about this using Eve online databases.
  • Offer rewards to players who block your ship to stay alive. Sometimes this option works.
  • Set your scanner to alert mode. If someone scans the system, you will know about it. And you can get away from a potential threat. Read about scanners and their applications in the Eve online database.
  • Enter regions with security statuses below 0.5 at your own risk. Even if they have different sentry guns and CONCORD guards, you will not be safe. The Eve online database will help you find great places with minimal risk of losing your boat.
  • Make sure that the autopilot's course is set to a point in another system at all times. Just by activating the autopilot, you will be able to make the jump.
  • Always improve your clones on time. In order to find out how and where to do this in Eve online, you need a database.
  • Use only trusted connections to buy and sell characters in Eve online.
  • Some stations have sentry cannons in low security areas, so if you lose control of the situation, it is better to retreat to the sentry cannons than to the jump gate. Eve online has a database with detailed information.
  • Eve Online is not suitable for games where you frequently stay in AFK (Away From Keyboard) mode, you cannot always be sure of the safety of your ship.
  • When purchasing game currency, use the Eve online service guarantor.

Secrets in the world of Eve online have always been hidden in its universe, some users have already unraveled, and some are still worth finding. By studying the Eve online database you can find a large number useful information to make it easier to solve difficult quests or other tasks.

In 2017, EVE Online turned 13 years old. Many MMOs are simply forgotten at such a respectable age. Correction: not even about many, but about everyone except World of Warcraft and, in fact, EVE. But the endless space opera from Icelandic developers not only survives, but holds up well.

Just the other day, the SSR company - the developer and publisher of the game - reported for 2016. The numbers are not reviews on Steam or scores on Metacritic: they speak for themselves. At the end of last year, SSR’s revenue exceeded $86 million, which is more than 20 million more than in 2015. At the same time, pre-tax profit amounted to $39 million, or 45% of revenue: a good indicator for a publisher that takes care of all the development of the product.

For last year EVE's active player base has doubled, but it's a very niche MMO that haters call "Excel spreadsheets in space" and one of the most complex games in the history of the industry. In any case, EVE is not like a traditional Korean grind.

SSR General Director, Hilmar Veigar Petursson (you can almost see the longships setting sail from the cold shores of Iceland), believes that the next rebirth of EVE occurred due to three key factors: the sale of skills, the release major update Citadel and - of course! - adding free to play, which is absolutely impossible in modern MMOs.

The Citadel update was a logical continuation of the ideas that took shape back in 2008, with the advent of giant space cruisers Titan class. Initially, it was assumed that the construction of Titan would take 8 weeks, and to successfully complete the task it was necessary to coordinate the efforts of 4 thousand people. The SSR team seriously believed that not a single space dreadnought would ever be built.

But the developers underestimated their own community and the power of corporations consisting of real players. The production of Titans was almost put on an assembly line, and the absolute record was set in the 4th quarter of 2011: 140 units were built during this period. As a result, Titans have become like Land Cruisers with mileage in Tokyo: you can no longer stand out from the gray mass. Hardcore EVE players needed something more. Well, what could be bigger than an incredibly huge space cruiser?

That's right: a space base of indescribable size. They were introduced in the Citadel update. Which status symbol is more effective in real life - expensive car or a nice country house? The question is rhetorical, of course. So the EVE elite now have something to strive for, and newcomers have something to dream about.

By the way, such an obvious comparison with real life is not accidental: the boss of SSR himself states that EVE is only 50% a game. The remaining 50% is an experiment in social economics. The source of inspiration for the Icelandic team is the analysis of objective reality into its component parts. Management of cities and countries, concepts of ownership and arbitration of transactions, the intricacies of financial transactions, pricing mechanisms, the specifics of payment for routine work and creative work - all this is reflected in EVE.

The second pillar of rebirth is the sale of skills. For a 13-year-old MMO, this is especially important, emphasizes Hilmar Petursson. Skills in EVE are learned even offline, passively, from books. But the trouble is that there are over 450 skills, and learning even the basic level of one of the skills requires, say, 26 hours of real time. Let's say a newcomer came to EVE quite recently - to visit friends. But he will be of absolutely no use to the corporation: the green cadet still does not know how to fly anything, use the necessary modules or craft useful things. Accordingly, paid skill injectors (for real money), cramming a weighty textbook into the consciousness in a split second, will help you jump over this hole in 120 - 200 days.

You can argue about ethics, morality and the eternal conflict of free to play VS pay to win until your voice becomes hoarse, but the above-described tool has appeared in EVE and, judging by the statistics, people use it. By the way, about free to play: it became the “third pillar” that helped EVE conquer the sea of ​​​​financial success in 2016.

The author had a long experience of playing this space MMO back in 2008, and against this background we can quickly consider what it is free EVE today. First of all, you will become an alpha clone: ​​this surrogate learns skills 2 times slower, plus at a certain level (let's call it average), there is a cutoff - you cannot study further, no matter how hard you try. That is, piloting large ships, base construction, corporate intrigue - all this is inaccessible to alpha clones.

But the free to play mode itself is still a breakthrough. You will be able to fly for at least two or three months without trial restrictions, be a miner or an NPC pirate fighter, gain reputation in a particular faction by completing quests, trade, gain intelligence (in the sense of pumping up the necessary skills at least on the basic level). During this time you will understand whether you like EVE in principle or not. And without spending a penny.

If the first option, the status of a full-fledged omega clone (in other words, a subscription) costs 600 rubles. per month. Not super cheap, but not wildly expensive either. Like two games “up to 300 rubles.” on Steam, which you will play for a couple of hours and abandon forever.

But let's return to EVE as a phenomenon - after all, it is a whole universe, and not just one MMO. The developers can boast of their success in the field of VR: impressive investments in Valkyrie have almost paid off, and Gunjack (a rail-based space shooting gallery in the world of EVE) has sold 500+ thousand copies. For the virtual reality market, which is still in its infancy, this is a serious record.

Of course, in the history of the USSR there are not only ups, but also downs. And the most stunning of them all was Dust 514. This FPS looked brilliant in concept, on paper. Unified PC and PS3 servers, chapters EVE corporations Online fight for planets, orders are sent to console thugs from Dust, cruisers from EVE provide Dust infantrymen with support from orbit, and as a result of skirmishes, celestial bodies change hands.

But in practice everything went wrong. The synchronization of console and PC servers turned out to be disgusting, EVE players did not want to wait for the completion of long matches on planets (they were not used to this pace), and the release version of Dust 514 came out at the very end of the PS3 life cycle. And one more factor: if in EVE Online envy of the unattainable heads of megacorporations is ephemeral (as in real life), then in Dust there was free to play of the most disgusting kind. Donators bought guns “+100 to everything” and almost single-handedly took out the enemy team - if it did not have the same donator. In general, CCP closed the servers of its unsuccessful shooter more than a year ago.

The further fate of EVE - how reverse side Moons: this is a mystery, shrouded in darkness. However general manager SSR has already announced that there will be no EVE 2. People started asking about Part 2 back in 2004. But EVE is like Facebook, says the ambitious Icelander. Zuckerberg isn't going to make Facebook 2, is he? In general, the SSR's plan is for EVE Online to be reborn for as long as possible - like a Phoenix bird in the flames of plasma salvoes of Titan-class ships.

Guide to new expansion locations " Into the Abyss"

One of the main features of the latest addition to MMORPG EVE Online was new type space. "Into the Abyss", which was released yesterday, added Abyssal Deadspace to the game - content for single player with a fairly high difficulty. The developers tried to make something really fresh. CCP Games developed a procedural generation mechanism especially for the abyss, and the artists implemented a completely different level of visual component.

Capsuleers who managed to try out Abyssal Deadspace on the test server speak positively about the new locations and note a serious challenge even for veterans of the game, who were in charge of almost everything in New Eden. The fact is that if the player cannot successfully complete the passage of the abyss locations, he will lose the ship along with the capsule. But as developers like to say, the reward matches the risk. Inside Abyssal Deadspace you can find unique material for changing the characteristics of modules, blueprints, books and resources for new ships and weapons of The Triglavian Collective. Therefore, there are hardly any pilots who would not be interested in an expedition into the abyss.

We have prepared a guide for you that describes the background to the appearance of Abyssal Deadspace and details of what to expect inside the locations.

So you go into the game and you are asked to choose a race (videos talk about them well), gender, appearance - this is all external and does not affect anything. You are a capsuleer (immortal clone), capable of controlling a ship, of which there are a huge number in the world of this universe. Your development progresses no matter what you do or don’t do. There are special skill books (by loading one of them into the leveling plan, you can go about your business or leave the game altogether). And now you have a dilemma - who do you want to be:

  • destroy other NPC ships* then you become "karebir", or stay in the empire and take on tasks issued by NPC corporations and become "agent-runners", or you fly into unprotected space, having previously joined a corporation belonging to the alliance that owns this region, then you "hunters";
  • be an ardent PVP** pilot. And here you also have a fork in the road: you enter factional fleet, of which there are 4 as well as races (fierce confrontation between races: Minmatars and Amarzi, Galents and Witches), you enter into pirate corporation players who make money from robberies (camping on main transit routes, draining corybas in systems with a low status of 0.3 and lower, and other methods), enter into PVP academy major alliances. EvE also hosts annual PVP competitions with the support of SSR.
  • become "miner", then the road opens for you leading to a multi-account and subsequently you become a production worker.
  • if the main thing money, and the rest later here there is always a place to buy for cheap and sell at exorbitant prices.

These are the main directions available at the beginning of the game. It can take months, and sometimes even years, to master one of them in terms of skills and real time. The game doesn’t force you to sit around forever, like in typical MMORPGs, you still progress, the main thing here is to set yourself a goal and only then the game will become interesting!

The game itself was released back in 2003 and then it looked terrible, but what the developers did with it for 9 years was not possible for any MMORPG. Everything changed: the graphics engine, the gameplay, and the interface (it became more and more simple and convenient). Often updates were forced seasoned players completely change your specialization. The world in EVE is truly created by the hands of the players; NPCs are not built or sold. War of large alliances, numbering more than 5 thousand people, for you resident EVE universe, may be ordinary news that has no impact on your life. Peace in EVE is a state that is not beneficial to anyone, the “oligarchs” pay for wars or stir up quarrels, organize sabotage, and satisfy the ambitions of alliances.

*NPC NPC , Non Player Character, a character controlled by a computer.

**PVP combat between players, player vs player.


EVE Online: Odyssey

EVE Online: Odyssey is an expansion to the massively multiplayer game. The game's graphics have been improved, new ships have been added, space bases have been modernized, and much more.

EVE Online: Rubicon

EVE Online: Rubicon represents free add-on For EVE games Online (free). Main innovations:

  • guerrilla warfare against the superpowers of New Eden
  • self-contained units for rapid deployment
  • new faction ships.

There is no donation that affects the balance, where should I pour it? I spent quite a lot of time in the game, paid for a total of 2.5 months of the game (subscription), and then farmed certificates.

The project is unique, definitely worth a look. Just to watch, not to play. There is no game as such here - theory, logic, calculations, strategy, you name it, there is everything, but it is not a game. I didn’t have the feeling of exploring outer space. The interface resembles a developer's nightmare. You will have to master a ton of information before you understand what is really happening to you, where and why you need to fly))... It was easier for me, I played in the academy of a large alliance with an experienced guru, otherwise I would have been digging asteroids for months) But how much I love space opera, alas, “didn’t take off.”

If in retirement I am still interested in games, this thoughtful, leisurely and undemanding project for my direct online is my choice :) I will pirouette in a circle for hours :)

@Lahli wrote:

Sorry, I didn't like the game. Too overloaded and monotonous. You can do a lot, but somehow you don’t really want to. Especially considering the fact that this is exclusively a space opera.

The game doesn’t even have a goal, in fact) But it’s crammed with a lot) Many friends poured in tons of money (probably this game can be given one of the first places in this aspect, otherwise it’s terribly uncomfortable) and then gave up. At least developers have been repeating for a hundred years that everything will be, everything will be)) P.S. He also worked it out and scored the hell out of it.

Did they pour in money? and where should I pour it? I forgot to add that this is not legal and there is no data in Eve that affects the balance) Immediately buy a pumped-up character... but this is stupid) Yes, I paid for the first 3 months of the game) then I calmly earned PLEX myself (30 days of play for game currency)

Exclusively space opera) as if there was a space opera + something else and it was presented with dignity. Too overloaded? Over what period of time was this decided? Since when is it bad if the game is not one-button).

Monotonous? Nuka MMORPG that is not monotonous? And is there anything to compare it with? Perpetum online if only) it’s true on the planet and about robots.
