Passage of the game shadow of Chernobyl. "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl": walkthrough and tips for the game

First steps

As soon as you select the difficulty and start the game, a cutscene will start, in which you will see the prologue of the story of the Bullseye. After the video, you will enter the hideout of Sidorovich, the main merchant in the area, who buys and sells everything that lies within the Zone.

This person saved you, and therefore you will have to do him a favor. During your first conversation, if you are not familiar with the STALKER series, ask Sidorovich to address you as a beginner so that he brings you up to date and explains the basics of control.

The first task during your work for the huckster will be to find a man nicknamed Nimble, who stole a carrier with important data.

After finishing the conversation, leave the shelter and chat with the stalkers outside, and specifically with the Wolf, who will hand you the first weapon.

Before leaving, inspect the starting village, the houses of which are mostly open. It is especially important to look behind the back of the Wolf, where there is a staircase leading to the attic - there are boxes with provisions inside.

Moreover, from the attic you can move to the outer ledge of the house, in order to then jump to the building opposite (you can only jump up to one house from there) and find a box there. Attack him with a pistol to move him closer to the crevice - then the cargo will break, and you can get the equipment of the mercenary.

According to the quest from the Wolf, go to the stalkers on the other side of the road, whose group is marked on your PDA. On the way, you can hear the groans of a wounded man - give him a first aid kit if you want to get your first friend in the Zone, as well as increase the respect of stalkers.

Examine the wagon for ammunition and keep moving. Together with a group of stalkers, you have to attack the base of the bandits - do not run to them in the open, even if you play on the average difficulty level, as an enemy with a sawn-off shotgun can kill you instantly.

Get into the territory through a hole in the fence and start the battle. If you are confident in your abilities, you can tell Petrukha that you can handle the battle alone, for which he will eventually give you a good Fora 12 pistol.

Perebeyte all the bandits in the buildings, and then go to the two-story building, inside of which lies the bound Nimble. Take a flash drive, collect swag from corpses and boxes, and then return to Sidorovich.

After turning in the task, you can immediately proceed to the next story mission. but the best option will be the completion of side quests, as now you need to get cooler equipment.

Be sure that the tasks of clearing the territory from monsters, bandits or searching for an artifact can always be handed to you by the nearest NPCs like Wolf and Nimble.

N a Agroprom!

When you feel that you are ready to continue the story, take an assignment from Sidorovich, who will ask you to find important information. According to him, they must be located somewhere on the territory of the Research Institute Agroprom, which is guarded by armed fighters.

Before sending, do not forget to buy first-aid kits, bandages and cartridges if you do not want to get into a mess. The armor of a mercenary or equipment for the Nimble quest will be especially useful here.

To get to Agroprom, you have to pass the cordon of soldiers near the bridge. You can solve the problem in several ways: unfasten five hundred coins to the boss (for this you need to go up to him without shooting, quietly and calmly) in order to go in one direction (they won’t take money from you when you try to pass again - they will start shooting right away), or immediately deal with them.

An open fight with the military will not be so easy, since these guys are armed with the first word of technology: there are six of them in total, and each of them has shortened “Kalash” and a lot of first-aid kits in their hands.

In addition to the above options, you can also try to bypass the cordon along the radioactive embankment or through the tunnel on the left, full of electrical anomalies.

In the first case, you will receive a considerable dose of radiation, while in the second you will have to carefully bypass anomalies that kill instantly (use bolts to defuse the trap and go a little forward).

After passing the outpost, you will receive a message from Sidorovich, who will tell you about a certain stalker nicknamed the Fox. The fox is in trouble and you can help him if you want to make another friend.

Moreover, the guy will tell you about Strelka - a person who managed to get into the epicenter of the Zone. Kill the flock surrounding the Fox's shelter to get one and a half thousand rubles.

If you have a grenade - use it to smoke out the opponents who have settled in the building. When the firefight is over, collect swag in the area and, most importantly, do not forget to pick up the Viper-5 - a great assault rifle in the early stages of the game.


A new location will immediately push you into another danger. The bandits pinned down a neutral stalker that you can save. By the way, no one will forbid you to dress up as a bandit and just walk by, because in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl you can side with any factions, including bandits, simply by killing their enemies.

After the mess, you will receive information on the PDA, which contains information about the attack of the bandits directly to the landfill (not the location, but the landfill). On the spot you will find Bes - the leader of the neutrals, who asked for help.

He will tell you that in the past the landfill was owned by bandits, but then they (Bes and his comrades) managed to win back this place. Now the guys are reaping the benefits of constant attacks, and they are asking you to help them deal with the threat.

Before the battle, explore the junkyard for Viper ammo, which is in the crates at the top of the turret. During the battle, try to protect the Bes, who, like any other NPC, can die. If successful, he will give you rubles and an artifact that can be sold.

Gather ammo for the AK-74U, which will come in handy directly in the battle on the territory of Agroprom (since it is there that a particularly difficult mess awaits you, for which you will need something more powerful than the Viper-5).

Next, go to the hangar in the middle of the location where Gray is located - this person knows something about the Strelok. On the way to this place, you will again receive a message about the attack of bandits who are simply besieging the Garbage.

A battle between stalkers and bandits will take place in the hangar - help the latter if you want to contact netrals in the future. In battle, don't stand in the center, as you can get hooked on both sides.

To clear the hangar, go head-on, as you can climb onto the wagon along the direct path, or get over to the stalkers and fight with them shoulder to shoulder.

Another option is also available to you - then you will have to go in from the side in order to get to the rear and take the attack by surprise.

After the firefight, talk to Gray, who will inform you about the Strelka's "nick", as well as about another stalker who may know the approximate location of your main target.

Search the district and go to Agroprom, taking the path to the left of the railway. On the road, you will have to defend yourself a few more times, but nothing serious will happen.

NII "Agroprom"

On the way, you will meet a neutral who knows that Krot (the same stalker with new information about Strelka) was attacked by the military. Next, you will see a small cut-scene with the landing of fighters who will start attacking the stalkers.

For now, don't waste time collecting resources, as the battle is in real time and every second counts.

Pass the fence and, once on the territory of the Agroprom, start shooting the military. Be sure that it is extremely difficult to fight them in the open - you need to kill opponents from behind covers.

Soon you will reach the central part of the base, where the Mole itself is defending. This guy can die very quickly, so act very quickly and deal with all the military, if possible, exposing yourself to the bullets intended for the Mole.

Also here you can use grenades and blow up barrels, but be careful with this, as there is friendly fire in the game.

When the battle is over, the Mole, if he survived, will take you to the building and tell you about Strelok's cache, which is located on the lower level of the Agroprom.

Before sending, you should look north of Agroprom, to the swamps, where a valuable artifact is located, as well as interesting hero nicknamed the Deserter, with whom you can chat.

Dungeons of Research Institute "Agroprom"

After going down to the lower level, examine the first corpse. Next, slowly get to the stairs down, near which there is an open room (between the columns).

Throw a grenade there or open fire if you haven't been spotted yet, as there are enemies inside. Also inside there is an incendiary barrel that can be blown up.

After the battle, step into the corridor, dotted with electrical traps, which you could see in the tunnel near the cordon of the military. Having passed the anomalies with the help of a bolt, go into the next room, from where you can go down even lower - into the tunnels leading to the Strelok's cache.

If you can't get through the "electra", in this case, look into the nearest room and use the spiral staircase. It will lead you to another corridor with more benign anomalies - acids that open heavy bleeding.

Pat yourself with bandages and quickly get to the end of the path to then get out into the main hall. Here, try to move slowly while sticking to the wall, as there is a dangerous creature called the Bloodsucker nearby, which for the most part remains invisible.

If you do not let yourself be detected, then soon the monster will face the military (otherwise, the grenades located in the box against the wall on the right will help you).

By the way, by holding down the use key (default F), you can highlight objects at a distance of up to three meters to simplify your task of finding supplies.

In the same room there is an artifact "Hedgehog", which must be picked up, but only after the battle. Pass the crevice in the wall, bypass the corridor and turn left, where there is lighting.

Here you will find many valuable things like an improved Kalash, stalker armor, various artifacts and, most importantly, a data carrier (located by the map).

You must now leave the dungeon: go through the main tunnel to reach a shaft with a spiral staircase. The latter will take you to the top, but along the way you have to constantly fight.

With documents!

After leaving the dungeon, you will find yourself within the western part of the Agroprom, where the military settled. Here you will have to act carefully, as the opponents have taken up positions on the towers and are generally patrolling the entire district.

If you are noticed, then in this case, hide somewhere in a building or behind another strong cover, then play defensively and do not attack yourself. Ultimately, you need to get to a tall building (at the entrance you will find a loudspeaker that you should shoot at).

Inside the house, prepare for resistance - soldiers will be standing around every corner. On the third floor, you will stumble upon a white diplomat, where the information you are looking for lies. When you take it, Sidorovich will contact you, who will inform you about the next military attack on their base.

Accordingly, for some time you will not be able to meet with him, so he will send you to another knowledgeable person - the Bartender.

The latter, by the way, introduced you to Debt and asked this group to open the way to the Rostock plant for you.

Now you need to get out of here, because after the conversation, even more military men will descend on the territory of Agroprom. Leave through the far entrance, as there are the fewest opponents.

As for the eastern part of Agroprom, soldiers also live there. There is no valuable loot there, so immediately go to the Garbage. Before leaving the location, it makes sense to explore the area around the research institute, since artifacts are guaranteed to be there.

R stock

After leaving the research institute, you will stumble upon bandits that you don't have to kill. However, if you deal with the whole gang and help the local stalkers, you will get the recognition of the Bartender, as he is in charge of this territory.

Continue walking towards the outpost of Duty, near which you will witness the attack of monsters on their base. You can help Duty, and then you will be given the stalker armor. One way or another, you will be allowed inside.

At the Bar location, take the right path. Soon a pack of dogs will attack you, from which, if you wish, you can run away, having reached the next outpost of Duty. Inside the base is safe. Now visit the Bar directly, where the Bartender is located, to whom you must hand over the information.

Sell ​​the swag to the merchant and talk to him. After the conversation, do not rush to proceed to the next task, as there are many interesting things at the base.

You can ask the locals about such a thing as the Arena, where stalkers fight for big profits, risking their lives in the process. When passing the Arena, you will receive more than ten thousand rubles, as well as the recognition of all stalkers.

With reference from X-18

The bartender will give you the next story mission, related to finding information from the X-18 laboratory. The task itself is different from a trip to the territory of the Agroprom, since the location of the laboratory is unknown to the Bartender.

Moreover, the first thing you have to do is find the second part of the key, which opens access to the lab. The key is located at the leader of the bandits, nicknamed Borov, on the soul of which you have to go first.

The boar lives in its own base in the Dark Valley location, where you can get through the Garbage. You will have to go back and again pass a lot of monsters and bandits.

Before moving on to the Dark Valley, explore the end of the Scrapyard. Very often in this place (on the right near the hill) there are anomalies, among which lies an artifact for five thousand rubles.

Dark Valley

At the start of a new location, you will meet a debtor Bullet, who is interrogating a shot bandit. From their conversation, you will learn that the Bartender's reconnaissance group was ambushed, and now Bullet wants to save them.

Not far from here, you can find an artifact lying by a boulder. These are "Mom's Beads", which increase resistance to gunshot wounds.

Naturally, Poole will need your help - he will ask you to rescue another stalker held by bandits.

You can refuse to ambush with the debtor if you do not want to increase reputation with this faction. As a reward for completing it, you will receive a sight for 74 and interesting information about the state of the Valley.

After that, go to the bandits' base, where you can get in two ways - in the forehead, but then you have to withstand an incredibly strong fire, or through the sewers, the road along which is marked on the map with marks. In the second case, you will have to move while sitting, not using a night vision device or a flashlight, otherwise you will be noticed.

Not only that, the enemy can even hear how you change the gun or the shooting mode (this also applies to reloading), so prepare in advance.

As a result, you should calmly get to the garage, from where you can get to the pipes, and then to the window, where the mess will finally begin. Neutralize opponents quickly using the surprise effect.

Under the van, you can accidentally fall into the pit where the "heat" anomaly is located. Before jumping away from there, pick up Abakan - an analogue of "Kalash", but with slightly more damage and higher accuracy.

After killing all the bandits in the yard, proceed to clear the houses. Operate from the largest hangar, in which there is a path to the top floor, and then - the opportunity to go to the roof of the neighboring house, where the largest number of enemies are located.

In the same red building you will find a grate behind which a debtor is imprisoned (he can be saved to increase his reputation).

There is no need to deal with all the thugs - the ultimate goal of the task is in the office building, where the leader of the bandits is located.

Naturally, it will be safer to deal with everyone. Finally, you will reach the Hog - kill him and examine the corpse to get the missing part of the key.

By the way, during the quest you can stumble upon a bandit in a raincoat, who is armed with an Abakan with a grenade launcher. This powerful weapon can be returned to one of the debtors who lost it.

Laboratory X-18

Inside the laboratory, examine the corpse of a neutral, and then go into a room with a secure door. To open it, you need to get the code, which is from one of the researchers (at the end of the corridor with "heat" and snorks).

To simplify the battle with snorks and poltergeists, take the powerful Monolith armor, which lies in one of the lockers on the same floor.

After picking up the key, return to the door and enter it. At the lower level, your only guide will be the elevator opposite - you need to remember it.

Here, the poltergeist will start attacking you again, throwing various utensils - dodge flying objects and shorten the distance, since you need to kill these bunches in close combat.

To the right of the elevator is a corridor leading to another locked door. Behind the elevator is another corridor, ending in an empty room, from where you can go into a room with a hole. Go to the last one.

After that, you will find yourself in a huge room with a small amount of light, but in the center you will find something - a pseudo-giant. This creature will bring you great amount problems, as it has a huge amount of health and deals a lot of damage.

Don't let him get close to you and keep shooting - after the battle, examine the researcher's body, which is in the corner of the room. Having received the key, search the room (IL 86 and RPG-7 lie here) and return to the right corridor.

During the opening, someone will start to break in the door, but in the end there will be no one behind it. Next awaits you new battle with poltergeists. In the hall, move on the left side to open door, which will slam shut in front of your nose.

A battle will begin with a fiery poltergeist, who is slightly stronger than his "blue" counterparts (he creates a mark under your feet, which soon bursts into a pillar of fire). After the battle, get to the control room and take the information to trigger a cut-scene.

After waking up, it turns out that you are not alone here - soldiers have visited the hall. Now you have to get back, of course, with a fight, but if you want, you can try to move on the sly.

Outside, you will be contacted by Sidorovich, who will be glad that you are alive and will tell you about the closure of the Junkyard. Because of this, you will have to go through the old tunnels leading to Kordon.

To the return

You will find yourself in the territory of Cordon, but on the other side, which was attacked at the beginning of the game. Take the information from the lab to Sidorovich and sell all the swag.

Before doing the next story mission you can complete the secondary ones: the merchant will ask you to steal information from the military base, and the Fan will ask you to kill the mercenaries. Next, you need to reach the Garbage to get to the Bar. Follow the same path, which was again captured by the military.

At the bar, chat with the Bartender, who will continue storyline. Also here you can transfer the Abakan found in the past to one of the debtors, if you wish.

To laboratory X-16

According to Bartender, the researchers know where you can get to X-16, so you need to go to them. You have to go through the Wild Zone, where a hidden passage will appear in new location- on the spot you will hear the negotiations of thugs with whom you will have to fight.

Inside the house, deal with the remaining opponents and exit on the other side. Outside, you will also have a fight, so do not relax. After the battle, go to the railway, where a cut-scene will start, after which you will have to protect the researchers from the attack of thugs.

Get to Dr. Kruglov, who needs help. If you help him, you will progress through the main storyline even faster, as his subordinates will become loyal to you.

Reach the point with the fallen pinwheel while cutting out the enemies in parallel, and then talk to the researcher. Now Kruglov will need to be escorted all the way to Yantar, where their hideout is located. Soon you will be attacked by two powerful units of the Wolfhound at once - from behind and in front.

At the Change House you will have one more battle, and then - a battle at the construction site. After that, a group of scientists will begin to pass the zone with anomalies - follow them, as these guys know the safe way.

Immediately, you can be attacked by zombies that do not differ in special intelligence, speed and damage, but are devoid of cowardice.

Having overcome the danger zone, you will receive a gift from Kruglov - a carrier with valuable information, which is worth giving to the Bartender. From here, scientists will reach the base on their own.

I am ntar

You will find yourself in a scorched expanse, once filled with water. Now this cavity is a swamp with a powerful background, anomalies, snorks and other creatures that crave your flesh. In the center of the lake is the base of researchers, where you need to go.

Inside the base, a cut-scene will start with a conversation between Kruglov and Sakharov. After that, talk with the latter - you can shake off all the swag for him (especially artifacts, for which he pays more than ordinary traders); the scientist will also reward you for accompanying Kruglov with an excellent protective suit, which is useful for bypassing anomalies (it is useless in battle).

According to Sakharov, you can get into the X-16, but first you will have to calibrate the equipment, since the last group, without assessing all the dangers, died due to incredibly high psi radiation. Kruglov will personally correct the state of the background, but he will not go there himself - it is you who will have to accompany him.

If your inventory is full, throw off unnecessary things in the box of the scientists' base, as after this mission you will return here. However, be sure to grab both regular armor and a space suit.

On the way, look for Snorks, moving ahead of the curve, as they will try to attack the explorer, whose health is limited. On the spot, the scientist will begin to study the environment - the earth will tremble for the first time.

Inside, act in the same way, moving ahead of Kruglov. During the second study, the vibration will begin again, and during the third study, the ejection will begin.

After that, a crowd of monsters will attack you, which are guaranteed to devour Kruglov if he received a lot of damage before. By the way, after the fall, the researcher will drop the cannon, which you can pick up and throw at his feet - then he will pick it up.

At the base, talk to Sakharov, who will mark the location of the X-16 on your PDA and give you a suit with protection against the PSI background. Go to the marked point, moving near the fence.

In the swamps, deal with the zombies that stand on the islands of land, because when you step into the water, they will immediately attack you.

But before that, you should examine the helicopter crash site, where the researcher's body lies with information about the laboratory. His notes will also mention a certain Ghost, who was in the Strelka group.

After that, return to the base to the scientists and equip yourself as you should, as you will visit the Yantar factory. When wearing a protective science suit, move carefully and don't step in, as it has very little physical resistance.

In place, go to the van, to the left of which lies a dilapidated building with supplies. From there, you can also bypass the zombies and just throw grenades at them. Having reached the treasured entrance, go down to the laboratory.

Complex Kh-16

Inside the laboratory, a snork will attack you - kill him and climb into the elevator shaft. After the descent, immediately run to the control booth, which can be reached by the stairs (to the left of the elevator).

Move quickly, as snorks can visit your soul. Step forward from the cockpit, dealing with the monsters in parallel.

Tackle through the corridors, examining the shelves for provisions and medical supplies, until you finally reach a room with a barrel-filled hole. It is worth throwing a grenade there, as there are opponents behind them.

After that, step into a large room where the psi device is located - you need to turn it off within five minutes by deactivating the power.

It is necessary to cut down four knife switches, which are located around the perimeter of the room. The allotted time should be enough for you if you do not stop and fight enemies for a long time.

After completing the task, the hero will pass out again. After waking up, get out of the laboratory (turn to the right, leading to the corridor). Deal with the zombies and get ready to open the massive door behind which is the controller.

After the battle, examine the corpse of the Ghost with valuable information about the Gunslinger and powerful armor. Next, use the hole in the right cage, which will lead you into the tunnels.

Inside, you will have to fight with the snorks, who will get out right from the ground. Go straight until you come across a pseudo-giant - kill him and go outside. After that, Sakharov will contact you.

Finally, you just have to get to the base of researchers. Sakharov will thank you very much for turning off the "burner" and will give you an excellent spacesuit.

Also give him the Ghost's vest to get money, and take on the task of finding even cooler stalker armor. Now you just have to return to the Bartender.

K ordon and Agroprom

After completing the above task, you should not immediately proceed to the storyline, as a Conductor will appear on Cordon, who has information about the whereabouts of the Doctor.

Get to your destination through the Junkyard. Soon you will reach a dilapidated building, near which the Guide sits (earlier you saved the Fox here).

The Explorer himself, by the way, is considered one of the most skilled stalkers, as he arrived here one of the first and is still alive. According to him, the Doctor hid in Strelok's hideout, so you need to go there - to Agroprom.

Inside the complex, get ready to fight the bandits. Further, making your way to the destination, in any case, you will stumble upon a tripwire that will trigger a cut-scene. The doctor will lift you to your feet, after which you will finally realize that you were hunting for yourself (the Shooter is the Bullseye).

Further, the chiropractor will inform you about the Monolith: it is indeed, as Strelok (that is, you) previously believed, a sample from under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself, where you can only get with a rare key. The latter is hidden in Pripyat. Finally, return to the Bartender.

B armen

In the Bar, the owner will inform you about the Debt, the head of which (Voronin) wants to chat with you. Also, the key quest will now be turning off the next “burner”, but already at the Radar location, which is particularly difficult.

Voronin will ask you to find a unique optic at the mercenary base, for which you will receive Vintar. Also if you are looking for good armor(and if Seva does not suit you), then you can visit the base of Freedom - the opposite faction of Duty, which also has a lot of additional tasks. Raise your reputation with it and eliminate the traitor to get powerful light armor.

After completing the secondary quests, return to the Freedom cordon blocking the path between the warehouses and the Radar. You have to repel the attack of the Monolith, after which you can go to the next location.


The new location will be limited due to the strong background around the perimeter, so you will not be able to approach the rocks and cars. Step immediately in a straight line to the military post and clear it, then continue moving.

In this case, Vintar or another long-range cannon will help you, since you won’t be able to get close to the sniper. Follow the main road past the Red Forest and don't shine too much as the Monolith camp is nearby.

Examine the supply boxes near the tank - a few grenades will come in handy. Clear out the patrol in front and climb the hillock, behind which there will be a turn, where the enemy sat down with an RPG.

You need to spot it first or choose a particularly protected position, as this weapon has a large hit radius. In parallel, deal with the remaining adversaries and clear the camp.

Next, new snipers await you: one hid right in the GAZ (look at the body), the other - on the balcony to the left of the road. Although they can be in other positions! After the hill, you will constantly encounter small units that are easy to deal with.

The closer you get to the "burner", the more it will start to glitch - ghostly monsters will appear in the area that do not cause damage. If you shoot one of these, you will lose some HP.

Closer to the destination, keep killing enemies until you reach the base with a sniper and simple military. Perebeyte them all, and then run to the tunnel fenced by the wagon and go inside.

Laboratory X-10

The new laboratory will be more civilized and illuminated than the previous ones. Pass the corridor to get into a large room. Move carefully here, as bloodsuckers prowl all over the lab. This time you will not need to look for codes or passwords - go straight to the marked point.

Soon you will stumble upon the controller - kill him and go down the stairs to get to the boiler rooms. Go to the other side of the room and climb into the corridor, from where you can get to the control panel "Scorcher". Using the lever, you will lose consciousness.

When you wake up, a mysterious voice will turn to you, the owner will be the real Black Stone, or the Wishmaster, who, in fact, is engaged in turning various people's requests into reality. As you remember from the words of the doctor, this voice is glitches from the lab under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Now come back. Along the way, you will encounter units of the Monolith, whose fighters are equipped with exoskeletons. Shoot them in the head to conserve ammo, as the rest of the bodies of these enemies are incredibly tough.

Once outside, you will notice a change in the situation - the fuss has begun, as the military arrived at the Radar with the task of clearing the Monolith. Go to the camp not far from the base with the Lab.

There you will find a wagon with a great Liberty costume. After that, advance to the forked road, where the broken UAZ is located.

Here you have to witness the battle of Svoboda and Dolgovtsy, during which you can help one of the parties or simply wait out. Finally, you only have to return to the Bar if there is a need to recuperate. In the end, you should visit Pripyat.

P ripat

In the town overgrown with myths, an amusing scene awaits you from the very beginning - you will meet seasoned mercenaries who can accompany you to the garages. There is an option to refuse, since in reality they are of little use.

After passing the streets and reaching the bare area with the statue, look around, as there are snipers with Gauss cannons sitting on the roofs here - incredible powerful weapon, which kills with one shot. From below, no less formidable opponents await you - the Monoliths.

Ultimately, you need to get to the hotel, where it is more or less calm. When you get to your destination, you will find out the number of the required room - 26 (April 26, there was a disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

It is not worth running to the room, as enemies with gauss guns are waiting for you on the way. Collect valuable information on the spot and leave the building, leaving through the stadium. After that, you can reach the overpass at the end of the map, which leads to the station.


First you have to fight off numerous attacks from opponents, while moving fast enough, since the time before the release is limited. During the passage, you should not stop, as many of the bodies ahead will turn out to be simple models without loot.

Behind the concrete fence you will find the railway - from there run to the station, shooting back from the enemies. Kill them all will not work, so just make your way along the wall to the gate.

An armored personnel carrier will approach you on the spot, from which you immediately need to hide, as it breaks through any armor. Jump into the hatch to get to the next level.

The entrance to the lab is somewhere nearby, and you need to find it. By the way, no one will forbid you to find the sarcophagus directly in order to complete the Monolith ending, but they will turn out to be negative. Move forward, clearing the rooms.

After the corridor, go down to the lower level and go through a crevice in the wall, where about seven enemies have settled. Then find the stairs up, which is guarded by the Monoliths at the end. In order not to give yourself away, rise without light.

On the next floor, you will find corridors that can lead to both the laboratory and the sarcophagus. Step into the corridor with the red beacon to find the stairs. If you choose the right path, then the game itself will inform you about this, indicating in the tasks that you have found a lab.

Finally, you just have to go through the door, which you first have to open. During the decryption, you will have to fight off the Monoliths, after which you will be able to go inside.

After the first part of the encounter, you will go into rooms with lanterns and the Monolith symbol in the middle - destroy everything to interrupt the signal. With each destroyed lantern you will be attacked by fiery poltergeists.

As a result, when you complete the task, you will be contacted by a mysterious scientist with whom you can talk. Ask him about everything that interests you and maybe you will understand what the Zone really is.

At this stage, you can accept the offer of this person to join them, after which the game will end with one of the good endings.

If you refuse, then another level awaits you, during which you will jump through the portals, until you eventually get to the room with these scientists who are in stasis. Kill them or spare them - it's up to you, since there is no right or wrong option here.

Video: walkthrough STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl

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To succeed in the difficult conditions of the alternative future of the Chernobyl Zone, to win honor and respect among the stalkers, to defeat the bad guys and reveal the secret of your origin, it is not enough to run fast and shoot smartly. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - not quite a fighter. This is a game that mixes battles and quests, the pursuit of artifacts and secret plots, the selection of equipment and the hunt for mutated living creatures.

There are special rules here. We will start with them.

Life inside the Zone

Fast or heavy

The first sensations from being in the Zone are familiar. The hero can run, crouch, jump, accelerate for a few seconds (sprint), shine a flashlight with an infinite charge into dark places and look at the surrounding hills through binoculars.

But there is a big difference in how he handles things.

In an ordinary action movie, a hero can hang a dozen guns on himself, load up on ammunition and joyfully cut through the area. This will not work here - having robbed several defeated enemies and stuffed heels of machine guns into a backpack, our main character suddenly finds that jumping under a hail of bullets is no longer so easy.

The reason for this is the limitation of the backpack: only forty kilograms can be carried by a stalker, all that is higher - with great difficulty. The limit after which the stalker cannot budge is sixty kilograms.

The sprint here is very fast - for a few seconds our hero turns almost into a living motorcycle - but even a light stalker will run out of steam after a while. And if he carries a bunch of swag on his shoulders, his sprint will not only be reduced to some ten meters - the stalker will run out of steam even with a normal trot. Stopping for a breather is dangerous if blind dogs roam nearby, smelling fresh stalker. In case of danger, an energy drink will help, if you have it with you, - your strength will be restored for another ten-meter sprint. But it is better not to be greedy and not to overload yourself, risking your life.

For your information: the stalker gets tired not only from sprinting, but also from jumping.

Hide everything you don't need in your own stash and choose carefully what you take with you on the job. Machine gun... pistol... several grenades, ammunition. Already ten kilograms. Secondly, medicines. It is desirable to have at least ten to fifteen kilograms of "free" weight in order to run faster and be able to pick up an interesting gun for the collection.

Chicken sausage with soy, canned "Tourist's Breakfast", bread - all this will come in handy for a stalker if he suddenly feels a slight hunger. But you need to take food with you only as a last resort. Usually a couple of canned food is enough for the whole day. Vodka is never enough - especially among young stalkers, who often, out of inexperience, fly into infected areas and who are greedy for a valuable antidote for treatment.

It doesn't hurt to have a few bandages with you. It's not just "little first aid kits". With their help, they stop bleeding, due to which the character loses health and may even die before the wound has time to heal.

mental health

In the character window (I), next to the health bar, you can find another blue bar. What is it, magic? No, mental health. It's not grim sights that can damage him, but a more common thing - psionic influence. Some monsters in the game can boast of the habit of putting pressure on the brains, and first of all, of course, the controller.

There are, however, places in the game where the character will simply burn his brains out. Maybe put a pot on your head so that the neighbors don't irradiate? The idea is good, the pot method has been tested by stalkers and works, but our hero will go the other way.

Politeness Lessons

Every stalker should know for sure - it's impolite to poke another stalker in the face with a machine gun if you are not fighting shoulder to shoulder or ... not trying to kill each other.

From the very first minutes, you need to acquire a good habit - to remove weapons in the camps where the stalkers are located, or when meeting with a fellow professional in the wild. The easiest way to do this is to switch to binoculars, bolts, or press the weapon button again.

Remember that courtesy is the key to a good relationship with you. Not only does an NPC have a name, community affiliation, and experience level, they also have a preconceived notion of the protagonist. If he attacks one neutral character, then all the NPCs in the area will want to blow the brains out of the hero. Winning the friendship of another stalker is not so easy. Only the NPC saved from death, to whom the hero handed the first-aid kit in time, immediately becomes a friend.

For your information: You can only heal a badly wounded stalker if he is neutral or friendly. The enemy cannot be healed. Too bad - it would be interesting to see what he will do when he finds out who saved him.

Reputation is gained in the game slowly, but quite simply, if you don’t specifically do dirty tricks to your neighbors.

If a neutral or friendly stalker isn't fighting, telling a joke, or playing the guitar, he's available for conversation. Some can give the hero a quest, with some you can chat about the latest rumors or game legends (yes, our hero, like a real folklorist, writes them down in his pocket computer). But with the majority, you can only try to bargain. Few things the stalker is ready to put up for sale - mostly medicines or food. And he will agree to buy very little from the hero - the same first-aid kits, food and, interestingly, improvements to weapons.

The weapons themselves are valued very well here and lie around in abundance after each battle. But in order to sell it, you will have to run with a full backpack to a merchant far away. Yes, doing business in the game is not so easy.

This is interesting: seeing on the ground good gun, the stalker can pick it up, throwing away his old one, which has become unnecessary. You may well be overtaken in the selection of trophies, so hurry up!

... And the bolts with him

Why does a stalker need a bottomless bag of bolts? In order to send them a safe path among dozens of anomalies in the Zone. The need for this, however, rarely arises. Almost all anomalies can be seen in daylight and successfully bypassed. The anomaly detector, which the stalker always has with him, will warn in time with a squeak that the hero is approaching the danger zone. Finally, there is the stalker's sixth sense, which pours "flies" into the hero's eyes when he is about to fly into the "meat grinder" or step into the "witch's jelly" with his foot.

At night, some anomalies are not as visible - and here the bolts come into play. Nights in the Zone are not always dark, but even in total darkness one can try to discern the boundaries of the anomalous zone “by eye”. Corridors, underground passages and dungeons are places where bolts can really come in handy. For example, the hero needs to go through the corridor at all costs - and on the way there are several most dangerous anomalies at once. Only by throwing a few bolts, you can "feel" a safe path.

This is interesting: the bolts for checking anomalies in the game are very heavy and large - each fifteen centimeters long. But they cannot be killed, even if you shoot a bolt at the NPC's head. There will also be no negative feedback. In this case, the bolt interacts with the rest of the world according to all the rules of physics. For example, by throwing it, you can knock down a skeleton hanging on the wall to the ground.

Geography lessons

An extensive rectangular map of the southern and central parts of the Zone - from the southern Cordon to the northern city of Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - was originally "sewn" into the stalker's pocket computer.

For your information: PDA stalker serves as both a quest log and an encyclopedia of information about the world around you, and can even determine wirelessly what kind of people surround you, slowly squeezing the ring, down to names and nicknames. If an NPC dies, its computer marks the place of death on the main character's mini-map.

But not all over the map you can walk freely. The areas accessible to the visit - Cordon, Cemetery of Technology, Amber Lake and others - look like small "spots" on the map. They are surrounded on all sides by barbed wire, anomalies or zones of deadly radiation. They are usually connected by areas of crossings on the roads. When crossing them, the player sees a loading window.

For your information: in the game, as in " space rangers or in the Star Simulator X series: Beyond the Frontier, the life of monsters and NPCs is calculated not only in the zone where the player roams, but also in other areas, according to slightly simplified rules.

However, in some places, the player's cards do not allow NPCs or objective reasons. For example, at the very beginning of the game, you can immediately explore four areas - the southern Cordon, the Cemetery of Technology behind the northern checkpoint, the Research Institute of Agroprom in the west and the Dark Valley in the east. The passage to the central area - the territory of the organization of stalkers "Duty" called Bar - is closed by a post through which they will let you through only when you reach the right place according to the plot or prove to the "Duty" stalkers that you are worthy to visit the bar "One Hundred Roentgen".

It is impossible to get to the northern zones - to Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant otherwise than according to the plot.

Many artifacts, few pockets

The character does not have parameters that grow over time. All that the hero can afford is a change of protective suits and the selection of artifacts in five pockets. In total, there are fifteen types of suits in the game - from simple leather jackets and primitive protective suits to durable space suits that protect against almost all harmful effects. And there are many ways to die.

  • Mutants bite and scratch the stalker - which means that the clothes must be tear-resistant.
  • Fiery anomalies burn painfully - refractory qualities will not interfere.
  • Electrical anomalies can quickly finish off a stalker whose clothes have no protection against current.
  • Impact anomalies and falls from a height will not be so dangerous for someone whose suit absorbs the harmful effect.
  • Chemical burns in the Zone are rare, if you do not climb into the thickets of burning fluff. However, protection will come in handy.
  • Sturdy armor will reduce damage from close explosions. Usually, enemies save grenades and don't throw them for nothing - only in the later stages of the game, when helicopters and shooters from RPG-7 appear, protection will become relevant.
  • Bullet protection is what usually matters most. Lead poisoning is one of the most common causes of death in the Zone.
  • Finally, do not write off radiation. There is a lot of her here, especially in the later stages of the game.

A lot of costumes have their own specialization. For example, the orange suit of scientists protects well from chemistry, current and radiation - but it does not help at all against bullets and fangs. Military suits are often heavily armored but do not protect against radiation. A heavy exoskeleton is powerful armor, but the hero, putting it on, loses the ability to run fast.

Five pockets for artifacts (their stalkers usually find near anomalies) will allow you to fine-tune the hero's defense parameters or increase his endurance. Usually each artifact has positive and negative traits. Some make the stalker more enduring, but reduce the defense parameter. Others protect against radiation, but with them the stalker gets tired earlier. Some artifacts in the game are radioactive (positive "Radiation" parameter) - you can hang them on your belt only for a short time if you don't have a good protective suit. The harmful effect, however, can be compensated by other artifacts, with a negative radiation parameter.

At the same time, do not forget that light and valuable artifacts are a good source of money if you turn them in to merchants on time.

After reading this topic, you will know all the secrets of passing the game, of course, we could not describe all 100% of the missions, but there are those in which you may have difficulties. Side quests which do not affect the passage, but are created only for extra time in the game, we will not describe, and there are no special difficulties there.

So, to begin with, let's define the main tactics of the game, which will be useful to you and with which you can confidently move forward.

1. Collect all first-aid kits and cartridges near the corpses;

2. We unload their weapons and throw them away;

3. We buy the same first-aid kits, cartridges and bandages from all the merchants.

Stalker, start, get a flash drive from Shustroy. You woke up in front of a man named Sidorovich and you owe him for salvation, and debts must be repaid. Sidorovich is the first merchant with whom you will communicate and sell swag, but far from the last in the game. Keep in mind that you are buying at a obviously higher price than you will be selling. We receive the first task from Sidorovich.

We go to the Wolf, we take weapons. We go to the scouts, talk to them and raise them to storm the ATP. We take out the bandits to the ATP. We take a shotgun with cartridges. We find Nimble, take a flash drive and take Sidorych.

Stalker, taking documents at the Research Institute Agroprom. We buy bandages, cartridges. Sidorych gives the task to go to his stalker, who will lead him through the cordon. We run to the conductor. That one is dead. We bring down the dogs around him and carefully, with the help of throwing bolts, we pass through the tunnel with anomalies so as not to fall into the anomalies.

On the radio they give the quest to meet with the Fox. We run to him (the Fox has no more than three minutes left to live). We fight off the Fox from the dogs. Fox gives out information about Gray - he knows about Strelok. We run to Gray. Meanwhile, the remaining dogs kill the Fox.

At the entrance to the Dump location we see three bandits, holding a stalker at gunpoint. Bandits on the charge of shots in the head. We accept the quest to recapture the landfill from the bandits. We run to the dump to the leader of the stalkers, talk to him, fight off the dump from the bandits, accept the reward from the leader of the stalkers. We run to the locomotive depot. We beat off the depot from the bandits. We are looking for Gray, we speak with him. We get the quest to talk with the Mole (not the Mole, which is from the Strelka group).

We search the corpses - we collect cartridges, getting ready to meet the Mole. We go to the Research Institute Agroprom. We accept the quest to fight off the soldiers, fight back. We accept the quest "Repel the Mole". We fight off. Special Forces landed, we do not touch it. We run after the Mole to the hatch. We speak with the Mole, we get the quest "Search Strelka's cache".

We go down to the dungeon near the Mole We won't see him again. We break down the spiral staircase. We find according to the plan the hiding place of the shooter. We jump into it, standing on the box. We search the cache, pick up a flash drive, an improved AK, be sure to have cartridges, get the quest "Learn about the Ghost". Let's not go back! We go further through the tunnel. In front of the stairs in the Research Institute Agroprom, the controller will appear behind and the quest "Arrow's Cache" will close - we do not touch the controller.

We run to the entrance to the research institute building, in which the documents are two grenades to the entrance. We run inside. We make our way to the third floor. We grab documents in the hall. We run out of the building. At the exit, we bring down special forces from a grenade. Do not try to bring down the special forces slowly - it will not work. We run away, those who run behind are killed quickly.

We run to the location of the Landfill. Then to the base of Duty and to the bartender. We return the docks, accept the quest for the laboratory x18 and a normal suit. We run to the Wild Valley through the Landfill, do not touch anyone. In the Wild Valley, we see Dolgovets at the entrance, holding a bandit at gunpoint. Do not shoot Dolgovets in the head. We accept the quest to save Dolgovets. We save. We get an optical sight and cling to our AK.

We make our way to the base through the sewer from the side of the fence. We go into the bandits' building. We are looking for Borov, we bring him down, we take the key to x18. We go down to the prison, find the Dolgovets suit, put it on ourselves. Next, go to x18.

In the laboratory x18. We search the floor, find the corpse of a scientist, enter the code into the door, press "Enter". We search the next floor, find the corpse, enter the code, open the door again. Let's move on to the arrow. We run to the left, knock out windows, collect ammunition and first-aid kits. We run to the right to the second floor, we take away the docks. We find a running anomaly, we bring it down. The door opens. SWAT is running.

We bring down the special forces, we run out through the southern exit to Cordon. We go to Sidorych, we get a reward, we buy first-aid kits. I'm going to the bartender. We get the quest for x16. We buy all the information from the information merchant.

We're going through the Wild Territory. We get the quest "Save Kruglov" from the bandits. We bring down the bandits, we take away their optics.

We go with Kruglov to the location "lake amber". We see zombies, shoot zombies in the head from optics single, switching 0. We go into the building behind Kruglov. We receive quests from comrade. Sakharov: "Escort Kruglov."

We take Kruglov, run ahead clearing the zombies. We also run forward in the tunnel. With a successful sweep, Kruglov will be alive. After the ejection, we run up to Kruglov, pick him up and run to Sakharov. Save.

We get a protective psi-garbage. We get the quest "Disable installation". We are not going to the installation, but to the swamp, looking for the corpse of prof. Vasiliev, we search, we complete the quest "Info about the Ghost".

Cleaning up the area we go down to the laboratory and turn off the installation by moving up 4 levels along the spiral staircase.

Then we carefully go up, we catch the controller, we throw 2 grenades at his feet, then we run up and shoot a line in the head. Controller killed. We carefully search the corpse of a ghost, we do not take documents. We get the quest "Meet the Guide". We take documents from the corpse of the Ghost, we take the costume of the Ghost. We drag this good to Sakharov.

We take the quest from Sakharov "Ghost Costume". We hand over the suit, we get the ecologist's suit - it is the best.

We hand over the quest to the Bartender at the location of Debt, we take the quest "Turn off the burner".

We go not to the burner, but to Cordon. After entering Cordon, the Guide has two minutes left to live. We run, on the way to the Conductor we shoot in the head the dogs that are eating it. Need to get it done quickly. We get the quest to meet the Doctor in Strelka's cache.

We run to the Research Institute Agroprom, again we climb into the cache from the side of the fence. We meet the Doctor, we get the quest "Find the decoder in Pripyat". We return back, as we came, the only controller remaining in the Zone wanders ahead.

We run through the base of Debt to the Army warehouses. We take Vintorez at the Svoboda base and buy cartridges for it. We beat off the checkpoint from the Monoliths, renew barrels and cartridges.

We pass through the Radar directly to Pripyat. We run 20 m of the burner action on first-aid kits, the quest "Turn off the burner" is counted.

With the group "Debt" We make our way to the underground parking lot. Next, we go to the hotel, find the decoder, get the quest "Open the encrypted door."

We run to the stadium in Pripyat, we get the task "get to the Sarcophagus". In 7 minutes we get by dashes near the wall to the Sarcophagus, there is no time to fight, there is an outburst ahead.

Save. We carry out special forces in the Sarcophagus Monolith, pick up the gauss gun and FN-2000. We go to the Monolith - false endings. We do not go to the Sarcophagus to the "Wish Maker Monolith". We climb up to the coded door in the Sarcophagus location.

Let's decode the door, go to the location "Management of the monolith". We bring down everyone. We get to the flasks. We shoot the flasks. We get answers to all questions. Who is the Shooter, etc. We join - the true ending. We refuse to join in the realization.

We get to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. We run on first-aid kits to the heat pipe, climb on it. We run through the teleport system to the last teleport. On the way we bring down everyone. Breaking down the control system. True ending.

The walkthrough of Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl is over, and if you still have questions, watch the walkthrough video, with the possibilities that you might not have guessed about:

About Plot:
A year after a hard battle with mercenaries in Pripyat, a bandit from the group of Lesha Borman named Grek woke up in a gloomy cave. Next to him lay a dead freak. The last thing that remains in the memory of the Greek - he, along with his friend, mercenary Johnny, leaves the battlefield. A shot, a terrible wound in the back, darkness, oblivion...

Pass status: Complemented
About passing:
This passage at the current stage does not reflect all the paths of the plot. Here is a description of the course of the game of 1 specific player, the mod has many options for passing, all the forks in the plot are marked here.

1. We look intro video, which refers us to the previous project from this developer
2. We wake up in a cave, we see a corpse on the radar, we go to it, we search it, we pick up the key, we go further along the cave, we see a tunnel with creeping white smoke, we go in there, go to the Landfill
3. After moving to the Landfill, we meet DeadMan, talk to him, find out what happened during our absence. Also, DeadMan tells us about Shamray, we go in search of him.

3.1 At this stage, we can immediately go to Shamray, or we can walk around the Landfill, we won’t find anything particularly valuable on the move, but in the basement under the flea market we will find a closed door, the Stalker is sitting behind it, he refuses to let us inside. This discovery may influence the future of the plot.
4. We find Shamray at the crossing to Cordon, talk to him, learn a lot of new things, go to Cordon

Shamray in the Landfill

5. We speak on Cordon with Shamray, we go to reconnaissance
6. In the house on the left side of the road we find the Tankman with a dead comrade, we talk to him, we learn that two of Shamray's gang were here, went further south
7. On the Farm we find the "Sump". They refuse to let us go there, they send us for a pass, which we can get under the bridge
8. We approach the bridge, which is now a wall with turrets, we are waiting for Krasnov

9. We speak with Krasnov, learn about the new local orders, go to the Sump
10. In the Sump at one of the barracks, at the entrance, there is Shnyra, we talk with him, we go into the barracks, we find Primus there, we talk with him.
11. After we talk with all the other inhabitants of the room. Barchuk tells us that he saw 2 of Shamray's gang, they were taken away for sorting. We learn from Khazar about the cache, which can help us penetrate the thorn.
Here we have 2 options for the development of events:
a) Find out about the cache
b) Stay in the sump
Choose an option(but)

1. Khazar tells us about the cache in the armored personnel carrier, we go there, we take everything from there, we talk with Shamray, we get the task to search for stalkers on sorting.
2. We set off to cut the thorn in the indicated place
3. We cut the thorn, we beacon Shamrai (the "Radio communication" button in the inventory), we get over the wall, we run to the transition to the Sorting.
4. In the cave on Sorting we find a cache, pick up the cloak, go to the village in search of the Stalkers.

Sachron in the cave on Sorting

5. Find Sanya Galash in the village, tell him about Shamray
6. We go to Sidorovich, we learn about the current state of affairs. Sidor offers to sew an e-commerce chip into our PDA
(a) agree
(b) refuse
Choose Option(but)

1. We go to the village, which is on the other side of the hill, there we follow the Bar (At the entrance to the bar you need to press the remote control, then the door will open), there we talk with the bartender. We get the task - Put together a gang, we go to Sidor

2. We speak with Sidorovich, we get the key to the basement, the coordinates of the cache with weapons, we will have to recruit people on our own
3. We go back to the Village with the Bar, there on the hill in one of the houses we find the Tanker

4. We speak with the Tankman, he offers negotiate with Uzbek, and kill Gravedigger
(a) We agree
(b) Let's go look for another gang
Choose Option(but)

1. We go to the Swamp in search of Uzbek (We will have to return to Cordon, because the trail to the Swamp goes from there)
2. We pick up the cache with Weapons, we go to Uzbek (On the way we can go to a village with a water tower, there will be a military man in the basement, we talk to him)
3. We speak with Uzbek, he offers to involve Shamray in a skirmish with the Gravedigger, also talks about the advanced anomaly detector that the Stalker has, who disappeared in the adit under the bridge in the Swamps
(a) We agree
(b) We refuse
Choose an option(but)

1. After leaving the house, we notice throwing knives on the wall. We return to Uzbek, ask where to get them. We learn about the Stalker from the center of the Swamps. We can pick up knives from the wall
2. We go in search of a detector on a tip from Uzbek. We search the dead Stalker in the Adit, pick up all the things. At the exit, the burrer will be waiting for us.

Stash in the adit

2.1 After searching the Stalker, we learn about the cache, which is located on the Burnt Farm, you should look for it here

Cache in the Burnt Farm

3. We go to Shamray, we talk about the Gravedigger. He agrees to help. We go to talk with Galash
4. Galash agrees to help us in dismantling with the Gravedigger, but asks to find 2 people from his group, we agree
5. We set off to the south, find a rookery of wild boars, 2 corpses, search, tell Galash about what happened

6. We try to contact the Tanker using the walkie-talkie - a bummer. The transmitter broke down, we go to the base are free (Base chn in 2 parts of the original game)
7. We speak with the Bartender. We learn that he has a transmitter, but he cannot sell it to us, because. the device belongs to Nurik.
8. From the bulletin board that hangs near the bar, we pick up a note, it says about the missing Stalkers

9. We speak with Siply, he tells for 10 thousand where he saw the missing Stalkers
10. Ideas in the indicated place, we find 2 corpses. The task to inspect the scene of the incident is activated.

11. Under one of the stones we find a cache, search it, also examine the board with a bottle and glasses

12. The task is completed, but DeadMan, who is also interested in this matter, gets in touch, we'll talk to him later, we'll go for a reward
13. We tell the bartender at the Svoboda base about what happened, get a transmitter as a reward, contact the Tanker, do not forget to inform the base leader about the results of the search for Stalkers
14. After some time, the Tanker will arrive at the base, we talk with him, we contact Uzbek, we move forward to storm.
15. We clean the camp, we talk with Uzbek, we learn that there is no Gravedigger among the corpses, we go to inspect the camp
16. Near the camp in an anomalous zone with frying, we find a corpse, search it, from the PDA we learn that Gravedigger's cache hidden by the military, we go in search of him

17. We find the cache in the basement of a house in a village with a water tower, after that the Gravedigger appears, we kill him, we see the lead.

Gravedigger's Cache in the Swamps

18. We return to the base of freedom for a reward, which should be given out for the found diggers
19. We go to talk with DeadMan, after the dialogue we will receive a message from Uzbek on the PDA, from where we learn that the entire group of the Water Rat was killed, we go to their base, look around, go to Uzbek
20. The Uzbek shows us a certain device that he found, we examine it, we speak with it again, we remember our conversation with DeadMan, we return to it, but the place is already empty. We break the box in the pipe, we find a note there, we read

21. The note refers to the place of "V.V. Sidor" and mentions O. Alexander. O. Alexander is a monk who is located near the church (In the Swamps), we go there

22. We speak with Fr. Alexander, he has no key. The dialogue mentions O. Sergius
23. We find O. Sergius, we speak with him. The monk tells us about the icons that were carried in the helicopter, sends us in search of them.
24. We remember our conversation with DeadMan, we go to the freedom base to Barman, we ask him about the helicopter, we learn about 2 from the Water Rat group, who are now sitting at the tower, we go to them
25. We find a corpse on the tower, search it, take the PDA

26. From the PDA we learn the coordinates of the helicopter, we go there
27. We pick up icons from the helicopter, here we have a bunch of choices:
(a) Sell icons at the base of freedom
(b) Give to monks

Icons in the Swamps

Choose an option(b)

1. We take the icons to the monks. We learn that the transition is already open, and the keys that we received are needed for something else. I'm going to Cordon
2. On Cordon we go to Sidorovich's Bunker, we talk with DeadMan there, then we go to Sorting

Chapter 2

1. At the sorting, we go to the Bar, we talk with the Barman there, we find out that they are waiting for us in the back room, we go to the audience.
2. In the conversation, we are clearly given to understand that we need to look for Bormann.
3. We go to another rock cafe, where Uzbek people are sitting, we talk with the Bartender there. We learn about the people from the Bormann group, about the chess game.
4. We leave the cafe - we take a note from the bulletin board, we go to Pulevich

5. We speak with Pulevich, we get the task to search for boxes
6. We go to the military checkpoint to exit the location. At the post we speak with the military at the gate, and after that, with the Stalker at the fire.
7. We arrive at 1 point in the Landfill, look around, receive a message from the Stalkers. They are waiting for us at the checkpoint in front of the Bar, we talk to them, learn about unusual artifacts.
8. We go to the Army Warehouses (Transition to the Bar from PM)
9. A military man meets us at the AC, sends us to talk with Leo, we go to the base

10. Leo asks to take the Flash card to Agroprom, here we have a choice:
(a) We agree
(b) We refuse
Choose an option(but)
1. We go further to Yantar (Transition to the Red Forest at the outpost of mercenaries from the TC, and from there you can get to Yantar)
2. After switching to Yantar, we see the military, talk to them, learn about scientists
3. At the exit from the territory of the plant, we are called on the radio, we answer, we learn about the beacons
4. Upon arrival at the base of scientists, we find a bunker with one soldier, talk to him, inspect the room.
5. After the inspection, we go outside, there is a radio exchange, we return to the bunker, we ask the soldier about the stickers, peel them off the wall

6. There is a repeated radio exchange, we learn about scientists at Agroprom, we go there
7. At Agroprom we find a new mobile camp, but it is empty. We examine it, we find a hand flashlight on the floor in one of the rooms, there is also a PDA nailed to the table with a knife, we pick up the knife, PDA, Flashlight
8. Go to the complex closest to us, it is also empty there, we inspect the building
9. On the 3rd floor we find a corpse that sits on a chair, search it, listen to the recording from the recorder (It lies on the table), pick up the recorder.

10. We go to the dungeons of Agroprom (Entrance to the hole, as in the CHN), we approach the door - it is locked. We put a flashlight in the slot, shine it on the wall - a combination lock appears. Enter the code from the PDA
11. In the dungeon we search the corpses at the entrance, we find a gas mask at one of the Stalkers, we take it away.
12. We go forward through the complex, look for the cache of Strelka from PM, climb into it
13. We find a cache with a note, go to the locked door, shine a flashlight on it, see the code lock, enter the code "1331"

14. We search the corpse on the chair, pick up the note.
15. We go back to the installation in the large hall, go up to it, search the corpse that sits next to the consoles, pick up the key card.
16. From the note found earlier, enter the codes into 2 remotes, the installation starts

17. We go back to Strelka's cache, open the door with the code "666665", pick up a box in one of the cabinets
18. Get out of the Agroprom dungeon, go to the helipad, expect a helicopter there
19. The helicopter is shot down, we go to inspect it

20. After inspecting the helicopter, we return again to the module, our old friend will also come up there for a dialogue
21. We speak with Deadman, we go to Cordon
22. At the Cordon, we give the container to the chief of the barrier, we go to an audience with DeadMan at the Landfill
23. After talking with DeadMan, we go to the dungeons. The entrance is behind the door, next to it there is an input panel, it appears after we shine a flashlight on it. Door code - 1134
24. A detachment of mercenaries will be waiting for us in the laboratory. We kill everyone, follow the arrows, as DeadMan advised us to do before
25. We meet 1 closed door. The note with the code lies in the corpse, which is located next to the door.
26. The code from the next door is 1730, we find a container behind it, we take it
27. We go to the surface, contact the customer, talk to DeadMan, exit the tunnel
28. After the customer gets in touch again, we speak with Deadman, we go to hide the box at the Flea Market

29. At the Flea Market we go down to the basement, hide the box there
30. We go to the ambush positions, wait for the GRC militants, kill them, get in touch with the Customer
31. We speak with DeadMan, we go to the laboratory Dark Valley. The crossing is marked on the map
32. We go down to the laboratory.
33. We go down to the 1st floor (Lowermost), in the elevator shaft we find the corpse of a scientist. We search, take away the PDA
34. On the same floor we find the box we need

Location 4 drawers

35. In one of the rooms we find the code from the exit (31777)

36. We get out of the laboratory in the same way that we got, we go to the Garbage to the cache to hide the container
37. We hide the container in the cache, the Forecaster gets in touch, calls to him for a conversation
38. We speak with the Forecaster, we go on his advice to Sorting (We will have to go there like this: Cordon-Swamps-Cordon-Sorting)
39. We speak with Sidorovich, the Bartender (the Bartender will ask you to find a knife in the swamps, it seems to have nothing to do with the main plot, but this is not accurate), we also speak with Varnak, who tells us encrypted in chess game code(379)
40. At the exit from the Bar on the bulletin board we see 2 notes. 1 - about the scientist from X-18, 2 - about the ancient book. We take both
41. Go to the Swamps for a knife for the Bartender
42. At the Church we talk with O. Sergey, we learn about the holy land. We go to search a distant grave, we find a knife there, we take it to the Bartender

Knife for the bartender

43. We give the knife to the Bartender, we learn about the fact that there is a path to Limansk. We ask him about an ancient book. We go to the village to Sidorovich in search of Kuchma
44. We find Kuchma by the fire, we talk with him about the book, we go to the Polyana
45. After we talked with Dushman in Polyanka, we go to Rock Coffee, Kuchma with our equipment should be waiting for us there
46. ​​We come to Rock coffee - there is no Kuchma
47. We find a group of McCleans not far from the coffee, we talk with the leader, we talk about the Gravedigger. Kuchma is sitting in the basement of the same house, we talk with him, find out about the cache with our things

48. We find a cache with our things in one of the basements of the village, we return to McCleans, we say, we go to storm the Glade
49. Kill Dushman, take 3 keys, return to Sorting
52. We go to the rock cafe, talk with the Bartender, ask about Ivantsov
53. In the Bar we talk with the Bartender about the Teuton
54. We find Teuton and Bayda in the lake on Sortirovka. We go to Uzbek in order to inform him about this.
55. We tell the Uzbek about Teuton, he sends us to talk with Galash, he directs us to Kutcher (A survivor from the Water Rat group, who sits under a tower not far from the entrance to the Freedom base), but now there is no point in going there, we return to Cordon
56. We go to the ATP, there we find a pentagram in the passage, lay out the keys, move to the ATP location, we find the Gravedigger there

57. We speak with the Gravedigger, he tells us about the current situation. Here we have a choice
(a) Shoot the Gravedigger
(b) Agree to a duel with the Gravedigger
Choose an option b
1. We follow the Gravedigger, put the keys in the box
2. We disperse with him on different sides of the ATP
3. We kill our opponent
4. We go to one of the buildings, in the refrigerator we find the corpse of the Water Rat, there is a weapon nearby, there are batteries in the suitcase. We take everything with us

Water Rat at STP

5. We pick up the keys with the book from the box, find a room with pentagrams, find a teleport on the floor with a flashlight, put the keys there, go to Cordon

Exit with ATP

6. We go to the Red Forest for the next container
7. In the Red Forest we find a coded door. Code - 379
8. In the Bunker we speak with the Leader, he asks us to start the generator, we agree. We offer to send fighters with us - I refused
9. We go to the generator, start it, open the safe with the code - 543210, leave the location
10. After we leave the bunker - we receive a message from Panzer, he asks us to return to exchange a few words, we return
11. We learn about the ambush at the Flea Market, leave the bunker, take the box to the hiding place.
12. After the delivery of the box, an ambush is indeed discovered, Varnak invites us to Sidorovich
13. At the Sorting in the village of Sidorovich, we find Ivantsov, we talk with him, we plan a special operation

14. For a special operation, we need sniper rifle, go to Shustrom
15. For a rifle, Nimble asks to bring him artifacts from X-18, here we have a choice
(a) Agree
(b) Refusing
Choose an option but
1. We go to X-18 for artifacts, we find them in the ventilation shaft. After we pick up the artifact, a hostile squad of mercenaries will descend into the lab

2. We take the art to Shustrom, pick up the rifle, go to Ivantsov, talk to him
3. We go to McKlins, we speak with him, we return to Ivantsov, we go to the assault
4. We shoot at this window, the assault begins

5. We clean the city, we find the key card from one of the corpses, open the door in the basement with it, release the hostages.
6. On the way to the base, a message comes from Ivantsov, he calls us to the perimeter, we go there
7. On the perimeter we find the captive Pulevich, we go to talk with Ivanotsv
8. We speak with Pulevich again, find out the code from the safe with money (The safe is in his room, code 61522)
9. We go to talk with Zoloty about Limansk, but at the moment we don’t find out anything worthwhile
10. In the village of Sidorovich, we talk with comrades from the Bormann group, learn a lot of interesting things, we also talk with Gena, he refuses to help us
11. We go to Ivantsov, he asks for help with an attack on the barrier, here we have a choice
(a) Agree to help
(b) Refusing
Choose an option but
1. After the conversation, we go back to Gene, give him the broken PDA, return to Ivantsov, go to the assault
2. after entering the Cordon, we jump onto the railcar, start, ram the gate, run into one of the brick towers, turn off the turrets there, find the PDA

3. We blow up a mobile point (The place is marked in the PDA), we go to storm the main perimeter
4. Open the gate with the code (12345)
5. As soon as Panzer comes to the mobile post, we speak with him. After we go to the Swamps
6. After moving to the Swamps, we immediately meet Degtyarev and company. We speak with the Zulus. Let's go in search of Kutcher
7. We meet Kutcher at the Church, talk to him, go to the Freedom base
8. At the base of Freedom, on the bulletin board, we find a note, read it, learn about the fallen air laboratory, take the note with us
9. We go to Gruver, find out about the figurines
10. At the Uzbek base we talk with Galash, learn about the Pole
11. The downed drone is not far from the Uzbek camp

Downed Drone

12. On Sorting, jumping over the gate from the hill, we make our way to the Plant, we find 2 modules there. We take with us

13. We go to the Rock Cafe, we speak with Gold, we go to the AS in the village of bloodsuckers to go to Limansk
14. When switching to the AC, a message comes from the Hacker Genes (Regarding the military flash drive)
15. In the village of Bloodsuckers we meet Golden, we talk with him, we go to the transition to Limansk
16. Upon entering the Red Forest, we receive a message from Gene Hacker about the installation. Somewhere here we will be waiting for a messenger with information
17. After we come to the right door in the Red Forest, the Golden one will be killed. We go in the door, we find the installation, it needs power sources
18. On the opposite bank we find Casper, talk to him, bring him to the installation
19. The source of power we need is not far from the headquarters of the Duty

20. We find the battery, listen to the recording, return to Casper, insert the battery, start the installation
21. We pass to Limansk.
22. After the Transition to Limansk, we meet 2 debtors, talk to them, follow Casper
23. Upon arrival at the base of Debt, we speak with Yakovlev, take supplies, move on

24. Along the way, we will meet the monks. We talk with those that are sitting by the fire, we learn new information. Move on
25. Next, we meet a group of Military Stalkers, talk to Leo, learn about the turrets, return to the Dolgovtsy

30. In Limansk we speak with Leo, we go to the Landfill
31. At the Landfill we hide the container in a cache, at the transition to the AC the Weatherman will be waiting for us, we talk with him, we give the Necronomicon
32. Talk to DeadMan, let's go get ready for the raid (Be sure to take JJ knives with you)
33. When ready, we move to Pripyat. We meet the monks in the Laundry, talk to them, find out that they are moving to the station, go in search of DeadMan
34. At the marked point we meet the military led by Leo, we talk with him, there is no DeadMan
35. Not far we find a group of Zulus, we speak with him, we go into the building, we speak with the Shooter (DeadMan is the Shooter), we return to the monks

36. Let's go to Storm the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
37. We clean the territory of the station, we meet a group of Geeks on it, we approach Tactics, we talk with him, we are transferred to the dungeons.
38. In the command cabin we find Princeps, we speak with him.
39. We do our business, re-talk with Princeps, return to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
40. We see a transition on the pipe, climb to the top, jump into the transition

41. Appear in Dead City, we talk with the military, we find a monk, we talk with him, we know about the boy and the girl, we go to the monument
42. We meet children at the monument, listen to them, then pick up the keys from the backpack, go talk to the monk

43. We go to the gate about which the military spoke
44. At the gate, with the help of a flashlight, we find a pentagram, put the keys in it, go to the Generators
45. On Generators we speak with Slaven, Bormann, JJ
46. ​​We go to the Face Changer, which is located in the center of the location. Here we have a choice
a) Kill the Changer (You can kill him with a knife with a well-aimed throw in the back of the head)
b) Release Face Changer (Just don't touch him)
How to proceed - you decide
Borman dies in the raid.
47. We search Nestor (The corpse lies not far from Shustroy). We return to the base. The barrier is turned off, there is a radio exchange.

Amazing thing Zone. Your hero should have been dead several times already, but miraculously survived. You are alive and that's what matters. The person to whom you owe your life - Sidorovich - on the contrary, and he did it for a reason. He needs a stalker to complete small tasks. Fortunately, your interests converge. After all, you have no equipment, no weapons, no memories of the Zone. So you have to be a stalker running errands for a bit. The only clue is a note in the "Kill Strelok" PDA.

The first time, Sidorovich will ask you how to talk to you - as a beginner or already experienced. If you have time, choose the beginner's section - get valuable information on the PDA (information is duplicated in the introduction section). Full use of the PDA will make the passage of the Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl faster and more interesting.

Sidorovich will have 2 sections of tasks - special and work. Special tasks will help you get through the storyline and are more interesting. Work for Sidorovich, as well as for most other employers, is basically the murder of some stalker, the killing of mutants or the search for artifacts. The main tips for completing such tasks are described below.

Your first special task will be:

The stalker Shustry, unknown to you, carried important information for Sidorovich, but for some reason disappeared. You need to talk to the head of the stalker camp - Volk. By looking at the PDA and selecting a task, you can add up an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you have to do. The wolf is in the camp nearby. The direction of movement is determined on the mini-map. Note that the gray dots are dead stalkers(you can get ammunition when searching their bodies), yellow ones are still alive, red ones are opponents. Wolf, reports that the group of Shustroy was captured - they will have to be released. The Wolf will provide you with people to help you, to reach which is your next task. After the conversation, you will receive ammunition and you can start the task.

In my personal opinion, it is better not to take tails from dogs until the working quest from Sidorovich, because of this, then the quest was not completed for me. The direction of your movement is indicated on the minimap, but it would be best to follow the road (to your left, on the right is a military base with very evil warriors). Moving along the road on the side of the road, you will notice stalkers: one is already dead (you can profit from a first-aid kit), the other is barely alive (you can give a first-aid kit, then the stalker will remain alive or finish off and replenish ammunition).

Having reached Petrukha - Wolf's man, you will have a choice - either go alone or with a group (go alone - get first-aid kits, bandages, cartridges, and a very good Fora pistol from the Wolf, go with helpers - get the Medusa artifact).

There are not many bandits at the base, but they know how to shoot, so be careful, use cover and, if necessary, use the shortcut keys of the first-aid kit and bandage. Keep in mind that one of the bandits will have a shotgun, which will come in handy for you too. When you destroy all opponents, look for Nimble. It is located at the far corner of the red 2-storey building on the left. After starting a conversation with him, you will receive a flash drive, as well as (if you continue the conversation) information about the bandit at the mill and a task to find a special jacket.

You can complete the jacket task right away. To do this, select the appropriate task in the PDA. To find the jacket you will need to go up the road from the base. Possible resistance along the road - animals. At the end of the path you will find the entrance to the tunnel, on the floor of which lies the jacket. You will need to take it to the village of stalkers (Nimble will lie down there after a scrape), you will receive an artifact from Nimble. Then you can immediately look at the mill.

There won't be much resistance at the mill. On it you will find a dead bandit. If you have information on the cache on the roof - great - you can get to it by climbing the roof of the main building of the mill. In the corner of the building where the dead bandit is located, you can find a good bandit jacket. She is near the boxes. Now you can freely return back. On the way to Sidorovich, go to the Wolf who will give you a reward for the completed task. He can also get additional task to destroy the camp. After that, you need to go to Sidorovich, who will give a cash reward for the completed task and take the flash drive.

Now you can do additional quests or continue with the main. In the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl, the passage of quests (additional) is usually represented by the following types of tasks:

The wolf needs to destroy a couple of wild boars in their lair. By selecting this quest in the list of tasks, you will need to find a fallen tree, kill animals. Also break the boxes near the tree - there may well be artifacts, you can also search the dead stalker nearby. Reward - Artifact Coil

A certain merchant introduces himself as Sidorovich's assistant and sells low-quality goods, Sidorovich does not need bad fame, as well as competitors. So this stalker will have to be killed. Having reached the goal, it will be effective to throw a grenade at the stalkers sitting near the fire. One of them will be armed with the "Viper 5" assault rifle, which will be very useful to you in the future. Returning to Sidorovich you will receive an artifact as a reward.

A very curious place is located in the northwest of the village. In a small valley (recognizable by crumpled trees and a bunch of anomalies) you can find a couple of artifacts that are located under a fallen tree. But be careful with anomlies and use bolts to identify them and defuse them a bit.

One of Sidorovich's clients ordered him the Medusa artifact. Your task is to find it. There are several solutions:
1. Medusa could have been with you after completing initial quest(after completing the quest with partners to free the nimble one)
2. Medusa could be found in a cache on the way to the quest to kill the "Sales Representative")
3. 2 more Jellyfish can be in boxes when completing the Wolf quest to clear the territory.
4. Also, jellyfish can be in the valley described above.

Outside the Zone, the fashion for clothes with the hair of mutated animals has gone. Your task is to bring Sidorovich the tail of a mutant dog. A bug is quite possible here, when you already have enough tails for a fur coat, but Sidorovich doesn’t want to defend the quest .... (yes, not all buggies fixed the update stalker :()

All other additional quests are essentially the same, so you should not have any special problems.

Merchant Sidorovich will offer you interesting option cooperation. In order to find Strelok, you need to get to the center of the Zone, but in order to do this, you need to get to the Agroprom Research Institute, which has documents that Sidorovich also needs and where you can get information on Strelok. You have a long way to go, so it is advisable that you have an automatic weapon (Viper 5), a supply of ammunition, first-aid kits and bandages. Some of the above can be obtained by destroying the soldiers at the outpost.

To continue Walkthrough Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl you need to exit the settlement and move left along the central road (look in the direction on the minimap), going to the meeting point with the guide (to the left of the road) you will find him dead and an anomaly record in his PDA, then you will have several way forward:
1. Go to the tunnel alone. To do this, throw bolts at the anomalies (by default, button 6), this will allow them to be discharged and it will be more or less safe to pass through the tunnel, but it is unlikely that you will be able to pass without damage.
You can go through the military outpost (located to the right of the tunnel - right along the road), there are 2 options for passing through the outpost:
2. Peaceful. Military Kuznetsov will ask you 500 rubles for a one-way pass, and you agree.
3. We regard the action of the military as extortion, for which, without trial or investigation, we kill him with a shot in the head. After that, it is advisable to run back behind a tree and from there kill opponents alone. As a reward for this, you will receive AK assault rifles, cartridges for them, and first-aid kits.
4. You can climb the embankment and get through the fence, there is also a cache in one of the cars.
5. It is possible to bypass the embankment through an area with a high radiation background.

After you have passed the embankment, Sidorovich immediately gets in touch, who asks to help a stalker named Fox, who has fallen. The fox will be near you with a company of monsters that will need to be destroyed. Fox also has information about the shooter. Having reached the Fox, give him a first aid kit and help fight off opponents.

On the way, you can complete the quest for cleaning, which you received from the Wolf. An overturned army truck will be located to the right of the road, but if you do not have information about the cache, it is better not to go there - there is a very high background radiation.
